Add nspden and nspinor to ElectronBands.__init__

This commit is contained in:
Matteo Giantomassi 2016-08-21 21:36:43 +02:00
parent 46413396d2
commit e764d93388
4 changed files with 52 additions and 39 deletions

View File

@ -684,6 +684,9 @@ class Kpath(KpointList):
def __str__(self):
return self.to_string()
def to_string(self):
lines = []
app = lines.append
app("K-path contains %s lines. Number of k-points in each line: %s" % (
@ -831,15 +834,19 @@ class IrredZone(KpointList):
#raise ValueError(err_msg)
def __str__(self):
lines = []
app = lines.append
return self.to_string()
def to_string(self):
lines = []; app = lines.append
if self.is_mpmesh:
mpdivs, shifts = self.mpdivs_shifts
d = "[%d, %d, %d]" % tuple(mpdivs)
s = ", ".join("[%.1f, %.1f, %.1f]" % tuple(s) for s in shifts)
app("K-mesh with divisions: %s, shifts: %s, kptopt: %s" % (d, s, self.ksampling.kptopt))
for k, v in self.ksampling.items():
app("%s: %s" % (k, v))
return "\n".join(lines)

View File

@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ class ElectronBands(object):
kpoints = kpoints_cls(**kd)
return cls(Structure.from_dict(d["structure"]), kpoints,
d["eigens"], d["fermie"], d["occfacts"], d["nelect"],
d["eigens"], d["fermie"], d["occfacts"], d["nelect"], d["nspinor"], d["nspden"],
nband_sk=d["nband_sk"], smearing=d["smearing"],
#markers=None, widths=None
@ -322,9 +322,10 @@ class ElectronBands(object):
#markers=, widths=
@ -360,7 +361,7 @@ class ElectronBands(object):
return json.dumps(self.as_dict(), cls=MontyEncoder)
def __init__(self, structure, kpoints, eigens, fermie, occfacts, nelect,
def __init__(self, structure, kpoints, eigens, fermie, occfacts, nelect, nspinor, nspden,
nband_sk=None, smearing=None, markers=None, widths=None):
@ -371,6 +372,8 @@ class ElectronBands(object):
fermie: Fermi level in eV.
occfacts: Occupation factors (same shape as eigens)
nelect: Number of valence electrons in the unit cell.
nspinor: Number of spinorial components
nspden: Number of indipendent density components.
smearing: :class:`Smearing` object storing information on the smearing technique.
nband_sk: Array-like object with the number of bands treated at each [spin,kpoint]
If not given, nband_sk is initialized from eigens.
@ -390,6 +393,7 @@ class ElectronBands(object):
self._occfacts = np.atleast_3d(occfacts)
assert self.occfacts.shape == self.occfacts.shape
self.nsppol, self.nkpt, self.mband = self.eigens.shape
self.nspinor, self.nspden = nspinor, nspden
if nband_sk is not None:
self.nband_sk = np.array(nband_sk)
@ -500,16 +504,16 @@ class ElectronBands(object):
for spin in self.spins:
odict["bandwidth_spin%d" % spin] = bws[spin]
# FIXME: Should treat the case in which not enough bands are available.
fundamental_gaps = self.fundamental_gaps
for spin in self.spins:
odict["fundamentalgap_spin%d" % spin] = fundamental_gaps[spin].energy
enough_bands = (self.mband > self.nspinor * self.nelect // 2)
if enough_bands:
fundamental_gaps = self.fundamental_gaps
for spin in self.spins:
odict["fundgap_spin%d" % spin] = fundamental_gaps[spin].energy
direct_gaps = self.direct_gaps
for spin in self.spins:
odict["directgap_spin%d" % spin] = direct_gaps[spin].energy
direct_gaps = self.direct_gaps
for spin in self.spins:
odict["dirgap_spin%d" % spin] = direct_gaps[spin].energy
return odict
@ -1026,17 +1030,17 @@ class ElectronBands(object):
# for spin in self.spins:
# if abs(fun_gaps.ene) < TOL_EGAP
def bandwidths(self):
"""The bandwidth for each spin channel i.e. the energy difference (homo - lomo)."""
return [self.homos[spin].eig - self.lomos[spin].eig for spin in self.spins]
