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172 lines
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Executable File
172 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File
Implement a class used to analyze some data from ABINIT .abo file.
Can be used to count datasets, extract number of iterations...
from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals
from math import ceil, floor
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class AboFileAnalysis(object):
"""Main object containing data from abo file (for furher analysis)."""
def __init__(self,file_name,option):
file_name: name of the file to analyze
option (string): which type of information do we extract from the file (possible values: "iterations")
self.file_type = "abo"
self.file_name = file_name
self.option = option
if option != "":
self.dtsets = self.extract(option=option)
# -------------
def extract(self,option):
Extract data from the abo file, dataset per dataset
option (string): which type of information do we extract from the file
possible values: "iterations" = extract the number of iterations of all cycles
dataset_list = []
abo_lines = open(self.file_name, "rt").readlines()
# Loop over file lines (loop over datasets)
inDatasetMode = False
for i, line in enumerate(abo_lines):
# Open dataset mode
if line.startswith("== DATASET"):
if inDatasetMode:
inDatasetMode = True
current_dataset = AboDataset(int(line.split()[2]))
# Close dataset mode
elif line.startswith("== END DATASET(S)"):
inDatasetMode = False
# Read data from current dataset
# Read optdriver
if "meta: {optdriver:" in line:
current_dataset.optdriver = int(line.split()[2].split(',')[0])
if "iterations" in option:
# Read MD iteration number
# Look for:
# At Broyd/MD step X, gradients are converged
if "At Broyd/MD step" in line and "converged" in line:
current_dataset.MD_niter = int(line.split()[3].split(',')[0])
# Look for:
# ntime= X was not enough Broyd/MD steps to converge gradients
if "ntime" in line and "was not enough Broyd/MD steps" in line:
current_dataset.MD_niter = int(line.split()[1])
# Read SCF iteration number
# Look for:
# At SCF step X, etot is converged
# At SCF step X, forces are converged
# At SCF step X, forces are sufficiently converged
# At SCF step X, nres2 [...] =>converged
# At SCF step X, max residual [...] =>converged
# At SCF step X, max grdnorm [...] =>converged
if "At SCF step" in line and "converged" in line:
# Look for:
# At SCF step X, the difference between
# is converged : diff(etot_el-etot_pos)=
if "At SCF step" in line and "converged" in abo_lines[i+1]:
# Look for:
# nstep= X was not enough SCF cycles to converge;
# nstep= X was not enough non-SCF iterations to converge;
if "nstep=" in line and "was not enough" in line:
# Debug
# print([[j.number,j.optdriver,j.MD_niter,j.SCF_niter] for j in dataset_list])
return dataset_list
# -------------
def compare_with(self,other_abo_file,option,percent_allowed_small=0,percent_allowed_large=0):
Compare the current abo file with another one
Compare only specific parts specified by argument option (string)
option: what do we compare (possible values: "iterations")
percent_allowed_small: percentage allowed for a change in the number of iterations
for small numbers of iterations (n_iter<=8)
percent_allowed_large: percentage allowed for a change in the number of iterations
for large numbers of iterations (n_iter>8)
status = "succeeded"
err_msg = "" ; err_msg_short = ""
tol_small = float(percent_allowed_small)/100.
tol_large = float(percent_allowed_large)/100.
if status == "succeeded":
if other_abo_file is None:
status = "failed"
raise ValueError("BUG: no abo file provided for the diff!")
if status == "succeeded":
if len(self.dtsets) != len(other_abo_file.dtsets):
status = "failed"
raise ValueError("ERROR: the two abo files have different dataset numbers!")
if status == "succeeded":
if "iterations" in option and "iterations" in self.option:
for i, dtset1 in enumerate(self.dtsets):
dtset2 = other_abo_file.dtsets[i]
jdt = dtset1.number
if dtset1.MD_niter is not None and dtset2.MD_niter is not None:
tol = tol_small if dtset1.MD_niter<=8 else tol_large
if dtset2.MD_niter > ceil(dtset1.MD_niter*(1.+tol)) or dtset2.MD_niter < floor(dtset1.MD_niter*(1.-tol)):
status = "failed"
err_msg = err_msg+'\n' if err_msg != "" else ""
err_msg += "Dataset %d, # of MD/relax iterations differs by more than %d%%!" % (jdt,int(tol*100))
err_msg_short += "(dtset %d, MD/relax cycle)" % (jdt)
if len(dtset1.SCF_niter)>0 and len(dtset2.SCF_niter)>0:
ncycle = len(dtset1.SCF_niter)
for it, niter1 in enumerate(dtset1.SCF_niter):
niter2 = dtset2.SCF_niter[it]
tol = tol_small if niter1<=8 else tol_large
if niter2 > ceil(niter1*(1.+tol)) or niter2 < floor(niter1*(1.-tol)):
status = "failed"
err_msg = err_msg+'\n' if err_msg != "" else ""
if ncycle == 1:
err_msg += "Dataset %d, # of [non-]SCF iterations differs by more than %d%%!" % (jdt,int(tol*100))
err_msg_short += "(dtset %d, SCF_iter)" % (i)
err_msg += "Dataset %d, MD/relax cycle %d, # of [non-]SCF iterations differs by more than %d%%!" % (jdt,it+1,int(tol*100))
err_msg_short += "(dtset %d, MD/relax cycle %d, SCF_iter)" % (jdt,it+1)
return status,err_msg,err_msg_short
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class AboDataset(object):
"""Object storing data extracted from ABINIT abo file for ONE dataset."""
def __init__(self,number):
self.number = number
self.optddriver = 0
self.MD_niter = None
self.SCF_niter = [] # This is a list because several SCF can occur in a dataset