
2310 lines
158 KiB

.Version of ANADDB, released Sep 2024.
.(MPI version, prepared for a x86_64_linux_gnu13.2 computer)
.Copyright (C) 1998-2025 ABINIT group .
It is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions (GNU General Public License,
see ~abinit/COPYING or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt).
ABINIT is a project of the Universite Catholique de Louvain,
Corning Inc. and other collaborators, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .
Please read https://docs.abinit.org/theory/acknowledgments for suggested
acknowledgments of the ABINIT effort.
For more information, see https://www.abinit.org .
.Starting date : Fri 13 Sep 2024.
- ( at 19h10 )
-outvars_anaddb: echo values of input variables ----------------------
Flags :
dieflag 1
ifcflag 1
thmflag 1
Miscellaneous information :
asr 1
chneut 2
Frequency information :
nfreq 1
frmin 0.00000000E+00
frmax 1.00000000E+01
Interatomic Force Constants Inputs :
dipdip 1
dipqua 1
quadqu 1
ifcana 1
ifcout 16
natifc 2
atifc 1 4
Description of grid 1 :
brav 4
ngqpt 2 2 2
nqshft 1
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 5.00000000E-01
Thermal information :
nchan 1250
nwchan 5
dostol 2.50000000E-01
thmtol 3.00000000E-02
ntemper 10
temperinc 1.00000000E+02
tempermin 1.00000000E+02
Description of grid 2 (Fourier interp. or BZ sampling):
ng2qpt 20 20 20
ngrids 1
q2shft 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 5.00000000E-01
First list of wavevector (reduced coord.) :
nph1l 11
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.000E+00
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 5.00000000E-01 1.000E+00
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4.50000000E-01 1.000E+00
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 4.00000000E-01 1.000E+00
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3.50000000E-01 1.000E+00
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 3.00000000E-01 1.000E+00
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-01 1.000E+00
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.00000000E-01 1.000E+00
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.50000000E-01 1.000E+00
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.00000000E-01 1.000E+00
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 5.00000000E-02 1.000E+00
Second list of wavevector (cart. coord.) :
nph2l 1
0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 1.00000000E+00 0.000E+00
read the DDB information and perform some checks
==== Info on the Cryst% object ====
Real(R)+Recip(G) space primitive vectors, cartesian coordinates (Bohr,Bohr^-1):
R(1)= 9.1698100 0.0000000 0.0000000 G(1)= 0.1090535 0.0629621 0.0000000
R(2)= -4.5849050 7.9412884 0.0000000 G(2)= 0.0000000 0.1259242 0.0000000
R(3)= 0.0000000 0.0000000 9.8828644 G(3)= 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.1011852
Unit cell volume ucvol= 7.1967123E+02 bohr^3
Angles (23,13,12)= 9.00000000E+01 9.00000000E+01 1.20000000E+02 degrees
Time-reversal symmetry is present
Reduced atomic positions [iatom, xred, symbol]:
1) 0.4604171 -0.0000000 0.1666667 Si
2) 0.0000000 0.4604171 0.8333333 Si
3) 0.5395829 0.5395829 0.5000000 Si
4) 0.3979514 0.2757286 0.2711161 O
5) 0.7242714 0.1222228 0.9377827 O
6) 0.8777772 0.6020486 0.6044494 O
7) 0.2757286 0.3979514 0.7288839 O
8) 0.1222228 0.7242714 0.0622173 O
9) 0.6020486 0.8777772 0.3955506 O
DDB file with 13 blocks has been read.
Dielectric Tensor and Effective Charges
anaddb : Zero the imaginary part of the Dynamical Matrix at Gamma,
and impose the ASR on the effective charges
The violation of the charge neutrality conditions
by the effective charges is as follows :
atom electric field
displacement direction
1 1 0.085350 0.000000
1 2 -0.000000 0.000000
1 3 0.000000 0.000000
2 1 -0.000000 0.000000
2 2 0.085350 0.000000
2 3 0.000000 0.000000
3 1 -0.000000 0.000000
3 2 -0.000000 0.000000
3 3 0.085186 0.000000
Effective charge tensors after
imposition of the charge neutrality (if requested by user),
and eventual restriction to some part :
atom displacement
1 1 3.038676E+00 1.562960E-18 0.000000E+00
1 2 -5.598011E-13 3.574199E+00 2.680040E-01
1 3 3.536863E-13 -3.383562E-01 3.359905E+00
2 1 3.440318E+00 2.318881E-01 -2.320983E-01
2 2 2.318881E-01 3.172557E+00 -1.340020E-01
2 3 2.930250E-01 1.691781E-01 3.359905E+00
3 1 3.440318E+00 -2.318881E-01 2.320983E-01
3 2 -2.318881E-01 3.172557E+00 -1.340020E-01
3 3 -2.930250E-01 1.691781E-01 3.359905E+00
4 1 -1.322856E+00 4.272247E-01 2.130453E-01
4 2 4.680662E-01 -1.983581E+00 -6.981973E-01
4 3 2.813379E-01 -6.306570E-01 -1.679953E+00
5 1 -1.430727E+00 -5.303455E-01 4.981339E-01
5 2 -4.895040E-01 -1.875710E+00 5.336013E-01
5 3 4.054960E-01 5.589743E-01 -1.679953E+00
6 1 -2.206072E+00 4.185856E-02 -7.111793E-01
6 2 8.270007E-02 -1.100365E+00 1.645960E-01
6 3 -6.868340E-01 7.168272E-02 -1.679953E+00
7 1 -2.206072E+00 -4.185856E-02 7.111793E-01
7 2 -8.270007E-02 -1.100365E+00 1.645960E-01
7 3 6.868340E-01 7.168272E-02 -1.679953E+00
8 1 -1.322856E+00 -4.272247E-01 -2.130453E-01
8 2 -4.680662E-01 -1.983581E+00 -6.981973E-01
8 3 -2.813379E-01 -6.306570E-01 -1.679953E+00
9 1 -1.430727E+00 5.303455E-01 -4.981339E-01
9 2 4.895040E-01 -1.875710E+00 5.336013E-01
9 3 -4.054960E-01 5.589743E-01 -1.679953E+00
Now, the imaginary part of the dynamical matrix is zeroed
Calculation of the interatomic forces
-begin at tcpu 0.056 and twall 0.056 sec
Homogeneous q point set in the B.Z.
Grid q points : 8
1) 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-01
2) 5.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-01
3) 0.00000000E+00 5.00000000E-01 2.50000000E-01
4) 5.00000000E-01 5.00000000E-01 2.50000000E-01
5) 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 -2.50000000E-01
6) 5.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 -2.50000000E-01
7) 0.00000000E+00 5.00000000E-01 -2.50000000E-01
8) 5.00000000E-01 5.00000000E-01 -2.50000000E-01
The interatomic forces have been obtained
Analysis of interatomic force constants
Are given : column(1-3), the total force constant
then column(4-6), the Ewald part
then column(7-9), the short-range part
Column 1, 4 and 7 are related to the displacement
of the generic atom along x,
column 2, 5 and 8 are related to the displacement
of the generic atom along y,
column 3, 6 and 9 are related to the displacement
of the generic atom along z.
generic atom number 1
with cartesian coordinates 4.22193766E+00 -1.80063414E-09 1.64714407E+00
Third atom defining local coordinates :
ib = 4 irpt = 18
1 interaction with atom 1 cell 18
with coordinates 4.221938E+00 -1.800634E-09 1.647144E+00
and distance 0.000000E+00
0.49468 0.00000 -0.00000 -0.16588 0.00000 0.00000 0.66056 0.00000 -0.00000
0.00000 0.51430 0.03696 0.00000 -0.12244 0.10509 0.00000 0.63674 -0.06813
-0.00000 0.03675 0.46916 0.00000 -0.10627 -0.10816 -0.00000 0.14302 0.57732
Traces (and ratios) :
1.47814 -0.39647 1.87461
1.00000 -0.26822 1.26822
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.000000 0.904526 0.426419
Second local vector : -1.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000
Third local vector : 0.000000 -0.426419 0.904526
0.53452 -0.00000 0.00615 -0.12030 0.00000 0.11082 0.65482 -0.00000 -0.10467
-0.00000 0.49468 0.00000 0.00000 -0.16588 0.00000 -0.00000 0.66056 0.00000
0.00593 0.00000 0.44894 -0.10055 0.00000 -0.11030 0.10648 0.00000 0.55924
Ratio with respect to the (1,1) element
1.00000 -0.00000 0.01150 -0.22506 0.00000 0.20732 1.22506 -0.00000 -0.19582
-0.00000 0.92547 0.00000 0.00000 -0.31032 0.00000 -0.00000 1.23579 0.00000
0.01110 0.00000 0.83988 -0.18811 0.00000 -0.20635 0.19921 0.00000 1.04624
2 interaction with atom 8 cell 18
with coordinates 2.384949E+00 -2.189640E+00 6.148847E-01
and distance 3.038850E+00
-0.12680 -0.11387 -0.05470 0.03404 0.10767 0.03556 -0.16084 -0.22154 -0.09026
-0.11250 -0.16219 -0.06377 0.12775 0.11398 0.04877 -0.24025 -0.27617 -0.11254
-0.05349 -0.06311 -0.06117 0.07844 0.09381 -0.03032 -0.13193 -0.15692 -0.03085
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.35016 0.11771 -0.46786
1.00000 -0.33615 1.33615
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.604501 -0.720549 -0.339687
Second local vector : 0.398628 -0.642806 0.654137
Third local vector : -0.689691 0.260018 0.675808
-0.28947 0.00224 0.00000 0.22897 0.02929 0.01818 -0.51844 -0.02705 -0.01818
0.00240 -0.03020 -0.00038 0.00064 -0.05102 -0.00505 0.00176 0.02082 0.00467
-0.00194 -0.00038 -0.03048 -0.04048 -0.00820 -0.06024 0.03854 0.00783 0.02976
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.00773 0.00000 -0.79098 -0.10117 -0.06279 1.79098 0.09343 0.06279
-0.00830 0.10432 0.00132 -0.00222 0.17625 0.01746 -0.00608 -0.07193 -0.01614
0.00670 0.00130 0.10531 0.13983 0.02834 0.20812 -0.13313 -0.02704 -0.10281
3 interaction with atom 4 cell 18
with coordinates 2.384949E+00 2.189640E+00 2.679403E+00
and distance 3.038850E+00
-0.12680 0.11387 0.05470 0.03404 -0.10767 -0.03556 -0.16084 0.22154 0.09026
0.11249 -0.16219 -0.06377 -0.12775 0.11398 0.04877 0.24025 -0.27617 -0.11254
0.05349 -0.06311 -0.06117 -0.07844 0.09381 -0.03032 0.13193 -0.15692 -0.03085
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.35016 0.11771 -0.46786
1.00000 -0.33615 1.33615
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.604501 0.720549 0.339687
Second local vector : 0.398457 0.642742 -0.654305
Third local vector : -0.689790 -0.260177 -0.675646
-0.28947 0.00224 0.00000 0.22897 0.02929 0.01817 -0.51844 -0.02705 -0.01817
0.00240 -0.03020 -0.00038 0.00063 -0.05102 -0.00506 0.00177 0.02082 0.00468
-0.00194 -0.00037 -0.03049 -0.04048 -0.00820 -0.06024 0.03854 0.00783 0.02976
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.00773 0.00000 -0.79098 -0.10118 -0.06277 1.79098 0.09345 0.06277
-0.00829 0.10432 0.00132 -0.00218 0.17626 0.01747 -0.00611 -0.07194 -0.01615
0.00671 0.00129 0.10531 0.13983 0.02834 0.20811 -0.13313 -0.02705 -0.10279
4 interaction with atom 5 cell 26
with coordinates 6.081051E+00 9.706066E-01 -6.148847E-01
and distance 3.084665E+00
-0.10982 -0.04183 0.09406 0.04364 0.02794 -0.11663 -0.15346 -0.06977 0.21069
-0.03956 -0.05692 0.04569 0.07267 -0.03943 -0.09716 -0.11224 -0.01749 0.14285
0.09473 0.04787 -0.14794 -0.10297 -0.04008 0.09028 0.19770 0.08795 -0.23822
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.31468 0.09449 -0.40917
1.00000 -0.30026 1.30026
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.602696 0.314655 -0.733314
Second local vector : -0.104920 -0.879747 -0.463720
Third local vector : -0.791043 0.356422 -0.497206
-0.24554 0.00110 0.00000 0.20830 0.03464 -0.00350 -0.45384 -0.03353 0.00350
-0.00199 -0.03723 0.00039 -0.03762 -0.06801 0.00660 0.03564 0.03077 -0.00621
0.00069 -0.00017 -0.03191 0.01121 0.00390 -0.04580 -0.01052 -0.00408 0.01390
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.00448 0.00000 -0.84832 -0.14105 0.01425 1.84832 0.13657 -0.01425
0.00810 0.15164 -0.00157 0.15323 0.27697 -0.02688 -0.14513 -0.12533 0.02531
-0.00281 0.00071 0.12994 -0.04565 -0.01588 0.18654 0.04284 0.01660 -0.05660
5 interaction with atom 9 cell 26
with coordinates 6.081051E+00 -9.706066E-01 3.909173E+00
and distance 3.084665E+00
-0.10982 0.04183 -0.09406 0.04364 -0.02794 0.11663 -0.15346 0.06977 -0.21069
0.03956 -0.05692 0.04569 -0.07267 -0.03943 -0.09716 0.11224 -0.01749 0.14285
-0.09473 0.04787 -0.14794 0.10297 -0.04008 0.09028 -0.19770 0.08795 -0.23822
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.31468 0.09449 -0.40917
1.00000 -0.30026 1.30026
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.602696 -0.314655 0.733314
Second local vector : -0.104547 0.879916 0.463485
Third local vector : -0.791093 -0.356006 0.497425
-0.24554 0.00110 0.00000 0.20830 0.03464 -0.00348 -0.45384 -0.03354 0.00348
-0.00199 -0.03723 0.00038 -0.03763 -0.06801 0.00659 0.03564 0.03078 -0.00621
0.00069 -0.00018 -0.03191 0.01119 0.00389 -0.04580 -0.01050 -0.00407 0.01389
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.00448 0.00000 -0.84832 -0.14106 0.01418 1.84832 0.13658 -0.01418
0.00811 0.15164 -0.00156 0.15325 0.27699 -0.02684 -0.14515 -0.12535 0.02528
-0.00280 0.00072 0.12995 -0.04558 -0.01584 0.18653 0.04278 0.01657 -0.05658
6 interaction with atom 2 cell 26
with coordinates 7.058841E+00 3.656305E+00 -1.647144E+00
and distance 5.680574E+00
-0.01273 -0.02112 0.02302 0.00280 -0.02549 0.02547 -0.01553 0.00437 -0.00245
-0.03630 -0.02155 0.04372 -0.01993 -0.00652 0.02726 -0.01637 -0.01503 0.01646
0.01923 0.02425 -0.01730 0.01802 0.02599 0.00054 0.00121 -0.00173 -0.01784
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.05157 -0.00319 -0.04839
1.00000 0.06178 0.93822
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.499404 0.643651 -0.579922
Second local vector : -0.326355 0.759825 0.562280
Third local vector : 0.802551 -0.091545 0.589518
-0.07398 0.01203 0.00000 -0.04889 -0.00033 0.00303 -0.02509 0.01236 -0.00303
-0.01289 0.01626 -0.00108 0.00125 0.02273 0.00109 -0.01413 -0.00647 -0.00217
-0.00070 0.00044 0.00615 -0.00618 0.00203 0.02297 0.00548 -0.00159 -0.01682
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.16258 0.00000 0.66088 0.00444 -0.04096 0.33912 -0.16701 0.04096
0.17418 -0.21977 0.01461 -0.01688 -0.30729 -0.01471 0.19106 0.08752 0.02932
0.00944 -0.00589 -0.08311 0.08353 -0.02737 -0.31053 -0.07408 0.02148 0.22741
7 interaction with atom 3 cell 27
with coordinates 7.058841E+00 -3.656305E+00 4.941432E+00
and distance 5.680574E+00
-0.01273 0.02112 -0.02302 0.00280 0.02549 -0.02547 -0.01553 -0.00437 0.00245
0.03630 -0.02155 0.04372 0.01993 -0.00652 0.02726 0.01637 -0.01503 0.01646
-0.01923 0.02425 -0.01730 -0.01802 0.02599 0.00054 -0.00121 -0.00173 -0.01784
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.05157 -0.00319 -0.04839
1.00000 0.06178 0.93822
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.499404 -0.643651 0.579922
Second local vector : -0.326348 -0.759824 -0.562285
Third local vector : 0.802554 0.091551 -0.589514
-0.07398 0.01203 0.00000 -0.04889 -0.00033 0.00303 -0.02509 0.01236 -0.00303
-0.01289 0.01626 -0.00108 0.00125 0.02273 0.00109 -0.01413 -0.00647 -0.00217
-0.00070 0.00044 0.00615 -0.00618 0.00203 0.02297 0.00548 -0.00159 -0.01682
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.16257 0.00000 0.66088 0.00444 -0.04096 0.33912 -0.16701 0.04096
0.17418 -0.21977 0.01461 -0.01688 -0.30729 -0.01471 0.19106 0.08752 0.02932
0.00944 -0.00589 -0.08311 0.08353 -0.02737 -0.31053 -0.07408 0.02148 0.22741
8 interaction with atom 3 cell 30
with coordinates 2.473936E+00 4.284983E+00 4.941432E+00
and distance 5.680574E+00
0.00552 0.01058 0.01139 0.01548 0.01817 0.01350 -0.00996 -0.00759 -0.00211
0.02576 -0.03980 -0.02878 0.01261 -0.01920 -0.02860 0.01315 -0.02060 -0.00018
0.02635 -0.04180 -0.01730 0.01087 -0.03569 0.00054 0.01548 -0.00610 -0.01784
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.05157 -0.00319 -0.04839
1.00000 0.06178 0.93822
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.307716 0.754322 0.579922
Second local vector : 0.793988 -0.132283 0.593367
Third local vector : 0.524303 0.643039 -0.558217
-0.07398 0.01291 0.00000 -0.04889 -0.00091 -0.00624 -0.02509 0.01382 0.00624
-0.01201 0.01619 0.00011 0.00016 0.02290 -0.00203 -0.01217 -0.00671 0.00214
-0.00065 0.00163 0.00621 0.00304 -0.00109 0.02280 -0.00369 0.00272 -0.01659
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.17443 0.00000 0.66088 0.01233 0.08432 0.33912 -0.18677 -0.08432
0.16234 -0.21890 -0.00147 -0.00221 -0.30957 0.02743 0.16455 0.09068 -0.02889
0.00880 -0.02197 -0.08399 -0.04114 0.01477 -0.30824 0.04994 -0.03674 0.22426
9 interaction with atom 2 cell 15
with coordinates 2.473936E+00 -4.284983E+00 -1.647144E+00
and distance 5.680574E+00
0.00552 -0.01058 -0.01139 0.01548 -0.01817 -0.01350 -0.00996 0.00759 0.00211
-0.02576 -0.03980 -0.02878 -0.01261 -0.01920 -0.02860 -0.01315 -0.02060 -0.00018
-0.02635 -0.04180 -0.01730 -0.01087 -0.03569 0.00054 -0.01548 -0.00610 -0.01784
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.05157 -0.00319 -0.04839
1.00000 0.06178 0.93822
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.307716 -0.754322 -0.579922
Second local vector : 0.793987 0.132284 -0.593368
Third local vector : 0.524305 -0.643039 0.558216
-0.07398 0.01291 0.00000 -0.04889 -0.00091 -0.00624 -0.02509 0.01382 0.00624
-0.01201 0.01619 0.00011 0.00016 0.02290 -0.00203 -0.01217 -0.00671 0.00214
-0.00065 0.00163 0.00621 0.00304 -0.00109 0.02280 -0.00369 0.00272 -0.01659
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.17443 0.00000 0.66088 0.01233 0.08432 0.33912 -0.18677 -0.08432
0.16234 -0.21890 -0.00147 -0.00221 -0.30957 0.02743 0.16455 0.09068 -0.02889
0.00880 -0.02197 -0.08398 -0.04114 0.01477 -0.30824 0.04994 -0.03674 0.22426
10 interaction with atom 6 cell 19
with coordinates 7.038093E-01 -3.160247E+00 5.973692E+00
and distance 6.409633E+00
-0.00424 0.00371 -0.00763 -0.00459 0.00489 -0.01110 0.00035 -0.00119 0.00348
0.00374 -0.00082 -0.00393 0.00483 -0.00146 -0.00514 -0.00108 0.00064 0.00120
-0.00674 -0.00475 -0.00158 -0.00884 -0.00577 0.00014 0.00209 0.00102 -0.00172
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.00663 -0.00591 -0.00073
1.00000 0.89027 0.10973
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.548881 -0.493046 0.675007
Second local vector : 0.336820 -0.869517 -0.361238
Third local vector : 0.765037 0.029079 0.643330
0.00803 0.00100 0.00000 0.01197 -0.00002 0.00099 -0.00394 0.00102 -0.00099
0.00038 -0.00447 -0.00070 -0.00061 -0.00545 -0.00137 0.00099 0.00099 0.00068
-0.00048 0.00021 -0.01020 -0.00080 0.00004 -0.01243 0.00032 0.00017 0.00223
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 0.12482 0.00000 1.49024 -0.00256 0.12261 -0.49024 0.12738 -0.12261
0.04743 -0.55596 -0.08671 -0.07622 -0.67860 -0.17082 0.12364 0.12264 0.08411
-0.06003 0.02632 -1.26975 -0.09935 0.00559 -1.54675 0.03932 0.02073 0.27700
11 interaction with atom 7 cell 18
with coordinates 7.038093E-01 3.160247E+00 -2.679403E+00
and distance 6.409633E+00
-0.00424 -0.00371 0.00763 -0.00459 -0.00489 0.01110 0.00035 0.00119 -0.00348
-0.00374 -0.00082 -0.00393 -0.00483 -0.00146 -0.00514 0.00108 0.00064 0.00120
0.00674 -0.00475 -0.00158 0.00884 -0.00577 0.00014 -0.00209 0.00102 -0.00172
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.00663 -0.00591 -0.00073
1.00000 0.89028 0.10972
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.548881 0.493046 -0.675007
Second local vector : 0.336937 0.869512 0.361139
Third local vector : 0.764985 -0.029212 -0.643385
0.00803 0.00100 0.00000 0.01197 -0.00002 0.00099 -0.00394 0.00102 -0.00099
0.00038 -0.00447 -0.00070 -0.00061 -0.00545 -0.00137 0.00099 0.00099 0.00068
-0.00048 0.00021 -0.01020 -0.00080 0.00004 -0.01243 0.00032 0.00017 0.00223
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 0.12485 0.00000 1.49030 -0.00254 0.12261 -0.49030 0.12739 -0.12261
0.04740 -0.55596 -0.08682 -0.07624 -0.67866 -0.17096 0.12363 0.12270 0.08414
-0.06003 0.02620 -1.26978 -0.09934 0.00546 -1.54678 0.03931 0.02074 0.27701
12 interaction with atom 8 cell 29
with coordinates 6.969854E+00 5.751648E+00 6.148847E-01
and distance 6.457404E+00
0.00214 0.00688 -0.00345 -0.00070 0.00998 -0.00407 0.00284 -0.00310 0.00062
0.01316 0.00806 -0.01472 0.00824 0.01457 -0.00903 0.00492 -0.00651 -0.00570
0.00356 -0.00099 -0.00877 0.00107 0.00171 -0.00921 0.00249 -0.00270 0.00044
Traces (and ratios) :
0.00142 0.00466 -0.00323
1.00000 3.26914 -2.26914
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.425545 0.890706 -0.159857
Second local vector : 0.407348 -0.346283 -0.845078
Third local vector : -0.808071 0.294501 -0.510186
0.01638 0.01250 0.00000 0.01935 0.00394 0.00367 -0.00297 0.00855 -0.00367
-0.00387 -0.01241 -0.00000 -0.00536 -0.00862 -0.00216 0.00149 -0.00378 0.00216
-0.00271 -0.00141 -0.00255 -0.00395 -0.00190 -0.00606 0.00124 0.00049 0.00352
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 0.76278 0.00000 1.18103 0.24082 0.22412 -0.18103 0.52197 -0.22412
-0.23620 -0.75742 -0.00026 -0.32726 -0.52646 -0.13205 0.09105 -0.23096 0.13179
-0.16541 -0.08605 -0.15560 -0.24095 -0.11592 -0.37021 0.07554 0.02986 0.21462
13 interaction with atom 4 cell 15
with coordinates 6.969854E+00 -5.751648E+00 2.679403E+00
and distance 6.457404E+00
0.00214 -0.00688 0.00345 -0.00070 -0.00998 0.00407 0.00284 0.00310 -0.00062
-0.01316 0.00806 -0.01472 -0.00824 0.01457 -0.00903 -0.00492 -0.00651 -0.00570
-0.00356 -0.00099 -0.00877 -0.00107 0.00171 -0.00921 -0.00249 -0.00270 0.00044
Traces (and ratios) :
0.00142 0.00466 -0.00323
1.00000 3.26913 -2.26913
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.425545 -0.890706 0.159857
Second local vector : 0.407353 0.346285 0.845074
Third local vector : -0.808069 -0.294499 0.510192
0.01638 0.01250 0.00000 0.01935 0.00394 0.00367 -0.00297 0.00855 -0.00367
-0.00387 -0.01241 -0.00000 -0.00536 -0.00862 -0.00216 0.00149 -0.00378 0.00216
-0.00271 -0.00141 -0.00255 -0.00395 -0.00190 -0.00606 0.00124 0.00049 0.00352
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 0.76281 0.00000 1.18109 0.24083 0.22414 -0.18109 0.52199 -0.22414
-0.23623 -0.75742 -0.00030 -0.32727 -0.52649 -0.13206 0.09104 -0.23094 0.13175
-0.16543 -0.08607 -0.15559 -0.24097 -0.11593 -0.37023 0.07554 0.02985 0.21464
14 interaction with atom 6 cell 30
with coordinates 5.288714E+00 4.781042E+00 5.973692E+00
and distance 6.535701E+00
-0.01316 0.01047 0.00336 -0.00761 0.00919 0.00321 -0.00555 0.00128 0.00015
