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3339 lines
154 KiB
.Version of ABINIT, released Sep 2024.
.(MPI version, prepared for a x86_64_linux_gnu13.2 computer)
.Copyright (C) 1998-2025 ABINIT group .
It is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions (GNU General Public License,
see ~abinit/COPYING or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt).
ABINIT is a project of the Universite Catholique de Louvain,
Corning Inc. and other collaborators, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .
Please read https://docs.abinit.org/theory/acknowledgments for suggested
acknowledgments of the ABINIT effort.
For more information, see https://www.abinit.org .
.Starting date : Fri 13 Sep 2024.
- ( at 19h11 )
- input file -> /home/buildbot/ABINIT3/eos_gnu_13.2_mpich/trunk_merge-10.0/tests/TestBot_MPI1/v6_t64/t64.abi
- output file -> t64.abo
- root for input files -> t64i
- root for output files -> t64o
DATASET 1 : space group P1 (# 1); Bravais aP (primitive triclinic)
Values of the parameters that define the memory need for DATASET 1.
intxc = 0 ionmov = 0 iscf = 7 lmnmax = 2
lnmax = 2 mgfft = 27 mpssoang = 3 mqgrid = 3001
natom = 2 nloc_mem = 1 nspden = 1 nspinor = 1
nsppol = 1 nsym = 1 n1xccc = 2501 ntypat = 1
occopt = 1 xclevel = 1
- mband = 4 mffmem = 1 mkmem = 4
mpw = 365 nfft = 6912 nkpt = 4
P This job should need less than 2.665 Mbytes of memory.
Rough estimation (10% accuracy) of disk space for files :
_ WF disk file : 0.091 Mbytes ; DEN or POT disk file : 0.055 Mbytes.
DATASET 2 : space group P1 (# 1); Bravais aP (primitive triclinic)
Values of the parameters that define the memory need for DATASET 2.
intxc = 0 ionmov = 0 iscf = -2 lmnmax = 2
lnmax = 2 mgfft = 27 mpssoang = 3 mqgrid = 3001
natom = 2 nloc_mem = 1 nspden = 1 nspinor = 1
nsppol = 1 nsym = 1 n1xccc = 2501 ntypat = 1
occopt = 1 xclevel = 1
- mband = 4 mffmem = 1 mkmem = 4
mpw = 365 nfft = 6912 nkpt = 4
P This job should need less than 1.821 Mbytes of memory.
Rough estimation (10% accuracy) of disk space for files :
_ WF disk file : 0.091 Mbytes ; DEN or POT disk file : 0.055 Mbytes.
DATASET 3 : space group P1 (# 1); Bravais aP (primitive triclinic)
Values of the parameters that define the memory need for DATASET 3 (RF).
intxc = 0 iscf = 7 lmnmax = 2 lnmax = 2
mgfft = 27 mpssoang = 3 mqgrid = 3001 natom = 2
nloc_mem = 1 nspden = 1 nspinor = 1 nsppol = 1
nsym = 1 n1xccc = 2501 ntypat = 1 occopt = 1
xclevel = 1
- mband = 4 mffmem = 1 mkmem = 4
- mkqmem = 4 mk1mem = 4 mpw = 365
nfft = 6912 nkpt = 4
P This job should need less than 2.348 Mbytes of memory.
Rough estimation (10% accuracy) of disk space for files :
_ WF disk file : 0.091 Mbytes ; DEN or POT disk file : 0.055 Mbytes.
DATASET 4 : space group P1 (# 1); Bravais aP (primitive triclinic)
Values of the parameters that define the memory need for DATASET 4 (RF).
intxc = 0 iscf = 7 lmnmax = 2 lnmax = 2
mgfft = 27 mpssoang = 3 mqgrid = 3001 natom = 2
nloc_mem = 1 nspden = 1 nspinor = 1 nsppol = 1
nsym = 1 n1xccc = 2501 ntypat = 1 occopt = 1
xclevel = 1
- mband = 4 mffmem = 1 mkmem = 4
- mkqmem = 4 mk1mem = 4 mpw = 365
nfft = 6912 nkpt = 4
P This job should need less than 2.348 Mbytes of memory.
Rough estimation (10% accuracy) of disk space for files :
_ WF disk file : 0.091 Mbytes ; DEN or POT disk file : 0.055 Mbytes.
DATASET 5 : space group P1 (# 1); Bravais aP (primitive triclinic)
Values of the parameters that define the memory need for DATASET 5.
intxc = 0 ionmov = 0 iscf = 7 lmnmax = 2
lnmax = 2 mgfft = 27 mpssoang = 3 mqgrid = 3001
natom = 2 nloc_mem = 1 nspden = 1 nspinor = 1
nsppol = 1 nsym = 1 n1xccc = 2501 ntypat = 1
occopt = 1 xclevel = 1
- mband = 4 mffmem = 1 mkmem = 4
mpw = 365 nfft = 6912 nkpt = 4
P This job should need less than 2.665 Mbytes of memory.
Rough estimation (10% accuracy) of disk space for files :
_ WF disk file : 0.091 Mbytes ; DEN or POT disk file : 0.055 Mbytes.
------------- Echo of variables that govern the present computation ------------
- outvars: echo of selected default values
- iomode0 = 0 , fftalg0 =512 , wfoptalg0 = 0
- outvars: echo of global parameters not present in the input file
- max_nthreads = 0
-outvars: echo values of preprocessed input variables --------
acell 1.0000000000E+01 6.0000000000E+00 6.0000000000E+00 Bohr
amu 2.80855000E+01
diemac 1.00000000E+00
diemix 3.33333333E-01
dilatmx 1.05000000E+00
d3e_pert1_elfd1 0
d3e_pert1_elfd2 0
d3e_pert1_elfd3 0
d3e_pert1_elfd4 0
d3e_pert1_elfd5 1
d3e_pert1_phon1 0
d3e_pert1_phon2 0
d3e_pert1_phon3 0
d3e_pert1_phon4 0
d3e_pert1_phon5 1
d3e_pert2_elfd1 0
d3e_pert2_elfd2 0
d3e_pert2_elfd3 0
d3e_pert2_elfd4 0
d3e_pert2_elfd5 1
d3e_pert3_elfd1 0
d3e_pert3_elfd2 0
d3e_pert3_elfd3 0
d3e_pert3_elfd4 0
d3e_pert3_elfd5 1
ecut 7.00000000E+00 Hartree
ecutsm 5.00000000E-01 Hartree
- fftalg 512
getddk1 0
getddk2 0
getddk3 0
getddk4 3
getddk5 0
getden1 0
getden2 1
getden3 0
getden4 0
getden5 1
getwfk1 0
getwfk2 1
getwfk3 2
getwfk4 2
getwfk5 2
get1den1 0
get1den2 0
get1den3 0
get1den4 0
get1den5 4
get1wf1 0
get1wf2 0
get1wf3 0
get1wf4 0
get1wf5 4
iscf1 7
iscf2 -2
iscf3 7
iscf4 7
iscf5 7
ixc 7
jdtset 1 2 3 4 5
kpt 2.50000000E-01 2.50000000E-01 2.50000000E-01
-2.50000000E-01 2.50000000E-01 2.50000000E-01
2.50000000E-01 -2.50000000E-01 2.50000000E-01
-2.50000000E-01 -2.50000000E-01 2.50000000E-01
kptopt1 1
kptopt2 2
kptopt3 2
kptopt4 2
kptopt5 2
kptrlatt 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
kptrlen 1.20000000E+01
P mkmem 4
P mkqmem 4
P mk1mem 4
natom 2
nband 4
ndtset 5
ngfft 27 16 16
nkpt 4
nstep 16
nsym 1
ntime 100
ntypat 1
occ 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000
optdriver1 0
optdriver2 0
optdriver3 1
optdriver4 1
optdriver5 5
prepanl1 0
prepanl2 0
prepanl3 0
prepanl4 1
prepanl5 0
prtpot1 0
prtpot2 0
prtpot3 1
prtpot4 1
prtpot5 0
rfelfd1 0
rfelfd2 0
rfelfd3 2
rfelfd4 3
rfelfd5 0
rfphon1 0
rfphon2 0
rfphon3 0
rfphon4 1
rfphon5 0
shiftk 5.00000000E-01 5.00000000E-01 5.00000000E-01
spgroup 1
toldfe1 1.00000000E-12 Hartree
toldfe2 0.00000000E+00 Hartree
toldfe3 0.00000000E+00 Hartree
toldfe4 0.00000000E+00 Hartree
toldfe5 0.00000000E+00 Hartree
tolvrs1 0.00000000E+00
tolvrs2 0.00000000E+00
tolvrs3 0.00000000E+00
tolvrs4 1.00000000E-22
tolvrs5 0.00000000E+00
tolwfr1 0.00000000E+00
tolwfr2 1.00000000E-22
tolwfr3 1.00000000E-22
tolwfr4 0.00000000E+00
tolwfr5 0.00000000E+00
typat 1 1
wtk 0.25000 0.25000 0.25000 0.25000
xangst -1.1229140366E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
1.1229140366E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
xcart -2.1220000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
2.1220000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
xred -2.1220000000E-01 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
2.1220000000E-01 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
znucl 14.00000
chkinp: Checking input parameters for consistency, jdtset= 1.
chkinp: Checking input parameters for consistency, jdtset= 2.
chkinp: Checking input parameters for consistency, jdtset= 3.
chkinp: Checking input parameters for consistency, jdtset= 4.
chkinp: Checking input parameters for consistency, jdtset= 5.
== DATASET 1 ==================================================================
- mpi_nproc: 1, omp_nthreads: -1 (-1 if OMP is not activated)
--- !DatasetInfo
iteration_state: {dtset: 1, }
dimensions: {natom: 2, nkpt: 4, mband: 4, nsppol: 1, nspinor: 1, nspden: 1, mpw: 365, }
cutoff_energies: {ecut: 7.0, pawecutdg: -1.0, }
electrons: {nelect: 8.00000000E+00, charge: 0.00000000E+00, occopt: 1.00000000E+00, tsmear: 1.00000000E-02, }
meta: {optdriver: 0, ionmov: 0, optcell: 0, iscf: 7, paral_kgb: 0, }
Exchange-correlation functional for the present dataset will be:
LDA: Perdew-Wang 92 LSD fit to Ceperley-Alder data - ixc=7
Citation for XC functional:
J.P.Perdew and Y.Wang, PRB 45, 13244 (1992)
Real(R)+Recip(G) space primitive vectors, cartesian coordinates (Bohr,Bohr^-1):
R(1)= 10.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 G(1)= 0.1000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
R(2)= 0.0000000 6.0000000 0.0000000 G(2)= 0.0000000 0.1666667 0.0000000
R(3)= 0.0000000 0.0000000 6.0000000 G(3)= 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1666667
Unit cell volume ucvol= 3.6000000E+02 bohr^3
Angles (23,13,12)= 9.00000000E+01 9.00000000E+01 9.00000000E+01 degrees
getcut: wavevector= 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ngfft= 27 16 16
ecut(hartree)= 7.718 => boxcut(ratio)= 2.07907
--- Pseudopotential description ------------------------------------------------
- pspini: atom type 1 psp file is /home/buildbot/ABINIT3/eos_gnu_13.2_mpich/trunk_merge-10.0/tests/Pspdir/PseudosTM_pwteter/14si.pspnc
- pspatm: opening atomic psp file /home/buildbot/ABINIT3/eos_gnu_13.2_mpich/trunk_merge-10.0/tests/Pspdir/PseudosTM_pwteter/14si.pspnc
- Troullier-Martins psp for element Si Thu Oct 27 17:31:21 EDT 1994
- 14.00000 4.00000 940714 znucl, zion, pspdat
1 1 2 2 2001 0.00000 pspcod,pspxc,lmax,lloc,mmax,r2well
0 5.907 14.692 1 2.0872718 l,e99.0,e99.9,nproj,rcpsp
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 rms, ekb1, ekb2, epsatm
1 2.617 4.181 1 2.0872718 l,e99.0,e99.9,nproj,rcpsp
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 rms, ekb1, ekb2, epsatm
2 0.000 0.000 0 2.0872718 l,e99.0,e99.9,nproj,rcpsp
0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 rms, ekb1, ekb2, epsatm
1.80626423934776 0.22824404341771 1.17378968127746 rchrg,fchrg,qchrg
pspatm : epsatm= 1.43386982
--- l ekb(1:nproj) -->
0 3.287949
1 1.849886
pspatm: atomic psp has been read and splines computed
2.29419171E+01 ecore*ucvol(ha*bohr**3)
_setup2: Arith. and geom. avg. npw (full set) are 365.000 365.000
--- !BeginCycle
iteration_state: {dtset: 1, }
solver: {iscf: 7, nstep: 16, nline: 4, wfoptalg: 0, }
tolerances: {toldfe: 1.00E-12, }
iter Etot(hartree) deltaE(h) residm vres2
ETOT 1 -8.6356938376609 -8.636E+00 1.123E-03 4.902E+01
ETOT 2 -8.6801283882774 -4.443E-02 1.018E-04 2.577E+00
ETOT 3 -8.6818914544287 -1.763E-03 1.023E-05 5.083E-01
ETOT 4 -8.6822177545312 -3.263E-04 1.274E-05 3.142E-01
ETOT 5 -8.6824709307870 -2.532E-04 2.194E-06 5.046E-02
ETOT 6 -8.6825133210435 -4.239E-05 5.934E-07 7.650E-03
ETOT 7 -8.6824954119675 1.791E-05 6.907E-07 3.067E-02
ETOT 8 -8.6825198258496 -2.441E-05 1.121E-07 1.815E-03
ETOT 9 -8.6825206293120 -8.035E-07 9.056E-09 1.287E-03
ETOT 10 -8.6825165343876 4.095E-06 1.994E-07 2.790E-03
ETOT 11 -8.6825185657531 -2.031E-06 1.082E-08 1.547E-03
ETOT 12 -8.6825219630409 -3.397E-06 3.216E-08 1.228E-04
ETOT 13 -8.6825215252743 4.378E-07 3.754E-08 5.465E-04
ETOT 14 -8.6825220478808 -5.226E-07 7.756E-10 7.086E-05
ETOT 15 -8.6825222222291 -1.743E-07 1.690E-09 6.110E-06
ETOT 16 -8.6825222331335 -1.090E-08 1.229E-10 2.915E-06
Cartesian components of stress tensor (hartree/bohr^3)
sigma(1 1)= 9.95476184E-05 sigma(3 2)= 1.91768199E-10
sigma(2 2)= 2.87633977E-04 sigma(3 1)= -2.55026227E-10
sigma(3 3)= 2.87701090E-04 sigma(2 1)= -1.74198104E-10
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 16 was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
maximum energy difference= 1.090E-08 exceeds toldfe= 1.000E-12
--- !ResultsGS
iteration_state: {dtset: 1, }
comment : Summary of ground state results
- [ 10.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, ]
- [ 0.0000000, 6.0000000, 0.0000000, ]
- [ 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 6.0000000, ]
lattice_lengths: [ 10.00000, 6.00000, 6.00000, ]
lattice_angles: [ 90.000, 90.000, 90.000, ] # degrees, (23, 13, 12)
lattice_volume: 3.6000000E+02
convergence: {deltae: -1.090E-08, res2: 2.915E-06, residm: 1.229E-10, diffor: null, }
etotal : -8.68252223E+00
entropy : 0.00000000E+00
fermie : 1.05968439E-01
cartesian_stress_tensor: # hartree/bohr^3
- [ 9.95476184E-05, -1.74198104E-10, -2.55026227E-10, ]
- [ -1.74198104E-10, 2.87633977E-04, 1.91768199E-10, ]
- [ -2.55026227E-10, 1.91768199E-10, 2.87701090E-04, ]
pressure_GPa: -6.6186E+00
xred :
- [ -2.1220E-01, 0.0000E+00, 0.0000E+00, Si]
- [ 2.1220E-01, 0.0000E+00, 0.0000E+00, Si]
cartesian_forces: # hartree/bohr
- [ 2.56508211E-02, -5.49539382E-08, -6.28226305E-08, ]
- [ -2.56508211E-02, 5.49539382E-08, 6.28226305E-08, ]
force_length_stats: {min: 2.56508211E-02, max: 2.56508211E-02, mean: 2.56508211E-02, }
Integrated electronic density in atomic spheres:
Atom Sphere_radius Integrated_density
1 2.00000 1.61915134
2 2.00000 1.61909303
----iterations are completed or convergence reached----
Mean square residual over all n,k,spin= 35.759E-12; max= 12.293E-11
reduced coordinates (array xred) for 2 atoms
-0.212200000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000
0.212200000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000
rms dE/dt= 1.4810E-01; max dE/dt= 2.5651E-01; dE/dt below (all hartree)
1 -0.256507239047 0.000000127870 0.000000261915
2 0.256509182997 -0.000000531578 -0.000000491957
cartesian coordinates (angstrom) at end:
1 -1.12291403662798 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
2 1.12291403662798 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
cartesian forces (hartree/bohr) at end:
1 0.02565082110222 -0.00000005495394 -0.00000006282263
2 -0.02565082110222 0.00000005495394 0.00000006282263
frms,max,avg= 1.4809508E-02 2.5650821E-02 -9.720E-08 3.364E-08 1.917E-08 h/b
cartesian forces (eV/Angstrom) at end:
1 1.31901814365058 -0.00000282584488 -0.00000323046927
2 -1.31901814365058 0.00000282584488 0.00000323046927
frms,max,avg= 7.6153548E-01 1.3190181E+00 -4.998E-06 1.730E-06 9.858E-07 e/A
length scales= 10.000000000000 6.000000000000 6.000000000000 bohr
= 5.291772085900 3.175063251540 3.175063251540 angstroms
prteigrs : about to open file t64o_DS1_EIG
Fermi (or HOMO) energy (hartree) = 0.10597 Average Vxc (hartree)= -0.32047
Eigenvalues (hartree) for nkpt= 4 k points:
kpt# 1, nband= 4, wtk= 0.25000, kpt= 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 (reduced coord)
-0.18933 -0.07940 0.09080 0.10597
prteigrs : prtvol=0 or 1, do not print more k-points.
