Try to read epsinf and zcart from

This commit is contained in:
Matteo Giantomassi 2018-10-21 21:44:57 +02:00
parent 6947071ed8
commit 9a1ea11b82
12 changed files with 662 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -143,12 +143,15 @@ class PhononBands(object):
# print("Found nonanal")
# non_anal_ph = NonAnalyticalPh.from_file(filepath)
epsinf, zcart = r.read_epsinf_zcart()
return cls(structure=structure,
epsinf=epsinf, zcart=zcart,
@ -194,7 +197,8 @@ class PhononBands(object):
self.non_anal_ph = NonAnalyticalPh.from_file(filepath)
def __init__(self, structure, qpoints, phfreqs, phdispl_cart, non_anal_ph=None, amu=None, linewidths=None):
def __init__(self, structure, qpoints, phfreqs, phdispl_cart, non_anal_ph=None, amu=None,
epsinf=None, zcart=None, linewidths=None):
structure: |Structure| object.
@ -206,6 +210,10 @@ class PhononBands(object):
None if contribution is not present.
amu: dictionary that associates the atomic species present in the structure to the values of the atomic
mass units used for the calculation.
epsinf: [3,3] matrix with electronic dielectric tensor in Cartesian coordinates.
None if not avaiable.
zcart: [natom, 3, 3] matrix with Born effective charges in Cartesian coordinates.
None if not available.
linewidths: Array-like object with the linewidths (eV) stored as [q, num_modes]
self.structure = structure
@ -240,6 +248,9 @@ class PhononBands(object):
if linewidths is not None:
self._linewidths = np.reshape(linewidths, self.phfreqs.shape)
self.epsinf = epsinf
self.zcart = zcart
# Dictionary with metadata e.g. nkpt, tsmear ...
self.params = OrderedDict()
@ -935,11 +946,8 @@ class PhononBands(object):
# Decorate the axis (e.g add ticks and labels).
self.decorate_ax(ax, units=units, qlabels=qlabels)
if "color" not in kwargs:
kwargs["color"] = "black"
if "linewidth" not in kwargs:
kwargs["linewidth"] = 2.0
if "color" not in kwargs: kwargs["color"] = "black"
if "linewidth" not in kwargs: kwargs["linewidth"] = 2.0
# Plot the phonon branches.
self.plot_ax(ax, branch_range, units=units, match_bands=match_bands, **kwargs)
@ -1048,6 +1056,80 @@ class PhononBands(object):
return fig
def plot_lt_character(self, units="eV", qlabels=None, ax=None, xlims=None, ylims=None,
colormap="jet", fontsize=12, **kwargs):
Plot the phonon band structure with colored lines. The color of the lines indicates
the degree to which the mode is longitudinal:
Red corresponds to longitudinal modes and black to purely transverse modes.
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
units: Units for plots. Possible values in ("eV", "meV", "Ha", "cm-1", "Thz"). Case-insensitive.
qlabels: dictionary whose keys are tuples with the reduced coordinates of the q-points.
The values are the labels. e.g. ``qlabels = {(0.0,0.0,0.0): "$\Gamma$", (0.5,0,0): "L"}``.
xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
ylims: y-axis limits.
colormap: Matplotlib colormap.
fontsize: legend and title fontsize.
Returns: |matplotlib-Figure|
if self.zcart is None:
cprint("Bandstructure does not have Born effective charges", "yellow")
return None
factor = abu.phfactor_ev2units(units)
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap)
if "color" not in kwargs: kwargs["color"] = "black"
if "linewidth" not in kwargs: kwargs["linewidth"] = 2.0
first_xx = 0
scatt_x, scatt_y, scatt_s = [], [], []
for p_qpts, p_freqs, p_dcart in zip(self.split_qpoints, self.split_phfreqs, self.split_phdispl_cart):
xx = list(range(first_xx, first_xx + len(p_freqs)))
for iq, (qpt, ws, dis) in enumerate(zip(p_qpts, p_freqs, p_dcart)):
qcart = self.structure.reciprocal_lattice.get_cartesian_coords(qpt)
qnorm = np.linalg.norm(qcart)
inv_qepsq = 0.0
if qnorm > 1e-3:
qvers = qcart / qnorm
inv_qepsq = 1.0 /,, qvers))
# We are not interested in the amplitudes so normalize all displacements to one.
dis = dis.reshape(self.num_branches, self.num_atoms, 3)
# q x Z[atom] x disp[q, nu, atom]
for nu in range(self.num_branches):
v = sum(,[iatom], dis[nu, iatom])) for iatom in range(self.num_atoms))
scatt_s.append(v * inv_qepsq)
p_freqs = p_freqs * factor
ax.plot(xx, p_freqs, **kwargs)
first_xx = xx[-1]
scatt_y = np.array(scatt_y) * factor
scatt_s = np.abs(np.array(scatt_s))
scatt_s /= scatt_s.max()
scatt_s *= 50
print("scatt_s", scatt_s, "min", scatt_s.min(), "max", scatt_s.max())
ax.scatter(scatt_x, scatt_y, s=scatt_s,
#c=None, marker=None, cmap=None, norm=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, alpha=None,
#linewidths=None, verts=None, edgecolors=None, *, data=None
self.decorate_ax(ax, units=units, qlabels=None)
set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
set_axlims(ax, ylims, "y")
return fig
def split_qpoints(self):
@ -1866,6 +1948,19 @@ class PHBST_Reader(ETSF_Reader):
"""The atomic mass units"""
return self.read_value("atomic_mass_units", default=None)
def read_epsinf_zcart(self):
Read and return electronic dielectric tensor and Born effective charges in Cartesian coordinates
Return (None, None) if data is not available.
# nctkarr_t('emacro_cart', "dp", 'number_of_cartesian_directions, number_of_cartesian_directions')
# nctkarr_t('becs_cart', "dp", "number_of_cartesian_directions, number_of_cartesian_directions, number_of_atoms")]
epsinf = self.read_value("emacro_cart", default=None)
if epsinf is not None: epsinf = epsinf.T.copy()
zcart = self.read_value("becs_cart", default=None)
if zcart is not None: zcart = zcart.transpose(0, 2, 1).copy()
return epsinf, zcart
class PhbstFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_PhononBands, NotebookWriter):
@ -3728,12 +3823,11 @@ class NonAnalyticalPh(Has_Structure):
Non existence of displacements is accepted for compatibility with abinit 8.0.6
Raises an error if the other values are not present in
with ETSF_Reader(filepath) as r:
directions = r.read_value("non_analytical_directions")
phfreq = r.read_value("non_analytical_phonon_modes")
#needs a default as the first abinit version including IFCs in the netcdf doesn't have this attribute
# need a default as the first abinit version including IFCs in the netcdf doesn't have this attribute
phdispl_cart = r.read_value("non_analytical_phdispl_cart", cmode="c", default=None)
structure = r.read_structure()