-0.00188 0.00327 0.00590 0.00175 0.00254 0.00685 -0.00363 0.00073 -0.00095
-0.00829 0.01372 0.00455 -0.00048 0.01325 0.00174 -0.00782 0.00047 0.00281
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.00534 -0.00333 -0.00201
1.00000 0.62401 0.37599
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.163223 0.731527 0.661987
Second local vector : -0.953690 0.288819 -0.084012
Third local vector : -0.252652 -0.617618 0.744792
0.01339 0.01174 0.00000 0.01325 0.00321 -0.00244 0.00013 0.00854 0.00244
-0.00663 -0.01491 0.00168 -0.00623 -0.00998 0.00276 -0.00040 -0.00493 -0.00107
0.00306 0.00331 -0.00383 0.00197 0.00158 -0.00661 0.00109 0.00173 0.00278
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 0.87713 0.00000 0.98993 0.23950 -0.18240 0.01007 0.63764 0.18240
-0.49530 -1.11331 0.12573 -0.46541 -0.74539 0.20597 -0.02989 -0.36792 -0.08024
0.22849 0.24716 -0.28578 0.14738 0.11805 -0.49358 0.08111 0.12911 0.20779
15 interaction with atom 7 cell 15
with coordinates 5.288714E+00 -4.781042E+00 -2.679403E+00
and distance 6.535701E+00
-0.01316 -0.01047 -0.00336 -0.00761 -0.00919 -0.00321 -0.00555 -0.00128 -0.00015
0.00188 0.00327 0.00590 -0.00175 0.00254 0.00685 0.00363 0.00073 -0.00095
0.00829 0.01372 0.00455 0.00048 0.01325 0.00174 0.00782 0.00047 0.00281
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.00534 -0.00333 -0.00201
1.00000 0.62399 0.37601
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.163223 -0.731527 -0.661987
Second local vector : -0.953688 -0.288824 0.084018
Third local vector : -0.252659 0.617616 -0.744792
0.01339 0.01174 0.00000 0.01325 0.00321 -0.00244 0.00013 0.00854 0.00244
-0.00663 -0.01491 0.00168 -0.00623 -0.00998 0.00276 -0.00040 -0.00493 -0.00107
0.00306 0.00331 -0.00383 0.00197 0.00158 -0.00661 0.00109 0.00173 0.00278
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 0.87716 0.00000 0.98997 0.23950 -0.18241 0.01003 0.63765 0.18241
-0.49530 -1.11334 0.12573 -0.46543 -0.74542 0.20598 -0.02987 -0.36792 -0.08025
0.22849 0.24718 -0.28578 0.14738 0.11806 -0.49359 0.08110 0.12913 0.20781
16 interaction with atom 6 cell 18
with coordinates 7.038093E-01 -3.160247E+00 -3.909173E+00
and distance 7.296372E+00
0.00462 0.01014 0.00530 0.00028 0.00825 0.00899 0.00435 0.00189 -0.00369
0.00298 0.00160 0.00201 0.00161 -0.00223 0.00315 0.00136 0.00383 -0.00114
0.00884 0.01424 0.00349 0.00481 0.00804 0.00569 0.00403 0.00620 -0.00220
Traces (and ratios) :
0.00971 0.00373 0.00598
1.00000 0.38419 0.61581
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.482175 -0.433126 -0.761518
Second local vector : -0.190804 -0.796453 0.573808
Third local vector : -0.855045 0.421977 0.301388
0.01669 0.01155 0.00000 0.01376 0.00238 -0.00303 0.00293 0.00917 0.00303
-0.00256 -0.00465 0.00035 -0.00204 -0.00466 0.00052 -0.00052 0.00001 -0.00017
0.00362 0.00145 -0.00233 0.00503 0.00141 -0.00537 -0.00141 0.00004 0.00304
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 0.69173 0.00000 0.82462 0.14244 -0.18157 0.17538 0.54929 0.18157
-0.15342 -0.27851 0.02101 -0.12219 -0.27931 0.03139 -0.03123 0.00080 -0.01038
0.21704 0.08674 -0.13952 0.30162 0.08447 -0.32172 -0.08458 0.00227 0.18220
generic atom number 4
with cartesian coordinates 2.38494923E+00 2.18964010E+00 2.67940342E+00
Third atom defining local coordinates :
ib = 3 irpt = 30
1 interaction with atom 4 cell 18
with coordinates 2.384949E+00 2.189640E+00 2.679403E+00
and distance 0.000000E+00
0.17130 -0.13836 -0.06513 0.02520 0.08366 0.04535 0.14609 -0.22202 -0.11048
-0.13816 0.35776 0.22360 0.10351 -0.14457 -0.17356 -0.24167 0.50233 0.39715
-0.06581 0.22403 0.24944 0.05236 -0.15777 -0.04148 -0.11817 0.38181 0.29092
Traces (and ratios) :
0.77850 -0.16085 0.93935
1.00000 -0.20662 1.20662
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.307716 0.754322 0.579922
Second local vector : 0.848964 -0.057533 0.525309
Third local vector : 0.429617 0.653979 -0.622689
0.58704 -0.01596 -0.00210 -0.29965 0.00976 0.00045 0.88669 -0.02572 -0.00256
-0.01545 0.13506 -0.00142 -0.00040 0.05069 -0.00048 -0.01505 0.08438 -0.00094
-0.00253 -0.00093 0.05640 -0.02377 0.00088 0.08811 0.02124 -0.00182 -0.03171
Ratio with respect to the (1,1) element
1.00000 -0.02719 -0.00358 -0.51044 0.01662 0.00077 1.51044 -0.04381 -0.00435
-0.02632 0.23007 -0.00243 -0.00069 0.08634 -0.00082 -0.02564 0.14373 -0.00161
-0.00432 -0.00159 0.09607 -0.04049 0.00150 0.15009 0.03618 -0.00309 -0.05402
2 interaction with atom 1 cell 18
with coordinates 4.221938E+00 -1.800634E-09 1.647144E+00
and distance 3.038850E+00
-0.12680 0.11249 0.05349 0.03404 -0.12775 -0.07844 -0.16084 0.24025 0.13193
0.11387 -0.16219 -0.06311 -0.10767 0.11398 0.09381 0.22154 -0.27617 -0.15692
0.05470 -0.06377 -0.06117 -0.03556 0.04877 -0.03032 0.09026 -0.11254 -0.03085
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.35016 0.11771 -0.46786
1.00000 -0.33615 1.33615
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.604501 -0.720549 -0.339687
Second local vector : -0.743514 -0.663412 0.084095
Third local vector : -0.285947 0.201727 -0.936771
-0.28947 0.00309 0.00000 0.22897 0.02594 0.03108 -0.51844 -0.02285 -0.03108
0.00174 -0.02994 -0.00007 0.01136 -0.04818 -0.00154 -0.00961 0.01824 0.00148
-0.00141 -0.00006 -0.03074 -0.03254 -0.00469 -0.06308 0.03114 0.00463 0.03234
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.01067 0.00000 -0.79098 -0.08960 -0.10737 1.79098 0.07894 0.10737
-0.00601 0.10343 0.00023 -0.03923 0.16645 0.00533 0.03321 -0.06301 -0.00511
0.00486 0.00020 0.10620 0.11242 0.01621 0.21792 -0.10756 -0.01601 -0.11172
3 interaction with atom 3 cell 30
with coordinates 2.473936E+00 4.284983E+00 4.941432E+00
and distance 3.084665E+00
-0.03490 -0.00142 -0.00590 -0.06223 0.03318 0.01677 0.02733 -0.03460 -0.02268
-0.00369 -0.13185 -0.10597 -0.01155 0.06644 0.10921 0.00786 -0.19828 -0.21519
-0.00746 -0.10430 -0.14794 -0.02582 0.14959 0.09028 0.01837 -0.25389 -0.23822
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.31469 0.09449 -0.40917
1.00000 -0.30026 1.30026
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.028848 0.679277 0.733314
Second local vector : -0.901247 0.334984 -0.274845
Third local vector : -0.432345 -0.652968 0.621860
-0.24555 0.00211 0.00000 0.20830 0.03922 -0.00176 -0.45384 -0.03711 0.00176
-0.00104 -0.03673 0.00185 -0.03386 -0.06887 0.00411 0.03282 0.03215 -0.00227
0.00036 0.00129 -0.03242 0.00806 0.00141 -0.04494 -0.00770 -0.00013 0.01253
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.00858 0.00000 -0.84831 -0.15973 0.00717 1.84831 0.15115 -0.00717
0.00424 0.14957 -0.00753 0.13792 0.28048 -0.01676 -0.13368 -0.13091 0.00923
-0.00148 -0.00525 0.13201 -0.03283 -0.00576 0.18303 0.03136 0.00051 -0.05101
4 interaction with atom 8 cell 18
with coordinates 2.384949E+00 -2.189640E+00 6.148847E-01
and distance 4.841522E+00
0.00494 0.00221 0.00126 0.00748 -0.00887 -0.00537 -0.00254 0.01109 0.00663
-0.00221 -0.03132 -0.02197 0.00887 -0.03025 -0.01957 -0.01109 -0.00107 -0.00240
-0.00126 -0.02197 -0.00731 0.00537 -0.01957 -0.00617 -0.00664 -0.00240 -0.00113
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.03369 -0.02895 -0.00474
1.00000 0.85930 0.14070
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.000000 -0.904526 -0.426419
Second local vector : 0.474069 -0.375457 0.796424
Third local vector : -0.880488 -0.202152 0.428808
-0.04390 0.00536 0.00000 -0.04097 -0.00210 0.01059 -0.00293 0.00746 -0.01059
0.00295 0.00520 0.00034 0.00768 0.00521 -0.00230 -0.00473 -0.00001 0.00264
0.00447 -0.00006 0.00501 -0.00758 -0.00015 0.00682 0.01206 0.00009 -0.00180
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.12204 0.00000 0.93327 0.04792 -0.24113 0.06673 -0.16996 0.24113
-0.06721 -0.11845 -0.00770 -0.17492 -0.11859 0.05237 0.10772 0.00014 -0.06006
-0.10186 0.00126 -0.11422 0.17275 0.00332 -0.15532 -0.27461 -0.00206 0.04109
5 interaction with atom 7 cell 19
with coordinates 7.038093E-01 3.160247E+00 7.203461E+00
and distance 4.922947E+00
-0.00366 0.00623 0.01958 -0.00007 0.01151 0.01814 -0.00360 -0.00528 0.00144
0.00530 0.00300 -0.01043 -0.00078 0.00613 0.00063 0.00609 -0.00313 -0.01106
0.01883 -0.01173 -0.02548 0.00853 -0.01603 -0.02055 0.01030 0.00429 -0.00494
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.02615 -0.01448 -0.01167
1.00000 0.55385 0.44615
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.341491 0.197160 0.918973
Second local vector : 0.741228 -0.544685 0.392299
Third local vector : 0.577897 0.815136 0.039865
-0.03868 0.00862 0.00000 -0.02900 0.00543 -0.01077 -0.00967 0.00319 0.01077
0.00844 0.00620 0.00012 0.00315 0.00533 0.00146 0.00529 0.00087 -0.00135
0.00174 -0.00014 0.00633 0.01164 -0.00225 0.00919 -0.00990 0.00211 -0.00286
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.22287 0.00000 0.74988 -0.14033 0.27840 0.25012 -0.08254 -0.27840
-0.21829 -0.16033 -0.00301 -0.08146 -0.13792 -0.03784 -0.13684 -0.02241 0.03483
-0.04506 0.00364 -0.16360 -0.30094 0.05829 -0.23752 0.25588 -0.05466 0.07393
6 interaction with atom 9 cell 26
with coordinates 6.081051E+00 -9.706066E-01 3.909173E+00
and distance 5.016041E+00
-0.01076 0.01973 -0.00374 -0.01032 0.01547 0.00298 -0.00044 0.00425 -0.00672
0.02035 -0.01674 0.00469 0.01416 -0.01088 -0.00167 0.00619 -0.00587 0.00636
-0.00574 0.00678 0.00620 -0.01029 0.01342 0.00903 0.00455 -0.00664 -0.00283
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.02130 -0.01217 -0.00914
1.00000 0.57105 0.42895
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.736857 -0.630028 0.245167
Second local vector : 0.415011 0.707821 0.571625
Third local vector : -0.533674 -0.319458 0.783031
-0.03420 0.00734 0.00000 -0.02627 0.01046 0.00756 -0.00793 -0.00312 -0.00756
0.00607 0.00595 0.00054 -0.00286 0.00745 0.00212 0.00893 -0.00150 -0.00157
-0.00264 0.00097 0.00695 -0.00735 0.00456 0.00666 0.00471 -0.00358 0.00030
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.21461 0.00000 0.76802 -0.30592 -0.22097 0.23198 0.09131 0.22097
-0.17746 -0.17396 -0.01589 0.08347 -0.21778 -0.06193 -0.26094 0.04382 0.04603
0.07718 -0.02849 -0.20321 0.21475 -0.13326 -0.19457 -0.13757 0.10477 -0.00864
7 interaction with atom 9 cell 29
with coordinates 1.496146E+00 6.970682E+00 3.909173E+00
and distance 5.016041E+00
0.00211 0.01229 0.00300 0.00209 0.00830 0.00648 0.00002 0.00398 -0.00348
0.01291 -0.02962 -0.00836 0.00699 -0.02329 -0.01562 0.00592 -0.00633 0.00726
0.00219 -0.00558 0.00621 0.00004 0.00341 0.00903 0.00215 -0.00899 -0.00283
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.02130 -0.01217 -0.00914
1.00000 0.57105 0.42895
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.177192 0.953151 0.245167
Second local vector : 0.969018 0.125410 0.212783
Third local vector : 0.172068 0.275275 -0.945842
-0.03421 0.00661 0.00000 -0.02627 0.00030 0.00788 -0.00794 0.00631 -0.00788
0.00673 0.00556 -0.00037 0.00659 0.00489 -0.00379 0.00013 0.00067 0.00342
-0.00293 0.00006 0.00735 -0.01110 -0.00135 0.00922 0.00817 0.00141 -0.00187
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.19323 0.00000 0.76794 -0.00889 -0.23021 0.23206 -0.18434 0.23021
-0.19660 -0.16244 0.01081 -0.19270 -0.14283 0.11081 -0.00391 -0.01961 -0.10000
0.08560 -0.00177 -0.21479 0.32443 0.03948 -0.26948 -0.23883 -0.04125 0.05470
8 interaction with atom 5 cell 26
with coordinates 6.081051E+00 9.706066E-01 -6.148847E-01
and distance 5.098975E+00
-0.00932 0.00938 0.02027 -0.00773 0.01368 0.01282 -0.00159 -0.00430 0.00746
0.00280 0.00772 -0.00304 -0.00273 0.01182 0.00358 0.00553 -0.00410 -0.00662
0.01513 -0.00797 -0.01229 0.01109 -0.01297 -0.00809 0.00403 0.00500 -0.00419
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.01388 -0.00400 -0.00988
1.00000 0.28796 0.71204
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.724872 -0.239074 -0.646069
Second local vector : 0.674499 0.436968 0.595072
Third local vector : 0.140045 -0.867123 0.478001
-0.02997 0.00672 0.00000 -0.02131 0.00672 -0.00858 -0.00866 -0.00000 0.00858
-0.00159 0.00782 -0.00135 -0.00494 0.00626 -0.00319 0.00336 0.00156 0.00184
0.00499 -0.00189 0.00827 0.01159 -0.00499 0.01105 -0.00660 0.00310 -0.00278
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.22410 0.00000 0.71092 -0.22413 0.28621 0.28908 0.00003 -0.28621
0.05289 -0.26089 0.04492 0.16484 -0.20871 0.10629 -0.11195 -0.05218 -0.06137
-0.16654 0.06311 -0.27595 -0.38681 0.16640 -0.36884 0.22027 -0.10329 0.09289
9 interaction with atom 6 cell 30
with coordinates 5.288714E+00 4.781042E+00 5.973692E+00
and distance 5.098975E+00
-0.00181 -0.01372 -0.01446 0.00220 -0.01941 -0.01678 -0.00401 0.00569 0.00232
-0.00713 0.00021 -0.00912 -0.00300 0.00190 -0.00312 -0.00413 -0.00168 -0.00600
-0.01277 -0.01604 -0.01229 -0.00331 -0.01289 -0.00809 -0.00946 -0.00315 -0.00419
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.01388 -0.00400 -0.00988
1.00000 0.28797 0.71203
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.569480 0.508220 0.646069
Second local vector : 0.794922 -0.540581 -0.275447
Third local vector : 0.209265 0.670436 -0.711845
-0.02997 0.00524 0.00000 -0.02131 0.01254 -0.00120 -0.00866 -0.00731 0.00120
-0.00203 0.00916 -0.00092 -0.01021 0.01297 -0.00105 0.00818 -0.00381 0.00013
0.00640 -0.00146 0.00693 0.00381 -0.00285 0.00434 0.00260 0.00139 0.00259
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.17473 0.00000 0.71092 -0.41856 0.04002 0.28908 0.24383 -0.04002
0.06784 -0.30574 0.03068 0.34063 -0.43284 0.03511 -0.27280 0.12710 -0.00443
-0.21359 0.04886 -0.23110 -0.12698 0.09521 -0.14471 -0.08660 -0.04635 -0.08639
10 interaction with atom 7 cell 18
with coordinates 7.038093E-01 3.160247E+00 -2.679403E+00
and distance 5.699572E+00
0.00279 -0.00110 -0.00347 0.00640 -0.00299 -0.00353 -0.00361 0.00189 0.00006
0.00039 0.00238 0.00279 -0.00016 0.00459 0.00358 0.00054 -0.00221 -0.00079
-0.00415 0.00161 -0.00568 -0.00486 0.00126 -0.00584 0.00071 0.00034 0.00016
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.00051 0.00515 -0.00566
1.00000 -10.16803 11.16803
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.294959 0.170295 -0.940212
Second local vector : 0.867653 0.459886 -0.188900
Third local vector : 0.400222 -0.871495 -0.283404
-0.00749 0.00108 0.00000 -0.00742 0.00117 -0.00137 -0.00007 -0.00010 0.00137
-0.00041 0.00299 0.00168 -0.00172 0.00528 0.00328 0.00131 -0.00230 -0.00160
0.00099 0.00075 0.00400 0.00056 0.00153 0.00729 0.00044 -0.00078 -0.00329
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.14387 0.00000 0.99021 -0.15682 0.18333 0.00979 0.01295 -0.18333
0.05519 -0.39864 -0.22390 0.22956 -0.70528 -0.43775 -0.17437 0.30664 0.21385
-0.13268 -0.10022 -0.53372 -0.07420 -0.20373 -0.97270 -0.05848 0.10351 0.43898
11 interaction with atom 8 cell 21
with coordinates -2.199956E+00 5.751648E+00 6.148847E-01
and distance 6.162101E+00
-0.00167 0.00401 -0.00010 -0.00212 0.00565 0.00047 0.00045 -0.00164 -0.00057
0.00272 0.00221 0.00318 0.00262 0.00339 0.00372 0.00010 -0.00118 -0.00055
-0.00231 0.00490 0.00304 -0.00274 0.00629 0.00517 0.00043 -0.00138 -0.00213
Traces (and ratios) :
0.00358 0.00643 -0.00285
1.00000 1.79556 -0.79556
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.744049 0.578051 -0.335035
Second local vector : -0.066569 -0.563100 -0.823703
Third local vector : -0.664800 -0.590573 0.457454
-0.00491 0.00091 0.00000 -0.00552 0.00213 -0.00006 0.00062 -0.00122 0.00006
-0.00213 0.00663 0.00099 -0.00286 0.00940 0.00087 0.00073 -0.00278 0.00012
0.00029 0.00142 0.00186 -0.00059 0.00184 0.00256 0.00088 -0.00042 -0.00069
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.18519 0.00000 1.12623 -0.43343 0.01293 -0.12623 0.24824 -0.01293
0.43418 -1.35065 -0.20270 0.58297 -1.91681 -0.17728 -0.14879 0.56616 -0.02542
-0.06002 -0.28940 -0.37992 0.11953 -0.37412 -0.52119 -0.17955 0.08473 0.14127
12 interaction with atom 8 cell 29
with coordinates 6.969854E+00 5.751648E+00 6.148847E-01
and distance 6.162101E+00
-0.00167 -0.00272 0.00231 -0.00212 -0.00262 0.00274 0.00045 -0.00010 -0.00043
-0.00401 0.00221 0.00490 -0.00565 0.00339 0.00629 0.00165 -0.00118 -0.00139
0.00011 0.00318 0.00304 -0.00047 0.00372 0.00517 0.00058 -0.00055 -0.00213
Traces (and ratios) :
0.00358 0.00643 -0.00285
1.00000 1.79556 -0.79556
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : 0.744049 0.578051 -0.335035
Second local vector : 0.024968 0.477049 0.878522
Third local vector : 0.667658 -0.662028 0.340515
-0.00490 0.00215 0.00000 -0.00552 0.00275 -0.00097 0.00062 -0.00060 0.00097
-0.00090 0.00621 -0.00202 -0.00211 0.00891 -0.00271 0.00122 -0.00270 0.00070
0.00012 -0.00159 0.00228 0.00023 -0.00175 0.00305 -0.00010 0.00016 -0.00077
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.43916 0.00000 1.12684 -0.56146 0.19824 -0.12684 0.12229 -0.19824
0.18284 -1.26657 0.41140 0.43136 -1.81700 0.55317 -0.24852 0.55044 -0.14177
-0.02525 0.32454 -0.46439 -0.04649 0.35622 -0.62232 0.02124 -0.03168 0.15793
13 interaction with atom 2 cell 18
with coordinates -2.110969E+00 3.656305E+00 -1.647144E+00
and distance 6.409633E+00
0.00155 -0.00036 0.00748 0.00197 -0.00111 0.00941 -0.00041 0.00075 -0.00193
-0.00040 -0.00661 -0.00347 -0.00104 -0.00802 -0.00477 0.00064 0.00141 0.00130
0.00722 -0.00464 -0.00158 0.01000 -0.00705 0.00014 -0.00278 0.00241 -0.00172
Traces (and ratios) :
-0.00663 -0.00591 -0.00073
1.00000 0.89028 0.10972
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.701431 0.228822 -0.675007
Second local vector : -0.682291 0.058274 0.728755
Third local vector : 0.206090 0.971723 0.115248
0.00803 0.00061 0.00000 0.01197 0.00025 0.00098 -0.00394 0.00037 -0.00098
0.00062 -0.00776 -0.00330 -0.00079 -0.00910 -0.00426 0.00141 0.00134 0.00096
-0.00079 -0.00239 -0.00691 -0.00059 -0.00284 -0.00878 -0.00019 0.00045 0.00187
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 0.07649 0.00000 1.49029 0.03073 0.12139 -0.49029 0.04576 -0.12139
0.07736 -0.96617 -0.41070 -0.09781 -1.13292 -0.52962 0.17517 0.16675 0.11892
-0.09799 -0.29770 -0.85956 -0.07398 -0.35321 -1.09250 -0.02400 0.05551 0.23294
14 interaction with atom 9 cell 18
with coordinates -3.088759E+00 -9.706066E-01 3.909173E+00
and distance 6.439019E+00
-0.00104 -0.00234 0.00018 -0.00066 -0.00363 0.00107 -0.00038 0.00128 -0.00088
-0.00275 0.00191 0.00055 -0.00443 0.00399 0.00127 0.00167 -0.00209 -0.00072
0.00057 -0.00012 0.00183 0.00163 0.00029 0.00311 -0.00106 -0.00041 -0.00128
Traces (and ratios) :
0.00271 0.00645 -0.00374
1.00000 2.38333 -1.38333
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.850084 -0.490796 0.190987
Second local vector : 0.415753 -0.402796 0.815417
Third local vector : -0.323275 0.772577 0.546460
-0.00251 0.00049 0.00000 -0.00334 0.00003 -0.00058 0.00083 0.00047 0.00058
0.00019 0.00232 -0.00106 -0.00053 0.00435 -0.00180 0.00072 -0.00204 0.00074
0.00046 -0.00037 0.00290 0.00025 -0.00084 0.00544 0.00021 0.00047 -0.00254
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.19681 0.00000 1.33048 -0.01039 0.23224 -0.33048 -0.18642 -0.23224
-0.07516 -0.92289 0.42032 0.21085 -1.73304 0.71476 -0.28601 0.81015 -0.29444
-0.18159 0.14763 -1.15399 -0.09790 0.33379 -2.16400 -0.08370 -0.18615 1.01001
15 interaction with atom 1 cell 21
with coordinates -3.629673E-01 7.941288E+00 1.647144E+00
and distance 6.457404E+00
0.00214 -0.01316 -0.00356 -0.00070 -0.00824 -0.00107 0.00284 -0.00492 -0.00249
-0.00688 0.00806 -0.00099 -0.00998 0.01457 0.00171 0.00310 -0.00651 -0.00270
0.00345 -0.01472 -0.00877 0.00407 -0.00903 -0.00921 -0.00062 -0.00570 0.00044
Traces (and ratios) :
0.00143 0.00466 -0.00323
1.00000 3.26809 -2.26809
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.425545 0.890706 -0.159857
Second local vector : -0.129834 0.114728 0.984876
Third local vector : 0.895575 0.439864 0.066822
0.01638 0.00472 0.00000 0.01935 0.00666 -0.00016 -0.00297 -0.00193 0.00016
-0.01024 -0.00983 -0.00369 -0.00534 -0.00969 -0.00064 -0.00490 -0.00014 -0.00305
-0.00717 -0.00509 -0.00513 0.00074 -0.00038 -0.00500 -0.00791 -0.00472 -0.00013
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 0.28841 0.00000 1.18108 0.40630 -0.00966 -0.18108 -0.11789 0.00966
-0.62482 -0.59999 -0.22511 -0.32583 -0.59159 -0.03908 -0.29899 -0.00840 -0.18603
-0.43754 -0.31088 -0.31300 0.04546 -0.02295 -0.30512 -0.48300 -0.28793 -0.00787
16 interaction with atom 5 cell 18
with coordinates -3.088759E+00 9.706066E-01 -6.148847E-01
and distance 6.503834E+00
-0.00166 -0.00056 -0.00268 -0.00161 -0.00141 -0.00449 -0.00004 0.00085 0.00180
-0.00066 0.00257 -0.00047 -0.00198 0.00368 -0.00130 0.00132 -0.00111 0.00083
-0.00149 -0.00017 0.00148 -0.00248 -0.00021 0.00237 0.00098 0.00004 -0.00089
Traces (and ratios) :
0.00239 0.00444 -0.00204
1.00000 1.85374 -0.85374
Transformation to local coordinates
First local vector : -0.841612 -0.187433 -0.506515
Second local vector : -0.062928 -0.897429 0.436648
Third local vector : -0.536403 0.399363 0.743492
-0.00274 0.00049 0.00000 -0.00405 0.00050 0.00074 0.00131 -0.00002 -0.00074
-0.00023 0.00265 -0.00004 -0.00131 0.00400 0.00010 0.00108 -0.00135 -0.00014
-0.00100 -0.00002 0.00249 -0.00075 -0.00015 0.00449 -0.00026 0.00013 -0.00200
Ratio with respect to the longitudinal ifc
1.00000 -0.17746 0.00000 1.47949 -0.18358 -0.26853 -0.47949 0.00612 0.26853
0.08215 -0.96631 0.01493 0.47798 -1.46094 -0.03685 -0.39582 0.49463 0.05178
0.36684 0.00860 -0.90764 0.27335 0.05644 -1.63863 0.09348 -0.04784 0.73098
Calculation of phonon density of states,
thermodynamical properties,
and Debye-Waller factors.
