Merge pull request #186 from henriquemiranda/workflow_refactoring

Workflow refactoring
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gmatteo 2019-10-11 13:57:06 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 64d28941aa
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6 changed files with 9 additions and 941 deletions

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
""" This module provides class and methods to interface Abipy with Boltztrap calculations"""
from .boltztrap import *

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@ -1,877 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
This module containes a Bolztrap2 class to interpolate and analyse the results
It also provides interfaces with Abipy objects allowing to
initialize the Boltztrap2 calculation from Abinit files
Work in progress
import pickle
import numpy as np
import abipy.core.abinit_units as abu
from monty.string import marquee
from monty.termcolor import cprint
from import deprecated
from import add_fig_kwargs
from import duck
from abipy.electrons.ebands import ElectronBands
from abipy.core.kpoints import Kpath
from abipy.core.structure import Structure
from import add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt, get_axarray_fig_plt #, set_axlims, set_visible, set_ax_xylabels
from import timeit
class AbipyBoltztrap():
Wrapper to Boltztrap2 interpolator
This class contains the same quantities as the Loader classes from in Boltztrap2
Additionally it has methods to call the Boltztrap2 interpolator.
It creates multiple instances of BolztrapResult storing the results of the interpolation
Enter with quantities in the IBZ and interpolate to a fine BZ mesh
def __init__(self,fermi,structure,nelect,kpoints,eig,volume,linewidths=None,tmesh=None,
#data needed by boltztrap
self.fermi = fermi
self.atoms = structure.to_ase_atoms()
self.nelect = nelect
self.kpoints = np.array(kpoints)
self.volume = volume
self.mommat = mommat
self.magmom = magmom
#additional parameters
self.eig = eig
self.structure = structure
self.linewidths = linewidths
self.tmesh = tmesh
self.lpratio = lpratio
def nkpoints(self):
return len(self.kpoints)
def equivalences(self):
if not hasattr(self,'_equivalences'):
return self._equivalences
def coefficients(self):
if not hasattr(self,'_coefficients'):
return self._coefficients
def linewidth_coefficients(self):
if not hasattr(self,'_linewidth_coefficients'):
return self._linewidth_coefficients
def linewidth_coefficients(self):
if not hasattr(self,'_linewidth_coefficients'):
return self._linewidth_coefficients
def rmesh(self):
if not hasattr(self,'_rmesh'):
return self._rmesh
def nequivalences(self):
return len(self.equivalences)
def ncoefficients(self):
return len(self.coefficients)
def ntemps(self):
return len(self.linewidths)
def pickle(self,filename):
with open(filename,'wb') as f:
def from_pickle(cls,filename):
with open(filename,'rb') as f:
cls = pickle.load(f)
return cls
def from_ebands(cls):
"""Initialize from an ebands object"""
raise NotImplementedError('TODO')
def from_evk(cls):
"""Intialize from a EVK file"""
raise NotImplementedError('TODO')
def from_dftdata(cls,dftdata,tmesh,lpratio=5):
Initialize an instance of this class from a DFTData instance from Boltztrap
dftdata: DFTData
tmesh: a list of temperatures to use in the fermi integrations
lpratio: ratio to multiply by the number of k-points in the IBZ and give the
number of real space points inside a sphere
structure = Structure.from_ase_atoms(dftdata.atoms)
return cls(dftdata.fermi,structure,dftdata.nelect,dftdata.kpoints,dftdata.ebands,
def from_sigeph(cls, sigeph, itemp_list=None, bstart=None, bstop=None, lpratio=5):
Initialize interpolation of the bands and lifetimes from a SigEphFile object
sigeph: |SigEphFile| instance
itemp_list: list of the temperature indexes to consider
bstart, bstop: only consider bands between bstart and bstop
lpratio: ratio to multiply by the number of k-points in the IBZ and give the
number of real space points inside a sphere
#get the lifetimes as an array
qpes = sigeph.get_qp_array(mode='ks+lifetimes')
#get other dimensions
if bstart is None: bstart = sigeph.reader.max_bstart
if bstop is None: bstop = sigeph.reader.min_bstop
fermi = sigeph.ebands.fermie*abu.eV_Ha
structure = sigeph.ebands.structure
volume = sigeph.ebands.structure.volume*abu.Ang_Bohr**3
nelect = sigeph.ebands.nelect
kpoints = [k.frac_coords for k in sigeph.sigma_kpoints]
if sigeph.nsppol == 2:
raise NotImplementedError("nsppol 2 not implemented")
#TODO handle spin
eig = qpes[0,:,bstart:bstop,0].real.T*abu.eV_Ha
itemp_list = list(range(sigeph.ntemp)) if itemp_list is None else duck.list_ints(itemp_list)