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@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ class PhononBandsTest(AbipyTest):
assert phbands.phdispl_cart.shape == (phbands.nqpt, phbands.num_branches, phbands.num_branches)
# a + b gives plotter
assert hasattr(same_phbands_nc + phbands, "combiplot")
assert phbands.epsinf is None and phbands.zcart is None
self.serialize_with_pickle(phbands, protocols=[-1], test_eq=False)

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ from abipy.core.structure import Structure
from abipy.iotools import ETSF_Reader
from import gaussian, duck
from import (set_axlims, add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt, get_axarray_fig_plt,
get_ax3d_fig_plt, rotate_ticklabels, set_visible, plot_unit_cell)
get_ax3d_fig_plt, rotate_ticklabels, set_visible, plot_unit_cell, set_ax_xylabels)
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -2175,7 +2175,7 @@ class ElectronBands(Has_Structure):
def plot_lws_vs_e0(self, ax=None, e0="fermie", function=lambda x: x, exchange_xy=False,
xlims=None, ylims=None, fontsize=12, **kwargs):
Plot the electronic linewidths vs KS energy.
Plot electronic linewidths vs KS energy.
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
@ -2453,6 +2453,10 @@ class ElectronBands(Has_Structure):
fm_symrel = [s for (s, afm) in zip(abispg.symrel, abispg.symafm) if afm == 1]
if self.nband > self.nelect and self.nband > 20 and bstart == 0 and bstop is None:
cprint("Bands object contains nband %s with nelect %s. You may want to use bstart, bstop to select bands." % (
self.nband, self.nelect), "yellow")
# Build interpolator.
from abipy.core.skw import SkwInterpolator
cell = (self.structure.lattice.matrix, self.structure.frac_coords,
@ -3388,7 +3392,7 @@ class ElectronDos(object):
return lines
def plot(self, e0="fermie", spin=None, ax=None, xlims=None, **kwargs):
def plot(self, e0="fermie", spin=None, ax=None, exchange_xy=False, xlims=None, ylims=None, **kwargs):
Plot electronic DOS
@ -3399,8 +3403,10 @@ class ElectronDos(object):
- None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to ``e0 = 0``.
spin: Selects the spin component, None if total DOS is wanted.
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
exchange_xy: True to exchange x-y axis.
xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used
ylims: Set data limits for the y-axis.
kwargs: options passed to ``ax.plot``.
Return: |matplotlib-Figure|
@ -3414,12 +3420,14 @@ class ElectronDos(object):
spin_sign = +1 if spin == 0 else -1
x, y = self.spin_dos[spin].mesh - e0, spin_sign * self.spin_dos[spin].values
if exchange_xy: x, y = y, x
ax.plot(x, y, **opts)
ax.set_xlabel('Energy (eV)')
ax.set_ylabel('DOS (states/eV)')
xlabel, ylabel = 'Energy (eV)', 'DOS (states/eV)'
set_ax_xylabels(ax, xlabel, ylabel, exchange_xy)
set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
set_axlims(ax, ylims, "y")
return fig

View File

@ -377,7 +377,14 @@ class GsrReader(ElectronsReader):
Return a dictionary with the different contributions to the total electronic energy.
convert = lambda e: units.Energy(e, unit="Ha").to(unit)
d = {k: convert(self.read_value(k)) for k in EnergyTerms.ALL_KEYS}
d = OrderedDict()
for k in EnergyTerms.ALL_KEYS:
if k == "e_nonlocalpsp" and k not in self.rootgrp.variables:
# Renamed in 8.9
d[k] = convert(self.read_value("e_nlpsp_vfock"))
d[k] = convert(self.read_value(k))
return EnergyTerms(**d)

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@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ import numpy as np
from monty.string import marquee, list_strings
from monty.termcolor import cprint
from import (add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt, get_axarray_fig_plt, set_axlims, set_visible,
rotate_ticklabels, ax_append_title, set_ax_xylabels)
rotate_ticklabels, ax_append_title, set_ax_xylabels, ax_share)
from import duck
from abipy.electrons.ebands import ElectronBands
from abipy.dfpt.ddb import DdbFile
from abipy.dfpt.phonons import PhbstFile, PhdosFile
from abipy.eph.sigeph import SigEPhFile
class EphPlotter(object):
@ -133,6 +134,59 @@ class EphPlotter(object):
return fig
def plot_linewidths_sigeph(self, sigeph, eb_ylims=None, **kwargs):
Plot e-bands + e-DOS + Im(Sigma_{eph}) + phonons + gkq^2
sigeph: |SigephFile| or string with path to file.
eb_ylims: Set the data limits for the y-axis of the electron band. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If None, limits are selected automatically.
closeit = False
if duck.is_string(sigeph):
sigeph = SigEPhFile.from_file(sigeph)
closeit = True
# Build grid. share y-axis for Phbands and Phdos
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
# Electrons
ax0 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 0), colspan=2, rowspan=1)
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 2), colspan=1, rowspan=1)
ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 3), colspan=1, rowspan=1)
# Share y-axis
ax_share("y", ax0, ax1, ax2)
# Phonons
ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (1, 0), colspan=2, rowspan=1)
ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (1, 2), colspan=1, rowspan=1)
ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (1, 3), colspan=1, rowspan=1)
# Share y-axis
ax_share("y", ax3, ax4, ax5)
e0 = "fermie"
# Plot electrons with possible e-ph scattering channels.
self.eb_kpath.plot(ax=ax0, e0=e0, with_gaps=True, ylims=eb_ylims, max_phfreq=self.phb_qpath.maxfreq, show=False)
sigeph.plot_lws_vs_e0(ax=ax1, e0=e0, exchange_xy=True, show=False)
sigeph.edos.plot(ax=ax2, e0=e0, exchange_xy=True, show=False)
# Plot phonon bands
self.phb_qpath.plot(ax=ax3, show=False)
sigeph.plot_a2fw_skb_sum(ax=ax4, what="gkq2", exchange_xy=True, fontsize=8, show=False)
# Plot phonon PJDOS
self.phdos_file.plot_pjdos_type(ax=ax5, fontsize=8, exchange_xy=True, show=False)
#set_visible(ax4, False, "ylabel")
#ax4.tick_params("y", left=False, labelleft=False)
#ax4.tick_params("y", right=True, labelright=True)
if closeit: sigeph.close()
return fig
#def close(self):
# self.phbst_file.close()
# self.phdos_file.close()

