Code cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Matteo Giantomassi 2018-01-11 19:11:43 +01:00
parent ebb76bb807
commit 4e2c07c24a
17 changed files with 103 additions and 1143 deletions

View File

@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ install:
#- set -ev # exit on first error, print each command
# pip-based installation.
#- travis_wait pip install -q -r requirements.txt
#- travis_wait pip install -q -r requirements-optional.txt
#- travis_wait pip install -r requirements.txt
#- travis_wait pip install -r requirements-optional.txt
# Install conda
- source dev_scripts/
- source dev_scripts/
- source dev_scripts/
- source dev_scripts/
- conda uninstall -y pymatgen
- if [[ "${PYTHON_VERSION}" == "2.7" ]]; then conda install mock; fi

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
* - Documentation
- |docs-stable| |docs-devel| |launch-nbviewer| |launch-binder|
@ -24,28 +23,30 @@ ab-initio calculations and typical convergence studies.
AbiPy is interfaced with pymatgen_ and this allows users to
benefit from the different tools and python objects available in the pymatgen ecosystem.
The official documentation of the stable version available at the `abipy docpage`_.
The official documentation of the stable version is available at the `abipy docpage`_.
while the documentation of the **developmental** version is hosted on `github pages <>`_.
AbiPy can be used in conjunction with matplotlib_, pandas_, scipy_, seaborn_, ipython_ and jupyter_ notebooks
thus providing a powerful and user-friendly environment for data analysis and visualization.
Check out the list of plotting scripts available in our
`examples/plot <>`_ gallery.
Check out our `gallery of plotting scripts <>`_
and the `gallery of AbiPy workflows <>`_.
To learn more about the integration between jupyter_ and AbiPy, visit `our collection of notebooks
.. AbiPy supports both Python 2.7 as well as Python >= 3.4.
.. Python 2.7 is more intensively tested than py3k especially at the level of workflows
.. so we still recommend py2.7 if you plan to run automatic calculations with AbiPy.
Note that the majority of the post-processing tools available in AbiPy require output files in
netcdf_ format so we strongly suggest to compile Abinit with netcdf support
(use ``--with_trio_flavor="netcdf-fallback"`` at configure time to activate the internal netcdf library,
to link Abinit against an external netcdf library please consult the configuration examples provided by abiconfig_).
or click the **Launch Binder** badge to start a Docker image with Abinit, AbiPy and all the other python dependencies
required to run the code inside the jupyter notebooks.
The notebook will be opened in your browser after building.
AbiPy is free to use. However, we also welcome your help to improve this library by making your own contributions.
Please report any bugs and issues at AbiPy's `Github page <>`_.
.. important::
Note that the majority of the post-processing tools available in AbiPy require output files in
netcdf_ format so we **strongly** suggest to compile Abinit with netcdf support
(use ``--with_trio_flavor="netcdf-fallback"`` at configure time to activate the internal netcdf library,
to link Abinit against an external netcdf library please consult the configuration examples provided by abiconfig_).
Getting AbiPy
@ -64,48 +65,75 @@ and then follow the instructions in `our howto <
The installation process is greatly simplified if you install the required
python packages through `Anaconda <>`_.
We routinely use conda_ to test new developments with multiple versions of Python and multiple virtual environments.
The anaconda distribution already provides the most critical dependencies (matplotlib_, scipy_, numpy_)
in the form of pre-compiled packages and netcdf4-python_ can be easily installed with::
We routinely use conda_ to test new developments with multiple Python versions and multiple virtual environments.
The anaconda distribution already provides the most critical dependencies (matplotlib_, scipy_, numpy_, netcdf4-python_)
in the form of pre-compiled packages that can be easily installed with e.g.::
conda install netcdf4
conda install numpy scipy netcdf4
To install AbiPy with conda, download the `minconda installer <>`_
(select python3.6 and the version corresponding to your operating system).
Create a new conda_ environment (``abipy3.6``) based on python3.6 with::
conda create -n abipy3.6 python=3.6
and activate it with::
source activate abipy3.6
Add ``conda-forge``, ``matsci`` and ``abinit`` to your channels with::
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels matsci
conda config --add channels abinit
Finally, install AbiPy from the abinit-channel_ with::
conda install abipy -c abinit
One of the big advantages of conda over pip is that conda can also install
libraries and executables written in Fortran.
For example, one can easily install abinit inside the conda environment with::
conda install abinit -c abinit
abinit --version
Additional information on the steps required to install AbiPy with anaconda are available
in the `anaconda howto <>`_.
We are also working with the spack_ community
to provide packages for AbiPy and Abinit in order to facilitate the installation on large supercomputing centers.
Optional dependencies
Optional libraries that are required if you need certain features:
Required to interact with the AbiPy/Pymatgen objects in the ipython_ shell
(strongly recommended, already provided by conda_).
``jupyter`` and ``nbformat``
Required to generate jupyter_ notebooks.
Install these two packages with ``conda install jupyter nbformat`` or use ``pip``.
Recommended but you will also need a web browser to open the notebook.
.. ``wxPython`` and ``wxmplot`` for the GUI
.. Use ``conda install wxpython``
.. The directory ``abipy.gui.demos`` contains demos that can be used to test the installation.
.. of the GUI (run the script ```` to have an overview of the different graphical interfaces).
Developmental version
Getting the developmental version of AbiPy is easy.
You can clone it from the `github repository <>`_ using this command::
You can clone the `github repository <>`_ with::
git clone
After cloning the repository, type::
For pip, use::
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-optional.txt
If you are using conda_, create a new environment (``abipy3.6``) based on python3.6 with::
conda create -n abipy3.6 python=3.6
source activate abipy3.6
Add ``conda-forge``, ``matsci`` and ``abinit`` to your channels with::
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels matsci
conda config --add channels abinit
and install the AbiPy dependencies with::
conda install --file ./requirements.txt
conda install --file ./requirements-optional.txt
Once the requirements have been installer (either with pip or conda), execute::
python install
@ -122,14 +150,14 @@ To run the suite of unit tests, make sure you have pytest_ installed and then ty
in the AbiPy root directory.
Unit tests require two additional packages that can be installed with::
Unit tests require ``scripttest`` that can be installed with::
pip install nose-exclude scripttest
pip install scripttest
Note that several unit tests check the integration between AbiPy and Abinit.
In order to run the tests, you need a working set of Abinit executables and a ``manager.yml`` configuration file.
A pre-compiled sequential version of Abinit for Linux and OSx can be installed directly from the
`abinit channel <>`_ with::
abinit-channel_ with::
conda install abinit -c abinit
@ -165,6 +193,8 @@ Below is a brief description of the different directories found there:
The directory ``abipy/examples/flows`` contains python scripts that can be used
to automate typical ab-initio calculations.
Users are strongly encouraged to explore the detailed `API docs <>`_.
Command line tools
@ -181,11 +211,6 @@ The following scripts can be invoked directly from the terminal:
For further information, please consult the `official documentation <>`_.
Advanced Usage
Users are strongly encouraged to explore the detailed `API docs <>`_.
@ -193,6 +218,7 @@ AbiPy is released under the GNU GPL license. For more details see the LICENSE fi
.. _Python:
.. _Abinit:
.. _abinit-channel:
.. _pymatgen:
.. _`abipy docpage` :
.. _matplotlib:

