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How to use hybrid functionals FJ

This page gives hints on how to use hybrid functionals with the ABINIT package.


The Fock exchange term has been implemented in ABINIT, both in the norm- conserving pseudopotential framework and in the PAW one. Some details about the implementation in ABINIT can be found pdf:hybrids-2017.pdf.
For an ABINIT user, to make a calculation of Fock exchange:
- do a first GGA dataset for the ground state
- do a second dataset for the Fock calculation choosing ixc=40-42 (HF, PBE0, PBE0-1/3), -402 (B3LYP-Libxc), -406 (PBE0-Libxc), -456 (PBE0-1/3 Libxc), or -427, -428 (HSE03, HSE06).

The energy, forces and stresses are available in the norm-conserving and PAW frameworks.
A one-shot G0W0 calculation can follow, only in the norm-conserving case at present.

Parallelism is available for spin and k-points np_spkpt, as well as over occupied bands nphf.

!!! warning

Use [[istwfk]]=1, [[iscf]]=2, [[paral_kgb]]=0, [[paral_atom]]=0.  
The efficiency of the calculation is not optimal. Work is in progress
concerning this point.

{{ related_variables }}

Selected Input Files

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