Exclude abipy/gw from tests if nose

This commit is contained in:
Matteo Giantomassi 2017-03-11 13:51:07 +01:00
parent 38e6557cb8
commit 8c1f069379
6 changed files with 161 additions and 105 deletions

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@ -57,16 +57,12 @@ that can be installed with::
pip install abipy
Note that you may need to install pymatgen and other critical dependencies manually.
For this reason, we strongly suggest to install the required python packages through one
of the following python distributions:
Note that you may need to install pymatgen and other critical dependencies manually.
In this case, please consult the detailed installation instructions provided by the
`pymatgen howto <http://pymatgen.org/index.html#standard-install>`_ to install pymatgen
and then follow the instructions in `ourhowto <http://pythonhosted.org/abipy/installation.html>`_.
and then follow the instructions in `our howto <http://pythonhosted.org/abipy/installation.html>`_.
Note, however, that the installation process is greatly simplified if you install the required
The installation process is greatly simplified if you install the required
python packages through one of the following python distributions:
* `Anaconda <https://continuum.io/downloads>`_
@ -94,7 +90,7 @@ Optional libraries that are required if you need certain features:
Required to interact with the AbiPy/Pymatgen objects in the ipython shell
(strongly recommended, already provided by conda).
(strongly recommended, already provided by ``conda``).
``jupyter`` and ``nbformat``
@ -102,12 +98,6 @@ Optional libraries that are required if you need certain features:
Install these two packages with ``conda install jupyter nbformat`` or use ``pip``.
Recommended but you will also need a web browser to open the notebook.
Python visualization library based on matplotlib.
It provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive statistical graphics.
Used in AbiPy for particular plots.
``wxPython`` and ``wxmplot`` for the GUI
Use ``conda install wxpython``
@ -135,7 +125,7 @@ or alternately::
to install the package in developmental mode
(this is the recommended approach, especially if you are planning to implement new features).
The documentation of the developmental version is hosted on `github pages <http://abinit.github.io/abipy>`_.
The documentation of the **developmental** version is hosted on `github pages <http://abinit.github.io/abipy>`_.
The Github version include test files for complete unit testing.
To run the suite of unit tests, make sure you have ``py.test`` (recommended)
@ -152,6 +142,16 @@ Unit tests require two additional packages that can be installed with::
$ pip install nose-exclude scripttest
Note that several unit tests check the integration between AbiPy and Abinit.
In order to run the tests, you need a working set of Abinit executables and
a ``manager.yml`` configuration file.
A pre-compiled sequential version of Abinit for Linux and OSx can be installed directly from the anaconda cloud with::
$ conda install abinit -c gmatteo
For further information on the syntax of the configuration file, please consult the
`workflows <http://pythonhosted.org/abipy/workflows.html>`_ section.
Contributing to AbiPy is relatively easy.
Just send us a `pull request <https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/>`_.
When you send your request, make ``develop`` the destination branch on the repository

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ AbiPy supports both Python 2.7 as well as Python >= 3.4.
Note however that Python 2.7 is more intensively tested than py3k especially at the level of workflows
so we still recommend py2.7 if you plan to run automatic calculations with AbiPy.
Note that the majority of the post-processing tools available in AbiPy require output files in
Note also that the majority of the post-processing tools available in AbiPy require output files in
``netcdf`` format so we strongly suggest to compile Abinit with netcdf support
(use ``--with_trio_flavor="netcdf-fallback"`` at configure time to activate the internal netcdf library,
to link Abinit against an external netcdf library please consult the configuration examples

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ In this case, please consult the detailed installation instructions provided by
`pymatgen howto <http://pymatgen.org/index.html#standard-install>`_ to install pymatgen
and then follow the instructions in the :ref:`netcdf4_installation` section.