--- !EnergyTerms
iteration_state : {dtset: 1, }
comment : Components of total free energy in Hartree
kinetic : 2.75966676103892E+00
hartree : 5.90253401713733E-01
xc : -3.34188520878420E+00
Ewald energy : -7.74556193811080E+00
psp_core : 6.37275476174552E-02
local_psp : -2.89761841736531E+00
non_local_psp : 1.88889562075668E+00
total_energy : -8.68252223313352E+00
total_energy_eV : -2.36263445358781E+02
band_energy : -1.43946903394891E-01
Cartesian components of stress tensor (hartree/bohr^3)
sigma(1 1)= 9.95476184E-05 sigma(3 2)= 1.91768199E-10
sigma(2 2)= 2.87633977E-04 sigma(3 1)= -2.55026227E-10
sigma(3 3)= 2.87701090E-04 sigma(2 1)= -1.74198104E-10
-Cartesian components of stress tensor (GPa) [Pressure= -6.6186E+00 GPa]
- sigma(1 1)= 2.92879156E+00 sigma(3 2)= 5.64201426E-06
- sigma(2 2)= 8.46248234E+00 sigma(3 1)= -7.50312939E-06
- sigma(3 3)= 8.46445688E+00 sigma(2 1)= -5.12508431E-06
== DATASET 2 ==================================================================
- mpi_nproc: 1, omp_nthreads: -1 (-1 if OMP is not activated)
--- !DatasetInfo
iteration_state: {dtset: 2, }
dimensions: {natom: 2, nkpt: 4, mband: 4, nsppol: 1, nspinor: 1, nspden: 1, mpw: 365, }
cutoff_energies: {ecut: 7.0, pawecutdg: -1.0, }
electrons: {nelect: 8.00000000E+00, charge: 0.00000000E+00, occopt: 1.00000000E+00, tsmear: 1.00000000E-02, }
meta: {optdriver: 0, ionmov: 0, optcell: 0, iscf: -2, paral_kgb: 0, }
mkfilename : getwfk/=0, take file _WFK from output of DATASET 1.
mkfilename : getden/=0, take file _DEN from output of DATASET 1.
Exchange-correlation functional for the present dataset will be:
LDA: Perdew-Wang 92 LSD fit to Ceperley-Alder data - ixc=7
Citation for XC functional:
J.P.Perdew and Y.Wang, PRB 45, 13244 (1992)
Real(R)+Recip(G) space primitive vectors, cartesian coordinates (Bohr,Bohr^-1):
R(1)= 10.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 G(1)= 0.1000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
R(2)= 0.0000000 6.0000000 0.0000000 G(2)= 0.0000000 0.1666667 0.0000000
R(3)= 0.0000000 0.0000000 6.0000000 G(3)= 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1666667
Unit cell volume ucvol= 3.6000000E+02 bohr^3
Angles (23,13,12)= 9.00000000E+01 9.00000000E+01 9.00000000E+01 degrees
getcut: wavevector= 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ngfft= 27 16 16
ecut(hartree)= 7.718 => boxcut(ratio)= 2.07907
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS1_WFK
prteigrs : about to open file t64o_DS2_EIG
Non-SCF case, kpt 1 ( 0.25000 0.25000 0.25000), residuals and eigenvalues=
5.76E-23 3.34E-23 4.58E-23 1.64E-19
-1.8934E-01 -7.9401E-02 9.0793E-02 1.0596E-01
prteigrs : nnsclo,ikpt= 16 1 max resid (excl. the buffer)= 1.63824E-19
prteigrs : prtvol=0 or 1, do not print more k-points.
prteigrs : nnsclo,ikpt= 16 2 max resid (excl. the buffer)= 1.62039E-19
prteigrs : nnsclo,ikpt= 16 3 max resid (excl. the buffer)= 1.56784E-19
prteigrs : nnsclo,ikpt= 16 4 max resid (excl. the buffer)= 1.65511E-19
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 16 was not enough non-SCF iterations to converge;
maximum residual= 1.655E-19 exceeds tolwfr= 1.000E-22
--- !ResultsGS
iteration_state: {dtset: 2, }
comment : Summary of ground state results
- [ 10.0000000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000, ]
- [ 0.0000000, 6.0000000, 0.0000000, ]
- [ 0.0000000, 0.0000000, 6.0000000, ]
lattice_lengths: [ 10.00000, 6.00000, 6.00000, ]
lattice_angles: [ 90.000, 90.000, 90.000, ] # degrees, (23, 13, 12)
lattice_volume: 3.6000000E+02
convergence: {deltae: 0.000E+00, res2: 0.000E+00, residm: 1.655E-19, diffor: 0.000E+00, }
etotal : -8.68252223E+00
entropy : 0.00000000E+00
fermie : 1.05968439E-01
cartesian_stress_tensor: null
pressure_GPa: null
xred :
- [ -2.1220E-01, 0.0000E+00, 0.0000E+00, Si]
- [ 2.1220E-01, 0.0000E+00, 0.0000E+00, Si]
cartesian_forces: null
force_length_stats: {min: null, max: null, mean: null, }
Integrated electronic density in atomic spheres:
Atom Sphere_radius Integrated_density
1 2.00000 1.61915134
2 2.00000 1.61909303
----iterations are completed or convergence reached----
Mean square residual over all n,k,spin= 40.546E-21; max= 16.551E-20
reduced coordinates (array xred) for 2 atoms
-0.212200000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000
0.212200000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000
cartesian coordinates (angstrom) at end:
1 -1.12291403662798 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
2 1.12291403662798 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
length scales= 10.000000000000 6.000000000000 6.000000000000 bohr
= 5.291772085900 3.175063251540 3.175063251540 angstroms
prteigrs : about to open file t64o_DS2_EIG
Eigenvalues (hartree) for nkpt= 4 k points:
kpt# 1, nband= 4, wtk= 0.25000, kpt= 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 (reduced coord)
-0.18934 -0.07940 0.09079 0.10596
prteigrs : prtvol=0 or 1, do not print more k-points.
== DATASET 3 ==================================================================
- mpi_nproc: 1, omp_nthreads: -1 (-1 if OMP is not activated)
--- !DatasetInfo
iteration_state: {dtset: 3, }
dimensions: {natom: 2, nkpt: 4, mband: 4, nsppol: 1, nspinor: 1, nspden: 1, mpw: 365, }
cutoff_energies: {ecut: 7.0, pawecutdg: -1.0, }
electrons: {nelect: 8.00000000E+00, charge: 0.00000000E+00, occopt: 1.00000000E+00, tsmear: 1.00000000E-02, }
meta: {optdriver: 1, rfelfd: 2, }
mkfilename : getwfk/=0, take file _WFK from output of DATASET 2.
Exchange-correlation functional for the present dataset will be:
LDA: Perdew-Wang 92 LSD fit to Ceperley-Alder data - ixc=7
Citation for XC functional:
J.P.Perdew and Y.Wang, PRB 45, 13244 (1992)
Real(R)+Recip(G) space primitive vectors, cartesian coordinates (Bohr,Bohr^-1):
R(1)= 10.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 G(1)= 0.1000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
R(2)= 0.0000000 6.0000000 0.0000000 G(2)= 0.0000000 0.1666667 0.0000000
R(3)= 0.0000000 0.0000000 6.0000000 G(3)= 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1666667
Unit cell volume ucvol= 3.6000000E+02 bohr^3
Angles (23,13,12)= 9.00000000E+01 9.00000000E+01 9.00000000E+01 degrees
getcut: wavevector= 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ngfft= 27 16 16
ecut(hartree)= 7.718 => boxcut(ratio)= 2.07907
==> initialize data related to q vector <==
The list of irreducible perturbations for this q vector is:
1) idir= 1 ipert= 3
2) idir= 2 ipert= 3
3) idir= 3 ipert= 3
Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Perturbation : derivative vs k along direction 1
dfpt_looppert : COMMENT -
In a d/dk calculation, iscf is set to -3 automatically.
The set of symmetries contains only one element for this perturbation.
symkpt : not enough symmetry to change the number of k points.
Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :
ireadwf= 0
--- !BeginCycle
iteration_state: {dtset: 3, }
solver: {iscf: 7, nstep: 16, nline: 4, wfoptalg: 0, }
tolerances: {tolwfr: 1.00E-22, }
iter 2DEtotal(Ha) deltaE(Ha) residm vres2
-ETOT 1 -4.7357418136890 -4.736E+00 1.775E+00 0.000E+00
ETOT 2 -4.8818803708937 -1.461E-01 1.199E-03 0.000E+00
ETOT 3 -4.8879635785238 -6.083E-03 1.884E-04 0.000E+00
ETOT 4 -4.8882590004048 -2.954E-04 1.183E-06 0.000E+00
ETOT 5 -4.8882734564693 -1.446E-05 1.602E-07 0.000E+00
ETOT 6 -4.8882741768769 -7.204E-07 2.664E-09 0.000E+00
ETOT 7 -4.8882742128667 -3.599E-08 3.667E-10 0.000E+00
ETOT 8 -4.8882742146819 -1.815E-09 6.421E-12 0.000E+00
ETOT 9 -4.8882742147736 -9.170E-11 9.174E-13 0.000E+00
ETOT 10 -4.8882742147784 -4.814E-12 1.601E-14 0.000E+00
ETOT 11 -4.8882742147785 -7.638E-14 2.364E-15 0.000E+00
ETOT 12 -4.8882742147785 2.487E-14 4.089E-17 0.000E+00
ETOT 13 -4.8882742147785 -5.507E-14 6.148E-18 0.000E+00
ETOT 14 -4.8882742147787 -1.465E-13 1.056E-19 0.000E+00
ETOT 15 -4.8882742147787 -2.842E-14 1.601E-20 0.000E+00
ETOT 16 -4.8882742147786 9.326E-14 2.737E-22 0.000E+00
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 16 was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
maximum residual= 2.737E-22 exceeds tolwfr= 1.000E-22
----iterations are completed or convergence reached----
Mean square residual over all n,k,spin= 96.059E-24; max= 27.373E-23
dfpt_looppert : ek2= 6.3165468167E+00
f-sum rule ratio= 1.6341436833E+00 (note : ecutsm/=0)
prteigrs : about to open file t64t_1WF1_EIG
Expectation of eigenvalue derivatives (hartree) for nkpt= 4 k points:
(in case of degenerate eigenvalues, averaged derivative)
kpt# 1, nband= 4, wtk= 0.25000, kpt= 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 (reduced coord)
0.06467 -0.22454 0.27711 0.06103
prteigrs : prtvol=0 or 1, do not print more k-points.
Eight components of 2nd-order total energy (hartree) are
1,2,3: 0th-order hamiltonian combined with 1st-order wavefunctions
kin0= 5.67757359E+01 eigvalue= -1.10515194E+01 local= -6.71802746E+01
4,5,6: 1st-order hamiltonian combined with 1st and 0th-order wfs
kin1= -1.03221451E+01 Hartree= 0.00000000E+00 xc= 0.00000000E+00
7,8,9: eventually, occupation + non-local contributions
edocc= 0.00000000E+00 enl0= 2.63443323E+01 enl1= 5.45596651E-01
1-9 gives the relaxation energy (to be shifted if some occ is /=2.0)
erelax= -4.88827421E+00
No Ewald or frozen-wf contrib.: the relaxation energy is the total one
2DEtotal= -0.4888274215E+01 Ha. Also 2DEtotal= -0.133016706071E+03 eV
( non-var. 2DEtotal : -4.8882742147E+00 Ha)
Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Perturbation : derivative vs k along direction 2
The set of symmetries contains only one element for this perturbation.
symkpt : not enough symmetry to change the number of k points.
Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :
ireadwf= 0
--- !BeginCycle
iteration_state: {dtset: 3, }
solver: {iscf: 7, nstep: 16, nline: 4, wfoptalg: 0, }
tolerances: {tolwfr: 1.00E-22, }
iter 2DEtotal(Ha) deltaE(Ha) residm vres2
-ETOT 1 -49.691610046684 -4.969E+01 7.438E+00 0.000E+00
ETOT 2 -50.157467783751 -4.659E-01 4.759E-04 0.000E+00
ETOT 3 -50.163085073205 -5.617E-03 1.173E-04 0.000E+00
ETOT 4 -50.163307693265 -2.226E-04 5.620E-07 0.000E+00
ETOT 5 -50.163317182579 -9.489E-06 2.038E-07 0.000E+00
ETOT 6 -50.163317689068 -5.065E-07 1.322E-09 0.000E+00
ETOT 7 -50.163317717527 -2.846E-08 5.269E-10 0.000E+00
ETOT 8 -50.163317719555 -2.028E-09 5.359E-12 0.000E+00
ETOT 9 -50.163317719707 -1.513E-10 2.326E-12 0.000E+00
ETOT 10 -50.163317719717 -9.983E-12 3.005E-14 0.000E+00
ETOT 11 -50.163317719713 3.894E-12 1.275E-14 0.000E+00
ETOT 12 -50.163317719719 -6.665E-12 1.731E-16 0.000E+00
ETOT 13 -50.163317719717 2.068E-12 7.197E-17 0.000E+00
ETOT 14 -50.163317719719 -1.698E-12 1.002E-18 0.000E+00
ETOT 15 -50.163317719718 1.371E-12 4.106E-19 0.000E+00
ETOT 16 -50.163317719718 -6.395E-13 5.807E-21 0.000E+00
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 16 was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
maximum residual= 5.807E-21 exceeds tolwfr= 1.000E-22
----iterations are completed or convergence reached----
Mean square residual over all n,k,spin= 14.810E-22; max= 58.068E-22
dfpt_looppert : ek2= 1.7545963380E+01
f-sum rule ratio= 6.0232354428E+00 (note : ecutsm/=0)
prteigrs : about to open file t64t_1WF1_EIG
Expectation of eigenvalue derivatives (hartree) for nkpt= 4 k points:
(in case of degenerate eigenvalues, averaged derivative)
kpt# 1, nband= 4, wtk= 0.25000, kpt= 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 (reduced coord)
0.19351 0.20035 0.05815 -0.23624
prteigrs : prtvol=0 or 1, do not print more k-points.