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from monty.termcolor import cprint
from abipy.core.mixins import AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter
from abipy.core.kpoints import Kpoint, KpointList, Kpath, IrredZone, has_timrev_from_kptopt
from import (add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt, get_axarray_fig_plt, set_axlims, set_visible,
rotate_ticklabels, ax_append_title, set_ax_xylabels)
rotate_ticklabels, ax_append_title, set_ax_xylabels, linestyles)
from import gaussian, duck
from abipy.electrons.ebands import ElectronBands, ElectronDos, RobotWithEbands, ElectronBandsPlotter, ElectronDosPlotter
from abipy.dfpt.phonons import PhononDos #PhononBands, RobotWithPhbands, factor_ev2units, unit_tag, dos_label_from_units
@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ class QpTempList(list):
# TODO: Linewidths
def plot_vs_e0(self, itemp_list=None, with_fields="all", reim="real", function=lambda x: x,
exclude_fields=None, fermie=None,
colormap="jet", ax_list=None, xlims=None, fontsize=12, **kwargs):
exclude_fields=None, fermie=None, colormap="jet", ax_list=None, xlims=None, ylims=None,
exchange_xy=False, fontsize=12, **kwargs):
Plot the QP results as a function of the initial KS energy.
@ -357,8 +357,9 @@ class QpTempList(list):
fermie: Value of the Fermi level used in plot. None for absolute e0s.
colormap: matplotlib color map.
ax_list: List of |matplotlib-Axes| for plot. If None, new figure is produced.
xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
xlims, ylims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
exchange_xy: True to exchange x-y axis.
fontsize: Legend and title fontsize.
kwargs: linestyle, color, label, marker
@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ class QpTempList(list):
if reim == "real": ylabel_mask = r"$\Re(%s)$"
elif reim == "imag": ylabel_mask = r"$\Im(%s)$"
else: return ValueError("Invalid option for reim, should be 'real' or 'imag'")
else: raise ValueError("Invalid option for reim, should be 'real' or 'imag'")
num_plots, ncols, nrows = len(fields), 1, 1
if num_plots > 1:
@ -399,8 +400,16 @@ class QpTempList(list):
irow, icol = divmod(ix, ncols)
if irow == nrows - 1:
if not exchange_xy:
if not exchange_xy:
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel_mask % field, fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_xlabel(ylabel_mask % field, fontsize=fontsize)
has_legend = False
# Plot different temperatures.
for itemp in itemp_list:
@ -410,12 +419,15 @@ class QpTempList(list):
if kw_label is None:
label = "T = %.1f K" % self.tmesh[itemp] if ix == 0 else None
has_legend = has_legend or bool(label)
ax.plot(e0mesh, function(yt_reim), kw_linestyle,
xs = e0mesh
ys = function(yt_reim)
if exchange_xy: xs, ys = ys, xs
ax.plot(xs, ys, kw_linestyle,
color=cmap(itemp / self.ntemp) if kw_color is None else kw_color,
label=label, **kwargs)
set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
#print("ix", ix, "has", has_legend, "label", label)
set_axlims(ax, ylims, "y")
if ix == 0 and has_legend:
ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True)
@ -437,7 +449,8 @@ class EphSelfEnergy(object):
def __init__(self, wmesh, qp, vals_e0ks, dvals_de0ks, dw_vals, vals_wr, spfunc_wr):
def __init__(self, wmesh, qp, vals_e0ks, dvals_de0ks, dw_vals, vals_wr, spfunc_wr,
frohl_vals_e0ks=None, frohl_dvals_de0ks=None, frohl_spfunc_wr=None):
wmesh: Frequency mesh in eV.
@ -447,6 +460,8 @@ class EphSelfEnergy(object):
dw_vals: [ntemp] array with Debye-Waller term (static)
vals_wr: [ntemp, nwr] complex array with Sigma_eph(omega, kT). enk_KS corresponds to nwr//2 + 1.
spfunc_wr: [ntemp, nwr] real array with spectral function.
frohl_vals_e0ks, frohl_dvals_de0ks, frohl_spfunc_wr: Contribution to the eph self-energy
computed with the Frohlich model for gkq (optional).
self.qp = qp
self.spin, self.kpoint, = qp.spin, qp.kpoint,
@ -465,6 +480,10 @@ class EphSelfEnergy(object):
self.spfunc_wr = spfunc_wr
assert self.spfunc_wr.shape == (self.ntemp, self.nwr)
self.frohl_vals_e0ks = frohl_vals_e0ks
self.frohl_dvals_de0ks = frohl_dvals_de0ks
self.frohl_spfunc_wr = frohl_spfunc_wr
def __str__(self):
return self.to_string()
@ -475,6 +494,8 @@ class EphSelfEnergy(object):
app("K-point: %s, band: %d, spin: %d" % (repr(self.kpoint),, self.spin))
app("Number of temperatures: %d, from %.1f to %.1f (K)" % (self.ntemp, self.tmesh[0], self.tmesh[-1]))
app("Number of frequencies: %d, from %.1f to %.1f (eV)" % (self.nwr, self.wmesh[0], self.wmesh[-1]))
if self.frohl_vals_e0ks is not None:
app("Contains contribution given by Frohlich term.")
app(self.qp.to_string(verbose=verbose, title="QP data"))
return "\n".join(lines)
@ -496,13 +517,22 @@ class EphSelfEnergy(object):
return xx.copy(), xlabel
def _get_ys_itemp(self, what, itemp):
"""Return array(T) to plot from what and itemp index."""
def _get_ys_itemp(self, what, itemp, select_frohl=False):
Return array(T) to plot from what and itemp index.
if not select_frohl:
