
535 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

#The source script should be preprocessed, and one line indicating
#the location of perl (for example #!/usr/bin/perl) should be added, at its top
# Object: compare 2 output files from ABINIT line by line with arithmetic
# comparisons of floating point substrings
# Copyright (C) 1999-2025 ABINIT group (LSi,XG)
# This file is distributed under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
# or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
# For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .
# Usage: fldiff [-context] [ -ignore | -include ] [ -ignoreP | -includeP ] [ -easy | -medium | -ridiculous ] file1 file2 [label]
# The first character of each line in both files indicates the mode of comparison;
# these first characters MUST be identical in corresponding lines.
# By default, a floating point comparison with a tolerance of 1.01d-10 is done
# on all floating point strings and a character comparison is done on all other
# strings, disregarding multiple spaces.
# In order for two numbers to be declared different, BOTH the absolute difference
# and the relative difference (difference divided by the sum of absolute values)
# must be bigger than the tolerance.
# Some special characters at the beginning of lines require a different handling:
# - mark lines as same regardless to their content (i. e. ignore lines)
# (can be be present in the 2 files or not, but must begin with -)
# + mark lines as different regardless to their content
# , handle as + with -include option and as - with -ignore option
# P handle as + with -includeP option and as - with -ignoreP option
# % floating point comparisons are done with a tolerance of 1.01e-2
# ; floating point comparisons are done irrespective of signs
# : ignore floating point numbers and do a characters comparison
# . do a characters comparison, but do not count this line in the Summary
# Both files should have the same number of non - starting lines.
# With -context option, save character strings for context and print it
# with line number when floating difference is found.
# The -ignore and -include options affects the treatment of the ','
# special character in the first column (see above)
# The -ignoreP and -includeP options affects the treatment of the 'P'
# special character in the first column (see above)
# If -ridiculous is specified, the default tolerance is set to 1.01e-2
# If -easy is specified, the default tolerance is set to 1.01e-5
# If -medium is specified, the default tolerance is set to 1.01e-8
# These modifications do not apply to the tolerance determined by the
# '%',and '.' first-column special signs
# If "label" is specified, it will appear in the last, summary line.
$, = ' '; # set output field separator
$\ = "\n"; # set output record separator
$debug = 0;
# analyze options
$argptr = 0;
$ignore = 0;
$ignoreP = 0;
$include = 0;
$context = 0;
$ridiculous = 0;
$easy = 0;
$medium = 0;
while (1) {
$ldc1 = substr($ARGV[$argptr],0,1); # leading character
last if ($ldc1 ne '-'); # end of options
if ($ARGV[$argptr] eq '-ignore') {
$ignore = 1;
$argptr ++;
elsif ($ARGV[$argptr] eq '-include') {
$include = 1;
$argptr ++;
elsif ($ARGV[$argptr] eq '-ignoreP') {
$ignoreP = 1;
$argptr ++;
elsif ($ARGV[$argptr] eq '-includeP') {
$includeP = 1;
$argptr ++;
elsif ($ARGV[$argptr] eq '-context') {
$context = 1;