linewidths = []
tmesh = []
for itemp in itemp_list:
fermi = sigeph.mu_e[itemp]*abu.eV_Ha
#TODO handle spin
linewidth = qpes[0, :, bstart:bstop, itemp].imag.T*abu.eV_Ha
return cls(fermi, structure, nelect, kpoints, eig, volume, linewidths=linewidths,
tmesh=tmesh, lpratio=lpratio)
def get_lattvec(self):
"""this method is required by Bolztrap"""
return self.lattvec
def nbands(self):
nbands, rpoints = self.coefficients.shape
return nbands
def lattvec(self):
if not hasattr(self,"_lattvec"):
self._lattvec = self.atoms.get_cell().T / abu.Bohr_Ang
return self._lattvec
def get_ebands(self,kpath=None,line_density=20,vertices_names=None,linewidth_itemp=False):
Compute the band-structure using the computed coefficients
kpath: |Kpath| instance where to interpolate the eigenvalues and linewidths
line_density: Number of points used to sample the smallest segment of the path
vertices_names: List of tuple, each tuple is of the form (kfrac_coords, kname) where
kfrac_coords are the reduced coordinates of the k-point and kname is a string with the name of
the k-point. Each point represents a vertex of the k-path.
linewith_itemp: list of indexes refering to the temperatures where the linewidth will be interpolated
from BoltzTraP2 import fite
if kpath is None:
if vertices_names is None:
vertices_names = [(k.frac_coords, for k in self.structure.hsym_kpoints]
kpath = Kpath.from_vertices_and_names(self.structure, vertices_names, line_density=line_density)
#call boltztrap to interpolate
coeffs = self.coefficients
eigens_kpath, vvband = fite.getBands(kpath.frac_coords, self.equivalences, self.lattvec, coeffs)
linewidths_kpath = None
if linewidth_itemp is not False:
coeffs = self.linewidth_coefficients[linewidth_itemp]
linewidths_kpath, vvband = fite.getBands(kpath.frac_coords, self.equivalences, self.lattvec, coeffs)
linewidths_kpath = linewidths_kpath.T[np.newaxis,:,:]*abu.Ha_eV
#convert units and shape
eigens_kpath = eigens_kpath.T[np.newaxis,:,:]*abu.Ha_eV
occfacts_kpath = np.zeros_like(eigens_kpath)
nspinor1 = 1
nspden1 = 1
#return a ebands object
return ElectronBands(self.structure, kpath, eigens_kpath, self.fermi*abu.Ha_eV, occfacts_kpath,
self.nelect, nspinor1, nspden1, linewidths=linewidths_kpath)
@deprecated(message="get_bands is deprecated, use get_ebands")
def get_bands(self, **kwargs):
return self.get_ebands(**kwargs)
def get_interpolation_mesh(self):
"""From the array of equivalences determine the mesh that was used"""
max1, max2, max3 = 0,0,0
for equiv in self.equivalences:
max1 = max(np.max(equiv[:,0]),max1)
max2 = max(np.max(equiv[:,1]),max2)
max3 = max(np.max(equiv[:,2]),max3)
self._rmesh = (2*max1+1,2*max2+1,2*max3+1)
return self._rmesh
def dump_rsphere(self,filename):
""" Write a file with the real space points"""
with open(filename, 'wt') as f:
for iband in range(self.nbands):
for ie,equivalence in enumerate(self.equivalences):
coeff = self.coefficients[iband,ie]
for ip,point in enumerate(equivalence):
f.write("%5d %5d %5d "%tuple(point)+"%lf\n"%((abs(coeff))**(1./3)))
def compute_equivalences(self):
"""Compute equivalent k-points"""
from BoltzTraP2 import sphere
self._equivalences = sphere.get_equivalences(self.atoms, self.magmom, self.lpratio*self.nkpoints)
except TypeError:
self._equivalences = sphere.get_equivalences(self.atoms, self.lpratio*self.nkpoints)
def compute_coefficients(self):
"""Call fitde3D routine from Boltztrap2"""
from BoltzTraP2 import fite
#we will set ebands to compute teh coefficients
self.ebands = self.eig
self._coefficients = fite.fitde3D(self, self.equivalences)
if self.linewidths:
self._linewidth_coefficients = []
for itemp in range(self.ntemps):
self.ebands = self.linewidths[itemp]
coeffs = fite.fitde3D(self, self.equivalences)
#at the end we always unset ebands
def run(self,npts=500,dos_method='gaussian:0.05 eV',erange=None,margin=0.1,nworkers=1,verbose=0):
Interpolate the eingenvalues to compute dos and vvdos
This part is quite memory intensive
npts: number of frequency points
dos_method: when using a patched version of Boltztrap
boltztrap_results = []; app = boltztrap_results.append
import inspect
from BoltzTraP2 import fite
import BoltzTraP2.bandlib as BL
def BTPDOS(eband,vvband,cband=None,erange=None,npts=None,scattering_model="uniform_tau",mode=dos_method):
This is a small wrapper for Boltztrap2 to use the official version or a modified
verison using gaussian or lorentzian smearing
return BL.BTPDOS(eband, vvband, erange=erange, npts=npts, scattering_model=scattering_model, mode=dos_method)
except TypeError:
return BL.BTPDOS(eband, vvband, erange=erange, npts=npts, scattering_model=scattering_model)
#TODO change this!
