Fix documentation

This commit is contained in:
Matteo Giantomassi 2024-07-22 22:22:41 +02:00
parent 8252378f44
commit 000c21e466
26 changed files with 522 additions and 488 deletions

View File

@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ jobs:
conda create -n abipy python=${{ matrix.config.python }} --yes
conda activate abipy
conda install abinit -c conda-forge --yes
abinit --version
abinit --build
mpirun -n 1 abinit --version
mpirun -n 1 abinit --build
pip install . # --editable
mkdir -p $HOME/.abinit/abipy/
cp abipy/data/managers/travis_manager.yml $HOME/.abinit/abipy/manager.yml
@ -46,20 +46,20 @@ jobs:
- name: Build docs with Sphinx
run: |
cd docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
make -j
cd docs
- name: Upload artifact
uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v2
name: github-pages
url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: build
- name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
id: deployment
uses: actions/deploy-pages@v2
# environment:
# name: github-pages
# url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }}
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs: build
# steps:
# - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
# id: deployment
# uses: actions/deploy-pages@v2

View File

@ -967,7 +967,7 @@ Expecting callable or attribute name or key in abifile.params""" % (type(hue), s
Accepts callable or string.
If string, it's assumed that the abifile has an attribute with the same name and getattr is invoked.
If callable, the output of hue(abifile) is used.
abs_conv: If not None, plot f(x) and |f(x) - f(x_inf)| in log scale.
abs_conv: If not None, plot f(x) and abs(f(x) - f(x_inf)) in log scale.
ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
fontsize: legend and label fontsize.
kwargs: keyword arguments passed to matplotlib plot method.
@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@ Expecting callable or attribute name or key in abifile.params""" % (type(hue), s
If string, it's assumed that the abifile has an attribute with the same name and getattr is invoked.
Dot notation is also supported e.g. hue="structure.formula" --> abifile.structure.formula
If callable, the output of hue(abifile) is used.
abs_conv: If not None, plot f(x) and |f(x) - f(x_inf)| in log scale.
abs_conv: If not None, plot f(x) and abs(f(x) - f(x_inf)) in log scale.
Since we are plotting multiple quantities, abs_conv is a dict mapping the name of the item to
to the convergence.
fontsize: legend and label fontsize.

View File

@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ class Function1D:
Helper function to plot the function with plotly.
fig: |plotly.graph_objects.Figure|.
fig: plotly.graph_objects.Figure.
rcd: PlotlyRowColDesc object used when fig is not None to specify the (row, col) of the subplot in the grid.
exchange_xy: True to exchange the x and y in the plot.
xfactor, yfactor: xvalues and yvalues are multiplied by this factor before plotting.
@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ class Function1D:
rcd: PlotlyRowColDesc object used when fig is not None to specify the (row, col)
of the subplot in the grid.
Returns: |plotly-Figure|.
Returns: plotly-Figure
fig, _ = get_fig_plotly(fig=fig)
rcd = PlotlyRowColDesc.from_object(rcd)

View File

@ -1617,7 +1617,7 @@ class Structure(pmg_Structure, NotebookWriter):
pmg_path (bool): True if the default path used in pymatgen should be show.
with_labels (bool): True to plot k-point labels.
Returns: |plotly.graph_objects.Figure|
Returns: plotly.graph_objects.Figure
from import plotly_brillouin_zone_from_kpath, plotly_brillouin_zone
labels = None if not with_labels else self.hsym_kpath.kpath["kpoints"]
@ -2033,8 +2033,8 @@ class Structure(pmg_Structure, NotebookWriter):
b. A sequence of three scaling factors. e.g., [2, 1, 1]
specifies that the supercell should have dimensions 2a x b x c.
c. A number, which simply scales all lattice vectors by the same factor.
replaced atom : Symbol of the atom to be replaced (ex: 'Sr')
dopant_atom : Symbol of the dopant_atom (ex: 'Eu')
replaced atom: Symbol of the atom to be replaced (ex: 'Sr')
dopant_atom: Symbol of the dopant_atom (ex: 'Eu')
### list of positions of non-equivalent sites for the replaced atom. ###
irred = self.spget_equivalent_atoms().eqmap # mapping from inequivalent sites to atoms sites