return dict(
return dict(
def _get_itemps_labels(self, itemps):
"""Return list of temperature indices and labels from itemps."""
@ -522,7 +552,7 @@ class EphSelfEnergy(object):
def plot_tdep(self, itemps="all", zero_energy="e0", colormap="jet", ax_list=None,
what_list=("re", "im", "spfunc"), xlims=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
what_list=("re", "im", "spfunc"), with_frohl=False, xlims=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
Plot the real/imaginary part of self-energy as well as the spectral function for
the different temperatures with a color map.
@ -533,6 +563,7 @@ class EphSelfEnergy(object):
colormap: matplotlib color map.
ax_list: List of |matplotlib-Axes|. If None, new figure is produced.
what_list: List of strings selecting the quantity to plot.
with_frohl: Visualize Frohlich contribution (if present).
xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
fontsize: legend and label fontsize.
@ -549,6 +580,7 @@ class EphSelfEnergy(object):
itemps, tlabels = self._get_itemps_labels(itemps)
kw_color = kwargs.get("color", None)
kw_label = kwargs.get("label", None)
for ix, (what, ax) in enumerate(zip(what_list, ax_list)):
@ -558,6 +590,14 @@ class EphSelfEnergy(object):
color=cmap(itemp / self.ntemp) if kw_color is None else kw_color,
label=tlabels[itemp] if (ix == 0 and kw_label is None) else kw_label,
if with_frohl:
# Add Frohlich contribution.
ax.plot(xs, self._get_ys_itemp(what, itemp, select_frohl=True),
color=cmap(itemp / self.ntemp) if kw_color is None else kw_color,
#label=tlabels[itemp] if (ix == 0 and kw_label is None) else kw_label,
if ix == 0: ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True, fontsize=fontsize)
set_axlims(ax, xlims, "x")
@ -595,8 +635,26 @@ class EphSelfEnergy(object):
ax0.plot(xs, self.vals_wr[itemp].real, label=r"$\Re(\Sigma)$")
ax0.plot(xs, self.vals_wr[itemp].imag, ls="--", label=r"$\Im(\Sigma)$")
ax0.plot(xs, self.wmesh - self.qp.e0, color="k", lw=1, ls="--", label=r"$\omega - \epsilon^0$")
#ax0.axvline(x=0.0, color='k', linestyle='--', lw=1)
ls = linestyles["dashed"]
ax0.plot(xs, self.wmesh - self.qp.e0, color="k", lw=1, ls=ls, label=r"$\omega - \epsilon^0$")
# Add linearized solution
sig0 = self.vals_wr[itemp][self.nwr // 2 + 1]
aa = self.dvals_de0ks[itemp].real
ze0 = self.qp.ze0[itemp].real
line = sig0.real + aa * xs
ls = linestyles["densely_dotted"]
ax0.plot(xs, line, color="k", lw=1, ls=ls,
label=r"$\Re(\Sigma^0) + \dfrac{\partial\Sigma}{\partial\omega}(\omega - \epsilon^0$)")
x0 = self.qp.qpe[itemp].real - self.qp.e0
y0 = sig0.real + aa * x0
scatter_opts = dict(color="blue", marker="o", alpha=1.0, s=50, zorder=100, edgecolor='black')
ax0.scatter(x0, y0, **scatter_opts, label="Linearized solution")
text = r"$Z = %.2f$" % ze0
#ax0.annotate(text, (x0 + 0.2, y0), textcoords='data', size=8)
ax0.annotate(text, (0.02, sig0.real - 0.02), textcoords='data', size=8)
ax0.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True)
set_axlims(ax0, xlims, "x")
@ -639,7 +697,7 @@ class A2feph(object):
mesh: Frequency mesh in eV
@ -663,6 +721,7 @@ class A2feph(object):
fontsize: legend and title fontsize.
# Read mesh in Ha and convert to units.
# TODO: Convert yvalues
wmesh = self.mesh * abu.phfactor_ev2units(units)
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
@ -682,7 +741,10 @@ class A2feph(object):
set_ax_xylabels(ax, xlabel, ylabel, exchange_xy)
elif what == "gkq2":
ax.plot(wmesh, self.gkq2, label=self.latex_symbol["gkq2"], **kwargs)
xs, ys = get_xy(wmesh, self.gkq2)
ax.plot(xs, ys, label=self.latex_symbol["gkq2"], **kwargs)
xlabel, ylabel = abu.wlabel_from_units(units), self.latex_symbol["gkq2"]
set_ax_xylabels(ax, xlabel, ylabel, exchange_xy)
raise NotImplementedError("%s" % what)
@ -690,6 +752,7 @@ class A2feph(object):
return fig
class _MyQpkindsList(list):
"""Returned by find_qpkinds."""
@ -782,7 +845,7 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
app(self.structure.to_string(verbose=verbose, title="Structure"))
app(self.ebands.to_string(with_structure=False, verbose=verbose, title="KS Electronic Bands"))
app(self.ebands.to_string(with_structure=False, verbose=verbose, title="KS Electron Bands"))
# SigmaEPh section.
app(marquee("SigmaEPh calculation", mark="="))
@ -808,6 +871,8 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
it_list = [0, -1] if self.ntemp != 1 else [0]
if not self.imag_only:
# QP corrections
for it in it_list:
app("\nKS and QP direct gaps for T = %.1f K:" % self.tmesh[it])
data = []
@ -819,6 +884,8 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
data.append([spin, repr(kpoint), ks_gap, qp_gap, qp_gap - ks_gap])
app(str(tabulate(data, headers=["Spin", "k-point", "KS_gap", "QP_gap", "QP - KS"], floatfmt=".3f")))
# Print info on Lifetimes?
if verbose > 1:
app("K-points and bands included in self-energy corrections:")
@ -912,6 +979,21 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
"""mu_e[ntemp] chemical potential (eV) of electrons for the different temperatures."""