Note, however, that the installation process is greatly simplified if you install the required
The installation process is greatly simplified if you install the required
python packages through one of the following python distributions:
* `Anaconda <https://continuum.io/downloads>`_
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Optional libraries that are required if you need certain features:
Required to interact with the AbiPy/Pymatgen objects in the ipython shell
(strongly recommended, already provided by conda).
(strongly recommended, already provided by ``conda``).
``jupyter`` and ``nbformat``
@ -57,12 +57,6 @@ Optional libraries that are required if you need certain features:
Install these two packages with ``conda install jupyter nbformat`` or use ``pip``.
Recommended but you will also need a web browser to open the notebook.
Python visualization library based on matplotlib.
It provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive statistical graphics.
Used in AbiPy for particular plots.
``wxPython`` and ``wxmplot`` for the GUI
Use ``conda install wxpython``
@ -149,6 +143,8 @@ or alternately::
to install the package in developmental mode
(this is the recommended approach, especially if you are planning to implement new features).
The documentation of the **developmental** version is hosted on `github pages <http://abinit.github.io/abipy>`_.
The Github version include test files for complete unit testing.
To run the suite of unit tests, make sure you have ``py.test`` (recommended)
or ``nose`` installed and then just type::
@ -164,6 +160,15 @@ Unit tests require two additional packages that can be installed with::
$ pip install nose-exclude scripttest
Note that several unit tests check the integration between AbiPy and Abinit.
In order to run the tests, you need a working set of Abinit executables and
a ``manager.yml`` configuration file.
For further information on the syntax of the configuration file, please consult the :ref:`workflows` section.
A pre-compiled sequential version of Abinit for Linux and OSx can be installed directly from the anaconda cloud with::
$ conda install abinit -c gmatteo
Contributing to AbiPy is relatively easy.
Just send us a `pull request <https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/>`_.
When you send your request, make ``develop`` the destination branch on the repository

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@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ Mar 10 2017
This is the first stable release in which we have reached a relatively stable API
and a well-defined interface with the netcdf files produced by Abinit.
We recommend Abinit >= 8.0.8b, version 8.2.2 is required to analyze the electronic fatbands
saved in ``FATBANDS.nc``.
saved in the ``FATBANDS.nc`` file.

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@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ environment variables, load modules with ``module load``, run MPI applications w
It's also a very good idea to run the Abinit test suite with the `runtest.py script <https://asciinema.org/a/40324>`_
before running production calculations.
.. TIP::
A pre-compiled sequential version of Abinit for Linux and OSx can be installed directly from the anaconda cloud with::
$ conda install abinit -c gmatteo
.. _task_manager:
@ -243,7 +249,7 @@ to have a summary with the status of the different tasks and::
$ abirun.py flow_si_ebands deps
to print the interconnection among the tasks in textual format.
to print the dependencies of the tasks in textual format.
.. code-block:: console
@ -268,7 +274,7 @@ There are two commands that can be used to launch tasks: ``single`` and ``rapid`
The ``single`` command executes the first task in the flow that is in the ``READY`` state that is a task
whose dependencies have been fulfilled.
``rapid``, on the other hand, submits **all tasks** of the flow that are in the ``READY`` state.
Let's try to run the flow with the ``rapid`` command to see what happens.
Let's try to run the flow with the ``rapid`` command...
.. code-block:: console
@ -381,7 +387,7 @@ At this point, AbiPy starts to look at the output files produced by the task to
When the first task completes, the status of the second task is automatically changed to ``READY``,
the ``irdden`` input variable is added to the input file of the second task and a symbolic link to
the ``DEN`` file produced by ``w0/t0`` is created in the ``indata`` directory of ``w0/t1``.
Another autoparallel run is executed for the NSCF calculation and the second task is finally submitted.
Another auto-parallel run is executed for the NSCF calculation and the second task is finally submitted.
The command line interface is very flexible and sometimes it's the only tool available.
However, there are cases in which we would like to have a global view of what's happening.
