Move lessons to abitutorials

This commit is contained in:
Matteo Giantomassi 2017-12-02 23:02:14 +01:00
parent 515cae639f
commit d069348ec5
22 changed files with 1 additions and 2657 deletions

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Check out the list of plotting scripts available in our
To learn more about the integration between jupyter and AbiPy, visit our collection of `notebooks
and the
`AbiPy lessons <>`_.
`AbiPy lessons <>`_.
AbiPy supports both Python 2.7 as well as Python >= 3.4.
Python 2.7 is more intensively tested than py3k especially at the level of workflows

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
"""Directory with abipy + abinit tutorials."""
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
import os
from importlib import import_module
def help():
"""List the available tutorials with a brief description."""
docs = [m.__doc__ for mod in get_mods()]
return "\n".join(docs)
def get_mods():
mods = []
dirpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
for pyfile in os.listdir(dirpath):
if not (pyfile.startswith("lesson") and pyfile.endswith(".py")): continue
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dirpath), pyfile)
mods.append(import_module(pyfile.replace(".py", "")))
return mods
def generate_manfiles():
"""Generate the man files from the lesson scripts."""
for mod in get_mods():
lesson = mod.Lesson()
except AttributeError:
print("Exception in mod %s" % mod.__name__)
print("[%s] man file generated" % mod.__name__)
#if __name__ == "__main__":
# generate_manfiles()

View File

@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
"""Base classes and utils for lessons."""
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
import os
import six
import abc
import shutil
import warnings
import as abidata
class BaseLesson(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
mode = kwargs.get("mode")
if mode is None: return
def abipy_string(self):
"""the abipy lesson."""
def comline_string(self):
"""the commandline lesson."""
def pyfile(self):
"""Absolute Path of the python script."""
def get_local_copy(self):
"""Copy this script to the current working dir to explore it and edit"""
dst = os.path.basename(self.pyfile)
if os.path.exists(dst):
raise RuntimeError("file %s already exists. Remove it before calling get_local_copy" % dst)
shutil.copyfile(self.pyfile, dst)
def __repr__(self):
"""String representation."""
return self.abipy_string
def manpath(self):
return self.pyfile.replace(".py", ".man")
#def manfile(self, what=None):
# """The path to the man file of the lesson. Use `%man %lesson.manfile` to open it in ipython"""
# _, ext = os.path.splitext(self.pyfile)
# man_path = self.pyfile.replace(ext, '.man')
# try:
# shutil.copy(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), man_path), '.')
# except IOError:
# with open(man_path, "wt") as fh:
# fh.write(self._pandoc_convert(to="man", what=what, extra_args=("-s",)))
def setup(self):
lesson_name = os.path.basename(self.pyfile)[:-3]
"The lesson %s " % lesson_name + "is prepared.\n"
" man ./" + lesson_name + ".man\n\n"
"to view the text of the lesson.\n")
# Copy man file (except when we are running inside lessons in develop mode
# Use. python to regenerate the man files.
dst = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()), os.path.basename(self.manpath))
if not dst == self.manpath:
shutil.copyfile(self.manpath, dst)
def _pandoc_convert(self, to, what, extra_args=()):
if what is None:
what = self.abipy_string
import pypandoc
return pypandoc.convert(what, to, "rst", extra_args=extra_args)
except (OSError, ImportError):
return "pypandoc.convert failed. Please install pandoc and pypandoc"
def _gen_manfile(self):
_, ext = os.path.splitext(self.pyfile)
man_path = self.pyfile.replace(ext, '.man')
with open(man_path, "wt") as fh:
fh.write(self._pandoc_convert(to="man", what=self.comline_string, extra_args=("-s",)))
def _repr_html_(self):
"""Support for ipython notebooks."""
from docutils.core import publish_string
return publish_string(self.abipy_string, writer_name="html")
except ImportError:
import warnings
warnings.warn("docutils is not available. Returning raw string")
return self.abipy_string
def docvar(varname):
from abipy.abio.abivars_db import get_abinit_variables
if varname == "inputvariable":
return "inputvariable is a very complicated input variable. Better to ask for help immediately"
return get_abinit_variables()[varname]
def abidata(self):
"""Abipy data files."""
return abidata
def get_pseudos(structure, extension='oncvpsp'):
returns a list of pseudos names for structure. This list should be fed to abidata.pseudos like
pseudos = []
for element in structure.composition.elements:
pseudos.append(abidata.pseudo(str(element) + '.' + extension))
#todo test if the pseudo potential file exists
return pseudos

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This script generate the man files of the lessons."""
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
from abipy.lessons import generate_manfiles

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
import abipy.abilab as abilab
import abipy.flowtk as flowtk
import as abidata
import numpy as np
def gs_input(x=0.7, acell=(10, 10, 10)):
"""H2 molecule in a big box"""
structure = abilab.Structure.from_abivars(
typat=(1, 1),
xcart=[-x, 0.0, 0.0,
+x, 0.0, 0.0],
rprim=[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
inp = abilab.AbinitInput(structure=structure, pseudos=abidata.pseudos("01h.pspgth"))
inp.set_kmesh(ngkpt=(1,1,1), shiftk=(0,0,0))
return inp
def analyze_flow(flow):
def hh_dist(gsr):
"""This function receives a GSR file and computes the H-H distance"""
cart_coords = gsr.structure.cart_coords
l = np.sqrt([1] - cart_coords[0]))
return "hh_dist", l
with abilab.GsrRobot.from_flow(flow) as robot:
table = robot.get_dataframe(funcs=hh_dist)
return table
def build_flow():
H2 molecule in a big box:
Generate a flow to compute the total energy and forces as a function of the interatomic distance
inputs = [gs_input(x) for x in np.linspace(0.5, 1.025, 21)]
return flowtk.Flow.from_inputs("flow_h", inputs)
#table = abilab.PrettyTable(["length [Ang]", "energy [eV]"])
#for task in flow.iflat_tasks():
# with task.open_gsr() as gsr:
# cart_coords = gsr.structure.cart_coords
# l = np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(cart_coords[1] - cart_coords[0]))
# table.add_row([l, float(])
#table.plot(title="Etotal vs interatomic distance")
# Quadratic fit
#fit = table.quadfit()
if __name__ == "__main__":
flow = build_flow()

