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Units Tests for regular expressions.
from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals, absolute_import
from unittest import TestCase
from .regex import HasRegex
class TestRegext(TestCase):
def test_regex(self):
"""Test regular expressions."""
p = HasRegex
# A quoted expression.
assert p.RE_QUOTED.match("'hello'")
assert p.RE_QUOTED.match('""')
m = p.RE_F90COMMENT.match(" ! hello")
assert m and m.group("value") == " hello"
# Program
m = p.RE_PROG_START.match("program foo")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo"
m = p.RE_PROC_END.match("end program foo")
assert m and m.group("proc_type") == "program" and m.group("name") == "foo"
# Module
m = p.RE_MOD_START.match("module foo")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo"
m = p.RE_MOD_START.match("module foo!hello")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo"
m = p.RE_MOD_END.match("end module foo")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo"
# Subroutine
m = p.RE_SUB_START.match("subroutine foo")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo" and not m.group("prefix")
m = p.RE_SUB_START.match("subroutine foo(a, b)")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo" and m.group("prefix") == ""
m = p.RE_SUB_START.match("pure subroutine foo(a, b)")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo" and m.group("prefix").strip() == "pure"
#m = p.RE_SUB_END.match("end subroutine foo!hello")
#assert m and m.group("name") == "foo"
m = p.RE_PROC_END.match("end subroutine foo!hello")
assert m and m.group("proc_type") == "subroutine" and m.group("name") == "foo"
# Functions: these are tricky so test them carefully.
m = p.RE_FUNC_START.match("function foo")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo" and not m.group("prefix")
m = p.RE_FUNC_START.match("integer function foo(a, b)")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo" and m.group("prefix").strip() == "integer"
m = p.RE_FUNC_START.match("integer(kind = i8b) function foo(a, b)")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo" and m.group("prefix").strip() == "integer(kind = i8b)"
m = p.RE_FUNC_START.match("real(dp) function foo(a, b)")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo" and m.group("prefix").strip() == "real(dp)"
m = p.RE_FUNC_START.match("pure complex(dpc) function foo(a)")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo" and m.group("prefix").strip() == "pure complex(dpc)"
m = p.RE_FUNC_START.match("pure logical function foo(a, b)")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo" and m.group("prefix").strip() == "pure logical"
m = p.RE_FUNC_START.match("type ( foo_t ) function foo(a, b) result(res)")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo" and m.group("prefix").strip() == "type ( foo_t )"
m = p.RE_FUNC_END.match("end function foo !bar")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo"
#m = p.RE_FUNC_END.match("end")
#assert m and m.group("name") is None
# Calls to subroutines
m = p.RE_SUBCALL.match("call foo")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo"
m = p.RE_SUBCALL.match("call foo ( a, b)")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo"
m = p.RE_SUBCALL.match("if (a == 1) call foo(a=2)")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo"
#m = p.RE_SUBCALL.match("call obj%foo(a=1, b=3)")
#assert m and m.group("name") == "obj%foo" and m.group("method") == "foo"
#m = p.RE_SUBCALL.match("call obj % foo")
#assert m and m.group("name") == "obj%foo" and m.group("method") == "foo"
#m = p.RE_SUBCALL.match("if (a == b) call obj%foo(a, b)")
#assert m and m.group("name") == "obj%foo" and m.group("method") == "foo"
# Interface
m = p.RE_INTERFACE_END.match("end interface")
assert m and not m.group("name")
m = p.RE_INTERFACE_START.match("abstract interface foo")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo"
m = p.RE_INTERFACE_END.match("end interface foo")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo"