Eight components of 2nd-order total energy (hartree) are
1,2,3: 0th-order hamiltonian combined with 1st-order wavefunctions
kin0= 1.62103304E+03 eigvalue= -3.77848069E+02 local= -1.95325383E+03
4,5,6: 1st-order hamiltonian combined with 1st and 0th-order wfs
kin1= -1.05683469E+02 Hartree= 0.00000000E+00 xc= 0.00000000E+00
7,8,9: eventually, occupation + non-local contributions
edocc= 0.00000000E+00 enl0= 7.60232172E+02 enl1= 5.35683307E+00
1-9 gives the relaxation energy (to be shifted if some occ is /=2.0)
erelax= -5.01633177E+01
No Ewald or frozen-wf contrib.: the relaxation energy is the total one
2DEtotal= -0.5016331772E+02 Ha. Also 2DEtotal= -0.136501329416E+04 eV
( non-var. 2DEtotal : -5.0163317717E+01 Ha)
Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Perturbation : derivative vs k along direction 3
The set of symmetries contains only one element for this perturbation.
symkpt : not enough symmetry to change the number of k points.
Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :
ireadwf= 0
--- !BeginCycle
iteration_state: {dtset: 3, }
solver: {iscf: 7, nstep: 16, nline: 4, wfoptalg: 0, }
tolerances: {tolwfr: 1.00E-22, }
iter 2DEtotal(Ha) deltaE(Ha) residm vres2
-ETOT 1 -49.663657067969 -4.966E+01 7.438E+00 0.000E+00
ETOT 2 -50.129406943235 -4.657E-01 4.758E-04 0.000E+00
ETOT 3 -50.135023164000 -5.616E-03 1.175E-04 0.000E+00
ETOT 4 -50.135248193497 -2.250E-04 5.705E-07 0.000E+00
ETOT 5 -50.135257933340 -9.740E-06 2.055E-07 0.000E+00
ETOT 6 -50.135258455780 -5.224E-07 1.369E-09 0.000E+00
ETOT 7 -50.135258485234 -2.945E-08 5.432E-10 0.000E+00
ETOT 8 -50.135258487347 -2.113E-09 5.624E-12 0.000E+00
ETOT 9 -50.135258487507 -1.596E-10 2.443E-12 0.000E+00
ETOT 10 -50.135258487516 -9.031E-12 3.212E-14 0.000E+00
ETOT 11 -50.135258487518 -2.878E-12 1.366E-14 0.000E+00
ETOT 12 -50.135258487515 3.361E-12 1.887E-16 0.000E+00
ETOT 13 -50.135258487519 -3.467E-12 7.859E-17 0.000E+00
ETOT 14 -50.135258487517 1.194E-12 1.113E-18 0.000E+00
ETOT 15 -50.135258487518 -8.811E-13 4.572E-19 0.000E+00
ETOT 16 -50.135258487520 -1.805E-12 6.581E-21 0.000E+00
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 16 was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
maximum residual= 6.581E-21 exceeds tolwfr= 1.000E-22
----iterations are completed or convergence reached----
Mean square residual over all n,k,spin= 16.747E-22; max= 65.814E-22
dfpt_looppert : ek2= 1.7545963380E+01
f-sum rule ratio= 6.0198443054E+00 (note : ecutsm/=0)
prteigrs : about to open file t64t_1WF1_EIG
Expectation of eigenvalue derivatives (hartree) for nkpt= 4 k points:
(in case of degenerate eigenvalues, averaged derivative)
kpt# 1, nband= 4, wtk= 0.25000, kpt= 0.2500 0.2500 0.2500 (reduced coord)
0.19352 0.20035 0.05805 -0.23665
prteigrs : prtvol=0 or 1, do not print more k-points.
Eight components of 2nd-order total energy (hartree) are
1,2,3: 0th-order hamiltonian combined with 1st-order wavefunctions
kin0= 1.62009079E+03 eigvalue= -3.77627642E+02 local= -1.95212871E+03
4,5,6: 1st-order hamiltonian combined with 1st and 0th-order wfs
kin1= -1.05623968E+02 Hartree= 0.00000000E+00 xc= 0.00000000E+00
7,8,9: eventually, occupation + non-local contributions
edocc= 0.00000000E+00 enl0= 7.59800820E+02 enl1= 5.35345077E+00
1-9 gives the relaxation energy (to be shifted if some occ is /=2.0)
erelax= -5.01352585E+01
No Ewald or frozen-wf contrib.: the relaxation energy is the total one
2DEtotal= -0.5013525849E+02 Ha. Also 2DEtotal= -0.136424976362E+04 eV
( non-var. 2DEtotal : -5.0135258485E+01 Ha)
---- first-order wavefunction calculations are completed ----
Total localisation tensor (bohr^2) in cartesian coordinates
WARNING : still subject to testing - especially symmetries.
direction matrix element
alpha beta real part imaginary part
1 1 19.3412795490 0.0000000000
1 2 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
1 3 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
2 1 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
2 2 204.9822225526 0.0000000000
2 3 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
3 1 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
3 2 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
3 3 204.8625072491 0.0000000000
respfn : d/dk was computed, but no 2DTE, so no DDB output.
== DATASET 4 ==================================================================
- mpi_nproc: 1, omp_nthreads: -1 (-1 if OMP is not activated)
--- !DatasetInfo
iteration_state: {dtset: 4, }
dimensions: {natom: 2, nkpt: 4, mband: 4, nsppol: 1, nspinor: 1, nspden: 1, mpw: 365, }
cutoff_energies: {ecut: 7.0, pawecutdg: -1.0, }
electrons: {nelect: 8.00000000E+00, charge: 0.00000000E+00, occopt: 1.00000000E+00, tsmear: 1.00000000E-02, }
meta: {optdriver: 1, rfelfd: 3, rfphon: 1, }
mkfilename : getwfk/=0, take file _WFK from output of DATASET 2.
mkfilename : getddk/=0, take file _1WF from output of DATASET 3.
Exchange-correlation functional for the present dataset will be:
LDA: Perdew-Wang 92 LSD fit to Ceperley-Alder data - ixc=7
Citation for XC functional:
J.P.Perdew and Y.Wang, PRB 45, 13244 (1992)
Real(R)+Recip(G) space primitive vectors, cartesian coordinates (Bohr,Bohr^-1):
R(1)= 10.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 G(1)= 0.1000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
R(2)= 0.0000000 6.0000000 0.0000000 G(2)= 0.0000000 0.1666667 0.0000000
R(3)= 0.0000000 0.0000000 6.0000000 G(3)= 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1666667
Unit cell volume ucvol= 3.6000000E+02 bohr^3
Angles (23,13,12)= 9.00000000E+01 9.00000000E+01 9.00000000E+01 degrees
getcut: wavevector= 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ngfft= 27 16 16
ecut(hartree)= 7.718 => boxcut(ratio)= 2.07907
==> initialize data related to q vector <==
The list of irreducible perturbations for this q vector is:
1) idir= 1 ipert= 1
2) idir= 2 ipert= 1
3) idir= 3 ipert= 1
4) idir= 1 ipert= 2
5) idir= 2 ipert= 2
6) idir= 3 ipert= 2
7) idir= 1 ipert= 4
8) idir= 2 ipert= 4
9) idir= 3 ipert= 4
Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Perturbation : displacement of atom 1 along direction 1
symkpt : not enough symmetry to change the number of k points.
Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :
ireadwf= 0
--- !BeginCycle
iteration_state: {dtset: 4, }
solver: {iscf: 7, nstep: 16, nline: 4, wfoptalg: 0, }
tolerances: {tolvrs: 1.00E-22, }
iter 2DEtotal(Ha) deltaE(Ha) residm vres2
-ETOT 1 638.29325154362 4.914E+02 4.416E+00 4.013E+05
ETOT 2 126.86556357651 -5.114E+02 3.171E+00 7.251E+04
ETOT 3 24.903560680663 -1.020E+02 3.944E-02 1.165E+04
ETOT 4 5.4099723850252 -1.949E+01 1.778E-02 4.295E+01
ETOT 5 5.2826963111503 -1.273E-01 3.454E-03 7.108E+01
ETOT 6 5.1812784250259 -1.014E-01 3.106E-04 4.655E+00
ETOT 7 5.1775353118658 -3.743E-03 7.179E-06 2.856E+00
ETOT 8 5.1731255402622 -4.410E-03 5.114E-06 7.615E-02
ETOT 9 5.1730568910603 -6.865E-05 2.111E-06 5.771E-02
ETOT 10 5.1729654670850 -9.142E-05 3.824E-07 5.117E-03
ETOT 11 5.1729565165317 -8.951E-06 3.745E-09 1.059E-04
ETOT 12 5.1729564739258 -4.261E-08 4.162E-09 1.047E-04
ETOT 13 5.1729563011444 -1.728E-07 9.062E-10 8.059E-06
ETOT 14 5.1729562870377 -1.411E-08 5.173E-12 1.967E-07
ETOT 15 5.1729562873851 3.474E-10 1.128E-12 3.690E-07
ETOT 16 5.1729562867863 -5.987E-10 5.529E-12 4.540E-08
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF7
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF8
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF9
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 16 was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
potential residual= 4.540E-08 exceeds tolvrs= 1.000E-22
----iterations are completed or convergence reached----
Mean square residual over all n,k,spin= 14.385E-13; max= 55.291E-13
Thirteen components of 2nd-order total energy (hartree) are
1,2,3: 0th-order hamiltonian combined with 1st-order wavefunctions
kin0= 1.94360296E+02 eigvalue= -1.80225524E+01 local= -1.61039253E+02
4,5,6: 1st-order hamiltonian combined with 1st and 0th-order wfs
loc psp = -1.29387934E+02 Hartree= 7.15622410E+01 xc= -1.46698619E+01
note that "loc psp" includes a xc core correction that could be resolved
7,8,9: eventually, occupation + non-local contributions
edocc= 0.00000000E+00 enl0= 6.95042642E+01 enl1= -1.54002204E+02
1-9 gives the relaxation energy (to be shifted if some occ is /=2.0)
erelax= -1.41695005E+02
10,11,12 Non-relaxation contributions : frozen-wavefunctions and Ewald
fr.local= -3.33273612E+01 fr.nonlo= 1.06639487E+02 Ewald= 7.64424246E+01
13,14 Frozen wf xc core corrections (1) and (2)
frxc 1 = -1.53058340E+01 frxc 2 = 1.24192448E+01
Resulting in :
2DEtotal= 0.5172956287E+01 Ha. Also 2DEtotal= 0.140763299211E+03 eV
(2DErelax= -1.4169500523E+02 Ha. 2DEnonrelax= 1.4686796152E+02 Ha)
( non-var. 2DEtotal : 5.1728924370E+00 Ha)
Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Perturbation : displacement of atom 1 along direction 2
symkpt : not enough symmetry to change the number of k points.
Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :
ireadwf= 0
--- !BeginCycle
iteration_state: {dtset: 4, }
solver: {iscf: 7, nstep: 16, nline: 4, wfoptalg: 0, }
tolerances: {tolvrs: 1.00E-22, }
iter 2DEtotal(Ha) deltaE(Ha) residm vres2
-ETOT 1 4.3837778742990 -2.340E+01 3.796E-02 1.266E+03
ETOT 2 0.53445794703827 -3.849E+00 4.487E-03 2.179E+02
ETOT 3 -0.21555523877180 -7.500E-01 2.017E-03 3.468E+00
ETOT 4 -0.24351502263153 -2.796E-02 2.455E-04 4.157E-01
ETOT 5 -0.24501455724551 -1.500E-03 5.349E-05 1.175E-01
ETOT 6 -0.24525650099065 -2.419E-04 3.824E-06 5.527E-02
ETOT 7 -0.24546218869448 -2.057E-04 1.992E-07 1.026E-02
ETOT 8 -0.24548662488656 -2.444E-05 2.622E-07 4.398E-03
ETOT 9 -0.24549126003698 -4.635E-06 9.189E-09 3.267E-03
ETOT 10 -0.24550388926645 -1.263E-05 2.017E-07 3.703E-04
ETOT 11 -0.24550501614886 -1.127E-06 2.826E-09 1.509E-04
ETOT 12 -0.24550531009197 -2.939E-07 1.279E-09 8.188E-05
ETOT 13 -0.24550563047000 -3.204E-07 1.148E-09 1.602E-05
ETOT 14 -0.24550568367984 -5.321E-08 9.429E-10 1.883E-05
ETOT 15 -0.24550572508710 -4.141E-08 6.498E-11 7.481E-07
ETOT 16 -0.24550572670431 -1.617E-09 3.304E-11 6.822E-07
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF7
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF8
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF9
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 16 was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
potential residual= 6.822E-07 exceeds tolvrs= 1.000E-22
----iterations are completed or convergence reached----
Mean square residual over all n,k,spin= 10.526E-12; max= 33.037E-12
Thirteen components of 2nd-order total energy (hartree) are
1,2,3: 0th-order hamiltonian combined with 1st-order wavefunctions
kin0= 5.01778373E+01 eigvalue= -4.23338391E+00 local= -3.97925429E+01
4,5,6: 1st-order hamiltonian combined with 1st and 0th-order wfs
loc psp = -2.07857452E+01 Hartree= 7.15208607E+00 xc= -3.63867140E+00
note that "loc psp" includes a xc core correction that could be resolved
7,8,9: eventually, occupation + non-local contributions
edocc= 0.00000000E+00 enl0= 1.83636132E+01 enl1= -3.52721639E+01
1-9 gives the relaxation energy (to be shifted if some occ is /=2.0)
erelax= -2.80289708E+01
10,11,12 Non-relaxation contributions : frozen-wavefunctions and Ewald
fr.local= 1.17334623E+01 fr.nonlo= 1.97096357E+01 Ewald= -3.70653994E+00
13,14 Frozen wf xc core corrections (1) and (2)
frxc 1 = -5.70779584E+00 frxc 2 = 5.75470275E+00
Resulting in :
2DEtotal= -0.2455057267E+00 Ha. Also 2DEtotal= -0.668055056918E+01 eV
(2DErelax= -2.8028970791E+01 Ha. 2DEnonrelax= 2.7783465065E+01 Ha)
( non-var. 2DEtotal : -2.4548950072E-01 Ha)
Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Perturbation : displacement of atom 1 along direction 3
symkpt : not enough symmetry to change the number of k points.
Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :
ireadwf= 0
--- !BeginCycle
iteration_state: {dtset: 4, }
solver: {iscf: 7, nstep: 16, nline: 4, wfoptalg: 0, }
tolerances: {tolvrs: 1.00E-22, }
iter 2DEtotal(Ha) deltaE(Ha) residm vres2
-ETOT 1 4.3789816010832 -2.341E+01 3.795E-02 1.265E+03
ETOT 2 0.53164242444700 -3.847E+00 4.489E-03 2.179E+02
ETOT 3 -0.21799233039205 -7.496E-01 2.021E-03 3.470E+00
ETOT 4 -0.24596381894552 -2.797E-02 2.457E-04 4.148E-01
ETOT 5 -0.24746291300027 -1.499E-03 5.375E-05 1.173E-01
ETOT 6 -0.24770298266783 -2.401E-04 3.826E-06 5.562E-02
ETOT 7 -0.24790633297288 -2.034E-04 1.987E-07 1.102E-02
ETOT 8 -0.24793361238348 -2.728E-05 2.550E-07 4.448E-03
ETOT 9 -0.24793821051869 -4.598E-06 8.937E-09 3.310E-03
ETOT 10 -0.24795111604424 -1.291E-05 2.001E-07 3.408E-04
ETOT 11 -0.24795218254307 -1.066E-06 2.997E-09 1.511E-04
ETOT 12 -0.24795246170796 -2.792E-07 1.271E-09 7.960E-05
ETOT 13 -0.24795276291359 -3.012E-07 1.175E-09 2.255E-05
ETOT 14 -0.24795283586121 -7.295E-08 8.789E-10 1.338E-05
ETOT 15 -0.24795286744062 -3.158E-08 7.232E-11 6.930E-07
ETOT 16 -0.24795287013703 -2.696E-09 3.750E-11 3.063E-07
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF7
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF8
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF9
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 16 was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
potential residual= 3.063E-07 exceeds tolvrs= 1.000E-22
----iterations are completed or convergence reached----
Mean square residual over all n,k,spin= 12.095E-12; max= 37.499E-12
Thirteen components of 2nd-order total energy (hartree) are
1,2,3: 0th-order hamiltonian combined with 1st-order wavefunctions
kin0= 5.02061953E+01 eigvalue= -4.23966644E+00 local= -3.98280996E+01
4,5,6: 1st-order hamiltonian combined with 1st and 0th-order wfs
loc psp = -2.07715404E+01 Hartree= 7.15103857E+00 xc= -3.63844197E+00
note that "loc psp" includes a xc core correction that could be resolved
7,8,9: eventually, occupation + non-local contributions
edocc= 0.00000000E+00 enl0= 1.83812604E+01 enl1= -3.52930594E+01
1-9 gives the relaxation energy (to be shifted if some occ is /=2.0)
erelax= -2.80323136E+01
10,11,12 Non-relaxation contributions : frozen-wavefunctions and Ewald
fr.local= 1.17178644E+01 fr.nonlo= 1.97270170E+01 Ewald= -3.70653994E+00
13,14 Frozen wf xc core corrections (1) and (2)
frxc 1 = -5.70757132E+00 frxc 2 = 5.75359060E+00
Resulting in :
2DEtotal= -0.2479528701E+00 Ha. Also 2DEtotal= -0.674714072849E+01 eV
(2DErelax= -2.8032313606E+01 Ha. 2DEnonrelax= 2.7784360736E+01 Ha)
( non-var. 2DEtotal : -2.4793916402E-01 Ha)
Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Perturbation : displacement of atom 2 along direction 1
symkpt : not enough symmetry to change the number of k points.
Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :
ireadwf= 0
--- !BeginCycle
iteration_state: {dtset: 4, }
solver: {iscf: 7, nstep: 16, nline: 4, wfoptalg: 0, }
tolerances: {tolvrs: 1.00E-22, }
iter 2DEtotal(Ha) deltaE(Ha) residm vres2
-ETOT 1 638.60491436899 4.917E+02 4.422E+00 4.015E+05
ETOT 2 127.12138789802 -5.115E+02 3.181E+00 7.264E+04
ETOT 3 24.924111518634 -1.022E+02 3.955E-02 1.164E+04
ETOT 4 5.4452972345594 -1.948E+01 1.788E-02 4.248E+01
ETOT 5 5.3171320239769 -1.282E-01 3.420E-03 6.966E+01
ETOT 6 5.2178764997584 -9.926E-02 3.004E-04 4.638E+00
ETOT 7 5.2141908899321 -3.686E-03 7.270E-06 2.852E+00
ETOT 8 5.2097830140121 -4.408E-03 5.419E-06 7.485E-02
ETOT 9 5.2097153354339 -6.768E-05 2.046E-06 5.711E-02
ETOT 10 5.2096249905473 -9.034E-05 3.745E-07 5.021E-03
ETOT 11 5.2096161881470 -8.802E-06 3.710E-09 1.079E-04
ETOT 12 5.2096161525151 -3.563E-08 4.317E-09 1.099E-04
ETOT 13 5.2096159706391 -1.819E-07 9.077E-10 7.892E-06
ETOT 14 5.2096159566775 -1.396E-08 5.805E-12 1.610E-07
ETOT 15 5.2096159569910 3.135E-10 1.294E-12 3.198E-07
ETOT 16 5.2096159565058 -4.852E-10 5.224E-12 5.892E-08
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF7
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF8
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF9
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 16 was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
potential residual= 5.892E-08 exceeds tolvrs= 1.000E-22
----iterations are completed or convergence reached----
Mean square residual over all n,k,spin= 13.599E-13; max= 52.237E-13
Thirteen components of 2nd-order total energy (hartree) are
1,2,3: 0th-order hamiltonian combined with 1st-order wavefunctions
kin0= 1.94367861E+02 eigvalue= -1.80279222E+01 local= -1.61063391E+02
4,5,6: 1st-order hamiltonian combined with 1st and 0th-order wfs
loc psp = -1.29375741E+02 Hartree= 7.15641673E+01 xc= -1.46690275E+01
note that "loc psp" includes a xc core correction that could be resolved
7,8,9: eventually, occupation + non-local contributions
edocc= 0.00000000E+00 enl0= 6.95225090E+01 enl1= -1.54012505E+02
1-9 gives the relaxation energy (to be shifted if some occ is /=2.0)
erelax= -1.41694050E+02
10,11,12 Non-relaxation contributions : frozen-wavefunctions and Ewald
fr.local= -3.32860380E+01 fr.nonlo= 1.06632864E+02 Ewald= 7.64424246E+01
13,14 Frozen wf xc core corrections (1) and (2)
frxc 1 = -1.53052352E+01 frxc 2 = 1.24196509E+01
Resulting in :
2DEtotal= 0.5209615957E+01 Ha. Also 2DEtotal= 0.141760859556E+03 eV
(2DErelax= -1.4169405035E+02 Ha. 2DEnonrelax= 1.4690366630E+02 Ha)
( non-var. 2DEtotal : 5.2095430415E+00 Ha)
Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Perturbation : displacement of atom 2 along direction 2
symkpt : not enough symmetry to change the number of k points.
Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :
ireadwf= 0
--- !BeginCycle
iteration_state: {dtset: 4, }
solver: {iscf: 7, nstep: 16, nline: 4, wfoptalg: 0, }
tolerances: {tolvrs: 1.00E-22, }
iter 2DEtotal(Ha) deltaE(Ha) residm vres2
-ETOT 1 4.3875742773778 -2.340E+01 3.798E-02 1.266E+03
ETOT 2 0.53955807537714 -3.848E+00 4.483E-03 2.179E+02
ETOT 3 -0.21017815790651 -7.497E-01 2.008E-03 3.467E+00
ETOT 4 -0.23812428059494 -2.795E-02 2.459E-04 4.140E-01
ETOT 5 -0.23961893405987 -1.495E-03 5.342E-05 1.172E-01
ETOT 6 -0.23986001622315 -2.411E-04 3.843E-06 5.409E-02
ETOT 7 -0.24008683108485 -2.268E-04 1.946E-07 4.547E-03
ETOT 8 -0.24009642590679 -9.595E-06 1.811E-07 2.712E-03
ETOT 9 -0.24010078586472 -4.360E-06 1.058E-09 1.654E-03
ETOT 10 -0.24010761386347 -6.828E-06 1.202E-07 1.418E-04
ETOT 11 -0.24010828015423 -6.663E-07 2.893E-09 2.921E-05
ETOT 12 -0.24010839315689 -1.130E-07 6.436E-10 1.383E-05
ETOT 13 -0.24010844269300 -4.954E-08 5.267E-10 5.060E-06
ETOT 14 -0.24010846143283 -1.874E-08 4.069E-11 6.802E-07
ETOT 15 -0.24010846338814 -1.955E-09 2.869E-11 1.618E-07
ETOT 16 -0.24010846375308 -3.649E-10 1.516E-12 4.354E-08
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF7
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF8
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF9
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 16 was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
potential residual= 4.354E-08 exceeds tolvrs= 1.000E-22
----iterations are completed or convergence reached----
Mean square residual over all n,k,spin= 38.965E-14; max= 15.155E-13
Thirteen components of 2nd-order total energy (hartree) are
1,2,3: 0th-order hamiltonian combined with 1st-order wavefunctions
kin0= 5.01616378E+01 eigvalue= -4.23004423E+00 local= -3.97713472E+01
4,5,6: 1st-order hamiltonian combined with 1st and 0th-order wfs
loc psp = -2.07774343E+01 Hartree= 7.15101264E+00 xc= -3.63769863E+00
note that "loc psp" includes a xc core correction that could be resolved
7,8,9: eventually, occupation + non-local contributions
edocc= 0.00000000E+00 enl0= 1.83561402E+01 enl1= -3.52819965E+01
1-9 gives the relaxation energy (to be shifted if some occ is /=2.0)
erelax= -2.80297301E+01
10,11,12 Non-relaxation contributions : frozen-wavefunctions and Ewald
fr.local= 1.17309006E+01 fr.nonlo= 1.97186565E+01 Ewald= -3.70653994E+00
13,14 Frozen wf xc core corrections (1) and (2)
frxc 1 = -5.70740403E+00 frxc 2 = 5.75400850E+00
Resulting in :
2DEtotal= -0.2401084638E+00 Ha. Also 2DEtotal= -0.653368357522E+01 eV
(2DErelax= -2.8029730132E+01 Ha. 2DEnonrelax= 2.7789621668E+01 Ha)
( non-var. 2DEtotal : -2.4009370267E-01 Ha)
Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Perturbation : displacement of atom 2 along direction 3
symkpt : not enough symmetry to change the number of k points.
Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :
ireadwf= 0
--- !BeginCycle
iteration_state: {dtset: 4, }
solver: {iscf: 7, nstep: 16, nline: 4, wfoptalg: 0, }
tolerances: {tolvrs: 1.00E-22, }
iter 2DEtotal(Ha) deltaE(Ha) residm vres2
-ETOT 1 4.3827777930177 -2.341E+01 3.796E-02 1.265E+03
ETOT 2 0.53673999428253 -3.846E+00 4.485E-03 2.179E+02
ETOT 3 -0.21261784687923 -7.494E-01 2.012E-03 3.469E+00
ETOT 4 -0.24057567878832 -2.796E-02 2.461E-04 4.130E-01
ETOT 5 -0.24206992376980 -1.494E-03 5.368E-05 1.170E-01
ETOT 6 -0.24230919441650 -2.393E-04 3.849E-06 5.424E-02
ETOT 7 -0.24253618427501 -2.270E-04 1.929E-07 4.648E-03
ETOT 8 -0.24254445820808 -8.274E-06 1.644E-07 3.100E-03
ETOT 9 -0.24254992496885 -5.467E-06 1.632E-09 1.778E-03
ETOT 10 -0.24255722605448 -7.301E-06 1.372E-07 1.789E-04
ETOT 11 -0.24255800011955 -7.741E-07 2.845E-09 3.781E-05
ETOT 12 -0.24255813335251 -1.332E-07 7.474E-10 2.114E-05
ETOT 13 -0.24255820856483 -7.521E-08 8.592E-10 6.313E-06
ETOT 14 -0.24255823184140 -2.328E-08 4.650E-11 1.220E-06
ETOT 15 -0.24255823500041 -3.159E-09 3.146E-11 8.221E-08
ETOT 16 -0.24255823508533 -8.493E-11 1.617E-12 1.310E-07
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF7
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF8
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF9
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 16 was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
potential residual= 1.310E-07 exceeds tolvrs= 1.000E-22
----iterations are completed or convergence reached----
Mean square residual over all n,k,spin= 44.687E-14; max= 16.174E-13
Thirteen components of 2nd-order total energy (hartree) are
1,2,3: 0th-order hamiltonian combined with 1st-order wavefunctions
kin0= 5.01899081E+01 eigvalue= -4.23630341E+00 local= -3.98067917E+01
4,5,6: 1st-order hamiltonian combined with 1st and 0th-order wfs
loc psp = -2.07632384E+01 Hartree= 7.14996606E+00 xc= -3.63746904E+00
note that "loc psp" includes a xc core correction that could be resolved
7,8,9: eventually, occupation + non-local contributions
edocc= 0.00000000E+00 enl0= 1.83737462E+01 enl1= -3.53028996E+01
1-9 gives the relaxation energy (to be shifted if some occ is /=2.0)
erelax= -2.80330819E+01
10,11,12 Non-relaxation contributions : frozen-wavefunctions and Ewald
fr.local= 1.17152629E+01 fr.nonlo= 1.97360863E+01 Ewald= -3.70653994E+00
13,14 Frozen wf xc core corrections (1) and (2)
frxc 1 = -5.70717894E+00 frxc 2 = 5.75289338E+00
Resulting in :
2DEtotal= -0.2425582351E+00 Ha. Also 2DEtotal= -0.660034524331E+01 eV
(2DErelax= -2.8033081879E+01 Ha. 2DEnonrelax= 2.7790523643E+01 Ha)
( non-var. 2DEtotal : -2.4254539038E-01 Ha)
Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Perturbation : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
symkpt : not enough symmetry to change the number of k points.
Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :
ireadwf= 0
- dfpt_looppert: read the DDK wavefunctions from file: t64o_DS3_1WF7
--- !BeginCycle
iteration_state: {dtset: 4, }
solver: {iscf: 7, nstep: 16, nline: 4, wfoptalg: 0, }
tolerances: {tolvrs: 1.00E-22, }
iter 2DEtotal(Ha) deltaE(Ha) residm vres2
-ETOT 1 -3741.5073478258 -3.742E+03 1.092E+01 4.336E+04
ETOT 2 -3836.5859381167 -9.508E+01 1.068E-01 1.144E+04
ETOT 3 -3871.1347122737 -3.455E+01 1.089E-01 3.556E+03
ETOT 4 -3880.3630255870 -9.228E+00 6.086E-02 4.366E+02
ETOT 5 -3877.9400477434 2.423E+00 1.367E-03 1.959E+03
ETOT 6 -3880.7859703333 -2.846E+00 1.996E-04 2.110E+02
ETOT 7 -3881.1335492345 -3.476E-01 2.581E-04 5.645E+00
ETOT 8 -3881.1438811877 -1.033E-02 2.907E-06 3.998E-02
ETOT 9 -3881.1439764319 -9.524E-05 6.249E-07 1.755E-03
ETOT 10 -3881.1439749310 1.501E-06 2.650E-08 2.920E-03
ETOT 11 -3881.1438588796 1.161E-04 5.025E-08 7.699E-02
ETOT 12 -3881.1439320210 -7.314E-05 9.402E-09 3.055E-02
ETOT 13 -3881.1439512871 -1.927E-05 1.201E-09 1.901E-02
ETOT 14 -3881.1439786993 -2.741E-05 3.681E-09 1.762E-03
ETOT 15 -3881.1439810900 -2.391E-06 1.879E-09 2.953E-04
ETOT 16 -3881.1439815551 -4.651E-07 1.502E-10 1.228E-06
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF7
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF8
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF9
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 16 was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
potential residual= 1.228E-06 exceeds tolvrs= 1.000E-22
----iterations are completed or convergence reached----
Mean square residual over all n,k,spin= 64.441E-12; max= 15.020E-11
Seven components of 2nd-order total energy (hartree) are
1,2,3: 0th-order hamiltonian combined with 1st-order wavefunctions
kin0= 5.93210321E+04 eigvalue= -1.17267323E+04 local= -7.17346307E+04
4,5,6: 1st-order hamiltonian combined with 1st and 0th-order wfs
dotwf= -7.76228435E+03 Hartree= 4.78860972E+02 xc= -2.75935690E+02
7,8,9: eventually, occupation + non-local contributions
edocc= 0.00000000E+00 enl0= 2.78185460E+04 enl1= 0.00000000E+00
1-9 gives the relaxation energy (to be shifted if some occ is /=2.0)
erelax= -3.88114398E+03
No Ewald or frozen-wf contrib.: the relaxation energy is the total one
2DEtotal= -0.3881143982E+04 Ha. Also 2DEtotal= -0.105611298698E+06 eV
( non-var. 2DEtotal : -3.8811421764E+03 Ha)
Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Perturbation : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
symkpt : not enough symmetry to change the number of k points.
Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :
ireadwf= 0
- dfpt_looppert: read the DDK wavefunctions from file: t64o_DS3_1WF8
--- !BeginCycle
iteration_state: {dtset: 4, }
solver: {iscf: 7, nstep: 16, nline: 4, wfoptalg: 0, }
tolerances: {tolvrs: 1.00E-22, }
iter 2DEtotal(Ha) deltaE(Ha) residm vres2
-ETOT 1 -187313.89575627 -1.873E+05 1.222E+03 9.083E+06
ETOT 2 -225859.01964817 -3.855E+04 2.909E+02 1.366E+06
ETOT 3 -233070.12585492 -7.211E+03 1.091E+02 7.181E+04
ETOT 4 -233362.80119220 -2.927E+02 1.254E+00 7.314E+03
ETOT 5 -233395.98283718 -3.318E+01 1.753E+00 1.831E+03
ETOT 6 -233410.42825628 -1.445E+01 5.794E-02 3.661E+01
ETOT 7 -233410.79232129 -3.641E-01 3.472E-03 2.231E+01
ETOT 8 -233410.79075919 1.562E-03 1.056E-03 1.806E+01
ETOT 9 -233410.79114765 -3.885E-04 1.192E-03 1.481E+01
ETOT 10 -233410.84579789 -5.465E-02 1.468E-04 1.461E+00
ETOT 11 -233410.85032188 -4.524E-03 4.385E-05 2.995E-01
ETOT 12 -233410.85106214 -7.403E-04 5.589E-06 4.328E-02
ETOT 13 -233410.85096993 9.221E-05 2.746E-06 1.147E-01
ETOT 14 -233410.85072086 2.491E-04 3.572E-08 2.633E-01
ETOT 15 -233410.85113235 -4.115E-04 2.495E-06 4.346E-02
ETOT 16 -233410.85104679 8.556E-05 2.373E-07 1.046E-01
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF7
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF8
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF9
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 16 was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
potential residual= 1.046E-01 exceeds tolvrs= 1.000E-22
----iterations are completed or convergence reached----
Mean square residual over all n,k,spin= 52.149E-09; max= 23.727E-08
Seven components of 2nd-order total energy (hartree) are
1,2,3: 0th-order hamiltonian combined with 1st-order wavefunctions
kin0= 7.17420380E+06 eigvalue= -1.66600599E+06 local= -8.60583769E+06
4,5,6: 1st-order hamiltonian combined with 1st and 0th-order wfs
dotwf= -4.66822289E+05 Hartree= 1.31246550E+05 xc= -1.01131265E+05
7,8,9: eventually, occupation + non-local contributions
edocc= 0.00000000E+00 enl0= 3.30093603E+06 enl1= 0.00000000E+00
1-9 gives the relaxation energy (to be shifted if some occ is /=2.0)
erelax= -2.33410851E+05
No Ewald or frozen-wf contrib.: the relaxation energy is the total one
2DEtotal= -0.2334108510E+06 Ha. Also 2DEtotal= -0.635143226492E+07 eV
( non-var. 2DEtotal : -2.3341114471E+05 Ha)
Perturbation wavevector (in red.coord.) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Perturbation : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
symkpt : not enough symmetry to change the number of k points.
Initialisation of the first-order wave-functions :
ireadwf= 0
- dfpt_looppert: read the DDK wavefunctions from file: t64o_DS3_1WF9
--- !BeginCycle
iteration_state: {dtset: 4, }
solver: {iscf: 7, nstep: 16, nline: 4, wfoptalg: 0, }
tolerances: {tolvrs: 1.00E-22, }
iter 2DEtotal(Ha) deltaE(Ha) residm vres2
-ETOT 1 -187275.14608742 -1.873E+05 1.221E+03 9.075E+06
ETOT 2 -225762.99128909 -3.849E+04 2.902E+02 1.365E+06
ETOT 3 -232967.01580988 -7.204E+03 1.089E+02 7.180E+04
ETOT 4 -233259.84397407 -2.928E+02 1.254E+00 7.300E+03
ETOT 5 -233293.04480252 -3.320E+01 1.751E+00 1.829E+03
ETOT 6 -233307.48949305 -1.444E+01 5.802E-02 3.525E+01
ETOT 7 -233307.84813779 -3.586E-01 3.552E-03 2.278E+01
ETOT 8 -233307.84750579 6.320E-04 9.449E-04 1.687E+01
ETOT 9 -233307.84451597 2.990E-03 1.181E-03 1.490E+01
ETOT 10 -233307.89959444 -5.508E-02 1.458E-04 1.857E+00
ETOT 11 -233307.90495963 -5.365E-03 5.122E-05 2.717E-01
ETOT 12 -233307.90563537 -6.757E-04 4.953E-06 6.341E-02
ETOT 13 -233307.90564975 -1.438E-05 3.582E-06 6.728E-02
ETOT 14 -233307.90554170 1.080E-04 1.313E-08 1.394E-01
ETOT 15 -233307.90577406 -2.324E-04 2.615E-06 2.173E-02
ETOT 16 -233307.90574146 3.260E-05 1.179E-07 5.166E-02
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF7
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF8
-open ddk wf file :t64o_DS3_1WF9
scprqt: WARNING -
nstep= 16 was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
potential residual= 5.166E-02 exceeds tolvrs= 1.000E-22
----iterations are completed or convergence reached----
Mean square residual over all n,k,spin= 31.405E-09; max= 11.793E-08
Seven components of 2nd-order total energy (hartree) are
1,2,3: 0th-order hamiltonian combined with 1st-order wavefunctions
kin0= 7.17192531E+06 eigvalue= -1.66547322E+06 local= -8.60314117E+06
4,5,6: 1st-order hamiltonian combined with 1st and 0th-order wfs
dotwf= -4.66616837E+05 Hartree= 1.31170292E+05 xc= -1.01088613E+05
7,8,9: eventually, occupation + non-local contributions
edocc= 0.00000000E+00 enl0= 3.29991633E+06 enl1= 0.00000000E+00
1-9 gives the relaxation energy (to be shifted if some occ is /=2.0)
erelax= -2.33307906E+05
No Ewald or frozen-wf contrib.: the relaxation energy is the total one
2DEtotal= -0.2333079057E+06 Ha. Also 2DEtotal= -0.634863098070E+07 eV
( non-var. 2DEtotal : -2.3330841848E+05 Ha)
---- first-order wavefunction calculations are completed ----
==> Compute Derivative Database <==
The violation of the charge neutrality conditions
by the effective charges is as follows :
atom electric field
displacement direction
1 1 -4.754221 0.000000
1 2 -0.004380 0.000000
1 3 -0.003075 0.000000
2 1 0.000008 0.000000
2 2 -39.860878 0.000000
2 3 -0.000004 0.000000
3 1 0.000007 0.000000
3 2 -0.000004 0.000000
3 3 -39.861617 0.000000
Effective charge tensors after
imposition of the charge neutrality (if requested by user),
and eventual restriction to some part :
atom displacement
1 1 4.767463E-03 -1.756474E-05 -5.220484E-05
1 2 -6.482948E-05 -2.046484E-02 -2.126515E-05
1 3 -8.516580E-05 -2.125779E-05 -2.046924E-02
2 1 -4.767463E-03 1.756474E-05 5.220484E-05
2 2 6.482948E-05 2.046484E-02 2.126515E-05
2 3 8.516580E-05 2.125779E-05 2.046924E-02
Now, the imaginary part of the dynamical matrix is zeroed
2nd-order matrix (non-cartesian coordinates, masses not included,
asr not included )
j1 j2 matrix element
dir pert dir pert real part imaginary part
1 1 1 1 5.1728924370 0.0000000000
1 1 2 1 0.0000723299 0.0000000000
1 1 3 1 0.0000507870 0.0000000000
1 1 1 2 -5.1902067664 -0.0000000000
1 1 2 2 0.0000100897 0.0000000000
1 1 3 2 -0.0000220327 0.0000000000
1 1 1 4 -40.0386116157 0.0000000000
1 1 2 4 -0.0231199874 0.0000000000
1 1 3 4 -0.0166450868 0.0000000000
2 1 1 1 0.0000035910 0.0000000000
2 1 2 1 -0.2454895007 0.0000000000
2 1 3 1 0.0000009991 0.0000000000
2 1 1 2 -0.0000021413 0.0000000000
2 1 2 2 0.2439328368 0.0000000000
2 1 3 2 0.0000000423 -0.0000000000
2 1 1 4 -0.0002299579 0.0000000000
2 1 2 4 -150.4879685493 0.0000000000
2 1 3 4 -0.0001448947 0.0000000000
3 1 1 1 0.0000030977 0.0000000000
3 1 2 1 0.0000009991 0.0000000000
3 1 3 1 -0.2479391640 0.0000000000
3 1 1 2 -0.0000025587 0.0000000000
3 1 2 2 0.0000000424 -0.0000000000
3 1 3 2 0.2447163954 0.0000000000
3 1 1 4 -0.0003079199 0.0000000000
3 1 2 4 -0.0001462132 0.0000000000
3 1 3 4 -150.4903171002 0.0000000000
1 2 1 1 -5.1902167598 0.0000000000
1 2 2 1 0.0000508931 -0.0000000000
1 2 3 1 0.0000310315 -0.0000000000
1 2 1 2 5.2095430415 0.0000000000
1 2 2 2 0.0000141264 0.0000000000
1 2 3 2 -0.0000266325 0.0000000000
1 2 1 4 -40.0985213233 0.0000000000
1 2 2 4 -0.0227521124 0.0000000000
1 2 3 4 -0.0155517113 0.0000000000
2 2 1 1 0.0000011125 -0.0000000000
2 2 2 1 0.2439283828 -0.0000000000
2 2 3 1 0.0000000424 0.0000000000
2 2 1 2 -0.0000000632 0.0000000000
2 2 2 2 -0.2400937027 0.0000000000
2 2 3 2 -0.0000011448 0.0000000000
2 2 1 4 0.0002588449 0.0000000000
2 2 2 4 -150.2307997987 0.0000000000
2 2 3 4 0.0001223311 0.0000000000
3 2 1 1 0.0000016693 -0.0000000000
3 2 2 1 0.0000000422 0.0000000000
3 2 3 1 0.2447143457 -0.0000000000
3 2 1 2 -0.0000000331 0.0000000000
3 2 2 2 -0.0000011448 0.0000000000
3 2 3 2 -0.2425453904 0.0000000000
3 2 1 4 0.0003342151 0.0000000000
3 2 2 4 0.0001209201 0.0000000000
3 2 3 4 -150.2330930091 0.0000000000
1 4 1 1 -40.0387402155 0.0000000000
1 4 2 1 -0.0001977920 0.0000000000
1 4 3 1 -0.0002754978 0.0000000000
1 4 1 2 -40.0986178169 0.0000000000
1 4 2 2 0.0002722562 0.0000000000
1 4 3 2 0.0003334363 0.0000000000
1 4 1 4 -3881.1421764287 0.0000000000
1 4 2 4 0.0569398747 0.0000000000
1 4 3 4 0.0456494876 0.0000000000
2 4 1 1 0.0001544578 0.0000000000
2 4 2 1 -150.4881195564 0.0000000000
2 4 3 1 -0.0001462011 0.0000000000
2 4 1 2 0.0006982601 0.0000000000
2 4 2 2 -150.2299117154 0.0000000000
2 4 3 2 0.0001209245 0.0000000000
2 4 1 4 0.0375798688 0.0000000000
2 4 2 4 -233411.1447144652 0.0000000000
2 4 3 4 -0.0355740140 0.0000000000
3 4 1 1 -0.0002484429 0.0000000000
3 4 2 1 -0.0001448888 0.0000000000
3 4 3 1 -150.4914569830 0.0000000000
3 4 1 2 0.0010138525 0.0000000000
3 4 2 2 0.0001223299 0.0000000000
3 4 3 2 -150.2327557928 0.0000000000
3 4 1 4 0.0337268800 0.0000000000
3 4 2 4 -0.0355744723 0.0000000000
3 4 3 4 -233308.4184808328 0.0000000000
Dynamical matrix, in cartesian coordinates,
if specified in the inputs, asr has been imposed
j1 j2 matrix element
dir pert dir pert real part imaginary part
1 1 1 1 0.0519020677 0.0000000000
1 1 2 1 -0.0000001682 0.0000000000
1 1 3 1 0.0000003672 0.0000000000
1 1 1 2 -0.0519020677 0.0000000000
1 1 2 2 0.0000001682 0.0000000000
1 1 3 2 -0.0000003672 0.0000000000
2 1 1 1 0.0000000357 0.0000000000
2 1 2 1 -0.0067759121 0.0000000000
2 1 3 1 -0.0000000012 0.0000000000
2 1 1 2 -0.0000000357 0.0000000000
2 1 2 2 0.0067759121 0.0000000000
2 1 3 2 0.0000000012 0.0000000000
3 1 1 1 0.0000000426 0.0000000000
3 1 2 1 -0.0000000012 0.0000000000
3 1 3 1 -0.0067976776 0.0000000000
3 1 1 2 -0.0000000426 0.0000000000
3 1 2 2 0.0000000012 0.0000000000
3 1 3 2 0.0067976776 0.0000000000
1 2 1 1 -0.0519021676 0.0000000000
1 2 2 1 0.0000008482 0.0000000000
1 2 3 1 0.0000005172 0.0000000000
1 2 1 2 0.0519021676 0.0000000000
1 2 2 2 -0.0000008482 0.0000000000
1 2 3 2 -0.0000005172 0.0000000000
2 2 1 1 0.0000000185 0.0000000000
2 2 2 1 0.0067757884 0.0000000000
2 2 3 1 0.0000000012 0.0000000000
2 2 1 2 -0.0000000185 0.0000000000
2 2 2 2 -0.0067757884 0.0000000000
2 2 3 2 -0.0000000012 0.0000000000
3 2 1 1 0.0000000278 0.0000000000
3 2 2 1 0.0000000012 0.0000000000
3 2 3 1 0.0067976207 0.0000000000
3 2 1 2 -0.0000000278 0.0000000000
3 2 2 2 -0.0000000012 0.0000000000
3 2 3 2 -0.0067976207 0.0000000000
Dielectric tensor, in cartesian coordinates,
j1 j2 matrix element
dir pert dir pert real part imaginary part
1 4 1 4 344.1683123450 -0.0000000000
1 4 2 4 -0.0030207542 -0.0000000000
1 4 3 4 -0.0024217805 -0.0000000000
2 4 1 4 -0.0019936740 -0.0000000000
2 4 2 4 7430.7074908090 -0.0000000000
2 4 3 4 0.0011323560 -0.0000000000
3 4 1 4 -0.0017892666 -0.0000000000
3 4 2 4 0.0011323706 -0.0000000000
3 4 3 4 7427.4376132354 -0.0000000000
Effective charges, in cartesian coordinates,
(from electric field response)
if specified in the inputs, charge neutrality has been imposed
j1 j2 matrix element
dir pert dir pert real part imaginary part
1 1 1 4 0.0047674631 0.0000000000
2 1 1 4 -0.0000648295 0.0000000000
3 1 1 4 -0.0000851658 0.0000000000
1 2 1 4 -0.0047674631 0.0000000000
2 2 1 4 0.0000648295 0.0000000000
3 2 1 4 0.0000851658 0.0000000000
1 1 2 4 -0.0000175647 0.0000000000
2 1 2 4 -0.0204648389 0.0000000000
3 1 2 4 -0.0000212578 0.0000000000
1 2 2 4 0.0000175647 0.0000000000
2 2 2 4 0.0204648389 0.0000000000
3 2 2 4 0.0000212578 0.0000000000
1 1 3 4 -0.0000522048 0.0000000000
2 1 3 4 -0.0000212652 0.0000000000
3 1 3 4 -0.0204692428 0.0000000000
1 2 3 4 0.0000522048 0.0000000000
2 2 3 4 0.0000212652 0.0000000000
3 2 3 4 0.0204692428 0.0000000000
Effective charges, in cartesian coordinates,
(from phonon response)
if specified in the inputs, charge neutrality has been imposed
j1 j2 matrix element
dir pert dir pert real part imaginary part
1 4 1 1 0.0047649081 0.0000000000
2 4 1 1 -0.0000259646 0.0000000000
3 4 1 1 -0.0000602702 0.0000000000
1 4 2 1 -0.0000623421 0.0000000000
2 4 2 1 -0.0205475271 0.0000000000
3 4 2 1 -0.0000212646 0.0000000000
1 4 3 1 -0.0000807624 0.0000000000
2 4 3 1 -0.0000212572 0.0000000000
3 4 3 1 -0.0205867866 0.0000000000
1 4 1 2 -0.0047649081 0.0000000000
2 4 1 2 0.0000259646 0.0000000000
3 4 1 2 0.0000602702 0.0000000000
1 4 2 2 0.0000623421 0.0000000000
2 4 2 2 0.0205475271 0.0000000000
3 4 2 2 0.0000212646 0.0000000000
1 4 3 2 0.0000807624 0.0000000000
2 4 3 2 0.0000212572 0.0000000000
3 4 3 2 0.0205867866 0.0000000000
Phonon wavevector (reduced coordinates) : 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
-5.153155E-04 -5.144886E-04 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.146585E-08
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- -1.130987E+02 -1.129172E+02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 4.711209E-03
- 3.125149E+02
Phonon at Gamma, with non-analyticity in the
direction (cartesian coordinates) 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
-5.153155E-04 -5.144886E-04 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.146586E-08
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- -1.130987E+02 -1.129172E+02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 4.711211E-03
- 3.125149E+02
Phonon at Gamma, with non-analyticity in the
direction (cartesian coordinates) 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
-5.153155E-04 -5.144885E-04 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.146585E-08
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- -1.130987E+02 -1.129172E+02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 4.711209E-03
- 3.125149E+02
Phonon at Gamma, with non-analyticity in the
direction (cartesian coordinates) 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
-5.153155E-04 -5.144886E-04 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.146586E-08
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- -1.130987E+02 -1.129172E+02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 4.711211E-03
- 3.125149E+02
== DATASET 5 ==================================================================
- mpi_nproc: 1, omp_nthreads: -1 (-1 if OMP is not activated)
--- !DatasetInfo
iteration_state: {dtset: 5, }
dimensions: {natom: 2, nkpt: 4, mband: 4, nsppol: 1, nspinor: 1, nspden: 1, mpw: 365, }
cutoff_energies: {ecut: 7.0, pawecutdg: -1.0, }
electrons: {nelect: 8.00000000E+00, charge: 0.00000000E+00, occopt: 1.00000000E+00, tsmear: 1.00000000E-02, }
meta: {optdriver: 5, }
mkfilename : getwfk/=0, take file _WFK from output of DATASET 2.