@ -487,11 +493,11 @@ You should see the following output on the terminal
PyFlowScheduler, Pid: 72038
Scheduler options: {'seconds': 10, 'hours': 0, 'weeks': 0, 'minutes': 0, 'days': 0}
``Pid`` is the process identifier of the scheduler (also reported in the ... file)
We will see that the scheduler pid is extremely important when we start to run large flows on clusters.
``Pid`` is the process identifier associated the scheduler (also saved in in the ``_PyFlowScheduler.pid`` file).
A ``_PyFlowScheduler.pid`` file in ``FLOWDIR`` means that there's a scheduler running the flow.
Note that there must be only one scheduler associated to a given flow.
As you can easily understand the scheduler brings additional power to the AbiPy flow because
@ -517,92 +523,127 @@ Configuring AbiPy on a cluster
In this section we discuss how to configure the manager to run flows on a cluster.
The configuration depends on specific queue management system (Slurm, PBS, etc) so
The configuration depends on specific queue management system (Slurm, PBS, etc) hence
we assume that you are already familiar with job submissions and you know the options
that mush be specified in the submission script in order to have your job accepted
and executed by the management system (username, name of the queue, memory ...)
Let's assume that your computing center uses Slurm and your jobs must be submitted to the `Oban` partition
A `manager.yml` with a single `qadapter` looks like:
Let's assume that our computing center uses ``Slurm`` and our jobs must be submitted to the ``default_queue`` partition.
Hopefully, the system administrator of our cluster already provides an ``Abinit module`` that can be loaded
directly with ``module load`` before invoking the code.
To make thinks a little bit more difficult, however, we assume the we had to compile our own version of Abinit
inside the build directory ``${HOME}/git_repos/abinit/build_impi`` using the following two modules
already installed by the system administrator::
In this case, we have to be careful with the configuration of our environment because the Slurm submission
script should load the modules and modify our ``$PATH`` so that our version of Abinit can be found.
A ``manager.yml`` with a single ``qadapter`` looks like:
.. code-block:: yaml
# Resource manager e.g slurm, pbs, shell
qtype: slurm
- priority: 1
# Options passed to the resource manager
# (the syntax depends on qtype, consult the manual of your resource manager)
ntasks: 2
time: 0:20:00
partition: Oban
qtype: slurm
qname: default_queue
qparams: # Slurm options added to job.sh
mail_type: FAIL
mail_user: john@doe
# List of modules to import before running the calculation
- intel/compilerpro/
- fftw3/intel/3.3
- compiler/intel/composerxe/2013_sp1.1.106
- intelmpi
PATH: ${HOME}/git_repos/abinit/build_impi/src/98_main:$PATH
- ulimit -s unlimited
mpi_runner: mpirun
mpi_runner: /path/to/mpirun
timelimit: 0:20:0
max_cores: 16
min_mem_per_proc: 1Gb
# Shell environment
PATH: /home/user/local/bin/:$PATH
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /home/user/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
num_nodes: 120
sockets_per_node: 2
cores_per_socket: 8
mem_per_node: 64Gb
# Options for the automatic parallelization (Abinit autoparal feature)
autoparal: 1
max_ncpus: 2
.. TIP::
$ abirun.py FLOWDIR doc_manager script
prints to screen the submission script that will be generated by AbiPy at runtime.
Let's discuss the different options in more detail. Let's start from the ``queue`` section:
string specifying the resource manager. This option tells AbiPy how to generate the submission
String specifying the resource manager. This option tells AbiPy how to generate the submission
script, submit them, kill jobs in the queue and how to interpret the other options passed by the user.
Name of the submission queue (string, MANDATORY)
Dictionary with the parameters passed to the resource manager.
We use the *normalized* version of the options i.e dashes in the official name of the parameter
are replaced by underscores (for the list of supported options see ...)
are replaced by underscores e.g. ``--mail-type`` becomes ``mail_type``.
For the list of supported options use the ``doc_manager`` command.
Use ``qverbatim`` to pass additional options that are not included in the template.