$mincontext = 4; # minimum length for a context change
$argptr ++;
elsif ($ARGV[$argptr] eq '-ridiculous') {
$ridiculous = 1;
$argptr ++;
elsif ($ARGV[$argptr] eq '-easy') {
$easy = 1;
$argptr ++;
elsif ($ARGV[$argptr] eq '-medium') {
$medium = 1;
$argptr ++;
else {
last; # probably file id beginning with dash
if ($include + $ignore >= 2) {
print STDERR 'Error: -ignore and -include are mutually exclusive';
print STDERR "Usage is: fldiff [-context] [ -ignore | -include ] [ -ignoreP | -includeP ] [ -easy | -medium | -ridiculous ] file1 file2 [label] \n";
if ($includeP + $ignoreP >= 2) {
print STDERR 'Error: -ignoreP and -includeP are mutually exclusive';
print STDERR "Usage is: fldiff [-context] [ -ignore | -include ] [ -ignoreP | -includeP ] [ -easy | -medium | -ridiculous ] file1 file2 [label] \n";
if ($ridiculous + $easy + $medium >= 2) {
print STDERR 'Error: -ridiculous, -easy and -medium are mutually exclusive';
print STDERR "Usage is: fldiff [-context] [ -ignore | -include ] [ -ignoreP | -includeP ] [ -easy | -medium | -ridiculous ] file1 file2 [label] \n";
# set up default tolerance
$defaulttol= 1.01e-10;
$defaulttol= 1.01e-8 if ($medium == 1); # medium value
$defaulttol= 1.01e-5 if ($easy == 1); # easy value
$defaulttol= 1.01e-2 if ($ridiculous == 1); # ridiculous value
$maxAbsDif = 0.0e0;
$maxRelDif = 0.0e0;
# counting all the differences independent of $tolerance
$maxAbsDif2 = 0.0e0;
$maxRelDif2 = 0.0e0;
# check file identifications
$in1 = $ARGV[$argptr];
$in2 = $ARGV[$argptr+1];
$label = $ARGV[$argptr+2];
if ($in1 eq '' || $in2 eq '') {
print STDERR "Missing input file(s)";
print STDERR "Usage is: fldiff [-context] [ -ignore | -include ] [ -ignoreP | -includeP ] [ -easy | -medium | -ridiculous ] file1 file2 [label] \n";
$rc = open(FILEIN1,"<$in1");
if ($rc eq '') {
print STDERR "Unable to open input file $in1\n";
$rc = open(FILEIN2,"<$in2");
if ($rc eq '') {
print STDERR "Unable to open input file $in2\n";
# read both files a first time and check consistency
$lnm1 = 0; $ign1 = 0;
$lnm2 = 0; $ign2 = 0;
while (1) {
while ($lin1 = <FILEIN1>) { # read next line from file 1
$lnm1 ++; # bump line counter
$ldc1 = substr($lin1,0,1); # leading character
$ldc1 = ' ' if ($ldc1 eq "\n" || $ldc1 eq "\r"); # handle null lines as blank
$ldc1 = ' ' if ($ldc1 eq "_"); # treat lines beginning with "_" as normal
last if ($ldc1 ne '-' && $ldc1 ne 'P'); # read until not to be ignored line
$ign1 ++; # bump ignored lines counter
while ($lin2 = <FILEIN2>) { # read next line from file 2
$lnm2 ++; # bump line counter
$ldc2 = substr($lin2,0,1); # leading character
$ldc2 = ' ' if ($ldc2 eq "\n" || $ldc2 eq "\r"); # handle null lines as blank
$ldc2 = ' ' if ($ldc2 eq "_"); # treat lines beginning with "_" as normal
last if ($ldc2 ne '-' && $ldc2 ne 'P'); # read until not to be ignored line
$ign2 ++; # bump ignored lines counter
if ($lin1 eq '' || $lin2 eq '') { # end of any file ?
$lct1 = $lnm1 - $ign1; # count of significant lines
$lct2 = $lnm2 - $ign2;
# end of file should occur on both files simultanously
# significant lines should correspond 1 by 1
if ($lin1 ne $lin2 || $lct1 != $lct2) {
print STDERR "The diff analysis cannot be done: the number of lines to be analysed differ.";
print STDERR "File $in1: $lnm1 lines, $ign1 ignored";
print STDERR "File $in2: $lnm2 lines, $ign2 ignored\n";
if ($ldc1 ne $ldc2) {
print STDERR "The diff analysis cannot be pursued: the leading characters differ.";