View File

@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
import abipy.abilab as abilab
import abipy.flowtk as flowtk
import as abidata
import numpy as np
def h2_h_input(x=0.7, ecut=10, acell=(10, 10, 10)):
This file to optimize the H2 bond length, compute the associated total
energy, then to compute the total energy of the isolated H atom.
h2 = abilab.Structure.from_abivars(
typat=(1, 1),
xcart=[-x, 0.0, 0.0,
+x, 0.0, 0.0],
rprim=[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
h = abilab.Structure.from_abivars(
xcart=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
rprim=[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
global_vars = dict(
h2_inp = abilab.AbinitInput(structure=h2, pseudos=abidata.pseudos("01h.pspgth"))
h2_inp.set_kmesh(ngkpt=(1,1,1), shiftk=(0,0,0))
h_inp = abilab.AbinitInput(structure=h, pseudos=abidata.pseudos("01h.pspgth"))
nband=(1, 1),
occ=(1.0, 0.0),
spinat=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
return h2_inp, h_inp
def ecut_convergence_study(ecuts=range(10, 40, 5)):
H2 molecule in a big box
Generate a flow to compute the total energy and forces as a function of the interatomic distance
inputs = []
for ecut in ecuts:
inputs += h2_h_input(ecut=ecut)
flow = flowtk.Flow.from_inputs("flow_h2h_ecut", inputs)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
with abilab.abirobot(flow, "GSR") as robot:
frame = robot.get_dataframe()
frame = frame[["formula", "ecut", "energy"]]
grouped = frame.groupby("ecut")
rows = []
for ecut, group in grouped:
group = group.set_index("formula")
atomization = 2 * group["energy"]["H1"] - group["energy"]["H2"]
atomization = abilab.Energy(atomization, "eV").to("Ha")
rows.append(dict(ecut=ecut, atomization=atomization))
atomization_frame = pd.DataFrame(rows)
atomization_frame.plot("ecut", "atomization")
def acell_convergence_study(acell_list=range(8, 20, 2), ecut=10):
H2 molecule in a big box
Generate a flow to compute the total energy and the forces as function of the interatomic distance
inputs = []
for acell in acell_list:
inputs += h2_h_input(ecut=ecut, acell=3*[acell])
flow = flowtk.Flow.from_inputs("flow_h2h_acell", inputs)
def hh_dist(gsr):
"""This function receives a GSR file and computes the H-H distance"""
if len(gsr.structure) == 1:
l = None
cart_coords = gsr.structure.cart_coords
l = np.sqrt(np.linalg.norm(cart_coords[1] - cart_coords[0]))
return "hh_dist", l
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
with abilab.abirobot(flow, "GSR") as robot:
frame = robot.get_dataframe(funcs=hh_dist)
frame = frame[["formula", "a", "energy", "hh_dist"]]
grouped = frame.groupby("a")
rows = []
for a, group in grouped:
group = group.set_index("formula")
atomization = 2 * group["energy"]["H1"] - group["energy"]["H2"]
atomization = abilab.Energy(atomization, "eV").to("Ha")
# FIXME Values for hh_dist are wrong! why?
rows.append(dict(a=a, atomization=atomization, hh_dist=group["hh_dist"]["H2"]))
atomization_frame = pd.DataFrame(rows)
atomization_frame.plot("a", "atomization")
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Optical properties with excitonic effects (Bethe-Salpeter formalism)."""
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
import os
import numpy as np
import abipy.abilab as abilab
import abipy.flowtk as flowtk
import as abidata
def make_scf_nscf_bse_inputs(ngkpt=(6, 6, 6), ecut=6, ecuteps=3,
mdf_epsinf=12.0, mbpt_sciss="0.8 eV"):
Build and returns three `AbinitInput` objects to perform a
GS-SCF + GS-NSCF + BSE calculation with the model dielectric function.
ngkpt: Three integers giving the number of divisions for the k-mesh.
ecut: Cutoff energy for the wavefunctions.
ecuteps: Cutoff energy for the screened interation W_{GG'}.
mdf_epsinf: Static limit of the macroscopic dielectric functions.
Used to build the model dielectric function.
mbpt_sciss: Scissors operator energy (used to open the initial KS gap).
multi = abilab.MultiDataset(structure=abidata.structure_from_ucell("Si"),
pseudos=abidata.pseudos("14si.pspnc"), ndtset=3)
# Variables common to the three datasets.
# SCF run to get the density.
multi[0].set_kmesh(ngkpt=ngkpt, shiftk=(0, 0, 0))
# NSCF run on a randomly shifted k-mesh (improve the converge of optical properties)
chksymbreak=0, # Skip the check on the k-mesh.
# This shift breaks the symmetry of the k-mesh.
multi[1].set_kmesh(ngkpt=ngkpt, shiftk=(0.11, 0.21, 0.31))
# BSE run with Haydock iterative method (only resonant + W + v)
optdriver=99, # BS calculation
chksymbreak=0, # To skip the check on the k-mesh.
bs_calctype=1, # L0 is contstructed with KS orbitals and energies.
mbpt_sciss=mbpt_sciss, # Scissors operator used to correct the KS band structure.
bs_exchange_term=1, # Exchange term included.
bs_coulomb_term=21, # Coulomb term with model dielectric function.
mdf_epsinf=mdf_epsinf, # Parameter for the model dielectric function.
bs_coupling=0, # Tamm-Dancoff approximation.
bs_loband=2, # Lowest band included in the calculation
nband=6, # Highest band included in the calculation
bs_freq_mesh="0 6 0.02 eV", # Frequency mesh for the dielectric function
bs_algorithm=2, # Use Haydock method.
zcut="0.15 eV", # Complex shift to avoid divergences in the continued fraction.
ecutwfn=ecut, # Cutoff for the wavefunction.
ecuteps=ecuteps, # Cutoff for W and /bare v.
inclvkb=2, # The commutator for the optical limit is correctly evaluated.
# Same shift as the one used in the previous dataset.
multi[2].set_kmesh(ngkpt=ngkpt, shiftk=(0.11, 0.21, 0.31))
scf_input, nscf_input, bse_input = multi.split_datasets()
return scf_input, nscf_input, bse_input

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""DFPT lesson: phonon band structure of AlAs with Born effective charges."""
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
import abipy.abilab as abilab
import as abidata
def make_scf_input(ecut=2, ngkpt=(4, 4, 4)):
This function constructs an `AbinitInput` for performing a
GS-SCF calculation in crystalline AlAs.
ecut: cutoff energy in Ha.
ngkpt: 3 integers specifying the k-mesh for the electrons.
`AbinitInput` object
# Initialize the AlAs structure from an internal database. Use the pseudos shipped with AbiPy.
gs_inp = abilab.AbinitInput(structure=abidata.structure_from_ucell("AlAs"),
pseudos=abidata.pseudos("13al.981214.fhi", "33as.pspnc"))
# Set the value of the Abinit variables needed for GS runs.
shiftk=[0.0, 0.0, 0.5, # This gives the usual fcc Monkhorst-Pack grid
0.0, 0.5, 0.0,
0.5, 0.0, 0.0,
0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
return gs_inp

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
.TH The "" "" "calculation of the density of states and the bandstructure"
.SH Background
This lesson focuses on the calculation of density of states (DOSes) and
of electronic band structures within the Kohn\-Sham (KS) formalism.
In contrast to the total energy and its derivatives, the energies of the
KS levels have no physical meaning, except for the highest occupied
state that actually would be the first ionization energy if the DFT XC
functional would be exact.
So why do we use the KS formalism to calculate electron DOSes and band
As a matter of fact, the KS energy spectrum is usually in qualitative
agreement with experiments (let\[aq]s ignore correlated systems).
Standard KS band structures with LDA or GGA are relatively cheap and KS
calculations allow us to make reasonable predictions and to study
In, we discuss a more accurate and expensive approach for
the calculation of band structures and band gaps based on many\-body
perturbation theory.
.SH The related abinit variables
.IP \[bu] 2
kptopt (negative values if band structures are wanted)
.IP \[bu] 2
kptbounds (the boundaries of the k\-path)
.IP \[bu] 2
ndivsm (number of points used to sample the smallest segment of the
The full description, directly from the abinit documentation, is
available via the following function:
\f[C]\ man\ inputvariable
This will print the official abinit description of this inputvariable.
.SH The course of this lesson

