mirror of https://github.com/abinit/abinit.git
786 lines
30 KiB
Executable File
786 lines
30 KiB
Executable File
# This script beautifies a Fortran source file or a collection of sources from
# a specific subdirectory or, from current directory and all src/* subdirectories.
# Copyright (C) 2007-2025 ABINIT group (LSi)
# This file is distributed under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
# or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
# For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt
# NOTE : under Unix, an abiauty script will be automatically generated by
# the command make perl in the ~abinit directory.
# unix shell: abiauty [-p] [-v] [-d subdirectory | sourcefile]
# Windows DOS box: [perl] abiauty.pl [-p] [-v] [-d subdirectory | sourcefile]
# Options:
# -p original source files will be preserved; new files with .abiauty
# suffix will be written into same subdirectory
# -v verbose mode
# -d handle files in subdirectory instead of all files in src/*
# Algorithm :
# Big loop on the files to be treated
# For each file, read one line at a time, analyze it, possibly transform it, and write it..
# For each line, there is the possibility of five phases.
# The treatment of each line might begin at phase 5 (execution), depending on whether the previous line ended at phase 5.
# The first phase corresponds to the line that starts the ROBODOC header, with extration of some information.
# The second phase corresponds to the treatment of the ROBODOC header, including recognition of the NAME and SOURCE keywords.
# For the third phase and higher ones, one identifies the ROBODOC Last marker and switch back to phase 1 if identified.
# The third phase start to process the SOURCE section, and find program/subroutine/function... statement
# The fourth phase find executable subsection in source e.g. thanks to the identification of the !******** marker
# One might come back to a phase 3 level if found end statement before executable section
$, = ' '; # set output field separator
$\ = "\n"; # set output record separator
# list of supported file types and corresponding file suffixes:
%Fsufix = ('Fortran','.F90' );
@Ftypes = keys(%Fsufix); # list of file types only
@Modules = values(%Fsufix); # modules list defaults to suffixes list
@SourceDirs = <. src/*>; # directories list defaults to all source subdirs
# Robodoc definitions
$RobodocBegin = '!!****'; # Robodoc begin marker
$RobodocLast = '!!***'; # last source line
# required items in the specified order:
@RobodocRequ = ('NAME','SOURCE');
# Upper case keywords that should trigger a warning and exceptions ...
@UpCaseKeyWds = ('CASE','DO','ELSE','END','IF','SELECT','THEN');
# ... excluding if present in the following expressions ...
# ENDDEBUG and TODO are normally commented
# Indentation constants (that may be changed with caution):
# see WriteLine subroutine for usage
$IndentCols = 2; # columns count for normal indentation
$IndentCont = 1; # columns count for continuations
$IndentCase = 0; # columns count for select case constructs
$IndentMPI = 10; # columns to shift MPI #ifdef - #endif blocks
$debug = 0; # verbose mode defaults to off
$preserve = 0; # default is modify source files
# analyze options and parameters
$CurARG = 0;
while (1) {
if ($ARGV[$CurARG] eq '-v') {
$debug ++; # 1 for verbose mode, 2 for intensive debugging, 3 for sub TrimString
if ($ARGV[$CurARG] eq '-p') {
$preserve = 1; # leave original source files unchanged
print 'Source files will be kept unchanged' if ($debug > 0);
$CurARG ++;
if ($ARGV[$CurARG] eq '-d') { # check if -d subdir
if (! -d $ARGV[$CurARG+1]) {
print "ERROR: directory $ARGV[$CurARG+1] not found";
exit 16;
@SourceDirs = ($ARGV[$CurARG+1]); # sources subdirectory
$CurARG += 2;
elsif ($ARGV[$CurARG] ne '') {
$fname = $ARGV[$CurARG];
while (($ftyp,$fsfx) = each(%Fsufix)) {