print STDERR "File $in1, line $lnm1, $ign1 ignored, character:$ldc1";
print STDERR "File $in2, line $lnm2, $ign2 ignored, character:$ldc2\n";
# close files and reread them comparing data
$rc = open(FILEIN1,"<$in1");
if ($rc eq '') {
print STDERR "Unable to open input file $in1\n";
$rc = open(FILEIN2,"<$in2");
if ($rc eq '') {
print STDERR "Unable to open input file $in2\n";
$lnm1 = 0;
$lnm2 = 0;
$diffcnt = 0;
$contextprv = '';
while (1) {
$diffcntfl = 0;
while ($lin1 = <FILEIN1>) { # read next line from file 1
$lnm1 ++; # bump line counter
$ldc1 = substr($lin1,0,1); # leading character
$ldc1 = ' ' if ($ldc1 eq "\n" || $ldc1 eq "\r"); # handle null lines as blank
last if ($ldc1 ne '-' && $ldc1 ne 'P'); # read until not to be ignored line
while ($lin2 = <FILEIN2>) { # read next line from file 2
$lnm2 ++; # bump line counter
$ldc2 = substr($lin2,0,1); # leading character
$ldc2 = ' ' if ($ldc2 eq "\n" || $ldc2 eq "\r"); # handle null lines as blank
last if ($ldc2 ne '-' && $ldc2 ne 'P'); # read until not to be ignored line
last if($lin1 eq '' && $lin2 eq ''); # end of both files
if ($ldc1 ne $ldc2 && $ldc1 ne '_' && $ldc2 ne '_') { # never be too carefull
print STDERR "Internal error at lines $lnm1 $lnm2";
# YP: ignore differences caused by MPI extra output
# FIXME: this is probably quite dirty :-s
$lin1 =~ s/ by node([ ]+)([0-9]+)//;
$lin2 =~ s/ by node([ ]+)([0-9]+)//;
$lin1 =~ s/_P-[0-9]{4}_(EIG)/_$1/;
$lin2 =~ s/_P-[0-9]{4}_(EIG)/_$1/;
# DC: in XML file, add a '.' sign at start of line for the timeInfo element.
if ((index $lin1, "timeInfo") ge 0) {
$lin1 = '.'.$lin1;
$ldc1 = '.'
if ((index $lin2, "timeInfo") ge 0) {
$lin2 = '.'.$lin2;
$ldc2 = '.'
$same = 1; # assume lines are similar
# + command character
if($ldc1 eq '+') {
$same = 0; # handle lines as different
# , command character
elsif ($ldc1 eq ',' && $ignore+$include > 0) {
$same = 1 if ($ignore == 1); # handle as same and ignore if -ignore
$same = 0 if ($include == 1); # handle as different if -include
# P command character
elsif ($ldc1 eq 'P' && $ignoreP+$includeP > 0) {
$same = 1 if ($ignoreP == 1); # handle as same and ignore if -ignoreP
$same = 0 if ($includeP == 1); # handle as different if -includeP
# _ command character
elsif($ldc1 eq '_' || $ldc2 eq '_') {
$same = 1; # handle lines as same
# other command: compare lines field by field, ignoring imbedded blanks
else {
@field1 = split(' ',substr($lin1,1)); # parse line into array
@field2 = split(' ',substr($lin2,1));
if ($#field1 != $#field2) { # Error: different field counts
print 'DBG diffldct',$lnm1,$#field1,$#field2 if($debug >= 1);
$same = 0;
$diffcnt ++;
else {
if ($ldc1 eq ':') { # no floating point tolerance - characters
$tolerance = 0;
elsif ($ldc1 eq '.') { # no floating point tolerance - characters, but do not count this line in the Summary
$tolerance = 1;
elsif ($ldc1 eq '-' || $field1[0] eq '' ) {
$tolerance = 1;
elsif ($ldc1 eq '%') { # floating point very high tolerance
$tolerance = 1.01e-2;
else { # floating point default tolerance
$tolerance = $defaulttol;
$absoluteval=0 ;
$absoluteval=1 if($ldc1 eq ';') ;
print 'DBG toler',$lnm1,$tolerance if($debug >= 1);
$contextcur = '';
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#field1; $i++) { # compare corresponding fields
if ($tolerance == 0) {
if ($field1[$i] ne $field2[$i]) { # character comparison