View File

@ -2601,12 +2601,10 @@ class DielectricTensorGenerator(Has_Structure):
num: number of values of the frequencies between w_min and w_max.
component: determine which components of the tensor will be displayed. Can be a list/tuple of two
elements, indicating the indices [i, j] of the desired component or a string among::
* 'diag_av' to plot the average of the components on the diagonal
* 'diag' to plot the elements on diagonal
* 'all' to plot all the components in the upper triangle.
* 'offdiag' to plot the off-diagonal components in the upper triangle.
reim: a string with "re" will plot the real part, with "im" selects the imaginary part.
units: string specifying the units used for phonon frequencies. Possible values in
("eV", "meV", "Ha", "cm-1", "Thz"). Case-insensitive.

View File

@ -4386,7 +4386,7 @@ class PhononBandsPlotter(NotebookWriter):
width_ratios: Ratio between the width of the phonon bands plots and the DOS plots.
Used if plotter has DOSes.
fontsize: fontsize for titles and legend.
linestyle_dict: Dictionary mapping labels to linestyle options passed to |plotly.graph_objects.scatter|.
linestyle_dict: Dictionary mapping labels to linestyle options passed to plotly.graph_objects.scatter.
Returns: |plotly.graph_objects.Figure|

View File

@ -3088,11 +3088,10 @@ class ElectronBands(Has_Structure):
.. example::
r = ebands.get_ifermi_fs()
r = self.get_ifermi_dense_bs(interpolation_factor, with_velocities)

View File

@ -666,10 +666,9 @@ class PspsReader(ETSF_Reader):
def read_tcorespl(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
qmesh: Linear q-mesh in q-space
tcorespl: numpy array of shape [ntypat, 2, mqgrid_vl]
with the pseudo core density in reciprocal space on a regular grid.
Only if pseudo has_tcore
qmesh: Linear q-mesh in q-space.
tcorespl: array of shape [ntypat, 2, mqgrid_vl] with the pseudo core density in reciprocal space on a regular grid.
Only if pseudo has_tcore
return self.read_value("qgrid_vl"), self.read_value("nc_tcorespl")
@ -677,8 +676,7 @@ class PspsReader(ETSF_Reader):
qmesh: Linear q-mesh in G-space
vlspl: numpy array of shape [ntypat, two, mqgrid_vl]
with the local part of each type of psp in q-space
vlspl: numpy array of shape [ntypat, two, mqgrid_vl] with the local part of each type of psp in q-space
return self.read_value("qgrid_vl"), self.read_value("vlspl")