if erange is None: erange = (np.min(self.eig),np.max(self.eig))
else: erange = np.array(erange)/abu.Ha_eV+self.fermi
#interpolate the electronic structure
if verbose: print('interpolating bands')
results = fite.getBTPbands(self.equivalences, self.coefficients,
self.lattvec, nworkers=nworkers)
eig_fine, vvband, cband = results
#calculate DOS and VDOS without lifetimes
if verbose: print('calculating dos and vvdos without lifetimes')
wmesh,dos,vvdos,_ = BTPDOS(eig_fine, vvband, erange=erange, npts=npts, mode=dos_method)
#if we have linewidths
if self.linewidths:
for itemp in range(self.ntemps):
if verbose: print('itemp %d\ninterpolating bands')
#calculate the lifetimes on the fine grid
results = fite.getBTPbands(self.equivalences, self._linewidth_coefficients[itemp],
self.lattvec, nworkers=nworkers)
linewidth_fine, vvband, cband = results
tau_fine = 1.0/np.abs(2*linewidth_fine*abu.eV_s)
#calculate vvdos with the lifetimes
if verbose: print('calculating dos and vvdos with lifetimes')
wmesh, dos_tau, vvdos_tau, _ = BTPDOS(eig_fine, vvband, erange=erange, npts=npts,
scattering_model=tau_fine, mode=dos_method)
#store results
return BoltztrapResultRobot(boltztrap_results)
def __str__(self):
return self.to_string()
def to_string(self, verbose=2):
lines = []; app = lines.append
app("equivalent points: {}".format(self.nequivalences))
app("real space mesh: {}".format(self.rmesh))
app("lpratio: {}".format(self.lpratio))
return "\n".join(lines)
class BoltztrapResult():
Container for BoltztraP2 results
Provides a object oriented interface to BoltztraP2
for plotting, storing and analysing the results
_attrs = ['_L0','_L1','_L2','_sigma','_seebeck','_kappa']
def __init__(self,abipyboltztrap,wmesh,dos,vvdos,fermi,tmesh,volume,tau_temp=None,margin=0.1):
self.abipyboltztrap = abipyboltztrap
self.fermi = fermi
self.volume = volume
self.wmesh = np.array(wmesh)
idx_margin = int(margin*len(wmesh))
self.mumesh = self.wmesh[idx_margin:-(idx_margin+1)]
self.tmesh = np.array(tmesh)
#Temperature fix
if any(self.tmesh < 1):
cprint("Boltztrap does not handle 0K well.\n"
"I avoid potential problems by setting all T<1K to T=1K",color="yellow")
self.tmesh[self.tmesh < 1] = 1
self.tau_temp = tau_temp
self.dos = dos
self.vvdos = vvdos
def has_tau(self):
return self.tau_temp is not None
def ntemp(self):
return len(self.tmesh)
def L0(self):
if not hasattr(self,'_L0'):
return self._L0
def L1(self):
if not hasattr(self,'_L1'):
return self._L1
def L2(self):
if not hasattr(self,'_L2'):
return self._L2
def sigma(self):
if not hasattr(self,'_sigma'):
return self._sigma
def seebeck(self):
if not hasattr(self,'_seebeck'):
return self._seebeck
def powerfactor(self):
return self.sigma * self.seebeck**2
def kappa(self):
if not hasattr(self,'_kappa'):
return self._kappa
def set_tmesh(self,tmesh):
""" Set the temperature mesh"""
self.tmesh = tmesh
def set_tmesh(self,tmesh):
""" Set the temperature mesh"""
self.tmesh = tmesh
def del_attrs(self):
""" Remove all the atributes so they are recomputed """
for attr in self._attrs:
def set_mumesh(self,emin,emax):
Set the range in which to plot the change of the doping
emin: minimun energy in eV
emax: maximum energy in eV
start_idx = np.abs(self.wmesh - emin*abu.eV_Ha - self.fermi).argmin()
stop_idx = np.abs(self.wmesh - emax*abu.eV_Ha - self.fermi).argmin()
self.mumesh = self.wmesh[start_idx:stop_idx]
def compute_fermiintegrals(self):