print 'DBG difchar1',$lnm1,$i if($debug >= 1);
$same = 0;
$contextprv = '';
$diffcnt ++;
last; # Error: characters fields are different
elsif ($tolerance == 1) { # special treatment : do not increment diffcnt
if ($field1[$i] ne $field2[$i]) { # character comparison
$same = 0;
$contextprv = '';
last; # Error: characters fields are different
else {
$_ = $field1[$i];
$remain2 = $field2[$i];
while ($_ ne '') { # scan corresponding fields for floating point numbers
&strfltrem; # call subroutine to break field 1 into pieces
$nafstr1 = $nafstr;
$fltnum1 = $fltnum;
$remain1 = $remainder;
$_ = $remain2;
&strfltrem; # call subroutine to break field 2 into pieces
if ($nafstr1 ne $nafstr) { # compare 1st piece on both strings
# Error: characters pieces are different
print 'DBG difchar2',$lnm1,$i if($debug >= 1);
$same = 0;
$diffcnt ++;
$contextprv = '';
else {
$contextcur = $contextcur.' '.$nafstr1 if ($nafstr1 ne '');
if ($fltnum1 ne '' && $fltnum ne '') {
# 2 corresponding floating point numbers have been found
# Might have to compute their absolute value
if($absoluteval eq 1) {
$fltnum1 = -$fltnum1 if ($fltnum1 < 0);
$fltnum = -$fltnum if ($fltnum < 0);
# Compute difference
$difflt = $fltnum1-$fltnum;
# abs function is not recognized by all versions of perl; do it inline
$difflt = -$difflt if ($difflt < 0);
# compute sum of absolute values
$absnum=$fltnum ;
$absnum = -$absnum if ($absnum < 0);
$absnum1=$fltnum1 ;
$absnum1 = -$absnum1 if ($absnum1 < 0);
$sumflt = $absnum1 + $absnum;
# counting all differences independent of $tolerance (GAF)
if($difflt > 0.0e0) {
# print '---BEGIN Line1=',$lnm1,'Line2=',$lnm2,'Field=',$i;
# print '$maxAbsDif2',$maxAbsDif2;
# print '$maxRelDif2',$maxRelDif2;
if ($difflt > $maxAbsDif2) {
$maxAbsDif2 = $difflt;
if ($sumflt > 0.0e0) {
# print 'DIFFLT',$difflt,'=',$fltnum1,'-',$fltnum;
# print 'SUMFLT',$sumflt;
# print '$difflt / $sumflt', $difflt,' / ',$sumflt;
if ($difflt*$sumflt > 0.0e0) {
$diffltrel2 = $difflt / $sumflt;
# print 'Setting: $diffltrel2',$diffltrel2
if ($diffltrel2 > $maxRelDif2) {
# print 'Line1=',$lnm1,'Line2=',$lnm2,'Field=',$i,'DIFFTREL2',$difftrel2;
# print 'Line1=',$lnm1,'Line2=',$lnm2,'Field=',$i,'MAXRELDIF2',$maxRelDIF2;
$maxRelDif2 = $diffltrel2;
# print '$maxAbsDif2',$maxAbsDif2;
# print '$maxRelDif2',$maxRelDif2;
# print '---END Line1=',$lnm1,'Line2=',$lnm2,'Field=',$i;
# counting only differences inside tolerance
if ( $difflt > $tolerance && $difflt > $tolerance * $sumflt ) {
# Error: both tolerance criteria exceeded
print 'DBG flttoler',$lnm1,$i if($debug >= 1);
$same = 0;
#jmb $diffcnt ++;
$diffcntfl ++;
if ($difflt > $maxAbsDif) {
$maxAbsDif = $difflt;
$linAbsDif = $lnm1;
if ($sumflt > 0.0e0) {
$diffltrel = $difflt / $sumflt;
if ($diffltrel > $maxRelDif) {
$maxRelDif = $diffltrel;
$linRelDif = $lnm1;
#jmb last NEXTFIELD;
else {
$len = length($remainder);
# drop current context if remainder is significant
$contextcur = '' if ($len > $mincontext);
elsif ($fltnum1 ne '' ^ $fltnum ne '') {
# Error: only 1 floating point number has been discovered
print 'DBG diffloat',$lnm1,$i if($debug >= 1);
$same = 0;
$diffcnt ++;
$_ = $remain1; # prepare for next piece
$remain2 = $remainder;
} # end for while ($_)
if ($remain1 ne $remain2) {
# Error: premature end of field 1
print 'DBG endofild',$lnm1,$i if($debug >= 1);
$same = 0;
$diffcnt ++;
} # end for ($i
if ($diffcntfl > 0) { $diffcnt ++; };