View File

@ -278,9 +278,9 @@ def oncv_gui(options):
return pn.serve(build, **serve_kwargs)
def main():
def str_examples():
def get_epilog() -> str:
return """\
Usage example:
@ -295,11 +295,8 @@ Usage example: notebook H.out ==> Generate jupyter notebook to plot oncvpsp results.
def show_examples_and_exit(err_msg=None, error_code=1):
"""Display the usage of the script."""
if err_msg: sys.stderr.write("Fatal Error\n" + err_msg + "\n")
def get_parser(with_epilog=False):
def get_copts_parser(multi=False):
# Parent parser implementing common options.
@ -324,7 +321,7 @@ Usage example:
# Build the main parser.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=str_examples(), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=get_epilog(), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
from abipy.core.release import __version__
parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=__version__)
@ -379,6 +376,19 @@ Usage example:
# help="List of cutoff radii for vloc in Bohr.")
return parser
def main():
def show_examples_and_exit(err_msg=None, error_code=1):
"""Display the usage of the script."""
if err_msg: sys.stderr.write("Fatal Error\n" + err_msg + "\n")
parser = get_parser(with_epilog=True)
# Parse command line.
options = parser.parse_args()
@ -396,5 +406,6 @@ Usage example:
# Dispatch
return globals()["oncv_" + options.command](options)
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1929,46 +1929,44 @@ def add_plotly_fig_kwargs(func: Callable) -> Callable:
return fig
# Add docstring to the decorated method.
s = (
+ """\
Keyword arguments controlling the display of the figure:
================ ====================================================================
kwargs Meaning
================ ====================================================================
title Title of the plot (Default: None).
show True to show the figure (default: True).
hovermode True to show the hover info (default: False)
savefig "abc.png" , "abc.jpeg" or "abc.webp" to save the figure to a file.
write_json Write plotly figure to `write_json` JSON file.
Inside jupyter-lab, one can right-click the `write_json` file from
the file menu and open with "Plotly Editor".
Make some changes to the figure, then use the file menu to save
the customized plotly plot.
Requires `jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-chart-editor`.
renderer (str or None (default None))
A string containing the names of one or more registered renderers
(separated by + characters) or None. If None, then the default
renderers specified in are used.
config (dict) A dict of parameters to configure the figure. The defaults are set in plotly.js.
chart_studio True to push figure to chart_studio server. Requires authenticatios.
Default: False.
template Plotly template. See
["plotly", "plotly_white", "plotly_dark", "ggplot2",
"seaborn", "simple_white", "none"]
Default is None that is the default template is used.
================ ====================================================================
doc_str = """\n\n
Keyword arguments controlling the display of the figure:
================ ====================================================================
kwargs Meaning
================ ====================================================================
title Title of the plot (Default: None).
show True to show the figure (default: True).
hovermode True to show the hover info (default: False)
savefig "abc.png" , "abc.jpeg" or "abc.webp" to save the figure to a file.
write_json Write plotly figure to `write_json` JSON file.
Inside jupyter-lab, one can right-click the `write_json` file from
the file menu and open with "Plotly Editor".
Make some changes to the figure, then use the file menu to save
the customized plotly plot.
Requires `jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-chart-editor`.
renderer (str or None (default None))
A string containing the names of one or more registered renderers
(separated by + characters) or None. If None, then the default
renderers specified in are used.
config (dict) A dict of parameters to configure the figure. The defaults are set in plotly.js.
chart_studio True to push figure to chart_studio server. Requires authenticatios.
Default: False.
template Plotly template. See
["plotly", "plotly_white", "plotly_dark", "ggplot2",
"seaborn", "simple_white", "none"]
Default is None that is the default template is used.
================ ====================================================================
if wrapper.__doc__ is not None:
# Add s at the end of the docstring.
wrapper.__doc__ += "\n" + s
wrapper.__doc__ += f"\n{doc_str}"
# Use s
wrapper.__doc__ = s
wrapper.__doc__ = doc_str
return wrapper

View File

@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
# You can set these variables from the command line.
SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
#SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build -v
BUILDDIR = _build
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ clean:
rm -rf ../abipy/examples/flows/flow_*
@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html."

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
embedding Package
.. contents::
:backlinks: top
:mod:`embedding` Package
.. automodule:: abipy.embedding
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ embedding Package
:mod:`embedding_ifc` Module
.. automodule:: abipy.embedding.embedding_ifc

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ lumi Package
:backlinks: top
:mod:`lumi` Package
.. automodule:: abipy.lumi

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ppcodes Package
:backlinks: top
:mod:`ppcodes` Package
.. automodule:: abipy.ppcodes