List of modules to load.
Note that we are not specifying the number of cores in ``qparams`` because AbiPy will find an appropriate value
at run-time.
Allows the user to specify or to modify the values of the environment variables.
The ``job`` section is the most critical one because it defines how to configure the environment
before executing the application and how to run the code.
The ``modules`` entry specifies the list of modules to load, ``shell_env`` allows us to modify the
``$PATH`` environment variables so that the OS can find our Abinit executable.
We also increase the size of the stack with ``ulimit`` before running the code and we run Abinit
with the ``mpirun`` provided by the modules.
This section governs the automatic parallelization of the run: in this case AbiPy will use
the ``autoparal`` capabilities of Abinit to determine an optimal configuration with
**maximum** ``max_ncpus`` MPI nodes. Setting ``autoparal`` to 0 disables the automatic parallelization.
Other values of autoparal are not supported*
The ``limits`` section defines the constraints that must be fulfilled in order to run on this queue
while ``hardware`` is a dictionary with info on the hardware available on this queue.
Every job will have a ``timelimit`` of 20 minutes, cannot use more that ``max_cores`` cores,
and the first job submission will request 1 Gb of memory.
Note that the actual number of cores will be determined at runtime by calling Abinit in ``autoparal`` mode
to get all parallel configurations up to ``max_cores``.
If the job is killed due to insufficient memory, AbiPy will resubmit the task with increased resources
and it will stop when it reaches the maximum amount given by ``mem_per_node``.
The complete list of ``qparams`` options supported with Slurm is obtained with
Note that there are more advances options supported by ``limits`` and other options
will be added as time goes by
The get the complete list of options supported by the Slurm ``qadapter`` use:
.. command-output:: abirun.py . doc_manager slurm
If for some reason you need to cancel all tasks that have been submitted to the resource manager, use::
If you need to cancel all tasks that have been submitted to the resource manager, use::
$ abirun.py FLOWDIR cancel
Note that the script will ask for confirmation before killing all the jobs belonging to the flow.
.. TODO: Section about QPARAMS
Once you have a ``manager.yml`` properly configured for your cluster, you can start
to use the scheduler to automate job submission.
Very likely your flows will require hours or even days to complete and, in principle,
you should maintain an active connection to the machine in order to keep your scheduler alive
(if your session expires, all subprocesses launched within your terminal,
including the python scheduler, will be automatically killed).
Fortunately there's a standard Unix tool called ``nohup`` that comes to our rescue.
Fortunately there is a standard Unix tool called ``nohup`` that comes to our rescue.
For long-running jobs, we strongly suggest to start the scheduler with::
$ nohup abirun.py FLOWDIR scheduler > sched.stdout 2> sched.stderr &
This command executes the scheduler in background and redirects the stdout and stderr
This command executes the scheduler in background and redirects the ``stdout`` and ``stderr``
to ``sched.log`` and ``sched.err``, respectively.
The process identifier of the scheduler is saved in the ``_PyFlowScheduler.pid`` file inside ``FLOWDIR``
and this file is removed automatically when the scheduler completes its execution.
@ -744,44 +785,53 @@ by the event handlers.
New error handlers will be added in the new versions of Abipy/Abinit.
Please, let us know if you need handlers for errors commonly occuring in your calculations.
.. _task_policy:
.. _task_policy:
At this point, you may wonder why we need to specify all these parameters in the configuration file.
The reason is that, before submitting a job to a resource manager, AbiPy will use the autoparal
feature of ABINIT to get all the possible parallel configurations with ``ncpus <= max_cores``.
On the basis of these results, AbiPy selects the "optimal" one, and changes the ABINIT input file
and the submission script accordingly .
(this is a very useful feature, especially for calculations done with ``paral_kgb=1`` that require
the specification of ``npkpt``, ``npfft``, ``npband``, etc).