"""Compute and store the results of the Fermi integrals"""
import BoltzTraP2.bandlib as BL
results = BL.fermiintegrals(self.wmesh, self.dos, self.vvdos, mur=self.mumesh, Tr=self.tmesh)
_, self._L0, self._L1, self._L2, self._Lm11 = results
def compute_onsager_coefficients(self):
"""Compute Onsager coefficients"""
import BoltzTraP2.bandlib as BL
L0,L1,L2 = self.L0,self.L1,self.L2
results = BL.calc_Onsager_coefficients(L0,L1,L2,mur=self.mumesh,Tr=self.tmesh,vuc=self.volume)
self._sigma, self._seebeck, self._kappa, self._hall = results
def from_pickle(filename):
"""Load BoltztrapResult from a pickle file"""
with open(filename,'rb') as f:
instance = pickle.load(f)
return instance
def pickle(self,filename):
"""Write a file with the results from the calculation"""
with open(filename,'wb') as f:
def istensor(self,what):
"""Check if a certain quantity is a tensor"""
if not hasattr(self,what): return None
return len(getattr(self,what).shape) > 2
def get_component(self,what,component,itemp):
i,j = abu.s2itup(component)
return getattr(self,what)[itemp,:,i,j]
def plot_dos_ax(self,ax,fontsize=8,**kwargs):
Plot the density of states on axis ax.
ax: |matplotlib-Axes|.
kwargs: Passed to ax.plot
wmesh = (self.wmesh-self.fermi) * abu.Ha_eV
ax.set_xlabel('Energy (eV)',fontsize=fontsize)
def plot_vvdos_ax(self,ax,components=('xx',),fontsize=8,**kwargs):
Plot components of vvdos on the axis ax.
ax: |matplotlib-Axes|.
components: Choose the components of the tensor to plot ['xx','xy','xz','yy',(...)]
kwargs: Passed to ax.plot
wmesh = (self.wmesh-self.fermi) * abu.Ha_eV
for component in components:
i,j = abu.s2itup(component)
label = "%s $_{%s}$" % (self.get_letter('vvdos'),component)
if self.tau_temp: label += r" $\tau_T$ = %dK" % self.tau_temp
ax.set_xlabel('Energy (eV)',fontsize=fontsize)
def plot_ax(self, ax, what, components=('xx',), itemp_list=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
Plot a quantity for all the dopings as a function of temperature on the axis ax.
ax: |matplotlib-Axes|.
what: choose the quantity to plot can be: ['sigma','kappa','powerfactor']
components: Choose the components of the tensor to plot ['xx','xy','xz','yy',(...)]
itemp_list: list of indexes of the tempratures to plot
colormap: Colormap used to plot the results
kwargs: Passed to ax.plot
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
colormap = kwargs.pop('colormap','plasma')
cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap)
color = None
itemp_list = list(range(self.ntemp)) if itemp_list is None else duck.list_ints(itemp_list)
maxitemp = max(itemp_list)
minitemp = min(itemp_list)
if maxitemp > self.ntemp or minitemp < 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid itemp_list, should be between 0 and %d. Got %d.'%(self.ntemp,maxitemp))
mumesh = (self.mumesh-self.fermi) * abu.Ha_eV
if self.istensor(what):
for itemp in itemp_list:
for component in components:
y = self.get_component(what,component,itemp)
if len(itemp_list) > 1: color=cmap(itemp/len(itemp_list))
label = "%s $_{%s}$ $b_T$ = %dK" % (self.get_letter(what),component,self.tmesh[itemp])
if self.has_tau: label += r" $\tau_T$ = %dK" % self.tau_temp
ax.plot(mumesh,getattr(self,what), label=what, **kwargs)
ax.set_ylabel(self.get_ylabel(what), fontsize=fontsize)
ax.set_xlabel('Energy (eV)', fontsize=fontsize)
def get_ylabel(self,what):
Get a label with units for the quntities stores in this object.