View File

@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
The calculation of the density of states and the bandstructure
This lesson focuses on the calculation of density of states (DOSes) and
of electronic band structures within the Kohn-Sham (KS) formalism.
In contrast to the total energy and its derivatives, the energies of the KS levels have no physical meaning,
except for the highest occupied state that actually would be the first ionization energy if the DFT XC functional would be
exact. So why do we use the KS formalism to calculate electron DOSes and band structures?
As a matter of fact, the KS energy spectrum is usually in qualitative agreement with experiments (let's ignore correlated systems).
Standard KS band structures with LDA or GGA are relatively cheap and KS calculations allow us to make
reasonable predictions and to study trends.
In ``, we discuss a more accurate and expensive approach for the calculation of band structures and band gaps
based on many-body perturbation theory.
The related abinit variables
* kptopt (negative values if band structures are wanted)
* kptbounds (the boundaries of the k-path)
* ndivsm (number of points used to sample the smallest segment of the k-path)
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
_ipython_lesson_ = """
More info on the input variables and their use can be obtained with the command:
.. code-block:: python
that prints the official description of `inputvariable`.
Description of the lesson
The flow used in this lesson contains, for the first time, dependencies.
This means that some of the tasks in the flow can start only if its `parents` are completed.
We will first perform a self-consistent calculation to obtain a well converged density.
From this density we then calculate the DOS and the bandstructure in two independent tasks (non-self consistent calculations).
Note that the DOS is computed on a regular grid of k-points because the DOS requires an integration over the first Brillouin zone.
For the band structure, we use a high symmetry path inside the BZ.
Start this lesson by importing it in a new namespace:
.. code-block:: python
from abipy.lessons.lesson_dos_bands import Lesson
lesson = Lesson()
As usual, you can reread this text using the command:
.. code-block:: python
To build the flow:
.. code-block:: python
flow = lesson.make_flow()
To print the input files:
.. code-block:: python
To visualize the dependencies in the flow:
.. code-block:: python
Start the flow with the scheduler and wait for completion.
.. code-block:: python
To analyze the results.
.. code-block:: python
At this point, you may want to interact more with the underlying python objects
so that you can start to develop your script or your post-processing tools.
Our flow consists of a `BandStructureWork` object that provides many tools for the post-processing.
.. code-block:: python
work = flow[0]
to access the band structure work and look at the `plot` methods that
are available (hint: type work.plot in ipython and press TAB to get a list of methods)
1) Use the `plot_` methods to visualize the convergence of the DOS wrt to the number of k-points.
Then change the value of the gaussian broadening (`width` parameter).
2) Plot bands and DOS on the same figure.
Remember that, in ipython, one can access the documentation with `work.plot_edoses?`
A logical next lesson would be lesson_g0w0
_commandline_lesson_ = """
The full description, directly from the abinit documentation, is available via the following function:
.. code-block:: shell man inputvariable
This will print the official abinit description of this inputvariable.
The course of this lesson
import os
import abipy.abilab as abilab
import as abidata
import abipy.flowtk as flowtk
from abipy.lessons.core import BaseLesson, get_pseudos
def make_electronic_structure_flow(ngkpts_for_dos=((2, 2, 2), (4, 4, 4), (6, 6, 6), (8, 8, 8))):
"""Band structure calculation."""
multi = abilab.MultiDataset(structure=abidata.cif_file("si.cif"),
pseudos=abidata.pseudos("14si.pspnc"), ndtset=2 + len(ngkpts_for_dos))
# Global variables
# Dataset 1
multi[0].set_kmesh(ngkpt=[4, 4, 4], shiftk=[0, 0, 0])
# Dataset 2
# Dataset 3
for i, ngkpt in enumerate(ngkpts_for_dos):
multi[2+i].set_kmesh(ngkpt=ngkpt, shiftk=[0,0,0])
inputs = multi.split_datasets()
scf_input, nscf_input, dos_input = inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2:]
return flowtk.bandstructure_flow(workdir="flow_dos_bands", scf_input=scf_input, nscf_input=nscf_input,
class Lesson(BaseLesson):
def abipy_string(self):
return __doc__ + _ipython_lesson_
def comline_string(self):
return __doc__ + _commandline_lesson_
def pyfile(self):
return os.path.abspath(__file__).replace(".pyc", ".py")
def make_flow(**kwargs):
return make_electronic_structure_flow(**kwargs)
def analyze(flow):
nscf_task = flow[0][1]
with nscf_task.open_gsr() as gsr:
return gsr.ebands.plot()
if __name__ == "__main__":
lesson = Lesson()
flow = lesson.make_flow()

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
.TH Basis "" "" "set convergence study and more info on flows, works, and tasks"
.SH Background
This lesson focuses on the convergence study on the completeness of the
plane wave (PW) basis set.
Plane waves are inherently well suited to capture the periodic nature of
crystalline solids.
In addition, a PW basis set has the advantage that it introduces only
one convergence parameter, the kinetic energy cutoff (ecut).
The sharp features of the wavefunctions near the nucleus are however
problematic for PWs.
Describing these features would require very high energy cutoff
For this reason PW codes use pseudo\-potentials in order to facilitate
the convergence of the results.
A pseudopotential replaces the singular coulomb potential of the nucleus
and the core electrons by something smoother inside the so\-called
pseudization region.
The pseudopotential connects smoothly to the real all\-electron
potential outside the pseudization region.
Note that different pseudo potentials usually require a different cutoff
energy to be converged.
In general norm\-conserving pseudos require a larger cut\-off than
ultra\-soft pseudos or Projector Augmented Wave \[aq]pseudos\[aq].
Moreover two pseudos of the same type for the same element may require
different cutoff energies as well.
Pseudos with small pseudization radius usually require larger cutoffs
than pseudos with large pseudization radius.
.SH The related abinit variables
.IP \[bu] 2
ecut (cutoff energy)
.IP \[bu] 2
pawecutdg (additional variable for the double\-grid used in PAW)
.IP \[bu] 2
ecutsm (smoothing of the kinetic energy)
The full description, directly from the abinit documentation, is
available via the shell command:
\f[C]\ man\ inputvariable
that prints the official description of inputvariable.
.SH The course of this lesson
As in the previous lesson, executing the python script creates the
folder structure with the required input files.
One of the standard thing to look for to be converged in the total
We did that already in the previous lesson.
This time have a look at some of the other important properties.
Look for instance at the convergence rate of the forces, stress\-tensor
or the energies of the KS\-orbitals.
.SH Exercises
Edit the input files to run the same convergence study for a different
k\-point mesh.
Best to start small.

View File

@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Basis set convergence study and more info on flows, works, and tasks
This lesson focuses on the convergence study on the completeness of the plane wave (PW) basis set.
Plane waves are inherently well suited to capture the periodic nature of crystalline solids.
In addition, a PW basis set has the advantage that it introduces only one convergence parameter,
the kinetic energy cutoff (ecut).
The sharp features of the wavefunctions near the nucleus are however problematic for PWs.
Describing these features would require very high energy cutoff energies.
For this reason PW codes use pseudo-potentials in order to facilitate the convergence of the results.
A pseudopotential replaces the singular coulomb potential of the nucleus and the
core electrons by something smoother inside the so-called pseudization region.
The pseudopotential connects smoothly to the real all-electron potential outside the pseudization region.
Note that different pseudo potentials usually require a different cutoff energy to be converged.
In general norm-conserving pseudos require a larger cut-off than ultra-soft pseudos
or Projector Augmented Wave 'pseudos'.
Moreover two pseudos of the same type for the same element may require different cutoff energies as well.
Pseudos with small pseudization radius usually require larger cutoffs than pseudos
with large pseudization radius.
The related abinit variables
* ecut (cutoff energy)
* pawecutdg (additional variable for the double-grid used in PAW)
* ecutsm (smoothing of the kinetic energy)
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
_ipython_lesson_ = """
More info on the input variables and their use can be obtained using:
.. code-block:: python
Description of the lesson
This lesson contains a factory function for a convergence study with respect to ecut.
Executing the lesson
Start this lesson by importing it:
.. code-block:: python
from abipy.lessons.lesson_ecut_convergence import Lesson
lesson = Lesson()
As usual, you can reread this text using the command:
.. code-block:: python
To build the flow:
.. code-block:: python
flow = lesson.make_ecut_flow()
To print the input files
.. code-block:: python
to show the status of a flow:
.. code-block:: python
There are many more properties and methods of the flow than may also come in handy.
By typing [tab] in ipython after the period, you will be presented
with all the options. Feel free to experiment a bit at this point.
In the ipython shell, one can get the description of the object by
adding a question mark at the end of the statement:
.. code-block:: python
Start the flow with the scheduler and wait for completion.
.. code-block:: python
To analyze the results.
.. code-block:: python
Try to run the convergence study for Al.
Get a copy of the python script used in this lesson like before and look at the `analyze` method.
Use the code in `analyze` to build your Pandas dataframe and use its method to produce convergence plots:
A logical next lesson would be lesson_relaxation
_commandline_lesson_ = """
The full description, directly from the abinit documentation, is available via the shell command:
.. code-block:: shell man inputvariable
that prints the official description of inputvariable.
The course of this lesson
As in the previous lesson, executing the python script creates the folder structure with the required input files.
One of the standard thing to look for to be converged in the total energy. We did that already in the previous lesson.
This time have a look at some of the other important properties. Look for instance at the convergence rate of the
forces, stress-tensor or the energies of the KS-orbitals.
Edit the input files to run the same convergence study for a different k-point mesh. Best to start small.
import os
import abipy.abilab as abilab
import as abidata
import abipy.flowtk as flowtk
from abipy.lessons.core import BaseLesson
def make_ecut_flow(structure_file=None, ecut_list = (10, 12, 14, 16, 18)):
Build and return a `Flow` to perform a convergence study wrt to ecut.
structure_file: (optional) file containing the crystalline structure.
If None, crystalline silicon structure.
ecut_list: List of cutoff energies to be investigated.
# Define the structure and add the necessary pseudos:
if structure_file is None:
multi = abilab.MultiDataset(structure=abidata.cif_file("si.cif"),
pseudos=abidata.pseudos("14si.pspnc"), ndtset=len(ecut_list))
workdir = "flow_Si_ecut_convergence"
structure = abilab.Structure.from_file(structure_file)
pseudos = abilab.PseudoTable() ## todo fix this
multi = abilab.MultiDataset(structure, pseudos=pseudos, ndtset=len(ecut_list))
workdir = "flow_" + structure.composition.reduced_formula + "_ecut_convergence"
# Add mnemonics to the input files.
# Global variables
multi.set_kmesh(ngkpt=[4, 4, 4], shiftk=[0, 0, 0])
# Here we set the value of ecut used by the i-th task.
for i, ecut in enumerate(ecut_list):
return flowtk.Flow.from_inputs(workdir=workdir, inputs=multi.split_datasets())
class Lesson(BaseLesson):
def abipy_string(self):
return __doc__ + _ipython_lesson_
def comline_string(self):
return __doc__ + _commandline_lesson_
def pyfile(self):
return os.path.abspath(__file__).replace(".pyc", ".py")
def make_ecut_flow(**kwargs):
return make_ecut_flow(**kwargs)
def analyze(flow, **kwargs):
with abilab.abirobot(flow, "GSR") as robot:
data = robot.get_dataframe()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = data.plot(x="ecut", y="energy", title="Total energy vs ecut", legend=False, style="b-o")
ax.set_xlabel('Ecut [Ha]')
ax.set_ylabel('Total Energy [eV]')
if __name__ == "__main__":
lesson = Lesson()
flow = lesson.make_ecut_flow()