Homogeneous q point set in the B.Z.
Grid q points : 8000
greater than 80, so only write 20 of them
1) 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
2) 5.00000000E-02 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
3) 1.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
4) 1.50000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
5) 2.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
6) 2.50000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
7) 3.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
8) 3.50000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
9) 4.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
10) 4.50000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
11) 5.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
12) -4.50000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
13) -4.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
14) -3.50000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
15) -3.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
16) -2.50000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
17) -2.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
18) -1.50000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
19) -1.00000000E-01 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
20) -5.00000000E-02 0.00000000E+00 2.50000000E-02
symkpt : the number of k-points, thanks to the symmetries,
is reduced to 770 .
DOS with channel width= 5 :
# At T F(J/mol-c) E(J/mol-c) S(J/(mol-c.K)) C(J/(mol-c.K)) Omega_mean(cm-1)
# (A mol-c is the abbreviation of a mole-cell, that is, the
# number of Avogadro times the atoms in a unit cell)
1.000E+02 8.9266489E+04 9.2214173E+04 2.9476841E+01 4.7619794E+01 1.8754572E+02
2.000E+02 8.3844408E+04 9.9669181E+04 7.9123867E+01 9.8257476E+01 2.9149640E+02
3.000E+02 7.3548416E+04 1.1135167E+05 1.2601084E+02 1.3340805E+02 3.7282014E+02
4.000E+02 5.8806622E+04 1.2600881E+05 1.6800547E+02 1.5824192E+02 4.3047566E+02
5.000E+02 4.0105100E+04 1.4274367E+05 2.0527715E+02 1.7538179E+02 4.6772802E+02
6.000E+02 1.7890829E+04 1.6090790E+05 2.3836178E+02 1.8718230E+02 4.9180080E+02
7.000E+02 -7.4481917E+03 1.8006265E+05 2.6787263E+02 1.9543785E+02 5.0784203E+02
8.000E+02 -3.5583571E+04 1.9991779E+05 2.9437671E+02 2.0134905E+02 5.1892385E+02
9.000E+02 -6.6239447E+04 2.2028030E+05 3.1835527E+02 2.0568643E+02 5.2684317E+02
1.000E+03 -9.9183679E+04 2.4101927E+05 3.4020294E+02 2.0894377E+02 5.3267404E+02
gij with channel width= 5:
iatom,iwchan,igqpt2(i),gij error= 10 5 20 20 20 0.00000
B matrix elements as a function of T
Angstrom^2, cartesian coordinates
5 1 1.000E+02 3.0639E-03 2.6314E-03 2.9877E-03 -5.2789E-05 -1.2845E-04 -1.8805E-05
5 2 1.000E+02 2.7562E-03 2.9392E-03 2.9877E-03 -1.5139E-04 1.4483E-04 6.8302E-06
5 3 1.000E+02 2.7229E-03 2.9724E-03 2.9877E-03 2.0418E-04 -1.6382E-05 1.1975E-05
5 4 1.000E+02 5.0715E-03 4.8885E-03 5.1783E-03 6.0419E-04 -2.3614E-04 -8.1288E-04
5 5 1.000E+02 5.4951E-03 4.4649E-03 5.1783E-03 -5.3985E-04 6.0903E-04 2.6939E-04
5 6 1.000E+02 4.3734E-03 5.5866E-03 5.1783E-03 -6.4341E-05 -3.7290E-04 5.4349E-04
5 7 1.000E+02 4.1194E-03 5.8406E-03 5.1783E-03 2.3623E-04 6.6569E-04 4.6149E-04
5 8 1.000E+02 5.2786E-03 4.6813E-03 5.1783E-03 -7.8806E-04 3.6976E-04 -7.6764E-04
5 9 1.000E+02 5.5419E-03 4.4181E-03 5.1783E-03 5.5183E-04 -1.0354E-03 3.0615E-04
5 1 2.000E+02 4.9707E-03 4.1447E-03 4.8252E-03 -1.0428E-04 -2.5597E-04 -2.6387E-05
5 2 2.000E+02 4.3833E-03 4.7321E-03 4.8252E-03 -2.8761E-04 2.7932E-04 7.8228E-06
5 3 2.000E+02 4.3190E-03 4.7964E-03 4.8252E-03 3.9189E-04 -2.3348E-05 1.8564E-05
5 4 2.000E+02 7.8546E-03 7.6619E-03 8.1143E-03 1.0098E-03 -4.9591E-04 -1.2996E-03
5 5 2.000E+02 8.6535E-03 6.8631E-03 8.1143E-03 -8.9950E-04 9.5513E-04 3.5549E-04
5 6 2.000E+02 6.7667E-03 8.7498E-03 8.1143E-03 -1.1031E-04 -4.5922E-04 9.4413E-04
5 7 2.000E+02 6.2612E-03 9.2553E-03 8.1143E-03 4.4522E-04 1.0410E-03 7.8635E-04
5 8 2.000E+02 8.2601E-03 7.2564E-03 8.1143E-03 -1.3736E-03 7.5832E-04 -1.2149E-03
5 9 2.000E+02 8.7535E-03 6.7631E-03 8.1143E-03 9.2840E-04 -1.7994E-03 4.2857E-04
5 1 3.000E+02 7.0265E-03 5.7923E-03 6.8052E-03 -1.5629E-04 -3.8399E-04 -3.6067E-05
5 2 3.000E+02 6.1490E-03 6.6698E-03 6.8052E-03 -4.2944E-04 4.1608E-04 1.0076E-05
5 3 3.000E+02 6.0527E-03 6.7661E-03 6.8052E-03 5.8573E-04 -3.2088E-05 2.5992E-05
5 4 3.000E+02 1.0964E-02 1.0729E-02 1.1370E-02 1.4656E-03 -7.5818E-04 -1.8689E-03
5 5 3.000E+02 1.2159E-02 9.5333E-03 1.1370E-02 -1.3007E-03 1.3707E-03 4.8059E-04
5 6 3.000E+02 9.4158E-03 1.2277E-02 1.1370E-02 -1.6481E-04 -6.1251E-04 1.3883E-03
5 7 3.000E+02 8.6576E-03 1.3035E-02 1.1370E-02 6.6634E-04 1.4850E-03 1.1521E-03
5 8 3.000E+02 1.1571E-02 1.0121E-02 1.1370E-02 -2.0109E-03 1.1515E-03 -1.7424E-03
5 9 3.000E+02 1.2310E-02 9.3825E-03 1.1370E-02 1.3445E-03 -2.6365E-03 5.9025E-04
5 1 4.000E+02 9.1403E-03 7.4961E-03 8.8437E-03 -2.0835E-04 -5.1203E-04 -4.6722E-05
5 2 4.000E+02 7.9713E-03 8.6651E-03 8.8437E-03 -5.7209E-04 5.5366E-04 1.2792E-05
5 3 4.000E+02 7.8430E-03 8.7934E-03 8.8437E-03 7.8044E-04 -4.1635E-05 3.3930E-05
5 4 4.000E+02 1.4197E-02 1.3905E-02 1.4746E-02 1.9366E-03 -1.0173E-03 -2.4634E-03
5 5 4.000E+02 1.5791E-02 1.2310E-02 1.4746E-02 -1.7164E-03 1.8062E-03 6.2094E-04
5 6 4.000E+02 1.2164E-02 1.5937E-02 1.4746E-02 -2.2026E-04 -7.8887E-04 1.8425E-03
5 7 4.000E+02 1.1153E-02 1.6948E-02 1.4746E-02 8.8872E-04 1.9522E-03 1.5275E-03
5 8 4.000E+02 1.5006E-02 1.3095E-02 1.4746E-02 -2.6636E-03 1.5417E-03 -2.2948E-03
5 9 4.000E+02 1.5993E-02 1.2109E-02 1.4746E-02 1.7749E-03 -3.4939E-03 7.6723E-04
5 1 5.000E+02 1.1284E-02 9.2291E-03 1.0912E-02 -2.6041E-04 -6.4005E-04 -5.7787E-05
5 2 5.000E+02 9.8230E-03 1.0690E-02 1.0912E-02 -7.1494E-04 6.9158E-04 1.5702E-05
5 3 5.000E+02 9.6626E-03 1.0850E-02 1.0912E-02 9.7535E-04 -5.1525E-05 4.2085E-05
5 4 5.000E+02 1.7489E-02 1.7133E-02 1.8178E-02 2.4133E-03 -1.2747E-03 -3.0671E-03
5 5 5.000E+02 1.9483E-02 1.5139E-02 1.8178E-02 -2.1376E-03 2.2487E-03 7.6741E-04
5 6 5.000E+02 1.4962E-02 1.9661E-02 1.8178E-02 -2.7571E-04 -9.7399E-04 2.2997E-03
5 7 5.000E+02 1.3698E-02 2.0925E-02 1.8178E-02 1.1112E-03 2.4281E-03 1.9060E-03
5 8 5.000E+02 1.8501E-02 1.6121E-02 1.8178E-02 -3.3220E-03 1.9302E-03 -2.8563E-03
5 9 5.000E+02 1.9735E-02 1.4888E-02 1.8178E-02 2.2108E-03 -4.3583E-03 9.5032E-04
5 1 6.000E+02 1.3445E-02 1.0979E-02 1.2998E-02 -3.1249E-04 -7.6807E-04 -6.9035E-05
5 2 6.000E+02 1.1692E-02 1.2732E-02 1.2998E-02 -8.5785E-04 8.2964E-04 1.8699E-05
5 3 6.000E+02 1.1499E-02 1.2925E-02 1.2998E-02 1.1703E-03 -6.1569E-05 5.0337E-05
5 4 6.000E+02 2.0814E-02 2.0392E-02 2.1643E-02 2.8923E-03 -1.5312E-03 -3.6745E-03
5 5 6.000E+02 2.3207E-02 1.7999E-02 2.1643E-02 -2.5612E-03 2.6940E-03 9.1653E-04
5 6 6.000E+02 1.7788E-02 2.3418E-02 2.1643E-02 -3.3108E-04 -1.1628E-03 2.7580E-03
5 7 6.000E+02 1.6272E-02 2.4935E-02 2.1643E-02 1.3336E-03 2.9078E-03 2.2855E-03
5 8 6.000E+02 2.2029E-02 1.9178E-02 2.1643E-02 -3.9827E-03 2.3178E-03 -3.4215E-03
5 9 6.000E+02 2.3509E-02 1.7697E-02 2.1643E-02 2.6491E-03 -5.2256E-03 1.1360E-03
5 1 7.000E+02 1.5616E-02 1.2740E-02 1.5095E-02 -3.6456E-04 -8.9609E-04 -8.0371E-05
5 2 7.000E+02 1.3571E-02 1.4785E-02 1.5095E-02 -1.0008E-03 9.6778E-04 2.1736E-05
5 3 7.000E+02 1.3347E-02 1.5009E-02 1.5095E-02 1.3653E-03 -7.1688E-05 5.8635E-05
5 4 7.000E+02 2.4160E-02 2.3670E-02 2.5128E-02 3.3724E-03 -1.7873E-03 -4.2837E-03
5 5 7.000E+02 2.6952E-02 2.0878E-02 2.5128E-02 -2.9860E-03 3.1407E-03 1.0669E-03
5 6 7.000E+02 2.0633E-02 2.7197E-02 2.5128E-02 -3.8641E-04 -1.3534E-03 3.2168E-03
5 7 7.000E+02 1.8864E-02 2.8966E-02 2.5128E-02 1.5560E-03 3.3891E-03 2.6656E-03
5 8 7.000E+02 2.5577E-02 2.2253E-02 2.5128E-02 -4.6444E-03 2.7050E-03 -3.9886E-03
5 9 7.000E+02 2.7304E-02 2.0526E-02 2.5128E-02 3.0885E-03 -6.0942E-03 1.3230E-03
5 1 8.000E+02 1.7795E-02 1.4508E-02 1.7199E-02 -4.1664E-04 -1.0241E-03 -9.1752E-05
5 2 8.000E+02 1.5458E-02 1.6845E-02 1.7199E-02 -1.1437E-03 1.1060E-03 2.4795E-05
5 3 8.000E+02 1.5201E-02 1.7102E-02 1.7199E-02 1.5604E-03 -8.1844E-05 6.6958E-05
5 4 8.000E+02 2.7519E-02 2.6960E-02 2.8625E-02 3.8530E-03 -2.0431E-03 -4.8938E-03
5 5 8.000E+02 3.0710E-02 2.3769E-02 2.8625E-02 -3.4113E-03 3.5879E-03 1.2179E-03
5 6 8.000E+02 2.3490E-02 3.0989E-02 2.8625E-02 -4.4170E-04 -1.5448E-03 3.6758E-03
5 7 8.000E+02 2.1468E-02 3.3011E-02 2.8625E-02 1.7783E-03 3.8714E-03 3.0458E-03
5 8 8.000E+02 2.9138E-02 2.5341E-02 2.8625E-02 -5.3068E-03 3.0920E-03 -4.5565E-03
5 9 8.000E+02 3.1112E-02 2.3367E-02 2.8625E-02 3.5284E-03 -6.9634E-03 1.5106E-03
5 1 9.000E+02 1.9979E-02 1.6281E-02 1.9308E-02 -4.6871E-04 -1.1521E-03 -1.0316E-04
5 2 9.000E+02 1.7349E-02 1.8910E-02 1.9308E-02 -1.2867E-03 1.2442E-03 2.7865E-05
5 3 9.000E+02 1.7061E-02 1.9199E-02 1.9308E-02 1.7554E-03 -9.2022E-05 7.5294E-05
5 4 9.000E+02 3.0886E-02 3.0259E-02 3.2131E-02 4.3339E-03 -2.2988E-03 -5.5043E-03
5 5 9.000E+02 3.4476E-02 2.6669E-02 3.2131E-02 -3.8370E-03 4.0356E-03 1.3693E-03
5 6 9.000E+02 2.6355E-02 3.4790E-02 3.2131E-02 -4.9697E-04 -1.7368E-03 4.1350E-03
5 7 9.000E+02 2.4081E-02 3.7064E-02 3.2131E-02 2.0006E-03 4.3541E-03 3.4263E-03
5 8 9.000E+02 3.2708E-02 2.8437E-02 3.2131E-02 -5.9694E-03 3.4788E-03 -5.1249E-03
5 9 9.000E+02 3.4929E-02 2.6216E-02 3.2131E-02 3.9687E-03 -7.8330E-03 1.6986E-03
5 1 1.000E+03 2.2166E-02 1.8057E-02 2.1421E-02 -5.2079E-04 -1.2801E-03 -1.1458E-04
5 2 1.000E+03 1.9245E-02 2.0978E-02 2.1421E-02 -1.4296E-03 1.3824E-03 3.0942E-05
5 3 1.000E+03 1.8924E-02 2.1299E-02 2.1421E-02 1.9504E-03 -1.0221E-04 8.3638E-05
5 4 1.000E+03 3.4260E-02 3.3564E-02 3.5644E-02 4.8150E-03 -2.5545E-03 -6.1152E-03
5 5 1.000E+03 3.8249E-02 2.9575E-02 3.5644E-02 -4.2628E-03 4.4834E-03 1.5209E-03
5 6 1.000E+03 2.9227E-02 3.8597E-02 3.5644E-02 -5.5222E-04 -1.9290E-03 4.5943E-03
5 7 1.000E+03 2.6700E-02 4.1125E-02 3.5644E-02 2.2230E-03 4.8372E-03 3.8068E-03
5 8 1.000E+03 3.6284E-02 3.1540E-02 3.5644E-02 -6.6322E-03 3.8656E-03 -5.6935E-03
5 9 1.000E+03 3.8753E-02 2.9072E-02 3.5644E-02 4.4092E-03 -8.7027E-03 1.8868E-03
<vel^2> matrix elements as a function of T
Angstrom^2/(picosec)^2, cartesian coordinates
5 1 1.000E+02 1.2885E+01 1.3175E+01 1.2642E+01 1.1975E-02 -3.6359E-03 2.3485E-01
5 2 1.000E+02 1.3093E+01 1.2967E+01 1.2642E+01 1.0855E-01 -1.9377E-01 -1.1132E-01
5 3 1.000E+02 1.3112E+01 1.2948E+01 1.2642E+01 -1.2052E-01 1.9741E-01 -1.2353E-01
5 4 1.000E+02 1.9118E+01 2.2708E+01 2.0265E+01 -3.0514E+00 -1.0469E+00 4.9841E+00
5 5 1.000E+02 1.9116E+01 2.2711E+01 2.0265E+01 3.1152E+00 -3.7708E+00 -3.4117E+00
5 6 1.000E+02 2.4506E+01 1.7321E+01 2.0265E+01 -6.3808E-02 4.8177E+00 -1.5724E+00
5 7 1.000E+02 2.4512E+01 1.7314E+01 2.0265E+01 -4.9384E-03 -4.8390E+00 -1.5673E+00
5 8 1.000E+02 1.9056E+01 2.2771E+01 2.0265E+01 3.0846E+00 1.0476E+00 4.9627E+00
5 9 1.000E+02 1.9172E+01 2.2655E+01 2.0265E+01 -3.0796E+00 3.7914E+00 -3.3954E+00
5 1 2.000E+02 1.3765E+01 1.3962E+01 1.3478E+01 8.6321E-03 -7.0133E-03 2.2290E-01
5 2 2.000E+02 1.3906E+01 1.3821E+01 1.3478E+01 7.2741E-02 -1.8024E-01 -1.0386E-01
5 3 2.000E+02 1.3920E+01 1.3807E+01 1.3478E+01 -8.1373E-02 1.8725E-01 -1.1904E-01
5 4 2.000E+02 2.1046E+01 2.4452E+01 2.2162E+01 -2.7491E+00 -1.0700E+00 4.4862E+00
5 5 2.000E+02 2.1183E+01 2.4315E+01 2.2162E+01 2.8677E+00 -3.3494E+00 -3.1835E+00
5 6 2.000E+02 2.6017E+01 1.9480E+01 2.2162E+01 -1.1857E-01 4.4194E+00 -1.3027E+00
5 7 2.000E+02 2.6016E+01 1.9482E+01 2.2162E+01 7.3292E-02 -4.4298E+00 -1.3147E+00
5 8 2.000E+02 2.1007E+01 2.4490E+01 2.2162E+01 2.7722E+00 1.0841E+00 4.4803E+00
5 9 2.000E+02 2.1223E+01 2.4274E+01 2.2162E+01 -2.8455E+00 3.3457E+00 -3.1656E+00
5 1 3.000E+02 1.5165E+01 1.5311E+01 1.4884E+01 7.3508E-03 -7.2827E-03 1.9900E-01
5 2 3.000E+02 1.5269E+01 1.5208E+01 1.4884E+01 5.1814E-02 -1.6022E-01 -9.2488E-02
5 3 3.000E+02 1.5280E+01 1.5196E+01 1.4884E+01 -5.9165E-02 1.6750E-01 -1.0651E-01
5 4 3.000E+02 2.4047E+01 2.7083E+01 2.5053E+01 -2.3681E+00 -9.9614E-01 3.8604E+00
5 5 3.000E+02 2.4243E+01 2.6887E+01 2.5053E+01 2.5122E+00 -2.8524E+00 -2.8077E+00
5 6 3.000E+02 2.8404E+01 2.2725E+01 2.5053E+01 -1.4406E-01 3.8485E+00 -1.0526E+00
5 7 3.000E+02 2.8402E+01 2.2727E+01 2.5053E+01 1.0681E-01 -3.8563E+00 -1.0723E+00
5 8 3.000E+02 2.4016E+01 2.7114E+01 2.5053E+01 2.3874E+00 1.0163E+00 3.8610E+00
5 9 3.000E+02 2.4276E+01 2.6853E+01 2.5053E+01 -2.4942E+00 2.8400E+00 -2.7887E+00
5 1 4.000E+02 1.6993E+01 1.7109E+01 1.6737E+01 6.7090E-03 -6.9093E-03 1.7354E-01
5 2 4.000E+02 1.7074E+01 1.7028E+01 1.6737E+01 3.9613E-02 -1.3926E-01 -8.0458E-02
5 3 4.000E+02 1.7085E+01 1.7017E+01 1.6737E+01 -4.6322E-02 1.4617E-01 -9.3086E-02
5 4 4.000E+02 2.7707E+01 3.0348E+01 2.8587E+01 -2.0211E+00 -8.8595E-01 3.2922E+00
5 5 4.000E+02 2.7912E+01 3.0144E+01 2.8587E+01 2.1653E+00 -2.4186E+00 -2.4284E+00
5 6 4.000E+02 3.1464E+01 2.6591E+01 2.8587E+01 -1.4425E-01 3.3046E+00 -8.6375E-01
5 7 4.000E+02 3.1462E+01 2.6593E+01 2.8587E+01 1.1168E-01 -3.3115E+00 -8.8613E-01
5 8 4.000E+02 2.7680E+01 3.0375E+01 2.8587E+01 2.0380E+00 9.0838E-01 3.2957E+00
5 9 4.000E+02 2.7941E+01 3.0115E+01 2.8587E+01 -2.1497E+00 2.4031E+00 -2.4096E+00
5 1 5.000E+02 1.9128E+01 1.9224E+01 1.8900E+01 6.1417E-03 -6.3339E-03 1.5113E-01
5 2 5.000E+02 1.9195E+01 1.9157E+01 1.8900E+01 3.1878E-02 -1.2097E-01 -6.9910E-02
5 3 5.000E+02 1.9205E+01 1.9147E+01 1.8900E+01 -3.8020E-02 1.2730E-01 -8.1224E-02
5 4 5.000E+02 3.1795E+01 3.4090E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.7373E+00 -7.7929E-01 2.8286E+00
5 5 5.000E+02 3.1989E+01 3.3896E+01 3.2562E+01 1.8722E+00 -2.0714E+00 -2.1037E+00
5 6 5.000E+02 3.5044E+01 3.0842E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.3486E-01 2.8507E+00 -7.2495E-01
5 7 5.000E+02 3.5042E+01 3.0843E+01 3.2562E+01 1.0601E-01 -2.8569E+00 -7.4746E-01
5 8 5.000E+02 3.1771E+01 3.4114E+01 3.2562E+01 1.7524E+00 8.0166E-01 2.8334E+00
5 9 5.000E+02 3.2015E+01 3.3871E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.8584E+00 2.0553E+00 -2.0859E+00
5 1 6.000E+02 2.1473E+01 2.1555E+01 2.1270E+01 5.5979E-03 -5.7402E-03 1.3259E-01
5 2 6.000E+02 2.1530E+01 2.1498E+01 2.1270E+01 2.6609E-02 -1.0593E-01 -6.1225E-02
5 3 6.000E+02 2.1539E+01 2.1489E+01 2.1270E+01 -3.2207E-02 1.1167E-01 -7.1367E-02
5 4 6.000E+02 3.6167E+01 3.8177E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.5118E+00 -6.8753E-01 2.4607E+00
5 5 6.000E+02 3.6345E+01 3.7999E+01 3.6839E+01 1.6350E+00 -1.7985E+00 -1.8393E+00
5 6 6.000E+02 3.9004E+01 3.5340E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.2321E-01 2.4860E+00 -6.2139E-01
5 7 6.000E+02 3.9003E+01 3.5342E+01 3.6839E+01 9.7515E-02 -2.4917E+00 -6.4291E-01
5 8 6.000E+02 3.6146E+01 3.8199E+01 3.6839E+01 1.5252E+00 7.0882E-01 2.4658E+00
5 9 6.000E+02 3.6368E+01 3.7976E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.6227E+00 1.7829E+00 -1.8229E+00
5 1 7.000E+02 2.3963E+01 2.4034E+01 2.3782E+01 5.0981E-03 -5.1962E-03 1.1748E-01
5 2 7.000E+02 2.4012E+01 2.3985E+01 2.3782E+01 2.2813E-02 -9.3737E-02 -5.4176E-02
5 3 7.000E+02 2.4020E+01 2.3976E+01 2.3782E+01 -2.7911E-02 9.8933E-02 -6.3304E-02
5 4 7.000E+02 4.0733E+01 4.2512E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.3323E+00 -6.1126E-01 2.1681E+00
5 5 7.000E+02 4.0895E+01 4.2349E+01 4.1328E+01 1.4443E+00 -1.5828E+00 -1.6259E+00
5 6 7.000E+02 4.3239E+01 4.0006E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.1196E-01 2.1940E+00 -5.4220E-01
5 7 7.000E+02 4.3238E+01 4.0007E+01 4.1328E+01 8.8919E-02 -2.1992E+00 -5.6233E-01
5 8 7.000E+02 4.0713E+01 4.2531E+01 4.1328E+01 1.3443E+00 6.3114E-01 2.1732E+00
5 9 7.000E+02 4.0915E+01 4.2329E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.4332E+00 1.5680E+00 -1.6109E+00
5 1 8.000E+02 2.6554E+01 2.6616E+01 2.6391E+01 4.6534E-03 -4.7190E-03 1.0513E-01
5 2 8.000E+02 2.6597E+01 2.6573E+01 2.6391E+01 1.9957E-02 -8.3805E-02 -4.8434E-02
5 3 8.000E+02 2.6605E+01 2.6565E+01 2.6391E+01 -2.4610E-02 8.8524E-02 -5.6696E-02
5 4 8.000E+02 4.5434E+01 4.7024E+01 4.5966E+01 -1.1879E+00 -5.4823E-01 1.9328E+00
5 5 8.000E+02 4.5582E+01 4.6877E+01 4.5966E+01 1.2898E+00 -1.4098E+00 -1.4527E+00