if self.has_tau: tau = ''
else: tau = 's^{-1}'
if what == 'sigma': return r'$\sigma$ [$Sm^{-1}%s$]'%tau
if what == 'seebeck': return r'$S$ [$VSm^{-1}%s$]'%tau
if what == 'kappa': return r'$\kappa_e$ [$VJSm^{-1}%s$]'%tau
if what == 'powerfactor': return r'$S^2\sigma$ [$VJSm^{-1}%s$]'%tau
return ''
def get_letter(self,what):
letters = {'sigma': r'$\sigma$',
'seebeck': r'$S$',
'kappa': r'$\kappa_e$',
'vvdos': r'$v\otimes v$',
'dos': r'$n(\epsilon)$'}
return letters[what]
def plot(self, what, colormap='plasma', directions=('xx'), ax=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
Plot the qantity for all the temperatures as a function of the doping
ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
self.plot_ax(ax, what, colormap=colormap, directions=directions, **kwargs)
ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True, fontsize=fontsize)
return fig
def to_string(self, title=None, mark="=", verbose=0):
String representation of the class
lines = []; app = lines.append
if title is None: app(marquee(self.__class__.__name__,mark=mark))
app("fermi: %8.5lf eV"%(self.fermi*abu.Ha_eV))
app("mumesh: %8.5lf <-> %8.5lf eV"%(self.mumesh[0]*abu.Ha_eV,self.mumesh[-1]*abu.Ha_eV))
app("tmesh: %s K"%self.tmesh)
app("has_tau: %s"%self.has_tau)
if self.tau_temp: app("tau_temp: %.1lf K"%self.tau_temp)
return "\n".join(lines)
def __str__(self):
return self.to_string()
class BoltztrapResultRobot():
Robot to analyse multiple Boltztrap calculations
Behaves as a list of BoltztrapResult
Provides methods to plot multiple results on a single figure
def __init__(self,results,erange=None):
if not all([isinstance(r,BoltztrapResult) for r in results]):
raise ValueError('Must provide BolztrapResult instances.')
#consistency check in the temperature meshes
res0 = results[0]
if np.any([res0.tmesh != res.tmesh for res in results]):
cprint("Comparing BoltztrapResults with different temperature meshes.", color="yellow")
#consistency check in chemical potential meshes
if np.any([res0.wmesh != res.wmesh for res in results]):
cprint("Comparing BoltztrapResults with different energy meshes.", color="yellow")
#store the results
self.results = results
self.erange = erange
if not all([np.allclose(results[0].mumesh,result.mumesh) for result in results[1:]]):
raise ValueError('The doping meshes of the results differ, cannot continue')
self.mumesh = results[0].mumesh
if not all([np.allclose(results[0].tmesh,result.tmesh) for result in results[1:]]):
raise ValueError('The temperature meshes of the results differ, cannot continue')
self.tmesh = results[0].tmesh
def __getitem__(self,index):
"""Access the results stored in the class as a list"""
return self.results[index]
def ntemp(self):
return len(self.tmesh)
def tau_list(self):
"""Get all the results with tau included"""
return [ res.tau_temp for res in self.results if res.tau_temp is not None ]
def notau_results(self):
"""Get all the results without the tau included"""
instance = self.__class__([ res for res in self.results if res.tau_temp is None ])
if self.erange: instance.erange = self.erange
return instance
def tau_results(self):
"""Return all the results that have temperature dependence"""
instance = self.__class__([ res for res in self.results if res.tau_temp ])
if self.erange: instance.erange = self.erange
return instance
def nresults(self):
return len(self.results)
def from_pickle(filename):
Load results from file
with open(filename,'rb') as f:
instance = pickle.load(f)
return instance
def pickle(self,filename):
Write a file with the results from the calculation
with open(filename,'wb') as f:
def plot_vvdos_ax(self,ax,legend=True,components=('xx',),itau_list=None,fontsize=8,erange=None,**kwargs):