View File

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import sys
import os
import shutil
# Remove matplotlib agg warnings from generated doc when using
import warnings
@ -53,15 +52,21 @@ extensions = [
'sphinx.ext.napoleon', # For Google Python Style Guide
"sphinxarg.ext", # CLI doc
# Activate build of sphinx-gallery.
with_gallery = True
if with_gallery:
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can
# be extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
import matplotlib
@ -92,7 +97,6 @@ mpl = matplotlib
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 300
#def reset_mpl(gallery_conf, fname):
# """reset matplotlib to always use the seaborn style."""
# #
@ -131,66 +135,68 @@ pio.renderers.default = 'sphinx_gallery'
from import set_plotly_default_show
from sphinx_gallery.sorting import ExampleTitleSortKey
if with_gallery:
print("Will build sphinx-gallery")
from sphinx_gallery.sorting import ExampleTitleSortKey
sphinx_gallery_conf = {
'only_warn_on_example_error': True,
#'abort_on_example_error': True,
'log_level': {'backreference_missing': 'warning'},
# path to your examples scripts
'examples_dirs': [
# path where to save gallery generated examples
'gallery_dirs': [
'filename_pattern': "(/plot*|/run_*)",
'default_thumb_file': '_static/abipy_logo.png',
'within_subsection_order': ExampleTitleSortKey,
'backreferences_dir': None,
#'reset_modules': (reset_mpl,),
'reference_url': {
'abipy': None, # The module you locally document uses None
'numpy': '',
'matplotlib': '',
'pandas': "",
"pymatgen": "",
#'image_scrapers': ('matplotlib',),
#'image_scrapers': ('matplotlib', PNGScraper()),
#'image_scrapers': ('matplotlib', plotly),
sphinx_gallery_conf = {
#'only_warn_on_example_error': True,
'abort_on_example_error': True,
'log_level': {'backreference_missing': 'warning'},
# path to your examples scripts
'examples_dirs': [
# path where to save gallery generated examples
'gallery_dirs': [
'filename_pattern': "(/plot*|/run_*)",
'default_thumb_file': '_static/abipy_logo.png',
'within_subsection_order': ExampleTitleSortKey,
'backreferences_dir': None,
#'reset_modules': (reset_mpl,),
'reference_url': {
'abipy': None, # The module you locally document uses None
'numpy': '',
'matplotlib': '',
'pandas': "",
"pymatgen": "",
#'image_scrapers': ('matplotlib',),
#'image_scrapers': ('matplotlib', PNGScraper()),
#'image_scrapers': ('matplotlib', plotly),
# capture raw HTML or, if not present, __repr__ of last expression in each code block
'capture_repr': (),
#'capture_repr': ('_repr_html_', '__repr__'),
# capture raw HTML or, if not present, __repr__ of last expression in each code block
'capture_repr': (),
#'capture_repr': ('_repr_html_', '__repr__'),
'binder': {
# Required keys
'org': 'abinit',
'repo': 'abipy',
# Can be any branch, tag, or commit hash. Use a branch that hosts your docs.
'branch': 'gh-pages',
#'ref': 'gh-pages',
# Any URL of a binderhub deployment. Must be full URL (e.g.
'binderhub_url': '',
# A list of paths (relative to to dependency files that Binder uses to infer
# the environment needed to run your examples
'dependencies': ["../binder/environment.yml", "../binder/postBuild"],
# Optional keys
# A prefix to prepend to any filepaths in Binder links.
#'filepath_prefix': '<prefix>'
# Jupyter notebooks for Binder will be copied to this directory (relative to built documentation root).
#'notebooks_dir': '<notebooks-directory-name>'
# Whether Binder links should start Jupyter Lab instead of the Jupyter Notebook interface.
#'use_jupyter_lab': False,
#'binder': {
# # Required keys
# 'org': 'abinit',
# 'repo': 'abipy',
# # Can be any branch, tag, or commit hash. Use a branch that hosts your docs.
# 'branch': 'gh-pages',
# #'ref': 'gh-pages',
# # Any URL of a binderhub deployment. Must be full URL (e.g.
# 'binderhub_url': '',
# # A list of paths (relative to to dependency files that Binder uses to infer
# # the environment needed to run your examples
# 'dependencies': ["../binder/environment.yml", "../binder/postBuild"],
# # Optional keys
# # A prefix to prepend to any filepaths in Binder links.
# #'filepath_prefix': '<prefix>'
# # Jupyter notebooks for Binder will be copied to this directory (relative to built documentation root).
# #'notebooks_dir': '<notebooks-directory-name>'
# # Whether Binder links should start Jupyter Lab instead of the Jupyter Notebook interface.
# #'use_jupyter_lab': False,
# },
# Generate the API documentation when building
autosummary_generate = True