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
Script process the GW output generated by GWsetup using VASP or ABINIT.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, print_function, absolute_import
__author__ = "Michiel van Setten"
__copyright__ = " "
__version__ = "0.9"
__maintainer__ = "Michiel van Setten"
__email__ = ""
__date__ = "May 2014"
import os
import os.path
from import get_spec
MODULE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if os.path.isfile('plots'):
if os.path.isfile('plot-fits'):
spec = get_spec('GW')
print('Found setup for ', spec.get_code())

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
Script to print GW results for VASP and ABINIT.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, print_function, absolute_import
__author__ = "Michiel van Setten"
__copyright__ = " "
__version__ = "0.9"
__maintainer__ = "Michiel van Setten"
__email__ = ""
__date__ = "May 2014"
import os
import os.path
from import get_spec
MODULE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
if __name__ == "__main__":
counter = 0
spec_in = get_spec('GW')

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
Script to write GW Input for VASP and ABINIT / set up work flows.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, print_function, absolute_import
import sys
import os.path
from import get_spec
__author__ = "Michiel van Setten"
__copyright__ = " "
__version__ = "0.9"
__maintainer__ = "Michiel van Setten"
__email__ = ""
__date__ = "May 2014"
MODULE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
def main(update=True):
main gw setup
spec_in = get_spec('GW')
except (IOError, OSError):
except (IOError, OSError):
if update:
# in testing mode there should not be interactive updating
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Script to store GW results for VASP and ABINIT in a database.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, print_function, absolute_import
__author__ = "Michiel van Setten"
__copyright__ = " "
__version__ = "0.9"
__maintainer__ = "Michiel van Setten"
__email__ = ""
__date__ = "May 2014"
import os
import os.path
from import get_spec
MODULE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
if __name__ == "__main__":
counter = 0
spec_in = get_spec('GW')