Plot the vvdos for all the results in the robot
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
colormap = kwargs.pop('colormap','plasma')
cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap)
#set erange
erange = erange or self.erange
if erange is not None: ax.set_xlim(erange)
if itau_list:
#filter results by temperature
tau_list = [self.tmesh[itau] for itau in itau_list]
filtered_results = sorted([res for res in self.results if res.tau_temp in tau_list],key=lambda x: x.tau_temp)
for itemp,result in enumerate(filtered_results):
color = kwargs.pop('c',cmap(itemp/len(filtered_results)))
ax.set_ylabel(r'with $\tau$',fontsize=fontsize)
if legend: ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True, fontsize=fontsize)
#results without temperature
for result in self.notau_results:
ax.set_ylabel(r'without $\tau$',fontsize=fontsize)
if legend: ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True, fontsize=fontsize)
def plot_dos_ax(self, ax1, legend=True, fontsize=8, erange=None, **kwargs):
Plot the dos for all the results in the robot
#set erange
erange = erange or self.erange
if erange is not None: ax1.set_xlim(erange)
for result in self.results:
if legend: ax1.legend(loc="best", shadow=True, fontsize=fontsize)
def plot_ax(self,ax1,what,components=('xx',),itemp_list=None,itau_list=None,fontsize=8,erange=None,**kwargs):
Plot the same quantity for all the results on axis ax1
ax1: |matplotlib-Axes|.
what: choose the quantity to plot can be: ['sigma','kappa','powerfactor']
itemp_list: list of indexes of the tempratures to plot
itau_list: list of indexes of the tempratures at which the lifetimes were computed
components: Choose the components of the tensor to plot ['xx','xy','xz','yy',(...)]
erange: choose energy range of the plot
kwargs: Passed to ax.plot
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
colormap = kwargs.pop('colormap','plasma')
cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap)
#set erange
erange = erange or self.erange
if erange is not None: ax1.set_xlim(erange)
if itau_list:
#filter results by temperature
tau_list = self.tmesh if itau_list is None else [self.tmesh[itau] for itau in itau_list]
filtered_results = [res for res in self.results if res.tau_temp in tau_list]
#plot the results
for itemp,result in enumerate(filtered_results):
color = kwargs.pop('c',cmap(itemp/len(filtered_results)))
#plot result without tau
for result in self.notau_results:
def plot_transport(self, itemp_list=None, itau_list=None, components=('xx',),
erange=None, ax_array=None, fontsize=8, legend=True, **kwargs):
Plot the different quantities relevant for transport for all the results in the robot
ax_array, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(ax_array,nrows=2,ncols=2)
self.plot_ax(ax_array[0,0],'sigma', itemp_list=itemp_list,itau_list=itau_list,fontsize=fontsize,**kwargs)
self.plot_ax(ax_array[0,1],'seebeck', itemp_list=itemp_list,itau_list=itau_list,fontsize=fontsize,**kwargs)
self.plot_ax(ax_array[1,0],'kappa', itemp_list=itemp_list,itau_list=itau_list,fontsize=fontsize,**kwargs)
if legend:
for ax in ax_array.flatten(): ax.legend(loc="best", shadow=True, fontsize=fontsize)
return fig
def plot(self,what,itemp_list=None,itau_list=None,components=('xx',),
Plot all the boltztrap results in the Robot
what: choose the quantity to plot can be: ['sigma','kappa','powerfactor']
itemp_list: list of indexes of the tempratures to plot
itau_list: list of indexes of the tempratures at which the lifetimes were computed
components: Choose the components of the tensor to plot ['xx','xy','xz','yy',(...)]