mkfilename : get1wf/=0, take file _1WF from output of DATASET 4.
mkfilename : getden/=0, take file _DEN from output of DATASET 1.
mkfilename : get1den/=0, take file _DEN from output of DATASET 4.
Exchange-correlation functional for the present dataset will be:
LDA: Perdew-Wang 92 LSD fit to Ceperley-Alder data - ixc=7
Citation for XC functional:
J.P.Perdew and Y.Wang, PRB 45, 13244 (1992)
The list of irreducible elements of the Raman and non-linear
optical susceptibility tensors is:
i1pert i1dir i2pert i2dir i3pert i3dir
1) 1 1 4 1 4 1
2) 1 1 4 1 4 2
3) 1 1 4 1 4 3
4) 1 1 4 2 4 1
5) 1 1 4 2 4 2
6) 1 1 4 2 4 3
7) 1 1 4 3 4 1
8) 1 1 4 3 4 2
9) 1 1 4 3 4 3
10) 1 2 4 1 4 1
11) 1 2 4 1 4 2
12) 1 2 4 1 4 3
13) 1 2 4 2 4 1
14) 1 2 4 2 4 2
15) 1 2 4 2 4 3
16) 1 2 4 3 4 1
17) 1 2 4 3 4 2
18) 1 2 4 3 4 3
19) 1 3 4 1 4 1
20) 1 3 4 1 4 2
21) 1 3 4 1 4 3
22) 1 3 4 2 4 1
23) 1 3 4 2 4 2
24) 1 3 4 2 4 3
25) 1 3 4 3 4 1
26) 1 3 4 3 4 2
27) 1 3 4 3 4 3
28) 2 1 4 1 4 1
29) 2 1 4 1 4 2
30) 2 1 4 1 4 3
31) 2 1 4 2 4 1
32) 2 1 4 2 4 2
33) 2 1 4 2 4 3
34) 2 1 4 3 4 1
35) 2 1 4 3 4 2
36) 2 1 4 3 4 3
37) 2 2 4 1 4 1
38) 2 2 4 1 4 2
39) 2 2 4 1 4 3
40) 2 2 4 2 4 1
41) 2 2 4 2 4 2
42) 2 2 4 2 4 3
43) 2 2 4 3 4 1
44) 2 2 4 3 4 2
45) 2 2 4 3 4 3
46) 2 3 4 1 4 1
47) 2 3 4 1 4 2
48) 2 3 4 1 4 3
49) 2 3 4 2 4 1
50) 2 3 4 2 4 2
51) 2 3 4 2 4 3
52) 2 3 4 3 4 1
53) 2 3 4 3 4 2
54) 2 3 4 3 4 3
55) 4 1 1 1 4 1
56) 4 1 1 1 4 2
57) 4 1 1 1 4 3
58) 4 1 1 2 4 1
59) 4 1 1 2 4 2
60) 4 1 1 2 4 3
61) 4 1 1 3 4 1
62) 4 1 1 3 4 2
63) 4 1 1 3 4 3
64) 4 1 2 1 4 1
65) 4 1 2 1 4 2
66) 4 1 2 1 4 3
67) 4 1 2 2 4 1
68) 4 1 2 2 4 2
69) 4 1 2 2 4 3
70) 4 1 2 3 4 1
71) 4 1 2 3 4 2
72) 4 1 2 3 4 3
73) 4 1 4 1 4 1
74) 4 1 4 1 4 2
75) 4 1 4 1 4 3
76) 4 1 4 2 4 1
77) 4 1 4 2 4 2
78) 4 1 4 2 4 3
79) 4 1 4 3 4 1
80) 4 1 4 3 4 2
81) 4 1 4 3 4 3
82) 4 2 1 1 4 2
83) 4 2 1 1 4 3
84) 4 2 1 2 4 2
85) 4 2 1 2 4 3
86) 4 2 1 3 4 2
87) 4 2 1 3 4 3
88) 4 2 2 1 4 2
89) 4 2 2 1 4 3
90) 4 2 2 2 4 2
91) 4 2 2 2 4 3
92) 4 2 2 3 4 2
93) 4 2 2 3 4 3
94) 4 2 4 1 4 2
95) 4 2 4 1 4 3
96) 4 2 4 2 4 2
97) 4 2 4 2 4 3
98) 4 2 4 3 4 2
99) 4 2 4 3 4 3
100) 4 3 1 1 4 3
101) 4 3 1 2 4 3
102) 4 3 1 3 4 3
103) 4 3 2 1 4 3
104) 4 3 2 2 4 3
105) 4 3 2 3 4 3
106) 4 3 4 1 4 3
107) 4 3 4 2 4 3
108) 4 3 4 3 4 3
Real(R)+Recip(G) space primitive vectors, cartesian coordinates (Bohr,Bohr^-1):
R(1)= 10.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 G(1)= 0.1000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
R(2)= 0.0000000 6.0000000 0.0000000 G(2)= 0.0000000 0.1666667 0.0000000
R(3)= 0.0000000 0.0000000 6.0000000 G(3)= 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1666667
Unit cell volume ucvol= 3.6000000E+02 bohr^3
Angles (23,13,12)= 9.00000000E+01 9.00000000E+01 9.00000000E+01 degrees
getcut: wavevector= 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ngfft= 27 16 16
ecut(hartree)= 7.718 => boxcut(ratio)= 2.07907
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS2_WFK
getshell : finite difference formula of Marzari and Vanderbilt
(see Marzari and Vanderbilt, PRB 56, 12847 (1997), Appendix B)
number of first neighbours : 2
weight : 200.0000000
number of second neighbours : 4
weight : 72.0000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF1
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF10
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 32.0776425797 0.0000000000
ddk 1755.5310221127 0.0000000000
dft 71.4236394963 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0098502435 0.0000000000
ddk 0.0102633371 0.0000000000
dft 0.6561017061 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0078393853 0.0000000000
ddk 0.0120652275 0.0000000000
dft 0.4820513717 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF11
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0098502435 0.0000000000
ddk 0.2348587278 0.0000000000
dft -0.0015467722 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 3178.6644911698 0.0000000000
ddk -66386.3281277015 0.0000000000
dft 50399.3571796031 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0047599017 0.0000000000
ddk -0.0037809319 0.0000000000
dft 0.0267583544 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF12
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0078393853 0.0000000000
ddk 0.1659871562 0.0000000000
dft -0.0051170036 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0047599017 0.0000000000
ddk -0.0037106428 0.0000000000
dft 0.0309727995 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 3180.9622026737 0.0000000000
ddk -66966.0582996995 0.0000000000
dft 50404.5643192677 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF2
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF10
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 2
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0000788776 0.0000000000
ddk -0.0017349931 0.0000000000
dft -0.0002717795 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 622.3221647185 0.0000000000
ddk 2477.3040336076 0.0000000000
dft 1565.1398405399 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0011411702 0.0000000000
ddk 0.0002276774 0.0000000000
dft 0.0012401806 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF11
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 2
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 622.3221647185 0.0000000000
ddk 8679.9771310698 0.0000000000
dft -1129.8469613266 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0493453548 0.0000000000
ddk -0.1644869427 0.0000000000
dft -2.3583944551 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0471916580 0.0000000000
ddk -0.0355781164 0.0000000000
dft -1.2937629873 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF12
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 2
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0011411702 0.0000000000
ddk -0.0001547343 0.0000000000
dft 0.0001801712 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0471916580 0.0000000000
ddk -0.1540010816 0.0000000000
dft -0.5382193316 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0672875528 0.0000000000
ddk -1.3120612299 0.0000000000
dft -0.4377846650 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF3
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF10
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 3
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0000489996 0.0000000000
ddk -0.0008627894 0.0000000000
dft -0.0007068730 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0011130680 0.0000000000
ddk 0.0002340508 0.0000000000
dft 0.0014696318 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 624.1101165183 0.0000000000
ddk 2483.3138375082 0.0000000000
dft 1566.5860463085 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF11
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 3
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0011130680 0.0000000000
ddk -0.0001452540 0.0000000000
dft 0.0001907166 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0899366047 0.0000000000
ddk -1.2317357560 0.0000000000
dft -0.4964220414 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0543425898 0.0000000000
ddk -0.1942728902 0.0000000000
dft -0.5083481730 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF12
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 3
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 624.1101165183 0.0000000000
ddk 8688.2089599060 0.0000000000
dft -1137.1296727903 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0543425898 0.0000000000
ddk -0.0052945832 0.0000000000
dft -2.0930491427 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0580465509 0.0000000000
ddk -0.1267729901 0.0000000000
dft -1.6249561634 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF4
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF10
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -32.0258113652 0.0000000000
ddk -1755.2390797450 0.0000000000
dft -71.1933139128 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0038370874 0.0000000000
ddk -0.0051145837 0.0000000000
dft -0.5631044266 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0016152529 0.0000000000
ddk -0.0017252361 0.0000000000
dft -0.3759877945 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF11
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0038370874 0.0000000000
ddk -0.2636279686 0.0000000000
dft -0.0179506704 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -3186.8080699005 0.0000000000
ddk 66420.1920990384 0.0000000000
dft -50472.4988241147 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0015518434 0.0000000000
ddk 0.0088754253 0.0000000000
dft 0.0093301768 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF12
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0016152529 0.0000000000
ddk -0.1959279694 0.0000000000
dft -0.0215619182 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0015518434 0.0000000000
ddk 0.0088189605 0.0000000000
dft 0.0052105973 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc -3189.0745356475 0.0000000000
ddk 66999.9495748035 0.0000000000
dft -50477.6556492777 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF5
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF10
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 2
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0002220320 0.0000000000
ddk 0.0031359785 0.0000000000
dft -0.0016365343 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -621.5026024954 0.0000000000
ddk -2476.7887161215 0.0000000000
dft -1566.5134463129 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0011094340 0.0000000000
ddk -0.0000143058 0.0000000000
dft 0.0006195127 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF11
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 2
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -621.5026024954 0.0000000000
ddk -8658.2701284226 0.0000000000
dft 1130.5116674287 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -0.2408853793 0.0000000000
ddk -0.1224406913 0.0000000000
dft 2.7703147110 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0415805462 0.0000000000
ddk -0.1493897738 0.0000000000
dft 2.4004975239 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF12
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 2
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0011094340 0.0000000000
ddk -0.0035760602 0.0000000000
dft 0.0003505433 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0415805462 0.0000000000
ddk 0.1667210166 0.0000000000
dft -0.5216641477 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0525865448 0.0000000000
ddk 1.1289955742 0.0000000000
dft -0.4438834319 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF6
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF10
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 3
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0002837047 0.0000000000
ddk 0.0034721604 0.0000000000
dft -0.0019590665 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0011350685 0.0000000000
ddk -0.0000198314 0.0000000000
dft 0.0003967302 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc -623.2930310160 0.0000000000
ddk -2482.7942383408 0.0000000000
dft -1567.9458936878 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF11
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 3
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0011350685 0.0000000000
ddk -0.0035881339 0.0000000000
dft 0.0003433118 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0712852201 0.0000000000
ddk 0.9197714304 0.0000000000
dft -0.5058465229 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0664756597 0.0000000000
ddk 0.2098890777 0.0000000000
dft -0.4783221622 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF12
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 3
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -623.2930310160 0.0000000000
ddk -8666.4765114415 0.0000000000
dft 1137.7871858901 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0664756597 0.0000000000
ddk -0.1289877773 0.0000000000
dft 3.1279835207 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc -0.2047159157 0.0000000000
ddk -0.1099880861 0.0000000000
dft 1.9811903970 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF10
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF10
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 32.0776425797 0.0000000000
dft 8649.8468356139 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0000788776 0.0000000000