return self.reader.read_value("mu_e") * abu.Ha_eV
def edos(self):
|ElectronDos| object computed by Abinit with the input WFK file without doping (if any).
# See m_ebands.edos_ncwrite for fileformat
mesh = self.reader.read_value("edos_mesh") * abu.Ha_eV
# nctkarr_t("edos_dos", "dp", "edos_nw, nsppol_plus1"), &
# dos(nw,0:nsppol) Total DOS, spin up and spin down component.
spin_dos = self.reader.read_value("edos_dos") / abu.Ha_eV
nelect = self.ebands.nelect
fermie = self.ebands.fermie
return ElectronDos(mesh, spin_dos[1:], nelect, fermie=fermie)
def sigkpt2index(self, kpoint):
Returns the index of the self-energy k-point in sigma_kpoints
@ -1098,7 +1180,7 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
min_band = np.min(self.bstart_sk)
max_band = np.max(self.bstop_sk)
e_min = np.min(ebands.eigens[:,:,min_band]) - epad
e_max = np.max(ebands.eigens[:,:,max_band]) + epad
e_max = np.max(ebands.eigens[:,:,max_band-1]) + epad
nw = int(1 + (e_max - e_min) / step)
mesh, step = np.linspace(e_min, e_max, num=nw, endpoint=True, retstep=True)
@ -1117,6 +1199,7 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
raise NotImplementedError("Method %s is not supported" % method)
# TODO: Specialized object with ElectronDos list?
return [ElectronDos(mesh, dos_t, nelect, fermie=fermie) for dos_t in dos]
def get_qp_array(self,ks_ebands_kpath=None,mode="qp"):
@ -1144,7 +1227,7 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
# Note there's no guarantee that the sigma_kpoints and the corrections have the same k-point index.
# Be careful because the order of the k-points and the band range stored in the SIGRES file may differ ...
# HM: Map the bands from sigeph to the electronic bandstructure
# HM: Map the bands from sigeph to the electron bandstructure
nkpoints = len(self.sigma_kpoints)
nbands = self.reader.bstop_sk.max()
qpes_new = np.zeros((self.nsppol,nkpoints,nbands,self.ntemp),dtype=np.complex)
@ -1268,7 +1351,7 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
if verbose: print('fitde3D took %lfs'%(time()-start_time))
#interpolate electronic bands
#interpolate electron bands
start_time = time()
eig_fine, vvband, cband = fite.getBTPbands(equivalences, coeffs, lattvec, curvature=False, nworkers=nworkers)
if verbose: print('getBTPbands took %lfs'%(time()-start_time))
@ -1613,7 +1696,7 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
def plot_qps_vs_e0(self, itemp_list=None, with_fields="all", reim="real",
function=lambda x: x, exclude_fields=None, e0="fermie",
colormap="jet", xlims=None, ax_list=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
colormap="jet", xlims=None, ylims=None, ax_list=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
Plot the QP results in the SIGEPH file as function of the initial KS energy.
@ -1633,6 +1716,7 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
colormap: matplotlib color map.
xlims: Set the data limits for the x-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used.
ylims: Similar to xlims but for y-axis.
fontsize: Legend and title fontsize.
Returns: |matplotlib-Figure|
@ -1641,7 +1725,7 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
for spin in range(self.nsppol):
fig = self.qplist_spin[spin].plot_vs_e0(itemp_list=itemp_list,
with_fields=with_fields, reim=reim, function=function, exclude_fields=exclude_fields, fermie=fermie,
colormap=colormap, xlims=xlims, ax_list=ax_list, fontsize=fontsize, marker=self.marker_spin[spin],
colormap=colormap, xlims=xlims, ylims=ylims, ax_list=ax_list, fontsize=fontsize, marker=self.marker_spin[spin],
show=False, **kwargs)
ax_list = fig.axes
@ -1704,7 +1788,37 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
return fig
def plot_a2fw_skb(self, spin, kpoint, band, ax=None, fontsize=12, units="meV", what="fandw", **kwargs):
def plot_lws_vs_e0(self, itemp_list=None, ax=None, e0="fermie", exchange_xy=False,
colormap="jet", xlims=None, ylims=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
Plot electron linewidths vs KS energy at temperature ``itemp``
itemp_list: List of temperature indices to interpolate. None for all.
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
e0: Option used to define the zero of energy in the band structure plot. Possible values:
- ``fermie``: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at the Fermi energy (``self.fermie``).
- Number e.g e0=0.5: shift all eigenvalues to have zero energy at 0.5 eV
- None: Don't shift energies, equivalent to e0=0
function: Apply this function to the values before plotting
exchange_xy: True to exchange x-y axis.
colormap: matplotlib color map.
xlims, ylims: Set the data limits for the x-axis or the y-axis. Accept tuple e.g. ``(left, right)``
or scalar e.g. ``left``. If left (right) is None, default values are used
fontsize: fontsize for titles and legend.
Returns: |matplotlib-Figure|
# This is a bit slow if several k-points but data is scatted due to symsigma.
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