# print lines when different
if ($same == 0) {
if ($context == 1) {
print $lnm1,$contextprv;
else {
print $lnm1;
chop $lin1;
print '<',$lin1;
chop $lin2;
print '>',$lin2;
$len = length($contextcur);
$contextprv = $contextcur if ($context == 1 && $len > $mincontext);
} # end while(1)
sub strfltrem {
# this subroutine will try to split a string into non-floating, floating and remainder substrings
# on input: $_ = string to be parsed; contents is undefined on output
# on output: $nafstr = non-floating point substring beginning $_
# $fltnum = floating point number if found; null string otherwise
# $remainder = remainder substring that may be null
local ($hit,$fixed,$expon);
$nafstr = ''; # initialize first non-floating field
$fltnum = '';
$remainder = '';
while (1) {
# split string into non-numeric and sign-dot-digit substrings
$hit = m/([^0-9\-\+\.]*)(.*$)/;
die "internal error 1" if (! $hit); # assert
$nafstr .= $1; # concatene non-numeric substring
print 'NAF1:',$1,$nafstr if ($debug >= 2);
return if ($2 eq ''); # whole string is pure numeric i.e. not floating
print "REM1:",$2 if ($debug >= 2);
$_ = $2;
# try to split substring into fixed point and non-numeric
$hit = m/(^[\-\+]?[0-9]*\.[0-9]+)(.*$)/;
if (! $hit) {
# the string started with digit or sign but no fixed point number was found
# decimal point is either missing, or not followed by mantissa
$hit = m/(.*)(^0-9\.\+\-$)/; # split string at character that is no digit/sign/dot
if (! $hit) {
$nafstr .= $_; # concatene pure numeric substring
print 'NAF2:',$_,$nafstr if ($debug >= 2);
$nafstr .= $1; # concatene non-numeric substring
print 'NAF3:',$_,$nafstr if ($debug >= 2);
$_ = $2; # drop characters up to non-numeric
return if ($_ eq ''); # whole string is not floating
print "REM3:",$2 if ($debug >= 2);
next; # continue with remainder
# a fixed point numeric string has been discovered
print 'NAF4:',$nafstr if ($nafstr ne '' && $debug >= 2);
$fixed = $1;
print 'FIX:',$1 if ($debug >= 2);
$_ = $2;
$remainder = $2;
print "REM4:",$2 if ($debug >= 2);
$hit = m/(^[DdEe][\+\-]?[0-9]+)(.*)/; # search possible exponent
if (! $hit) {
$fltnum = $1 +0.e0; # convert character string to floating point number
$expon = $1;
$expon =~ s/^[Dd]/E/; # D not recognized by perl; change to E
$fixed .= $expon; # concatene mantissa and exponent
print "FLT:",$fixed if ($debug >= 2);
$fltnum = $fixed +0.e0; # convert character string to floating point number
$remainder = $2;
print "REM5:",$2 if ($debug >= 2);
sub summary {
local ($exitcode) = @_;
if ($maxAbsDif2>0){
if ($maxRelDif2>0){
# print STDERR "$label tolnlines= $diffcntfl tolabs= $maxAbsDif2 tolrel= $maxRelDif2";
#printf STDERR "$label tolnlines= %2d tolabs= %.3e tolrel= %.3e\n",$diffcnt,$IncrMaxAbsDif2,$IncrMaxRelDif2;
# this routine will print a short summary of differences and exit with the code
# note that most shells only recognize integer numbers as exit codes
if ($exitcode != 0) {
print "Summary $label : fatal error, see above message";
exit $exitcode;
if ($diffcnt == 0) {
print "Summary $label : no significant difference has been found";
exit 0;
# print "Summary $label : different lines= $diffcnt , max discrepancies absolute= $maxAbsDif (l.$linAbsDif), relative= $maxRelDif (l.$linRelDif)";
printf "Summary $label : different lines= %d , max abs_diff= %.3e (l.%d), max rel_diff= %.3e (l.%d)", $diffcnt,$maxAbsDif,$linAbsDif,$maxRelDif,$linRelDif;
exit 4;