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
.TH $G_0W_0$ "" "" "band structure with an energy\-dependent scissors operator"
.SH Background
Standard functionals (LDA and GGA), systematically underestimate band
gaps, giving values that are about 30\-40% smaller than experimental
The inability of standard Kohn\-Sham (KS) theory to give band gaps close
to experiment is often referred to as the \f[B]band\-gap problem\f[].
From a theoretical point of view this is not surprising since KS
eigenvalues are not supposed to give the correct band energies.
The band structure of a crystal is rigorously defined as the energies
needed to add or subtract electrons from the many\-body system which, in
turn, are related to the difference between total energies of many\-body
states differing by one electron.
An alternative, more traditional, approach to the study of
exchange\-correlation effects in many\-body systems is provided by
Many\-Body Perturbation Theory (MBPT) which defines a rigorous approach
to the description of excited\-state properties, based on the
Green\[aq]s function formalism.
In this lesson, we discuss how to use the MBPT part of ABINIT to compute
the band\-structure of silicon within the so\-called $G_0W_0$
For a very brief introduction to the many\-body formalism, see
.SH Related ABINIT variables
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
all gw** variables
The full description, directly from the abinit documentation, is
available via the following shell command:
\f[C]\ man\ inputvariable
This command will print the official description of inputvariable.
.SH The course of this lesson

View File

@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
$G_0W_0$ band structure with an energy-dependent scissors operator
Standard functionals (LDA and GGA), systematically underestimate band gaps, giving values
that are about 30-40% smaller than experimental data.
The inability of standard Kohn-Sham (KS) theory to give band gaps close to experiment is often referred to as the **band-gap problem**.
From a theoretical point of view this is not surprising since KS eigenvalues are not supposed to give the correct band energies.
The band structure of a crystal is rigorously defined as the energies needed to add or subtract electrons from the many-body system
which, in turn, are related to the difference between total energies of many-body states differing by one electron.
An alternative, more traditional, approach to the study of exchange-correlation effects in
many-body systems is provided by Many-Body Perturbation Theory (MBPT) which defines a rigorous approach to the description
of excited-state properties, based on the Green's function formalism.
In this lesson, we discuss how to use the MBPT part of ABINIT to compute the band-structure of silicon
within the so-called $G_0W_0$ approximation.
For a very brief introduction to the many-body formalism, see MBPT_NOTES_.
Related ABINIT variables
* optdriver
* ecuteps
* ecutsigx
* nband
* gwcalctyp
* gw_qprange
* all gw** variables
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
_ipython_lesson_ = """
More info on the input variables and it's usage can be obtained using the command:
.. code-block:: python
that prints the official description of the variables.
Description of the lesson
In this lesson, we will construct an `abipy` flow made of two works.
The first work is a standard KS band-structure calculation that consists of
an initial GS calculation to get the density followed by two NSCF calculations.
The first NSCF task computes the KS eigenvalues on a high-symmetry path in the BZ,
whereas the second NSCF task employs a homogeneous k-mesh so that one can compute
the DOS from the KS eigenvalues.
This work is similar to the one we have already encountered in lesson_dos_bands.
The second work represents the real GW workflow that uses the density computed in the first task of
the previous work to compute the KS bands for many empty states.
The WFK file produced in this step is then used to compute the screened interaction $W$.
Finally, we perform a self-energy calculation that uses the $W$ produced
in the previous step and the WFK file to compute the matrix elements of the self-energy and
the $G_0W_0$ corrections for all the k-points in the IBZ and 8 bands (4 occupied + 4 empty)
Once the flow is completed, we can interpolate the $G_0W_0$ corrections as function of the initial KS energy
to obtain an energy-dependent scissors operator.
At this point, we can apply the scissors operator onto the KS band structure to obtain
an approximated $G_0W_0$ band dispersion.
Don't worry if there are steps of the entire procedure that are not clear to you.
GW calculations are much more complicated than standard KS band structures and
the main goal of this lesson is to give you an overview of the Abipy capabilities.
Executing the lesson
This lesson can be started in ipython by importing it with:
.. code-block:: python
from abipy.lessons.lesson_g0w0 import Lesson
lesson = Lesson()
The `lesson` object gives us all the tools needed to execute this tutorial. As usual:
.. code-block:: python
displays this text.
The lesson module provides a factory function that returns a flow designed to perform standard G0W0 calculations.
To build the flow, use
.. code-block:: python
flow = lesson.make_flow()
`flow` is the object containing al the information needed to generate abinit inputs.
.. code-block:: python
displays all the inputs that will be 'passed' to abinit.
To start the execution of calculations packed in this flow we use the following command:
.. code-block:: python
This starts the actual execution via a scheduler.
The last step of analyzing the results can be done again in with a single command:
.. code-block:: python
This method of flow will open the necessary output files, retrieve the data, and produce a plot.
Finally, once you have completed this lesson you can exit ipython with:
.. code-block:: python
You can see that in the working directory, here is
now a subdir were the calculation have been performed.
Have a look at these folders and the files that are in them.
A logical next lesson would be lesson_bse.
Please consult the ipython notebook available on the abipy website
_commandline_lesson_ = """
The full description, directly from the abinit documentation, is available via the following shell command:
.. code-block:: shell man inputvariable
This command will print the official description of inputvariable.
The course of this lesson
import os
import as abidata
import abipy.abilab as abilab
import abipy.flowtk as flowtk
from abipy.lessons.core import BaseLesson
def make_inputs(ngkpt, paral_kgb=0):
Crystalline silicon: calculation of the G0W0 band structure with the scissors operator.
ngkpt: list of 3 integers. Abinit variable defining the k-point sampling.
paral_kgb: Option used to select the eigensolver in the GS part.
Six AbinitInput objects:
0: ground state run to get the density.
1: NSCF run to get the KS band structure on a high-symmetry k-path.
2: NSCF run with a homogeneous sampling of the BZ to compute the KS DOS.
3: NSCF run with empty states to prepare the GW steps.
4: calculation of the screening from the WFK file computed in dataset 4.
5: Use the SCR file computed at step 5 and the WFK file computed in dataset 4 to get the GW corrections.
multi = abilab.MultiDataset(abidata.cif_file("si.cif"),
pseudos=abidata.pseudos("14si.pspnc"), ndtset=6)
# Add mnemonics to input file.
# This grid is the most economical, but does not contain the Gamma point.
scf_kmesh = dict(
shiftk=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
0.5, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.5, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.5]
dos_kmesh = dict(
ngkpt=(6, 6, 6),
shiftk=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
# This grid contains the Gamma point, which is the point at which
# we will compute the (direct) band gap.
gw_kmesh = dict(
shiftk=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.5, 0.5,
0.5, 0.0, 0.5,
0.5, 0.5, 0.0]
# Global variables
ecut = 6
# Dataset 1 (GS run to get the density)
# Dataset 2 (NSCF run)
# Dataset 3 (DOS NSCF)
# Dataset 4 (NSCF run for GW)
# Dataset3: Calculation of the screening.
gw_qprange=-4, # Compute GW corrections for all kpts in IBZ,
# all occupied states and 4 empty states,
return multi.split_datasets()
def make_g0w0_scissors_flow(workdir="flow_lesson_g0w0", ngkpt=(2,2,2)):
# Change the value of ngkpt below to perform a GW calculation with a different k-mesh.
scf, bands_nscf, dos_nscf, gw_nscf, scr, sig = make_inputs(ngkpt=ngkpt)
flow = flowtk.Flow(workdir=workdir)
work0 = flowtk.BandStructureWork(scf, bands_nscf, dos_inputs=dos_nscf)
work1 = flowtk.Work()
gw_nscf_task = work1.register_nscf_task(gw_nscf, deps={work0[0]: "DEN"})
scr_task = work1.register_scr_task(scr, deps={gw_nscf_task: "WFK"})
sigma_task = work1.register_sigma_task(sig, deps={gw_nscf_task: "WFK", scr_task: "SCR"})
return flow.allocate()
class Lesson(BaseLesson):
def abipy_string(self):
return __doc__ + _ipython_lesson_
def comline_string(self):
return __doc__ + _commandline_lesson_
def pyfile(self):
return os.path.abspath(__file__).replace(".pyc", ".py")
def make_flow(**kwargs):
return make_g0w0_scissors_flow(**kwargs)
def analyze(flow, domains_spin=((-10, 6.02), (6.1, 20))):
# Read the G0W0 correction form the output file of the sigma_task
# and construct the scissors_builder object.
sigma_task = flow[1][2]
builder = sigma_task.get_scissors_builder()
# Plot G0W0 results as function of the initial KS energy.
# Build the scissors operator with a polyfit in the regions specified by domains_spin
# Plot the fit.
# Here we pass the KS bands to the scissors-builder.
# plot_qpbands with apply the scissors onto the input band structure and plot the final results.
bands_task = flow[0][1]
bands_filepath = bands_task.gsr_path
builder.plot_qpbands(bands_filepath, bands_label="KS Bands", title="Silicon Bands (KS and KS+scissors)")
# TODO: Fix problems with boundaries!
#dos_task = flow[0][2]
#dos_filepath = dos_task.outdir.has_abiext("GSR")
#builder.plot_qpbands(bands_filepath, dos_filepath=dos_filepath,
# title="Silicon Bands and DOS (KS and KS+scissors)")
if __name__ == "__main__":
lesson = Lesson()
flow = lesson.make_flow()