if "markersize" not in kwargs: kwargs["markersize"] = 2
return self.plot_qps_vs_e0(itemp_list=itemp_list, with_fields="fan0", reim="imag",
function=abs, e0=e0, colormap=colormap, xlims=xlims, ylims=ylims,
exchange_xy=exchange_xy, ax_list=[ax], fontsize=fontsize, show=False,
def plot_a2fw_skb(self, spin, kpoint, band, what="auto", ax=None, fontsize=12, units="meV", **kwargs):
Plot the Eliashberg function a2F_{n,k,spin}(w) (gkq2/Fan-Migdal/DW/Total contribution)
for a given (spin, kpoint, band)
@ -1713,8 +1827,8 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
spin: Spin index
kpoint: K-point in self-energy. Accepts |Kpoint|, vector or index.
band: Band index.
what: fandw for FAN, DW. gkq2 for $|gkq|^2$. Auto for automatic selection based on imag_only
units: Units for phonon plots. Possible values in ("eV", "meV", "Ha", "cm-1", "Thz"). Case-insensitive.
what=: fandw for FAN, DW. gkq2 for $|gkq|^2$.
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
fontsize: legend and title fontsize.
@ -1724,15 +1838,86 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
cprint("SIGEPH file does not have Eliashberg function", "red")
return None
#if self.imag_only:
if what == "auto":
what = "gkq2" if self.imag_only else "fandw"
a2f = self.reader.read_a2feph_skb(spin, kpoint, band)
return a2f.plot(ax=ax, units=units, what=what, fontsize=fontsize, show=False)
def plot_a2fw_skb_sum(self, what="auto", ax=None, exchange_xy=False, fontsize=12, **kwargs):
Plot the sum of the Eliashberg functions a2F_{n,k,spin}(w) (gkq2/Fan-Migdal/DW/Total contribution)
over the k-points and bands for which self-energy matrix elements have been computed.
.. note::
This quantity is supposed to give a qualitative
The value indeed is not an integral in the BZ, besides the absolute value depends
on the number of bands in the self-energy.
what: fandw for FAN, DW. gkq2 for $|gkq|^2$. Auto for automatic selection based on imag_only
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
exchange_xy: True to exchange x-y axis.
fontsize: legend and title fontsize.
Returns: |matplotlib-Figure|
if not self.has_eliashberg_function:
cprint("SIGEPH file does not have Eliashberg function", "red")
return None
if what == "auto":
what = "gkq2" if self.imag_only else "fandw"
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
# nctkarr_t("gfw_mesh", "dp", "gfw_nomega")
# nctkarr_t("gfw_vals", "dp", "gfw_nomega, three, max_nbcalc, nkcalc, nsppol")
# 1: gkk^2 with delta(en - em)
# 2:3 (Fan-Migdal/DW contribution)
# Access arrays directly instead of using read_a2feph_skb because it's gonna be faster.
#a2f = self.reader.read_a2feph_skb(spin, kpoint, band)
wmesh = self.reader.read_value("gfw_mesh") * abu.Ha_eV
vals = self.reader.read_value("gfw_vals") * abu.Ha_eV # TODO check units
xlabel = "Energy (eV)"
for spin in range(self.nsppol):
asum = np.zeros(self.reader.gfw_nomega)
spin_sign = +1 if spin == 0 else -1
for ikc, kpoint in enumerate(self.sigma_kpoints):
# This is not an integral in the BZ.
wtk = 1.0 / len(self.sigma_kpoints)
for band in range(self.bstart_sk[spin, ikc], self.bstop_sk[spin, ikc]):
if what == "gkq2":
vs = vals[spin, ikc, band, 0]
ylabel = what
elif what == "fandw":
vs = vals[spin, ikc, band, 1:3, :].sum(axis=0)
ylabel = what
raise ValueError("Invalid value for what: `%s`" % what)
asum += (spin_sign * wtk) * vs
xs, ys = wmesh, asum
if exchange_xy: xs, ys = ys, xs
color = "black" if spin == 0 else "red"
ax.plot(xs, ys, color=color, **kwargs)
if spin == 0:
set_ax_xylabels(ax, xlabel, ylabel, exchange_xy)
#ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True)
return fig
#def plot_sigeph_vcbm(self, units="meV", sharey=True, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
def plot_a2fw_all(self, units="meV", what="fandw", sharey=False, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
def plot_a2fw_all(self, units="meV", what="auto", sharey=False, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
Plot the Eliashberg function a2F_{n,k,spin}(w) (gkq2/Fan-Migdal/DW/Total contribution)
for all k-points, spin and the VBM/CBM for these k-points.
@ -1740,7 +1925,7 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
units: Units for phonon plots. Possible values in ("eV", "meV", "Ha", "cm-1", "Thz").
what=: fandw for FAN, DW. gkq2 for $|gkq|^2$
what: fandw for FAN, DW. gkq2 for $|gkq|^2$. Auto for automatic selection based on imag_only
sharey: True if Y axes should be shared.
fontsize: legend and title fontsize.
@ -1754,6 +1939,9 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
marker_spin = {0: "^", 1: "v"}
count = -1
if what == "auto":
what = "gkq2" if self.imag_only else "fandw"
for ikc, kpoint in enumerate(self.sigma_kpoints):
for spin in range(self.nsppol):
count += 1
@ -1788,15 +1976,20 @@ class SigEPhFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter)
Used in to get a quick look at the results.
verbose = kwargs.pop("verbose", 0)
if self.imag_only:
yield self.plot_qps_vs_e0(with_fields="fan0", reim="imag", function=abs, show=False)