View File

@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Script to inspect the status of Abinit calculations at run-time."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, print_function, absolute_import
import sys
import os
import argparse
from monty.functools import prof_main
from import EventsParser
from import plottable_from_outfile
from abipy import abilab
def main():
def str_examples():
examples = """\
Usage example: OUTFILE status ==> Report the list of Warning, Commments, Errors OUTFILE plot ==> Plot results of the GS Scf cycle, Phonon Scf cycle... OUTFILE timer ==> Visualize timing data with matplotlib.
return examples
def show_examples_and_exit(err_msg=None, error_code=1):
"""Display the usage of the script."""
if err_msg: sys.stderr.write("Fatal Error\n" + err_msg + "\n")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=str_examples(), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version="%(prog)s version " + abilab.__version__)
parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default="ERROR", type=str,
help="set the loglevel. Possible values: CRITICAL, ERROR (default), WARNING, INFO, DEBUG")
parser.add_argument('filepath', nargs="?", help="File to inspect (output file or log file)")
# Create the parsers for the sub-commands
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command', help='sub-command help', description="Valid subcommands")
# Subparser for status command.
p_status = subparsers.add_parser('status', help="Check the status of the run (errors, warning, completion)")
#p_status.add_argument('format', nargs="?", default="cif", type=str, help="Format of the output file (ciff, POSCAR, json).")
# Subparser for plot command.
p_plot = subparsers.add_parser('plot', help="Plot data")
#p_plot.add_argument('visualizer', nargs="?", default="xcrysden", type=str, help="Visualizer.")
p_timer = subparsers.add_parser('timer', help="Show timing data.")
p_pseudo = subparsers.add_parser('pseudo', help="Show info on pseudopotential file.")
# Parse command line.
options = parser.parse_args()
except Exception:
# loglevel is bound to the string value obtained from the command line argument.
# Convert to upper case to allow the user to specify --loglevel=DEBUG or --loglevel=debug
import logging
numeric_level = getattr(logging, options.loglevel.upper(), None)
if not isinstance(numeric_level, int):
raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % options.loglevel)
if options.command == "status":
# Parse the Abinit Events in filepath.
parser = EventsParser()
report = parser.parse(options.filepath)
elif options.command == "plot":
# TODO: At present only GS runs are supported by plottable_from_outfile
obj = plottable_from_outfile(options.filepath)
if obj is not None:
raise ValueError("Don't know how to extract plottable data from %s" % options.filepath)
elif options.command == "timer":
parser = abilab.AbinitTimerParser()
elif options.command == "pseudo":
from import PseudoParser
pseudo = PseudoParser().parse(options.filepath)
raise ValueError("Unsupported command %s" % options.command)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
abi script to generate and post process flows for phonons.
needs a cif file in the working dir,
needs the ABINIT_PS and ABINIT_PS_EXT environmental variables set to obtain pseudo's.
Pseudo's wil be read as:
optionally a qpoint file, if this is not present a 444 mesh will be used.
TODO automatic QPOINT setup
if no flow is present a new flow will be generated for the cif file
if a finished flow is found the DDB files will be fully merged and various anaddb tasks are executed.
the anaddb task will appear in a new work in the flow.
TODO include the same interface as in abiGWsetup to enable precision setting, multiple input sources, ...
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, print_function, absolute_import
__author__ = "Michiel van Setten, Matteo Giantomassi"
__copyright__ = " "
__version__ = "0.9"
__maintainer__ = "Michiel van Setten"
__email__ = ""
__date__ = "Dec. 2014"
import ast
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import abipy.abilab as abilab
from import PseudoTable
def unique_rows(a):
a = np.ascontiguousarray(a)
unique_a = np.unique(a.view([('', a.dtype)]*a.shape[1]))
return unique_a.view(a.dtype).reshape((unique_a.shape[0], a.shape[1]))
def to_vec(var_dict, var):
turn the entry var in the dictionary var_dict into an vector length 3
tmp = var_dict[var]
tmp = 3*[tmp] if not isinstance(tmp, (list, tuple)) else tmp
var_dict[var] = tmp
def to_vecs(var_dict):
turn the items in list into vectors if they are present
vec_list = ['ngkpt', 'acell']
for var in vec_list:
if var in var_dict.keys():
to_vec(var_dict, var)
def scf_ph_inputs(structure, options):
