mirror of https://github.com/abinit/abinit.git
4403 lines
162 KiB
Executable File
4403 lines
162 KiB
Executable File
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import # , unicode_literals
import sys
import os
import time
import shutil
import textwrap
import platform
import tarfile
import re
import warnings
from base64 import b64encode
from socket import gethostname
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Lock
from threading import Thread
from contextlib import contextmanager
# Handle py2, py3k differences.
py2 = sys.version_info[0] <= 2
if py2:
import cPickle as pickle
from StringIO import StringIO
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser, NoOptionError, ParsingError as CPError
from Queue import Empty as EmptyQueueError
import pickle
from io import StringIO
from configparser import ConfigParser, ParsingError as CPError
from queue import Empty as EmptyQueueError
from collections import OrderedDict
from .jobrunner import TimeBomb
from .tools import RestrictedShell, unzip, tail_file, pprint_table, Patcher, Editor
from .xyaptu import xcopier
from .devtools import NoErrorFileLock, makeunique
from .memprof import AbimemFile
from .termcolor import cprint
from .fldiff import Differ as FlDiffer
from .abo_file_analysis import AboFileAnalysis, AboDataset
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__version__ = "0.5"
__author__ = "Matteo Giantomassi"
__all__ = [
fldebug = 'FLDIFF_DEBUG' in os.environ and os.environ['FLDIFF_DEBUG']
_MY_NAME = os.path.basename(__file__)[:-3] + "-" + __version__
# Helper functions and tools
def my_getlogin():
Returns the user logged in to the controlling terminal of the process.
Based on: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4399617/python-os-getlogin-problem
username = "No_username"
if hasattr(os, 'getlogin'):
username = os.getlogin()
except Exception: # FileNotFoundError
import pwd
def getlogin(): return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0]
username = getlogin()
except Exception:
username = "No_username_tried_pwd"
return username
def genid():
Produce a random sequence 12 bytes represented as 16 ascii characters.
The decorator ensure that output is different at each call.
return b64encode(os.urandom(12)).decode('ascii')
def html_colorize_text(string, code):
return "<FONT COLOR='%s'>%s</FONT>" % (code, string)
_status2htmlcolor = {
"succeeded": lambda string: html_colorize_text(string, 'Green'),
"passed": lambda string: html_colorize_text(string, 'DeepSkyBlue'),
"failed": lambda string: html_colorize_text(string, 'Red'),
"disabled": lambda string: html_colorize_text(string, 'Cyan'),
"skipped": lambda string: html_colorize_text(string, 'Cyan'),
def status2html(status):
"""Convert test status in a colored HTML string."""
return _status2htmlcolor[status](status)
def sec2str(seconds):
"""Convert seconds to string."""
return "%.2f" % seconds
def str2html(string, end="<br>"):
"""Returns a HTML string."""
lines = string.splitlines()
return "<br>".join(lines) + end
def args2htmltr(*args):
string = ""
for arg in args:
string += "<td>" + str(arg) + "</td>"
return string
def html_link(string, href=None):
"""Create a HTML link from a string. Use href as link of href is not None."""
if href is not None:
return "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (href, string)
return "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (string, string)
def is_string(s):
"""True is s is a string (duck typying test)"""
s + "hello"
return True
except TypeError:
return False
def has_exts(path, exts):
"""True if path ends with extensions exts"""
root, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
if is_string(exts):
return ext == exts
return ext in exts
def lazy__str__(func):
"""Lazy decorator for __str__ methods"""
def oncall(*args, **kwargs):
self = args[0]
return "\n".join(str(k) + " : " + str(v) for (k, v) in self.__dict__.items())
return oncall
# Helper functions for performing IO
def lazy_read(fname):
if not py2:
with open(fname, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
return fh.read()
with open(fname, "rt") as fh:
return fh.read()
def lazy_readlines(fname):
if not py2:
with open(fname, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
return fh.readlines()
with open(fname, "rt") as fh:
return fh.readlines()
def rmrf(top, exclude_paths=None):
Recursively remove all files and directories contained in directory top.
list with the absolute paths that should be preserved
Returns the list of files and the directories that have been removed.
exc_paths = []
if exclude_paths is not None:
if is_string(exclude_paths):
exc_paths = [exclude_paths]
exc_paths = exclude_paths
removed = []
for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(top):
for f in files:
file_path = os.path.join(root, f)
if file_path not in exc_paths:
for d in dirs:
dir_path = os.path.join(root, d)
if dir_path not in exc_paths:
return removed
def find_abortfile(workdir):
Return the absolute path of the MPIABORTFILE file produced by Abinit
Empty string if file is not present.
workdir: Working directory of the test.
.. Note::
__LIBPAW_MPIABORFILE__ is produced if abinit uses libpaw and when we die inside libpaw.
path = os.path.join(workdir, s)
if os.path.exists(s):
return path
return ""
def read_yaml_errmsg(path):
Extract the YAML error message from file `path`.
Returns string with message, empty string if message is not found.
The Yaml error message is in the form:
--- !ERROR
src_file: m_io_screening.F90
src_line: 648
message: |
Unsupported value of iomode
errlines, inerr = [], 0
with open(path, "r") as fh:
for line in fh:
if line.startswith("---") and ("ERROR" in line or "BUG" in line):
inerr = 1
if inerr:
if line.startswith("..."):
return "".join(errlines)
def extract_errinfo_from_files(workdir):
Extract information from the files produced by the code when we run tests in debug mode.
String with the content of the files. Empty string if no debug file is found.
registered_exts = {".flun", ".mocc"}
errinfo = []
for path in os.listdir(workdir):
_, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
if ext not in registered_exts:
with open(os.path.join(workdir, path), "rt") as fh:
errinfo.append(" ")
errinfo.append("From file: %s " % path)
errinfo.extend(l.strip() for l in fh)
return "\n".join(errinfo)
class FileToTest(object):
"""This object contains information on the output file that will be analyzed by fldiff"""
# atr_name, default, conversion function. None designes mandatory attributes.
_attrbs = [
("name", None, str),
("tolnlines", 0, int), # fldiff tolerances
("tolabs", 0, float),
("tolrel", 0, float),
("fld_options", "", str), # options passed to fldiff.
("fldiff_fname", "", str),
("hdiff_fname", "", str),
("diff_fname", "", str),
("use_yaml", "no", str),
("verbose_report", "no", str),
def __init__(self, dic):
for atr in FileToTest._attrbs:
atr_name = atr[0]
default = atr[1]
f = atr[2]
value = dic.get(atr_name, default)
if value is None:
raise ValueError("%s must be defined" % atr_name)
value = f(value)
if hasattr(value, "strip"):
value = value.strip()
self.__dict__[atr_name] = value
# Postprocess fld_options
self.fld_options = self.fld_options.split()
for opt in self.fld_options:
if not opt.startswith("-"):
raise ValueError("Wrong fldiff option: %s" % opt)
self.has_line_count_error = False
self.do_html_diff = False
# Initialize variables that will be set by fldiff to be on the safe side.
self.fld_isok = False
self.fld_status = "failed"
self.fld_msg = "Initialized in __init__"
def __str__(self): pass
def compare(self, fldiff_path, ref_dir, workdir, yaml_test, timebomb=None,
outf=sys.stdout, simplified_yaml_test=False, forced_tolerance='default'):
Use fldiff_path to compare the reference file located in ref_dir with
the output file located in workdir. Results are written to stream outf.
ref_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ref_dir, self.name))
# FIXME Hack due to the stdout-out ambiguity
if not os.path.exists(ref_fname) and ref_fname.endswith(".stdout"):
ref_fname = ref_fname[:-7] + ".out"
#ref_fname = ref_fname[:-7] + ".abo"
out_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(workdir, self.name))
# Select only YAML section in the two files
if simplified_yaml_test:
yaml_section_start = "--- !"
yaml_section_end = "..."
def make_simplified(file_in,file_out,start_string,end_string):
inRecordingMode = False
for line in f_in.readlines():
if not inRecordingMode:
if start_string in line:
inRecordingMode = True
elif end_string in line:
inRecordingMode = False
ref_fname_min = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(workdir, self.name + ".min_ref"))
out_fname_min = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(workdir, self.name + ".min"))
ref_fname = ref_fname_min
out_fname = out_fname_min
opts = {
'label': self.name,
'ignore': True,
'ignoreP': True,
'debug': fldebug,
if forced_tolerance == 'high':
opts['tolerance'] = 1.01e-10
elif forced_tolerance == 'medium':
opts['tolerance'] = 1.01e-8
elif forced_tolerance == 'easy':
opts['tolerance'] = 1.01e-5
elif forced_tolerance == 'ridiculous':
opts['tolerance'] = 1.01e-2
elif '-medium' in self.fld_options:
opts['tolerance'] = 1.01e-8
elif '-easy' in self.fld_options:
opts['tolerance'] = 1.01e-5
elif '-ridiculous' in self.fld_options:
opts['tolerance'] = 1.01e-2
if '-include' in self.fld_options:
opts['ignore'] = False
if '-includeP' in self.fld_options:
opts['ignoreP'] = False
if self.verbose_report == 'yes':
opts['verbose'] = True
if self.use_yaml not in ('yes', 'no', 'only'):
# raise ParameterError
if self.use_yaml == 'yes':
opts['use_yaml'] = True
opts['use_fl'] = True
elif self.use_yaml == 'only':
opts['use_yaml'] = True
opts['use_fl'] = False
elif self.use_yaml == 'no':
opts['use_yaml'] = False
opts['use_fl'] = True
raise ValueError("Invalid value for use_yaml: %s", self.use_yaml)
differ = FlDiffer(yaml_test=yaml_test, **opts)
def make_diff():
result = differ.diff(ref_fname, out_fname)
return (result.passed_within_tols(self.tolnlines, self.tolabs, self.tolrel), result.has_line_count_error())
if fldebug:
# fail on first error and output the traceback
(isok, status, msg), has_line_count_error = make_diff()
(isok, status, msg), has_line_count_error = make_diff()
except Exception as e:
warnings.warn(('[{}] Something went wrong with this test:\n'
'{}: {}\n').format(self.name, type(e).__name__, str(e)))
#raise e
isok, status = False, 'failed'
msg = 'Internal error:\n{}: {}'.format(
type(e).__name__, str(e))
has_line_count_error = False
msg += ' [file={}]'.format(os.path.basename(ref_fname))
# Save comparison results.
self.fld_isok = isok
self.fld_status = status
self.fld_msg = msg
self.has_line_count_error = has_line_count_error
return isok, status, msg
# Parsers used for the different TEST_INFO options
def _str2filestotest(string):
Parse the files_to_test section.
Returns a tuple of `FileToTest` objects.
if not string:
return []
if ";" in string:
file_lines = [s for s in string.split(";") if s.strip()]
file_lines = [string]
files_to_test = []
for line in file_lines:
tokens = line.split(",")
d = {"name": tokens[0]}
for tok in tokens[1:]:
k, v = [s.strip() for s in tok.split("=")]
if k in d:
err_msg = "Found multiple occurences of keyword %s" % k
raise AbinitTestInfoParserError(err_msg)
d[k] = v
return tuple(files_to_test)
def _str2list(string): return [s.strip() for s in string.split(",") if s]
def _str2intlist(string): return [int(item) for item in _str2list(string)]
def _str2set(string): return {s.strip() for s in string.split(",") if s}
def _str2cmds(string): return [s.strip() for s in string.split(";") if s]
def _str2bool(string):
string = string.strip().lower()
return string == "yes"
# TEST_INFO specifications
# keyword : (parser, default, section, description)
# [setup]
"executable" : (str , None , "setup", "Name of the executable e.g. abinit"),
"use_files_file" : (_str2bool , "no" , "setup", "Pass files file to executable (legacy mode)"),
"exec_args" : (str , "" , "setup", "Arguments passed to executable on the command line."),
"test_chain" : (_str2list , "" , "setup", "Defines a ChainOfTest i.e. a list of tests that are connected together."),
"need_cpp_vars" : (_str2set , "" , "setup", "CPP variables that must be defined in config.h in order to enable the test."),
"exclude_hosts" : (_str2list , "" , "setup", "The test is not executed if we are running on a slave that matches compiler@hostname"),
"exclude_builders": (_str2list, "" , "setup", "The test is not executed if we are using a builder whose name is in the list"),
"input_prefix" : (str , "" , "setup", "Prefix for input files (used for the ABINIT files file)"),
"output_prefix" : (str , "" , "setup", "Prefix for output files (used for the ABINIT files file)"),
"expected_failure": (_str2bool, "no" , "setup", "yes if the subprocess executing executable is expected to fail (retcode != 0) (default: no)"),
"input_ddb" : (str , "" , "setup", "The input DDB file read by anaddb"),
"input_gkk" : (str , "" , "setup", "The input GKK file read by anaddb"),
"system_xml" : (str , "" , "setup","The system.xml file read by multibinit"),
"coeff_xml" : (str , "" , "setup","The coeff.xml file read by multibinit"),
"md_hist" : (str , "" , "setup","The hist file file read by multibinit"),
"test_set" : (str , "" , "setup","The test set (HIST format) read by multibinit"),
"no_check" : (_str2bool , "no" , "setup","Explicitly do not check any files"),
"spin_pot" : (str , "" , "setup","The spin potential file read by multibinit"),
"latt_pot" : (str , "" , "setup","The lattice potential file read by multibinit"),
"slc_pot" : (str , "" , "setup","The spin-lattice coupling potential file read by multibinit"),
"lwf_pot" : (str , "" , "setup","The LWF potential file read by multibinit"),
# [files]
"files_to_test" : (_str2filestotest, "", "files", "List with the output files that are be compared with the reference results. Format:\n" +
"\t file_name, tolnlines = int, tolabs = float, tolrel = float [,fld_options = -medium]\n" +
"\t tolnlines: the tolerance on the number of differing lines\n" +
"\t tolabs:the tolerance on the absolute error\n" +
"\t tolrel: tolerance on the relative error\n" +
"\t fld_options: options passed to fldiff.pl (optional).\n" +
"\t Multiple files are separated by ; e.g.\n" +
"\t foo.out, tolnlines = 2, tolabs = 0.1, tolrel = 1.0e-01;\n" +
"\t bar.out, tolnlines = 4, tolabs = 0.0, tolrel = 1.0e-01"
"psp_files" : (_str2list, "", "files", "List of pseudopotential files (located in the Pspdir directory)."),
"extra_inputs" : (_str2list, "", "files", "List of extra input files."),
"use_git_submodule" : (str, "", "files", "Take input files from git submodule in ~/abinit/tests/modules_with_data/."),
# [shell]
"pre_commands" : (_str2cmds, "", "shell", "List of commands to execute before starting the test"),
"post_commands" : (_str2cmds, "", "shell", "List of commands to execute after the test is completed"),
# [paral_info]
"max_nprocs" : (int , 1 , "paral_info", "Maximum number of MPI processors (1 for sequential run)"),
"nprocs_to_test" : (_str2intlist, "","paral_info","List with the number of MPI processes that should be used for the test"),
"exclude_nprocs" : (_str2intlist, "","paral_info","List with the number of MPI processes that should not be used for the test"),
# [extra_info]
"authors" : (_str2set , "Unknown" , "extra_info", "Author(s) of the test"),
"keywords" : (_str2set , "" , "extra_info", "List of keywords associated to the test"),
"description" : (str , "No description available", "extra_info", "String containing extra information on the test"),
"topics" : (_str2list, "", "extra_info", "Topics associated to the test"),
"references" : (_str2list, "", "extra_info", "List of references to papers or other articles"),
"file" : (str, "", "yaml_test", "File path to the YAML config file relative to the input file."),
"yaml" : (str, "", "yaml_test", "Raw YAML config for quick config."),
# This extra list is hardcoded in order to have a fixed order of the sections in doc_testcfn_format.
# OrderedDict have been introduced in python2.7 sigh!
# consistency check.
for key, tup in TESTCNF_KEYWORDS.items():
if tup[2] not in TESTCNF_SECTIONS:
raise ValueError(
"Please add the new section %s to TESTCNF_SECTIONS" % tup[2])
def line_starts_with_section_or_option(string):
"""True if string starts with a TEST_INFO section or option."""
from re import compile
re_ncpu = compile(r"^NCPU_(\d+)$")
s = string.strip()
idx = s.find("=")
if idx == -1: # might be a section.
if s.startswith("[") and s.endswith("]"):
if s[1:-1] in TESTCNF_SECTIONS:
return 1 # [files]...
if re_ncpu.search(s[1:-1]):
return 1 # [NCPU_1] ...
if s[:idx].strip() in TESTCNF_KEYWORDS:
return 2
return 0
def doc_testcnf_format(fh=sys.stdout):
"""Automatic documentation of the TEST_INFO sections and related options."""
def writen(string):
fh.write(string + "\n")
writen("Automatic documentation of the TEST_INFO sections and options.")
for section in TESTCNF_SECTIONS:
writen("\n[" + section + "]")
if section == tup[2]:
# line_parser = tup[0]
default = tup[1]
if default is None:
default = "Mandatory"
desc = tup[3]
if default:
msg = "%s = %s (DEFAULT: %s)" % (key, desc, default)
msg = "%s = %s" % (key, desc)
class AbinitTestInfo(object):
"""Container storing the options specified in the TEST_INFO section."""
def __init__(self, dct):
for k, v in dct.items():
self.__dict__[k] = v
# if self.nprocs_to_test and self.test_chain:
# raise TestInfoParserError("test_chain and nprocs_to_test are mutually exclusive")
# Add the executable name to the list of keywords.
def __str__(self): pass
def add_cpp_vars(self, need_cpp_vars):
"""Add new set of CPP variables."""
self.need_cpp_vars = self.need_cpp_vars.union(need_cpp_vars)
def add_keywords(self, keywords):
"""Add new set of keywords."""
self.keywords = self.keywords.union(keywords)
def make_test_id(self):
Generate the string with the test identifier
A special treatment is used for the multi-parallel tests.
In this case, the test_id is constructed by appending the string _MPI#
where # is the number of MPI processors.
# FIXME Assumes inp_fname is in the form name.in
test_id = os.path.basename(self.inp_fname).split(".")[0]
if self.ismulti_parallel:
test_id += "_MPI%d" % self.max_nprocs
return test_id
def ismulti_parallel(self):
"""True is this is a multi-parallel test."""
return self._ismulti_paral
class AbinitTestInfoParserError(Exception):
"""Error class raised by the parse"""
class AbinitTestInfoParser(object):
"""This object parses the TEST_INFO section that describes the test."""
Error = AbinitTestInfoParserError
def __init__(self, inp_fname, defaults=None):
inp_fname: test input file
defaults: default values passed to the INI parser.
#print("Parsing TEST_INFO section from input file : " + str(inp_fname))
self.inp_fname = os.path.abspath(inp_fname)
self.inp_dir, x = os.path.split(self.inp_fname)
SENTINEL = '#%%'
lines = lazy_readlines(inp_fname)
lines = [l.replace(SENTINEL, "", 1) for l in lines if l.startswith(SENTINEL)]
start, stop = lines.index(HEADER), lines.index(FOOTER)
except ValueError:
raise self.Error(
"{} does not contain any valid testcnf section!".format(inp_fname))
# Keep only test section lines and remove one space at the begining
lines = [line[1:] if line.startswith(' ') else line
for i, line in enumerate(lines) if start < i < stop]
if not lines:
raise self.Error("%s does not contain any valid testcnf section!" % inp_fname)
# Interface in python 3 is richer so we rebuilt part of it
if py2:
class MySafeConfigParser(SafeConfigParser):
"""Wrap the get method of SafeConfigParser to disable the interpolation of raw_options."""
raw_options = {"description"}
def get(self, section, option, raw=False, vars=None):
if option in self.raw_options and section == TESTCNF_KEYWORDS[option][2]:
logger.debug("Disabling interpolation for section = %s, option = %s" % (section, option))
return SafeConfigParser.get(self, section, option, raw=True, vars=vars)
return SafeConfigParser.get(self, section, option, raw, vars)
def read_string(self, string, source='<string>'):
s = StringIO(string)
SafeConfigParser.readfp(self, s, filename=source)
self.parser = MySafeConfigParser(defaults)
self.parser = ConfigParser(defaults, interpolation=None)
self.parser.read_string("".join(lines), source=inp_fname)
except CPError as exc:
cprint("Exception while parsing: %s\n%s" % (inp_fname, exc), color="red")
for l in lines:
print(l, end="")
cprint("A common problem is inappropriate indentation. The rules is"
": do not indent options more than section title, indent "
"lines that belong to the option above.", color="red")
raise exc
# Consistency check
opt = "test_chain"
section = TESTCNF_KEYWORDS[opt][2]
pars = TESTCNF_KEYWORDS[opt][0]
if self.parser.has_option(section, opt):
string = self.parser.get(section, opt)
chain = pars(string)
ones = [chain.count(value) for value in chain]
if sum(ones) != len(ones):
err_msg = "%s : test_chain contains repeated tests %s" % (
inp_fname, string)
raise self.Error(err_msg)
def generate_testinfo_nprocs(self, nprocs):
"""Returns a record with the variables needed to handle the job with nprocs."""
d = {}
d['yaml_test'] = self.yaml_test()
# First read and parse the global options.
line_parser = tup[0]
section = tup[2]
if section == 'yaml_test':
# special case: handle this separatly
elif section in self.parser.sections() and self.parser.has_option(
section, key
d[key] = self.parser.get(section, key)
d[key] = tup[1] # Section does not exist. Use default value.
# Process the line
d[key] = line_parser(d[key])
except Exception as exc:
err_msg = ("In file: %s\nWrong line:\n key = %s, d[key] = %s\n"
"%s: %s") % (self.inp_fname, key, d[key], type(exc).__name__, str(exc))
raise self.Error(err_msg)
# At this point info contains the parsed global values.
# Now check if this is a parallel test and, in case, overwrite the values
# using those reported in the [CPU_nprocs] sections.
# Set also the value of info._ismulti_paral so that we know how to create the test id
if not d['nprocs_to_test']:
assert nprocs == 1
d['_ismulti_paral'] = False
logger.debug("multi parallel case")
if nprocs not in d['nprocs_to_test']:
err_msg = "in file: %s. nprocs = %s > not in nprocs_to_test = %s" % (
self.inp_fname, nprocs, d['nprocs_to_test'])
raise self.Error(err_msg)
if nprocs > d['max_nprocs']:
if hasattr(self, 'max_nprocs'):
err_msg = "in file: %s. nprocs = %s > max_nprocs = %s" % (
self.inp_fname, nprocs, self.max_nprocs)
err_msg = "in file: %s\nmax_nprocs is not defined" % self.inp_fname
raise self.Error(err_msg)
# Redefine variables related to the number of CPUs.
d['_ismulti_paral'] = True
d['nprocs_to_test'] = [nprocs]
d['max_nprocs'] = nprocs
d['exclude_nprocs'] = list(range(1, nprocs))
# print(self.inp_fname, nprocs, d['exclude_nprocs'])
ncpu_section = "NCPU_" + str(nprocs)
if not self.parser.has_section(ncpu_section):
raise self.Error("Cannot find section %s in %s" % (ncpu_section, self.inp_fname))
for key in self.parser.options(ncpu_section):
if key in self.parser.defaults():
opt = self.parser.get(ncpu_section, key)
line_parser = tup[0]
# Process the line and replace the global value.
d[key] = line_parser(opt)
except Exception as exc:
err_msg = ("In file: %s\nWrong line:\n"
" key = %s, d[key] = %s\n %s: %s") % (
self.inp_fname, key, d[key], type(exc).__name__, str(exc)
raise self.Error(err_msg)
# print(self.inp_fname, d["max_nprocs"])
# Add the name of the input file.
#print("Before AbiitTestInfo", self.inp_fname)
d['inp_fname'] = self.inp_fname
return AbinitTestInfo(d)
def nprocs_to_test(self):
"""List with the number of MPI processors to be tested."""
key = "nprocs_to_test"
opt_parser = TESTCNF_KEYWORDS[key][0]
default = TESTCNF_KEYWORDS[key][1]
section = TESTCNF_KEYWORDS[key][2]
if self.parser.has_option(section, key):
opt = self.parser.get(section, key)
opt = default
return opt_parser(opt)
def is_testchain(self):
"""True if this is a chain of tests"""
opt = "test_chain"
section = TESTCNF_KEYWORDS[opt][2]
return self.parser.has_option(section, opt)
def chain_inputs(self):
"""Return a list with the path of the input files belonging to the test chain"""
assert self.is_testchain
opt = "test_chain"
section = TESTCNF_KEYWORDS[opt][2]
parse = TESTCNF_KEYWORDS[opt][0]
fnames = parse(self.parser.get(section, opt))
fnames = [f.replace(".in", ".abi") for f in fnames]
return [os.path.join(self.inp_dir, fname) for fname in fnames]
def yaml_test(self):
sec_name = 'yaml_test'
ytest = {}
if self.parser.has_section(sec_name):
scalar_key = ['file', 'yaml']
for key in scalar_key:
if self.parser.has_option(sec_name, key):
ytest[key] = self.parser.get(sec_name, key)
if 'file' in ytest:
val = ytest['file']
base = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(self.inp_fname))
ytest['file'] = os.path.join(base, val)
return ytest
def find_top_build_tree(start_path, with_abinit=True, ntrials=10):
Returns the absolute path of the ABINIT build tree.
Assume start_path is within the build tree.
`RuntimeError` if build tree is not found after ntrials attempts.
abs_path = os.path.abspath(start_path)
for _ in range(ntrials):
config_h = os.path.join(abs_path, "config.h")
abinit_bin = os.path.join(abs_path, "src", "98_main", "abinit")
# Check if we are in the top of the ABINIT source tree
if with_abinit:
found = os.path.isfile(config_h) and os.path.isfile(abinit_bin)
found = os.path.isfile(config_h)
if found:
return abs_path
abs_path, _ = os.path.split(abs_path)
raise RuntimeError("Cannot find the ABINIT build tree after %s trials" % ntrials)
class Compiler(object):
Base class for C, Fortran, C++ compilers.
Usually instantiated through the class method from_defined_cpp_vars.
def __init__(self, name, version=None):
self.name = name
self.version = version
def __str__(self):
return "%s: %s %s" % (type(self).__name__, self.name, self.version)
def from_defined_cpp_vars(cls, defined_cpp_vars):
for var in defined_cpp_vars:
# TODO: version may be useful but it's not reported in config.h
if var in cls._KNOWN_CPP_VARS:
# Build the name of the compiler.
name = var.lower().split("_")[1]
if name == "gnu":
name = "gfortran"
if name == "pathscale":
name = "psc"
return cls(name=name, version=None)
err_msg = "Cannot detect the name of the %s\n. Defined CPP vars: %s " % (
cls.__name__, str(defined_cpp_vars))
raise RuntimeError(err_msg)
class FortranCompiler(Compiler):
Store information on the Fortran compiler used to build abinit.
# CPP variables used in config.h
class CPreProcessorError(Exception):
"""Errors raised by `CPreProcessors`"""
class CPreProcessor(object):
"""Pre-process source code with ANSI CPP."""
Error = CPreProcessorError
def __init__(self, includes=None, opts=None, bin="cpp", verbose=0):
self.includes = ["."]
if includes is not None:
self.includes = includes
self.opts = ["-DHAVE_CONFIG_H"]
if opts is not None:
self.opts = opts
self.bin, self.verbose = bin, verbose
def process_file(self, filepath, remove_lhash=True):
Read source from filepath, call CPP with the includes and the
options passed to the constructor.
preprocessed text.
if self.bin is None:
# No pre-processing, return raw string.
with open(filepath, "r") as f:
return f.read()
cmd = [self.bin]
if self.opts:
cmd += self.opts
cmd += ["-ansi"]
if self.includes:
cmd += ["-I" + inc for inc in self.includes]
cmd += [filepath]
cmd = " ".join(cmd)
if self.verbose:
p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if p.returncode:
raise self.Error(
"C-preprocessor returned %d\n stderr:\n%s" % (p.returncode, stderr))
# Remove leading hash symbols added by CPP
if not remove_lhash:
return stdout
return "\n".join(str(l) for l in stdout.splitlines() if not l.startswith("#"))
class FortranBacktrace(object):
def __init__(self, text):
self.text = text
self.trace = []
def __str__(self):
return str(self.trace)
def parse(self):
raise NotImplementedError("parse method must be implemented by the subclass")
def locate_srcfile(self, base_name):
top = find_top_build_tree(start_path=".", with_abinit=True)
top = os.path.join(top, "src")
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top):
if base_name in filenames:
apath = os.path.join(dirpath, base_name)
return apath
cprint("Cannot find file: %s" % base_name, color="red")
return None
def edit_source(self, editor=None):
if not self.trace:
if editor is None:
editor = Editor()
src_file, lineno = self.trace[0]
src_file = self.locate_srcfile(src_file)
return editor.edit_file(src_file, lineno=lineno)
class NagBacktrace(FortranBacktrace):
def parse(self):
# Example
# Runtime Error: opernl4a_cpp.f90, line 871: INTEGER(int32) overflow for 2146435072 * 3
# Program terminated by fatal error
# opernl4a_cpp.f90, line 871: Error occurred in OPERNL4A
if not self.text:
# MAGIC = "Program terminated by fatal error"
# for i, line in enumerate(self.text):
# if MAGIC in line: break
# else:
# return
re_nagline = re.compile(r"(\w+\.f90), line (\d+): (.+)")
for line in self.text:
m = re_nagline.match(line)
if not m:
src_file, lineno = m.group(1), m.group(2)
self.trace.append((src_file, int(lineno)))
class BuildEnvironment(object):
"""Store information on the build environment."""
def __init__(self, build_dir, cygwin_instdir=None):
build_dir: Path to the top level directory of the build.