yield self.plot_qpbands_ibzt(show=False)
#yield self.plot_qpgaps_t(qp_kpoints=0, show=False)
for i, qp_kpt in enumerate(self.sigma_kpoints):
if i > 5 and not verbose:
print("File contains more than 5 k-points. Only the first five k-points are displayed.")
if i > 2 and not verbose:
print("File contains more than 3 k-points. Only the first three k-points are displayed.")
yield self.plot_qpgaps_t(qp_kpoints=qp_kpt, show=False)
yield self.plot_qps_vs_e0(show=False)
yield self.plot_qps_vs_e0(with_fields="fan0", reim="imag", function=abs, show=False)
yield self.edos.plot(show=False)
def write_notebook(self, nbpath=None, title=None):
@ -1823,6 +2016,7 @@ for spin in range(ncfile.nsppol):
return self._write_nb_nbpath(nb, nbpath)
class SigEPhRobot(Robot, RobotWithEbands):
This robot analyzes the results contained in multiple files.
@ -2048,7 +2242,7 @@ class SigEPhRobot(Robot, RobotWithEbands):
return fig
def plot_qpgaps_convergence(self, qp_kpoints=0, itemp=0, sortby=None, hue=None,
def plot_qpgaps_convergence(self, qp_kpoints="all", itemp=0, sortby=None, hue=None,
plot_qpmks=True, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
Plot the convergence of the direct QP gaps at given temperature
@ -2078,6 +2272,9 @@ class SigEPhRobot(Robot, RobotWithEbands):
nc0 = self.abifiles[0]
nsppol = nc0.nsppol
qpkinds = nc0.find_qpkinds(qp_kpoints)
if len(qpkinds) > 10:
cprint("More that 10 k-points in file. Only 10 k-points will be show. Specify kpt index expliclty", "yellow")
qpkinds = qpkinds[:10]
# Build grid with (nkpt, 1) plots.
nrows, ncols = len(qpkinds), 1
@ -2533,7 +2730,7 @@ class TdepElectronBands(object): # pragma: no cover
def plot_lws_vs_e0(self, itemp_list=None, ax=None, e0="fermie", function=lambda x: x, exchange_xy=False,
colormap="jet", xlims=None, ylims=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
Plot the electronic linewidths vs KS energy at temperature ``itemp``
Plot electron linewidths vs KS energy at temperature ``itemp``
itemp_list: List of temperature indices to interpolate. None for all.
@ -2655,8 +2852,7 @@ class SigmaPhReader(BaseEphReader):
structure = self.read_structure()
self.sigma_kpoints = KpointList(structure.reciprocal_lattice, self.read_value("kcalc"))
for kpoint in self.sigma_kpoints:
name = structure.findname_in_hsym_stars(kpoint)
# [nsppol, nkcalc] arrays with index of KS bands computed.
# Note conversion between Fortran and python convention.
@ -2747,7 +2943,7 @@ class SigmaPhReader(BaseEphReader):
# complex(dpc) :: dvals_de0ks(ntemp, max_nbcalc, nkcalc, nsppol)
# d Sigma_eph(omega, kT, band, kcalc, spin) / d omega (omega=eKS)
dvals_de0ks = self.read_variable("dvals_de0ks")[spin, ikc, ib, :, :] * abu.Ha_eV
dvals_de0ks = self.read_variable("dvals_de0ks")[spin, ikc, ib, :, :]
dvals_de0ks = dvals_de0ks[:, 0] + 1j * dvals_de0ks[:, 1]
# real(dp) :: dw_vals(ntemp, max_nbcalc, nkcalc, nsppol)
@ -2767,7 +2963,19 @@ class SigmaPhReader(BaseEphReader):
# Read QP data. Note band instead of ib index.
qp = self.read_qp(spin, ikc, band)
return EphSelfEnergy(wmesh, qp, vals_e0ks, dvals_de0ks, dw_vals, vals_wr, spfunc_wr)
# Read contributions given by the Frohlich model (optional)
frohl_vals_e0ks = None; frohl_dvals_de0ks = None; frohl_spfunc_wr = None
#if self.read_variable("frohl_model", default=0):
# frohl_vals_e0ks = self.read_variable("frohl_vals_e0ks")[spin, ikc, ib, :, :] * abu.Ha_eV
# frohl_vals_e0ks = frohl_vals_e0ks[:, 0] + 1j * frohl_vals_e0ks[:, 1]
# frohl_dvals_de0ks = self.read_variable("frohl_dvals_de0ks")[spin, ikc, ib, :, :]
# frohl_dvals_de0ks = frohl_dvals_de0ks[:, 0] + 1j * frohl_dvals_de0ks[:, 1]
# frohl_spfunc_wr = self.read_variable("frohl_spfunc_wr")[spin, ikc, ib, :, :] / abu.Ha_eV
return EphSelfEnergy(wmesh, qp, vals_e0ks, dvals_de0ks, dw_vals, vals_wr, spfunc_wr,
def read_a2feph_skb(self, spin, kpoint, band):
@ -2778,16 +2986,20 @@ class SigmaPhReader(BaseEphReader):
kpoint: K-point in self-energy. Accepts |Kpoint|, vector or index.
band: band index.
Return: :class:`EphSelfEnergy` object.
Return: :class:`A2feph` object.
# Access netcdf arrays directly instead of building a2f objects because it's gonna be faster.
# nctkarr_t("gfw_mesh", "dp", "gfw_nomega")
# nctkarr_t("gfw_vals", "dp", "gfw_nomega, three, max_nbcalc, nkcalc, nsppol")
# 1: gkk^2 with delta(en - em)
# 2:3 (Fan-Migdal/DW contribution)
wmesh = self.read_value("gfw_mesh") * abu.Ha_eV
#values = self.read_value("gfw_vals") # * abu.Ha_eV # TODO
# Get a2f_{sbk}(w)
spin, ikc, ibc, kpoint = self.get_sigma_skb_kpoint(spin, kpoint, band)
var = self.read_variable("gfw_vals")
values = var[spin, ikc, ibc]
values = var[spin, ikc, ibc] * abu.Ha_eV # TODO check units
gkq2, fan, dw = values[0], values[1], values[2]
return A2feph(wmesh, gkq2, fan, dw, spin, kpoint, band)
@ -2858,6 +3070,7 @@ class SigmaPhReader(BaseEphReader):
qps_spin = self.nsppol * [None]
# TODO: Try to optimize this part.
for spin in range(self.nsppol):
qps = []
for ikc, kpoint in enumerate(self.sigma_kpoints):