dft 0.0181849248 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0000489996 0.0000000000
dft 0.0209084583 0.0000000000
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -32.0258113652 0.0000000000
dft -8646.8518516387 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0002220320 0.0000000000
dft 0.0110599047 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0002837047 0.0000000000
dft 0.0153384114 0.0000000000
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -0.5657693996 0.0000000000
ddk 94.2067614393 0.0000000000
dft 3.5041632208 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0475814971 0.0000000000
ddk -1.4218217270 0.0000000000
dft -7.9087605610 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0173704735 0.0000000000
ddk -2.1333414257 0.0000000000
dft -9.5149825624 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF11
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0098502435 0.0000000000
dft -0.4772850273 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 622.3221647185 0.0000000000
dft 33843.6150749476 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0011130680 0.0000000000
dft 0.0267478261 0.0000000000
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0038370874 0.0000000000
dft 0.2755072464 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -621.5026024954 0.0000000000
dft -33844.2242816186 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0011350685 0.0000000000
dft 0.0254269446 0.0000000000
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0475814971 0.0000000000
ddk -2.0308602453 0.0000000000
dft 2.0111517063 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -202.9755848425 0.0000000000
ddk -1013.4711442211 0.0000000000
dft 38.2018977133 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc -0.2612600680 0.0000000000
ddk -0.2671650701 0.0000000000
dft -2.3343900389 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF12
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0078393853 0.0000000000
dft -0.4356585474 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0011411702 0.0000000000
dft 0.0267555080 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 624.1101165183 0.0000000000
dft 33724.7585587241 0.0000000000
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0016152529 0.0000000000
dft 0.1987008785 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0011094340 0.0000000000
dft 0.0252710025 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc -623.2930310160 0.0000000000
dft -33725.4294626474 0.0000000000
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0173704735 0.0000000000
ddk -3.8455608742 0.0000000000
dft 2.5942841644 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -0.2612600680 0.0000000000
ddk -0.2673813168 0.0000000000
dft -2.3365182448 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc -203.1341241391 0.0000000000
ddk -1008.6526069830 0.0000000000
dft 46.5830150048 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF11
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF11
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 3178.6644911698 0.0000000000
dft 1228348.4558289412 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0493453548 0.0000000000
dft 3.7517563168 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0899366047 0.0000000000
dft 4.3709840141 0.0000000000
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -3186.8080699005 0.0000000000
dft -1227670.7411938626 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -0.2408853793 0.0000000000
dft -1.5766466657 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0712852201 0.0000000000
dft 0.2386917376 0.0000000000
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -202.9755848425 0.0000000000
ddk -18570.2105346864 0.0000000000
dft -955.0294412661 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 99.4743970527 0.0000000000
ddk 2202.5089387213 0.0000000000
dft -489.0537449539 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 9.7155653661 0.0000000000
ddk 62.0958145790 0.0000000000
dft -597.8304349594 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF12
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0047599017 0.0000000000
dft -0.0676372702 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0471916580 0.0000000000
dft -2.8200035855 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0543425898 0.0000000000
dft -2.4161765289 0.0000000000
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0015518434 0.0000000000
dft -0.5367138484 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0415805462 0.0000000000
dft -1.7141344632 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0664756597 0.0000000000
dft -1.1235785804 0.0000000000
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -0.2612600680 0.0000000000
ddk 0.8813323249 0.0000000000
dft -1.9702122571 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 9.7155653661 0.0000000000
ddk 37.2757225922 0.0000000000
dft 1117.8613958184 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 12.0604112614 0.0000000000
ddk 15.2714883232 0.0000000000
dft 1018.8157611150 0.0000000000
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF12
-inwffil : will read wavefunctions from disk file t64o_DS4_1WF12
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc 3180.9622026737 0.0000000000
dft 1227993.7696773792 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0672875528 0.0000000000
dft 4.1516730788 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 1 along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc -0.0580465509 0.0000000000
dft 3.7767673660 0.0000000000
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -3189.0745356475 0.0000000000
dft -1227316.4006313798 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 0.0525865448 0.0000000000
dft -0.7588923226 0.0000000000
j2 : displacement of atom 2 along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc -0.2047159157 0.0000000000
dft -0.5655798427 0.0000000000
Decomposition of the third-order energy for the set of perturbations
j1 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j3 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 1
real part imaginary part
xc -203.1341241391 0.0000000000
ddk -18562.9660334892 0.0000000000
dft -952.5224810854 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 2
real part imaginary part
xc 12.0604112614 0.0000000000
ddk 40.5221106344 0.0000000000
dft -555.3777901305 0.0000000000
j2 : homogeneous electric field along direction 3
real part imaginary part
xc 98.9715713872 0.0000000000
ddk 2634.7750275827 0.0000000000
dft -509.2666012325 0.0000000000
--- Third order energy calculation completed ---
Matrix of third-order derivatives (reduced coordinates)
before computing the permutations of the perturbations
j1 j2 j3 matrix element
dir pert dir pert dir pert real part imaginary part
1 1 1 4 1 4 1859.0323041887 0.0000000000
1 1 1 4 2 4 0.2234617121 0.0000000000
1 1 1 4 3 4 0.1530307673 0.0000000000
1 1 2 4 1 4 0.6565147998 0.0000000000
1 1 2 4 2 4 -12808.3064569286 0.0000000000
1 1 2 4 3 4 0.0225022549 0.0000000000
1 1 3 4 1 4 0.4862772138 0.0000000000
1 1 3 4 2 4 0.0182175207 0.0000000000
1 1 3 4 3 4 -13380.5317777581 0.0000000000
2 1 1 4 1 4 -0.0020856503 0.0000000000
2 1 1 4 2 4 8172.4523344617 0.0000000000
2 1 1 4 3 4 0.0011666071 0.0000000000
2 1 2 4 1 4 4664.7660388660 0.0000000000
2 1 2 4 2 4 -2.5722267527 0.0000000000
2 1 2 4 3 4 -0.6450287553 0.0000000000
2 1 3 4 1 4 0.0026090282 0.0000000000
2 1 3 4 2 4 -1.2821494457 0.0000000000
2 1 3 4 3 4 -1.6825583420 0.0000000000
3 1 1 4 1 4 -0.0015206627 0.0000000000
3 1 1 4 2 4 0.0011585306 0.0000000000
3 1 1 4 3 4 8175.1894036339 0.0000000000
3 1 2 4 1 4 0.0028167506 0.0000000000
3 1 2 4 2 4 -1.6382211927 0.0000000000
3 1 2 4 3 4 -2.0440011361 0.0000000000
3 1 3 4 1 4 4674.0100003349 0.0000000000
3 1 3 4 2 4 -0.6482784734 0.0000000000
3 1 3 4 3 4 -1.8097757044 0.0000000000
1 2 1 4 1 4 -1858.4582050230 0.0000000000
1 2 1 4 2 4 -0.2777415515 0.0000000000
1 2 1 4 3 4 -0.2158746346 0.0000000000
1 2 2 4 1 4 -0.5643819228 0.0000000000
1 2 2 4 2 4 12760.8852050232 0.0000000000
1 2 2 4 3 4 0.0155814013 0.0000000000
1 2 3 4 1 4 -0.3760977777 0.0000000000
1 2 3 4 2 4 0.0197574456 0.0000000000
1 2 3 4 3 4 13333.2193898784 0.0000000000
2 2 1 4 1 4 0.0017214762 0.0000000000
2 2 1 4 2 4 -8149.2610634892 0.0000000000
2 2 1 4 3 4 -0.0021160828 0.0000000000
2 2 2 4 1 4 -4664.8047649298 0.0000000000
2 2 2 4 2 4 2.4069886405 0.0000000000
2 2 2 4 3 4 -0.3965236773 0.0000000000
2 2 3 4 1 4 0.0017146409 0.0000000000
2 2 3 4 2 4 2.2095272038 0.0000000000
2 2 3 4 3 4 0.7376986872 0.0000000000
3 2 1 4 1 4 0.0017967986 0.0000000000
3 2 1 4 2 4 -0.0021097536 0.0000000000
3 2 1 4 3 4 -8151.9823565674 0.0000000000
3 2 2 4 1 4 0.0015119673 0.0000000000
3 2 2 4 2 4 0.4852101275 0.0000000000
3 2 2 4 3 4 2.9325200837 0.0000000000
3 2 3 4 1 4 -4674.0331630446 0.0000000000
3 2 3 4 2 4 -0.3349087441 0.0000000000
3 2 3 4 3 4 1.6664863951 0.0000000000
1 4 1 1 1 4 8681.9244781936 0.0000000000
1 4 1 1 2 4 -0.4871352708 0.0000000000
1 4 1 1 3 4 -0.4434979328 0.0000000000
1 4 2 1 1 4 0.0181060472 0.0000000000
1 4 2 1 2 4 34465.9372396661 0.0000000000
1 4 2 1 3 4 0.0278966782 0.0000000000
1 4 3 1 1 4 0.0209574580 0.0000000000
1 4 3 1 2 4 0.0278608941 0.0000000000
1 4 3 1 3 4 34348.8686752424 0.0000000000
1 4 1 2 1 4 -8678.8776630039 0.0000000000
1 4 1 2 2 4 0.2793443338 0.0000000000
1 4 1 2 3 4 0.2003161314 0.0000000000
1 4 2 2 1 4 0.0112819367 0.0000000000
1 4 2 2 2 4 -34465.7268841140 0.0000000000
1 4 2 2 3 4 0.0263804365 0.0000000000
1 4 3 2 1 4 0.0156221161 0.0000000000
1 4 3 2 2 4 0.0265620131 0.0000000000
1 4 3 2 3 4 -34348.7224936634 0.0000000000
1 4 1 4 1 1 1859.0323041887 0.0000000000
1 4 1 4 2 1 -0.0020856503 0.0000000000
1 4 1 4 3 1 -0.0015206627 0.0000000000
1 4 1 4 1 2 -1858.4582050230 0.0000000000
1 4 1 4 2 2 0.0017214762 0.0000000000
1 4 1 4 3 2 0.0017967986 0.0000000000
1 4 1 4 1 4 97.1451552605 0.0000000000
1 4 1 4 2 4 0.0278729581 0.0000000000
1 4 1 4 3 4 -1.2339062363 0.0000000000
1 4 2 4 1 1 0.6565147998 0.0000000000
1 4 2 4 2 1 4664.7660388660 0.0000000000
1 4 2 4 3 1 0.0028167506 0.0000000000
1 4 2 4 1 2 -0.5643819228 0.0000000000
1 4 2 4 2 2 -4664.8047649298 0.0000000000
1 4 2 4 3 2 0.0015119673 0.0000000000
1 4 2 4 1 4 -9.2830007909 0.0000000000
1 4 2 4 2 4 -1178.2448313503 0.0000000000
1 4 2 4 3 4 -2.8651596297 0.0000000000
1 4 3 4 1 1 0.4862772138 0.0000000000
1 4 3 4 2 1 0.0026090282 0.0000000000
1 4 3 4 3 1 4674.0100003349 0.0000000000
1 4 3 4 1 2 -0.3760977777 0.0000000000
1 4 3 4 2 2 0.0017146409 0.0000000000
1 4 3 4 3 2 -4674.0331630446 0.0000000000
1 4 3 4 1 4 -11.6309535146 0.0000000000
1 4 3 4 2 4 -2.8628151771 0.0000000000
1 4 3 4 3 4 -1165.2037161172 0.0000000000
2 4 1 1 1 4 -0.4871352708 0.0000000000
2 4 1 1 2 4 1231527.1203201110 0.0000000000
2 4 1 1 3 4 -0.0723971719 0.0000000000
2 4 2 1 1 4 34465.9372396661 0.0000000000
2 4 2 1 2 4 3.7024109620 0.0000000000
2 4 2 1 3 4 -2.7728119275 0.0000000000
2 4 3 1 1 4 0.0278608941 0.0000000000
2 4 3 1 2 4 4.4609206188 0.0000000000
2 4 3 1 3 4 -2.3618339392 0.0000000000
2 4 1 2 1 4 0.2793443338 0.0000000000
2 4 1 2 2 4 -1230857.5492637630 0.0000000000
2 4 1 2 3 4 -0.5351620050 0.0000000000
2 4 2 2 1 4 -34465.7268841140 0.0000000000
2 4 2 2 2 4 -1.8175320450 0.0000000000
2 4 2 2 3 4 -1.7557150095 0.0000000000
2 4 3 2 1 4 0.0265620131 0.0000000000
2 4 3 2 2 4 0.3099769577 0.0000000000
2 4 3 2 3 4 -1.1900542401 0.0000000000
2 4 1 4 1 1 0.2234617121 0.0000000000
2 4 1 4 2 1 8172.4523344617 0.0000000000
2 4 1 4 3 1 0.0011585306 0.0000000000
2 4 1 4 1 2 -0.2777415515 0.0000000000
2 4 1 4 2 2 -8149.2610634892 0.0000000000
2 4 1 4 3 2 -0.0021097536 0.0000000000
2 4 1 4 1 4 0.0278729581 0.0000000000
2 4 1 4 2 4 -19728.2155607950 0.0000000000
2 4 1 4 3 4 -1.3501400003 0.0000000000
2 4 2 4 1 1 -12808.3064569286 0.0000000000
2 4 2 4 2 1 -2.5722267527 0.0000000000
2 4 2 4 3 1 -1.6382211927 0.0000000000
2 4 2 4 1 2 12760.8852050232 0.0000000000
2 4 2 4 2 2 2.4069886405 0.0000000000
2 4 2 4 3 2 0.4852101275 0.0000000000
2 4 2 4 1 4 -1178.2448313503 0.0000000000
2 4 2 4 2 4 1812.9295908201 0.0000000000
2 4 2 4 3 4 1164.8526837768 0.0000000000
2 4 3 4 1 1 0.0182175207 0.0000000000
2 4 3 4 2 1 -1.2821494457 0.0000000000
2 4 3 4 3 1 -0.6482784734 0.0000000000
2 4 3 4 1 2 0.0197574456 0.0000000000
2 4 3 4 2 2 2.2095272038 0.0000000000
2 4 3 4 3 2 -0.3349087441 0.0000000000
2 4 3 4 1 4 -2.8628151771 0.0000000000