$suffix = substr($fname,-length($fsfx)); # get file suffix
$filetyp = $ftyp if ($suffix eq $fsfx);
if ($filetyp eq '') {
print "Unrecognized suffix for file $fname";
exit 12;
if (! -e $fname) {
print "ERROR: file $fname not found";
exit 16;
@Modules = ($fname); # single module file
%ModTypes = ($fname,$filetyp);
@SourceDirs = (); # empty directories list
$CurARG ++;
if ($ARGV[$CurARG] ne '') {
print "Unexpected argument: $ARGV[$CurARG]";
exit 8;
print "Analyzing modules @Modules in directories @SourceDirs";
# build modules list
foreach $dir (@SourceDirs) {
foreach $ftyp (@Ftypes) {
if (! -d $dir) {
print "Skipping $dir, not a directory" if ($debug > 0);
print "Searching $dir for $ftyp modules" if ($debug > 0);
@Files = (<${dir}/*${Fsufix{$ftyp}}> );
foreach $fname (@Files) {
%ModTypes = (%ModTypes,
if ($debug > 0) { # print modules list
foreach $filetyp (@Ftypes) {
@Files = ();
while (($fname,$ftype) = each (%ModTypes)) {
@Files = (@Files,$fname) if ($ftype eq $filetyp);
print "$filetyp modules:",@Files;
# for each module, read the source file and find the Robodoc section
foreach $fname (keys(%ModTypes)) {
$ix = index($fname,'interfaces_');
if ($ix >= 0) {
print "Module $fname is a module, abiauty is still unable to treat it";
$ix = index($fname,'/m_');
if ($ix >= 0) {
print "Module $fname is a module, abiauty still unable to treat it";
$ix = index($fname,'/defs_');
if ($ix >= 0) {
print "File $fname is likely a module (defs_), abiauty still unable to treat it";
$rc = open(FILEIN,"<$fname");
if ($rc eq '') {
print "Unable to open file $fname, error $rc";
print "\nABIautifying module $fname" if ($debug > 0);
open(FILEOUT,">$fname.abiauty") || die "Unable to open FILEOUT";
# pick file name in path
$ix = index($fname,'/');
$modname = $ix >= 0 ? substr($fname,$ix+1) : $fname;
$dotx = index($modname,'.');
$modname = substr($modname,0,$dotx); # suppress suffix
# read the source file
$linect = 0; # line counter
$phase = 1; # phase number 1 to 6
$ProgLvl = 0; # program/subroutine level
$IndentLvl = 0; # indentation level (linked to ProgLvl, but not simply equal to it)
$ModIntFc = 0; # flag for interface within a Fortran module
$noabicnt = 0; # default is beautify every line
$diffcnt = 0; # count of changed lines
while ($line = <FILEIN>) {
$lineorig = $line;
$linect ++;
$len = length($line);
$char1 = substr($line,0,1);
# Phase 5 (execution):
if ($phase == 5) {
# a) check no_abiauty directive
$ix = index($line,'no_abiauty');
if ($ix >= 0) {
$noabicnt = 1; # keep unchanged the current line only
$line5 = substr($line,$ix+10);
($wd1,$wd2,$wd3) = split(' ',$line5);
$wd2 = $wd1;
$wd2 =~ y/0-9//d; # check numeric
$noabicnt = $wd1 + 1 if ($wd2 eq ''); # keep more lines unchanged
print "Beginning no_abiauty section at line $linect for $noabicnt" if ($debug >= 2);
# b1) prepare to remove blanks starting at column 2, for continuations too, or at column 1 for cpp directives. Keep comments unchanged.
$line5 = $line;
$ix = 0;
while ($ix < $len) {
$charx = substr($line,$ix,1);
last if ($charx ne ' ');
$ix ++;
# Make comments unchanged
if (($charx eq '!') && $noabicnt == 0 ) {
print "Identified comment at line $linect for noabicnt = $noabicnt" if ($debug >= 2);
$noabicnt++ ;
if ($ix == 0) {
$ix = 1;
# b2) align continuations to column 1
elsif (($charx eq '&') && $noabicnt == 0) {
$line = substr($line,$ix);
$char1 = $charx;
$len -= $ix;
$ix = 1;
while ($ix < $len) {
$charx = substr($line,$ix,1);
last if ($charx ne ' ');
$ix ++;
# b3) trim blanks
$firstcol = $char1 eq '#' ? 0 : 1;
if ($ix > $firstcol && $noabicnt == 0) {
$line1 = substr($line,$ix);
$line = $char1.$line1;
$len = length($line);
# c) insert blank into 'enddo' or 'endif' to beautify and handle as 'end do/if'
$left6 = substr($line,0,6);
if (($left6 eq ' enddo' || $left6 eq ' endif') && $noabicnt == 0) {
$line1 = substr($line,4);
$line = ' end '.$line1;
$len ++;