# Intrinsic type declarations.
m = p.RE_CHARACTER_DEC.match("character (len= 10)")
assert m and m.group("len") == "10"
m = p.RE_CHARACTER_DEC.match("character(len=fnlen)")
assert m and m.group("len") == "fnlen"
m = p.RE_CHARACTER_DEC.match("character(len=*),intent(in)")
assert m and m.group("len") == "*"
m = p.RE_INTENT.search("integer, intent( inout )")
assert m and m.group("value") == "inout"
assert not p.RE_TYPECLASS_DEC.match("type, public :: foo_t")
m = p.RE_TYPECLASS_DEC.match("type( foo_t) :: foo")
assert m and m.group("ftype") == "type" and m.group("name") == "foo_t"
m = p.RE_TYPECLASS_DEC.match("type(pawrhoij_type ),allocatable :: pawrhoij1_i1pert(:)")
assert m and m.group("ftype") == "type" and m.group("name") == "pawrhoij_type"
m = p.RE_TYPECLASS_DEC.match("class ( Circle ), intent(in) :: this")
assert m and m.group("ftype") == "class" and m.group("name") == "Circle"
# integer
m = p.RE_NUMBOOL_DEC.match("integer :: timrev")
assert m and m.group("ftype") == "integer" and m.group("kind") is None
m = p.RE_NUMBOOL_DEC.match("integer ( i8b ) :: timrev")
assert m and m.group("ftype") == "integer" and m.group("kind") == "i8b"
m = p.RE_NUMBOOL_DEC.match("integer(kind=4) :: timrev")
assert m and m.group("ftype") == "integer" and m.group("kind") == "4"
m = p.RE_NUMBOOL_DEC.match("integer ( kind = i4b ) :: timrev")
assert m and m.group("ftype") == "integer" and m.group("kind") == "i4b"
# real
m = p.RE_NUMBOOL_DEC.match("double precision :: ucvol")
assert m and m.group("ftype") == "double precision" and m.group("kind") is None
m = p.RE_NUMBOOL_DEC.match("double complex :: j")
assert m and m.group("ftype") == "double complex" and m.group("kind") is None
m = p.RE_NUMBOOL_DEC.match("real(dp) :: ucvol")
assert m and m.group("ftype") == "real" and m.group("kind") == "dp"
# boolean
m = p.RE_NUMBOOL_DEC.match("logical :: use_antiferro")
assert m and m.group("ftype") == "logical" and m.group("kind") is None
# datatype declaration.
m = p.RE_TYPE_START.match("type foo_t")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo_t" and not m.group("attribs").strip()
m = p.RE_TYPE_START.match("type, public :: foo_t")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo_t" and "public" in m.group("attribs")
m = p.RE_TYPE_START.match("type, public, foobar :: foo_t")
assert m and m.group("name") == "foo_t" and "foobar" in m.group("attribs")
assert not p.RE_TYPE_START.match("type(foo_t) :: foo")
m = p.RE_PUB_OR_PRIVATE.match("public ")
assert m and m.group("name") == "public"
m = p.RE_PUB_OR_PRIVATE.match("private ! everything private ")
assert m and m.group("name") == "private"
assert not p.RE_PUB_OR_PRIVATE.match("private = 1 ! this is not private ")
assert p.RE_CONTAINS.match("contains ")
assert p.RE_CONTAINS.match("contains!foo ")
assert not p.RE_CONTAINS.match("contains=1")
# Test continuation lines
m = p.RE_CONTLINE_START.match("subroutine (a, &")
assert m and m.group("prefix") == "subroutine (a, " and not m.group("postfix")
m = p.RE_CONTLINE_START.match("subroutine (a, & !&hello")
assert m and m.group("prefix") == "subroutine (a, " and m.group("postfix") == " !&hello"
assert not p.RE_CONTLINE_START.match("& call foo(a)")
m = p.RE_CONTLINE_START.match("call foo('me & you')")
assert m and not m.group("postfix").strip().startswith("!")
# This will fool the script
#m = p.RE_CONTLINE_START.match("call foo('me &! you')")
assert not p.RE_CONTLINE_START.match("! call &")
m = p.RE_CONTLINE_NEXT.match("& call &")
assert m and m.group("value") == " call "
assert p.RE_CONTLINE_NEXT.match("& call &!debug")
assert p.RE_CONTLINE_NEXT.match("& end ")