If more than one `QueueAdapter` is specified, AbiPy will first compute all the possible
configuration and then select the "optimal" `QueueAdapter` according to some kind of policy
In some cases, you may want to enforce some constraint on the "optimal" configuration.
For example, you may want to select only those configurations whose parallel efficiency is greater than 0.7
and whose number of MPI nodes is divisible by 4.
One can easily enforce this constraint via the ``condition`` dictionary whose syntax is similar to the one used in `mongodb`
At this point, you may wonder why we need to specify all these parameters in the configuration file.
The reason is that, before submitting a job to a resource manager, AbiPy will use the autoparal
feature of ABINIT to get all the possible parallel configurations with ``ncpus <= max_cores``.
On the basis of these results, AbiPy selects the "optimal" one, and changes the ABINIT input file
and the submission script accordingly .
(this is a very useful feature, especially for calculations done with ``paral_kgb=1`` that require
the specification of ``npkpt``, ``npfft``, ``npband``, etc).
If more than one `QueueAdapter` is specified, AbiPy will first compute all the possible
configuration and then select the "optimal" `QueueAdapter` according to some kind of policy
.. code-block:: yaml
In some cases, you may want to enforce some constraint on the "optimal" configuration.
For example, you may want to select only those configurations whose parallel efficiency is greater than 0.7
and whose number of MPI nodes is divisible by 4.
One can easily enforce this constraint via the ``condition`` dictionary whose syntax is similar to
the one used in ``mongodb``
autoparal: 1
max_ncpus: 10
condition: {$and: [ {"efficiency": {$gt: 0.7}}, {"tot_ncpus": {$divisible: 4}} ]}
.. code-block:: yaml
The parallel efficiency is defined as $\epsilon = \dfrac{T_1}{T_N * N}$ where $N$ is the number
of MPI processes and $T_j$ is the wall time needed to complete the calculation with $j$ MPI processes.
For a perfect scaling implementation $\epsilon$ is equal to one.
The parallel speedup with N processors is given by $S = T_N / T_1$.
Note that ``autoparal = 1`` will automatically change your ``job.sh`` script as well as the input file
so that we can run the job in parallel with the optimal configuration required by the user.
For example, you can use ``paral_kgb = 1`` in GS calculations and AbiPy will automatically set the values
of ``npband``, ``npfft``, ``npkpt`` ... for you!
Note that if no configuration fulfills the given condition, AbiPy will use the optimal configuration
that leads to the highest parallel speedup (not necessarily the most efficient one).
autoparal: 1
max_ncpus: 10
condition: {$and: [ {"efficiency": {$gt: 0.7}}, {"tot_ncpus": {$divisible: 4}} ]}
The parallel efficiency is defined as $\epsilon = \dfrac{T_1}{T_N * N}$ where $N$ is the number
of MPI processes and $T_j$ is the wall time needed to complete the calculation with $j$ MPI processes.
For a perfect scaling implementation $\epsilon$ is equal to one.
The parallel speedup with N processors is given by $S = T_N / T_1$.
Note that ``autoparal = 1`` will automatically change your ``job.sh`` script as well as the input file
so that we can run the job in parallel with the optimal configuration required by the user.
For example, you can use ``paral_kgb = 1`` in GS calculations and AbiPy will automatically set the values
of ``npband``, ``npfft``, ``npkpt`` ... for you!
Note that if no configuration fulfills the given condition, AbiPy will use the optimal configuration
that leads to the highest parallel speedup (not necessarily the most efficient one).
This section governs the automatic parallelization of the run: in this case AbiPy will use
the ``autoparal`` capabilities of Abinit to determine an optimal configuration with
**maximum** ``max_ncpus`` MPI nodes. Setting ``autoparal`` to 0 disables the automatic parallelization.
Other values of autoparal are not supported*
.. _flow_troubeshooting:

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@ -13,3 +13,4 @@ with-doctest=1
# Use `pip install nose-exclude`
# if nosetest fails with error: Error reading config file 'setup.cfg': no such option 'exclude-dir