# d) check for upper case construct keywords that could fool this script
# According to the coding rules, Fortran keywords should not be written in upper case.
# When a violation of this rule occurs, a statement that is part of a special construct will go
# undetected (e.g. if, then, else, do, case, end). The script will not be able to recognize the
# beginning and end of this construct and will probably find an inconsistency later in the source file.
# Recovering from such an error is not an easy task and this script will abort the treatment. To
# help the programmer find his error, a simple warning is displayed in such a case.
$line2 = &TrimString($line,$len); # remove constants strings and comments
if ($char1 ne '!') {
$doifcase = '';
foreach $kwd (@UpCaseKeyWds) {
$ix = index($line2,$kwd);
if ($ix >= 0) {
$exception = 0;
foreach $kwdx (@UpCaseExcl) {
$ix2 = index($kwdx,$kwd);
next if ($ix2 < 0);
if ($kwdx eq substr($line2,$ix-$ix2,length($kwdx))) {
$exception = 1;
$doifcase = "$doifcase$kwd " if ($exception == 0);
print "WARNING($fname): upper case construct keyword(s) $doifcase"."found at line $linect" if ($doifcase ne '');
# e) check for multiple instructions on this line with do, if or select construct
# This is prohibited by coding rules! See note at step a) above
$endInstr = length($line2) - 1;
$semicols = 0;
$doifcase = '';
while (1) {
$ix = -1;
if ($char1 ne '!') {
$ix = rindex($line2,';',$endInstr); # process right to left
$semicols ++ if ($ix >0);
$len5 = $endInstr - $ix;
$len5 -- if ($semicols == 1); # chop \n
$line5 = substr($line2,$ix+1,$len5); # fetch a single instruction
($wd1,$wd2,$wd3,$wd4,$wd5,$wd6,$wd7,$wd8,$wd9) = split(' ',$line5);
$wd1wd2 = "$wd1$wd2";
$wd2wd3 = "$wd2$wd3";
$kwd = $wd1; # possible keyword of an if/do/select construct
$ix2 = index($line5,'then');
$kwd = 'then' if ($ix2 > 0);
if ($wd1 eq 'do' || (substr($wd1wd2,0,3) eq 'if(' && $ix2 > 0) || $wd1 eq 'else' || substr($wd1wd2,0,7) eq 'elseif(' || ($wd1 eq 'select' && substr($wd2wd3,0,5) eq 'case(' ) || substr($wd1wd2,0,5) eq 'case(' || substr($wd1wd2,0,11) eq 'casedefault' || ($wd1 eq 'end' && ($wd2 eq 'do' || $wd2 eq 'if' || $wd2 eq 'select') ) ) {
$doifcase = "$doifcase$kwd ";
print "ERROR($fname): $kwd construct statement encountered in no_abiauty section at line $linect" if ($noabicnt > 0);
if ($ix < 1) { # semicolon not found or first char
print "ERROR($fname): semicolon found at line $linect with $doifcase statement" if ($semicols > 0 && $doifcase ne '');
last; # exit loop
print "Multiple instruction $semicols at line $linect: $line5" if ($debug >= 2);
$endInstr = $ix - 1; # prepare to find previous instruction
# f) check for in-line comment and make sure it is not sticked to the end of the instruction as: end if!
$charx = substr($line2,-1,1); # last character in trimmed line
if ($charx eq '!' && $comntcol1 > 1 && substr($line,$comntcol1 -1,1) ne ' ') {
$line1 = substr($line,$comntcol1);
$line5 = substr($line,0,$comntcol1); # drop comment before parsing
if ($noabicnt == 0) {
$line = "$line5 $line1";
$len ++;
$line5 = $semicol1 < 0 ? $line : substr($line,0,$semicol1); # fetch first or single instruction
($wd1,$wd2,$wd3,$wd4,$wd5,$wd6,$wd7,$wd8,$wd9) = split(' ',$line5);
