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Packaging Abinit
Which versions may be packaged?
Abinit uses a x.y.z version numbering scheme, with the following
* x: major version number, changes around every 5 years
* y: minor version number
+---> even values : production releases
+---> odd values : development releases
* z: patch level, usually between 0 and 3
Development releases should not be packaged.
External packages on which Abinit is dependent
Abinit depends on several other packages:
* BLAS (mandatory)
* LAPACK (mandatory)
* NetCDF (mandatory)
* LibXC (mandatory)
* AtomPAW (may safely be disabled)
* BigDFT (may safely be disabled)
* Wannier90 (recommended)
It is possible to build them within Abinit, by using the corresponding
--with-(dft|linalg|trio)-flavor flags of the configure script. In this
case their source tarballs will be downloaded from their home pages or
the Abinit website, and stored into ~/.abinit/tarballs in order to avoid
multiple downloads, unless you use the --with-fallbacks-tardir option of
The best way to deal with external packages is however to make use of
pre-compiled versions already available on your system. In this case you
may use the --disable-fallbacks option of configure, in conjunction with
the following options:
* --with-*-bins, for the executables;
* --with-*-incs, for the C headers and Fortran modules;
* --with-*-libs, for the libraries.
Please note that "make -j<n>" will work only if you use externally
compiled packages. Having external BLAS, LAPACK, and NetCDF libraries
may nonetheless be sufficient.
Other external packages
Abinit may use the following other packages:
* FFTW3;
Building Abinit
The configure script of Abinit provides many options, in order to keep
manual adjustments of the environment variables at the minimum. It is
also possible to store the options in a config file (see
~abinit/doc/build/config-template.ac9 for details), in order to facilitate
the reuse of platform-specific options. When packaging Abinit you will
likely want to disable this mechanism, by using the
--disable-config-file option of configure, or provide your own version
through the --with-config-file option.
Build flags are managed so that one can tune separately:
* debug flags (--with-*-dbgflags options);
* optimization flags (--with-*-optflags options);
* hints necessary to have the compilers behaving properly
(--enable-hints option).
It is however possible to bypass this mechanism by manually providing
CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, and FCFLAGS, which, when set, will systematically
override the build system settings.
Testing Abinit
At present 'make check' runs the whole serial part of the Abinit test
suite, comprising more than 600 tests, which can at times prove quite
computer-intensive. We have started to work on making a reduced
selection of the most frequently failing tests, that would be more
suitable for packaging.
Abinit does not yet provide unit tests. A partial coverage of the code
at this level will be provided in the future.
Installing Abinit
Abinit now installs in a FHS-compliant way, hence there should not be
any particular issue at the packaging level. It currently installs the
main programs, the documentation, and the test suite (in
<prefix>/share/abinit). Manpages will come as well at some point in the
future (help is gladly welcome).
Please contact Yann Pouillon <yann.pouillon@ehu.es> should you encounter
any important issue.