def fundamental_gaps(self):
"""List of :class:`ElectronTransition` with info on the fundamental gaps for each spin."""
return [ElectronTransition(self.homos[spin], self.lumos[spin]) for spin in self.spins]
def direct_gaps(self):
"""List of :class:`ElectronTransition` with info on the direct gaps for each spin."""
dirgaps = self.nsppol * [None]
@ -1061,12 +1065,6 @@ class ElectronBands(object):
with_structure: False if structural info shoud not be displayed.
with_kpoints: False if k-point info shoud not be displayed.
dir_gaps = self.direct_gaps
fun_gaps = self.fundamental_gaps
widths = self.bandwidths
lomos = self.lomos
homos = self.homos
lines = []; app = lines.append
if title is not None:
app(marquee(title, mark="="))
@ -1076,18 +1074,22 @@ class ElectronBands(object):
app("Number of electrons: %s, Fermi level: %.3f [eV]" % (self.nelect, self.fermie))
app("nsppol: %d, nkpt: %d, mband: %d, nspinor: %s, nspden: %s" % (
self.nsppol, self.nkpt, self.mband, self.nspinor, self.nspden))
def indent(s):
return " " + s.replace("\n", "\n ")
enough_bands = (self.mband > self.nspinor * self.nelect // 2)
for spin in self.spins:
if self.nsppol == 2:
app(">>> For spin %s" % spin)
app("Direct gap:\n%s" % indent(str(dir_gaps[spin])))
app("Fundamental gap:\n%s" % indent(str(fun_gaps[spin])))
app("Bandwidth: %.3f [eV]" % widths[spin])
app("Valence minimum located at:\n%s" % indent(str(lomos[spin])))
app("Valence max located at:\n%s" % indent(str(homos[spin])))
if enough_bands:
app("Direct gap:\n%s" % indent(str(self.direct_gaps[spin])))
app("Fundamental gap:\n%s" % indent(str(self.fundamental_gaps[spin])))
app("Bandwidth: %.3f [eV]" % self.bandwidths[spin])
app("Valence minimum located at:\n%s" % indent(str(self.lomos[spin])))
app("Valence max located at:\n%s" % indent(str(self.homos[spin])))
if with_kpoints:
@ -1372,7 +1374,7 @@ class ElectronBands(object):
print("KS fermie", self.fermie, "--> QP fermie", fermie, "Delta(QP-KS)=", fermie - self.fermie)
return ElectronBands(
self.structure, self.kpoints, qp_energies, fermie, self.occfacts, self.nelect,
self.structure, self.kpoints, qp_energies, fermie, self.occfacts, self.nelect, self.nspinor, self.nspden,
nband_sk=self.nband_sk, smearing=self.smearing, markers=self.markers)
@ -2305,6 +2307,8 @@ class ElectronsReader(ETSF_Reader, KpointsReaderMixin):
@ -2319,7 +2323,8 @@ class ElectronsReader(ETSF_Reader, KpointsReaderMixin):
def read_nspden(self):
"""Number of spin-density components"""
return self.read_dimvalue("number_of_components")
# FIXME: default 1 is needed for SIGRES files (abinit8)
return self.read_dimvalue("number_of_components", default=1)
def read_tsmear(self):
return self.read_value("smearing_width")

View File

@ -954,7 +954,9 @@ class SigresFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
return Function1D(wmesh, spf_values)
def plot_qps_vs_e0(self, with_fields="all", exclude_fields=None, **kwargs):
"""Plot :class:`QPState` data as function of the KS energy."""
Plot QP data as function of the KS energy.
for spin in range(self.nsppol):
qps = self.qplist_spin[spin].sort_by_e0()
qps.plot_qps_vs_e0(with_fields=with_fields, exclude_fields=exclude_fields, **kwargs)

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ if sys.version[0:3] < '2.7':
# Install ipython with notebook support.
with_ipython = True
with_ipython = False
if '--with-ipython' in sys.argv:
with_ipython = True
@ -184,9 +184,6 @@ install_requires = [
@ -194,11 +191,13 @@ install_requires = [
if False and with_ipython:
if with_ipython:
install_requires += [
"pyzmq", # for the notebook
#if with_cython: