mirror of https://github.com/abinit/abinit.git
172 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable File
172 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import #, unicode_literals
import os
import sys
import imp
from os.path import join as pj, abspath as absp, exists as pexists, basename, splitext, isfile
# import tests as abitests
#except ImportError:
# Add the directory [...]/abinit/tests to $PYTHONPATH
pack_dir, x = os.path.split(absp(__file__))
pack_dir, x = os.path.split(pack_dir)
import tests as abitests
del pack_dir, x
def tests_from_pymod(pymod_path, abenv):
# Import the module
mod_name = basename(pymod_path).split(".py")[0]
module = imp.load_source(mod_name, pymod_path)
# Inspect the module and build the list of tests.
tests = list()
test_gen = getattr(module,"abinit_test_generator", None)
if test_gen is not None:
tests.append( PythonTest(abenv, test_gen()) )
suite_gen = getattr(module, "abinit_suite_generator", None)
if suite_gen is not None:
for test_gen in suite_gen():
tests.append( PythonTest(abenv, test_gen) )
assert tests
return tests
class PythonTest(object):
_attrbs = [
def __init__(self, abenv, dictionary):
self.abenv = abenv
for k in PythonTest._attrbs:
self.__dict__[k] = dictionary.get(k, None)
assert self.test_func is not None
self.info = self.test_func.__doc__
assert self.info is not None
# TODO: Import conditions.
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join( [ str(k) + " : " + str(v) for k,v in self.__dict__.items()] )
def run(self, workdir=None):
if workdir is None: workdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
self.workdir = workdir
print(self.info +"...",)
#stderr_fname = pj(workdir, self.name + ".stderr")
#stdout_fname = pj(workdir, self.name + ".stdout")
#self.stderr = open(stderr_fname, "w")
#self.stdout = open(stdout_fname, "w")
from StringIO import StringIO
self.stdout, self.stderr = StringIO(), StringIO()
sys.stdout, sys.stderr = self.stdout, self.stderr
exit_status = self.test_func(self.abenv)
import traceback
var = traceback.format_exc()
#print(self.name + ": " + var)
exit_status = 99
# Reinstate stdout and stderr.
sys.stdout, sys.stderr = sys.__stdout__ , sys.__stderr__
#print( "stderr:")
#print( self.stderr.read())
#print( "done")
if exit_status != 0: # Check reference files.
print(" (Comparing with reference files)")
#FIXME: I need to change the name of the reference files.
#print self.stdout.read()
#print self.stderr.read()
ref_dir = self.abenv.apath_of("tests/abirules/Refs")
#for idx, ext in enumerate(["", ".stdout", ".stderr"]):
#for idx, ext in enumerate([""]):
for idx, ext in enumerate([]):
#ref_file = pj(ref_dir, self.name + ext)
ref_file = pj(ref_dir, "t01.out")
if not isfile(ref_file): continue
fh = open(ref_file, "r")
ref_lines = fh.readlines()
if idx == 0: from_lines = self.stdout.readlines()
if idx == 1: from_lines = self.stderr.readlines()
import difflib
diff = difflib.unified_diff(from_lines, ref_lines) #, fromfile, tofile, fromdate, todate, n=n)
diff = list(diff)
for l in diff: print(l)
exit_status = 0
if len(diff) != 0: exit_status = 1
self.exit_status = exit_status
if exit_status != 0:
return self.exit_status
def run_abirules_suite():
abenv = abitests.abenv
import abirules
script_dir = abenv.apath_of("abichecks/scripts/")
scripts = [ absp(pj(script_dir,s)) for s in abirules.pyscripts ]
exit_status = 0
for script in scripts:
tests = tests_from_pymod(script, abenv)
for test in tests:
retval = test.run()
if retval != 0 : exit_status = retval
return exit_status
def run_buildsys_suite():
abenv = abitests.abenv
import buildsys
script_dir = abenv.apath_of("abichecks/scripts/")
scripts = [ absp(pj(script_dir,s)) for s in buildsys.pyscripts ]
exit_status = 0
for script in scripts:
tests = tests_from_pymod(script, abenv)
for test in tests:
retval = test.run()
if retval != 0 : exit_status = retval
return exit_status
if __name__ == "__main__":
#print 30*"=" + " buildsys_tests " + 30*"="
print(30*"=" + " abirules_tests " + 30*"=")