5 6 8.000E+02 4.7672E+01 4.4787E+01 4.5966E+01 -1.0188E-01 1.9581E+00 -4.8012E-01
5 7 8.000E+02 4.7671E+01 4.4787E+01 4.5966E+01 8.1073E-02 -1.9627E+00 -4.9881E-01
5 8 8.000E+02 4.5416E+01 4.7042E+01 4.5966E+01 1.1987E+00 5.6666E-01 1.9377E+00
5 9 8.000E+02 4.5600E+01 4.6858E+01 4.5966E+01 -1.2798E+00 1.3961E+00 -1.4389E+00
5 1 9.000E+02 2.9217E+01 2.9274E+01 2.9070E+01 4.2641E-03 -4.3068E-03 9.4943E-02
5 2 9.000E+02 2.9256E+01 2.9235E+01 2.9070E+01 1.7733E-02 -7.5632E-02 -4.3709E-02
5 3 9.000E+02 2.9263E+01 2.9228E+01 2.9070E+01 -2.1997E-02 7.9939E-02 -5.1233E-02
5 4 9.000E+02 5.0233E+01 5.1668E+01 5.0714E+01 -1.0700E+00 -4.9587E-01 1.7408E+00
5 5 9.000E+02 5.0368E+01 5.1533E+01 5.0714E+01 1.1631E+00 -1.2690E+00 -1.3104E+00
5 6 9.000E+02 5.2251E+01 4.9650E+01 5.0714E+01 -9.3077E-02 1.7649E+00 -4.3035E-01
5 7 9.000E+02 5.2250E+01 4.9651E+01 5.0714E+01 7.4163E-02 -1.7692E+00 -4.4767E-01
5 8 9.000E+02 5.0217E+01 5.1684E+01 5.0714E+01 1.0798E+00 5.1293E-01 1.7454E+00
5 9 9.000E+02 5.0385E+01 5.1516E+01 5.0714E+01 -1.1540E+00 1.2563E+00 -1.2977E+00
5 1 1.000E+03 3.1935E+01 3.1986E+01 3.1800E+01 3.9249E-03 -3.9517E-03 8.6444E-02
5 2 1.000E+03 3.1970E+01 3.1951E+01 3.1800E+01 1.5953E-02 -6.8827E-02 -3.9775E-02
5 3 1.000E+03 3.1977E+01 3.1945E+01 3.1800E+01 -1.9878E-02 7.2778E-02 -4.6669E-02
5 4 1.000E+03 5.5104E+01 5.6410E+01 5.5541E+01 -9.7234E-01 -4.5198E-01 1.5818E+00
5 5 1.000E+03 5.5228E+01 5.6286E+01 5.5541E+01 1.0578E+00 -1.1527E+00 -1.1921E+00
5 6 1.000E+03 5.6939E+01 5.4575E+01 5.5541E+01 -8.5458E-02 1.6046E+00 -3.8968E-01
5 7 1.000E+03 5.6939E+01 5.4576E+01 5.5541E+01 6.8148E-02 -1.6086E+00 -4.0574E-01
5 8 1.000E+03 5.5089E+01 5.6425E+01 5.5541E+01 9.8131E-01 4.6780E-01 1.5862E+00
5 9 1.000E+03 5.5243E+01 5.6271E+01 5.5541E+01 -1.0495E+00 1.1408E+00 -1.1804E+00
gij with channel width= 4:
iatom,iwchan,igqpt2(i),gij error= 10 4 20 20 20 0.00000
B matrix elements as a function of T
Angstrom^2, cartesian coordinates
4 1 1.000E+02 3.0910E-03 2.6598E-03 3.0189E-03 -5.3220E-05 -1.2845E-04 -1.8699E-05
4 2 1.000E+02 2.7844E-03 2.9664E-03 3.0189E-03 -1.5031E-04 1.4485E-04 6.7759E-06
4 3 1.000E+02 2.7508E-03 3.0000E-03 3.0189E-03 2.0353E-04 -1.6393E-05 1.1923E-05
4 4 1.000E+02 5.0976E-03 4.9149E-03 5.2086E-03 6.0251E-04 -2.3623E-04 -8.1139E-04
4 5 1.000E+02 5.5217E-03 4.4908E-03 5.2086E-03 -5.3913E-04 6.0998E-04 2.6925E-04
4 6 1.000E+02 4.3995E-03 5.6131E-03 5.2086E-03 -6.3383E-05 -3.7375E-04 5.4213E-04
4 7 1.000E+02 4.1471E-03 5.8654E-03 5.2086E-03 2.3685E-04 6.6606E-04 4.6162E-04
4 8 1.000E+02 5.3046E-03 4.7079E-03 5.2086E-03 -7.8665E-04 3.6855E-04 -7.6783E-04
4 9 1.000E+02 5.5671E-03 4.4455E-03 5.2086E-03 5.4980E-04 -1.0346E-03 3.0621E-04
4 1 2.000E+02 5.0250E-03 4.2013E-03 4.8876E-03 -1.0514E-04 -2.5598E-04 -2.6165E-05
4 2 2.000E+02 4.4398E-03 4.7866E-03 4.8876E-03 -2.8545E-04 2.7935E-04 7.7169E-06
4 3 2.000E+02 4.3748E-03 4.8516E-03 4.8876E-03 3.9058E-04 -2.3369E-05 1.8448E-05
4 4 2.000E+02 7.9070E-03 7.7148E-03 8.1750E-03 1.0065E-03 -4.9614E-04 -1.2967E-03
4 5 2.000E+02 8.7068E-03 6.9150E-03 8.1750E-03 -8.9803E-04 9.5708E-04 3.5520E-04
4 6 2.000E+02 6.8189E-03 8.8029E-03 8.1750E-03 -1.0843E-04 -4.6094E-04 9.4146E-04
4 7 2.000E+02 6.3167E-03 9.3051E-03 8.1750E-03 4.4647E-04 1.0418E-03 7.8664E-04
4 8 2.000E+02 8.3121E-03 7.3097E-03 8.1750E-03 -1.3708E-03 7.5590E-04 -1.2153E-03
4 9 2.000E+02 8.8039E-03 6.8179E-03 8.1750E-03 9.2432E-04 -1.7977E-03 4.2869E-04
4 1 3.000E+02 7.1079E-03 5.8773E-03 6.8988E-03 -1.5757E-04 -3.8400E-04 -3.5730E-05
4 2 3.000E+02 6.2337E-03 6.7516E-03 6.8988E-03 -4.2620E-04 4.1612E-04 9.9166E-06
4 3 3.000E+02 6.1363E-03 6.8489E-03 6.8988E-03 5.8377E-04 -3.2117E-05 2.5814E-05
4 4 3.000E+02 1.1042E-02 1.0808E-02 1.1461E-02 1.4605E-03 -7.5853E-04 -1.8645E-03
4 5 3.000E+02 1.2239E-02 9.6112E-03 1.1461E-02 -1.2985E-03 1.3736E-03 4.8015E-04
4 6 3.000E+02 9.4942E-03 1.2356E-02 1.1461E-02 -1.6199E-04 -6.1509E-04 1.3843E-03
4 7 3.000E+02 8.7409E-03 1.3110E-02 1.1461E-02 6.6822E-04 1.4861E-03 1.1526E-03
4 8 3.000E+02 1.1649E-02 1.0201E-02 1.1461E-02 -2.0066E-03 1.1478E-03 -1.7430E-03
4 9 3.000E+02 1.2386E-02 9.4648E-03 1.1461E-02 1.3384E-03 -2.6340E-03 5.9043E-04
4 1 4.000E+02 9.2489E-03 7.6094E-03 8.9685E-03 -2.1005E-04 -5.1204E-04 -4.6272E-05
4 2 4.000E+02 8.0842E-03 8.7741E-03 8.9685E-03 -5.6777E-04 5.5371E-04 1.2580E-05
4 3 4.000E+02 7.9544E-03 8.9039E-03 8.9685E-03 7.7783E-04 -4.1673E-05 3.3692E-05
4 4 4.000E+02 1.4301E-02 1.4010E-02 1.4867E-02 1.9299E-03 -1.0178E-03 -2.4575E-03
4 5 4.000E+02 1.5898E-02 1.2414E-02 1.4867E-02 -1.7134E-03 1.8101E-03 6.2036E-04
4 6 4.000E+02 1.2268E-02 1.6044E-02 1.4867E-02 -2.1650E-04 -7.9231E-04 1.8371E-03
4 7 4.000E+02 1.1264E-02 1.7048E-02 1.4867E-02 8.9123E-04 1.9537E-03 1.5281E-03
4 8 4.000E+02 1.5110E-02 1.3201E-02 1.4867E-02 -2.6579E-03 1.5369E-03 -2.2956E-03
4 9 4.000E+02 1.6094E-02 1.2218E-02 1.4867E-02 1.7667E-03 -3.4905E-03 7.6746E-04
4 1 5.000E+02 1.1420E-02 9.3708E-03 1.1068E-02 -2.6254E-04 -6.4007E-04 -5.7224E-05
4 2 5.000E+02 9.9641E-03 1.0826E-02 1.1068E-02 -7.0954E-04 6.9164E-04 1.5437E-05
4 3 5.000E+02 9.8019E-03 1.0989E-02 1.1068E-02 9.7209E-04 -5.1572E-05 4.1787E-05
4 4 5.000E+02 1.7620E-02 1.7266E-02 1.8330E-02 2.4050E-03 -1.2753E-03 -3.0597E-03
4 5 5.000E+02 1.9616E-02 1.5269E-02 1.8330E-02 -2.1339E-03 2.2536E-03 7.6668E-04
4 6 5.000E+02 1.5092E-02 1.9793E-02 1.8330E-02 -2.7101E-04 -9.7829E-04 2.2930E-03
4 7 5.000E+02 1.3837E-02 2.1049E-02 1.8330E-02 1.1143E-03 2.4300E-03 1.9067E-03
4 8 5.000E+02 1.8631E-02 1.6255E-02 1.8330E-02 -3.3149E-03 1.9242E-03 -2.8573E-03
4 9 5.000E+02 1.9861E-02 1.5025E-02 1.8330E-02 2.2006E-03 -4.3541E-03 9.5060E-04
4 1 6.000E+02 1.3608E-02 1.1149E-02 1.3186E-02 -3.1504E-04 -7.6810E-04 -6.8359E-05
4 2 6.000E+02 1.1861E-02 1.2896E-02 1.3186E-02 -8.5137E-04 8.2972E-04 1.8380E-05
4 3 6.000E+02 1.1667E-02 1.3090E-02 1.3186E-02 1.1664E-03 -6.1626E-05 4.9979E-05
4 4 6.000E+02 2.0972E-02 2.0551E-02 2.1825E-02 2.8823E-03 -1.5319E-03 -3.6656E-03
4 5 6.000E+02 2.3368E-02 1.8155E-02 2.1825E-02 -2.5568E-03 2.6999E-03 9.1566E-04
4 6 6.000E+02 1.7945E-02 2.3578E-02 2.1825E-02 -3.2544E-04 -1.1680E-03 2.7500E-03
4 7 6.000E+02 1.6438E-02 2.5084E-02 2.1825E-02 1.3374E-03 2.9100E-03 2.2864E-03
4 8 6.000E+02 2.2185E-02 1.9338E-02 2.1825E-02 -3.9742E-03 2.3106E-03 -3.4228E-03
4 9 6.000E+02 2.3661E-02 1.7862E-02 2.1825E-02 2.6368E-03 -5.2206E-03 1.1364E-03
4 1 7.000E+02 1.5806E-02 1.2938E-02 1.5314E-02 -3.6754E-04 -8.9612E-04 -7.9581E-05
4 2 7.000E+02 1.3769E-02 1.4976E-02 1.5314E-02 -9.9323E-04 9.6787E-04 2.1364E-05
4 3 7.000E+02 1.3542E-02 1.5203E-02 1.5314E-02 1.3608E-03 -7.1754E-05 5.8217E-05
4 4 7.000E+02 2.4343E-02 2.3855E-02 2.5340E-02 3.3607E-03 -1.7881E-03 -4.2733E-03
4 5 7.000E+02 2.7139E-02 2.1060E-02 2.5340E-02 -2.9808E-03 3.1475E-03 1.0659E-03
4 6 7.000E+02 2.0816E-02 2.7383E-02 2.5340E-02 -3.7982E-04 -1.3594E-03 3.2075E-03
4 7 7.000E+02 1.9058E-02 2.9140E-02 2.5340E-02 1.5604E-03 3.3917E-03 2.6666E-03
4 8 7.000E+02 2.5759E-02 2.2440E-02 2.5340E-02 -4.6345E-03 2.6966E-03 -3.9900E-03
4 9 7.000E+02 2.7481E-02 2.0718E-02 2.5340E-02 3.0742E-03 -6.0883E-03 1.3234E-03
4 1 8.000E+02 1.8012E-02 1.4735E-02 1.7449E-02 -4.2005E-04 -1.0241E-03 -9.0850E-05
4 2 8.000E+02 1.5684E-02 1.7063E-02 1.7449E-02 -1.1351E-03 1.1061E-03 2.4370E-05
4 3 8.000E+02 1.5424E-02 1.7322E-02 1.7449E-02 1.5551E-03 -8.1920E-05 6.6480E-05
4 4 8.000E+02 2.7728E-02 2.7172E-02 2.8868E-02 3.8396E-03 -2.0441E-03 -4.8819E-03
4 5 8.000E+02 3.0923E-02 2.3977E-02 2.8868E-02 -3.4054E-03 3.5958E-03 1.2168E-03
4 6 8.000E+02 2.3699E-02 3.1201E-02 2.8868E-02 -4.3417E-04 -1.5517E-03 3.6652E-03
4 7 8.000E+02 2.1690E-02 3.3210E-02 2.8868E-02 1.7833E-03 3.8744E-03 3.0470E-03
4 8 8.000E+02 2.9346E-02 2.5554E-02 2.8868E-02 -5.2954E-03 3.0823E-03 -4.5581E-03
4 9 8.000E+02 3.1314E-02 2.3586E-02 2.8868E-02 3.5121E-03 -6.9567E-03 1.5111E-03
4 1 9.000E+02 2.0223E-02 1.6536E-02 1.9589E-02 -4.7255E-04 -1.1522E-03 -1.0214E-04
4 2 9.000E+02 1.7603E-02 1.9155E-02 1.9589E-02 -1.2770E-03 1.2443E-03 2.7387E-05
4 3 9.000E+02 1.7312E-02 1.9447E-02 1.9589E-02 1.7495E-03 -9.2107E-05 7.4756E-05
4 4 9.000E+02 3.1122E-02 3.0497E-02 3.2404E-02 4.3188E-03 -2.2999E-03 -5.4910E-03
4 5 9.000E+02 3.4716E-02 2.6903E-02 3.2404E-02 -3.8303E-03 4.0444E-03 1.3680E-03
4 6 9.000E+02 2.6591E-02 3.5029E-02 3.2404E-02 -4.8850E-04 -1.7445E-03 4.1230E-03
4 7 9.000E+02 2.4331E-02 3.7289E-02 3.2404E-02 2.0063E-03 4.3575E-03 3.4276E-03
4 8 9.000E+02 3.2942E-02 2.8677E-02 3.2404E-02 -5.9566E-03 3.4679E-03 -5.1267E-03
4 9 9.000E+02 3.5156E-02 2.6463E-02 3.2404E-02 3.9503E-03 -7.8254E-03 1.6991E-03
4 1 1.000E+03 2.2437E-02 1.8340E-02 2.1733E-02 -5.2505E-04 -1.2802E-03 -1.1345E-04
4 2 1.000E+03 1.9527E-02 2.1251E-02 2.1733E-02 -1.4189E-03 1.3825E-03 3.0411E-05
4 3 1.000E+03 1.9202E-02 2.1575E-02 2.1733E-02 1.9439E-03 -1.0231E-04 8.3041E-05
4 4 1.000E+03 3.4522E-02 3.3829E-02 3.5947E-02 4.7983E-03 -2.5556E-03 -6.1004E-03
4 5 1.000E+03 3.8516E-02 2.9835E-02 3.5947E-02 -4.2554E-03 4.4932E-03 1.5194E-03
4 6 1.000E+03 2.9488E-02 3.8863E-02 3.5947E-02 -5.4282E-04 -1.9376E-03 4.5810E-03
4 7 1.000E+03 2.6977E-02 4.1374E-02 3.5947E-02 2.2293E-03 4.8409E-03 3.8082E-03
4 8 1.000E+03 3.6544E-02 3.1807E-02 3.5947E-02 -6.6180E-03 3.8535E-03 -5.6956E-03
4 9 1.000E+03 3.9005E-02 2.9346E-02 3.5947E-02 4.3888E-03 -8.6944E-03 1.8874E-03
<vel^2> matrix elements as a function of T
Angstrom^2/(picosec)^2, cartesian coordinates
4 1 1.000E+02 1.2885E+01 1.3175E+01 1.2642E+01 1.2065E-02 -3.6918E-03 2.3509E-01
4 2 1.000E+02 1.3093E+01 1.2967E+01 1.2642E+01 1.0844E-01 -1.9380E-01 -1.1134E-01
4 3 1.000E+02 1.3112E+01 1.2948E+01 1.2642E+01 -1.2050E-01 1.9749E-01 -1.2375E-01
4 4 1.000E+02 1.9119E+01 2.2709E+01 2.0265E+01 -3.0514E+00 -1.0474E+00 4.9841E+00
4 5 1.000E+02 1.9116E+01 2.2711E+01 2.0265E+01 3.1154E+00 -3.7704E+00 -3.4120E+00
4 6 1.000E+02 2.4507E+01 1.7321E+01 2.0265E+01 -6.4036E-02 4.8178E+00 -1.5721E+00
4 7 1.000E+02 2.4513E+01 1.7314E+01 2.0265E+01 -4.8297E-03 -4.8391E+00 -1.5670E+00
4 8 1.000E+02 1.9056E+01 2.2772E+01 2.0265E+01 3.0848E+00 1.0477E+00 4.9627E+00
4 9 1.000E+02 1.9172E+01 2.2655E+01 2.0265E+01 -3.0800E+00 3.7914E+00 -3.3957E+00
4 1 2.000E+02 1.3764E+01 1.3962E+01 1.3478E+01 8.7040E-03 -7.0713E-03 2.2312E-01
4 2 2.000E+02 1.3906E+01 1.3821E+01 1.3478E+01 7.2658E-02 -1.8027E-01 -1.0389E-01
4 3 2.000E+02 1.3920E+01 1.3807E+01 1.3478E+01 -8.1362E-02 1.8734E-01 -1.1923E-01
4 4 2.000E+02 2.1046E+01 2.4452E+01 2.2162E+01 -2.7492E+00 -1.0705E+00 4.4863E+00
4 5 2.000E+02 2.1183E+01 2.4315E+01 2.2162E+01 2.8679E+00 -3.3491E+00 -3.1838E+00
4 6 2.000E+02 2.6018E+01 1.9481E+01 2.2162E+01 -1.1873E-01 4.4196E+00 -1.3026E+00
4 7 2.000E+02 2.6017E+01 1.9482E+01 2.2162E+01 7.3389E-02 -4.4300E+00 -1.3145E+00
4 8 2.000E+02 2.1007E+01 2.4491E+01 2.2162E+01 2.7725E+00 1.0842E+00 4.4804E+00
4 9 2.000E+02 2.1224E+01 2.4275E+01 2.2162E+01 -2.8458E+00 3.3458E+00 -3.1659E+00
4 1 3.000E+02 1.5165E+01 1.5311E+01 1.4884E+01 7.4084E-03 -7.3338E-03 1.9921E-01
4 2 3.000E+02 1.5268E+01 1.5208E+01 1.4884E+01 5.1753E-02 -1.6025E-01 -9.2526E-02
4 3 3.000E+02 1.5280E+01 1.5196E+01 1.4884E+01 -5.9162E-02 1.6758E-01 -1.0668E-01
4 4 3.000E+02 2.4047E+01 2.7083E+01 2.5054E+01 -2.3682E+00 -9.9651E-01 3.8605E+00
4 5 3.000E+02 2.4243E+01 2.6887E+01 2.5054E+01 2.5124E+00 -2.8522E+00 -2.8079E+00
4 6 3.000E+02 2.8405E+01 2.2725E+01 2.5054E+01 -1.4417E-01 3.8487E+00 -1.0526E+00
4 7 3.000E+02 2.8403E+01 2.2727E+01 2.5054E+01 1.0690E-01 -3.8565E+00 -1.0721E+00
4 8 3.000E+02 2.4016E+01 2.7114E+01 2.5054E+01 2.3877E+00 1.0164E+00 3.8611E+00
4 9 3.000E+02 2.4277E+01 2.6853E+01 2.5054E+01 -2.4946E+00 2.8401E+00 -2.7890E+00
4 1 4.000E+02 1.6993E+01 1.7109E+01 1.6737E+01 6.7560E-03 -6.9527E-03 1.7373E-01
4 2 4.000E+02 1.7074E+01 1.7028E+01 1.6737E+01 3.9567E-02 -1.3929E-01 -8.0494E-02
4 3 4.000E+02 1.7085E+01 1.7016E+01 1.6737E+01 -4.6323E-02 1.4624E-01 -9.3232E-02
4 4 4.000E+02 2.7708E+01 3.0348E+01 2.8587E+01 -2.0212E+00 -8.8627E-01 3.2923E+00
4 5 4.000E+02 2.7912E+01 3.0144E+01 2.8587E+01 2.1655E+00 -2.4185E+00 -2.4286E+00
4 6 4.000E+02 3.1465E+01 2.6591E+01 2.8587E+01 -1.4434E-01 3.3047E+00 -8.6369E-01
4 7 4.000E+02 3.1463E+01 2.6593E+01 2.8587E+01 1.1175E-01 -3.3116E+00 -8.8596E-01
4 8 4.000E+02 2.7680E+01 3.0376E+01 2.8587E+01 2.0382E+00 9.0846E-01 3.2958E+00
4 9 4.000E+02 2.7941E+01 3.0115E+01 2.8587E+01 -2.1500E+00 2.4032E+00 -2.4099E+00
4 1 5.000E+02 1.9128E+01 1.9224E+01 1.8900E+01 6.1808E-03 -6.3710E-03 1.5129E-01
4 2 5.000E+02 1.9195E+01 1.9157E+01 1.8900E+01 3.1843E-02 -1.2099E-01 -6.9942E-02
4 3 5.000E+02 1.9205E+01 1.9147E+01 1.8900E+01 -3.8023E-02 1.2736E-01 -8.1351E-02
4 4 5.000E+02 3.1795E+01 3.4090E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.7374E+00 -7.7956E-01 2.8287E+00
4 5 5.000E+02 3.1989E+01 3.3897E+01 3.2562E+01 1.8723E+00 -2.0713E+00 -2.1038E+00
4 6 5.000E+02 3.5044E+01 3.0842E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.3493E-01 2.8509E+00 -7.2490E-01
4 7 5.000E+02 3.5042E+01 3.0843E+01 3.2562E+01 1.0608E-01 -2.8571E+00 -7.4732E-01
4 8 5.000E+02 3.1771E+01 3.4114E+01 3.2562E+01 1.7525E+00 8.0173E-01 2.8335E+00
4 9 5.000E+02 3.2015E+01 3.3871E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.8586E+00 2.0553E+00 -2.0862E+00
4 1 6.000E+02 2.1473E+01 2.1555E+01 2.1270E+01 5.6312E-03 -5.7724E-03 1.3273E-01
4 2 6.000E+02 2.1530E+01 2.1498E+01 2.1270E+01 2.6580E-02 -1.0596E-01 -6.1254E-02
4 3 6.000E+02 2.1539E+01 2.1489E+01 2.1270E+01 -3.2212E-02 1.1173E-01 -7.1478E-02
4 4 6.000E+02 3.6167E+01 3.8177E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.5119E+00 -6.8777E-01 2.4608E+00
4 5 6.000E+02 3.6345E+01 3.8000E+01 3.6839E+01 1.6351E+00 -1.7984E+00 -1.8394E+00
4 6 6.000E+02 3.9004E+01 3.5340E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.2327E-01 2.4862E+00 -6.2136E-01
4 7 6.000E+02 3.9003E+01 3.5342E+01 3.6839E+01 9.7573E-02 -2.4918E+00 -6.4278E-01
4 8 6.000E+02 3.6146E+01 3.8199E+01 3.6839E+01 1.5253E+00 7.0888E-01 2.4659E+00
4 9 6.000E+02 3.6368E+01 3.7977E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.6229E+00 1.7829E+00 -1.8231E+00
4 1 7.000E+02 2.3963E+01 2.4034E+01 2.3782E+01 5.1270E-03 -5.2244E-03 1.1760E-01
4 2 7.000E+02 2.4012E+01 2.3985E+01 2.3782E+01 2.2789E-02 -9.3759E-02 -5.4202E-02
4 3 7.000E+02 2.4020E+01 2.3976E+01 2.3782E+01 -2.7916E-02 9.8984E-02 -6.3402E-02
4 4 7.000E+02 4.0733E+01 4.2512E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.3324E+00 -6.1148E-01 2.1682E+00
4 5 7.000E+02 4.0895E+01 4.2350E+01 4.1328E+01 1.4444E+00 -1.5827E+00 -1.6260E+00
4 6 7.000E+02 4.3239E+01 4.0006E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.1201E-01 2.1942E+00 -5.4217E-01
4 7 7.000E+02 4.3238E+01 4.0007E+01 4.1328E+01 8.8970E-02 -2.1993E+00 -5.6222E-01
4 8 7.000E+02 4.0714E+01 4.2531E+01 4.1328E+01 1.3444E+00 6.3120E-01 2.1733E+00
4 9 7.000E+02 4.0916E+01 4.2329E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.4334E+00 1.5681E+00 -1.6111E+00
4 1 8.000E+02 2.6553E+01 2.6616E+01 2.6391E+01 4.6789E-03 -4.7441E-03 1.0524E-01
4 2 8.000E+02 2.6597E+01 2.6573E+01 2.6391E+01 1.9936E-02 -8.3825E-02 -4.8457E-02
4 3 8.000E+02 2.6605E+01 2.6565E+01 2.6391E+01 -2.4615E-02 8.8569E-02 -5.6784E-02
4 4 8.000E+02 4.5434E+01 4.7025E+01 4.5967E+01 -1.1880E+00 -5.4842E-01 1.9329E+00
4 5 8.000E+02 4.5582E+01 4.6877E+01 4.5967E+01 1.2899E+00 -1.4098E+00 -1.4528E+00
4 6 8.000E+02 4.7672E+01 4.4787E+01 4.5967E+01 -1.0192E-01 1.9582E+00 -4.8010E-01
4 7 8.000E+02 4.7671E+01 4.4788E+01 4.5967E+01 8.1119E-02 -1.9628E+00 -4.9871E-01
4 8 8.000E+02 4.5417E+01 4.7042E+01 4.5967E+01 1.1988E+00 5.6671E-01 1.9378E+00
4 9 8.000E+02 4.5600E+01 4.6858E+01 4.5967E+01 -1.2799E+00 1.3961E+00 -1.4391E+00
4 1 9.000E+02 2.9217E+01 2.9274E+01 2.9070E+01 4.2868E-03 -4.3293E-03 9.5043E-02
4 2 9.000E+02 2.9256E+01 2.9235E+01 2.9070E+01 1.7715E-02 -7.5650E-02 -4.3730E-02
4 3 9.000E+02 2.9263E+01 2.9228E+01 2.9070E+01 -2.2002E-02 7.9980E-02 -5.1313E-02
4 4 9.000E+02 5.0233E+01 5.1669E+01 5.0714E+01 -1.0700E+00 -4.9604E-01 1.7408E+00
4 5 9.000E+02 5.0368E+01 5.1533E+01 5.0714E+01 1.1632E+00 -1.2690E+00 -1.3105E+00
4 6 9.000E+02 5.2251E+01 4.9650E+01 5.0714E+01 -9.3115E-02 1.7650E+00 -4.3033E-01
4 7 9.000E+02 5.2250E+01 4.9651E+01 5.0714E+01 7.4205E-02 -1.7693E+00 -4.4758E-01
4 8 9.000E+02 5.0217E+01 5.1685E+01 5.0714E+01 1.0799E+00 5.1298E-01 1.7455E+00
4 9 9.000E+02 5.0385E+01 5.1517E+01 5.0714E+01 -1.1541E+00 1.2563E+00 -1.2979E+00
4 1 1.000E+03 3.1935E+01 3.1986E+01 3.1800E+01 3.9454E-03 -3.9722E-03 8.6536E-02
4 2 1.000E+03 3.1970E+01 3.1951E+01 3.1800E+01 1.5937E-02 -6.8843E-02 -3.9794E-02
4 3 1.000E+03 3.1977E+01 3.1944E+01 3.1800E+01 -1.9883E-02 7.2816E-02 -4.6741E-02
4 4 1.000E+03 5.5104E+01 5.6410E+01 5.5542E+01 -9.7239E-01 -4.5214E-01 1.5819E+00
4 5 1.000E+03 5.5228E+01 5.6286E+01 5.5542E+01 1.0579E+00 -1.1526E+00 -1.1922E+00
4 6 1.000E+03 5.6939E+01 5.4575E+01 5.5542E+01 -8.5492E-02 1.6048E+00 -3.8966E-01
4 7 1.000E+03 5.6939E+01 5.4576E+01 5.5542E+01 6.8186E-02 -1.6087E+00 -4.0566E-01
4 8 1.000E+03 5.5089E+01 5.6425E+01 5.5542E+01 9.8142E-01 4.6784E-01 1.5862E+00
4 9 1.000E+03 5.5244E+01 5.6271E+01 5.5542E+01 -1.0496E+00 1.1408E+00 -1.1806E+00
gij with channel width= 3:
iatom,iwchan,igqpt2(i),gij error= 10 3 20 20 20 0.00000
B matrix elements as a function of T
Angstrom^2, cartesian coordinates
3 1 1.000E+02 3.0570E-03 2.6243E-03 2.9999E-03 -5.2672E-05 -1.2798E-04 -1.8695E-05
3 2 1.000E+02 2.7492E-03 2.9321E-03 2.9999E-03 -1.5129E-04 1.4446E-04 6.9563E-06
3 3 1.000E+02 2.7157E-03 2.9655E-03 2.9999E-03 2.0396E-04 -1.6478E-05 1.1739E-05
3 4 1.000E+02 5.0635E-03 4.8803E-03 5.1893E-03 6.0373E-04 -2.3590E-04 -8.1253E-04
3 5 1.000E+02 5.4873E-03 4.4565E-03 5.1893E-03 -5.3945E-04 6.0913E-04 2.6911E-04
3 6 1.000E+02 4.3649E-03 5.5789E-03 5.1893E-03 -6.4285E-05 -3.7322E-04 5.4342E-04
3 7 1.000E+02 4.1117E-03 5.8321E-03 5.1893E-03 2.3578E-04 6.6452E-04 4.6129E-04
3 8 1.000E+02 5.2707E-03 4.6730E-03 5.1893E-03 -7.8684E-04 3.6921E-04 -7.6719E-04
3 9 1.000E+02 5.5332E-03 4.4106E-03 5.1893E-03 5.5106E-04 -1.0337E-03 3.0590E-04
3 1 2.000E+02 4.9569E-03 4.1304E-03 4.8496E-03 -1.0404E-04 -2.5502E-04 -2.6167E-05
3 2 2.000E+02 4.3694E-03 4.7179E-03 4.8496E-03 -2.8740E-04 2.7857E-04 8.0738E-06
3 3 2.000E+02 4.3046E-03 4.7826E-03 4.8496E-03 3.9144E-04 -2.3543E-05 1.8094E-05
3 4 2.000E+02 7.8388E-03 7.6455E-03 8.1364E-03 1.0089E-03 -4.9547E-04 -1.2989E-03
3 5 2.000E+02 8.6379E-03 6.8464E-03 8.1364E-03 -8.9868E-04 9.5536E-04 3.5493E-04
3 6 2.000E+02 6.7497E-03 8.7345E-03 8.1364E-03 -1.1022E-04 -4.5990E-04 9.4400E-04
3 7 2.000E+02 6.2458E-03 9.2384E-03 8.1364E-03 4.4433E-04 1.0387E-03 7.8596E-04
3 8 2.000E+02 8.2444E-03 7.2398E-03 8.1364E-03 -1.3712E-03 7.5722E-04 -1.2140E-03
3 9 2.000E+02 8.7361E-03 6.7481E-03 8.1364E-03 9.2684E-04 -1.7959E-03 4.2807E-04
3 1 3.000E+02 7.0057E-03 5.7709E-03 6.8419E-03 -1.5593E-04 -3.8257E-04 -3.5736E-05
3 2 3.000E+02 6.1280E-03 6.6485E-03 6.8419E-03 -4.2913E-04 4.1495E-04 1.0451E-05
3 3 3.000E+02 6.0311E-03 6.7454E-03 6.8419E-03 5.8506E-04 -3.2379E-05 2.5285E-05
3 4 3.000E+02 1.0940E-02 1.0704E-02 1.1404E-02 1.4642E-03 -7.5753E-04 -1.8679E-03
3 5 3.000E+02 1.2136E-02 9.5082E-03 1.1404E-02 -1.2995E-03 1.3710E-03 4.7975E-04
3 6 3.000E+02 9.3903E-03 1.2254E-02 1.1404E-02 -1.6468E-04 -6.1352E-04 1.3881E-03
3 7 3.000E+02 8.6345E-03 1.3010E-02 1.1404E-02 6.6501E-04 1.4815E-03 1.1515E-03
3 8 3.000E+02 1.1548E-02 1.0097E-02 1.1404E-02 -2.0072E-03 1.1498E-03 -1.7410E-03
3 9 3.000E+02 1.2284E-02 9.3601E-03 1.1404E-02 1.3422E-03 -2.6313E-03 5.8949E-04
3 1 4.000E+02 9.1126E-03 7.4675E-03 8.8925E-03 -2.0787E-04 -5.1013E-04 -4.6280E-05
3 2 4.000E+02 7.9433E-03 8.6367E-03 8.8925E-03 -5.7167E-04 5.5216E-04 1.3292E-05
3 3 4.000E+02 7.8142E-03 8.7659E-03 8.8925E-03 7.7954E-04 -4.2022E-05 3.2988E-05
3 4 4.000E+02 1.4165E-02 1.3872E-02 1.4790E-02 1.9348E-03 -1.0165E-03 -2.4621E-03
3 5 4.000E+02 1.5760E-02 1.2276E-02 1.4790E-02 -1.7147E-03 1.8067E-03 6.1983E-04
3 6 4.000E+02 1.2130E-02 1.5907E-02 1.4790E-02 -2.2008E-04 -7.9022E-04 1.8422E-03
3 7 4.000E+02 1.1122E-02 1.6915E-02 1.4790E-02 8.8695E-04 1.9475E-03 1.5268E-03
3 8 4.000E+02 1.4975E-02 1.3062E-02 1.4790E-02 -2.6587E-03 1.5395E-03 -2.2930E-03
3 9 4.000E+02 1.5958E-02 1.2079E-02 1.4790E-02 1.7718E-03 -3.4870E-03 7.6621E-04
3 1 5.000E+02 1.1249E-02 9.1934E-03 1.0973E-02 -2.5981E-04 -6.3769E-04 -5.7235E-05
3 2 5.000E+02 9.7880E-03 1.0655E-02 1.0973E-02 -7.1442E-04 6.8970E-04 1.6327E-05
3 3 5.000E+02 9.6266E-03 1.0816E-02 1.0973E-02 9.7423E-04 -5.2009E-05 4.0908E-05
3 4 5.000E+02 1.7449E-02 1.7092E-02 1.8234E-02 2.4111E-03 -1.2736E-03 -3.0654E-03
3 5 5.000E+02 1.9444E-02 1.5098E-02 1.8234E-02 -2.1356E-03 2.2493E-03 7.6602E-04
3 6 5.000E+02 1.4919E-02 1.9623E-02 1.8234E-02 -2.7549E-04 -9.7569E-04 2.2993E-03
3 7 5.000E+02 1.3659E-02 2.0882E-02 1.8234E-02 1.1090E-03 2.4223E-03 1.9050E-03
3 8 5.000E+02 1.8462E-02 1.6080E-02 1.8234E-02 -3.3158E-03 1.9274E-03 -2.8540E-03
3 9 5.000E+02 1.9691E-02 1.4850E-02 1.8234E-02 2.2069E-03 -4.3498E-03 9.4904E-04
3 1 6.000E+02 1.3403E-02 1.0936E-02 1.3072E-02 -3.1176E-04 -7.6524E-04 -6.8372E-05
3 2 6.000E+02 1.1650E-02 1.2690E-02 1.3072E-02 -8.5722E-04 8.2739E-04 1.9448E-05
3 3 6.000E+02 1.1456E-02 1.2883E-02 1.3072E-02 1.1690E-03 -6.2150E-05 4.8924E-05
3 4 6.000E+02 2.0767E-02 2.0343E-02 2.1710E-02 2.8896E-03 -1.5299E-03 -3.6725E-03
3 5 6.000E+02 2.3161E-02 1.7949E-02 2.1710E-02 -2.5588E-03 2.6948E-03 9.1486E-04
3 6 6.000E+02 1.7737E-02 2.3373E-02 2.1710E-02 -3.3082E-04 -1.1649E-03 2.7576E-03
3 7 6.000E+02 1.6226E-02 2.4884E-02 2.1710E-02 1.3309E-03 2.9008E-03 2.2843E-03
3 8 6.000E+02 2.1982E-02 1.9128E-02 2.1710E-02 -3.9753E-03 2.3145E-03 -3.4189E-03
3 9 6.000E+02 2.3457E-02 1.7652E-02 2.1710E-02 2.6444E-03 -5.2153E-03 1.1345E-03
3 1 7.000E+02 1.5568E-02 1.2690E-02 1.5181E-02 -3.6372E-04 -8.9278E-04 -7.9598E-05
3 2 7.000E+02 1.3522E-02 1.4735E-02 1.5181E-02 -1.0001E-03 9.6515E-04 2.2611E-05
3 3 7.000E+02 1.3296E-02 1.4961E-02 1.5181E-02 1.3638E-03 -7.2365E-05 5.6987E-05
3 4 7.000E+02 2.4104E-02 2.3613E-02 2.5205E-02 3.3692E-03 -1.7857E-03 -4.2813E-03
3 5 7.000E+02 2.6897E-02 2.0819E-02 2.5205E-02 -2.9831E-03 3.1415E-03 1.0650E-03
3 6 7.000E+02 2.0574E-02 2.7143E-02 2.5205E-02 -3.8610E-04 -1.3558E-03 3.2164E-03
3 7 7.000E+02 1.8810E-02 2.8907E-02 2.5205E-02 1.5529E-03 3.3810E-03 2.6642E-03
3 8 7.000E+02 2.5522E-02 2.2195E-02 2.5205E-02 -4.6359E-03 2.7012E-03 -3.9854E-03
3 9 7.000E+02 2.7244E-02 2.0473E-02 2.5205E-02 3.0830E-03 -6.0822E-03 1.3212E-03
3 1 8.000E+02 1.7740E-02 1.4451E-02 1.7297E-02 -4.1568E-04 -1.0203E-03 -9.0868E-05
3 2 8.000E+02 1.5402E-02 1.6788E-02 1.7297E-02 -1.1429E-03 1.1029E-03 2.5794E-05
3 3 8.000E+02 1.5144E-02 1.7046E-02 1.7297E-02 1.5586E-03 -8.2619E-05 6.5074E-05
3 4 8.000E+02 2.7455E-02 2.6895E-02 2.8714E-02 3.8494E-03 -2.0414E-03 -4.8910E-03
3 5 8.000E+02 3.0647E-02 2.3702E-02 2.8714E-02 -3.4080E-03 3.5889E-03 1.2157E-03
3 6 8.000E+02 2.3422E-02 3.0927E-02 2.8714E-02 -4.4135E-04 -1.5475E-03 3.6753E-03
3 7 8.000E+02 2.1407E-02 3.2943E-02 2.8714E-02 1.7748E-03 3.8621E-03 3.0443E-03
3 8 8.000E+02 2.9075E-02 2.5275E-02 2.8714E-02 -5.2970E-03 3.0876E-03 -4.5529E-03
3 9 8.000E+02 3.1043E-02 2.3307E-02 2.8714E-02 3.5222E-03 -6.9497E-03 1.5086E-03
3 1 9.000E+02 1.9916E-02 1.6216E-02 1.9418E-02 -4.6763E-04 -1.1479E-03 -1.0216E-04
3 2 9.000E+02 1.7287E-02 1.8846E-02 1.9418E-02 -1.2858E-03 1.2408E-03 2.8990E-05
3 3 9.000E+02 1.6996E-02 1.9137E-02 1.9418E-02 1.7534E-03 -9.2893E-05 7.3175E-05
3 4 9.000E+02 3.0815E-02 3.0185E-02 3.2231E-02 4.3298E-03 -2.2969E-03 -5.5013E-03
3 5 9.000E+02 3.4406E-02 2.6594E-02 3.2231E-02 -3.8333E-03 4.0367E-03 1.3668E-03
3 6 9.000E+02 2.6279E-02 3.4721E-02 3.2231E-02 -4.9657E-04 -1.7398E-03 4.1345E-03
3 7 9.000E+02 2.4011E-02 3.6988E-02 3.2231E-02 1.9967E-03 4.3437E-03 3.4245E-03
3 8 9.000E+02 3.2637E-02 2.8363E-02 3.2231E-02 -5.9584E-03 3.4739E-03 -5.1209E-03
3 9 9.000E+02 3.4851E-02 2.6149E-02 3.2231E-02 3.9617E-03 -7.8176E-03 1.6963E-03
3 1 1.000E+03 2.2097E-02 1.7985E-02 2.1543E-02 -5.1959E-04 -1.2754E-03 -1.1347E-04
3 2 1.000E+03 1.9175E-02 2.0907E-02 2.1543E-02 -1.4286E-03 1.3786E-03 3.2192E-05
3 3 1.000E+03 1.8852E-02 2.1230E-02 2.1543E-02 1.9482E-03 -1.0318E-04 8.1283E-05
3 4 1.000E+03 3.4181E-02 3.3482E-02 3.5755E-02 4.8105E-03 -2.5523E-03 -6.1118E-03
3 5 1.000E+03 3.8171E-02 2.9491E-02 3.5755E-02 -4.2587E-03 4.4846E-03 1.5181E-03
3 6 1.000E+03 2.9142E-02 3.8521E-02 3.5755E-02 -5.5179E-04 -1.9324E-03 4.5937E-03
3 7 1.000E+03 2.6623E-02 4.1040E-02 3.5755E-02 2.2186E-03 4.8256E-03 3.8048E-03
3 8 1.000E+03 3.6206E-02 3.1457E-02 3.5755E-02 -6.6199E-03 3.8601E-03 -5.6891E-03
3 9 1.000E+03 3.8666E-02 2.8997E-02 3.5755E-02 4.4014E-03 -8.6856E-03 1.8842E-03
<vel^2> matrix elements as a function of T
Angstrom^2/(picosec)^2, cartesian coordinates
3 1 1.000E+02 1.2885E+01 1.3175E+01 1.2642E+01 1.2054E-02 -3.6686E-03 2.3495E-01
3 2 1.000E+02 1.3093E+01 1.2967E+01 1.2642E+01 1.0851E-01 -1.9378E-01 -1.1140E-01
3 3 1.000E+02 1.3113E+01 1.2948E+01 1.2642E+01 -1.2056E-01 1.9745E-01 -1.2356E-01
3 4 1.000E+02 1.9119E+01 2.2709E+01 2.0265E+01 -3.0514E+00 -1.0473E+00 4.9841E+00
3 5 1.000E+02 1.9116E+01 2.2712E+01 2.0265E+01 3.1154E+00 -3.7704E+00 -3.4118E+00
3 6 1.000E+02 2.4507E+01 1.7321E+01 2.0265E+01 -6.3960E-02 4.8176E+00 -1.5723E+00
3 7 1.000E+02 2.4513E+01 1.7315E+01 2.0265E+01 -4.7950E-03 -4.8389E+00 -1.5669E+00
3 8 1.000E+02 1.9056E+01 2.2772E+01 2.0265E+01 3.0847E+00 1.0477E+00 4.9628E+00
3 9 1.000E+02 1.9172E+01 2.2655E+01 2.0265E+01 -3.0799E+00 3.7913E+00 -3.3958E+00
3 1 2.000E+02 1.3765E+01 1.3962E+01 1.3479E+01 8.7046E-03 -7.0494E-03 2.2301E-01
3 2 2.000E+02 1.3906E+01 1.3821E+01 1.3479E+01 7.2701E-02 -1.8026E-01 -1.0394E-01
3 3 2.000E+02 1.3920E+01 1.3807E+01 1.3479E+01 -8.1405E-02 1.8730E-01 -1.1907E-01
3 4 2.000E+02 2.1046E+01 2.4452E+01 2.2162E+01 -2.7492E+00 -1.0704E+00 4.4863E+00
3 5 2.000E+02 2.1183E+01 2.4315E+01 2.2162E+01 2.8679E+00 -3.3491E+00 -3.1836E+00
3 6 2.000E+02 2.6018E+01 1.9481E+01 2.2162E+01 -1.1868E-01 4.4195E+00 -1.3027E+00
3 7 2.000E+02 2.6017E+01 1.9482E+01 2.2162E+01 7.3416E-02 -4.4298E+00 -1.3145E+00
3 8 2.000E+02 2.1008E+01 2.4491E+01 2.2162E+01 2.7724E+00 1.0842E+00 4.4805E+00
3 9 2.000E+02 2.1224E+01 2.4275E+01 2.2162E+01 -2.8458E+00 3.3456E+00 -3.1660E+00
3 1 3.000E+02 1.5165E+01 1.5311E+01 1.4884E+01 7.4134E-03 -7.3167E-03 1.9911E-01
3 2 3.000E+02 1.5268E+01 1.5208E+01 1.4884E+01 5.1780E-02 -1.6024E-01 -9.2567E-02
3 3 3.000E+02 1.5280E+01 1.5196E+01 1.4884E+01 -5.9193E-02 1.6756E-01 -1.0654E-01
3 4 3.000E+02 2.4047E+01 2.7083E+01 2.5054E+01 -2.3682E+00 -9.9641E-01 3.8605E+00
3 5 3.000E+02 2.4243E+01 2.6887E+01 2.5054E+01 2.5123E+00 -2.8521E+00 -2.8078E+00
3 6 3.000E+02 2.8405E+01 2.2725E+01 2.5054E+01 -1.4413E-01 3.8486E+00 -1.0527E+00
3 7 3.000E+02 2.8403E+01 2.2728E+01 2.5054E+01 1.0692E-01 -3.8564E+00 -1.0720E+00
3 8 3.000E+02 2.4016E+01 2.7114E+01 2.5054E+01 2.3876E+00 1.0164E+00 3.8611E+00
3 9 3.000E+02 2.4277E+01 2.6853E+01 2.5054E+01 -2.4945E+00 2.8400E+00 -2.7891E+00
3 1 4.000E+02 1.6993E+01 1.7109E+01 1.6737E+01 6.7622E-03 -6.9393E-03 1.7365E-01
3 2 4.000E+02 1.7074E+01 1.7028E+01 1.6737E+01 3.9586E-02 -1.3928E-01 -8.0529E-02
3 3 4.000E+02 1.7085E+01 1.7016E+01 1.6737E+01 -4.6348E-02 1.4622E-01 -9.3116E-02
3 4 4.000E+02 2.7708E+01 3.0348E+01 2.8587E+01 -2.0212E+00 -8.8619E-01 3.2923E+00
3 5 4.000E+02 2.7912E+01 3.0144E+01 2.8587E+01 2.1655E+00 -2.4184E+00 -2.4285E+00
3 6 4.000E+02 3.1465E+01 2.6591E+01 2.8587E+01 -1.4430E-01 3.3046E+00 -8.6377E-01
3 7 4.000E+02 3.1463E+01 2.6594E+01 2.8587E+01 1.1177E-01 -3.3115E+00 -8.8593E-01
3 8 4.000E+02 2.7680E+01 3.0376E+01 2.8587E+01 2.0382E+00 9.0843E-01 3.2959E+00
3 9 4.000E+02 2.7941E+01 3.0115E+01 2.8587E+01 -2.1500E+00 2.4031E+00 -2.4099E+00
3 1 5.000E+02 1.9128E+01 1.9224E+01 1.8900E+01 6.1873E-03 -6.3601E-03 1.5122E-01
3 2 5.000E+02 1.9195E+01 1.9157E+01 1.8900E+01 3.1856E-02 -1.2098E-01 -6.9972E-02
3 3 5.000E+02 1.9205E+01 1.9147E+01 1.8900E+01 -3.8043E-02 1.2734E-01 -8.1252E-02
3 4 5.000E+02 3.1796E+01 3.4090E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.7374E+00 -7.7949E-01 2.8287E+00
3 5 5.000E+02 3.1989E+01 3.3897E+01 3.2562E+01 1.8723E+00 -2.0712E+00 -2.1038E+00
3 6 5.000E+02 3.5044E+01 3.0842E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.3489E-01 2.8507E+00 -7.2497E-01
3 7 5.000E+02 3.5042E+01 3.0843E+01 3.2562E+01 1.0609E-01 -2.8570E+00 -7.4729E-01
3 8 5.000E+02 3.1771E+01 3.4114E+01 3.2562E+01 1.7525E+00 8.0170E-01 2.8335E+00
3 9 5.000E+02 3.2015E+01 3.3871E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.8586E+00 2.0553E+00 -2.0862E+00
3 1 6.000E+02 2.1473E+01 2.1555E+01 2.1270E+01 5.6373E-03 -5.7632E-03 1.3267E-01
3 2 6.000E+02 2.1530E+01 2.1498E+01 2.1270E+01 2.6591E-02 -1.0595E-01 -6.1280E-02
3 3 6.000E+02 2.1539E+01 2.1489E+01 2.1270E+01 -3.2228E-02 1.1171E-01 -7.1393E-02
3 4 6.000E+02 3.6167E+01 3.8177E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.5119E+00 -6.8771E-01 2.4608E+00
3 5 6.000E+02 3.6345E+01 3.8000E+01 3.6839E+01 1.6351E+00 -1.7984E+00 -1.8393E+00
3 6 6.000E+02 3.9004E+01 3.5340E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.2324E-01 2.4861E+00 -6.2142E-01
3 7 6.000E+02 3.9003E+01 3.5342E+01 3.6839E+01 9.7586E-02 -2.4917E+00 -6.4276E-01
3 8 6.000E+02 3.6146E+01 3.8199E+01 3.6839E+01 1.5253E+00 7.0886E-01 2.4659E+00
3 9 6.000E+02 3.6368E+01 3.7977E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.6229E+00 1.7829E+00 -1.8231E+00
3 1 7.000E+02 2.3963E+01 2.4034E+01 2.3782E+01 5.1327E-03 -5.2166E-03 1.1755E-01
3 2 7.000E+02 2.4012E+01 2.3985E+01 2.3782E+01 2.2798E-02 -9.3753E-02 -5.4225E-02
3 3 7.000E+02 2.4020E+01 2.3976E+01 2.3782E+01 -2.7931E-02 9.8969E-02 -6.3328E-02
3 4 7.000E+02 4.0733E+01 4.2512E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.3324E+00 -6.1142E-01 2.1682E+00
3 5 7.000E+02 4.0895E+01 4.2350E+01 4.1328E+01 1.4444E+00 -1.5827E+00 -1.6260E+00
3 6 7.000E+02 4.3239E+01 4.0006E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.1198E-01 2.1941E+00 -5.4222E-01
3 7 7.000E+02 4.3238E+01 4.0007E+01 4.1328E+01 8.8981E-02 -2.1992E+00 -5.6221E-01
3 8 7.000E+02 4.0714E+01 4.2531E+01 4.1328E+01 1.3444E+00 6.3117E-01 2.1733E+00
3 9 7.000E+02 4.0916E+01 4.2329E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.4334E+00 1.5680E+00 -1.6111E+00
3 1 8.000E+02 2.6553E+01 2.6616E+01 2.6391E+01 4.6842E-03 -4.7372E-03 1.0520E-01
3 2 8.000E+02 2.6597E+01 2.6573E+01 2.6391E+01 1.9944E-02 -8.3819E-02 -4.8478E-02
3 3 8.000E+02 2.6605E+01 2.6565E+01 2.6391E+01 -2.4628E-02 8.8556E-02 -5.6718E-02
3 4 8.000E+02 4.5434E+01 4.7025E+01 4.5967E+01 -1.1880E+00 -5.4837E-01 1.9329E+00
3 5 8.000E+02 4.5582E+01 4.6877E+01 4.5967E+01 1.2899E+00 -1.4097E+00 -1.4527E+00
3 6 8.000E+02 4.7672E+01 4.4787E+01 4.5967E+01 -1.0190E-01 1.9581E+00 -4.8014E-01
3 7 8.000E+02 4.7671E+01 4.4788E+01 4.5967E+01 8.1129E-02 -1.9628E+00 -4.9869E-01
3 8 8.000E+02 4.5417E+01 4.7042E+01 4.5967E+01 1.1988E+00 5.6669E-01 1.9378E+00
3 9 8.000E+02 4.5600E+01 4.6858E+01 4.5967E+01 -1.2799E+00 1.3961E+00 -1.4391E+00
3 1 9.000E+02 2.9217E+01 2.9274E+01 2.9070E+01 4.2917E-03 -4.3232E-03 9.5003E-02
3 2 9.000E+02 2.9256E+01 2.9235E+01 2.9070E+01 1.7721E-02 -7.5645E-02 -4.3749E-02
3 3 9.000E+02 2.9263E+01 2.9228E+01 2.9070E+01 -2.2013E-02 7.9969E-02 -5.1254E-02
3 4 9.000E+02 5.0233E+01 5.1668E+01 5.0714E+01 -1.0700E+00 -4.9600E-01 1.7408E+00
3 5 9.000E+02 5.0368E+01 5.1533E+01 5.0714E+01 1.1631E+00 -1.2690E+00 -1.3105E+00
3 6 9.000E+02 5.2251E+01 4.9650E+01 5.0714E+01 -9.3094E-02 1.7650E+00 -4.3037E-01
3 7 9.000E+02 5.2250E+01 4.9651E+01 5.0714E+01 7.4214E-02 -1.7692E+00 -4.4757E-01
3 8 9.000E+02 5.0217E+01 5.1685E+01 5.0714E+01 1.0799E+00 5.1295E-01 1.7455E+00
3 9 9.000E+02 5.0385E+01 5.1517E+01 5.0714E+01 -1.1541E+00 1.2563E+00 -1.2979E+00
3 1 1.000E+03 3.1935E+01 3.1986E+01 3.1800E+01 3.9500E-03 -3.9666E-03 8.6499E-02
3 2 1.000E+03 3.1970E+01 3.1951E+01 3.1800E+01 1.5943E-02 -6.8839E-02 -3.9811E-02
3 3 1.000E+03 3.1977E+01 3.1945E+01 3.1800E+01 -1.9893E-02 7.2805E-02 -4.6688E-02
3 4 1.000E+03 5.5104E+01 5.6410E+01 5.5542E+01 -9.7239E-01 -4.5210E-01 1.5818E+00
3 5 1.000E+03 5.5228E+01 5.6286E+01 5.5542E+01 1.0579E+00 -1.1526E+00 -1.1921E+00
3 6 1.000E+03 5.6939E+01 5.4575E+01 5.5542E+01 -8.5472E-02 1.6047E+00 -3.8969E-01
3 7 1.000E+03 5.6939E+01 5.4576E+01 5.5542E+01 6.8195E-02 -1.6086E+00 -4.0565E-01
3 8 1.000E+03 5.5089E+01 5.6425E+01 5.5542E+01 9.8141E-01 4.6782E-01 1.5863E+00
3 9 1.000E+03 5.5244E+01 5.6271E+01 5.5542E+01 -1.0496E+00 1.1408E+00 -1.1806E+00
gij with channel width= 2:
iatom,iwchan,igqpt2(i),gij error= 10 2 20 20 20 0.00000
B matrix elements as a function of T
Angstrom^2, cartesian coordinates
2 1 1.000E+02 3.0661E-03 2.6342E-03 2.9961E-03 -5.3022E-05 -1.2822E-04 -1.8702E-05
2 2 1.000E+02 2.7589E-03 2.9414E-03 2.9961E-03 -1.5074E-04 1.4464E-04 6.9708E-06
2 3 1.000E+02 2.7254E-03 2.9749E-03 2.9961E-03 2.0376E-04 -1.6412E-05 1.1732E-05
2 4 1.000E+02 5.0723E-03 4.8893E-03 5.1852E-03 6.0302E-04 -2.3605E-04 -8.1188E-04
2 5 1.000E+02 5.4960E-03 4.4655E-03 5.1852E-03 -5.3928E-04 6.0934E-04 2.6927E-04
2 6 1.000E+02 4.3740E-03 5.5875E-03 5.1852E-03 -6.3741E-05 -3.7329E-04 5.4261E-04
2 7 1.000E+02 4.1214E-03 5.8401E-03 5.1852E-03 2.3651E-04 6.6532E-04 4.6132E-04
2 8 1.000E+02 5.2792E-03 4.6824E-03 5.1852E-03 -7.8671E-04 3.6873E-04 -7.6711E-04
2 9 1.000E+02 5.5417E-03 4.4198E-03 5.1852E-03 5.5019E-04 -1.0340E-03 3.0578E-04
2 1 2.000E+02 4.9752E-03 4.1502E-03 4.8419E-03 -1.0474E-04 -2.5552E-04 -2.6182E-05
2 2 2.000E+02 4.3889E-03 4.7365E-03 4.8419E-03 -2.8631E-04 2.7893E-04 8.1044E-06
2 3 2.000E+02 4.3240E-03 4.8014E-03 4.8419E-03 3.9105E-04 -2.3410E-05 1.8078E-05
2 4 2.000E+02 7.8563E-03 7.6635E-03 8.1282E-03 1.0075E-03 -4.9577E-04 -1.2976E-03
2 5 2.000E+02 8.6554E-03 6.8644E-03 8.1282E-03 -8.9836E-04 9.5578E-04 3.5523E-04
2 6 2.000E+02 6.7680E-03 8.7519E-03 8.1282E-03 -1.0912E-04 -4.6001E-04 9.4240E-04
2 7 2.000E+02 6.2653E-03 9.2545E-03 8.1282E-03 4.4580E-04 1.0403E-03 7.8603E-04
2 8 2.000E+02 8.2613E-03 7.2585E-03 8.1282E-03 -1.3709E-03 7.5626E-04 -1.2139E-03
2 9 2.000E+02 8.7531E-03 6.7667E-03 8.1282E-03 9.2511E-04 -1.7966E-03 4.2784E-04
2 1 3.000E+02 7.0331E-03 5.8006E-03 6.8303E-03 -1.5698E-04 -3.8331E-04 -3.5758E-05
2 2 3.000E+02 6.1573E-03 6.6764E-03 6.8303E-03 -4.2750E-04 4.1549E-04 1.0498E-05
2 3 3.000E+02 6.0602E-03 6.7736E-03 6.8303E-03 5.8447E-04 -3.2181E-05 2.5261E-05
2 4 3.000E+02 1.0966E-02 1.0731E-02 1.1391E-02 1.4621E-03 -7.5797E-04 -1.8660E-03
2 5 3.000E+02 1.2162E-02 9.5352E-03 1.1391E-02 -1.2990E-03 1.3717E-03 4.8020E-04
2 6 3.000E+02 9.4177E-03 1.2280E-02 1.1391E-02 -1.6303E-04 -6.1370E-04 1.3858E-03
2 7 3.000E+02 8.6638E-03 1.3034E-02 1.1391E-02 6.6721E-04 1.4839E-03 1.1516E-03
2 8 3.000E+02 1.1573E-02 1.0125E-02 1.1391E-02 -2.0068E-03 1.1484E-03 -1.7408E-03
2 9 3.000E+02 1.2310E-02 9.3880E-03 1.1391E-02 1.3396E-03 -2.6323E-03 5.8916E-04
2 1 4.000E+02 9.1492E-03 7.5072E-03 8.8772E-03 -2.0926E-04 -5.1112E-04 -4.6309E-05
2 2 4.000E+02 7.9824E-03 8.6739E-03 8.8772E-03 -5.6950E-04 5.5288E-04 1.3355E-05
2 3 4.000E+02 7.8529E-03 8.8034E-03 8.8772E-03 7.7876E-04 -4.1758E-05 3.2955E-05
2 4 4.000E+02 1.4200E-02 1.3908E-02 1.4773E-02 1.9320E-03 -1.0171E-03 -2.4595E-03
2 5 4.000E+02 1.5795E-02 1.2313E-02 1.4773E-02 -1.7141E-03 1.8075E-03 6.2043E-04
2 6 4.000E+02 1.2166E-02 1.5941E-02 1.4773E-02 -2.1789E-04 -7.9046E-04 1.8390E-03
2 7 4.000E+02 1.1161E-02 1.6947E-02 1.4773E-02 8.8988E-04 1.9507E-03 1.5269E-03
2 8 4.000E+02 1.5009E-02 1.3099E-02 1.4773E-02 -2.6582E-03 1.5376E-03 -2.2927E-03
2 9 4.000E+02 1.5992E-02 1.2116E-02 1.4773E-02 1.7683E-03 -3.4883E-03 7.6577E-04
2 1 5.000E+02 1.1295E-02 9.2430E-03 1.0954E-02 -2.6156E-04 -6.3892E-04 -5.7271E-05
2 2 5.000E+02 9.8369E-03 1.0701E-02 1.0954E-02 -7.1170E-04 6.9060E-04 1.6405E-05
2 3 5.000E+02 9.6750E-03 1.0863E-02 1.0954E-02 9.7326E-04 -5.1679E-05 4.0866E-05
2 4 5.000E+02 1.7493E-02 1.7137E-02 1.8213E-02 2.4075E-03 -1.2744E-03 -3.0621E-03
2 5 5.000E+02 1.9488E-02 1.5143E-02 1.8213E-02 -2.1348E-03 2.2503E-03 7.6677E-04
2 6 5.000E+02 1.4965E-02 1.9666E-02 1.8213E-02 -2.7275E-04 -9.7598E-04 2.2954E-03
2 7 5.000E+02 1.3708E-02 2.0923E-02 1.8213E-02 1.1126E-03 2.4263E-03 1.9052E-03
2 8 5.000E+02 1.8504E-02 1.6127E-02 1.8213E-02 -3.3152E-03 1.9250E-03 -2.8536E-03
2 9 5.000E+02 1.9734E-02 1.4897E-02 1.8213E-02 2.2026E-03 -4.3513E-03 9.4849E-04
2 1 6.000E+02 1.3458E-02 1.0996E-02 1.3049E-02 -3.1386E-04 -7.6671E-04 -6.8416E-05
2 2 6.000E+02 1.1708E-02 1.2745E-02 1.3049E-02 -8.5396E-04 8.2847E-04 1.9542E-05
2 3 6.000E+02 1.1514E-02 1.2940E-02 1.3049E-02 1.1678E-03 -6.1754E-05 4.8874E-05
2 4 6.000E+02 2.0820E-02 2.0397E-02 2.1685E-02 2.8854E-03 -1.5308E-03 -3.6686E-03
2 5 6.000E+02 2.3213E-02 1.8003E-02 2.1685E-02 -2.5578E-03 2.6960E-03 9.1576E-04
2 6 6.000E+02 1.7792E-02 2.3425E-02 2.1685E-02 -3.2753E-04 -1.1652E-03 2.7528E-03
2 7 6.000E+02 1.6284E-02 2.4933E-02 2.1685E-02 1.3353E-03 2.9056E-03 2.2845E-03
2 8 6.000E+02 2.2032E-02 1.9184E-02 2.1685E-02 -3.9745E-03 2.3117E-03 -3.4184E-03
2 9 6.000E+02 2.3508E-02 1.7708E-02 2.1685E-02 2.6392E-03 -5.2172E-03 1.1339E-03
2 1 7.000E+02 1.5632E-02 1.2759E-02 1.5154E-02 -3.6616E-04 -8.9451E-04 -7.9648E-05
2 2 7.000E+02 1.3591E-02 1.4800E-02 1.5154E-02 -9.9625E-04 9.6641E-04 2.2720E-05
2 3 7.000E+02 1.3364E-02 1.5027E-02 1.5154E-02 1.3624E-03 -7.1903E-05 5.6928E-05
2 4 7.000E+02 2.4166E-02 2.3676E-02 2.5176E-02 3.3643E-03 -1.7868E-03 -4.2768E-03
2 5 7.000E+02 2.6959E-02 2.0883E-02 2.5176E-02 -2.9820E-03 3.1430E-03 1.0660E-03
2 6 7.000E+02 2.0638E-02 2.7204E-02 2.5176E-02 -3.8226E-04 -1.3562E-03 3.2108E-03
2 7 7.000E+02 1.8878E-02 2.8963E-02 2.5176E-02 1.5580E-03 3.3866E-03 2.6644E-03
2 8 7.000E+02 2.5581E-02 2.2261E-02 2.5176E-02 -4.6350E-03 2.6978E-03 -3.9849E-03
2 9 7.000E+02 2.7303E-02 2.0538E-02 2.5176E-02 3.0770E-03 -6.0844E-03 1.3205E-03
2 1 8.000E+02 1.7813E-02 1.4530E-02 1.7266E-02 -4.1847E-04 -1.0223E-03 -9.0926E-05
2 2 8.000E+02 1.5480E-02 1.6863E-02 1.7266E-02 -1.1385E-03 1.1044E-03 2.5919E-05
2 3 8.000E+02 1.5221E-02 1.7122E-02 1.7266E-02 1.5570E-03 -8.2091E-05 6.5007E-05
2 4 8.000E+02 2.7525E-02 2.6967E-02 2.8681E-02 3.8437E-03 -2.0426E-03 -4.8859E-03
2 5 8.000E+02 3.0718E-02 2.3774E-02 2.8681E-02 -3.4068E-03 3.5906E-03 1.2169E-03
2 6 8.000E+02 2.3495E-02 3.0997E-02 2.8681E-02 -4.3696E-04 -1.5480E-03 3.6690E-03
2 7 8.000E+02 2.1485E-02 3.3008E-02 2.8681E-02 1.7806E-03 3.8685E-03 3.0446E-03
2 8 8.000E+02 2.9143E-02 2.5349E-02 2.8681E-02 -5.2959E-03 3.0838E-03 -4.5523E-03
2 9 8.000E+02 3.1111E-02 2.3381E-02 2.8681E-02 3.5153E-03 -6.9522E-03 1.5077E-03
2 1 9.000E+02 1.9999E-02 1.6306E-02 1.9384E-02 -4.7078E-04 -1.1501E-03 -1.0223E-04
2 2 9.000E+02 1.7374E-02 1.8930E-02 1.9384E-02 -1.2809E-03 1.2424E-03 2.9130E-05
2 3 9.000E+02 1.7083E-02 1.9221E-02 1.9384E-02 1.7516E-03 -9.2299E-05 7.3099E-05
2 4 9.000E+02 3.0894E-02 3.0266E-02 3.2194E-02 4.3235E-03 -2.2982E-03 -5.4954E-03
2 5 9.000E+02 3.4485E-02 2.6675E-02 3.2194E-02 -3.8318E-03 4.0386E-03 1.3681E-03
2 6 9.000E+02 2.6361E-02 3.4799E-02 3.2194E-02 -4.9163E-04 -1.7403E-03 4.1273E-03
2 7 9.000E+02 2.4099E-02 3.7061E-02 3.2194E-02 2.0033E-03 4.3508E-03 3.4248E-03
2 8 9.000E+02 3.2713E-02 2.8447E-02 3.2194E-02 -5.9572E-03 3.4696E-03 -5.1201E-03
2 9 9.000E+02 3.4928E-02 2.6232E-02 3.2194E-02 3.9539E-03 -7.8204E-03 1.6953E-03
2 1 1.000E+03 2.2188E-02 1.8085E-02 2.1505E-02 -5.2308E-04 -1.2779E-03 -1.1355E-04
2 2 1.000E+03 1.9272E-02 2.1000E-02 2.1505E-02 -1.4232E-03 1.3804E-03 3.2348E-05
2 3 1.000E+03 1.8949E-02 2.1324E-02 2.1505E-02 1.9462E-03 -1.0252E-04 8.1199E-05
2 4 1.000E+03 3.4269E-02 3.3572E-02 3.5714E-02 4.8034E-03 -2.5538E-03 -6.1053E-03
2 5 1.000E+03 3.8259E-02 2.9582E-02 3.5714E-02 -4.2571E-03 4.4867E-03 1.5196E-03
2 6 1.000E+03 2.9233E-02 3.8607E-02 3.5714E-02 -5.4630E-04 -1.9329E-03 4.5857E-03
2 7 1.000E+03 2.6720E-02 4.1121E-02 3.5714E-02 2.2259E-03 4.8335E-03 3.8052E-03
2 8 1.000E+03 3.6290E-02 3.1551E-02 3.5714E-02 -6.6186E-03 3.8553E-03 -5.6883E-03
2 9 1.000E+03 3.8751E-02 2.9090E-02 3.5714E-02 4.3928E-03 -8.6888E-03 1.8831E-03
<vel^2> matrix elements as a function of T
Angstrom^2/(picosec)^2, cartesian coordinates
2 1 1.000E+02 1.2885E+01 1.3175E+01 1.2642E+01 1.2051E-02 -3.6650E-03 2.3497E-01
2 2 1.000E+02 1.3093E+01 1.2968E+01 1.2642E+01 1.0848E-01 -1.9378E-01 -1.1136E-01
2 3 1.000E+02 1.3113E+01 1.2948E+01 1.2642E+01 -1.2053E-01 1.9745E-01 -1.2361E-01
2 4 1.000E+02 1.9119E+01 2.2709E+01 2.0265E+01 -3.0513E+00 -1.0472E+00 4.9841E+00
2 5 1.000E+02 1.9116E+01 2.2712E+01 2.0265E+01 3.1152E+00 -3.7705E+00 -3.4119E+00
2 6 1.000E+02 2.4507E+01 1.7321E+01 2.0265E+01 -6.3889E-02 4.8177E+00 -1.5722E+00
2 7 1.000E+02 2.4513E+01 1.7315E+01 2.0265E+01 -4.8679E-03 -4.8390E+00 -1.5671E+00
2 8 1.000E+02 1.9056E+01 2.2772E+01 2.0265E+01 3.0847E+00 1.0477E+00 4.9627E+00
2 9 1.000E+02 1.9173E+01 2.2655E+01 2.0265E+01 -3.0798E+00 3.7913E+00 -3.3956E+00
2 1 2.000E+02 1.3765E+01 1.3962E+01 1.3479E+01 8.6957E-03 -7.0489E-03 2.2302E-01
2 2 2.000E+02 1.3906E+01 1.3821E+01 1.3479E+01 7.2685E-02 -1.8025E-01 -1.0390E-01
2 3 2.000E+02 1.3920E+01 1.3807E+01 1.3479E+01 -8.1381E-02 1.8730E-01 -1.1912E-01
2 4 2.000E+02 2.1047E+01 2.4452E+01 2.2162E+01 -2.7491E+00 -1.0703E+00 4.4863E+00
2 5 2.000E+02 2.1184E+01 2.4315E+01 2.2162E+01 2.8678E+00 -3.3492E+00 -3.1837E+00
2 6 2.000E+02 2.6018E+01 1.9481E+01 2.2162E+01 -1.1862E-01 4.4195E+00 -1.3026E+00
2 7 2.000E+02 2.6017E+01 1.9482E+01 2.2162E+01 7.3356E-02 -4.4298E+00 -1.3146E+00
2 8 2.000E+02 2.1008E+01 2.4491E+01 2.2162E+01 2.7724E+00 1.0842E+00 4.4804E+00
2 9 2.000E+02 2.1224E+01 2.4275E+01 2.2162E+01 -2.8457E+00 3.3457E+00 -3.1658E+00
2 1 3.000E+02 1.5165E+01 1.5311E+01 1.4884E+01 7.4036E-03 -7.3175E-03 1.9912E-01
2 2 3.000E+02 1.5268E+01 1.5208E+01 1.4884E+01 5.1772E-02 -1.6024E-01 -9.2532E-02
2 3 3.000E+02 1.5280E+01 1.5196E+01 1.4884E+01 -5.9175E-02 1.6755E-01 -1.0659E-01
2 4 3.000E+02 2.4047E+01 2.7083E+01 2.5054E+01 -2.3681E+00 -9.9637E-01 3.8605E+00
2 5 3.000E+02 2.4243E+01 2.6887E+01 2.5054E+01 2.5122E+00 -2.8522E+00 -2.8079E+00
2 6 3.000E+02 2.8405E+01 2.2725E+01 2.5054E+01 -1.4408E-01 3.8486E+00 -1.0526E+00
2 7 3.000E+02 2.8403E+01 2.2728E+01 2.5054E+01 1.0687E-01 -3.8564E+00 -1.0721E+00
2 8 3.000E+02 2.4016E+01 2.7114E+01 2.5054E+01 2.3876E+00 1.0164E+00 3.8611E+00
2 9 3.000E+02 2.4277E+01 2.6853E+01 2.5054E+01 -2.4944E+00 2.8400E+00 -2.7889E+00
2 1 4.000E+02 1.6993E+01 1.7109E+01 1.6737E+01 6.7529E-03 -6.9406E-03 1.7365E-01
2 2 4.000E+02 1.7074E+01 1.7028E+01 1.6737E+01 3.9581E-02 -1.3928E-01 -8.0499E-02
2 3 4.000E+02 1.7085E+01 1.7016E+01 1.6737E+01 -4.6334E-02 1.4622E-01 -9.3155E-02
2 4 4.000E+02 2.7708E+01 3.0348E+01 2.8587E+01 -2.0211E+00 -8.8616E-01 3.2923E+00
2 5 4.000E+02 2.7912E+01 3.0144E+01 2.8587E+01 2.1654E+00 -2.4185E+00 -2.4286E+00
2 6 4.000E+02 3.1465E+01 2.6592E+01 2.8587E+01 -1.4427E-01 3.3046E+00 -8.6373E-01
2 7 4.000E+02 3.1463E+01 2.6594E+01 2.8587E+01 1.1173E-01 -3.3115E+00 -8.8601E-01
2 8 4.000E+02 2.7681E+01 3.0376E+01 2.8587E+01 2.0382E+00 9.0842E-01 3.2958E+00
2 9 4.000E+02 2.7941E+01 3.0115E+01 2.8587E+01 -2.1499E+00 2.4031E+00 -2.4098E+00
2 1 5.000E+02 1.9128E+01 1.9224E+01 1.8900E+01 6.1788E-03 -6.3615E-03 1.5123E-01
2 2 5.000E+02 1.9195E+01 1.9157E+01 1.8900E+01 3.1853E-02 -1.2098E-01 -6.9946E-02
2 3 5.000E+02 1.9205E+01 1.9147E+01 1.8900E+01 -3.8032E-02 1.2734E-01 -8.1285E-02
2 4 5.000E+02 3.1796E+01 3.4090E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.7374E+00 -7.7946E-01 2.8287E+00
2 5 5.000E+02 3.1989E+01 3.3897E+01 3.2562E+01 1.8722E+00 -2.0713E+00 -2.1038E+00
2 6 5.000E+02 3.5044E+01 3.0842E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.3487E-01 2.8508E+00 -7.2494E-01
2 7 5.000E+02 3.5042E+01 3.0843E+01 3.2562E+01 1.0606E-01 -2.8570E+00 -7.4736E-01
2 8 5.000E+02 3.1771E+01 3.4114E+01 3.2562E+01 1.7525E+00 8.0170E-01 2.8334E+00
2 9 5.000E+02 3.2015E+01 3.3871E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.8585E+00 2.0553E+00 -2.0861E+00
2 1 6.000E+02 2.1473E+01 2.1555E+01 2.1270E+01 5.6297E-03 -5.7646E-03 1.3268E-01
2 2 6.000E+02 2.1530E+01 2.1498E+01 2.1270E+01 2.6589E-02 -1.0595E-01 -6.1257E-02
2 3 6.000E+02 2.1539E+01 2.1489E+01 2.1270E+01 -3.2219E-02 1.1171E-01 -7.1421E-02
2 4 6.000E+02 3.6168E+01 3.8177E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.5118E+00 -6.8768E-01 2.4608E+00
2 5 6.000E+02 3.6345E+01 3.8000E+01 3.6839E+01 1.6351E+00 -1.7984E+00 -1.8394E+00
2 6 6.000E+02 3.9004E+01 3.5340E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.2322E-01 2.4861E+00 -6.2139E-01
2 7 6.000E+02 3.9003E+01 3.5342E+01 3.6839E+01 9.7559E-02 -2.4917E+00 -6.4282E-01
2 8 6.000E+02 3.6146E+01 3.8199E+01 3.6839E+01 1.5253E+00 7.0886E-01 2.4658E+00
2 9 6.000E+02 3.6368E+01 3.7977E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.6228E+00 1.7829E+00 -1.8230E+00
2 1 7.000E+02 2.3963E+01 2.4034E+01 2.3782E+01 5.1258E-03 -5.2179E-03 1.1756E-01
2 2 7.000E+02 2.4012E+01 2.3985E+01 2.3782E+01 2.2797E-02 -9.3751E-02 -5.4205E-02
2 3 7.000E+02 2.4020E+01 2.3976E+01 2.3782E+01 -2.7923E-02 9.8969E-02 -6.3353E-02
2 4 7.000E+02 4.0733E+01 4.2512E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.3324E+00 -6.1140E-01 2.1682E+00
2 5 7.000E+02 4.0895E+01 4.2350E+01 4.1328E+01 1.4443E+00 -1.5827E+00 -1.6260E+00
2 6 7.000E+02 4.3239E+01 4.0006E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.1196E-01 2.1941E+00 -5.4220E-01
2 7 7.000E+02 4.3238E+01 4.0007E+01 4.1328E+01 8.8957E-02 -2.1992E+00 -5.6225E-01
2 8 7.000E+02 4.0714E+01 4.2531E+01 4.1328E+01 1.3444E+00 6.3117E-01 2.1733E+00
2 9 7.000E+02 4.0916E+01 4.2329E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.4334E+00 1.5680E+00 -1.6110E+00
2 1 8.000E+02 2.6553E+01 2.6616E+01 2.6391E+01 4.6780E-03 -4.7385E-03 1.0520E-01
2 2 8.000E+02 2.6597E+01 2.6573E+01 2.6391E+01 1.9943E-02 -8.3818E-02 -4.8460E-02
2 3 8.000E+02 2.6605E+01 2.6565E+01 2.6391E+01 -2.4621E-02 8.8556E-02 -5.6740E-02
2 4 8.000E+02 4.5434E+01 4.7025E+01 4.5967E+01 -1.1879E+00 -5.4835E-01 1.9329E+00
2 5 8.000E+02 4.5582E+01 4.6877E+01 4.5967E+01 1.2898E+00 -1.4098E+00 -1.4528E+00
2 6 8.000E+02 4.7672E+01 4.4787E+01 4.5967E+01 -1.0188E-01 1.9581E+00 -4.8012E-01
2 7 8.000E+02 4.7671E+01 4.4788E+01 4.5967E+01 8.1108E-02 -1.9628E+00 -4.9874E-01
2 8 8.000E+02 4.5417E+01 4.7042E+01 4.5967E+01 1.1988E+00 5.6669E-01 1.9377E+00
2 9 8.000E+02 4.5600E+01 4.6858E+01 4.5967E+01 -1.2799E+00 1.3961E+00 -1.4390E+00
2 1 9.000E+02 2.9217E+01 2.9274E+01 2.9070E+01 4.2860E-03 -4.3244E-03 9.5006E-02
2 2 9.000E+02 2.9256E+01 2.9235E+01 2.9070E+01 1.7721E-02 -7.5644E-02 -4.3732E-02
2 3 9.000E+02 2.9263E+01 2.9228E+01 2.9070E+01 -2.2007E-02 7.9968E-02 -5.1274E-02
2 4 9.000E+02 5.0233E+01 5.1668E+01 5.0714E+01 -1.0700E+00 -4.9598E-01 1.7408E+00
2 5 9.000E+02 5.0368E+01 5.1533E+01 5.0714E+01 1.1631E+00 -1.2690E+00 -1.3105E+00
2 6 9.000E+02 5.2251E+01 4.9650E+01 5.0714E+01 -9.3080E-02 1.7650E+00 -4.3035E-01
2 7 9.000E+02 5.2250E+01 4.9651E+01 5.0714E+01 7.4195E-02 -1.7692E+00 -4.4761E-01
2 8 9.000E+02 5.0217E+01 5.1684E+01 5.0714E+01 1.0799E+00 5.1296E-01 1.7455E+00
2 9 9.000E+02 5.0385E+01 5.1517E+01 5.0714E+01 -1.1541E+00 1.2563E+00 -1.2979E+00
2 1 1.000E+03 3.1935E+01 3.1986E+01 3.1800E+01 3.9448E-03 -3.9677E-03 8.6502E-02
2 2 1.000E+03 3.1970E+01 3.1951E+01 3.1800E+01 1.5943E-02 -6.8838E-02 -3.9796E-02
2 3 1.000E+03 3.1977E+01 3.1945E+01 3.1800E+01 -1.9888E-02 7.2805E-02 -4.6706E-02
2 4 1.000E+03 5.5104E+01 5.6410E+01 5.5542E+01 -9.7238E-01 -4.5208E-01 1.5818E+00
2 5 1.000E+03 5.5228E+01 5.6286E+01 5.5542E+01 1.0578E+00 -1.1526E+00 -1.1922E+00
2 6 1.000E+03 5.6939E+01 5.4575E+01 5.5542E+01 -8.5460E-02 1.6047E+00 -3.8968E-01
2 7 1.000E+03 5.6939E+01 5.4576E+01 5.5542E+01 6.8177E-02 -1.6086E+00 -4.0568E-01
2 8 1.000E+03 5.5089E+01 5.6425E+01 5.5542E+01 9.8139E-01 4.6782E-01 1.5862E+00
2 9 1.000E+03 5.5244E+01 5.6271E+01 5.5542E+01 -1.0496E+00 1.1408E+00 -1.1805E+00
gij with channel width= 1:
iatom,iwchan,igqpt2(i),gij error= 10 1 20 20 20 0.00000
B matrix elements as a function of T
Angstrom^2, cartesian coordinates
1 1 1.000E+02 3.0774E-03 2.6453E-03 3.0027E-03 -5.2966E-05 -1.2812E-04 -1.8660E-05