This function constructs the input files for the phonon calculation:
GS input + the input files for the phonon calculation.
abi_pseudo = os.environ['ABINIT_PS_EXT']
abi_pseudo_dir = os.environ['ABINIT_PS']
pseudos = []
for element in structure.composition.element_composition:
pseudo = os.path.join(abi_pseudo_dir, str(element) + abi_pseudo)
pseudos = PseudoTable(pseudos)
#print('bounds:\n', structure.calc_kptbounds)
#print('ngkpt:\n', structure.calc_ngkpt(4))
print('ks:\n', structure.calc_ksampling(4)) # try to get the qpoints from this ...
qptbounds = structure.calc_kptbounds()
qptbounds = np.reshape(qptbounds, (-1, 3))
# List of q-points for the phonon calculation.
qpoints = [
0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00,
2.50000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00,
2.50000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 2.50000000E+00,
5.00000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00,
2.50000000E-01, 2.50000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00,
5.00000000E-01, 2.50000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00,
-2.50000000E-01, 2.50000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00,
5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00,
0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 2.50000000E-01,
-2.50000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, 2.50000000E-01,
qpoints2 = [
0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00,
5.00000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00,
0.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00,
0.00000000E+00, 0.00000000E+00, 5.00000000E-01,
5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00,
0.00000000E+00, 5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01,
5.00000000E-01, 0.00000000E+00, 5.00000000E-01,
5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01, 5.00000000E-01,
qpoints = np.reshape(qpoints, (-1, 3))
qpoints = unique_rows(np.concatenate((qpoints, qptbounds), axis=0))
if os.path.isfile('qpoints'):
f = open('qpoints', 'r')
qpoints = np.reshape(ast.literal_eval(, (-1, 3))
# Global variables used both for the GS and the DFPT run.
global_vars = dict(
ngkpt=[8, 8, 8],
shiftk=[0, 0, 0],
inp = abilab.AbiInput(pseudos=pseudos, ndtset=1+len(qpoints))
inp[1].set_variables(tolwfr=1.0e-18, prtden=1, paral_kgb=1)
for i, qpt in enumerate(qpoints):
# Response-function calculation for phonons.
rfphon=1, # Will consider phonon-type perturbation
nqpt=1, # One wavevector is to be considered
qpt=qpt, # This wavevector is q=0 (Gamma)
#rfatpol 1 1 # Only the first atom is displaced
#rfdir 1 0 0 # Along the first reduced coordinate axis
#kptopt 2 # Automatic generation of k points, taking
# Split input into gs_inp and ph_inputs
return inp.split_datasets()
def run_annaddb(flow, structure):
#structure = flow[0][0].
manager = abilab.TaskManager.from_user_config()
# We should have a DDB files with IFC(q) in work.outdir
ddb_files = []
for work in flow[1:]:
ddbs = work.outdir.list_filepaths(wildcard="*DDB")
assert len(ddbs) == 1
# TODO: Check automatic restart
assert all(work.finalized for work in flow)
assert flow.all_ok
# Merge the DDB files
out_ddb = flow.outdir.path_in("flow_DDB")
ddb_path = abilab.Mrgddb(manager=manager).merge(flow.outdir.path, ddb_files, out_ddb=out_ddb,
description="DDB generated by %s" % __file__)
assert ddb_path == out_ddb
# Build new work with Anaddb tasks.
# Construct a manager with mpi_ncpus==1 since anaddb do not support mpi_ncpus > 1 (except in elphon)
shell_manager = manager.to_shell_manager()
awork = abilab.Work(manager=shell_manager)
# modes
anaddb_input = abilab.AnaddbInput.modes(structure)
atask = abilab.AnaddbTask(anaddb_input, ddb_node=ddb_path, manager=shell_manager)
# Thermodynamics
anaddb_input = abilab.AnaddbInput.thermo(structure, ngqpt=(40, 40, 40), nqsmall=20)
atask = abilab.AnaddbTask(anaddb_input, ddb_node=ddb_path, manager=shell_manager)
# Phonons bands and DOS with gaussian method
anaddb_input = abilab.AnaddbInput.phbands_and_dos(
structure, ngqpt=(4, 4, 4), nqsmall=10, ndivsm=5, dos_method="gaussian: 0.001 eV")
atask = abilab.AnaddbTask(anaddb_input, ddb_node=ddb_path, manager=shell_manager)
# Phonons bands and DOS with tetrahedron method
anaddb_input = abilab.AnaddbInput.phbands_and_dos(
structure, ngqpt=(4, 4, 4), nqsmall=10, ndivsm=5, dos_method="tetra")
atask = abilab.AnaddbTask(anaddb_input, ddb_node=ddb_path, manager=shell_manager)
for i, atask in enumerate(awork):
print("about to run anaddb task: %d" % i)
#assert atask.status == atask.S_DONE
#assert atask.status == atask.S_OK
# TODO: output files are not produced in outdir
#assert len(atask.outdir.list_filepaths(wildcard="*")) == 1
#assert len(atask.outdir.list_filepaths(wildcard="*")) == 1