View File

@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
* - Package
- |pypi-version| |download-with-anaconda| |supported-versions|
* - Continuous Integration
- |travis-status| |coverage-status|
- |travis-status| |coverage-status|
* - Documentation
- |docs-github| |launch-nbviewer| |launch-binder|
- |docs-github| |launch-nbviewer| |launch-binder|
Getting Started
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ Post-processing
:maxdepth: 1
@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ API
Indices and tables

docs/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
set -ev # exit on first error, print each command
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install graphvix -c conda-forge --yes

View File

@ -71,6 +71,8 @@
.. Links to jupyter notebooks associated to AbiPy files:
.. _AbipyStructure:

docs/scripts/abips.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Script to download and install pseudopotential tables from the web.
.. argparse::
:ref: abipy.scripts.abips.get_parser

View File

@ -38,3 +38,5 @@ and use ```` to launch Abinit calculations.

docs/scripts/oncv.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Script to generate/analyze/plot ONCVPSP pseudopotentials.
.. argparse::
:ref: abipy.scripts.oncv.get_parser

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
Computation times
**00:00.401** total execution time for 112 files **from all galleries**:
**01:32.521** total execution time for 109 files **from all galleries**:
.. container::
@ -32,339 +32,330 @@ Computation times
* - Example
- Time
- Mem (MB)
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.277
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.111
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.014
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:10.314
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 00:04.750
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 00:04.432
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:03.683
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:03.131
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:02.525
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:02.431
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:01.970
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:01.926
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:01.924
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:01.857
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:01.827
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:01.774
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:01.492
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:01.457
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:01.363
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:01.323
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:01.136
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:01.104
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:01.007
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.990
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.986
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 00:00.980
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.969
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.922
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.920
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.908
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.831
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.826
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.819
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.818
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.792
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.778
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.770
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.763
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.726
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.716
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.692
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.680
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.675
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.661
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.656
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.648
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.620
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.618
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.615
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.606
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.569
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.566
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.553
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.551
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.515
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.514
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.509
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.504
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.498
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.488
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.486
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.481
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.481
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.478
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.472
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.464
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.462
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.460
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.453
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.451
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.432
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.428
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.417
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.399
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.395
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.386
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.381
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.358
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.352
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.350
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.349
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.348
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.314
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.309
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.301
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.300
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.290
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.270
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 00:00.262
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.259
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.240
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.227
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.225
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.224
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.210
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.191
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.179
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.179
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.000
- 00:00.175
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.158
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.153
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.149
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.145
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.130
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.121
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.115
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.111
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.097
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.078
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.071
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/plot/``)
- 00:00.046
- 0.0
* - :ref:`` (``../abipy/examples/flows/``)
- 00:00.036
- 0.0

