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Executable File
202 lines
7.3 KiB
Executable File
Main home of the test engine. Define the class used to traverse the data tree
while checking constraints as well as a few utility classes linked to that process.
from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals
from .common import BaseDictWrapper, string, basestring
def short_repr(thing):
Shorten representation of things when the default one is too long.
s = str(thing)
if len(s) > 30:
if hasattr(thing, 'short_str'):
return thing.short_str()
return '<{} instance>'.format(type(thing).__name__)
return s
class Issue(object):
Represent the result of a test.
def __init__(self, conf, msg):
self.path = conf.path if conf.path else ('top level',)
self.state = conf.current_state
self.message = msg
def __repr__(self):
spath = '.'.join(self.path)
sstate = ', '.join('{}={}'.format(*it) for it in self.state.items())
return 'At {}({}): {}'.format(spath, sstate, self.message)
def is_fail(self):
return False
class Failure(Issue):
Represent the fail of a test.
def __init__(self, conf, msg, ref=None, tested=None):
self.ref = ref
self.tested = tested
Issue.__init__(self, conf, msg)
def __repr__(self):
if self.ref is not None:
return Issue.__repr__(self) + '\nref: {}\ntested: {}'.format(
short_repr(self.ref), short_repr(self.tested)
return Issue.__repr__(self)
def is_fail(self):
return True
class DetailedFailure(Failure):
Represent the fail of a test when more info are available.
def __init__(self, conf, msg, details):
self.details = details
Issue.__init__(self, conf, msg)
def __repr__(self):
return Issue.__repr__(self) + '\n{}'.format(self.details)
class Success(Issue):
"""Represent the success of a test."""
class Tester(object):
Drive the testing process.
def __init__(self, reference_docs, tested_docs, config):
self.ref = reference_docs
self.tested = tested_docs
self.conf = config
self.issues = []
def check_this(self, name, ref, tested):
Check constraints applying to the 'tested' node of name 'name'
against 'ref' and recursively apply on children.
#print("name:", name, "\nref:", ref, "\ntested:",tested)
if ref is None or tested is None:
if ref is not tested:
msg = 'Expecting two None objects but got {} and {}'.format(repr(ref), repr(tested))
self.issues.append(Failure(self.conf, msg, ref, tested))
#print("Got None None for name:", name)
def analyze(success, cons):
"""Analyse the result of a constraint check."""
if success:
msg = '{} ok'.format(cons.name)
self.issues.append(Success(self.conf, msg))
elif hasattr(success, 'details'):
msg = '{} ({}) failed'.format(cons.name, short_repr(cons.value))
self.issues.append(DetailedFailure(self.conf, msg, success.details))
msg = '{} ({}) failed'.format(cons.name, short_repr(cons.value))
self.issues.append(Failure(self.conf, msg, ref, tested))
# we want to detect only dictionaries, not classes that inherit from it
if type(ref) is dict:
ref = BaseDictWrapper(ref)
if type(tested) is dict:
tested = BaseDictWrapper(tested)
with self.conf.go_down(name):
constraints = self.conf.get_constraints_for(ref)
if self.conf.debug:
# on debug mode, don't catch errors to keep the backtrace
for cons in constraints:
success = cons.check(ref, tested, self.conf)
analyze(success, cons)
for cons in constraints:
success = cons.check(ref, tested, self.conf)
except Exception as e:
msg = ('Exception while checking {} ({}/{}):\n'
'{}: {}').format(cons.name, short_repr(ref),
short_repr(tested), type(e).__name__, str(e))
self.issues.append(Failure(self.conf, msg))
# no exceptions
analyze(success, cons)
if getattr(ref, 'is_dict_like', False):
# have children
for child in ref:
if child not in tested:
msg = '{} was not present'.format(child)
#raise RuntimeError(msg)
self.issues.append(Failure(self.conf, msg))
self.check_this(child, ref[child], tested[child])
elif hasattr(ref, 'get_children'):
# user made browsable
dref = ref.get_children()
dtest = tested.get_children()
except Exception as e:
msg = ('Tried to get a dict of item from {} but failed:\n'
'{}: {}').format(name, type(e).__name__, str(e))
self.issues.append(Failure(self.conf, msg))
for child in dref:
if child not in dtest:
msg = '{} was not present'.format(child)
self.issues.append(Failure(self.conf, msg))
self.check_this(child, dref[child], dtest[child])
elif (hasattr(ref, '__iter__')
and not getattr(ref, 'has_no_child', False)
and not isinstance(ref, basestring)):
# strings have __iter__ but should not be browsed
# user may want to neutralize the browsing of an iterable
# using has_no_child (for example BaseArray)
for index, (vref, vtest) in enumerate(zip(ref, tested)):
self.check_this(string(index), vref, vtest)
def run(self):
Main entry point for testing.
top_cons = self.conf.get_top_level_constraints()
for cons in top_cons:
if top_cons[cons].apply_to('this'):
# FIXME How to define and use top level constraints applying on
# this like equations ? Is it worth it ?
raise NotImplementedError('Top level constraints are not yet implemented')
# browse document from the reference file
for doc_id, ref_doc in self.ref.items():
if doc_id not in self.tested:
msg = 'Document ({}) is not present in the tested file.'.format(doc_id)
self.issues.append(Failure(self.conf, msg))
# enter filters and start checking the docuement
with self.conf.use_filter(ref_doc.iterators):
self.check_this(ref_doc.tag, ref_doc.obj, self.tested[doc_id].obj)
return self.issues