View File

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
.TH K\-point "" "" "convergence study for a semi\-conductor"
.SH Background
This lesson deals with the basic k\-point convergence study that is
needed in any DFT calculation in periodic systems.
In such systems, indeed, the first Brillouin zone (BZ) needs to be
discretized when performing the integration of several important
quantities e.g.
the electronic density or the electronic energy.
Integrals over the BZ are therefore turned into sums over discrete
k\-points and the k\-mesh should be dense enough, but at the same time
as coarse as possible to make for an efficient calculation.
Your first investigation into a new compound will often be a k\-point
convergence study.
It is worth stressing that the density of the k\-mesh needed to reach
converged results is system\-dependent.
Note that metals need much denser k\-meshes than semiconductors.
The presence of the Fermi surface, indeed, introduces discontinuities in
the integrand functions and a fictitious broadening of the occupation
factors (tsmear) should be introduced in order to accelerate the
convergence of the integrals.
.SH The related Abinit variables
The variables used to specify the k\-point sampling are:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
kptopt (see exercises)
The variables used to specify the occupation scheme in metals are:
.IP \[bu] 2
occopt (see exercises)
.IP \[bu] 2
tsmear (see exercises)
For a more detailed description of the variables, you are invited to
consult the abinit documentation.
The full description, directly from the official abinit docs, is
available via the shell command:
\f[C]\ man\ inputvariable
that prints the official description of inputvariable.
.SH Description of the lesson
In the generation of this lesson by the python script all the input
files have been generated automatically.
The input files have been organized in a workdir
Inside this directory, you\[aq]ll find a single work, w0, with four
tasks, t0\-t1\-t2\-t3.
Have a look at the input files, run.abi, of the four tasks to see what
is different.
You\[aq]ll see that also the files file and the jobs submission script
have been generated.
In the job scripts you\[aq]ll see that the jobs are prepared to run just
on the front end.
You\[aq]ll also see that the files file has been created as well.
To perform the k\-point convergence study execute, abinit with the four
input sets.
Once the calculations are ready, you\[aq]ll see three important output
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
The main summary of the calculation can be found in the .out file,
we\[aq]ll go there soon :\-).
The .err file should be empty.
If it\[aq]s not something went wrong.
If something went wrong read the .err.
The .log file contains extensive information on you calculation that
could help to find out what went wrong in the case of errors.
Especially there are three types of messages that could help
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
In case of an error message abinit stopped the execution by itself,
because of that error.
Now the .out file.
Some interesting keywords to look for:
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
Citation for XC functional:
.IP \[bu] 2
ETOT (the total energies during the electronic structure convergence)
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
Etotal (the total energy of an ionic step)
Obviously there is much more.
Collect the total energies of the four calculations and plot them as a
function of the number of k\-points in the calculation.
Alternative to execution of the manual execution the calculations can
also be executed using the abipy scheduler.
\f[C]\ flow_lesson_Si_kpoint_convergence\ scheduler

View File

@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
K-point convergence study for a semi-conductor
This lesson deals with the basic k-point convergence study that is needed in any DFT calculation in periodic systems.
In such systems, indeed, the first Brillouin zone (BZ) needs to be discretized when performing the
integration of several important quantities e.g. the electronic density or the electronic energy.
Integrals over the BZ are therefore turned into sums over discrete k-points and the k-mesh should
be dense enough, but at the same time as coarse as possible to make for an efficient calculation.
Your first investigation into a new compound will often be a k-point convergence study.
It is worth stressing that the density of the k-mesh needed to reach converged results is system-dependent.
Note that metals need much denser k-meshes than semiconductors.
The presence of the Fermi surface, indeed, introduces discontinuities in the integrand functions and a
fictitious broadening of the occupation factors (tsmear) should be introduced in order to accelerate
the convergence of the integrals.
The related Abinit variables
The variables used to specify the k-point sampling are:
* ngkpt
* shiftk
* kptopt (see exercises)
The variables used to specify the occupation scheme in metals are:
* occopt (see exercises)
* tsmear (see exercises)
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
_ipython_lesson_ = """
For a more detailed description of the variables, you are invited to consult the abinit documentation.
The full description, directly from the official abinit docs, is available in ipython with the command:
.. code-block:: python
Description of the lesson
When performed manually, a k-point convergence study would require
the preparation of several input files, running abinit for all
the inputs and then extracting and studying the quantity under investigation.
This lesson shows how this process can be facilitated thanks to abipy.
We will construct a single python object, an abipy flow, that contains all
the information needed for the calculations.
The flow also provides methods for running abinit, inspecting the input and the output
as well tools for analyzing the final results.
Executing the lesson
This lesson can be started in ipython by importing it with:
.. code-block:: python
from abipy.lessons.lesson_kpoint_convergence import Lesson
lesson = Lesson()
This `lesson` module gives us all the tools needed for the exercises.
For instance the command:
.. code-block:: python
displays this text and can be recalled at any moment.
The main object we use to connect different calculations is the AbiPy flow.
The lesson module provides a method that builds and returns a flow to perform k-point convergence studies.
The flow is constructed with the command:
.. code-block:: python
flow = lesson.make_ngkpt_flow()
In this case make_ngkpt_flow builds a flow for silicon since no argument is passed to the function.
Our flow has several useful methods. For instance:
.. code-block:: python
displays all the inputs that will be 'passed' to abinit.
To start the calculation inside the python shell, use the following command:
.. code-block:: python
The scheduler is a sort of daemon that submits all the tasks that are ready to run.
In our case all the tasks in the flow are independent so the first
cycle of the scheduler will submit all the tasks in the flow.
More complicated flows may have tasks that can start only when their `parents` are completed.
We will encounter similar flows later on when discussing band structure calculations with AbiPy.
Once the flow is completed, you can analyze the results with
.. code-block:: python
This call reads the output files, retrieves the data, and produces a matplotlib plot.
Finally, once you have completed this lesson you can exit ipython with:
.. code-block:: python
Note that in your working directory there is a new sub-directory (flow_lesson_Si_kpoint_convergence)
containing all the input and output files produced by the flow.
Have a look at these folders and the files that are in them.
Hint: you can use the `ls` command inside ipython to list files and directories.
You can even open a file directly within ipython with the command: `!vi filename`
As an exercise, you can start this lesson again but instead
of performing the convergence study for silicon, you could perform a
similar analysis for a metal.
.. code-block:: python
flow = lesson.make_ngkpt_flow(structure_file=lesson.abidata.cif_file('al.cif'), metal=True)
to generate a flow for aluminum.
Be careful however, aluminum is a metal and the default
parameters for occopt and tsmear are for semiconductors. The
keyword argument 'metal' fixes this. (you could also see what
happens if you don't put this flag :-) ) Look at the inputs to
see what has been changed and study the description of these
variables using lesson.docvar.
If you have time left, it is also a good exercise to open the
python file that contains this lesson and study the internal implementation.
You can get a copy of the file with:
.. code-block:: python
Try to find what to change the set of k-point meshes used in the convergence studies.
A logical next lesson would be lesson_ecut_convergence
_commandline_lesson_ = """
For a more detailed description of the variables, you are invited to consult the abinit documentation.
The full description, directly from the official abinit docs, is available via the shell command:
.. code-block:: shell man inputvariable
that prints the official description of inputvariable.
Description of the lesson
In the generation of this lesson by the python script all the input files have been generated automatically.
The input files have been organized in a workdir "flow_lesson_Si_kpoint_convergence".
Inside this directory, you'll find a single work, w0, with four tasks, t0-t1-t2-t3.
Have a look at the input files, run.abi, of the four tasks to see what is different.
You'll see that also the files file and the jobs submission script have been generated.
In the job scripts you'll see that the jobs are prepared to run just on the front end.
You'll also see that the files file has been created as well.
To perform the k-point convergence study execute, abinit with the four input sets.
Once the calculations are ready, you'll see three important output files.
* run.out
* run.log
* run.err
The main summary of the calculation can be found in the .out file, we'll go there soon :-). The .err file should be
empty. If it's not something went wrong. If something went wrong read the .err. file. The .log file contains extensive
information on you calculation that could help to find out what went wrong in the case of errors. Especially there are
three types of messages that could help
In case of an error message abinit stopped the execution by itself, because of that error.
Now the .out file. Some interesting keywords to look for:
* Symmetries
* Citation for XC functional:
* ETOT (the total energies during the electronic structure convergence)
* Eigenvalues
* Etotal (the total energy of an ionic step)
Obviously there is much more.
Collect the total energies of the four calculations and plot them as a function of the number of k-points in the
Alternative to execution of the manual execution the calculations can also be executed using the abipy scheduler.
.. code-block:: shell flow_lesson_Si_kpoint_convergence scheduler
import os
import abipy.abilab as abilab
import as abidata
import abipy.flowtk as flowtk
from abipy.lessons.core import BaseLesson, get_pseudos
def make_ngkpt_flow(ngkpt_list=((2, 2, 2), (4, 4, 4), (6, 6, 6), (8, 8, 8)), structure_file=None, metal=False):
A `factory function` (a function that returns an instance of the class defined above. If no specific system is
specified, structure_file=None, an flow for silicon in constructed and returned.
# Defining the structure and adding the appropriate pseudo potentials
if structure_file is None:
multi = abilab.MultiDataset(structure=abidata.cif_file("si.cif"),
pseudos=abidata.pseudos("14si.pspnc"), ndtset=len(ngkpt_list))
workdir = "flow_lesson_Si_kpoint_convergence"
structure = abilab.Structure.from_file(structure_file)
pseudos = get_pseudos(structure)
multi = abilab.MultiDataset(structure, pseudos=pseudos, ndtset=len(ngkpt_list))
workdir = "flow_lesson_" + structure.composition.reduced_formula + "_kpoint_convergence"
# Add mnemonics to input file.
# Global variables
multi.set_vars(ecut=10, tolvrs=1e-9)
if metal:
multi.set_vars(occopt=7, tsmear=0.04)
# Specific variables for the different calculations
for i, ngkpt in enumerate(ngkpt_list):
multi[i].set_kmesh(ngkpt=ngkpt, shiftk=[0, 0, 0])
return flowtk.Flow.from_inputs(workdir=workdir, inputs=multi.split_datasets())
class Lesson(BaseLesson):
def abipy_string(self):
return __doc__ + _ipython_lesson_
def comline_string(self):
return __doc__ + _commandline_lesson_
def pyfile(self):
return os.path.abspath(__file__).replace(".pyc", ".py")
def make_ngkpt_flow(**kwargs):
return make_ngkpt_flow(**kwargs)
def analyze(my_flow, **kwargs):
with abilab.abirobot(my_flow, "GSR") as robot:
data = robot.get_dataframe()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = data.plot(x="nkpt", y="energy", title="Total energy vs nkpts",
legend=False, style="b-o")
ax.set_xlabel('Number of k-points')
ax.set_ylabel('Total Energy [eV]')
if __name__ == "__main__":
lesson = Lesson()
flow = lesson.make_ngkpt_flow()

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
.TH Relaxation "" "" "of the unit cell with two different techniques"
.SH Background
In this lesson we discuss two different methods to find the equilibrium
structure of a system.
In the first method, we use the GS part of Abinit to calculate the total
energy of silicon for different volumes and then we fit the energy vs
the volume with a model for the equation of state (EOS).
The fit provides the optimal volume (i.e.
the volume for which the total energy is minimal), as well as the bulk
modulus (the \[aq]compressibility\[aq] of the system).
Note that this approach is only applicable to isotropic materials
without any degree of freedom for the atomic positions.
Indeed, the equation of state is obtained by performing a homogeneous
compressions/dilatation of the initial Bravais lattice while keeping the
atoms fixed in the initial high\-symmetry positions.
In the second example, we find the equilibrium configuration of GaN.
In this case, the approach used for computing the EOS of silicon is not
applicable because, one should optimize both the lattice parameters as
well the distance between Ga and N.
For this reason, we employ the relaxation algorithms implemented in
Abinit (ionmov and optcell) in which the forces and the stresses
obtained at the end of the SCF cycle are used to find the minimum energy
.SH The related abinit variables
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
.IP \[bu] 2
The full description of the variables, directly from the abinit
documentation is available via the shell command:
\f[C]\ man\ inputvariable
that prints the official description of inputvariable.
As in the previous lessons, executing the python script creates the
folder structure with the input files for this lesson.
For the flow_si_relax folder, look in particular to the changes in the
unit cell (rprim) in the input files and the corresponding change in the
unit cell volume (ucvol), total energy (etotal) and stresses (strten) in
the output file.
For the flow_gan_relax, observe in the output files how the automatic
relaxation takes place.
At each step of the relaxation, a full SCF\-cycle is performed and
forces and the stress are computed.
The ions are then moved according to the forces and a new SCF\-cycle is
The procedure is interated until convergence is achieved.
This is the reason why there are two stopping criteria for structural
relaxation: tolrff or tolvrs are used for the SCF cycle whereas tolmxf
govers the relaxation algorithm.
.SH Exercises
Edit the input files to run the same jobs with different values of ecut.
You can also try to change the stopping criterion to see if this affects
the final results.
Finally, try to generate the input file for silicon, and try to guess
why setting the stopping criterion on the forces won\[aq]t work in this

View File

@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Relaxation of the unit cell with two different techniques
In this lesson we discuss two different methods to find the equilibrium structure of a system.
In the first method, we use the GS part of Abinit to calculate the total energy of silicon for
different volumes and then we fit the energy vs the volume with a model for the equation of state (EOS).
The fit provides the optimal volume (i.e. the volume for which the total energy is minimal),
as well as the bulk modulus (the 'compressibility' of the system).
Note that this approach is only applicable to isotropic materials without any degree of freedom for the atomic positions.
Indeed, the equation of state is obtained by performing a homogeneous compressions/dilatation of
the initial Bravais lattice while keeping the atoms fixed in the initial high-symmetry positions.
In the second example, we find the equilibrium configuration of GaN.
In this case, the approach used for computing the EOS of silicon is not applicable because,
one should optimize both the lattice parameters as well the distance between Ga and N.
For this reason, we employ the relaxation algorithms implemented in Abinit (`ionmov` and `optcell`)
in which the forces and the stresses obtained at the end of the SCF cycle are used to find the minimum energy configuration.
The related abinit variables
* ionmov
* optcell
* dilatmx
* ecutsm
* ntime
* tolmxf
* tolrff
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
_ipython_lesson_ = """
For a more detailed description of the variables, you are invited to consult the abinit documentation.
The full description, directly from the official abinit docs, is available in ipython with the command:
.. code-block:: python
Description of the lesson
We will use two different AbiPy flows to find the equilibrium configuration.
The first flow, si_flow, calculates the total energy of silicon at different volumes
and computes the equation of state E(V).
The other flow, gan_flow, uses Abinit to optimize all degrees of freedom (atomic positions
and lattice vectors).
Executing the lesson
Start this lesson by importing it with the commands:
.. code-block:: python
from abipy.lessons.lesson_relaxation import Lesson
lesson = Lesson()
As usual, you can reread this text using the command:
.. code-block:: python
To build the flow for silicon, use
.. code-block:: python
si_flow = lesson.make_eos_flow()
For Gallium Nitride, use
.. code-block:: python
gan_flow = lesson.make_relax_flow()
To print the input files
.. code-block:: python
Start the flow with the scheduler and wait for completion.
.. code-block:: python
To analyze the results.
.. code-block:: python
# For Silicon
# For Gallium Nitride, use
In the case of silicon, python will show a fit of the total energy vs the
volume of the unit cell. The minimum of this curve is the equilibrium
volume. From this fit, we can also obtain the bulk modulus.
Note that this approach is only applicable to isotropic materials since the
equation of state has been obtained by performing
a homogeneous compressions/dilatation of the initial Bravais lattice.
Try to compare the results with these experimental results:
Volume of the unit cell of silicon: 40.05 A^3 [NSM]
Bulk modulus: 98 GPa [NSM]
In the case of gallium nitride, you will observe a change of the equilibrium
parameters with respect to the k-point mesh.
Try to compare the results with these experimental results:
* Volume of the unit cell of GaN: 45.73 A^3 [Schulz & Thiemann 1977]
* Lattice parameters of GaN: a = 3.190 A, c = 5.189 A [Schulz & Thiemann 1977]
* Vertical distance between Ga and N : about 0.377 * c [ Schulz & Thiemann, 1977]
Of course you will need to converge your results with respect to the k-point sampling and the
cutoff energy ecut.
Note the we are using pseudopotentials generated with the GGA which tends to
overestimate the lattice parameters.
If you use LDA-type pseudopotentials, you will observe that LDA tends to underestimate the parameters.
As an exercise you can now try to get the equilibrium unit cell of silicon automatically using abinit.
You can use the code for the relaxation of GaN as template.
First download a local copy of the python script.
.. code-block:: python
and have a look at the code in make_relax_gan_flow().
Try to do the same with 'si.cif' file instead of 'gan.cif'
Pay attention to the fact that for silicon, you cannot use tolrff
to stop your self-consistent cycle.
Silicon has no internal degree of freedom, the forces are zero by symmetry.
and hence the tolrff criterion makes no sense.
As a second exercise, you can try to converge the results for silicon with respect
to the k-point sampling and ecut.
Compare the converged results with experimental data.
A logical next lesson would be lesson_dos_bands
_commandline_lesson_ = """
The full description of the variables, directly from the abinit documentation is available via the shell command:
.. code-block:: shell man inputvariable
that prints the official description of `inputvariable`.
As in the previous lessons, executing the python script creates the folder structure with the input files for this
For the flow_si_relax folder, look in particular to the changes in the unit cell (rprim) in the input files and the
corresponding change in the unit cell volume (ucvol), total energy (etotal) and stresses (strten) in the output file.
For the flow_gan_relax, observe in the output files how the automatic relaxation takes place.
At each step of the relaxation, a full SCF-cycle is performed and forces and the stress are computed.
The ions are then moved according to the forces and a new SCF-cycle is started.
The procedure is interated until convergence is achieved.
This is the reason why there are two stopping criteria for structural relaxation:
tolrff or tolvrs are used for the SCF cycle whereas tolmxf govers the relaxation algorithm.
Edit the input files to run the same jobs with different values of ecut.
You can also try to change the stopping criterion to see if this affects the final results.
Finally, try to generate the input file for silicon, and try to guess why setting the stopping
criterion on the forces won't work in this case!
import os
import numpy as np
import abipy.abilab as abilab
import abipy.flowtk as flowtk
import as abidata
from pymatgen.analysis.eos import EOS
from abipy.core import Structure
from abipy.lessons.core import BaseLesson, get_pseudos
def make_relax_flow(structure_file=None):
Build and return a flow that perform a structural relaxation for different k-point samplings.
ngkpt_list = [[3, 3, 2], [6, 6, 4], [8, 8, 6]]
if structure_file is None:
structure = abilab.Structure.from_file(abidata.cif_file("gan2.cif"))
structure = abilab.Structure.from_file(structure_file)
multi = abilab.MultiDataset(structure=structure, pseudos=get_pseudos(structure), ndtset=len(ngkpt_list))
# Add mnemonics to input file.
# Global variables
for i, ngkpt in enumerate(ngkpt_list):
multi[i].set_kmesh(ngkpt=ngkpt, shiftk=[0, 0, 0])
return flowtk.Flow.from_inputs("flow_gan_relax", inputs=multi.split_datasets(), task_class=flowtk.RelaxTask)
def make_eos_flow(structure_file=None):
Build and return a Flow to compute the equation of state
of an isotropic material for different k-point samplings.
scale_volumes = np.arange(94, 108, 2) / 100.
if structure_file is None:
structure = abilab.Structure.from_file(abidata.cif_file("si.cif"))
structure = abilab.Structure.from_file(structure_file)
multi = abilab.MultiDataset(structure=structure, pseudos=get_pseudos(structure), ndtset=len(scale_volumes))
# Global variables
multi.set_kmesh(ngkpt=[4, 4, 4], shiftk=[[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.5, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.5]])
for idt, scal_vol in enumerate(scale_volumes):
new_lattice = structure.lattice.scale(structure.volume*scal_vol)
new_structure = Structure(new_lattice, structure.species, structure.frac_coords)
eos_flow = flowtk.Flow.from_inputs("flow_si_relax", inputs=multi.split_datasets())
eos_flow.volumes = structure.volume * scale_volumes
return eos_flow
class Lesson(BaseLesson):
def abipy_string(self):
return __doc__ + _ipython_lesson_
def comline_string(self):
return __doc__ + _commandline_lesson_
def pyfile(self):
return os.path.abspath(__file__).replace(".pyc", ".py")
def make_eos_flow(**kwargs):
return make_eos_flow(**kwargs)
def analyze_eos_flow(flow, **kwargs):
work = flow[0]
etotals = work.read_etotals(unit="eV")
eos_fit = EOS(eos_name="birch_murnaghan").fit(flow.volumes, etotals)
return eos_fit.plot(**kwargs)
def make_relax_flow(**kwargs):
return make_relax_flow(**kwargs)
def analyze_relax_flow(flow, **kwargs):
def get_dist(gsrfile):
struct = gsrfile.structure
red_dist = struct.frac_coords[2][2] - struct.frac_coords[0][2]
return 'u', red_dist
with as robot:
data = robot.get_dataframe(funcs=get_dist)
return robot.pairplot(data, x_vars="nkpt", y_vars=["a", "c", "volume", "u"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
lesson = Lesson()
flow = lesson.make_eos_flow()
flow = lesson.make_relax_flow()