erange: choose energy range of the plot
kwargs: Passed to ax.plot
ax1, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=None)
if legend: ax1.legend(loc="best", shadow=True, fontsize=fontsize)
return fig
def plot_dos_vvdos(self,dos_color=None,erange=None,ax_array=None,components=('xx',),fontsize=8,legend=True,**kwargs):
Plot dos and vvdos on the same figure
ax_array, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(ax_array,nrows=3)
return fig
def plot_dos(self,ax=None,erange=None,fontsize=8,legend=True,**kwargs):
Plot dos for the results in the Robot
ax1, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
return fig
def plot_vvdos(self,ax_array=None,itau_list=None,components=('xx',),erange=None,fontsize=8,legend=True,**kwargs):
Plot vvdos for all the results in the Robot
ax_array, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(ax_array=ax_array,sharex=True,nrows=2)
return fig
def set_erange(self,emin,emax):
""" Get an energy range based on an energy margin above and bellow the fermi level"""
self.erange = (emin,emax)
def unset_erange(self):
""" Unset the energy range"""
self.erange = None
def to_string(self, verbose=0):
Return a string representation of the data in this class
lines = []; app = lines.append
app('nresults: %d'%self.nresults)
for result in self.results:
return "\n".join(lines)
def set_mumesh(self,emin,emax):
Set the range in which to plot the change of the doping
for all the results
emin: minimun energy in eV
emax: maximum energy in eV
for result in self.results:
def set_tmesh(self,tmesh):
Set the temperature mesh of all the results
tmesh: array with temperatures at which to compute the Fermi integrals
for result in self.results:
def __str__(self):
return self.to_string()

View File

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
"""Tests for boltztrap module."""
from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals, absolute_import
import os
import collections
import numpy as np
import as abidata
from abipy.core.testing import AbipyTest
from abipy.boltztrap import AbipyBoltztrap, BoltztrapResult
from abipy import abilab
class AbipyBoltztrapTest(AbipyTest):
# TODO: Need new files with IBZ.
def test_sigeph_boltztrap(self):
"""Test boltztrap interpolation"""
with abilab.abiopen(abidata.ref_file("")) as sigeph:
bt = AbipyBoltztrap.from_sigeph(sigeph)
repr(bt); str(bt)
assert bt.to_string(verbose=2)
# get equivalences
assert bt.rmesh == (17, 17, 17)
assert bt.nequivalences == 67
# get coefficients
assert bt.ncoefficients == 53
# get ebands using boltztrap
bt_ebands = bt.get_ebands()
# Get boltztrap results using different DOS methods
btr ="histogram")
btr =,dos_method="gaussian:0.5 eV")
btr =,dos_method="lorentzian:0.5 eV")
repr(btr); str(btr)
assert btr.to_string(verbose=2)
# Test pickle
pickle_file = self.get_tmpname(suffix="diamond.npy")
same_result = BoltztrapResult.from_pickle(pickle_file)
self.assert_equal(btr.tmesh, same_result.tmesh)
if self.has_matplotlib():
# Plot the density of states and VVDOS for multiple temperatures
assert btr.plot_dos_vvdos(show=False)
# Plot transport related quantities for different combinations of
# tau temperature and boltztrap temperature
assert btr.plot('sigma', itemp_list=None, itau_list=[3], show=False)
assert btr.plot('seebeck', itemp_list=[3], itau_list=[1,2], show=False)
assert btr.plot('powerfactor', itemp_list=[3], itau_list=None, show=False)
assert btr.plot_transport(show=False)

View File

@ -818,6 +818,11 @@ class PhononBands(object):
return h
def reasonable_repetitions(natoms):
if (natoms < 4): return (3,3,3)
if (4 < natoms < 50): return (2,2,2)
if (50 < natoms): return (1,1,1)
data = {}
data["name"] = name or self.structure.composition.reduced_formula
@ -826,7 +831,7 @@ class PhononBands(object):
data["atom_types"] = [ for e in self.structure.species]
data["atom_numbers"] = self.structure.atomic_numbers
data["formula"] = self.structure.formula.replace(" ", "")
data["repetitions"] = repetitions or (3, 3, 3)
data["repetitions"] = repetitions or reasonable_repetitions(self.num_atoms)
data["atom_pos_car"] = self.structure.cart_coords.tolist()
data["atom_pos_red"] = self.structure.frac_coords.tolist()
data["chemical_symbols"] = self.structure.symbol_set
@ -870,7 +875,8 @@ class PhononBands(object):
np.arange(vect.shape[2])[None, None,:]]
v = vect.reshape((len(vect), self.num_branches,self.num_atoms, 3))
v /= np.linalg.norm(v[0,0,0])
norm = [np.linalg.norm(vi) for vi in v[0,0]]
v /= max(norm)
v = np.stack([v.real, v.imag], axis=-1)

View File

@ -1310,7 +1310,7 @@ class MergeDdb(object):
return ddk_tasks, bec_tasks
def merge_ddb_files(self, delete_source_ddbs=True, only_dfpt_tasks=True,
def merge_ddb_files(self, delete_source_ddbs=False, only_dfpt_tasks=True,
exclude_tasks=None, include_tasks=None):
This method is called when all the q-points have been computed.