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Dragon1
num_nodes: 26
sockets_per_node: 2
cores_per_socket: 8
mem_per_node: 112Gb
mem_per_node: 112GB
job: &job
mpi_runner: mpirun
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Gmac
num_nodes: 1
sockets_per_node: 1
cores_per_socket: 2
mem_per_node: 4 Gb
mem_per_node: 4 GB
# Optional
#condition: {"$eq": {omp_threads: 2}}
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Hercules
num_nodes: 65
sockets_per_node: 2
cores_per_socket: 8
mem_per_node: 54Gb
mem_per_node: 54GB
job: &job
mpi_runner: mpirun
@ -126,19 +126,19 @@ Hmem
num_nodes: 2
sockets_per_node: 4
cores_per_socket: 12
mem_per_node: 512Gb
mem_per_node: 512GB
middle: &middle
num_nodes: 7
sockets_per_node: 4
cores_per_socket: 12
mem_per_node: 256Gb
mem_per_node: 256GB
low: &low
num_nodes: 7
sockets_per_node: 4
cores_per_socket: 12
mem_per_node: 128Gb
mem_per_node: 128GB
job: &job
mpi_runner: mpirun
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ Juqueen
num_nodes: 128
sockets_per_node: 1
cores_per_socket: 16
mem_per_node: 128Gb
mem_per_node: 128GB
job: &job
mpi_runner: runjob
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ Juqueen
num_nodes: 1
sockets_per_node: 1
cores_per_socket: 1
mem_per_node: 12Gb
mem_per_node: 12GB
#mpi_runner: runjob
@ -262,13 +262,13 @@ Jureca
num_nodes: 8
sockets_per_node: 2
cores_per_socket: 12
mem_per_node: 128Gb
mem_per_node: 128GB
batch: &batch
num_nodes: 128
sockets_per_node: 2
cores_per_socket: 12
mem_per_node: 128Gb
mem_per_node: 128GB
job: &job
# mpirun is not available on jureca.
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ Lemaitre2
num_nodes: 112
sockets_per_node: 2
cores_per_socket: 6
mem_per_node: 48Gb
mem_per_node: 48GB
job: &job
mpi_runner: mpirun
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ Lemaitre3
num_nodes: 80
sockets_per_node: 2
cores_per_socket: 12
mem_per_node: 95Gb
mem_per_node: 95GB
job: &job
mpi_runner: mpirun
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ Lumi
num_nodes: 1376
sockets_per_node: 2
cores_per_socket: 64
mem_per_node: 256Gb
mem_per_node: 256GB
job: &job
mpi_runner: srun
@ -433,19 +433,19 @@ Manneback
num_nodes: 672
sockets_per_node: 2
cores_per_socket: 4
mem_per_node: 24 Gb
mem_per_node: 24 GB
ObanAMD: &ObanAMD
num_nodes: 6
sockets_per_node: 4
cores_per_socket: 8
mem_per_node: 128 Gb
mem_per_node: 128 GB
ObanIntel: &ObanIntel
num_nodes: 3
sockets_per_node: 4
cores_per_socket: 8
mem_per_node: 256 Gb
mem_per_node: 256 GB
# Environment, modules, and parameters used to launch jobs.
job: &job
@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ Nic4
num_nodes: 120
sockets_per_node: 2
cores_per_socket: 8
mem_per_node: 64Gb
mem_per_node: 64GB
job: &job
mpi_runner: "mpirun"
@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ Shell
num_nodes: 1
sockets_per_node: 1
cores_per_socket: 2
mem_per_node: 4 Gb
mem_per_node: 4 GB
@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ Shell_nompi
num_nodes: 1
sockets_per_node: 1
cores_per_socket: 2
mem_per_node: 4 Gb
mem_per_node: 4 GB
@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ Travis
num_nodes: 1
sockets_per_node: 1
cores_per_socket: 2
mem_per_node: 4 Gb
mem_per_node: 4 GB
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ Ubu
num_nodes: 1
sockets_per_node: 1
cores_per_socket: 24
mem_per_node: 4 Gb
mem_per_node: 4 GB
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ Vega
num_nodes: 44
sockets_per_node: 4
cores_per_socket: 16
mem_per_node: 256Gb
mem_per_node: 256GB
job: &job
mpi_runner: mpirun
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ Viper
num_nodes: 1
sockets_per_node: 2
cores_per_socket: 4
mem_per_node: 32Gb
mem_per_node: 32GB
job: &job
mpi_runner: ~/bin/mpirun.openmpi
@ -719,13 +719,13 @@ Zenobe
num_nodes: 274
sockets_per_node: 2
cores_per_socket: 6
mem_per_node: 24 Gb
mem_per_node: 24 GB
ivybridge: &ivybridge
num_nodes: 342
sockets_per_node: 2
cores_per_socket: 12
mem_per_node: 64 Gb
mem_per_node: 64 GB
# Environment, modules, and parameters used to launch jobs.
job: &job

View File

@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ Note this approach also allows you to safely use multiple versions.
Copy this example and change the entries in the ``hardware`` and the ``limits`` section according to
your machine, in particular make sure that ``max_cores`` is not greater than the number of physical cores
available on your personal computer.
Save the file in the current working directory and run the :ref:`` script provided by AbiPy.
Save the file in the current working directory and run the abicheck.py_ script provided by AbiPy.
If everything is configured properly, you should see something like this in the terminal.
.. command-output:: --no-colors