# This is the splitting of all lines that have not started being in phase 5.
else {
($wd1,$wd2,$wd3,$wd4,$wd5,$wd6,$wd7,$wd8,$wd9) = split(' ',$line);
# Phase 1: make sure Robodoc module header follows
if ($phase == 1) {
$wd1hd6 = substr($wd1,0,6);
$EndRobodoc = 0; # flag for end of Robodoc header
if ($wd1hd6 eq $RobodocBegin) {
$hdrtyp = substr($wd1,6);
# check project
$ix = index($wd2,'/');
if($ix > 0) {
$pjct = substr($wd2,0,$ix+1); # get what should be the project name
$sub = substr($wd2,$ix+1); # get what should be the subroutine/module name
print "Robodoc header $hdrtyp $pjct $sub begins at line $linect" if ($debug > 1);
$phase = 2;
$itemNum = 0;
$section = '';
# Phase 2: check the presence of defined Robodoc sections
if ($phase == 2) {
if ($wd1 eq '!!') {
if ($section eq 'NAME') { # check subroutine name
if ($wd2 ne '') {
$section = '';
$subname = $wd2;
($item = $wd2) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # copy, then translate lowercase to uppercase
if ($item eq $wd2) { # was already uppercased ?
if ($wd2 eq $RobodocRequ[$itemNum]) { # expected section ?
print "Found $wd2 item at line $linect" if ($debug > 1);
if ($wd2 eq 'SOURCE') {
$phase = 3; # phase 3: read source
$cppifLvl = 0; # nested cpp #if blocks level
$MPIdefLvl = 0; # MPI definition #if level
$itemNum = 0;
$continuct = 0; # indentation count for continuation lines
$ifcontinu = 0; # remember an if has been found with continuation
else {
$section = $wd2;
$itemNum ++;
# end of phase 2 processing
# phases 3 and subsequent: check Robodoc last line
if ($phase >= 3) {
# turn flag on if Robodoc last line was found
if ($EndRobodoc == 0 && $wd1 eq $RobodocLast) {
print "Robodoc fence encountered at line $linect" if ($debug > 1);
print "ERROR($fname): executable section not found" if ($phase == 4);
$EndRobodoc = 1;
$phase = 1; # search for a possible following robodoc header if
$wd1hd9 = substr($wd1,0,9);
$wd2hd9 = substr($wd2,0,9);
if ($phase == 3) {
# phase 3: process SOURCE section, find program/subroutine/function... statement
# following SOURCE we should have the program or subroutine definition
# ignore empty lines, comments and cpp directives
if ($wd1 ne '' && $char1 ne '!' && $char1 ne '#') {
if ($wd1 eq 'program' || $wd1 eq 'module' || $wd1 eq 'interface' || $wd1 eq 'subroutine' || $wd1 eq 'function') {
$IndentLvl += $IndentCols;
elsif ( ($wd2 eq 'function') && ($wd1 eq 'integer' || $wd1 eq 'complex' || $wd1 eq 'logical' || $wd1 eq 'recursive' || $wd1 eq 'pure' || $wd1hd9 eq 'character') ){
$IndentLvl += $IndentCols;
elsif ( ($wd2 eq 'subroutine') && ($wd1 eq 'recursive') ){
$IndentLvl += $IndentCols;
elsif ( ($wd3 eq 'function') && $wd1 eq 'double' && $wd2 eq 'precision') {
$IndentLvl += $IndentCols;
elsif ( $wd1 eq 'end') {
$ProgLvl --;
$IndentLvl -= $IndentCols ;
if ($ProgLvl < 0) {
print "ERROR($fname): found end $wd2 statement at line $linect unrelated to any open block";
$ModIntFc = 0 if ( $wd2 eq 'interface' || ( $wd2 eq '' && $ProgType[$ProgLvl] eq 'interface' ) );
else {
print "ERROR($fname): found $wd1 at line $linect while expecting program/subroutine";
$phase = 4;
} # end of phase 3 processing
# Phase 4: find executable subsection in source
if ($phase == 4) {