1 2 1.000E+02 2.7701E-03 2.9526E-03 3.0027E-03 -1.5084E-04 1.4464E-04 6.9062E-06
1 3 1.000E+02 2.7365E-03 2.9861E-03 3.0027E-03 2.0381E-04 -1.6526E-05 1.1754E-05
1 4 1.000E+02 5.0836E-03 4.9007E-03 5.1919E-03 6.0321E-04 -2.3614E-04 -8.1198E-04
1 5 1.000E+02 5.5075E-03 4.4768E-03 5.1919E-03 -5.3931E-04 6.0946E-04 2.6933E-04
1 6 1.000E+02 4.3853E-03 5.5989E-03 5.1919E-03 -6.3901E-05 -3.7332E-04 5.4265E-04
1 7 1.000E+02 4.1327E-03 5.8515E-03 5.1919E-03 2.3641E-04 6.6503E-04 4.6129E-04
1 8 1.000E+02 5.2906E-03 4.6937E-03 5.1919E-03 -7.8672E-04 3.6879E-04 -7.6731E-04
1 9 1.000E+02 5.5531E-03 4.4312E-03 5.1919E-03 5.5031E-04 -1.0338E-03 3.0603E-04
1 1 2.000E+02 4.9977E-03 4.1724E-03 4.8552E-03 -1.0463E-04 -2.5530E-04 -2.6099E-05
1 2 2.000E+02 4.4112E-03 4.7589E-03 4.8552E-03 -2.8651E-04 2.7894E-04 7.9757E-06
1 3 2.000E+02 4.3463E-03 4.8239E-03 4.8552E-03 3.9114E-04 -2.3640E-05 1.8123E-05
1 4 2.000E+02 7.8789E-03 7.6863E-03 8.1417E-03 1.0079E-03 -4.9593E-04 -1.2978E-03
1 5 2.000E+02 8.6783E-03 6.8869E-03 8.1417E-03 -8.9842E-04 9.5602E-04 3.5537E-04
1 6 2.000E+02 6.7906E-03 8.7746E-03 8.1417E-03 -1.0944E-04 -4.6008E-04 9.4247E-04
1 7 2.000E+02 6.2879E-03 9.2774E-03 8.1417E-03 4.4559E-04 1.0397E-03 7.8596E-04
1 8 2.000E+02 8.2841E-03 7.2811E-03 8.1417E-03 -1.3709E-03 7.5640E-04 -1.2143E-03
1 9 2.000E+02 8.7759E-03 6.7894E-03 8.1417E-03 9.2534E-04 -1.7961E-03 4.2833E-04
1 1 3.000E+02 7.0669E-03 5.8340E-03 6.8503E-03 -1.5681E-04 -3.8299E-04 -3.5634E-05
1 2 3.000E+02 6.1908E-03 6.7101E-03 6.8503E-03 -4.2780E-04 4.1551E-04 1.0305E-05
1 3 3.000E+02 6.0936E-03 6.8073E-03 6.8503E-03 5.8461E-04 -3.2525E-05 2.5329E-05
1 4 3.000E+02 1.1000E-02 1.0766E-02 1.1411E-02 1.4626E-03 -7.5822E-04 -1.8662E-03
1 5 3.000E+02 1.2197E-02 9.5690E-03 1.1411E-02 -1.2991E-03 1.3720E-03 4.8040E-04
1 6 3.000E+02 9.4517E-03 1.2314E-02 1.1411E-02 -1.6351E-04 -6.1380E-04 1.3858E-03
1 7 3.000E+02 8.6976E-03 1.3068E-02 1.1411E-02 6.6690E-04 1.4831E-03 1.1515E-03
1 8 3.000E+02 1.1607E-02 1.0159E-02 1.1411E-02 -2.0068E-03 1.1486E-03 -1.7414E-03
1 9 3.000E+02 1.2344E-02 9.4219E-03 1.1411E-02 1.3399E-03 -2.6317E-03 5.8988E-04
1 1 4.000E+02 9.1943E-03 7.5516E-03 8.9038E-03 -2.0904E-04 -5.1068E-04 -4.6144E-05
1 2 4.000E+02 8.0271E-03 8.7188E-03 8.9038E-03 -5.6990E-04 5.5290E-04 1.3098E-05
1 3 4.000E+02 7.8975E-03 8.8484E-03 8.9038E-03 7.7894E-04 -4.2217E-05 3.3046E-05
1 4 4.000E+02 1.4245E-02 1.3953E-02 1.4800E-02 1.9328E-03 -1.0174E-03 -2.4599E-03
1 5 4.000E+02 1.5841E-02 1.2358E-02 1.4800E-02 -1.7142E-03 1.8080E-03 6.2070E-04
1 6 4.000E+02 1.2212E-02 1.5987E-02 1.4800E-02 -2.1852E-04 -7.9060E-04 1.8392E-03
1 7 4.000E+02 1.1206E-02 1.6992E-02 1.4800E-02 8.8947E-04 1.9496E-03 1.5268E-03
1 8 4.000E+02 1.5054E-02 1.3144E-02 1.4800E-02 -2.6582E-03 1.5379E-03 -2.2935E-03
1 9 4.000E+02 1.6037E-02 1.2161E-02 1.4800E-02 1.7688E-03 -3.4874E-03 7.6673E-04
1 1 5.000E+02 1.1351E-02 9.2985E-03 1.0987E-02 -2.6128E-04 -6.3838E-04 -5.7064E-05
1 2 5.000E+02 9.8927E-03 1.0757E-02 1.0987E-02 -7.1220E-04 6.9063E-04 1.6084E-05
1 3 5.000E+02 9.7308E-03 1.0919E-02 1.0987E-02 9.7348E-04 -5.2253E-05 4.0980E-05
1 4 5.000E+02 1.7550E-02 1.7194E-02 1.8247E-02 2.4085E-03 -1.2748E-03 -3.0626E-03
1 5 5.000E+02 1.9545E-02 1.5199E-02 1.8247E-02 -2.1349E-03 2.2509E-03 7.6711E-04
1 6 5.000E+02 1.5021E-02 1.9723E-02 1.8247E-02 -2.7353E-04 -9.7615E-04 2.2955E-03
1 7 5.000E+02 1.3765E-02 2.0980E-02 1.8247E-02 1.1121E-03 2.4249E-03 1.9050E-03
1 8 5.000E+02 1.8561E-02 1.6183E-02 1.8247E-02 -3.3153E-03 1.9254E-03 -2.8547E-03
1 9 5.000E+02 1.9791E-02 1.4954E-02 1.8247E-02 2.2031E-03 -4.3503E-03 9.4970E-04
1 1 6.000E+02 1.3526E-02 1.1062E-02 1.3089E-02 -3.1353E-04 -7.6606E-04 -6.8167E-05
1 2 6.000E+02 1.1775E-02 1.2813E-02 1.3089E-02 -8.5456E-04 8.2850E-04 1.9157E-05
1 3 6.000E+02 1.1581E-02 1.3007E-02 1.3089E-02 1.1681E-03 -6.2443E-05 4.9011E-05
1 4 6.000E+02 2.0887E-02 2.0466E-02 2.1725E-02 2.8865E-03 -1.5313E-03 -3.6692E-03
1 5 6.000E+02 2.3282E-02 1.8071E-02 2.1725E-02 -2.5580E-03 2.6967E-03 9.1617E-04
1 6 6.000E+02 1.7860E-02 2.3493E-02 2.1725E-02 -3.2847E-04 -1.1654E-03 2.7530E-03
1 7 6.000E+02 1.6352E-02 2.5001E-02 2.1725E-02 1.3347E-03 2.9039E-03 2.2843E-03
1 8 6.000E+02 2.2101E-02 1.9252E-02 2.1725E-02 -3.9746E-03 2.3121E-03 -3.4196E-03
1 9 6.000E+02 2.3577E-02 1.7776E-02 2.1725E-02 2.6399E-03 -5.2159E-03 1.1353E-03
1 1 7.000E+02 1.5711E-02 1.2837E-02 1.5201E-02 -3.6577E-04 -8.9375E-04 -7.9358E-05
1 2 7.000E+02 1.3669E-02 1.4879E-02 1.5201E-02 -9.9695E-04 9.6645E-04 2.2271E-05
1 3 7.000E+02 1.3442E-02 1.5106E-02 1.5201E-02 1.3627E-03 -7.2707E-05 5.7088E-05
1 4 7.000E+02 2.4245E-02 2.3756E-02 2.5223E-02 3.3656E-03 -1.7874E-03 -4.2775E-03
1 5 7.000E+02 2.7039E-02 2.0961E-02 2.5223E-02 -2.9822E-03 3.1438E-03 1.0665E-03
1 6 7.000E+02 2.0717E-02 2.7284E-02 2.5223E-02 -3.8336E-04 -1.3564E-03 3.2110E-03
1 7 7.000E+02 1.8957E-02 2.9043E-02 2.5223E-02 1.5573E-03 3.3846E-03 2.6642E-03
1 8 7.000E+02 2.5661E-02 2.2340E-02 2.5223E-02 -4.6350E-03 2.6983E-03 -3.9863E-03
1 9 7.000E+02 2.7383E-02 2.0618E-02 2.5223E-02 3.0778E-03 -6.0829E-03 1.3222E-03
1 1 8.000E+02 1.7903E-02 1.4619E-02 1.7320E-02 -4.1802E-04 -1.0214E-03 -9.0595E-05
1 2 8.000E+02 1.5569E-02 1.6952E-02 1.7320E-02 -1.1393E-03 1.1044E-03 2.5406E-05
1 3 8.000E+02 1.5310E-02 1.7211E-02 1.7320E-02 1.5574E-03 -8.3009E-05 6.5190E-05
1 4 8.000E+02 2.7616E-02 2.7058E-02 2.8735E-02 3.8452E-03 -2.0432E-03 -4.8866E-03
1 5 8.000E+02 3.0809E-02 2.3864E-02 2.8735E-02 -3.4070E-03 3.5915E-03 1.2174E-03
1 6 8.000E+02 2.3586E-02 3.1088E-02 2.8735E-02 -4.3822E-04 -1.5483E-03 3.6692E-03
1 7 8.000E+02 2.1575E-02 3.3099E-02 2.8735E-02 1.7798E-03 3.8662E-03 3.0443E-03
1 8 8.000E+02 2.9234E-02 2.5440E-02 2.8735E-02 -5.2960E-03 3.0843E-03 -4.5539E-03
1 9 8.000E+02 3.1202E-02 2.3472E-02 2.8735E-02 3.5162E-03 -6.9505E-03 1.5096E-03
1 1 9.000E+02 2.0100E-02 1.6406E-02 1.9444E-02 -4.7027E-04 -1.1491E-03 -1.0186E-04
1 2 9.000E+02 1.7475E-02 1.9031E-02 1.9444E-02 -1.2818E-03 1.2424E-03 2.8552E-05
1 3 9.000E+02 1.7183E-02 1.9322E-02 1.9444E-02 1.7520E-03 -9.3332E-05 7.3305E-05
1 4 9.000E+02 3.0995E-02 3.0369E-02 3.2254E-02 4.3252E-03 -2.2990E-03 -5.4963E-03
1 5 9.000E+02 3.4588E-02 2.6776E-02 3.2254E-02 -3.8321E-03 4.0396E-03 1.3687E-03
1 6 9.000E+02 2.6463E-02 3.4901E-02 3.2254E-02 -4.9305E-04 -1.7407E-03 4.1276E-03
1 7 9.000E+02 2.4201E-02 3.7164E-02 3.2254E-02 2.0023E-03 4.3483E-03 3.4245E-03
1 8 9.000E+02 3.2816E-02 2.8549E-02 3.2254E-02 -5.9573E-03 3.4702E-03 -5.1220E-03
1 9 9.000E+02 3.5030E-02 2.6334E-02 3.2254E-02 3.9550E-03 -7.8185E-03 1.6975E-03
1 1 1.000E+03 2.2301E-02 1.8196E-02 2.1572E-02 -5.2253E-04 -1.2768E-03 -1.1313E-04
1 2 1.000E+03 1.9384E-02 2.1113E-02 2.1572E-02 -1.4242E-03 1.3805E-03 3.1706E-05
1 3 1.000E+03 1.9060E-02 2.1436E-02 2.1572E-02 1.9467E-03 -1.0367E-04 8.1428E-05
1 4 1.000E+03 3.4382E-02 3.3686E-02 3.5781E-02 4.8053E-03 -2.5546E-03 -6.1062E-03
1 5 1.000E+03 3.8374E-02 2.9694E-02 3.5781E-02 -4.2574E-03 4.4879E-03 1.5203E-03
1 6 1.000E+03 2.9347E-02 3.8721E-02 3.5781E-02 -5.4787E-04 -1.9333E-03 4.5860E-03
1 7 1.000E+03 2.6833E-02 4.1235E-02 3.5781E-02 2.2248E-03 4.8307E-03 3.8048E-03
1 8 1.000E+03 3.6404E-02 3.1664E-02 3.5781E-02 -6.6188E-03 3.8560E-03 -5.6903E-03
1 9 1.000E+03 3.8865E-02 2.9203E-02 3.5781E-02 4.3939E-03 -8.6867E-03 1.8855E-03
<vel^2> matrix elements as a function of T
Angstrom^2/(picosec)^2, cartesian coordinates
1 1 1.000E+02 1.2885E+01 1.3175E+01 1.2642E+01 1.2057E-02 -3.6520E-03 2.3495E-01
1 2 1.000E+02 1.3093E+01 1.2968E+01 1.2642E+01 1.0851E-01 -1.9377E-01 -1.1134E-01
1 3 1.000E+02 1.3113E+01 1.2948E+01 1.2642E+01 -1.2057E-01 1.9743E-01 -1.2361E-01
1 4 1.000E+02 1.9119E+01 2.2709E+01 2.0265E+01 -3.0514E+00 -1.0472E+00 4.9842E+00
1 5 1.000E+02 1.9116E+01 2.2712E+01 2.0265E+01 3.1152E+00 -3.7705E+00 -3.4119E+00
1 6 1.000E+02 2.4507E+01 1.7321E+01 2.0265E+01 -6.3861E-02 4.8177E+00 -1.5723E+00
1 7 1.000E+02 2.4513E+01 1.7315E+01 2.0265E+01 -4.8578E-03 -4.8390E+00 -1.5670E+00
1 8 1.000E+02 1.9056E+01 2.2772E+01 2.0265E+01 3.0847E+00 1.0477E+00 4.9627E+00
1 9 1.000E+02 1.9173E+01 2.2656E+01 2.0265E+01 -3.0798E+00 3.7913E+00 -3.3957E+00
1 1 2.000E+02 1.3765E+01 1.3962E+01 1.3479E+01 8.7032E-03 -7.0347E-03 2.2300E-01
1 2 2.000E+02 1.3906E+01 1.3821E+01 1.3479E+01 7.2713E-02 -1.8025E-01 -1.0388E-01
1 3 2.000E+02 1.3920E+01 1.3807E+01 1.3479E+01 -8.1416E-02 1.8728E-01 -1.1912E-01
1 4 2.000E+02 2.1047E+01 2.4452E+01 2.2162E+01 -2.7492E+00 -1.0703E+00 4.4864E+00
1 5 2.000E+02 2.1184E+01 2.4315E+01 2.2162E+01 2.8678E+00 -3.3492E+00 -3.1837E+00
1 6 2.000E+02 2.6018E+01 1.9481E+01 2.2162E+01 -1.1860E-01 4.4195E+00 -1.3027E+00
1 7 2.000E+02 2.6017E+01 1.9482E+01 2.2162E+01 7.3365E-02 -4.4299E+00 -1.3146E+00
1 8 2.000E+02 2.1008E+01 2.4491E+01 2.2162E+01 2.7724E+00 1.0842E+00 4.4804E+00
1 9 2.000E+02 2.1224E+01 2.4275E+01 2.2162E+01 -2.8457E+00 3.3457E+00 -3.1659E+00
1 1 3.000E+02 1.5165E+01 1.5311E+01 1.4884E+01 7.4114E-03 -7.3043E-03 1.9910E-01
1 2 3.000E+02 1.5269E+01 1.5208E+01 1.4884E+01 5.1794E-02 -1.6023E-01 -9.2515E-02
1 3 3.000E+02 1.5280E+01 1.5196E+01 1.4884E+01 -5.9205E-02 1.6753E-01 -1.0659E-01
1 4 3.000E+02 2.4047E+01 2.7083E+01 2.5054E+01 -2.3682E+00 -9.9639E-01 3.8605E+00
1 5 3.000E+02 2.4243E+01 2.6887E+01 2.5054E+01 2.5122E+00 -2.8522E+00 -2.8079E+00
1 6 3.000E+02 2.8405E+01 2.2725E+01 2.5054E+01 -1.4407E-01 3.8486E+00 -1.0526E+00
1 7 3.000E+02 2.8403E+01 2.2728E+01 2.5054E+01 1.0688E-01 -3.8564E+00 -1.0721E+00
1 8 3.000E+02 2.4016E+01 2.7114E+01 2.5054E+01 2.3876E+00 1.0164E+00 3.8611E+00
1 9 3.000E+02 2.4277E+01 2.6854E+01 2.5054E+01 -2.4945E+00 2.8400E+00 -2.7890E+00
1 1 4.000E+02 1.6993E+01 1.7109E+01 1.6737E+01 6.7603E-03 -6.9290E-03 1.7364E-01
1 2 4.000E+02 1.7074E+01 1.7028E+01 1.6737E+01 3.9599E-02 -1.3927E-01 -8.0484E-02
1 3 4.000E+02 1.7085E+01 1.7016E+01 1.6737E+01 -4.6359E-02 1.4620E-01 -9.3157E-02
1 4 4.000E+02 2.7708E+01 3.0348E+01 2.8587E+01 -2.0211E+00 -8.8617E-01 3.2923E+00
1 5 4.000E+02 2.7912E+01 3.0144E+01 2.8587E+01 2.1654E+00 -2.4185E+00 -2.4286E+00
1 6 4.000E+02 3.1465E+01 2.6592E+01 2.8587E+01 -1.4426E-01 3.3047E+00 -8.6374E-01
1 7 4.000E+02 3.1463E+01 2.6594E+01 2.8587E+01 1.1174E-01 -3.3115E+00 -8.8600E-01
1 8 4.000E+02 2.7681E+01 3.0376E+01 2.8587E+01 2.0382E+00 9.0845E-01 3.2959E+00
1 9 4.000E+02 2.7941E+01 3.0115E+01 2.8587E+01 -2.1499E+00 2.4031E+00 -2.4099E+00
1 1 5.000E+02 1.9128E+01 1.9224E+01 1.8900E+01 6.1855E-03 -6.3514E-03 1.5122E-01
1 2 5.000E+02 1.9195E+01 1.9157E+01 1.8900E+01 3.1868E-02 -1.2098E-01 -6.9933E-02
1 3 5.000E+02 1.9205E+01 1.9147E+01 1.8900E+01 -3.8053E-02 1.2733E-01 -8.1287E-02
1 4 5.000E+02 3.1796E+01 3.4090E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.7374E+00 -7.7948E-01 2.8288E+00
1 5 5.000E+02 3.1989E+01 3.3897E+01 3.2562E+01 1.8723E+00 -2.0713E+00 -2.1038E+00
1 6 5.000E+02 3.5044E+01 3.0842E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.3486E-01 2.8508E+00 -7.2495E-01
1 7 5.000E+02 3.5042E+01 3.0843E+01 3.2562E+01 1.0607E-01 -2.8570E+00 -7.4735E-01
1 8 5.000E+02 3.1771E+01 3.4114E+01 3.2562E+01 1.7525E+00 8.0172E-01 2.8335E+00
1 9 5.000E+02 3.2015E+01 3.3871E+01 3.2562E+01 -1.8586E+00 2.0553E+00 -2.0861E+00
1 1 6.000E+02 2.1473E+01 2.1555E+01 2.1270E+01 5.6358E-03 -5.7558E-03 1.3267E-01
1 2 6.000E+02 2.1530E+01 2.1498E+01 2.1270E+01 2.6601E-02 -1.0594E-01 -6.1245E-02
1 3 6.000E+02 2.1539E+01 2.1489E+01 2.1270E+01 -3.2237E-02 1.1170E-01 -7.1423E-02
1 4 6.000E+02 3.6168E+01 3.8177E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.5119E+00 -6.8769E-01 2.4608E+00
1 5 6.000E+02 3.6345E+01 3.8000E+01 3.6839E+01 1.6351E+00 -1.7984E+00 -1.8394E+00
1 6 6.000E+02 3.9004E+01 3.5340E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.2322E-01 2.4861E+00 -6.2139E-01
1 7 6.000E+02 3.9003E+01 3.5342E+01 3.6839E+01 9.7565E-02 -2.4918E+00 -6.4281E-01
1 8 6.000E+02 3.6146E+01 3.8199E+01 3.6839E+01 1.5253E+00 7.0887E-01 2.4659E+00
1 9 6.000E+02 3.6368E+01 3.7977E+01 3.6839E+01 -1.6229E+00 1.7829E+00 -1.8231E+00
1 1 7.000E+02 2.3963E+01 2.4034E+01 2.3782E+01 5.1313E-03 -5.2101E-03 1.1755E-01
1 2 7.000E+02 2.4012E+01 2.3985E+01 2.3782E+01 2.2807E-02 -9.3747E-02 -5.4195E-02
1 3 7.000E+02 2.4020E+01 2.3976E+01 2.3782E+01 -2.7938E-02 9.8957E-02 -6.3355E-02
1 4 7.000E+02 4.0733E+01 4.2512E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.3324E+00 -6.1141E-01 2.1682E+00
1 5 7.000E+02 4.0895E+01 4.2350E+01 4.1328E+01 1.4444E+00 -1.5827E+00 -1.6260E+00
1 6 7.000E+02 4.3239E+01 4.0006E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.1196E-01 2.1941E+00 -5.4220E-01
1 7 7.000E+02 4.3238E+01 4.0007E+01 4.1328E+01 8.8963E-02 -2.1992E+00 -5.6225E-01
1 8 7.000E+02 4.0714E+01 4.2531E+01 4.1328E+01 1.3444E+00 6.3119E-01 2.1733E+00
1 9 7.000E+02 4.0916E+01 4.2329E+01 4.1328E+01 -1.4334E+00 1.5680E+00 -1.6110E+00
1 1 8.000E+02 2.6553E+01 2.6616E+01 2.6391E+01 4.6830E-03 -4.7315E-03 1.0519E-01
1 2 8.000E+02 2.6597E+01 2.6573E+01 2.6391E+01 1.9952E-02 -8.3814E-02 -4.8451E-02
1 3 8.000E+02 2.6605E+01 2.6565E+01 2.6391E+01 -2.4635E-02 8.8546E-02 -5.6742E-02
1 4 8.000E+02 4.5434E+01 4.7025E+01 4.5967E+01 -1.1880E+00 -5.4836E-01 1.9329E+00
1 5 8.000E+02 4.5582E+01 4.6877E+01 4.5967E+01 1.2898E+00 -1.4098E+00 -1.4528E+00
1 6 8.000E+02 4.7672E+01 4.4787E+01 4.5967E+01 -1.0188E-01 1.9581E+00 -4.8012E-01
1 7 8.000E+02 4.7671E+01 4.4788E+01 4.5967E+01 8.1113E-02 -1.9628E+00 -4.9873E-01
1 8 8.000E+02 4.5417E+01 4.7042E+01 4.5967E+01 1.1988E+00 5.6670E-01 1.9378E+00
1 9 8.000E+02 4.5600E+01 4.6858E+01 4.5967E+01 -1.2799E+00 1.3961E+00 -1.4391E+00
1 1 9.000E+02 2.9217E+01 2.9274E+01 2.9070E+01 4.2906E-03 -4.3181E-03 9.5000E-02
1 2 9.000E+02 2.9256E+01 2.9235E+01 2.9070E+01 1.7729E-02 -7.5641E-02 -4.3724E-02
1 3 9.000E+02 2.9263E+01 2.9228E+01 2.9070E+01 -2.2019E-02 7.9959E-02 -5.1275E-02
1 4 9.000E+02 5.0233E+01 5.1669E+01 5.0714E+01 -1.0700E+00 -4.9599E-01 1.7408E+00
1 5 9.000E+02 5.0368E+01 5.1533E+01 5.0714E+01 1.1631E+00 -1.2690E+00 -1.3105E+00
1 6 9.000E+02 5.2251E+01 4.9650E+01 5.0714E+01 -9.3078E-02 1.7650E+00 -4.3036E-01
1 7 9.000E+02 5.2250E+01 4.9651E+01 5.0714E+01 7.4199E-02 -1.7692E+00 -4.4760E-01
1 8 9.000E+02 5.0217E+01 5.1685E+01 5.0714E+01 1.0799E+00 5.1297E-01 1.7455E+00
1 9 9.000E+02 5.0385E+01 5.1517E+01 5.0714E+01 -1.1541E+00 1.2563E+00 -1.2979E+00
1 1 1.000E+03 3.1935E+01 3.1986E+01 3.1800E+01 3.9490E-03 -3.9620E-03 8.6496E-02
1 2 1.000E+03 3.1970E+01 3.1951E+01 3.1800E+01 1.5950E-02 -6.8835E-02 -3.9789E-02
1 3 1.000E+03 3.1977E+01 3.1945E+01 3.1800E+01 -1.9899E-02 7.2797E-02 -4.6708E-02
1 4 1.000E+03 5.5104E+01 5.6410E+01 5.5542E+01 -9.7239E-01 -4.5209E-01 1.5819E+00
1 5 1.000E+03 5.5228E+01 5.6286E+01 5.5542E+01 1.0578E+00 -1.1526E+00 -1.1922E+00
1 6 1.000E+03 5.6939E+01 5.4575E+01 5.5542E+01 -8.5458E-02 1.6047E+00 -3.8968E-01
1 7 1.000E+03 5.6939E+01 5.4576E+01 5.5542E+01 6.8181E-02 -1.6086E+00 -4.0567E-01
1 8 1.000E+03 5.5089E+01 5.6425E+01 5.5542E+01 9.8140E-01 4.6783E-01 1.5862E+00
1 9 1.000E+03 5.5244E+01 5.6271E+01 5.5542E+01 -1.0496E+00 1.1408E+00 -1.1806E+00
Treat the first list of vectors
Phonon wavevector (reduced coordinates) : 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
-8.269578E-06 -8.269576E-06 -3.455740E-06 6.526687E-04 6.526687E-04
1.105907E-03 1.222499E-03 1.222499E-03 1.546785E-03 1.574501E-03
1.673116E-03 1.673116E-03 2.005742E-03 2.005742E-03 2.173465E-03
2.252244E-03 3.148131E-03 3.148131E-03 3.451296E-03 3.690984E-03
3.690984E-03 4.792763E-03 4.792763E-03 4.814841E-03 4.962405E-03
5.100442E-03 5.100442E-03
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- -1.814963E+00 -1.814962E+00 -7.584472E-01 1.432442E+02 1.432442E+02
- 2.427185E+02 2.683076E+02 2.683076E+02 3.394802E+02 3.455630E+02
- 3.672064E+02 3.672064E+02 4.402096E+02 4.402096E+02 4.770204E+02
- 4.943104E+02 6.909349E+02 6.909349E+02 7.574719E+02 8.100774E+02
- 8.100774E+02 1.051890E+03 1.051890E+03 1.056735E+03 1.089122E+03
- 1.119418E+03 1.119418E+03
Analysis of degeneracies and characters (maximum tolerance=1.00E-06 a.u.)