def build_flow(structure, workdir, options):
Create a :class:`Flow` for phonon calculations:
1) One work for the GS run.
2) nqpt workflows for phonon calculations. Each workflow contains
nirred tasks where nirred is the number of irreducible phonon perturbations
for that particular q-poin t.
# Instantiate the TaskManager.
manager = abilab.TaskManager.from_user_config()
all_inps = scf_ph_inputs(structure, options)
scf_input, ph_inputs = all_inps[0], all_inps[1:]
if len(ph_inputs) == 1:
return abilab.phonon_flow(workdir, manager, scf_input, ph_inputs, with_nscf=False, with_ddk=True, with_dde=True)
return abilab.phonon_flow(workdir, manager, scf_input, ph_inputs, with_nscf=True, with_ddk=False, with_dde=False)
class NotReady(Exception):
previous flow is not complete
def main():
cifs = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if f.endswith('cif')]
convtests = {'ecut': [16, 20, 24, 37], 'ngkpt': [8], 'acell': [1.0]}
for cif in cifs:
structure = abilab.Structure.from_file(cif)
structure = structure.get_sorted_structure_z()
structure.item = cif
for convtest in convtests:
for value in convtests[convtest]:
workdir = '%s_%s_%s' % (structure.item, str(convtest), str(value))
flow = abilab.Flow.pickle_load(workdir)
if not flow.all_ok:
raise NotReady
run_annaddb(flow=flow, structure=structure)
except NotReady:
except (ValueError, IOError):
options = {convtest: value}
flow = build_flow(structure=structure, workdir=workdir, options=options)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Script to plot pseudopotential data and/or compare multiple pseudopotentials.
It invokes Abinit to produce the files with form-factors, model core charges
and other quantities used by Abinit to apply the non-local part of the KS Hamiltonian.
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, print_function, absolute_import
import sys
import argparse
from abipy.electrons.psps import PspsFile, compare_pseudos
from abipy import abilab
def main():
def str_examples():
return """\
Usage example: pseudo => Visualize data relative to a single pseudo. pseudo1 pseudo2 => Compare pseudo1 with pseudo2 (accept an arbitrary number of pseudos).
def show_examples_and_exit(err_msg=None, error_code=1):
"""Display the usage of the script."""
if err_msg: sys.stderr.write("Fatal Error\n" + err_msg + "\n")
# Build the main parser.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=str_examples(), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version="%(prog)s version " + abilab.__version__)
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=0, action='count', # -vv --> verbose=2
help='verbose, can be supplied multiple times to increase verbosity')
parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default="ERROR", type=str,
help="set the loglevel. Possible values: CRITICAL, ERROR (default), WARNING, INFO, DEBUG")
parser.add_argument("-e", '--ecut', type=float, default=10, help="Cutoff energy in Hartree (default: 10).")
parser.add_argument('--seaborn', action="store_true", help="Use seaborn settings")
parser.add_argument('pseudos', nargs="+", help="Pseudo or list of pseudopotential files")
# Parse command line.
options = parser.parse_args()
except Exception as exc:
# loglevel is bound to the string value obtained from the command line argument.
# Convert to upper case to allow the user to specify --loglevel=DEBUG or --loglevel=debug
import logging
numeric_level = getattr(logging, options.loglevel.upper(), None)
if not isinstance(numeric_level, int):
raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % options.loglevel)
if options.seaborn:
import seaborn as sns
#sns.set(style='ticks', palette='Set2')
#sns.set(style="dark", palette="Set2")
#And to remove "chartjunk", do:
#sns.despine(offset=10, trim=True)
pseudos = options.pseudos
if len(pseudos) > 1:
compare_pseudos(pseudos, options.ecut)
pseudo = abilab.Pseudo.from_file(pseudos[0])
with pseudo.open_pspsfile(ecut=options.ecut) as psps:
print("Printing data from:", psps.filepath)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Fabric file providing useful tools for the synchronization of the code on the CECI clusters.
from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals, absolute_import
import os
import cStringIO as StringIO
from fabric.api import local, settings, abort, run, cd, env, prefix, put
from contextlib import contextmanager as _contextmanager
env.user = "gmatteo"
USER_HOME = "~" + env.user
# The directory of the virtual environment.
VENV = "~/VENV-2.7"
#env.password = ""
# We store our git branches in this directory
GIT_REPOSDIR = USER_HOME + "/git_repos"
git_urls = {
"abipy": "",
"pymatgen": "",
#"matplotlib": "",
#"abipy": "",
#"pymatgen": "",
#"matplotlib": "",
git_repospaths = [os.path.join(GIT_REPOSDIR, dirpath) for dirpath in git_urls]