if ($wd1 eq 'end' && ($wd2 eq 'subroutine' || $wd2 eq 'function' || $wd2 eq 'module')) {
print "ERROR($fname): found end statement at line $linect for '' $wd2 $wd3 '' before executable section";
$itemNum = 0;
$phase = 3;
if ($wd1hd9 eq '!********' || $wd1hd9 eq '!Interfac' || ($wd1 eq '!' && $wd2hd9 eq '*********')) {
print "Executable subsection encountered at line $linect" if ($debug > 1);
$phase = 5;
} # end of phase 4 processing
# Phase 5:
if ($phase == 5) {
$wd1wd2 = "$wd1$wd2";
$wd2wd3 = "$wd2$wd3";
$indentafter = 0;
# a) handle cpp #if-#endif blocks
if (substr($wd1,0,3) eq '#if') {
print "cpp #if block begins at line $linect" if ($debug > 1);
$cppifLvl ++;
if ((substr($wd1wd2,3,3) eq 'def' || index($line,' defined ') > 0) && index($line,' MPI') > 0) {
$MPIdefLvl = $cppifLvl;
print "#if cpp directive checks MPI definition at line $linect" if ($debug > 1);
print "ERROR($fname): MPI definition checked in no_abiauty section at line $linect" if ($noabicnt > 0);
elsif ($wd1wd2 eq '#endif') {
if ($cppifLvl <= 0) {
print "ERROR($fname): found #endif cpp directive at line $linect unrelated to any #if open block";
print "#endif closes cpp #if block at line $linect" if ($debug > 1);
$cppifLvl --;
if ($cppifLvl < $MPIdefLvl) {
print "ERROR($fname): end of MPI block encountered in no_abiauty section at line $linect" if ($noabicnt > 0);
$MPIdefLvl = 0;
# b) handle continuations
if ($continued && $char1 eq '&') {
$continuct = $IndentCont;
print "Continuation found at line $linect" if ($debug > 1);
else {
$continuct = 0;
$continued = ($line =~ m/.*&\s*\n$/) if ($char1 ne '!');; # continued non-comment line ?
if ($continued == 0 && $ifcontinu) { # was if statement/construct pending ?
if ($line =~ m/.*\)?\s*then\s*(!.*)?\n$/ ) { # ends with "[)] then [comment]" ?
$IndentLvl += $IndentCols;
$indentafter = $IndentCols ;
elsif ($char1 ne '!') {
print "if statement encountered at line $linect" if ($debug > 1);
$ifcontinu = 0;
# c) record subprogram type and name to check subsequent end statement
if ($wd1 eq 'subroutine' || $wd1 eq 'interface' || $wd1 eq 'function') {
$IndentLvl += $IndentCols;
elsif (($wd2 eq 'function') && ($wd1 eq 'integer' || $wd1 eq 'complex' || $wd1 eq 'logical' || $wd1hd9 eq 'character') ){
$IndentLvl += $IndentCols;
elsif ($wd3 eq 'function' && $wd1 eq 'double' && $wd2 eq 'precision') {
$IndentLvl += $IndentCols;
# d) handle construct names
$constrname = 'construct'; # default name
if ($wd1wd2 =~ m/(^\w+):(\w*)/ ) {
$constrname = $1;
if ($wd2 eq ':') {
$wd1 = $wd3; # shift first words 2 times left
$wd2 = $wd4;
$wd3 = $wd5;
$wd4 = $wd6;
elsif ( length($1) <= length($wd1)-2 ) { # colon in the middle of first word
$wd1 = substr($wd1,length($1)+1); # drop name:
else {
$wd1 = $2; # drop name:
$wd2 = $wd3; # shift first words left
$wd3 = $wd4;
$wd4 = $wd5;
$wd1wd2 = "$wd1$wd2";
$wd2wd3 = "$wd2$wd3";
# e) handle do
if ($wd1 eq 'do') {
$IndentLvl += $IndentCols;
$indentafter = $IndentCols ;
# f) handle 'if (' or 'if('
if (substr($wd1wd2,0,3) eq 'if(' ) {
if ($continued) {
print "Continued if found at line $linect" if ($debug > 1);
$ifcontinu = 1; # if statement/construct pending
elsif ($line =~ m/.+\)\s*then\s*(!.*)?\n$/ ) { # ends with ') then ' [comment] ?