View File

@ -70,6 +70,9 @@ TODO list:
* Fix bug with SCGW and SKW interpolation reported by Ahn.
* Optimize SKW (slow if dense IBZ). Add possibility of initializing SKW
from nc file produced by Fortran version.
* Add integration test for dilatmx error handler
* Add ExpectedAbort to Abinit so that one can call the code to get data without triggering
@ -83,6 +86,8 @@ TODO list:
* Add input file to NC files (?)
* Add phonon plot with Longitudinal/transverse character and Z q
## Low priority
* Rationalze wrappers for mrgdddb .... (raise exception in python if clear error, retcode

View File

@ -208,7 +208,12 @@ def main():
# Start ipython shell with namespace
# Use embed because I don't know how to show a header with start_ipython.
import IPython
IPython.embed(header="The Abinit file is bound to the `abifile` variable.\nTry `print(abifile)`")
The Abinit file is bound to the `abifile` variable.
Use `abifile.<TAB>` to list available methods.
Use e.g. `abifile.plot?` to access docstring and `abifile.plot??` to visualize source.
Use `print(abifile)` to print the object.
# Call specialized method if the object is a NotebookWriter

View File

@ -63,6 +63,30 @@ def ax_append_title(ax, title, loc="center", fontsize=None):
return new_title
def ax_share(xy_string, *ax_list):
Share x- or y-axis of two or more subplots after they are created
xy_string: "x" to share x-axis, "xy" for both
ax_list: List of axes to share.
ax_share("y", ax0, ax1)
ax_share("xy", *(ax0, ax1, ax2))
if "x" in xy_string:
for ix, ax in enumerate(ax_list):
others = [a for a in ax_list if a != ax]
if "y" in xy_string:
for ix, ax in enumerate(ax_list):
others = [a for a in ax_list if a != ax]
#def set_grid(fig, boolean):
# if hasattr(fig, "axes"):
# for ax in fig.axes:

dev_scripts/bse_hexc/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import copy
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
class Hexc(object):
def __init__(self, nsppol, nkpt, nval, ncond, hsize, ham, kpt, vcks2t,lomo, homo,lumo,humo,diag):
self.nsppol = nsppol
self.nkpt = nkpt
self.nval = nval
self.ncond = ncond
self.hsize = hsize
self.ham = ham
self.vcks2t = vcks2t
self.kpt = kpt
self.lomo = lomo
self.lumo = lumo
self.homo = homo
self.humo = humo
self.diag = diag
def from_file(cls,filename):
root = nc.Dataset(filename, 'r')
nsppol = len(root.dimensions['number_of_spins'])
nkpt = len(root.dimensions['number_of_kpoints'])
nval = len(root.dimensions['max_number_of_valence_bands'])
ncond = len(root.dimensions['max_number_of_conduction_bands'])
hsize = len(root.dimensions['total_number_of_transitions'])
kpt = root.variables['reduced_coordinates_of_kpoints'][:,:] # Nkpt, 3
ham = root.variables['hamiltonian'][:,:,:] # Itp, It, [0,1]
ham_c = np.vectorize(complex)(ham[:,:,0],ham[:,:,1])
vcks2t = root.variables['vcks2t'][:,:,:,:] # S, K, C, V
lomo = root.variables['lomo'][:]
homo = root.variables['homo'][:]
lumo = root.variables['lumo'][:]
humo = root.variables['humo'][:]
diag = root.variables['diagonal'][:,:]
diag_c = np.vectorize(complex)(diag[:,0],diag[:,1])
return cls(nsppol, nkpt, nval, ncond, hsize, ham_c, kpt, vcks2t, lomo, homo, lumo, humo, diag_c)
def plot(self,ic=None,iv=None,icp=None,ivp=None,list_ikpt=None, title=None):
fullmat = None
chk_bands = (ic is not None and iv is not None and icp is not None and ivp is not None)
if not chk_bands:
fullmat = self.ham
fullmat = np.zeros((self.nkpt,self.nkpt),dtype=np.complex)
for is1 in np.arange(self.nsppol):
for is2 in np.arange(self.nsppol):
for ik in np.arange(self.nkpt):
for ikp in np.arange(self.nkpt):
it = self.vcks2t[is1,ik,ic-self.lumo[is1],iv-self.lomo[is1]]-1
itp = self.vcks2t[is2,ikp,icp-self.lumo[is2],ivp-self.lomo[is2]]-1
fullmat[ik,ikp] = self.ham[it,itp] # Fortran -> python
mymat = None
if list_ikpt is None:
mymat = fullmat
nkpt2 = len(list_ikpt)
mymat = np.zeros((nkpt2,nkpt2),dtype=np.complex)
if chk_bands:
for ik1 in np.arange(nkpt2):
for ik2 in np.arange(nkpt2):
mymat[ik1,ik2] = fullmat[list_ikpt[ik1],list_ikpt[ik2]]
mymat = np.zeros((self.nval*self.ncond*nkpt2,self.nval*self.ncond*nkpt2))
it2 = 0
for is1 in np.arange(self.nsppol):
for ik in np.arange(nkpt2):
for ic in np.arange(self.lumo,self.humo+1):
for iv in np.arange(self.lomo,self.homo+1):
itp2 = 0
for is2 in np.arange(self.nsppol):
for ikp in np.arange(nkpt2):
for icp in np.arange(self.lumo,self.humo+1):
for ivp in np.arange(self.lomo,self.homo+1):
it = self.vcks2t[is1,list_ikpt[ik],ic-self.lumo[is1],iv-self.lomo[is1]]-1
itp = self.vcks2t[is2,list_ikpt[ikp],icp-self.lumo[is2],ivp-self.lomo[is2]]-1
mymat[it2,itp2] = self.ham[it,itp] # Fortran -> python
itp2 += 1
it2 += 1
fig = plt.figure()
imgplot = plt.imshow(np.abs(mymat)*self.nkpt,norm=LogNorm(vmin=1e-5,vmax=10),interpolation='none')
if title is not None:
def get_filtered_kpt(self,xval=None,yval=None,zval=None):
list_ikpt = []
for ikpt in np.arange(self.nkpt):
if ( (xval is None or np.abs(self.kpt[ikpt,0]-xval) < 1e-8)
and (yval is None or np.abs(self.kpt[ikpt,1]-yval) < 1e-8)
and (zval is None or np.abs(self.kpt[ikpt,2]-zval) < 1e-8)):
return list_ikpt

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import copy
from hexc import Hexc
if __name__ == '__main__':
ham2 = Hexc.from_file('')
ham3 = Hexc.from_file('')
ham4 = Hexc.from_file('')
ham5 = Hexc.from_file('')
ham6 = Hexc.from_file('')
list_ikpt2 = None
list_ikpt3 = None
list_ikpt4 = None
list_ikpt5 = None
list_ikpt6 = None
#yval = 0.06
#zval = 0.065
#list_ikpt2 = ham2.get_filtered_kpt(yval=yval,zval=zval)
#list_ikpt3 = ham3.get_filtered_kpt(yval=yval,zval=zval)
#list_ikpt4 = ham4.get_filtered_kpt(yval=yval,zval=zval)
#list_ikpt5 = ham5.get_filtered_kpt(yval=yval,zval=zval)
#list_ikpt6 = ham6.get_filtered_kpt(yval=yval,zval=zval)
ham2.ham[:,:] = ham2.ham[:,:] - np.diag(ham2.diag[:])
ham3.ham[:,:] = ham3.ham[:,:] - np.diag(ham3.diag[:])
icval = 4
ivval = 1
icpval = 4
ivpval = 1

View File

@ -121,6 +121,8 @@
.. |PseudoTable| replace:: :class:``
.. |Visualizer| replace:: :class:`abipy.iotools.visualizer.Visualizer`
.. |SigresFile| replace:: :class:``
.. |SigephFile| replace:: :class:`abipy.electrons.eph.SigephFile`
.. |SigephRobot| replace:: :class:`abipy.electrons.eph.SigephRobot`
.. Important objects provided by libraries.
.. |matplotlib-Figure| replace:: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`