* :release:`0.3.0 <2017-12-26>` * :feature:`0` Add :ref:`abiview.py` script for a quick visualization of results. * :feature:`0` :ref:`abicheck.py` accepts ``-with-flow`` options * :feature:`0` Add AbinitInput.set_spell_check to activate/deactivate spell-checker * :feature:`0` Improve coverage * :bug:`0 major` Fix bug in in `SigresFile.get_dataframe` if QP states do not start with the same band index. * :bug:`0 major` Fix bug in thermodinamical properties (zero-point energy was included twice) * :feature:`0` Add ``mpirunner_options`` and ``shell_runner_options`` to |TaskManager|. * :feature:`0` Autodetect presence in |DdbFile| of data required for the LO-TO splitting. * :feature:`0` Solve problem with visualize in jupyter_ notebooks (files should be produced in workdir) * :feature:`0` Change default value of ``shifts`` in :func:`abipy.abio.factories.g0w0_with_ppmodel_inputs`. * :feature:`0` Add interface with phononwebsite_: `abiview.py phbands out_PHBST.nc -web`. * :feature:`0` Add robots for comparing/analyzing multiple files of the same type (|DdbRobot|, |GsrRobot| ...) Some of the robot capabilities are exposed via the :ref:`abicomp.py` and the :ref:`abirun.py` scripts. * :feature:`0` Add several new options to :ref:`abirun.py`, :ref:`abicomp.py` and :ref:`abistruct.py` scripts. * :support:`0` Significant improvements to the documentation and the website: add :ref:`plot-gallery` with matplotlib plots and :ref:`flow-gallery` with AbiPy flows are now automatically generated. * :feature:`0`: Add Shankland-Koelling-Wood Fourier interpolation scheme. For the theoretical background see :cite:`Euwema1969,Koelling1986,Pickett1988,Madsen2006`. * :release:`0.2.0 <2017-03-10>` * :feature:`0` This is the first official release in which we have reached a relatively stable API and a well-defined interface with the netcdf files produced by Abinit. We recommend Abinit >= 8.0.8b, version 8.2.2 is required to analyze the electronic fatbands saved in the FATBANDS.nc_ file.