View File

@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
import abipy.abilab as abilab
import abipy.flowtk as flowtk
import as abidata
def gs_input(nsppol):
# Fe normal bcc structure for test of a ferromagnetic calculation
# The first dataset is without magnetization for comparison
structure = abilab.Structure.from_abivars(dict(
rprim=[-0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
0.5, -0.5, 0.5,
0.5, 0.5, -0.5],
xred=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
inp = abilab.AbinitInput(structure, pseudos=abidata.pseudos("26fe.pspnc"))
inp.set_kmesh(ngkpt=[4, 4, 4], shiftk=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
# Optimization of the lattice parameters
if nsppol == 2:
inp.set_vars(spinat=[0.0, 0.0, 4.0])
return inp
def afm_input():
# Fe fcc structure with two atoms per unit cell for test of antiferromagnetic
# This is the simplest fcc structure compatible with a X point spiral
structure = abilab.Structure.from_abivars(dict(
typat=[1, 1],
rprim=[0.5, -0.5, 0.0,
0.5, 0.5, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
xred=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.5, 0.0, 0.5],
inp = abilab.AbinitInput(structure=structure, pseudos=abidata.pseudos("26fe.pspnc"))
inp.set_kmesh(ngkpt=[6, 6, 4], shiftk=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
# Antiferromagnetic order
spinat=[0.0, 0.0, 4.0,
0.0, 0.0, -4.0],
return inp
def gs_flow():
inputs = [gs_input(nsppol) for nsppol in [1, 2]]
flow = flowtk.Flow.from_inputs(workdir="flow_spin", inputs=inputs)
with abilab.abirobot(flow, "GSR") as robot:
data = robot.get_dataframe()
robot.pairplot(x_vars="nsppol", y_vars=["energy", "a", "volume", "pressure"])
#gstask_nospin, gstask_spin = flow[0][0], flow[0][1]
#data = abilab.PrettyTable(["property", "unpolarized", "polarized"])
#with gstask_nospin.open_gsr() as gsr_nospin, gstask_spin.open_gsr() as gsr_spin:
# properties = ["energy", "pressure", "magnetization", "nelect_updown"]
# for p in properties:
# row = [p, getattr(gsr_nospin, p), getattr(gsr_spin, p)]
# data.add_row(row)
# plotter = abilab.ElectronDosPlotter()
# plotter.add_edos_from_file(gsr_spin.filepath, label="spin")
# plotter.add_edos_from_file(gsr_nospin.filepath, label="nospin")
# plotter.plot()
# #gsr_spin.plot_ebands()
# #gsr_nospin.plot_ebands_with_dos()
# #plotter = abilab.ElectronBandsPlotter()
# #plotter.add_ebands_from_file(gsr_spin.filepath, label="spin")
# #plotter.plot()
# #plotter = abilab.GSR_Plotter(gsr_nospin.filepath, gsr_spin.filepath)
# #plotter.add_ebands_from_file(gsr_nospin.filepath, label="nospin")
def afm_flow():
flow = flowtk.Flow.from_inputs(workdir="flow_afm", inputs=afm_input())
with flow[0][0].open_gsr() as gsr:
print("Energy: ","Ha"))
print("Magnetization: ",gsr.magnetization)
def tantalum_gsinput(nspinor=2):
# Single Ta atom in a big box (BCC), treated with spin-orbit coupling.
structure = abilab.Structure.from_abivars(
rprim=[ 0.5, 0.5, -0.5,
-0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
0.5, -0.5, 0.5],
xred=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
inp = abilab.AbinitInput(structure=structure, pseudos=abidata.pseudos("73ta.hghsc"))
inp.set_kmesh(ngkpt=[1, 1, 1], shiftk=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
return inp
def tantalum_flow():
inputs = [tantalum_gsinput(nspinor) for nspinor in [1, 2]]
flow = abilab.Flow.from_inputs(workdir="flow_tantalum", inputs=inputs)
with as robot:
data = robot.get_dataframe()
robot.pairplot(x_vars="nspinor", y_vars=["energy", "magnetization", "pressure"])
#for task in flow.iflat_tasks():
# with task.open_gsr() as gsr:
# print("Energy: ","Ha"))
# print("Magnetization: ",gsr.magnetization)
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, print_function
import os
import copy
import as abidata
import abipy.abilab as abilab
from import NcAbinitPseudo
from abipy.core.testing import AbipyTest
from abipy.lessons.core import get_pseudos, BaseLesson
class CoreTest(AbipyTest):
Testing helper functions in core
def test_get_pseudo(self):
Testing the get_pseudo method
structure = abilab.Structure.from_file(abidata.cif_file("si.cif"))
pseudos = get_pseudos(structure)
assert len(pseudos) == 1
assert isinstance(pseudos[0], NcAbinitPseudo)
def test_base_lesson(self):
# FIXME: This is broken
#from abipy.lessons import help
#assert help()
a, c, p = "a", "c", ""
class Lesson(BaseLesson):
def abipy_string(self):
return copy.copy(a)
def comline_string(self):
return copy.copy(c)
def pyfile(self):
return copy.copy(p)
lesson = Lesson()
assert lesson.abipy_string == a
assert lesson.comline_string == c
assert lesson.pyfile == p
assert lesson.manpath.replace("u'", "'") == p.replace('py','man')
assert len(str(lesson.docvar('ecut'))) > 4
os.remove(p.replace('py', 'man'))

View File

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
"""Tests for lessons"""
from __future__ import print_function, division
import os
from abipy.core.testing import *
class TestLessons(AbipyTest):
"""Unit tests for lessons."""
def assert_lesson_object(lesson):
"""Helper function to test `Lesson` protocol."""
assert len(str(lesson))
assert lesson.abipy_string + " "
assert lesson.comline_string + " "
assert os.path.exists(lesson.pyfile)
def test_lesson_base1(self):
"""Testing lesson_base1."""
from abipy.lessons.lesson_base1 import build_flow, analyze_flow
flow = build_flow()
def test_lesson_bse(self):
"""Testing lesson_bse."""
from abipy.lessons.lesson_bse import make_scf_nscf_bse_inputs
scf_input, nscf_input, bse_input = make_scf_nscf_bse_inputs(
ngkpt=(6, 6, 6), ecut=6, ecuteps=3, mdf_epsinf=12.0, mbpt_sciss="0.8 eV")
def test_lesson_dfpt(self):
"""Testing lesson_dfpt."""
from abipy.lessons.lesson_dfpt import make_scf_input
scf_input = make_scf_input(ecut=2, ngkpt=(4, 4, 4))
def test_lesson_dos_bands(self):
"""Testing lesson_dos_bands."""
from abipy.lessons.lesson_dos_bands import Lesson
lesson = Lesson()
flow = lesson.make_flow()
def test_lesson_ecut_convergence(self):
"""Testing lesson_ecut_convergence."""
from abipy.lessons.lesson_ecut_convergence import Lesson
lesson = Lesson()
flow = lesson.make_ecut_flow()
def test_lesson_g0w0(self):
"""Testing lesson_g0w0."""
from abipy.lessons.lesson_g0w0 import Lesson
lesson = Lesson()
flow = lesson.make_flow()
def test_lesson_kpoint_convergence(self):
"""Testing lesson_kpoint_convergence."""
from abipy.lessons.lesson_kpoint_convergence import Lesson
lesson = Lesson()
flow = lesson.make_ngkpt_flow()
def test_lesson_relaxation(self):
"""Testing lesson_relaxation."""
from abipy.lessons.lesson_relaxation import Lesson
lesson = Lesson()
flow = Lesson.make_eos_flow()
flow = Lesson.make_relax_flow()
#def test_lesson_spin(self):
# """Testing lesson_spin."""
# from abipy.lessons.lesson_spin import gs_flow

View File

@ -16,13 +16,6 @@ if sys.version[0:3] < '2.7':
sys.stderr.write("abipy requires Python version 2.7 or above. Exiting.")
# Install ipython with notebook support.
with_ipython = False
#with_ipython = True
#if '--with-ipython' in sys.argv:
# with_ipython = True
# sys.argv.remove('--with-ipython')
#with_cython = True
# from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
@ -133,7 +126,6 @@ def find_package_data():
'': ["*.json"],
'abipy.gui.awx' : ['images/*'],
'abipy.lessons': ["*.man"],
@ -205,13 +197,6 @@ install_requires = [
#if with_ipython:
# install_requires += [
# "ipython",
# "jupyter",
# "nbformat",
# ]
#if with_cython:
# install_requires += [
# "cython",
@ -268,17 +253,6 @@ Please read the following if you are about to use abipy for the first time:
in ~/.abinit/abipy or in the working directory in which you execute the flow.
Examples are provided in abipy/data/managers
If you are completely new to abipy you may want to start from the abipy lessons.
The simplest way is to move to an empty directory, start an ipython session and type:
In [1]: from abipy.lessons.lesson_kpoint_convergence import Lesson()
followed by:
In [2]: Lesson()
This will print the lessons documentation with further instructions.
Have fun!