# We store our bzr branches in this directory
bzr_reposdir = USER_HOME + "/bzr_repos"
bzr_branchurl = "bzr+ssh://"
to_location = os.path.join(*bzr_branchurl.split("/")[-2:]).replace("/", "_")
repo_path = os.path.join(bzr_reposdir, to_location)
build_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "build")
def _virtualenv(venv_dir):
with prefix("source %s" % os.path.join(venv_dir, "bin", "activate")):
def _exists(path):
"""True if path exists on the remote host."""
return run('test -e %s' % path, warn_only=True, quiet=True).succeeded
def _cpu_count():
"""Returns the number of CPUs in the remote host."""
with _virtualenv(VENV):
cmd = run("python -c 'import multiprocessing, sys; sys.exit(multiprocessing.cpu_count())'")
return cmd.return_code
def all_hosts():
Used to run the command on all the CECI clusters.
example: fab all_hosts pip_install abipy
env.hosts = [
def git_pull():
Synchronize the git branches with the master branches located on github.
# Create ~/git_repos and clone the repositories if this is the first time.
if not _exists(GIT_REPOSDIR):
run("mkdir %s" % GIT_REPOSDIR)
with cd(GIT_REPOSDIR):
for name, url in git_urls.items():
if not _exists(name):
run("git clone %s" % url)
# Pull from github.
for apath in git_repospaths:
with cd(apath):
run("git pull")
def git_install():
"""Install the code of the git branches."""
for apath in git_repospaths:
with cd(apath), _virtualenv(VENV):
run("python clean")
#run("rm -rf build")
#run("rm -rf sdist")
#run("python install")
run("python develop")
def git_checkout():
"""Perform git_checkout."""
for apath in git_repospaths:
with cd(apath), _virtualenv(VENV):
run("git checkout .")
def pytest(opts=""):
Run the test suite with py.test. Usage: pytests:"-v"
for apath in git_repospaths:
if "pymatgen" in apath: continue
with cd(apath), _virtualenv(VENV):
run("py.test %s" % opts)
def pip_install(*options):
Execute `pip install options` on the remote hosts.
pip_install foo bar
.. note:
use the virtual environment VENV
with _virtualenv(VENV):
run("pip install %s" % " ".join(o for o in options))
def py_version():
Show the default python version and the python modules
available on the remote machines.
out = run("python --version", quiet=True)
py_version = out.split()[1]
out = StringIO.StringIO()
run("module available", stdout=out)
py_modules = []
for o in out.getvalue().splitlines():
py_modules.extend([s for s in o.split() if "python" in s])
print("default python:", py_version, "python modules:", py_modules)
def bzr_pull():
Upload the bzr repository on the remote clusters.
# Create ~/bzr_repos and clone the repositories if this is the first time.
print("repo_path", repo_path, "to_location", to_location)
with _virtualenv(VENV):
if not _exists(bzr_reposdir):
run("mkdir %s" % bzr_reposdir)
if not _exists(repo_path):
with cd(bzr_reposdir):
run("bzr branch %s %s" % (bzr_branchurl, to_location))
# Pull the branch
with cd(repo_path):
run("bzr pull")
run("bzr status")
def upload_file(local_path, remote_path, mode=None):
Copy local_path to host:remote_path.
If mode is not None `chmod mode remote_path` is executed.
put(local_path, remote_path)
if mode is not None:
run("chmod %s %s" % (mode, remote_path))
def wget(urls):
Download files on the remove host from URLS to ~/Downloads
fab wget:"foo.tar.gz bar.tar.gz"
downloads_dir = "Downloads"
with cd (USER_HOME):
if not _exists(downloads_dir):
run("mkdir %s" % downloads_dir)
with cd(downloads_dir):
for u in urls.split():
run("wget %s " % u)
def upload_key(key):
key: path of the SSH key to upload on the cluster.
if not _exists("~/.ssh/"): run("mkdir ~/.ssh")
filename = os.path.basename(key)
remotepath = "~/.ssh/" + filename
put(key, remotepath)
run("chmod go-rwx %s" % remotepath)
#def use_ssh_agent():
# run("eval $(ssh-agent)")
# run("ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.ceci")
def abinit_version():
"""Show the version of Abinit available on the remote host."""
if run("abinit --version", warn_only=True, quiet=True).return_code:
run("mpirun abinit --version") # Try to prepend mpirun
def abinit_build(self):
"""Show the Abinit build parameters."""
if run("abinit --build", warn_only=True, quiet=True).return_code:
run("mpirun abinit --build") # Try to prepend mpirun
def abinit_makemake():
"""Run abinit makemake to generate configure script."""
with cd(repo_path):
def abinit_build():
with cd(build_path):
conf_file = os.path.join(bzr_reposdir, "")
run("../configure --with-config-file=%s" % conf_file)
run("make clean")
run("make -j8")
def abinit_makeall(self):
"""Runs abinit makemake and build."""
def abinit_runtests(opts=""):
Run the abinit automatic tests. Usage: abinit_runtests:"-j8 -k GW"
with cd(build_path):
run("../tests/ %s" % opts)