For each vibration mode, or group of modes if degenerate,
the characters are given for each symmetry operation (see the list in the log file).
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 1
degenerate with vibration mode # 2
2.0 -0.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 3
1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 4
degenerate with vibration mode # 5
2.0 -0.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 6
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 7
degenerate with vibration mode # 8
2.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 -0.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 9
1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 10
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 11
degenerate with vibration mode # 12
2.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 -0.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 13
degenerate with vibration mode # 14
2.0 -0.0 -1.0 -0.0 -1.0 0.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 15
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 16
1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 17
degenerate with vibration mode # 18
2.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 -0.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 19
1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 20
degenerate with vibration mode # 21
2.0 -0.0 -1.0 -0.0 -1.0 0.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 22
degenerate with vibration mode # 23
2.0 -0.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 24
1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -1.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 25
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Symmetry characters of vibration mode # 26
degenerate with vibration mode # 27
2.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0 -0.0
Phonon wavevector (reduced coordinates) : 0.00000 0.00000 0.50000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
3.034534E-04 6.214043E-04 6.214043E-04 7.722409E-04 8.311109E-04
8.311109E-04 9.147310E-04 1.276357E-03 1.276357E-03 1.749260E-03
1.798787E-03 1.910393E-03 1.910393E-03 2.069404E-03 2.069404E-03
2.597333E-03 2.597333E-03 3.523234E-03 3.644749E-03 3.644749E-03
3.657978E-03 4.739536E-03 4.907740E-03 4.907740E-03 4.913959E-03
5.361588E-03 5.361588E-03
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- 6.660033E+01 1.363825E+02 1.363825E+02 1.694873E+02 1.824078E+02
- 1.824078E+02 2.007603E+02 2.801280E+02 2.801280E+02 3.839182E+02
- 3.947880E+02 4.192828E+02 4.192828E+02 4.541818E+02 4.541818E+02
- 5.700488E+02 5.700488E+02 7.732605E+02 7.999299E+02 7.999299E+02
- 8.028334E+02 1.040208E+03 1.077124E+03 1.077124E+03 1.078489E+03
- 1.176733E+03 1.176733E+03
Phonon wavevector (reduced coordinates) : 0.00000 0.00000 0.45000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
3.009011E-04 6.124163E-04 6.142798E-04 7.648363E-04 7.660155E-04
8.950093E-04 9.262146E-04 1.277019E-03 1.281209E-03 1.735574E-03
1.812385E-03 1.900534E-03 1.910745E-03 2.066054E-03 2.076251E-03
2.563290E-03 2.636983E-03 3.518466E-03 3.635537E-03 3.654137E-03
3.658544E-03 4.740006E-03 4.897029E-03 4.916638E-03 4.917734E-03
5.339525E-03 5.382028E-03
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- 6.604016E+01 1.344098E+02 1.348188E+02 1.678622E+02 1.681210E+02
- 1.964318E+02 2.032806E+02 2.802732E+02 2.811928E+02 3.809145E+02
- 3.977725E+02 4.171190E+02 4.193601E+02 4.534464E+02 4.556844E+02
- 5.625771E+02 5.787508E+02 7.722141E+02 7.979081E+02 8.019904E+02
- 8.029575E+02 1.040311E+03 1.074774E+03 1.079077E+03 1.079318E+03
- 1.171890E+03 1.181219E+03
Phonon wavevector (reduced coordinates) : 0.00000 0.00000 0.40000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
2.930258E-04 5.847227E-04 5.887552E-04 7.113279E-04 7.483650E-04
9.514134E-04 9.546203E-04 1.286954E-03 1.287872E-03 1.711004E-03
1.836966E-03 1.883333E-03 1.900986E-03 2.064431E-03 2.087090E-03
2.534734E-03 2.682001E-03 3.504342E-03 3.626890E-03 3.660204E-03
3.663274E-03 4.741454E-03 4.885742E-03 4.924501E-03 4.926891E-03
5.316025E-03 5.400679E-03
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- 6.431172E+01 1.283318E+02 1.292168E+02 1.561184E+02 1.642471E+02
- 2.088111E+02 2.095149E+02 2.824537E+02 2.826553E+02 3.755221E+02
- 4.031674E+02 4.133438E+02 4.172181E+02 4.530902E+02 4.580632E+02
- 5.563098E+02 5.886311E+02 7.691142E+02 7.960104E+02 8.033219E+02
- 8.039957E+02 1.040629E+03 1.072297E+03 1.080803E+03 1.081328E+03
- 1.166733E+03 1.185312E+03
Phonon wavevector (reduced coordinates) : 0.00000 0.00000 0.35000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
2.792985E-04 5.276311E-04 5.505654E-04 6.771303E-04 7.306539E-04
9.911509E-04 9.971579E-04 1.293414E-03 1.308562E-03 1.686089E-03
1.861165E-03 1.862795E-03 1.882340E-03 2.062765E-03 2.100875E-03
2.511226E-03 2.731847E-03 3.481371E-03 3.619127E-03 3.662855E-03
3.671734E-03 4.743965E-03 4.874029E-03 4.935110E-03 4.937067E-03
5.291285E-03 5.417401E-03
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- 6.129894E+01 1.158016E+02 1.208351E+02 1.486129E+02 1.603600E+02
- 2.175325E+02 2.188509E+02 2.838715E+02 2.871961E+02 3.700539E+02
- 4.084785E+02 4.088362E+02 4.131259E+02 4.527247E+02 4.610887E+02
- 5.511504E+02 5.995712E+02 7.640725E+02 7.943066E+02 8.039037E+02
- 8.058526E+02 1.041180E+03 1.069726E+03 1.083131E+03 1.083561E+03
- 1.161303E+03 1.188982E+03
Phonon wavevector (reduced coordinates) : 0.00000 0.00000 0.30000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
2.591718E-04 4.531871E-04 4.985128E-04 6.576606E-04 7.152252E-04
1.030543E-03 1.031828E-03 1.295846E-03 1.341412E-03 1.664047E-03
1.835842E-03 1.856807E-03 1.887908E-03 2.059954E-03 2.115996E-03
2.492124E-03 2.785780E-03 3.450313E-03 3.612465E-03 3.666341E-03
3.679135E-03 4.747623E-03 4.862046E-03 4.942312E-03 4.953663E-03
5.265514E-03 5.432076E-03
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- 5.688163E+01 9.946307E+01 1.094109E+02 1.443398E+02 1.569738E+02
- 2.261782E+02 2.264601E+02 2.844054E+02 2.944059E+02 3.652161E+02
- 4.029208E+02 4.075219E+02 4.143480E+02 4.521077E+02 4.644073E+02
- 5.469580E+02 6.114081E+02 7.572561E+02 7.928443E+02 8.046689E+02
- 8.074769E+02 1.041983E+03 1.067096E+03 1.084712E+03 1.087203E+03
- 1.155647E+03 1.192203E+03
Phonon wavevector (reduced coordinates) : 0.00000 0.00000 0.25000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
2.323318E-04 3.725237E-04 4.340858E-04 6.455778E-04 7.026681E-04
1.057243E-03 1.069771E-03 1.294065E-03 1.382400E-03 1.647010E-03
1.808596E-03 1.826276E-03 1.911707E-03 2.055487E-03 2.131035E-03
2.476748E-03 2.842957E-03 3.412091E-03 3.607011E-03 3.670462E-03
3.685166E-03 4.752471E-03 4.849949E-03 4.948444E-03 4.973549E-03
5.238920E-03 5.444613E-03
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- 5.099093E+01 8.175951E+01 9.527083E+01 1.416879E+02 1.542178E+02
- 2.320381E+02 2.347876E+02 2.840145E+02 3.034017E+02 3.614770E+02
- 3.969410E+02 4.008213E+02 4.195712E+02 4.511273E+02 4.677081E+02
- 5.435834E+02 6.239570E+02 7.488673E+02 7.916474E+02 8.055733E+02
- 8.088005E+02 1.043047E+03 1.064441E+03 1.086058E+03 1.091568E+03
- 1.149810E+03 1.194954E+03
Phonon wavevector (reduced coordinates) : 0.00000 0.00000 0.20000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
1.987521E-04 2.910370E-04 3.593064E-04 6.385996E-04 6.921638E-04
1.075811E-03 1.106928E-03 1.287683E-03 1.427601E-03 1.636732E-03
1.780305E-03 1.792306E-03 1.933944E-03 2.049192E-03 2.144902E-03
2.464529E-03 2.902513E-03 3.367705E-03 3.602771E-03 3.674973E-03
3.689611E-03 4.758497E-03 4.837889E-03 4.953474E-03 4.996010E-03
5.211703E-03 5.454943E-03
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- 4.362104E+01 6.387523E+01 7.885864E+01 1.401564E+02 1.519124E+02
- 2.361133E+02 2.429427E+02 2.826137E+02 3.133222E+02 3.592212E+02
- 3.907317E+02 3.933658E+02 4.244517E+02 4.497456E+02 4.707515E+02
- 5.409015E+02 6.370279E+02 7.391258E+02 7.907167E+02 8.065634E+02
- 8.097761E+02 1.044369E+03 1.061794E+03 1.087162E+03 1.096497E+03
- 1.143837E+03 1.197222E+03
Speed of sound for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.1563092282E-02
in units km/s: 3.41956
Partial Debye temperature for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.6798663860E-03
in SI units K : 214.68457
Speed of sound for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.2288869933E-02
in units km/s: 5.00734
Partial Debye temperature for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.9955430954E-03
in SI units K : 314.36727
Speed of sound for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.2825777228E-02
in units km/s: 6.18193
Partial Debye temperature for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.1229070717E-02
in SI units K : 388.10938
Phonon wavevector (reduced coordinates) : 0.00000 0.00000 0.15000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
1.585671E-04 2.115080E-04 2.763784E-04 6.362857E-04 6.824780E-04
1.089283E-03 1.140917E-03 1.276841E-03 1.473700E-03 1.634387E-03
1.751708E-03 1.756242E-03 1.954506E-03 2.041044E-03 2.156730E-03
2.455097E-03 2.963602E-03 3.318168E-03 3.599668E-03 3.679595E-03
3.692364E-03 4.765638E-03 4.826010E-03 4.957386E-03 5.020412E-03
5.184060E-03 5.463019E-03
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- 3.480145E+01 4.642065E+01 6.065804E+01 1.396486E+02 1.497866E+02
- 2.390701E+02 2.504022E+02 2.802341E+02 3.234398E+02 3.587066E+02
- 3.844555E+02 3.854506E+02 4.289645E+02 4.479573E+02 4.733475E+02
- 5.388315E+02 6.504355E+02 7.282537E+02 7.900359E+02 8.075778E+02
- 8.103803E+02 1.045937E+03 1.059187E+03 1.088021E+03 1.101853E+03
- 1.137770E+03 1.198994E+03
Speed of sound for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.1662741290E-02
in units km/s: 3.63756
Partial Debye temperature for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.7232086835E-03
in SI units K : 228.37097
Speed of sound for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.2217882766E-02
in units km/s: 4.85204
Partial Debye temperature for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.9646672545E-03
in SI units K : 304.61746
Speed of sound for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.2898116169E-02
in units km/s: 6.34018
Partial Debye temperature for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.1260534511E-02
in SI units K : 398.04484
Phonon wavevector (reduced coordinates) : 0.00000 0.00000 0.10000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
1.119049E-04 1.356585E-04 1.874746E-04 6.383585E-04 6.726768E-04
1.098580E-03 1.171363E-03 1.262003E-03 1.517933E-03 1.640258E-03
1.719681E-03 1.723597E-03 1.973340E-03 2.031068E-03 2.165797E-03
2.448305E-03 3.025418E-03 3.264457E-03 3.597585E-03 3.684020E-03
3.693428E-03 4.773804E-03 4.814445E-03 4.960177E-03 5.046223E-03
5.156176E-03 5.468807E-03
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- 2.456030E+01 2.977360E+01 4.114592E+01 1.401035E+02 1.476355E+02
- 2.411104E+02 2.570844E+02 2.769777E+02 3.331479E+02 3.599950E+02
- 3.774263E+02 3.782859E+02 4.330981E+02 4.457679E+02 4.753376E+02
- 5.373407E+02 6.640025E+02 7.164654E+02 7.895787E+02 8.085488E+02
- 8.106137E+02 1.047729E+03 1.056649E+03 1.088633E+03 1.107518E+03
- 1.131650E+03 1.200264E+03
Speed of sound for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.1760160468E-02
in units km/s: 3.85069
Partial Debye temperature for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.7655811176E-03
in SI units K : 241.75111
Speed of sound for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.2133781772E-02
in units km/s: 4.66806
Partial Debye temperature for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.9280875596E-03
in SI units K : 293.06652
Speed of sound for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.2948800334E-02
in units km/s: 6.45106
Partial Debye temperature for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.1282579569E-02
in SI units K : 405.00611
Phonon wavevector (reduced coordinates) : 0.00000 0.00000 0.05000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
5.872727E-05 6.452349E-05 9.465251E-05 6.441759E-04 6.625471E-04
1.104081E-03 1.198437E-03 1.243739E-03 1.556069E-03 1.653644E-03
1.686293E-03 1.696966E-03 1.990422E-03 2.019295E-03 2.171511E-03
2.444171E-03 3.087182E-03 3.207491E-03 3.596397E-03 3.687923E-03
3.692904E-03 4.782884E-03 4.803323E-03 4.961848E-03 5.073014E-03
5.128237E-03 5.472288E-03
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- 1.288915E+01 1.416127E+01 2.077383E+01 1.413803E+02 1.454123E+02
- 2.423178E+02 2.630266E+02 2.729692E+02 3.415177E+02 3.629328E+02
- 3.700985E+02 3.724411E+02 4.368472E+02 4.431839E+02 4.765916E+02
- 5.364335E+02 6.775581E+02 7.039630E+02 7.893178E+02 8.094055E+02
- 8.104988E+02 1.049722E+03 1.054207E+03 1.089000E+03 1.113398E+03
- 1.125518E+03 1.201028E+03
Speed of sound for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.1847450311E-02
in units km/s: 4.04165
Partial Debye temperature for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.8035478012E-03
in SI units K : 253.74003
Speed of sound for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.2029788486E-02
in units km/s: 4.44055
Partial Debye temperature for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.8828557201E-03
in SI units K : 278.78346
Speed of sound for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.2977591481E-02
in units km/s: 6.51405
Partial Debye temperature for this q and mode:
in atomic units: 0.1295102267E-02
in SI units K : 408.96047
Mode effective charges
Mode number. x y z length
- 1 -0.000001 -0.001275 0.000000 0.001275
- 2 -0.001275 0.000001 -0.000000 0.001275
; 3 -0.000000 0.000000 -0.001975 0.001975
- 4 -0.053769 -0.047744 -0.000000 0.071907
- 5 -0.047744 0.053769 0.000000 0.071907
; 6 -0.000000 -0.000000 0.000035 0.000035
- 7 -0.257336 -0.467715 0.000000 0.533835
- 8 -0.467715 0.257336 -0.000000 0.533835
; 9 0.000000 -0.000000 1.884827 1.884827
; 10 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000774 0.000774
- 11 -0.765113 -1.288850 -0.000000 1.498843
- 12 -1.288850 0.765113 0.000000 1.498843
- 13 2.142942 -1.049166 -0.000000 2.385990
- 14 1.049166 2.142942 0.000000 2.385990
; 15 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000776 0.000776
; 16 0.000000 -0.000000 2.440426 2.440426
- 17 -0.653936 0.302544 0.000000 0.720532
- 18 -0.302544 -0.653936 -0.000000 0.720532
; 19 0.000000 -0.000000 3.074391 3.074391
- 20 1.682015 -0.765654 -0.000000 1.848080
- 21 0.765654 1.682015 0.000000 1.848080
- 22 5.017332 -2.273264 0.000000 5.508299
- 23 2.273264 5.017332 -0.000000 5.508299
; 24 0.000000 -0.000000 -5.310555 5.310555
; 25 0.000000 0.000000 0.000088 0.000088
- 26 -0.506388 -1.120679 -0.000000 1.229776
- 27 -1.120679 0.506388 0.000000 1.229776
Oscillator strengths (in a.u. ; 1 a.u.=253.2638413 m3/s2). Set to zero if abs()<tol14.
Mode number. xx yy zz xy xz yz trace
- 1 Real 0.0000E+00 4.4517E-11 0.0000E+00 4.1043E-14 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 4.4517E-11
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 2 Real 4.4517E-11 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 -4.1043E-14 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 4.4517E-11
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
; 3 Real 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.0686E-10 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.0686E-10
; Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 4 Real 9.6594E-08 7.6161E-08 0.0000E+00 8.5771E-08 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.7276E-07
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 5 Real 7.6161E-08 9.6594E-08 0.0000E+00 -8.5771E-08 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.7276E-07
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
; 6 Real 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 3.6660E-14 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 3.6660E-14
; Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 7 Real 2.1515E-06 7.1073E-06 0.0000E+00 3.9104E-06 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.2588E-06
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 8 Real 7.1073E-06 2.1515E-06 0.0000E+00 -3.9104E-06 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.2588E-06
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
; 9 Real 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.1530E-04 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.1530E-04
; Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
; 10 Real 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.7179E-11 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.7179E-11
; Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 11 Real 1.7010E-05 4.8267E-05 0.0000E+00 2.8653E-05 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 6.5276E-05
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 12 Real 4.8267E-05 1.7010E-05 0.0000E+00 -2.8653E-05 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 6.5276E-05
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 13 Real 1.4309E-04 3.4299E-05 0.0000E+00 -7.0057E-05 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.7739E-04
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 14 Real 3.4299E-05 1.4309E-04 0.0000E+00 7.0057E-05 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.7739E-04
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
; 15 Real 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.0170E-11 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.0170E-11
; Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
; 16 Real 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.7979E-04 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.7979E-04
; Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 17 Real 1.0660E-05 2.2817E-06 0.0000E+00 -4.9317E-06 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.2941E-05
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 18 Real 2.2817E-06 1.0660E-05 0.0000E+00 4.9317E-06 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.2941E-05
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
; 19 Real 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.0306E-04 0.0000E+00 2.5344E-14 -2.1642E-14 2.0306E-04
; Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 20 Real 6.6012E-05 1.3678E-05 0.0000E+00 -3.0049E-05 -3.0363E-14 1.3821E-14 7.9690E-05
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 21 Real 1.3678E-05 6.6012E-05 0.0000E+00 3.0049E-05 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 7.9690E-05
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 22 Real 7.7185E-04 1.5845E-04 0.0000E+00 -3.4971E-04 8.3115E-14 -3.7658E-14 9.3030E-04
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 23 Real 1.5845E-04 7.7185E-04 0.0000E+00 3.4971E-04 -1.6581E-14 -3.6596E-14 9.3030E-04
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
; 24 Real 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 8.5779E-04 0.0000E+00 -3.3410E-14 4.2662E-14 8.5779E-04
; Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
; 25 Real 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.4068E-13 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.4068E-13
; Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 26 Real 8.1781E-06 4.0054E-05 0.0000E+00 1.8099E-05 0.0000E+00 1.0191E-14 4.8232E-05
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
- 27 Real 4.0054E-05 8.1781E-06 0.0000E+00 -1.8099E-05 -3.1655E-14 1.4304E-14 4.8232E-05
- Imag 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
Electronic dielectric tensor
2.59649421 -0.00000000 -0.00000000
-0.00000000 2.59649421 -0.00000000
-0.00000000 0.00000000 2.60612930
Relaxed ion dielectric tensor
4.75336339 -0.00000000 0.00000000
-0.00000000 4.75336339 -0.00000000
0.00000000 -0.00000000 5.01028496
Frequency dependent dielectric constant:
Full dielectric tensor at frequency 0.0000E+00 Hartree
4.75336339 -0.00000000 0.00000000
-0.00000000 4.75336339 -0.00000000
0.00000000 -0.00000000 5.01028496
Treat the second list of vectors
Phonon at Gamma, with non-analyticity in the
direction (cartesian coordinates) 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000
Phonon energies in Hartree :
-8.269578E-06 -8.269576E-06 -3.401429E-06 6.526687E-04 6.526687E-04
1.105907E-03 1.222499E-03 1.222499E-03 1.574501E-03 1.669462E-03
1.673116E-03 1.673116E-03 2.005742E-03 2.005742E-03 2.173465E-03
2.442779E-03 3.148131E-03 3.148131E-03 3.596012E-03 3.690984E-03
3.690984E-03 4.792763E-03 4.792763E-03 4.962405E-03 5.100442E-03
5.100442E-03 5.473449E-03
Phonon frequencies in cm-1 :
- -1.814963E+00 -1.814962E+00 -7.465275E-01 1.432442E+02 1.432442E+02
- 2.427185E+02 2.683076E+02 2.683076E+02 3.455630E+02 3.664046E+02
- 3.672064E+02 3.672064E+02 4.402096E+02 4.402096E+02 4.770204E+02
- 5.361280E+02 6.909349E+02 6.909349E+02 7.892333E+02 8.100774E+02
- 8.100774E+02 1.051890E+03 1.051890E+03 1.089122E+03 1.119418E+03
- 1.119418E+03 1.201283E+03
Generalized Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation at zero frequency :
Direction Dielectric constant
0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 5.01028515
- Proc. 0 individual time (sec): cpu= 15.8 wall= 16.0
+Total cpu time 15.841 and wall time 15.981 sec
anaddb : the run completed succesfully.