cygwin_instdir: Installation directory of cygwin. NOT USED (will be removed soon)
# Try to figure out the top level directory of the build tree.
build_dir = find_top_build_tree(build_dir)
except Exception as e:
raise e
self.uname = platform.uname()
self.hostname = gethostname().split(".")[0]
self.username = my_getlogin()
self.build_dir = os.path.abspath(build_dir)
self.configh_path = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "config.h")
self.binary_dir = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "src", "98_main")
self._cygwin_instdir = ""
if cygwin_instdir is not None:
self._cygwin_instdir = cygwin_instdir
# Binaries that are not located in src/98_main
self._external_bins = {
# "atompaw": os.path.join(self.build_dir, "fallbacks", "exports", "bin", "atompaw-abinit"),
"atompaw": os.path.join(self.build_dir, "src", "98_main", "atompaw"),
"timeout": os.path.join(self.build_dir, "tests", "Timeout", "timeout"),
# Check if this is a valid ABINIT build tree.
if not (os.path.isfile(self.configh_path) and os.path.isfile(self.path_of_bin("abinit"))):
raise ValueError(
"%s is not a valid ABINIT build tree." % self.build_dir)
# Get the list of CPP variables defined in the build.
self.defined_cppvars = parse_configh_file(self.configh_path)
# Get info on the compilers
self.fortran_compiler = FortranCompiler.from_defined_cpp_vars(self.defined_cppvars)
# print(self.fortran_compiler)
# if not self.has_bin("timeout"): print("Cannot find timeout executable!")
self.buildbot_builder = None
def __str__(self): pass
def issrctree(self):
"""True if this is a source tree."""
configac_path = os.path.join(self.build_dir, "configure.ac")
abinitF90_path = os.path.join(
self.build_dir, "src", "98_main", "abinit.F90")
return os.path.isfile(configac_path) and os.path.isfile(abinitF90_path)
def path_of_bin(self, bin_name, try_syspath=True):
"""Return the absolute path of bin_name."""
if bin_name in self._external_bins:
bin_path = self._external_bins[bin_name]
# It's in src/98_main
bin_path = os.path.join(self.binary_dir, bin_name)
# Handle external bins that are installed system wide (such as atompaw on woopy)
if bin_name in self._external_bins and not os.path.isfile(bin_path):
if not try_syspath:
return ""
# Search it in PATH.
paths = os.getenv("PATH").split(os.pathsep)
for p in paths:
bin_path = os.path.join(p, bin_name)
if os.path.isfile(bin_path):
# err_msg = ("Cannot find path of bin_name %s, neither in the build directory nor in PATH %s" %
# (bin_name, paths))
# warnings.warn(err_msg)
bin_path = ""
return bin_path
def has_bin(self, bin_name, try_syspath=True):
"""True if binary bin_name is present in the build."""
return os.path.isfile(self.path_of_bin(bin_name, try_syspath=try_syspath))
def set_buildbot_builder(self, builder):
Set the name of the buildbot builder.
Used to skip tests defining `exclude_builders` in the TEST_INFO_SECTION
self.buildbot_builder = builder
def parse_configh_file(fname):
Parse the configuration file config.h,
Returns a list with the CCP variables that are CPP defined.
Not very robust. It does not handle instructions such as:
#ifdef HAVE_FOO
# define HAVE_BAR 1
Handling this case would require a real preprocessing with CPP and then the parsing.
Not easy to implement in a portable way especially on IBM machines with XLF.
with open(fname, "rt") as fh:
defined_cppvars = {}
for l in fh:
l = l.lstrip()
if l.startswith("#define "):
tokens = l.split()
varname = tokens[1]
if len(tokens) >= 3:
value = tokens[2]
defined_cppvars[varname] = value
return defined_cppvars
def input_file_has_vars(fname, ivars, comment="#", mode="any"):
Primitive parser that searches for the occurrence of input variables in the input file fname
fname: Input file
ivars: dictionary whose keys are strings with the input variables to search.
ivar[varname] can be either None or an integer
if ivar[varname] is None, we have a match if varname is present
if ivar[varname] is int, we have a match if varname is present and it has value int
mode: "all" or "any"
(bool, d)
bool is True is the input file contains the specified variables
d is a dictionary with the matching lines (empty dict if no occurence).
# This algorithm is not very robust as it assumes that the variable and the line
# are placed on the same line.
with open(fname, "rt") as fh:
lines = []
for line in fh:
line = line.lower().strip()
idx = line.find(comment)
if idx != -1:
line = line[:idx]
matches = {}
for k in ivars:
matches[k] = []
items = ivars.items()
re_ivars = {}
for varname in ivars:
re_ivars[varname] = re.compile(varname + r"\d*\s*(\d+)\s*")
nfound = 0
for line in lines:
for varname, varvalue in items:
re_match = re_ivars[varname].match(line)
# print("match")
if varvalue is None and varname in line:
nfound += 1
elif re_match:
num = int(re_match.group(1))
if num == int(varvalue):
# print line
nfound += 1
if nfound == 0:
return False, {}
if mode == "all":
return all(bool(v) for v in matches.values()), matches
elif mode == "any":
return any(bool(v) for v in matches.values()), matches
raise ValueError("Wrong mode %s" % mode)
def make_abitest_from_input(inp_fname, abenv, keywords=None, need_cpp_vars=None, with_np=1):
Factory function to generate a Test object from the input file inp_fname
inp_fname = os.path.abspath(inp_fname)
#print("make_abitest_from_input got inp_fname", inp_fname)
parser = AbinitTestInfoParser(inp_fname)
nprocs_to_test = parser.nprocs_to_test
ntests = len(nprocs_to_test)
if ntests == 0:
nprocs_to_test = [1]
ntests = 1
test_info = parser.generate_testinfo_nprocs(with_np)
# Add global cpp variables.
# Add global keywords.
# Single test with np processors.
# Istanciate the appropriate subclass depending on the name of the executable. Default is BaseTest.
cls = exec2class(test_info.executable)
return cls(test_info, abenv)
def make_abitests_from_inputs(input_fnames, abenv, keywords=None, need_cpp_vars=None):
Factory function. Return a list of tests generated from the TEST_INFO section reported
in the input files inp_fnames.
if is_string(input_fnames):
input_fnames = [input_fnames]
inp_fnames = [os.path.abspath(p) for p in input_fnames]
out_tests = []
while inp_fnames:
inp_fname = inp_fnames.pop(0)
#print("inp_fname", inp_fname)
parser = AbinitTestInfoParser(inp_fname)
nprocs_to_test = parser.nprocs_to_test
if len(nprocs_to_test) == 0:
nprocs_to_test = [1]
if not parser.is_testchain:
# No dependency --> generate a list of test by changing the number np of MPI processors.
for np in nprocs_to_test:
test_info = parser.generate_testinfo_nprocs(np)
test_info.add_cpp_vars(need_cpp_vars) # Add global cpp variables.
test_info.add_keywords(keywords) # Add global keywords.
# Istanciate the appropriate subclass depending on the name of the executable. Default is BaseTest.
cls = exec2class(test_info.executable)
out_tests.append(cls(test_info, abenv))
#print("got chain input for inp_fname:", inp_fname)
# print(parser.chain_inputs())
# Build the test chain with np nprocessors.
for np in nprocs_to_test:
tchain_list = []
for cht_fname in parser.chain_inputs():
#print("cht_fname", cht_fname)
t = make_abitest_from_input(
cht_fname, abenv, keywords=keywords, need_cpp_vars=need_cpp_vars, with_np=np)
if not tchain_list:
raise RuntimeError(
"tchain_list is empty, inp_fname %s" % inp_fname)
# Remove the input files of the chain
for s in parser.chain_inputs()[1:]:
idx = inp_fnames.index(s)
except ValueError:
raise RuntimeError(
"%s not found in inp_fnames" % inp_fnames)
return out_tests
class NotALock:
NOP context manager
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, *args):
class BaseTestError(Exception):
"""Base Error class raised by Test objects"""
class BaseTest(object):
Base class describing a single test. Tests associated to other executables should
sublcass BaseTest and redefine the method make_stdin.
Then change exec2cls so that the appropriate instance is returned.
Error = BaseTestError
# Possible status of the test.
_possible_status = ["failed", "passed", "succeeded", "skipped", "disabled"]
def is_chain(self):
return False
def __init__(self, test_info, abenv):
logger.info("Initializing BaseTest from inp_fname: ",
self._rid = genid()
self.inp_fname = os.path.abspath(test_info.inp_fname)
self.abenv = abenv
self.id = test_info.make_test_id() # The test identifier (takes into account the multi_parallel case)
self.nprocs = 1 # Start with 1 MPI process.
# FIXME Assumes inp_fname is in the form tests/suite_name/Input/name.in
suite_name = os.path.dirname(self.inp_fname)
suite_name = os.path.dirname(suite_name)
self.suite_name = os.path.basename(suite_name)
self.ref_dir = abenv.apath_of("tests", suite_name, "Refs")
self.inp_dir = abenv.apath_of("tests", suite_name, "Input")
self._executed = False
self._status = None
self._isok = None
self.stdout_fname = None
self._print_lock = NotALock()
self.exec_error = False
self.had_timeout = False
self.force_skip = False
if os.path.basename(self.inp_fname).startswith("-"):
self._status = "disabled"
# Initial list of local files that should not be removed.
self._files_to_keep = []
# Default values.
self.make_html_diff = 0 # 0 => Do not produce diff files in HTML format
# 1 => Produced HTML diff but only if test failed
# 2 => Produce HTML diff independently of the final status
self.sub_timeout = 30 # Timeout for subprocesses (in seconds)
self.erase_files = 2 # 0 => Keep all files.
# 1 => Remove files but only if the test passes or succeeds
# 2 => Remove files even when the test fail.
# Incorporate the attributes of test_info in self.
err_msg = ""
for k in test_info.__dict__:
if k in self.__dict__ and test_info.__dict__[k] != self.__dict__[k]:
err_msg += "Cannot overwrite key %s\n" % k
# print(test_info.__dict__[k], self.__dict__[k])
if err_msg:
raise self.Error(err_msg)
if self.no_check:
self.files_to_test = []
elif not self.files_to_test: # no file to test
raise ValueError(
self.full_id + 'This test have no files_to_test attribute.'
' It is forbidden unless you had "no_check = yes" to its'
' [setup] section in test configuration.'
# Save authors' second names to speed up the search.
# Well, let's hope that we don't have authors with the same second name!
second_names = []
for string in self.authors:
idx = string.rfind(".")
f, s = ("", string)
if idx != -1:
f, s = string[:idx + 1], string[idx + 2:]
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("Wrong author(s) name")
if not f and s and s != "Unknown":
print("author(s) first name is missing in file %s, string = %s " % (
self.full_id, string))
self._authors_snames = set(second_names)
if self.executable == "abinit" and self.psp_files and not self.use_files_file:
raise RuntimeError("""
In: %s
The `psp_files` entry in the TEST_INFO section is needed only if `use_files_file = 'yes'`
In all the other cases use the Abinit input variables:
pseudos "foo.psp8, bar.psp8"
pp_dirpath $ABI_PSPDIR
""" % self.inp_fname)
def __repr__(self):
return self.full_id
def __str__(self):
return repr(self)
def stdin_readlines(self):
return lazy_readlines(self.stdin_fname)
def stdin_read(self):
return lazy_read(self.stdin_fname)
def stdout_readlines(self):
return lazy_readlines(self.stdout_fname)
def stdout_read(self):
return lazy_read(self.stdout_fname)
def stderr_readlines(self):
return lazy_readlines(self.stderr_fname)
def stderr_read(self):
return lazy_read(self.stderr_fname)
def cprint(self, msg='', color=None):
with self._print_lock:
if color is not None:
cprint(msg, color=color)
def has_empty_stderr(self):
return not bool(self.stderr_read())
def full_id(self):
"""Full identifier of the test."""
return "[%s][%s][np=%s]" % (self.suite_name, self.id, self.nprocs)
def bin_path(self):
"""The absolute path of the executable needed to run the test."""
return self.build_env.path_of_bin(self.executable)
def cpkl_dump(self, protocol=-1):
"""Save the instance in a pickle file"""
self.cpkl_fname = os.path.join(self.workdir, self.id + ".cpkl")
with open(self.cpkl_fname, "wb") as fh:
pickle.dump(self, fh, protocol=protocol)
def has_keywords(self, keywords, mode="any"):
True if test has keywords
mode == "all" --> check if all keywords are present
mode == "any" --> check if at least one keyword is present
if mode == "all":
return set(keywords).issubset(self.keywords)
elif mode == "any":
return set(keywords).intersection(self.keywords)
raise ValueError("wrong mode %s" % mode)
def has_authors(self, authors, mode="any"):
True if test has authors
mode == "all" --> check if all authors are present
mode == "any" --> check if at least one author is present
if mode == "all":
return set(authors).issubset(self._authors_snames)
elif mode == "any":
return set(authors).intersection(self._authors_snames)
raise ValueError("wrong mode %s" % mode)
def get_varname_set(self):
Return set of variables used by this test.
Mainly used to check if all variables in the doc are documented/tested.
.. note:
Dataset index (if any) is removed.
# See abio.abivars.AbinitInputParser
import io
lines = []
with io.open(self.inp_fname, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
for line in fh:
# Remove comments from lines.
i = line.find("#")
if i != -1:
line = line[:i]
i = line.find("!")
if i != -1:
line = line[:i]
if line:
vnames = []
# 1) Build string of the form "var1 value1 var2 value2"
tokens = " ".join(lines).split()
for pos, tok in enumerate(tokens):
if tok[0].isalpha():
# Either new variable, string defining the unit or operator e.g. sqrt
# if is_abiunit(tok) or tok in ABI_OPERATORS or "?" in tok:
# continue
# Have new variable
if tok[-1].isdigit():
# and "?" not in tok:
# Handle dataset index.
# l = []
for i, c in enumerate(tok[::-1]):
if c.isalpha():
# l.append(c)
raise ValueError(
"Cannot find dataset index in token: %s" % tok)
tok = tok[:len(tok) - i]
# l.reverse()
# print("tok", tok, l)
# tok = l
# print(vnames)
return set(v.lower() for v in vnames)
def has_variables(self, ivars, mode="any"):
"""True if test has the input variables ivars (dict {varname:varvalue})"""
found, d = input_file_has_vars(self.inp_fname, ivars, mode=mode)
return found
def edit_input(self, editor=None):
Call editor to edit the input file of the test.
A default editor is provided if editor is None (use $EDITOR shell variable)
if editor is None:
editor = Editor()
except Exception as e:
raise e
def listoftests(self, width=100, html=True, abslink=True):
string = self.description.lstrip()
if self.references:
string += "References:\n" + "\n".join(self.references)
string = textwrap.dedent(string)
string = textwrap.fill(string, width=width)
if not html:
return self.full_id + ":\n" + string
if abslink:
link = html_link(self.full_id, self.inp_fname)
# Use relative path so that we can upload the HTML file on
# the buildbot master and browse the pages.
link = html_link(
self.full_id, os.path.basename(self.inp_fname))
string = link + "<br>" + string.replace("\n", "<br>") + "\n"
return string
def make_stdin(self):
Generate the standard input of the test.
The base implementation writes the content of inp_fname to stdin.
Subclasses should redefine this method according to their needs.
t_stdin = StringIO()
with open(self.inp_fname, "rt") as fh:
return t_stdin.getvalue()
def get_pseudo_paths(self, dir_and_names=False):
Return list of absolute paths for pseudos.
If `dir_and_names` is True, the function returns (dirname, basenames)
where dirname is the common directory and basenames is a list of basenames in dirname.
If a common directory cannot be found, dirname is set to None and basename is a list of absolute paths.
# Path to the pseudopotential files.
# 1) pp files are searched in psps_dir first then in workdir.
psp_paths = [os.path.join(self.abenv.psps_dir, pname)
for pname in self.psp_files]
for i, psp in enumerate(psp_paths):
if not os.path.isfile(psp):
pname = os.path.join(self.workdir, os.path.basename(psp))
if os.path.isfile(pname):
# Use local pseudo. This is needed for atompaw tests.
psp_paths[i] = pname
err_msg = "Cannot find pp file %s, neither in Pspdir nor in self.workdir" % pname
if not dir_and_names:
return psp_paths
dirnames = [os.path.dirname(p) for p in psp_paths]
basenames = [os.path.basename(p) for p in psp_paths]
dirname = None
if all(d == dirnames[0] for d in dirnames):
dirname = dirnames[0]
if dirname is not None:
return dirname, basenames
return None, psp_paths
def get_extra_inputs(self):
"""Copy extra inputs from inp_dir to workdir."""
# First copy the main input file (useful for debugging the test)
# Avoid raising exceptions as python processes do not handle them correctly.
src = self.inp_fname
dest = os.path.join(self.workdir, os.path.basename(self.inp_fname))
shutil.copy(src, dest)
self.keep_files(dest) # Do not remove it after the test.
except Exception:
"copying %s => %s" % (src, dest)))
for extra in self.extra_inputs:
src = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, extra)
dest = os.path.join(self.workdir, extra)
if not os.path.isfile(src):
self.exceptions.append(self.Error("%s: no such file" % src))
shutil.copy(src, dest)
if dest.endswith(".gz"): # Decompress the file
dest = dest[:-3]
# self.keep_files(dest) # Do not remove dest after the test.
def inputs_used(self):
"""List with the input files used by the test."""
inputs = [self.inp_fname] + \
[os.path.join(self.inp_dir, f) for f in self.extra_inputs]
# Add files appearing in the shell sections.
for cmd_str in (self.pre_commands + self.post_commands):
if cmd_str.startswith("iw_"):
tokens = cmd_str.split()
inp = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, tokens[1])
return inputs
def status(self):
"""The status of the test"""
if self._status is None:
if self.no_check:
self._status = "succeeded"
all_fldstats = {f.fld_status for f in self.files_to_test}
if "failed" in all_fldstats:
self._status = "failed"
elif "passed" in all_fldstats:
self._status = "passed"
assert all_fldstats == {"succeeded"}, (
"Unexpected test status: {}".format(all_fldstats))
self._status = "succeeded"
return self._status
def isok(self):
"""Return true if test is OK (test passed and not python exceptions."""
if self._isok is None:
self._isok = self.fld_isok and not self.exceptions
return self._isok
def files_to_keep(self):
"""List with the files that should not be erased once the test completed"""
return self._files_to_keep
def keep_files(self, files):
"""Add files to the list of paths that should not be erased"""
if is_string(files):
def compute_nprocs(self, build_env, nprocs, runmode):
Compute the number of MPI processes that can be used for the test from the initial guess nprocs
Return: (nprocs, string)
where nprocs = 0 if the test cannot be executed.
string contains a human-readable message explaining the reason why the test will be skipped.
A test cannot be executed if:
1) It requires CPP variables that are not defined in the build.
2) The user asks for more MPI nodes than max_nprocs (this value is reported in the TEST_INFO section).
3) We have a multiparallel test (e.g. paral/tA.in) and nprocs is not in in nprocs_to_test
4) nprocs is in exclude_nprocs
# !HAVE_FOO --> HAVE_FOO should not be present.
errors = []
eapp = errors.append
or_token = " or "
for var in self.need_cpp_vars:
if or_token in var:
# handle HAVE_FOO or HAVE_BAR syntax
var_list = [v.strip() for v in var.split(or_token)]
#print("in or_token with var_list:", var_list)
if not any(v in build_env.defined_cppvars for v in var_list):
eapp("Build environment does not define any of the following CPP variables %s" % str(var_list))
elif not var.startswith("!") and var not in build_env.defined_cppvars:
# handle HAVE_FOO syntax
eapp("Build environment does not define the CPP variable %s" % var)
elif var[1:] in build_env.defined_cppvars:
# handle !HAVE_FOO syntax
eapp("Build environment defines the CPP variable %s" % var[1:])
# Remove this check to run the entire test suite in parallel
# runmode ="dynamic"
if runmode == "static":
if nprocs > self.max_nprocs:
eapp("nprocs: %s > max_nprocs: %s" % (nprocs, self.max_nprocs))
elif runmode == "dynamic":
# Will select the minimum between max_nprocs and nprocs
raise ValueError("Wrong runmode %s" % runmode)
if self.nprocs_to_test and nprocs != self.nprocs_to_test[0]:
eapp("nprocs: %s != nprocs_to_test: %s" %
(nprocs, self.nprocs_to_test[0]))
if nprocs in self.exclude_nprocs:
eapp("nprocs: %s in exclude_nprocs: %s" %
(nprocs, self.exclude_nprocs))
if self.force_skip:
eapp("forced to be skipped by the chain of test.")
err_msg = "\n".join(errors)
if err_msg:
real_nprocs = 0
real_nprocs = min(self.max_nprocs, nprocs)
# if err_msg: print(err_msg)
return real_nprocs, err_msg
def skip_host(self):
Return True if the test should be skipped since we are running on a banned host.
compilers, slaves = [], []
for s in self.exclude_hosts:
compiler, host = None, s
if "@" in s:
compiler, host = s.split("@")
# TODO: validate TEST_INFO at the level of the parser.
warnings.warn("Wrong string %s in exclude_hosts" % s)
# Find the slave
# Use short hostname i.e. the toke before '.' so alps.pcml.ucl.ac.be becomes alps
#idx = slaves.index(self.build_env.hostname)
short_hostname = self.build_env.hostname.split('.', 1)[0]
idx = slaves.index(short_hostname)
except ValueError:
return False
# Compare the name of the compiler.
return compilers[idx] == self.build_env.fortran_compiler.name
def skip_buildbot_builder(self):
Return True if the test should be skipped since we are running on a banned builder.
if getattr(self.build_env, "buildbot_builder", None) is None:
return False
for builder in self.exclude_builders:
if any(c in builder for c in "*?![]{}"):
# Interpret builder as regex.
m = re.compile(builder)
if m.match(self.build_env.buildbot_builder):
return True
if builder == self.build_env.buildbot_builder:
return True
return False
def run(self, build_env, runner, workdir, print_lock=None, nprocs=1, runmode="static", **kwargs):
Run the test with nprocs MPI nodes in the build environment build_env using the `JobRunner` runner.
Results are produced in the directory workdir. kwargs is used to pass additional options
================ ====================================================================
kwargs Meaning
================ ====================================================================
pedantic Mark tests as failed if stderr is not empty.
erase_files 0 => Keep all files produced by the test
1 => Remove files but only if the test passed or succeeded.
2 => Remove files even if the test failed.
make_html_diff True to produce diff in HTML format. Default: False.
sub_timeout Timeout for subprocesses.
abimem_check True if abimem.mocc files should be analyzes for possible errors.
Requires HAVE_MEM_PROFILE and `call abimem_init(2)` in main.
Default: False
etsf_check True if netcdf files should be validated. Requires netcdf4.
Default: False
simplified_diff True if we perform a "simplified diff" when comparing files
by using only YAML sections in abo files
forced_tolerance String: Force the use of fldiff tool with the specified tolerance.
Possible values are: default (from test config), high(1.e-10),
medium (1.e-8), easy (1.e-5), ridiculous (1.e-2)
================ ====================================================================
.. warning:
This method must be thread-safe, DO NOT change build_env or runner.
import copy
runner = copy.deepcopy(runner)
start_time = time.time()
if print_lock is not None:
self._print_lock = print_lock
workdir = os.path.abspath(workdir)
if not os.path.exists(workdir):
self.workdir = workdir
self.build_env = build_env
self.exceptions = []
self.fld_isok = True # False if at least one file comparison fails.
# Extract options from kwargs
self.pedantic = kwargs.get("pedantic", False)
self.erase_files = kwargs.get("erase_files", self.erase_files)
self.make_html_diff = kwargs.get("make_html_diff", self.make_html_diff)
self.sub_timeout = kwargs.get("sub_timeout", self.sub_timeout)
simplified_diff = kwargs.get("simplified_diff")
forced_tolerance = kwargs.get("forced_tolerance")
timeout = self.sub_timeout
if self.build_env.has_bin("timeout") and timeout > 0.0:
exec_path = self.build_env.path_of_bin("timeout")
self.timebomb = TimeBomb(timeout, delay=0.05, exec_path=exec_path)
self.timebomb = TimeBomb(timeout, delay=0.05)
status2txtcolor = {
"succeeded": "green",
"passed": "blue",
"failed": "red",
"disabled": "cyan",
"skipped": "cyan",
# Check whether the test can be executed.
can_run = True
if self._status == "disabled":
msg = self.full_id + ": Disabled"
can_run = False
self.cprint(msg=msg, color=status2txtcolor[self._status])
# Here we get the number of MPI nodes for test.
self.nprocs, self.skip_msg = self.compute_nprocs(
self.build_env, nprocs, runmode=runmode)
if self.skip_msg:
self._status = "skipped"
msg = self.full_id + ": Skipped."
self.cprint(msg=msg, color=status2txtcolor[self._status])
for l in self.skip_msg.splitlines():
self.cprint(msg="\t" + l, color=status2txtcolor[self._status])
can_run = False
if self.skip_host():
self._status = "skipped"
msg = self.full_id + ": Skipped: this hostname has been excluded."
self.cprint(msg=msg, color=status2txtcolor[self._status])
can_run = False
if self.skip_buildbot_builder():
self._status = "skipped"
msg = self.full_id + ": Skipped: this buildbot builder has been excluded."
self.cprint(msg=msg, color=status2txtcolor[self._status])
can_run = False
if self.use_git_submodule:
# Create link in workdir pointing to ~abinit/tests/modules_with_data/MODULE_DIRNAME
dst = os.path.join(self.workdir, self.use_git_submodule)
src = os.path.join(self.abenv.tests_dir,
"modules_with_data", self.use_git_submodule)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(src, "README.md")):
self._status = "skipped"
msg = self.full_id + \
": Skipped:\n\tThis test requires files in the git submodule:\n\t\t%s\n" % src
msg += "\tbut cannot find README.md file in dir\n"
msg += "\tUse:\n\t\t`git submodule init && git submodule update --recursive --remote`\n\tto fetch the last version from the remote url."
self.cprint(msg=msg, color=status2txtcolor[self._status])
can_run = False
if not os.path.exists(dst):
os.symlink(src, dst)
self.run_etime = 0.0
if can_run:
# Execute pre_commands in workdir.
rshell = RestrictedShell(
self.inp_dir, self.workdir, self.abenv.psps_dir)
for cmd_str in self.pre_commands:
if rshell.exceptions:
# Copy extra inputs in workdir (if any).
# Create stdin file in the workdir.
self.stdin_fname = os.path.join(self.workdir, self.id + ".stdin")
self.stdout_fname = os.path.join(self.workdir, self.id + ".stdout")
self.stderr_fname = os.path.join(self.workdir, self.id + ".stderr")
# Run the code (run_etime is the wall time spent to execute the test)
# Here we decided whether we should invoke the executable with/without files file.
# Note that not all the executables have removed support for the files file, moreover we still have
# a couple of Abinit tests in which the files file sytenx is still used (use_files_file option in TEST_INFO)
# just to make sure we still support the legacy mode.
use_files_file = self.use_files_file
if self.executable not in ("abinit", "anaddb", "optic", "multibinit"): # FIXME: Add support for more executables
use_files_file = True
if use_files_file:
[self.stdin_fname, self.stdout_fname, self.stderr_fname])
# Legacy mode: create files file and invoke exec with syntax: `abinit < run.files`
with open(self.stdin_fname, "wt") as fh:
stdin_fname = self.stdin_fname
bin_argstr = " " + self.exec_args
# New CLI mode: invoke executable with syntax `abinit run.abi`. stdin_fname won't be created
# The subclass should implement prepare_new_cli_invokation that performs all the operations
# needed to prepare the input files. May be empty.
self.keep_files([self.stdout_fname, self.stderr_fname])
stdin_fname = ""
path = os.path.join(self.workdir, os.path.basename(self.inp_fname))
bin_argstr = path + " " + self.exec_args
#print("Using .abi mode with bin_argstr", bin_argstr)
#print("Invoking binary:", self.bin_path, "with bin_argstr", bin_argstr)
self.run_etime = runner.run(self.nprocs, self.bin_path,
stdin_fname, self.stdout_fname, self.stderr_fname,
bin_argstr=bin_argstr, cwd=self.workdir)
# Save exceptions (if any).
if runner.exceptions:
self.exec_error = True
if not self.expected_failure:
for exc in runner.exceptions:
# Execute post_commands in workdir.
for cmd_str in self.post_commands:
# Save exceptions (if any).
if rshell.exceptions:
# Check final results:
# 1) use fldiff to compare ref and output files.
# 2) fldiff stdout is redirected to fldiff_fname.
for f in self.files_to_test:
simplified_test = simplified_diff
is_abo = os.path.splitext(f.name)[-1] == ".abo" or os.path.splitext(f.name)[-1] == ".out"
if simplified_test:
fld_options_sav = f.fld_options
f.fld_options = "-easy"
fldiff_fname = os.path.join(self.workdir, f.name + ".fldiff")
with open(fldiff_fname, "wt") as fh:
f.fldiff_fname = fldiff_fname
isok, status, msg = f.compare(self.abenv.fldiff_path, self.ref_dir, self.workdir,
yaml_test=self.yaml_test, timebomb=self.timebomb, outf=fh,
self.keep_files(os.path.join(self.workdir, f.name))
self.fld_isok = self.fld_isok and isok
if simplified_test:
f.fld_options= fld_options_sav
if not self.exec_error and f.has_line_count_error:
f.do_html_diff = True
if f.do_html_diff:
# Disable html diff if file size is >= 150 Kb or files do not exist.
html_max_bites = 150 * 1000
out_size_bites = ref_size_bites = html_max_bites
out_size_bites = os.path.getsize(
os.path.join(self.workdir, f.name))
ref_size_bites = os.path.getsize(
os.path.join(self.ref_dir, f.name))
except OSError:
if out_size_bites >= html_max_bites or ref_size_bites >= html_max_bites:
f.do_html_diff = False
self.cprint(msg=self.full_id + "[run_etime: %s s]: " % sec2str(self.run_etime) + msg,
# In the case of a "simplified" test, lets check the number of iterations
if simplified_test and is_abo:
abo_analysis = AboFileAnalysis(os.path.join(self.workdir,f.name),option="iterations")
ref_analysis = AboFileAnalysis(os.path.join(self.ref_dir,f.name),option="iterations")
st, err_msg, err_msg_short = abo_analysis.compare_with(ref_analysis,option="iterations", \
if st == "failed":
self._status = "failed"
self.fld_isok= False
indent = ' '*len(self.full_id)
msg = indent + err_msg.replace('\n','\n'+indent)
self.cprint(msg=msg, color=status2txtcolor[self._status])
# Print message for users running the test suite on their machine
# if the test failed and we have exclusion rules on the ABINIT testfarm.
if status == "failed" and (self.exclude_hosts or self.exclude_builders):
cprint("\tTest `%s` with keywords: `%s` failed." %
(self.full_id, str(self.keywords)), color="yellow")
cprint("\tNote however that this feature is not portable", color="yellow")
cprint("\tand this test is partly disabled on the Abinit testfarm.", color="yellow")
if self.exclude_hosts:
cprint("\t\texclude_hosts: %s" % str(self.exclude_hosts), color="yellow")
if self.exclude_builders:
cprint("\t\texclude_builder: %s" % str(self.exclude_builders), color="yellow")
if status == "failed" and self.use_git_submodule:
cprint("\tTest %s failed. Note, however, that this test requires external files in %s" % (
self.full_id, self.use_git_submodule), color="yellow")
cprint("\tUse `git submodule update --recursive --remote` to fetch the last version from the remote url.",
# Check if the test is expected to fail.
if runner.retcode == 124:
self._status = "failed"
self.had_timeout = True
msg = self.full_id + " Test has reached timeout and has been killed by SIGTERM"
self.cprint(msg=msg, color=status2txtcolor["failed"])
elif runner.retcode == 137:
self._status = "failed"
self.had_timeout = True
msg = self.full_id + " Test has reached timeout and has been killed by SIGKILL"
self.cprint(msg=msg, color=status2txtcolor["failed"])
elif runner.retcode != 0 and not self.expected_failure:
self._status = "failed"
msg = (
self.full_id + " Test was not expected to fail but subprocesses returned retcode: %s" % runner.retcode)
self.cprint(msg=msg, color=status2txtcolor["failed"])
# If pedantic, stderr must be empty unless the test is expected to fail!
if self.pedantic and not self.expected_failure:
errout = self.stderr_read()
if errout:
# TODO: Not very clean, I should introduce a new status and a setter method.
self._status = "failed"
except Exception as exc:
# Check stderr for presence of valgrind errors.
if runner.has_valgrind:
# Build a parser from the command line options and parse the stderr.
parser = runner.build_valgrind_parser()
if parser.error_report:
# TODO: Not very clean, I should introduce a new status and a setter method.
self._status = "failed"
msg = " ".join(
[self.full_id, "VALGRIND ERROR:", parser.error_report])
self.cprint(msg=msg, color=status2txtcolor["failed"])
except Exception as exc:
if self.status == "failed":
# Print the first line of the stderr if it's not empty.
# Look also for MPIABORTFILE
errout = self.stderr_read()
if errout:
self.cprint(msg=errout, color=status2txtcolor["failed"])
# Extract YAML error message from ABORTFILE or stdout.
abort_file = os.path.join(
self.workdir, "__ABI_MPIABORTFILE__")
if os.path.exists(abort_file):
with open(abort_file, "rt") as f:
self.cprint(msg=12 * "=" + " ABI_MPIABORTFILE " + 12 * "=")
self.cprint(msg=f.read(), color=status2txtcolor["failed"])
yamlerr = read_yaml_errmsg(self.stdout_fname)
if yamlerr:
self.cprint(msg="YAML Error found in the stdout of: " + repr(self))
self.cprint(msg=yamlerr, color=status2txtcolor["failed"])
self.cprint(msg="No YAML Error found in: " + repr(self))
except Exception as exc:
if kwargs.get("abimem_check", False):
paths = [os.path.join(self.workdir, f) for f in os.listdir(self.workdir)
if f.startswith("abimem") and f.endswith(".mocc")]
self.cprint(msg="Found %s abimem files" % len(paths))
# abimem_retcode = 0
for path in paths:
memfile = AbimemFile(path)
#if rc: parser.show_errors()
#abimem_retcode += rc
# if False and kwargs.get("etsf_check", False):
if kwargs.get("etsf_check", False):
# Mark the test as failed and create a custom Exception
# developers will have to inspect the xreport file for the full list of errors.
from . import etsf_specs as etsf
except ImportError:
etsf = None
errmsg = ""
if etsf is None:
errmsg = "etsf_check is activated but netcdf4 module is not available"
nc_retcode = 1
nc_retcode = 0
all_errors = []
for p in os.listdir(self.workdir):
if p.endswith(".nc"):
path = os.path.join(self.workdir, p)
elist = []
# elist += etsf.validate_vars(path))
elist += etsf.validate_ncfile(path)
if elist:
self.cprint(msg="%s [FAILED]" % p, color="red")
self.cprint(msg="%s [OK]" % p, color="green")
nc_retcode = len(all_errors)
if nc_retcode != 0:
errmsg = ("Setting status to failed because nc_retcode=%s\n"
"The netcdf files produced by this tests either is not consistent with the etsf specs.\n"
"or it has not been registered in ~abinit/tests/pymods/etsf_specs.py\n"
"Please, control the errors messages in the xreport file produced by buildbot."
) % nc_retcode
if nc_retcode != 0:
# TODO: Not very clean, I should introduce a new status and a setter method.
self._status = "failed"
# Store the exception and continue.
self.cprint(msg="netcdf validation [OK]", color="green")
self._executed = True
self.tot_etime = time.time() - start_time
def results_load(self, d):
Load the run results from a run in a different process.
self._status = d['status']
self.stdout_fname = d['stdout']
self._files_to_keep = d['files_to_keep']
self.tot_etime = d['tot_etime']
self.run_etime = d['run_etime']
self._executed = d['executed']
self._isok = d['isok']
self.exec_error = d['exec_error']
self.workdir = d['workdir']
def results_dump(self, skipped_info=False):
Dump the run results to pass it to a different process
return {
'id': self._rid,
'status': self.status,
'stdout': self.stdout_fname,
'files_to_keep': self.files_to_keep,
'tot_etime': self.tot_etime,
'run_etime': self.run_etime,
'executed': self._executed,
'exec_error': self.exec_error,
'isok': self.isok,
'workdir': self.workdir,
def executed(self):
return self._executed
def clean_workdir(self, other_test_files=None):
"""Remove the files produced in self.workdir."""
assert self._executed
if not os.path.exists(self.workdir) or self.erase_files == 0:
save_files = self._files_to_keep[:]
if other_test_files is not None:
save_files += other_test_files
# Add harcoded list of files
hard_files = ["perf.data", "__ABI_MPIABORTFILE__"]
save_files += [os.path.join(self.workdir, f) for f in hard_files]
# List of file extensions to be preserved.
keep_exts = [".flun", ".mocc"]
if (self.erase_files == 1 and self.isok) or self.erase_files == 2:
entries = [os.path.join(self.workdir, e)
for e in os.listdir(self.workdir)]
for entry in entries:
if entry in save_files:
_, ext = os.path.splitext(entry)
if ext in keep_exts:
if os.path.isfile(entry):
except OSError:
elif os.path.islink(entry):
# directory is a link.
# real directory that should be removed
# At present no test copies directories so we leave this raise.
raise NotImplementedError(
"Found directory: %s in workdir!!" % entry)
def patch(self, patcher=None):
Patch the output files of the test with the specified patcher.
A default patcher is provided if patcher is None (use $PATCHER shell variable)
assert self._executed
from tests.pymods import Patcher
for f in self.files_to_test:
ref_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.ref_dir, f.name))
out_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.workdir, f.name))
raise NotImplementedError("patcher should be tested")
Patcher(patcher).patch(out_fname, ref_fname)
def make_html_diff_files(self):
"""Generate and write diff files in HTML format."""
assert self._executed
if self.make_html_diff == 0 or self._status in {"disabled", "skipped"}:
diffpy = self.abenv.apath_of("tests", "pymods", "diff.py")
for f in self.files_to_test:
if not f.do_html_diff and self.make_html_diff == 1:
ref_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.ref_dir, f.name))
if not os.path.isfile(ref_fname) and ref_fname.endswith(".stdout"):
ref_fname = ref_fname[:-7] + ".out" # FIXME Hack due to the stdout-out ambiguity
#ref_fname = ref_fname[:-7] + ".abo" # FIXME Hack due to the stdout-out ambiguity
out_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.workdir, f.name))
# Check whether output and ref file exist.
out_exists = os.path.isfile(out_fname)
ref_exists = os.path.isfile(ref_fname)
hdiff_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
self.workdir, f.name + ".diff.html"))
f.hdiff_fname = hdiff_fname
x, ext = os.path.splitext(f.name)
safe_hdiff = ext in {".out", ".abo", ".stdout"} # Create HTML diff file only for these files
if ref_exists and out_exists and safe_hdiff:
out_opt = "-m"
# out_opt = "-t" # For simple HTML table. (can get stuck)
# args = ["python", diffpy, out_opt, "-f " + hdiff_fname, out_fname, ref_fname ]
args = [diffpy, out_opt, "-j", "-f " +
hdiff_fname, out_fname, ref_fname]
cmd = " ".join(args)
# print("Diff", cmd)
p, ret_code = self.timebomb.run(
cmd, shell=True, cwd=self.workdir)
if ret_code != 0:
err_msg = "Timeout error (%s s) while executing %s, retcode = %s" % (
self.timebomb.timeout, str(args), ret_code
def make_txt_diff_files(self):
"""Generate and write diff files in txt format."""
assert self._executed
if self._status in {"disabled", "skipped"}:
# print(self._status)
# if self._status not in {"failed", "passed"}: return
diffpy = self.abenv.apath_of("tests", "pymods", "diff.py")
for f in self.files_to_test:
# print(f, f.fld_isok)
if f.fld_isok:
ref_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.ref_dir, f.name))
if not os.path.isfile(ref_fname) and ref_fname.endswith(".stdout"):
ref_fname = ref_fname[:-7] + ".out" # FIXME Hack due to the stdout-out ambiguity
#ref_fname = ref_fname[:-7] + ".abo" # FIXME Hack due to the stdout-out ambiguity
out_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.workdir, f.name))
# Check whether output and ref file exist.
out_exists = os.path.isfile(out_fname)
ref_exists = os.path.isfile(ref_fname)
diff_fname = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(self.workdir, f.name + ".diff"))
f.diff_fname = diff_fname
x, ext = os.path.splitext(f.name)
if ref_exists and out_exists:
# n is for ndiff format, c for context, u for unified
# for out_opt in ["-n", "-c"]:
# out_opt = "-n"
# out_opt = "-c"
out_opt = "-u"
args = [diffpy, out_opt, "-j", "-f " + diff_fname, out_fname,
cmd = " ".join(args)
(p, ret_code) = self.timebomb.run(
cmd, shell=True, cwd=self.workdir)
if ret_code != 0:
err_msg = "Timeout error (%s s) while executing %s, retcode = %s" % (
self.timebomb.timeout, str(args), ret_code)
def write_html_report(self, fh=None, oc="oc"):
"""Write the HTML file summarizing the results of the test."""
assert self._executed
close_fh = False
if fh is None:
close_fh = True
html_report = os.path.join(self.workdir, "test_report.html")
fh = open(html_report, "wt")
# Try to read stdout, stderr and the abort_file produced by Abinit in parallel
# Ignore errors (fock takes years to flush the stdout)
# stdout_text, stderr_text = 2*("",)
nlast = 120
stderr_text, stdout_text, abiabort_text = 3 * (" ",)
abort_file = find_abortfile(self.workdir)
# self.fld_isok = False
errinfo_text = " "
# print("fld_isok:", self.fld_isok)
if not self.fld_isok or self.status == "failed":
stderr_text = str2html(self.stderr_read())
stdout_text = str2html(tail_file(self.stdout_fname, nlast))
abiabort_text = "No __ABI_MPIABORTFILE__ found"
if abort_file:
with open(abort_file, "rt") as f:
abiabort_text = (
12 * "=" + os.path.basename(abort_file)
+ 12 * "=" + 2 * "\n" + str(f.read())
except Exception as exc:
s = "Exception while trying to get info from stderr, stdout and __ABI_MPIABORTFILE\n" + \
stderr_text, stdout_text, abiabort_text = 3 * (s,)
# Look for extra info on the error in selected files produced by the code.
errinfo_text = str2html(
except Exception as exc:
errinfo_text = "Exception while trying to get error info from extra files\n" + \
# Document Name Space that serves as the substitution
# namespace for instantiating a doc template.
username = my_getlogin()
DNS = {
"self": self,
"page_title": "page_title",
"user_name": username,
"hostname": gethostname(),
"Headings": ['File_to_test', 'Status', 'fld_output', 'fld_options', 'txt_diff', 'html_diff'],
"nlast": nlast,
"stderr_text": stderr_text,
"stdout_text": stdout_text,
"abiabort_text": abiabort_text,
"errinfo_text": errinfo_text,
# Functions and modules available in the template.
"time": time,
"pj": os.path.join,
"basename": os.path.basename,
"str2html": str2html,
"sec2str": sec2str,
"args2htmltr": args2htmltr,
"html_link": html_link,
"status2html": status2html
header = """
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
if self.status in {"skipped", "disabled"}:
if self.status == "skipped":
template = str2html(self.skip_msg)
template = "This test has been disabled!"
template = """
<h1>Results of test ${self.full_id}</h1>
MPI nprocs = ${self.nprocs},
run_etime = ${sec2str(self.run_etime)} s,
tot_etime = ${sec2str(self.tot_etime)} s
${html_link("stdin", basename(self.stdin_fname))},
${html_link("stdout", basename(self.stdout_fname))},
${html_link("stderr", basename(self.stderr_fname))}
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<py-open code = "for h in Headings:"> </py-open>
<py-open>for idx, f in enumerate(self.files_to_test):</py-open>
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<py-line code = "out_link = html_link(basename(f.name))"/>
<py-line code = "fld_link = html_link(basename(f.fldiff_fname))"/>
<py-line code = "txt_diff_link = html_link(basename(f.diff_fname))"/>
<py-line code = "html_diff_link = html_link(basename(f.hdiff_fname))"/>
<py-line code = "tab_row = args2htmltr(out_link, status2html(f.fld_status), fld_link, f.fld_options, txt_diff_link, html_diff_link)"/>
<py-open>for idx, f in enumerate(self.files_to_test):</py-open>
<py-open code="if f.fld_status != 'succeeded':"/>
<p> ${f.name} ${f.fld_msg} </p>
<py-open code="if self.status == "failed":"/>
<py-open code="if self.exceptions:"/>
<h1>Exceptions raised at run-time:</h1>
<py-open code="for idx, e in enumerate(self.exceptions):"/>
<p> $idx) ${str2html(str(e))}</p>
<h1>Standard Error of test ${self.id}:</h1>
<h1>__MPIABORTFILE__ of test ${self.id}:</h1>
<h1>Info extracted from debug files produced by ${self.id}:</h1>
<h1>Standard output of test ${self.id} (last ${nlast} lines):</h1>
<h3>Extra Information</h3>
<py-line code = "authors = ', '.join(a for a in self.authors)" />
<p>Authors = ${authors}</p>
<py-line code = "keys = ', '.join(k for k in self.keywords)" />
<p>Keywords = ${keys}</p>
footer = """
Automatically generated by %s on %s. Logged on as %s@%s
Python version: %s
</html> """ % (_MY_NAME, time.asctime(), username, gethostname(), platform.python_version())
if "o" in oc:
template = header + template
if "c" in oc:
template += footer
# Set a file-like object to template
template_stream = StringIO(template)
# Initialise an xyaptu xcopier, and call xcopy
xcp = xcopier(DNS, ouf=fh)
if close_fh:
def _get_one_backtrace(self):
return NagBacktrace(self.stderr_readlines())
def get_backtraces(self):
return [self._get_one_backtrace()]
# Subclasses needed to handle the different executables
class AbinitTest(BaseTest):
Class for Abinit tests. Redefine the make_stdin method of BaseTest,
provides `prepare_new_cli_invokation`
def make_stdin(self):
t_stdin = StringIO()
# Use the basename instead of the absolute path because the input has been already copied
# and we might want to change it especially if we are debugging the code
inp_fname = self.inp_fname
t_stdin.write(os.path.basename(inp_fname) + "\n")
t_stdin.write(self.id + ".abo" + "\n")
# Prefix for input/output/temporary files
i_prefix = self.input_prefix if self.input_prefix else self.id + "i"
o_prefix = self.output_prefix if self.output_prefix else self.id + "o"
# FIXME: Use t prefix and change iofn
# t_prefix = self.id # + "t"
t_prefix = self.id + "t"
t_stdin.writelines(l + "\n" for l in [i_prefix, o_prefix, t_prefix])
# Path to the pseudopotential files.
# 1) pp files are searched in psps_dir first then in workdir.
psp_paths = self.get_pseudo_paths()
t_stdin.writelines(p + "\n" for p in psp_paths)
return t_stdin.getvalue()
def prepare_new_cli_invokation(self):
"""Perform operations required to execute test with new CLI."""
# Read full input in line.
with open(self.inp_fname, "rt") as fh:
line = fh.read()
# Add extra variables for pseudos and output file if not already present.
# Note that the code checks for the presence of `varname = "`
extra = ["# Added by runtests.py"]
app = extra.append
if 'output_file = "' not in line:
#app('output_file = "%s"' % (self.id + ".out"))
app('output_file = "%s"' % (self.id + ".abo"))
# Prefix for input/output/temporary files
i_prefix = self.input_prefix if self.input_prefix else self.id + "i"
o_prefix = self.output_prefix if self.output_prefix else self.id + "o"
# FIXME: Use temp prefix and change iofn
t_prefix = self.id + "t"
if 'indata_prefix = ' not in line:
app('indata_prefix = "%s"' % i_prefix)
if 'outdata_prefix = ' not in line:
app('outdata_prefix = "%s"' % o_prefix)
if 'tmpdata_prefix = ' not in line:
app('tmpdata_prefix = "%s"' % t_prefix)
app("# end runtests.py section\n\n")
path = os.path.join(self.workdir, os.path.basename(self.inp_fname))
with open(path, "wt") as fh:
fh.write("\n".join(extra) + line)
class AnaddbTest(BaseTest):
Class for Anaddb tests. Redefine the make_stdin method of BaseTest
provides `prepare_new_cli_invokation`
def get_ddb_path(self):
"""Return the path to the input DDB file."""
iddb_fname = self.id + ".ddb.in"
if self.input_ddb:
# Use output DDB of a previous run.
iddb_fname = os.path.join(self.workdir, self.input_ddb)
if (not os.path.isfile(iddb_fname)
and not os.path.isfile(iddb_fname + '.nc')):
"%s no such DDB file: " % iddb_fname))
return iddb_fname
def get_gkk_path(self):
"""Return the path to the input GKK file for EPH calculations."""
input_gkk = self.id + ".gkk"
if self.input_gkk:
input_gkk = os.path.join(self.workdir, self.input_gkk) # Use output GKK of a previous run.
if (not os.path.isfile(input_gkk)
and not os.path.isfile(input_gkk + '.nc')):
"%s no such GKK file: " % input_gkk))
if (not os.path.isfile(input_gkk)
and not os.path.isfile(input_gkk + '.nc')):
input_gkk = ""
return input_gkk
def get_ddk_path(self):
"""Return the path to the input DKK file for EPH calculations."""
input_ddk = self.id + ".ddk"
if not os.path.isfile(input_ddk):
# Try in input directory:
input_ddk = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, input_ddk)
if not os.path.isfile(input_ddk):
input_dkk = ""
return input_ddk
def make_stdin(self):
t_stdin = StringIO()
t_stdin.write(self.inp_fname + "\n") # 1) formatted input file
t_stdin.write(self.id + ".abo" + "\n") # 2) formatted output file e.g. t13.abo
t_stdin.write(self.get_ddb_path() + "\n") # 3) input derivative database e.g. t13.ddb.in
t_stdin.write(self.id + ".md" + "\n") # 4) output molecular dynamics e.g. t13.md
t_stdin.write(self.get_gkk_path() + "\n") # 5) input elphon matrix elements (GKK file) :
t_stdin.write(self.id + "\n") # 6) base name for elphon output files e.g. t13
t_stdin.write(self.get_ddk_path() + "\n") # 7) file containing ddk filenames for elphon/transport:
return t_stdin.getvalue()
def prepare_new_cli_invokation(self):
"""Perform operations required to execute test with new CLI."""
# Need to add extra variables depending on calculation type.
with open(self.inp_fname, "rt") as fh:
line = fh.read()
extra = ["# Added by runtests.py"]
app = extra.append
# Add extra variables for ddb_filepath, output_file if not already present.
# Note that the code checks for the presence of `varname = "`
if 'ddb_filepath = "' not in line:
app('ddb_filepath = "%s"' % (self.get_ddb_path()))
if 'output_file = "' not in line:
app('output_file = "%s"' % (self.id + ".abo"))
# EPH stuff
gkk_path = self.get_gkk_path()
if gkk_path and 'gkk_filepath = "' not in line:
app('gkk_filepath = "%s"' % gkk_path)
ddk_path = self.get_ddk_path()
if ddk_path and 'ddk_filepath = "' not in line:
app('ddk_filepath = "%s"' % ddk_path)
if (gkk_path or ddk_path) and 'eph_prefix = "' not in line:
# EPH calculation
app('eph_prefix = "%s"' % self.id)
app("# end runtests.py section\n\n")
path = os.path.join(self.workdir, os.path.basename(self.inp_fname))
with open(path, "wt") as fh:
fh.write("\n".join(extra) + line)
class MultibinitTest(BaseTest):
Class for Multibinit tests. Redefine the make_stdin method of BaseTest
def get_spin_pot(self):
if self.spin_pot and self.spin_pot.strip().lower() != 'no':
spin_pot_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.spin_pot)
if not os.path.isfile(spin_pot_fname):
"%s no such spin potential file: " % spin_pot_fname))
return spin_pot_fname
return None
def get_latt_pot(self):
if self.latt_pot and self.latt_pot.strip().lower() != 'no':
latt_pot_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.latt_pot)
if not os.path.isfile(latt_pot_fname):
"%s no such lattice potential file: " % latt_pot_fname))
return latt_pot_fname
return None
def get_slc_pot(self):
if self.slc_pot and self.slc_pot.strip().lower() != 'no':
slc_pot_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.slc_pot)
if not os.path.isfile(slc_pot_fname):
"%s no such slc potential file: " % slc_pot_fname))
return slc_pot_fname
return None
def get_lwf_pot(self):
if self.lwf_pot and self.lwf_pot.strip().lower() != 'no':
lwf_pot_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.lwf_pot)
if not os.path.isfile(lwf_pot_fname):
"%s no such lwf potential file: " % lwf_pot_fname))
return lwf_pot_fname
return None
def get_input_ddb_path(self):
if self.input_ddb and self.input_ddb.strip().lower() != 'no':
iddb_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.input_ddb)
if not os.path.isfile(iddb_fname):
"%s no such DDB file: " % iddb_fname))
return iddb_fname
if self.system_xml and self.system_xml.strip().lower() != 'no':
sys_xml_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.system_xml)
if not os.path.isfile(sys_xml_fname):
"%s no such XML file: " % sys_xml_fname))
return sys_xml_fname
return None
def get_coeff_xml(self):
if self.coeff_xml and self.coeff_xml.strip().lower() != 'no':
coeffxml_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.coeff_xml)
if not os.path.isfile(coeffxml_fname):
"%s no such XML file for coeffs: " % coeffxml_fname))
coeffxml_fname = None
return coeffxml_fname
def get_md_hist(self):
if self.md_hist and self.md_hist.strip().lower() != 'no':
md_hist_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.md_hist)
if not os.path.isfile(md_hist_fname):
"%s no such HIST file for training-set: " % md_hist_fname))
return md_hist_fname
return None
def get_test_set(self):
if self.test_set and self.test_set.strip().lower() != 'no':
test_set_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.test_set)
if not os.path.isfile(test_set_fname):
"%s no such HIST file for test-set: " % test_set_fname))
return test_set_fname
return None
def make_stdin(self):
t_stdin = StringIO()
t_stdin.write(self.inp_fname + "\n") # 1) formatted input file
t_stdin.write(self.id + ".abo" + "\n") # 2) formatted output file e.g. t13.abo
if self.input_ddb:
iddb_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.input_ddb)
if not os.path.isfile(iddb_fname):
self.exceptions.append(self.Error("%s no such DDB file: " % iddb_fname))
t_stdin.write(iddb_fname + "\n") # 3) input derivative database e.g. ddb.in
if self.system_xml:
sys_xml_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.system_xml)
if not os.path.isfile(sys_xml_fname):
self.exceptions.append(self.Error("%s no such XML file: " % sys_xml_fname))
t_stdin.write(sys_xml_fname + "\n") # 3) input for system.xml XML
"%s no file available for the system"))
if self.coeff_xml:
coeffxml_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.coeff_xml)
if not os.path.isfile(coeffxml_fname):
"%s no such XML file for coeffs: " % coeffxml_fname))
t_stdin.write(coeffxml_fname + "\n") # 4) input for coefficients
coeffxml_fname = "no"
t_stdin.write(coeffxml_fname + "\n")
if self.md_hist:
md_hist_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.md_hist)
if not os.path.isfile(md_hist_fname):
"%s no such HIST file for training-set: " % md_hist_fname))
t_stdin.write(md_hist_fname + "\n") # 5) input for training-set
md_hist_fname = "no"
t_stdin.write(md_hist_fname + "\n")
if self.test_set:
test_set_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.test_set)
if not os.path.isfile(test_set_fname):
"%s no such HIST file for test-set: " % test_set_fname))
t_stdin.write(test_set_fname + "\n") # 6) input for test-set
test_set_fname = "no"
t_stdin.write(test_set_fname + "\n")
return t_stdin.getvalue()
def prepare_new_cli_invokation(self):
"""Perform operations required to execute test with the new CLI."""
# Need to add extra variables depending on calculation type.
with open(self.inp_fname, "rt") as fh:
line = fh.read()
extra = ["# Added by runtests.py"]
app = extra.append
# Add extra variables for ddb_filepath, output_file if not already present.
# Note that the code checks for the presence of `varname = "`
spin_pot_fname = self.get_spin_pot()
if spin_pot_fname is not None and 'spin_pot_fname = "' not in line:
app('spin_pot_fname = "%s"' % (spin_pot_fname))
latt_pot_fname = self.get_latt_pot()
if latt_pot_fname is not None and 'latt_pot_fname = "' not in line:
app('latt_pot_fname = "%s"' % (latt_pot_fname))
slc_pot_fname = self.get_slc_pot()
if slc_pot_fname is not None and 'slc_pot_fname = "' not in line:
app('slc_pot_fname = "%s"' % (slc_pot_fname))
lwf_pot_fname = self.get_lwf_pot()
if lwf_pot_fname is not None and 'lwf_pot_fname = "' not in line:
app('lwf_pot_fname = "%s"' % (lwf_pot_fname))
harm_pot_fname = self.get_input_ddb_path()
if harm_pot_fname is not None and 'latt_harm_pot_fname = "' not in line:
app('latt_harm_pot_fname = "%s"' % (harm_pot_fname))
anharm_pot_fname = self.get_coeff_xml()
if anharm_pot_fname is not None and 'latt_anharm_pot_fname = "' not in line:
app('latt_anharm_pot_fname = "%s"' % (anharm_pot_fname))
training_set_fname = self.get_md_hist()
if training_set_fname is not None and 'latt_training_set_fname = "' not in line:
app('latt_training_set_fname = "%s"' % (training_set_fname))
test_set_fname = self.get_test_set()
if test_set_fname is not None and 'latt_test_set_fname = "' not in line:
app('latt_test_set_fname = "%s"' % (test_set_fname))
app('outdata_prefix = "%s"' % (self.id + ".abo"))
if 'output_file = "' not in line:
app('output_file = "%s"' % (self.id + ".abo"))
app("# end runtests.py section\n\n")
path = os.path.join(self.workdir, os.path.basename(self.inp_fname))
with open(path, "wt") as fh:
fh.write("\n".join(extra) + line)
class TdepTest(BaseTest):
Class for aTDEP tests. Redefine the make_stdin method of BaseTest
def make_stdin(self):
t_stdin = StringIO()
inp_fname = os.path.basename(self.inp_fname)
t_stdin.write(inp_fname + "\n") # 1) formatted input file
md_hist_fname = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.md_hist)
if not os.path.isfile(md_hist_fname):
"%s no such hist file: " % md_hist_fname))
t_stdin.write(md_hist_fname + "\n")
t_stdin.write(self.id + "\n") # 2) formatted output file e.g. t13.abo
return t_stdin.getvalue()
class AimTest(BaseTest):
Class for Aim tests. Redefine the make_stdin method of BaseTest
def make_stdin(self):
t_stdin = StringIO()
t_stdin.write(self.inp_fname + "\n") # formatted input file e.g. .../Input/t57.in
iden_fname = self.id + "i_DEN"
t_stdin.write(iden_fname + "\n") # input density e.g. t57i_DEN
t_stdin.write(self.id + "\n") # t57
# Path to the pseudopotential files.
psp_paths = [os.path.join(self.abenv.psps_dir, pname)
for pname in self.psp_files]
t_stdin.writelines(p + "\n" for p in psp_paths)
return t_stdin.getvalue()
class ConductiTest(BaseTest):
Class for Conducti tests. Redefine the make_stdin method of BaseTest
def make_stdin(self):
t_stdin = StringIO()
t_stdin.write(self.inp_fname + "\n") # formatted input file e.g. .../Input/t57.in
t_stdin.write(self.id + "\n") # will be used as the prefix of the log file names e.g. t57
return t_stdin.getvalue()
class OpticTest(BaseTest):
Class for Optic tests. Redefine the make_stdin method of BaseTest
def make_stdin(self):
t_stdin = StringIO()
t_stdin.write(self.inp_fname + "\n") # optic input file e.g. .../Input/t57.in
t_stdin.write(self.id + ".abo\n") # Output. e.g t57.abo
t_stdin.write(self.id + "\n") # Used as suffix to diff and prefix to log file names,
# and also for roots for temporaries
return t_stdin.getvalue()
def prepare_new_cli_invokation(self):
"""Empty implementation"""
class Band2epsTest(BaseTest):
"""How to waste lines of code just to test a F90 code that can be implemented with a few python commands!"""
def make_stdin(self):
t_stdin = StringIO()
t_stdin.write(self.inp_fname + "\n") # input file e.g. .../Input/t51.in
t_stdin.write(self.id + ".out.eps\n") # output file e.g. t51.out.eps
inp_freq = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.id + ".in_freq")
t_stdin.write(inp_freq + "\n") # input freq file e.g Input/t51.in_freq
inp_displ = os.path.join(self.inp_dir, self.id + ".in_displ")
if not os.path.isfile(inp_displ): inp_displ = "no"
t_stdin.write(inp_displ + "\n") # input displ file e.g Input/t51.in_displ
return t_stdin.getvalue()
class AtompawTest(BaseTest):
Class for Atompaw tests. Redefine the methods clean_workdir and bin_path provided by BaseTest
def clean_workdir(self, other_test_files=None):
"""Keep all atompaw output files."""
def bin_path(self):
"""atompaw is not located in src/98_main"""
return self.build_env.path_of_bin("atompaw")
class LrujTest(BaseTest):
Class for LRUJ tests redefining the make_stdin method of BaseTest..
Note that lruj is a command line tool that receives arguments from the command line instead of stdin.
To interface lruj with the runtests.py framework, we return an empty string as stdin and
set the value of self.exec_args using the command line options reported in the .abi file.
The .abi file is still needed as we need to read metadata from the <TEST_INFO> section.
def make_stdin(self):
# Parse .abi file: Ignore comments and empty lines.
# Interpret the remaining lines as command line options that will be stored in exec_args
with open(self.inp_fname, "rt") as fh:
lines = [l.strip() for l in fh]
lines = [l for l in lines if l and not l.startswith("#")]
self.exec_args = " ".join(lines)
return ""
def exec2class(exec_name):
Return the test class associated to the executable. Default is BaseTest.
return {
"abinit": AbinitTest,
"anaddb": AnaddbTest,
"aim": AimTest,
"conducti": ConductiTest,
"atompaw": AtompawTest,
"lruj": LrujTest,
"band2eps": Band2epsTest,
"optic": OpticTest,
"multibinit": MultibinitTest,
"atdep": TdepTest,
}.get(exec_name, BaseTest)
class ChainOfTests(object):
A list of tests that should be executed together due to inter-dependencies.
It provides the same interface as the one given by BaseTest
Error = BaseTestError
def is_chain(self):
return True
def __init__(self, tests):
self.tests = tuple(t for t in tests)
self.inp_dir = tests[0].inp_dir
self.suite_name = tests[0].suite_name
# Consistency check.
self._rid = genid()
for t in tests:
if self.inp_dir != t.inp_dir or self.suite_name != t.suite_name:
raise self.Error("All tests should be located in the same directory")
self._rid += ':' + t._rid
all_keys = [t.keywords for t in self.tests]
self.keywords = set()
for ks in all_keys:
self.keywords = self.keywords.union(ks)
all_cpp_vars = [t.need_cpp_vars for t in self.tests]
self.need_cpp_vars = set()
for vs in all_cpp_vars:
self.need_cpp_vars = self.need_cpp_vars.union(vs)
self._priv_executed = None
self._status = None
self._tot_etime = None
self._run_etime = None
self._isok = None
self._files_to_keep = []
def __len__(self):
return len(self.tests)
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join(str(t) for t in self)
def __iter__(self):
for t in self.tests:
yield t
def info_on_chain(self):
attr_names = ["extra_inputs", "pre_commands", "post_commands"]
string = "Info on chain: %s\n" % self.full_id
nlinks = 0
for test in self:
string += test.full_id + "executable " + test.executable + ":\n"
for (attr, value) in test.__dict__.items():
if (value and (attr in attr_names or attr.startswith("input_")
or attr.startswith("output_"))):
string += " %s = %s\n" % (attr, value)
nlinks += 1
return string, nlinks
# A lot of boilerplate code!
# See the doc strings of BaseTest
def id(self):
return "-".join(test.id for test in self)
def full_id(self):
return "[{}][{}]".format(self.suite_name, self.id)
def max_nprocs(self):
return max(test.max_nprocs for test in self)
def _executed(self):
if self._priv_executed is None:
self._priv_executed = all(test._executed for test in self)
return self._priv_executed
def ref_dir(self):
ref_dirs = [test.ref_dir for test in self]
assert all(d == ref_dirs[0] for d in ref_dirs)
return ref_dirs[0]
def listoftests(self, width=100, html=True, abslink=True):
string = ""
if not html:
string += "\n".join(test.listoftests(width, html, abslink)
for test in self)
string = self.full_id + ":\n" + string
string += "<br>".join(test.listoftests(width,
html, abslink) for test in self)
string = "Test Chain " + self.full_id + ":<br>" + string
return string
def files_to_test(self):
files = []
for test in self:
return files
def extra_inputs(self):
extra_inputs = []
for test in self:
return extra_inputs
def inputs_used(self):
inputs = []
for test in self:
return inputs
def run_etime(self):
if self._run_etime is None:
self._run_etime = sum(test.run_etime for test in self)
return self._run_etime
def tot_etime(self):
if self._tot_etime is None:
self._tot_etime = sum(test.tot_etime for test in self)
return self._tot_etime
def isok(self):
if self._isok is None:
self._isok = all(test.isok for test in self)
return self._isok
def exceptions(self):
excs = []
for test in self:
return excs
def status(self):
if self._status is None:
_stats = {test.status for test in self}
if "disabled" in _stats or "skipped" in _stats:
if len(_stats) > 1: # it must be {'skipped'} or {'disabled'}
self._status = 'failed'
self._status = _stats.pop()
all_fldstats = {f.fld_status for f in self.files_to_test}
if "failed" in all_fldstats:
self._status = "failed"
elif "passed" in all_fldstats:
self._status = "passed"
elif all_fldstats != {"succeeded"}:
print("WARNING, expecting {'succeeded'} but got\n%s" % str(
self._status = "failed"
self._status = "succeeded"
return self._status
def keep_files(self, files):
if is_string(files):
def files_to_keep(self):
# The files produced by the individual tests.
files_of_tests = []
for test in self:
# Add the files produced by self.
self._files_to_keep += files_of_tests
return self._files_to_keep
def cpkl_dump(self, protocol=-1):
self.cpkl_fname = os.path.join(self.workdir, self.id + ".cpkl")
with open(self.cpkl_fname, "wb") as fh:
pickle.dump(self, fh, protocol=protocol)
def has_keywords(self, keywords, mode="any"):
if mode == "all":
return set(keywords).issubset(self.keywords)
elif mode == "any":
return set(keywords).intersection(self.keywords)
raise ValueError("wrong mode %s" % mode)
def has_variables(self, ivars):
for test in self:
matches = test.has_variables(ivars)
if matches:
return matches
return []
def edit_input(self, editor=None):
if editor is None:
editor = Editor()
for test in self:
except Exception as e:
raise e
def _authors_snames(self):
snames = set()
for test in self:
snames = snames.union(test._authors_snames)
return snames
def has_authors(self, authors, mode="any"):
# return set(authors).issubset(self._authors_snames)
if mode == "all":
return set(authors).issubset(self._authors_snames)
elif mode == "any":
return set(authors).intersection(self._authors_snames)
raise ValueError("wrong mode %s" % mode)
def write_html_report(self):
html_report = os.path.join(self.workdir, "test_report.html")
with open(html_report, "wt") as fh:
for idx, test in enumerate(self):
oc = ""
if idx == 0:
oc += "o"
if idx == (len(self) - 1):
oc += "c"
test.write_html_report(fh=fh, oc=oc)
def run(self, build_env, runner, workdir, nprocs=1, **kwargs):
workdir = os.path.abspath(workdir)
if not os.path.exists(workdir):
self.workdir = workdir
fail_all = False
for test in self:
if fail_all:
test.force_skip = True
test.run(build_env, runner, workdir=self.workdir,
nprocs=nprocs, **kwargs)
if test.had_timeout:
fail_all = True
def results_load(self, d):
Load the run results from a run in a different process.
self._status = d['status']
self._files_to_keep = d['files_to_keep']
self._tot_etime = d['tot_etime']
self._run_etime = d['run_etime']
self._priv_executed = d['executed']
self._isok = d['isok']
self.workdir = d['workdir']
def results_dump(self):
Dump the run results to pass it to a different process
return {
'id': self._rid,
'status': self.status,
'files_to_keep': self.files_to_keep,
'tot_etime': self.tot_etime,
'run_etime': self.run_etime,
'executed': self._executed,
'isok': self.isok,
'workdir': self.workdir
def clean_workdir(self, other_test_files=None):
for test in self:
def patch(self, patcher=None):
for test in self:
def get_backtraces(self):
return [test._get_one_backtrace() for test in self]
class AbinitTestSuite(object):
List of BaseTest instances. Provide methods to:
1) select subset of tests according to keywords, authors, numbers
2) run tests in parallel with python processes
3) analyze the final results
def __init__(self, abenv, inp_files=None, test_list=None, keywords=None, need_cpp_vars=None):
# One and only one should be provided
if (inp_files is None) == (test_list is None):
raise ValueError(
"One and only one of inp_file and test_list is expected but"
" found: {} and {}".format(inp_files, test_list)
self._executed = False
self._kill_me = False
self.abenv = abenv
self.exceptions = []
self._processes = []
if inp_files is not None:
self.tests = make_abitests_from_inputs(
inp_files, abenv,
keywords=keywords, need_cpp_vars=need_cpp_vars
elif test_list is not None:
assert keywords is None, (
"keywords argument is not expected with test_list")
assert need_cpp_vars is None, (
"need_cpp_vars argument is not expected with test_list.")
self.tests = tuple(test_list)
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join(str(t) for t in self.tests)
def __add__(self, other):
test_list = [t for t in self] + [t for t in other]
return self.__class__(self.abenv, test_list=test_list)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.tests)
def __iter__(self):
for t in self.tests:
yield t
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Called by self[key]."""
# FIXME: this won't work for tutorial, paral and other test suites.
if isinstance(key, slice):
return self.__getslice(key)
raise NotImplementedError("__getitem__ expects a slice instance")
def __getslice(self, slice):
start = slice.start
if start is None:
start = 0
stop = slice.stop
if stop is None:
stop = 10000 # Not very elegant, but cannot use len(self) since indices are not contiguous
assert slice.step is None, ("Slices with steps (e.g. [1:4:2]) are not supported.")
# Rules for the test id:
# Simple case: t01, tgw1_1
# test chain (no MPI): t81-t82-t83-t84, tlruj_1-tlruj_2-tlruj_3
# multi-parallel tests: t74_MPI2, t51_MPI1-t52_MPI1-t53_MPI1, tdfpt_01_MPI2 ...
test_list = []
for test in self:
# print("ID",test.id)
# extract the ID of the first test (if test_chain)
tokens = test.id.split("-")
assert tokens[0][0] == "t" # Assume first character is "t"
num = tokens[0][1:]
if "_MPI" in test.id:
# Handle multi-parallel tests.
# print(test.id)
idx = test.id.find("_MPI")
tok = test.id[1:idx]
# print(tok)
idx = tok.rfind("_")
if idx != -1:
# Handle tdfpt_01_MPI2 ...
# FIXME: this will fail if _OMP2_MPI2
tok = tok[idx + 1:]
num = int(tok)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Cannot convert %s to integer" % tok)
# Simple case or test_chain
idx = num.rfind("_")
if idx != -1:
num = int(num[idx + 1:])
num = int(num)
if num in range(start, stop):
# print "got", test.id
return self.__class__(self.abenv, test_list=test_list)
def full_length(self):
return sum(getattr(test, "__len__", lambda: 1)() for test in self)
def run_etime(self):
"""Total elapsed time i.e. the wall-time spent in the sub-processes e.g. abinit)"""
assert self._executed
return sum(test.run_etime for test in self)
def keywords(self):
keys = []
for test in self:
return set(keys)
def has_keywords(self, keywords):
return set(keywords).issubset(self.keywords)
def need_cpp_vars(self):
cpp_vars = []
for test in self:
return set(cpp_vars)
def on_refslave(self):
"""True if we are running on a reference slave e.g. abiref."""
return self._on_ref_slave
except AttributeError:
return False
def set_on_refslave(self, value=True):
"""Attribute setter"""
self._on_ref_slave = bool(value)
def all_exceptions(self):
"""Return my exceptions + test exceptions."""
all_excs = self.exceptions
for test in self:
return all_excs
def cpkl_dump(self, protocol=-1):
self.cpkl_fname = os.path.join(self.workdir, "test_suite.cpkl")
with open(self.cpkl_fname, "wb") as fh:
pickle.dump(self, fh, protocol=protocol)
def _tests_with_status(self, status):
assert status in BaseTest._possible_status
# assert self._executed
return [test for test in self if test.status == status]
def succeeded_tests(self): return self._tests_with_status("succeeded")
def passed_tests(self): return self._tests_with_status("passed")
def failed_tests(self): return self._tests_with_status("failed")
def skipped_tests(self): return self._tests_with_status("skipped")
def disabled_tests(self): return self._tests_with_status("disabled")
def targz_fname(self):
Location of the tarball file with the results in HTML format
Returns None if the tarball has not been created.
return getattr(self, '_targz_fname', None)
def create_targz_results(self):
"""Create the tarball file results.tar.gz in the working directory."""
assert self._executed
exclude_exts = [".cpkl", ".py", "pyc", ]
self._targz_fname = None
ofname = os.path.join(self.workdir, "results.tar.gz")
# The most delicate part here is the treatment of the exceptions
# since the test might not have produced the reference files
# we want to copy to the server. If something goes wrong, we simply
# register the exception and we continue the execution.
targz = tarfile.open(ofname, "w:gz")
for test in self:
# Don't try to collect files for tests that are disabled or skipped.
if test.status in {"disabled", "skipped"}:
files = set(test.files_to_keep)
save_files = {
f for f in files if not has_exts(f, exclude_exts)}
# print(save_files)
# Store stdout files only if the test failed.
important_status = {"failed", }
# Special treatment for reference machines
if self.on_refslave:
important_status = {"passed", "failed", }
if test.status not in important_status:
if isinstance(test, ChainOfTests):
for t in test:
# print "Removing Test Chain", t.stdout_fname
# print "Removing", test.stdout_fname
for p in save_files:
# if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.workdir, p)): continue
# /foo/bar/suite_workdir/test_workdir/file --> test_workdir/t01/file
rpath = os.path.relpath(p, start=self.workdir)
# arcname = str(rpath.encode("ascii", "ignore"))
arcname = str(rpath)
# print("targz.add: adding:", p," with arcname ", arcname)
# print(type(p), type(arcname))
targz.add(p, arcname=arcname)
except Exception as exc:
# Handle the case in which the output file has not been produced.
"exception while adding %s to tarball:\n%s" % (p, exc))
# Save the name of the tarball file.
self._targz_fname = ofname
except Exception as exc:
"exception while creating tarball file: %s" % str(exc))
def sanity_check(self):
all_full_ids = [test.full_id for test in self]
if len(all_full_ids) != len(set(all_full_ids)):
raise ValueError(
"Cannot have more than two tests with the same full_id")
def start_workers(self, nprocs, runner):
Start nprocs new processes that will get tests from a queue and run
them with runner and put the result of the runner in an output queue.
Return the task/input queue (to be closed only) and the results/output queue.
def worker(qin, qout, print_lock, thread_mode=False):
done = {'type': 'proc_done'}
all_done = False
while not all_done and not (thread_mode and self._kill_me):
test = qin.get(block=True, timeout=2)
if test is None: # reached the end
all_done = True
qout.put(runner(test, print_lock=print_lock))
except EmptyQueueError:
# If that happen it is a probably a bug
done['error'] = RuntimeError('Task queue is unexpectedly empty.')
except Exception as e:
# Any other error is reported
done['error'] = e
done['task'] = test.full_id
except (AttributeError, NameError):
print_lock = Lock()
task_q = Queue()
res_q = Queue()
for test in self:
# fill the queue
for _ in range(nprocs):
# one end signal for each worker
for i in range(nprocs - 1):
# create and start subprocesses
p = Process(target=worker, args=(task_q, res_q, print_lock))
# Add the worker as a thread of the main process
t = Thread(target=worker, args=(task_q, res_q, print_lock, True))
# make it daemon so it will die if the main process is interrupted early
t.daemon = True
return task_q, res_q
def wait_loop(self, nprocs, ntasks, timeout, queue):
Wait for all tests to be done by workers. Receives tests results from
queue and update the local tests objects.
results = {}
proc_running, task_remaining = nprocs, ntasks
while proc_running > 0:
msg = queue.get(block=True, timeout=(
1 + 2 * task_remaining * timeout / proc_running
if msg['type'] == 'proc_done':
proc_running -= 1
if 'error' in msg:
e = msg['error']
if 'task' in msg:
task_remaining -= 1
'Error append in a worker on test {}:\n{}: {}'
.format(msg['task'], type(e).__name__, e)
'Error append in a worker:\n{}: {}'
.format(type(e).__name__, e)
logger.info("{} worker(s) remaining for {} tasks."
.format(proc_running, task_remaining))
elif msg['type'] == 'result':
results[msg['id']] = msg
task_remaining -= 1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
raise KeyboardInterrupt()
except EmptyQueueError:
("Workers have been hanging until timeout. There were {} procs"
" working on {} tasks.").format(proc_running, task_remaining)
return None
return results
def run_tests(self, build_env, workdir, runner, nprocs=1, py_nprocs=1,
runmode="static", **kwargs):
Execute the list of tests (main entry point for client code)
build_env: `BuildEnv` instance with info on the build environment.
workdir: Working directory (string)
runner: `JobRunner` instance
nprocs: number of MPI processes to use for a single test.
py_nprocs: number of py_nprocs for tests
if len(self) == 0:
warnings.warn("len(self) == 0")
workdir = os.path.abspath(workdir)
if not os.path.exists(workdir):
self.workdir = workdir
# Acquire the lock file.
self.lock = NoErrorFileLock(os.path.join(workdir, "__run_tests_lock__"), timeout=3)
with self.lock as locked:
# aquire the global file lock
if not locked:
msg = (
"Timeout occured while trying to acquire lock in:\n\t{}\n"
"Perhaps a previous run did not exit cleanly or another "
"process is running in the same directory.\n If you are "
"sure no other process is in execution, remove the directory with `rm -rf` and rerun.\n"
cprint(msg, color="red")
# Remove all stale files present in workdir (except the lock!)
rmrf(self.workdir, exclude_paths=self.lock.lockfile)
self.nprocs = nprocs
self.py_nprocs = py_nprocs
def run_and_check_test(test, print_lock=None):
"""Helper function to execute the test. Must be thread-safe."""
testdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
self.workdir, test.suite_name + "_" + test.id))
# Run the test
test.run(build_env, runner, testdir, print_lock=print_lock,
nprocs=nprocs, runmode=runmode, **kwargs)
# Write HTML summary
# Remove useless files in workdir.
d = test.results_dump()
d['type'] = 'result'
return d
# And now let's run the tests
start_time = time.time()
if py_nprocs == 1:
logger.info("Sequential version")
for test in self:
# discard the return value because tests are directly modified
elif py_nprocs > 1:
logger.info("Parallel version with py_nprocs = %s" % py_nprocs)
task_q, res_q = self.start_workers(
py_nprocs, run_and_check_test)
timeout_1test = float(runner.timebomb.timeout)
if timeout_1test <= 0.1:
timeout_1test = 240.
# Wait for all tests to be done gathering results
results = self.wait_loop(py_nprocs, len(
self.tests), timeout_1test, res_q)
# remove this to let python garbage collect processes and avoid
# Pickle to complain (it does not accept processes for security reasons)
self._processes = []
if results is None:
# In principle this should not happen!
"WARNING: wait_loop returned None instead of results. Will try to continue execution!")
# update local tests instances with the results of their running in a remote process
for test in self.tests:
if test._rid not in results:
# This error will only happen if there is a bug
raise RuntimeError((
"I did not get results for test {}. "
"It means that some error occurred in the worker."
# Run completed.
self._executed = True
# Collect HTML files in a tarball
nsucc = len(self.succeeded_tests())
npass = len(self.passed_tests())
nfail = len(self.failed_tests())
nskip = len(self.skipped_tests())
ndisa = len(self.disabled_tests())
self.tot_etime = time.time() - start_time
# Print summary table.
stats_suite = {}
for test in self:
if test.suite_name not in stats_suite:
d = dict.fromkeys(BaseTest._possible_status, 0)
d["run_etime"] = 0.0
d["tot_etime"] = 0.0
stats_suite[test.suite_name] = d
stats_suite[test.suite_name][test.status] += 1
stats_suite[test.suite_name]["run_etime"] += test.run_etime
stats_suite[test.suite_name]["tot_etime"] += test.tot_etime
except AttributeError:
print("Cannot access run_etime, tot_etime attributes of test:\n\t%s" % str(test))
print("Likely due to timeout error.")
print("Continuing anyway despite the error.")
stats_suite[test.suite_name]["run_etime"] += 0.0
stats_suite[test.suite_name]["tot_etime"] += 0.0
suite_names = sorted(stats_suite.keys())
times = ["run_etime", "tot_etime"]
table = [["Suite"] + BaseTest._possible_status + times]
for suite_name in suite_names:
stats = stats_suite[suite_name]
row = [suite_name] + [str(stats[s]) for s in BaseTest._possible_status] + [
"%.2f" % stats[s] for s in times]
executed = [t for t in self if t.status != "skipped"]
if executed:
mean_etime = sum(
test.run_etime for test in executed) / len(executed)
dev_etime = (sum((test.run_etime - mean_etime) **
2 for test in executed) / len(executed))**0.5
cprint("Completed in %.2f [s]. Average time for test=%.2f [s], stdev=%.2f [s]" % (
self.tot_etime, mean_etime, dev_etime), color="yellow")
msg = "Summary: failed=%s, succeeded=%s, passed=%s, skipped=%s, disabled=%s" % (
nfail, nsucc, npass, nskip, ndisa)
if nfail:
cprint(msg, color="red", attrs=['underline'])
cprint(msg, color="green")
# Print outliers
if False and dev_etime > 0.0:
for test in self:
if abs(test.run_etime) > 0.0 and abs(test.run_etime - mean_etime) > 2 * dev_etime:
print("%s has run_etime %.2f s" %
(test.full_id, test.run_etime))
with open(os.path.join(self.workdir, "results.txt"), "wt") as fh:
pprint_table(table, out=fh)
username = my_getlogin()
# Create the HTML index.
DNS = {
"self": self,
"runner": runner,
"user_name": username,
"hostname": gethostname(),
"test_headings": ['ID', 'Status', 'run_etime (s)', 'tot_etime (s)'],
"suite_headings": ['failed', 'passed', 'succeeded', 'skipped', 'disabled'],
# Functions and modules available in the template.
"time": time,
"pj": os.path.join,
"basename": os.path.basename,
"str2html": str2html,
"sec2str": sec2str,
"args2htmltr": args2htmltr,
"html_link": html_link,
"status2html": status2html,
fname = os.path.join(self.workdir, "suite_report.html")
fh = open(fname, "w")
header = """
<title>Suite Summary</title>
<!-- Include Jquery -->
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- datatables: https://datatables.net/manual/installation -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.20/css/jquery.dataTables.css">
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.20/js/jquery.dataTables.js"></script>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
<h1>Suite Summary</h1>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<py-open code = "for h in suite_headings:"> </py-open>
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<py-open code = "for h in suite_headings:"> </py-open>
<td> ${len(self._tests_with_status(h))} </td>
tot_etime = ${sec2str(self.tot_etime)} <br>
run_etime = ${sec2str(self.run_etime)} <br>
no_pyprocs = ${self.py_nprocs} <br>
no_MPI = ${self.nprocs} <br>
table = """
<h1>Test Results</h1>
<table id="table_id" class="display" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<py-open code = "for h in test_headings:"> </py-open>
for status in BaseTest._possible_status:
table += self._pyhtml_table_section(status)
table += "</tbody> </table>"
footer = """
<h1>Suite Info</h1>
<py-line code = "keys = ', '.join(self.keywords)" />
<p>Keywords = ${keys}</p>
<py-line code = "cpp_vars = ', '.join(self.need_cpp_vars)"/>
<p>Required CPP variables = ${cpp_vars}</p>
Automatically generated by %s on %s. Logged on as %s@%s
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready( function () {
"lengthMenu": [[100, 200, -1], [100, 200, "All"]],
"paging": true,
"ordering": true,
// No ordering applied by DataTables during initialisation.
// The rows are shown in the order they are read by DataTables
// (i.e. the original order from the DOM
"order": [],
"info": true
} );
</html> """ % (_MY_NAME, time.asctime(), username, gethostname())
template = header + table + footer
template_stream = StringIO(template)
# Initialise an xyaptu xcopier, and call xcopy
xcp = xcopier(DNS, ouf=fh)
return Results(self)
def terminate(self):
Kill all workers
for p in self._processes:
self._kill_me = True
self._processes = []
def _pyhtml_table_section(status):
# ['ID', 'Status', 'run_etime', 'tot_etime'],
string = """
<py-open code="for test in self.%s_tests():"/>
<py-line code = "report_link = pj(basename(test.workdir),'test_report.html') " />
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td> ${html_link(test.full_id, report_link)}</td>
<td> ${status2html(test.status)} </td>
<td> ${sec2str(test.run_etime)} </td>
<td> ${sec2str(test.tot_etime)} </td>
""" % status
return string
def patch(self, patcher=None):
Patch the output files of the test with the specified patcher.
A default patcher is provided if patcher is None (use $PATCHER shell variable)
for test in self:
def select_tests(self, with_keys=None, exclude_keys=None, with_authors=None, exclude_authors=None,
ivars=None, mode="any"):
Extract the subset of tests matching the given conditions.
`AbinitTestSuite` instance
test_list = [test for test in self]
if with_keys:
test_list = [test for test in test_list if test.has_keywords(with_keys, mode=mode)]
if exclude_keys:
test_list = [test for test in test_list if not test.has_keywords(exclude_keys, mode=mode)]
if with_authors:
test_list = [test for test in test_list if test.has_authors(with_authors, mode=mode)]
if exclude_authors:
test_list = [test for test in test_list if not test.has_authors(exclude_authors, mode=mode)]
if ivars:
test_list = [test for test in test_list if test.has_variables(ivars)]
return AbinitTestSuite(self.abenv, test_list=test_list)
def make_listoftests(self, width=100, html=True):
"""Create the ListOfTests files."""
if not html:
return "\n\n".join(test.listoftests(width, html) for test in self)
header = """
<head><title>"LIST OF TESTS" FILE</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
<!-- Automatically generated by %s on %s. ****DO NOT EDIT**** -->""" % (_MY_NAME, time.asctime())
body = "<hr>".join(test.listoftests(width, html) for test in self)
footer = """
Automatically generated by %s on %s.
</html>""" % (_MY_NAME, time.asctime())
return header + body + footer
class Results(object):
"""Stores the final results."""
def __init__(self, test_suite):
# assert test_suite._executed
self.test_suite = test_suite
self.failed_tests = test_suite.failed_tests()
self.passed_tests = test_suite.passed_tests()
self.succeeded_tests = test_suite.succeeded_tests()
self.skipped_tests = test_suite.skipped_tests()
self.disabled_tests = test_suite.disabled_tests()
self.targz_fname = test_suite.targz_fname
def __str__(self): pass
def tests_with_status(self, status):
return {
"succeeded": self.succeeded_tests,
"passed": self.passed_tests,
"failed": self.failed_tests,
"disabled": self.disabled_tests,
"skipped": self.skipped_tests,
"all": [test for test in self.test_suite]
def nfailed(self):
"""Number of failures"""
return len(self.failed_tests)
def npassed(self):
"""Number of tests marked as passed."""
return len(self.passed_tests)
def nexecuted(self):
"""Number of tests executed."""
n = 0
for test in self.test_suite:
if isinstance(test, ChainOfTests):
n += len([t for t in test if t.executed])
if test.executed:
n += 1
return n
def outref_files(self, status):
Return (out_files, ref_files)
where out_files and ref_files are lists with the output files and the reference
files of the tests with the given status.
out_files, ref_files = [], []
for test in self.tests_with_status(status):
for f in test.files_to_test:
#print(f"status: {status}, f.fld_status: {f.fld_status}")
# print(f)
# if status != "all" and f.fld_status != status: continue
out_files.append(os.path.join(test.workdir, f.name))
ref_fname = os.path.join(test.ref_dir, f.name)
# FIXME Hack due to the ambiguity stdout, out!
if not os.path.exists(ref_fname) and ref_fname.endswith(".stdout"):
ref_fname = ref_fname[:-7] + ".out"
#ref_fname = ref_fname[:-7] + ".abo"
return out_files, ref_files
def in_files(self, status):
"""List with the input files of the tests with the given status."""
in_files = []
for test in (self.tests_with_status(status)):
if isinstance(test, ChainOfTests):
in_files.extend(t.inp_fname for t in test)
return in_files
def patch_refs(self, status="failed"):
"""Patch the reference files of the tests with the specified status."""
out_files, ref_files = self.outref_files(status=status)
# for r, o in zip(out_files, ref_files): print("reference: %s, output %s" % (r, o))
return Patcher().patch_files(out_files, ref_files)
def edit_inputs(self, status="failed"):
"""Edit the input files of the tests with the specified status."""
in_files = self.in_files(status=status)
# for r, o in zip(out_files, ref_files):
# print("reference: %s, output %s" % (r, o))
return Editor().edit_files(in_files)
def inspect_stderrs(self, status="failed"):
"""Open the stderr of the tests with the give status in `Editor`."""
return Editor().edit_files(self.stderr_files(status))
def stderr_files(self, status="failed"):
"""List of non-empty error files of the tests with the specified status."""
# Loop over the tests, open the stderr to see if it's empty or not and add it to the list.
err_files = []
for test in self.tests_with_status(status):
if isinstance(test, ChainOfTests):
es = [t.stderr_fname for t in test if not t.has_empty_stderr]
if es:
if not test.has_empty_stderr:
return err_files
def cpkl_dump(self, cpkl_fname, protocol=-1):
"""Save the object in pickle format."""
with open(cpkl_fname, "wb") as fh:
pickle.dump(self, fh, protocol=protocol)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Automatic documentation of the TEST_INFO options.