View File

@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Extract the names of the entities defined in a fortran datatype."""
from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals, absolute_import
import sys
import re
def remove_text_in_parenthesis(s):
return re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '', s)
class FortypeParserError(Exception):
"""Exceptions raised by FortypeParser."""
class FortypeParser(object):
Extracts the name of the variables defined in a Fortran datatype
Assumes plain F90 format without CPP macros.
Error = FortypeParserError
# Name of the type ("type xxxx", "type :: xxxx" or "type, yyy :: xxxx"
re_name_type = re.compile('^[ \t]*type[ ]*(|.*::)[ ]*(?P<name>\w+)', re.IGNORECASE)
# Detect "end type"
re_end_type = re.compile('^[ \t]*end[ ]+type[ ]*(?P<name>\w+)', re.IGNORECASE)
def __init__(self, filepath, ftype_name):
Fortran file with the declaraion of the datatype
Name of the datatype
# Open the file and find the section with the type declaration.
indec, self.declaration = 0, []
with open(filepath) as fh:
for line in fh:
line = line.lower().strip()
if not line or line.startswith("!"):
m = self.re_name_type.match(line)
if m and m.groups()[1] == ftype_name:
#print(m, m.groups())
indec = 1
if indec:
m = self.re_end_type.match(line)
if m:
if m.groups()[0] != ftype_name:
raise self.Error("Cannot find end to type declaration!")
if not self.declaration:
raise self.Error("Cannot find declaration of Fortran type: %s" % ftype_name)
# Here we assume abinit coding rules e.g. real :: var
# and we use "::" to find the section with the variables.
self.varnames, badlines = [], []
for dec in self.declaration[1:-1]:
s = dec.find("::")
if s == -1:
# Strip comments.
dec = dec[s+2:]
e = dec.find("!")
if e != -1:
dec = dec[:e]
# Dec is the string containing our variables.
# Remove text inside (..) to avoid problems with arrays and split using ,
# print("dec: ", dec)
tokens = remove_text_in_parenthesis(dec)
tokens = [s.strip() for s in tokens.split(",")]
if badlines:
err_msg = "You are not following abinit coding rules"
raise ValueError(err_msg)
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join(self.varnames)
def json_dump(self, stream=sys.stdout):
import json
json.dump(self.varnames, stream, indent=4)
def main():
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('filepath', help="Fortran file with the declaration of the datatype")
parser.add_argument('datatype', help="Name of the datatype to be analyzed")
options = parser.parse_args()
p = FortypeParser(options.filepath, options.datatype)
#import pprint
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This script wraps the Fortran executable mrgddb."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, print_function, absolute_import
import sys
import argparse
from abipy.abilab import Mrgddb, TaskManager
def main():
def str_examples():
examples = (
"Example usage:\n\n"
"mrgddb -o output_DDB file1_DDB file2_DDB\n"
"mrgddb -o output_DDB -d 'String with description' file1_DDB file2_DDB\n"
"mrgddb -o output_DDB *_DDB\n"
return examples
def show_examples_and_exit(err_msg=None, error_code=0):
""""Display the usage of the script."""
if err_msg:
sys.stderr.write("Fatal Error\n" + err_msg + "\n")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=str_examples(),
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=0, action='count', # -vv --> verbose=2
help='verbose, can be supplied multiple times to increase verbosity.')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--executable', metavar='STRING', type=str, default="mrgddb", help="Path to the mrgddb executable.")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--description', metavar='STRING', type=str, default="No description available",
help="Description added to the merged DDB file.")
parser.add_argument('-o', '--out_ddb', metavar='STRING', type=str, default="", help="Name of the output DDB file")
parser.add_argument('ddb_files', nargs="+", help="List of DDB files to merge.")
# Parse the command line.
options = parser.parse_args()
except Exception:
if not options.out_ddb:
raise ValueError("out_ddb must be specified")
manager = TaskManager.from_user_config()
mrgddb = Mrgddb(manager=manager, executable=options.executable, verbose=options.verbose)
workdir = "."
mrgddb.merge(workdir, options.ddb_files, options.out_ddb, options.description)
except Exception:
print("got ddb_files: ", options.ddb_files)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -11,10 +11,8 @@ if [[ "${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}" == "osx" ]]; then
if [[ "${PYTHON_VERSION}" == "2.7" ]]; then
wget -O;
#wget -O;
wget -O;
#wget -O;