2 4 3 4 2 4 -526.0190550143 0.0000000000
2 4 3 4 3 4 1046.1476606996 0.0000000000
3 4 1 1 1 4 -0.4434979328 0.0000000000
3 4 1 1 2 4 -0.0723971719 0.0000000000
3 4 1 1 3 4 1231174.7318800529 0.0000000000
3 4 2 1 1 4 0.0278966782 0.0000000000
3 4 2 1 2 4 -2.7728119275 0.0000000000
3 4 2 1 3 4 4.2189606317 0.0000000000
3 4 3 1 1 4 34348.8686752424 0.0000000000
3 4 3 1 2 4 -2.3618339392 0.0000000000
3 4 3 1 3 4 3.7187208150 0.0000000000
3 4 1 2 1 4 0.2003161314 0.0000000000
3 4 1 2 2 4 -0.5351620050 0.0000000000
3 4 1 2 3 4 -1230505.4751670272 0.0000000000
3 4 2 2 1 4 0.0263804365 0.0000000000
3 4 2 2 2 4 -1.7557150095 0.0000000000
3 4 2 2 3 4 -0.7063057778 0.0000000000
3 4 3 2 1 4 -34348.7224936634 0.0000000000
3 4 3 2 2 4 -1.1900542401 0.0000000000
3 4 3 2 3 4 -0.7702957584 0.0000000000
3 4 1 4 1 1 0.1530307673 0.0000000000
3 4 1 4 2 1 0.0011666071 0.0000000000
3 4 1 4 3 1 8175.1894036339 0.0000000000
3 4 1 4 1 2 -0.2158746346 0.0000000000
3 4 1 4 2 2 -0.0021160828 0.0000000000
3 4 1 4 3 2 -8151.9823565674 0.0000000000
3 4 1 4 1 4 -1.2339062363 0.0000000000
3 4 1 4 2 4 -1.3501400003 0.0000000000
3 4 1 4 3 4 -19718.6226387137 0.0000000000
3 4 2 4 1 1 0.0225022549 0.0000000000
3 4 2 4 2 1 -0.6450287553 0.0000000000
3 4 2 4 3 1 -2.0440011361 0.0000000000
3 4 2 4 1 2 0.0155814013 0.0000000000
3 4 2 4 2 2 -0.3965236773 0.0000000000
3 4 2 4 3 2 2.9325200837 0.0000000000
3 4 2 4 1 4 -2.8651596297 0.0000000000
3 4 2 4 2 4 1164.8526837768 0.0000000000
3 4 2 4 3 4 -502.7952682347 0.0000000000
3 4 3 4 1 1 -13380.5317777581 0.0000000000
3 4 3 4 2 1 -1.6825583420 0.0000000000
3 4 3 4 3 1 -1.8097757044 0.0000000000
3 4 3 4 1 2 13333.2193898784 0.0000000000
3 4 3 4 2 2 0.7376986872 0.0000000000
3 4 3 4 3 2 1.6664863951 0.0000000000
3 4 3 4 1 4 -1165.2037161172 0.0000000000
3 4 3 4 2 4 1046.1476606996 0.0000000000
3 4 3 4 3 4 2224.4799977374 0.0000000000
Non-linear optical susceptibility tensor d (pm/V)
in cartesian coordinates
i1dir i2dir i3dir d
1 1 1 -39.877751832
1 1 2 0.757551273
1 1 3 1.157498981
1 2 1 0.757551273
1 2 2 1087.883456666
1 2 3 0.348665012
1 3 1 1.157498981
1 3 2 0.348665012
1 3 3 1086.126113388
2 1 1 0.757551273
2 1 2 1087.883456666
2 1 3 0.348665012
2 2 1 1087.883456666
2 2 2 -160.747492982
2 2 3 -53.309305619
2 3 1 0.348665012
2 3 2 -53.309305619
2 3 3 -46.978869622
3 1 1 1.157498981
3 1 2 0.348665012
3 1 3 1086.126113388
3 2 1 0.348665012
3 2 2 -53.309305619
3 2 3 -46.978869622
3 3 1 1086.126113388
3 3 2 -46.978869622
3 3 3 -197.238538460
First-order change in the electronic dielectric
susceptibility tensor (Bohr^-1)
induced by an atomic displacement
atom displacement
1 1 -17.449744047 -0.000331693 -0.000165331
-0.000331693 -610.921399886 0.000016048
-0.000165331 0.000016048 -610.163092348
1 2 -0.000032683 -66.566829399 -0.000044571
-66.566829399 0.001217579 0.003968405
-0.000044571 0.003968405 -0.000720937
1 3 -0.000042020 -0.000044801 -66.418946159
-0.000044801 -0.001000106 0.004267406
-66.418946159 0.004267406 -0.000083733
2 1 17.443840662 0.000475179 0.000330692
0.000475179 610.630239000 0.000253213
0.000330692 0.000253213 609.871980408
2 2 -0.000034536 66.533952222 -0.000036559
66.533952222 -0.002530028 -0.000048371
-0.000036559 -0.000048371 -0.000649377
2 3 -0.000045068 -0.000036538 66.386115188
-0.000036538 -0.001081095 -0.001188461
66.386115188 -0.001188461 -0.002163779
== END DATASET(S) ==============================================================
-outvars: echo values of variables after computation --------
acell 1.0000000000E+01 6.0000000000E+00 6.0000000000E+00 Bohr
amu 2.80855000E+01
diemac 1.00000000E+00
diemix 3.33333333E-01
dilatmx 1.05000000E+00
d3e_pert1_elfd1 0
d3e_pert1_elfd2 0
d3e_pert1_elfd3 0
d3e_pert1_elfd4 0
d3e_pert1_elfd5 1
d3e_pert1_phon1 0
d3e_pert1_phon2 0
d3e_pert1_phon3 0
d3e_pert1_phon4 0
d3e_pert1_phon5 1
d3e_pert2_elfd1 0
d3e_pert2_elfd2 0
d3e_pert2_elfd3 0
d3e_pert2_elfd4 0
d3e_pert2_elfd5 1
d3e_pert3_elfd1 0
d3e_pert3_elfd2 0
d3e_pert3_elfd3 0
d3e_pert3_elfd4 0
d3e_pert3_elfd5 1
ecut 7.00000000E+00 Hartree
ecutsm 5.00000000E-01 Hartree
etotal1 -8.6825222331E+00
etotal3 -5.0135258488E+01
etotal4 -2.3330790574E+05
etotal5 0.0000000000E+00
fcart1 2.5650821102E-02 -5.4953938155E-08 -6.2822630461E-08
-2.5650821102E-02 5.4953938155E-08 6.2822630461E-08
fcart3 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
fcart4 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
fcart5 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
- fftalg 512
getddk1 0
getddk2 0
getddk3 0
getddk4 3
getddk5 0
getden1 0
getden2 1
getden3 0
getden4 0
getden5 1
getwfk1 0
getwfk2 1
getwfk3 2
getwfk4 2
getwfk5 2
get1den1 0
get1den2 0
get1den3 0
get1den4 0
get1den5 4
get1wf1 0
get1wf2 0
get1wf3 0
get1wf4 0
get1wf5 4
iscf1 7
iscf2 -2
iscf3 7
iscf4 7
iscf5 7
ixc 7
jdtset 1 2 3 4 5
kpt 2.50000000E-01 2.50000000E-01 2.50000000E-01
-2.50000000E-01 2.50000000E-01 2.50000000E-01
2.50000000E-01 -2.50000000E-01 2.50000000E-01
-2.50000000E-01 -2.50000000E-01 2.50000000E-01
kptopt1 1
kptopt2 2
kptopt3 2
kptopt4 2
kptopt5 2
kptrlatt 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
kptrlen 1.20000000E+01
P mkmem 4
P mkqmem 4
P mk1mem 4
natom 2
nband 4
ndtset 5
ngfft 27 16 16
nkpt 4
nstep 16
nsym 1
ntime 100
ntypat 1
occ 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000
optdriver1 0
optdriver2 0
optdriver3 1
optdriver4 1
optdriver5 5
prepanl1 0
prepanl2 0
prepanl3 0
prepanl4 1
prepanl5 0
prtpot1 0
prtpot2 0
prtpot3 1
prtpot4 1
prtpot5 0
rfelfd1 0
rfelfd2 0
rfelfd3 2
rfelfd4 3
rfelfd5 0
rfphon1 0
rfphon2 0
rfphon3 0
rfphon4 1
rfphon5 0
shiftk 5.00000000E-01 5.00000000E-01 5.00000000E-01
spgroup 1
strten1 9.9547618374E-05 2.8763397690E-04 2.8770109012E-04
1.9176819924E-10 -2.5502622729E-10 -1.7419810418E-10
strten3 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
strten4 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
strten5 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
toldfe1 1.00000000E-12 Hartree
toldfe2 0.00000000E+00 Hartree
toldfe3 0.00000000E+00 Hartree
toldfe4 0.00000000E+00 Hartree
toldfe5 0.00000000E+00 Hartree
tolvrs1 0.00000000E+00
tolvrs2 0.00000000E+00
tolvrs3 0.00000000E+00
tolvrs4 1.00000000E-22
tolvrs5 0.00000000E+00
tolwfr1 0.00000000E+00
tolwfr2 1.00000000E-22
tolwfr3 1.00000000E-22
tolwfr4 0.00000000E+00
tolwfr5 0.00000000E+00
typat 1 1
wtk 0.25000 0.25000 0.25000 0.25000
xangst -1.1229140366E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
1.1229140366E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
xcart -2.1220000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
2.1220000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
xred -2.1220000000E-01 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
2.1220000000E-01 0.0000000000E+00 0.0000000000E+00
znucl 14.00000
The spacegroup number, the magnetic point group, and/or the number of symmetries
have changed between the initial recognition based on the input file
and a postprocessing based on the final acell, rprim, and xred.
More details in the log file.
- Timing analysis has been suppressed with timopt=0
Suggested references for the acknowledgment of ABINIT usage.
The users of ABINIT have little formal obligations with respect to the ABINIT group
(those specified in the GNU General Public License, http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt).
However, it is common practice in the scientific literature,
to acknowledge the efforts of people that have made the research possible.
In this spirit, please find below suggested citations of work written by ABINIT developers,
corresponding to implementations inside of ABINIT that you have used in the present run.
Note also that it will be of great value to readers of publications presenting these results,
to read papers enabling them to understand the theoretical formalism and details
of the ABINIT implementation.
For information on why they are suggested, see also https://docs.abinit.org/theory/acknowledgments.
- [1] Nonlinear optical susceptibilities, Raman efficiencies, and electrooptic tensors
- from first principles density functional theory.
- M. Veithen, X. Gonze, and Ph. Ghosez, Phys. Rev. B 71, 125107 (2005).
- Comment: to be cited for non-linear response calculations, with optdriver=5.
- DOI and bibtex: see https://docs.abinit.org/theory/bibliography/#veithen2005
- [2] The Abinit project: Impact, environment and recent developments.
- Computer Phys. Comm. 248, 107042 (2020).
- X.Gonze, B. Amadon, G. Antonius, F.Arnardi, L.Baguet, J.-M.Beuken,
- J.Bieder, F.Bottin, J.Bouchet, E.Bousquet, N.Brouwer, F.Bruneval,
- G.Brunin, T.Cavignac, J.-B. Charraud, Wei Chen, M.Cote, S.Cottenier,
- J.Denier, G.Geneste, Ph.Ghosez, M.Giantomassi, Y.Gillet, O.Gingras,
- D.R.Hamann, G.Hautier, Xu He, N.Helbig, N.Holzwarth, Y.Jia, F.Jollet,
- W.Lafargue-Dit-Hauret, K.Lejaeghere, M.A.L.Marques, A.Martin, C.Martins,
- H.P.C. Miranda, F.Naccarato, K. Persson, G.Petretto, V.Planes, Y.Pouillon,
- S.Prokhorenko, F.Ricci, G.-M.Rignanese, A.H.Romero, M.M.Schmitt, M.Torrent,
- M.J.van Setten, B.Van Troeye, M.J.Verstraete, G.Zerah and J.W.Zwanzig
- Comment: the fifth generic paper describing the ABINIT project.
- Note that a version of this paper, that is not formatted for Computer Phys. Comm.
- is available at https://www.abinit.org/sites/default/files/ABINIT20.pdf .
- The licence allows the authors to put it on the Web.
- DOI and bibtex: see https://docs.abinit.org/theory/bibliography/#gonze2020
- [3] First-principles responses of solids to atomic displacements and homogeneous electric fields:,
- implementation of a conjugate-gradient algorithm. X. Gonze, Phys. Rev. B55, 10337 (1997).
- Comment: Non-vanishing rfphon and/or rfelfd, in the norm-conserving case.
- DOI and bibtex: see https://docs.abinit.org/theory/bibliography/#gonze1997
- [4] Dynamical matrices, Born effective charges, dielectric permittivity tensors, and ,
- interatomic force constants from density-functional perturbation theory,
- X. Gonze and C. Lee, Phys. Rev. B55, 10355 (1997).
- Comment: Non-vanishing rfphon and/or rfelfd, in the norm-conserving case.
- DOI and bibtex: see https://docs.abinit.org/theory/bibliography/#gonze1997a
- [5] ABINIT: Overview, and focus on selected capabilities
- J. Chem. Phys. 152, 124102 (2020).
- A. Romero, D.C. Allan, B. Amadon, G. Antonius, T. Applencourt, L.Baguet,
- J.Bieder, F.Bottin, J.Bouchet, E.Bousquet, F.Bruneval,
- G.Brunin, D.Caliste, M.Cote,
- J.Denier, C. Dreyer, Ph.Ghosez, M.Giantomassi, Y.Gillet, O.Gingras,
- D.R.Hamann, G.Hautier, F.Jollet, G. Jomard,
- A.Martin,
- H.P.C. Miranda, F.Naccarato, G.Petretto, N.A. Pike, V.Planes,
- S.Prokhorenko, T. Rangel, F.Ricci, G.-M.Rignanese, M.Royo, M.Stengel, M.Torrent,
- M.J.van Setten, B.Van Troeye, M.J.Verstraete, J.Wiktor, J.W.Zwanziger, and X.Gonze.
- Comment: a global overview of ABINIT, with focus on selected capabilities .
- Note that a version of this paper, that is not formatted for J. Chem. Phys
- is available at https://www.abinit.org/sites/default/files/ABINIT20_JPC.pdf .
- The licence allows the authors to put it on the Web.
- DOI and bibtex: see https://docs.abinit.org/theory/bibliography/#romero2020
- [6] Recent developments in the ABINIT software package.
- Computer Phys. Comm. 205, 106 (2016).
- X.Gonze, F.Jollet, F.Abreu Araujo, D.Adams, B.Amadon, T.Applencourt,
- C.Audouze, J.-M.Beuken, J.Bieder, A.Bokhanchuk, E.Bousquet, F.Bruneval
- D.Caliste, M.Cote, F.Dahm, F.Da Pieve, M.Delaveau, M.Di Gennaro,
- B.Dorado, C.Espejo, G.Geneste, L.Genovese, A.Gerossier, M.Giantomassi,
- Y.Gillet, D.R.Hamann, L.He, G.Jomard, J.Laflamme Janssen, S.Le Roux,
- A.Levitt, A.Lherbier, F.Liu, I.Lukacevic, A.Martin, C.Martins,
- M.J.T.Oliveira, S.Ponce, Y.Pouillon, T.Rangel, G.-M.Rignanese,
- A.H.Romero, B.Rousseau, O.Rubel, A.A.Shukri, M.Stankovski, M.Torrent,
- M.J.Van Setten, B.Van Troeye, M.J.Verstraete, D.Waroquier, J.Wiktor,
- B.Xu, A.Zhou, J.W.Zwanziger.
- Comment: the fourth generic paper describing the ABINIT project.
- Note that a version of this paper, that is not formatted for Computer Phys. Comm.
- is available at https://www.abinit.org/sites/default/files/ABINIT16.pdf .
- The licence allows the authors to put it on the Web.
- DOI and bibtex: see https://docs.abinit.org/theory/bibliography/#gonze2016
- Proc. 0 individual time (sec): cpu= 3.9 wall= 4.0
Calculation completed.
.Delivered 214 WARNINGs and 20 COMMENTs to log file.
+Overall time at end (sec) : cpu= 3.9 wall= 4.0