View File

@ -1,23 +1,25 @@
set -e # exit on first error
echo Installing AbiPy dependencies with conda.
echo Adding conda-forge, matsci and abinit to channels
echo "Installing AbiPy dependencies with conda."
echo "Adding conda-forge, matsci and abinit to channels"
echo "Working in CONDA_PREFIX: ${CONDA_PREFIX} ..."
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels matsci
conda config --add channels abinit
echo "Installing requirements listed requirements.txt and requirements-optional.txt ..."
conda install -y -c anaconda setuptools
conda install -y --file ./requirements.txt
conda install -y --file ./requirements-optional.txt
# Install bader ( from matsci
echo "Installing bader executable ( from matsci ..."
conda install -y -c matsci bader
# Install abinit from abinit conda channel.
echo "Installing abinit from abinit channel ..."
conda install -y -c gmatteo abinit=${ABINIT_VERSION}
abinit --version
abinit --build
echo Installation complete. Use: conda install abinit to install Fortran executable
echo "Installation completed"

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# build the docs
cd docs && make clean && make html && cd ..
# commit and push
git add -A && git commit -m "building and pushing docs" && git push origin master
# switch branches and pull the data we want
git checkout gh-pages
rm -rf .
touch .nojekyll
#git checkout master docs/build/html
#mv ./docs/build/html/* ./
git checkout master ${SITE_PATH}
mv ${SITE_PATH}/html/* ./
rm -rf ./docs
git add -A && git commit -m "publishing updated docs..." && git push origin gh-pages
# switch back
git checkout master

View File

@ -13,14 +13,15 @@ benefit from the different tools and python objects available in the pymatgen ec
AbiPy can be used in conjunction with matplotlib_, pandas_, seaborn_,
ipython_ and jupyter_ thus providing a powerful and user-friendly environment for data analysis and visualization.
Check out the list of plotting scripts available in our :ref:`plot-gallery`.
To learn more about the integration between jupyter and AbiPy, visit our collection of `notebooks
and the
`AbiPy lessons <>`_.
To learn more about the integration between jupyter_ and AbiPy, visit `our collection of notebooks
or click the **Launch Binder** badge to start a Docker image with Abinit, AbiPy and all the other python dependencies
required to run the code inside the jupyter notebooks.
The notebook will be opened in your browser after building.
AbiPy supports both Python 2.7 as well as Python >= 3.4.
Note however that Python 2.7 is more intensively tested than py3k, especially at the level of workflows.
We hence still recommend py2.7 if you plan to run automatic calculations with AbiPy.
.. AbiPy supports both Python 2.7 as well as Python >= 3.4.
.. Note however that Python 2.7 is more intensively tested than py3k, especially at the level of workflows.
.. We hence still recommend py2.7 if you plan to run automatic calculations with AbiPy.
Note also that the majority of the post-processing tools available in AbiPy require Abinit output files in
netcdf_ format so we strongly suggest to compile Abinit with netcdf support

View File

@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ and then follow the instructions in the :ref:`netcdf4_installation` section.
The installation process is greatly simplified if you install the required
packages through the Anaconda_ distribution.
We routinely use conda_ to test new developments with multiple versions of Python and multiple virtual environments.
The anaconda distribution already provides the most critical dependencies (numpy_, scipy_, matplotlib_, ...)
in the form of pre-compiled packages and netcdf4-python_ can be easily installed with::
We routinely use conda_ to test new developments with multiple Python versions and multiple virtual environments.
The anaconda distribution already provides the most critical dependencies (numpy_, scipy_, matplotlib_, netcdf4-python_)
in the form of pre-compiled packages that can be easily installed with e.g.::
conda install netcdf4
conda install numpy scipy netcdf4
Additional information on the steps required to install AbiPy with anaconda
are available in the :ref:`anaconda_howto` howto as well as in the
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ ipython_
jupyter_ and nbformat_
Required to generate jupyter notebooks.
Install these two packages with ``conda install jupyter nbformat`` or use ``pip_``.
Install these two packages with ``conda install jupyter nbformat`` or use pip_.
To use ``jupyter`` you will also need a web browser to open the notebook.
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Anaconda Howto
Download the anaconda installer from the `official web-site <>`_.
Choose the version that matches your OS and select python2.7.
Choose the version that matches your OS and select python3.6.
You may want to use the ``wget`` utility to download the anaconda script directly from the terminal
(useful if you are installing anaconda on a cluster).
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Once the installation is completed, execute::
to activate the ``root`` environment.
The output of ``which python`` should show that you are using the python interpreter provided by anaconda.
Use the ``conda`` command-line interface to install the packages not included in the official distribution.
Use the conda_ command-line interface to install the packages not included in the official distribution.
For example, you can install ``pyyaml`` and ``netcdf4`` with::
conda install pyyaml netcdf4
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Developmental version
Getting the developmental version of AbiPy is easy.
You can clone it from our `github repository <>`_ using::
git clone
git clone
After cloning the repository, type::