$IndentLvl += $IndentCols;
$indentafter = $IndentCols ;
else {
print "if statement encountered at line $linect" if ($debug > 1);
# f2) handle else, 'elseif (' or 'elseif('
if ($wd1 eq 'else' || substr($wd1wd2,0,7) eq 'elseif(') {
$indentafter = $IndentCols ; # same block-level as previous if and same alignment
# g) handle 'select case(' or 'select case ('
if ($wd1 eq 'select' && substr($wd2wd3,0,5) eq 'case(') {
$IndentLvl += $IndentCase;
$indentafter = $IndentCase ;
# g2) handle 'case (' or 'case(' or 'case default'
if (substr($wd1wd2,0,5) eq 'case(' || substr($wd1wd2,0,11) eq 'casedefault' ) {
if ($ProgLvl > 0) {
$PrevLvl = $ProgLvl - 1;
if ($ProgType[$PrevLvl] eq 'select') {
$IndentLvl += $IndentCols;
elsif ($ProgType[$PrevLvl] eq 'case') {
print "case $ProgName[$PrevLvl] level $PrevLvl encountered at line $linect" if ($debug > 1);
else {
print "ERROR($fname): found $wd1wd2 statement at line $linect unrelated to any select block";
$indentafter = $IndentCols ;
# h) check end statements
if ($wd1 eq 'end' && ($wd2 eq 'subroutine' || $wd2 eq 'module' || $wd2 eq 'interface' || $wd2 eq 'function' || $wd2 eq 'do' || $wd2 eq 'if' || $wd2 eq 'select' || $wd2 eq '') ) {
$ProgLvl --;
$IndentLvl -= $IndentCols ;
if ($ProgLvl < 0) {
print "ERROR($fname): found end $wd2 statement at line $linect unrelated to any open block";
$IndentLvl -= $IndentCase if ($wd2 eq 'select' && $ProgType[$ProgLvl] eq 'case');
$ProgLvl -- if ($wd2 eq 'select' && $ProgType[$ProgLvl] eq 'case'); # end select closes case(s) list first
if ($ProgType[$ProgLvl] ne $wd2 || ($ProgName[$ProgLvl] ne $wd3 && (($wd3 ne '' && substr($wd3,0,1) ne '!') || $ProgName[$ProgLvl] ne 'construct') ) ) {
print "ERROR($fname): found end statement at line $linect for '' $wd2 $wd3 '' instead of '' $ProgType[$ProgLvl] $ProgName[$ProgLvl] '' ";
print "end $ProgType[$ProgLvl] $ProgName[$ProgLvl] level $ProgLvl encountered at line $linect" if ($debug > 1);
if ($ModIntFc == 1) { # reset for next subroutine if any
$itemNum = 0;
$cppifLvl = 0; # nested cpp if blocks level
$MPIdefLvl = 0; # MPI definition #if level
$phase = 3;
$ModIntFc = 0 if ($ProgType[$ProgLvl] eq 'interface');
# Phases 2 and subsequent: copy line from input file to FILEOUT
} # end while <FILEIN
# end of file or unrecoverable error has been encountered
close (FILEOUT);
close (FILEIN);
# were all sections and statements encountered ?
if ($phase < 5 && $phase > 1) {
print "ERROR($fname): end of file $fname hit prematurely while expecting:";
print " Robodoc $RobodocRequ[$itemNum] section" if ($phase == 2);
print ' program/subroutine/function statement' if ($phase == 3);
print ' delimitor for executable section' if ($phase == 4);
next; # process next subroutine
print "Processing of file $fname ended phase $phase item $itemNum line $linect" if($debug > 1);
next if ($phase == 5 && $EndRobodoc == 0); # fatal error, see last message; process next sub
# rename files if preserve option (-p) has not been specified
if ($preserve == 0) {
if ($diffcnt == 0) {
unlink ("$fname.abiauty"); # suppress work file
print "Module $fname was already beautified";
else {
unlink ("$fname"); # suppress old file
$rc = rename("$fname.abiauty",$fname);
if ($rc != 1) {
print "ERROR $! renaming $fname.abiauty to $fname";
print "Module $fname processing completed, $diffcnt lines changed";
print "Module $fname processed completely and preserved";
# ***************************
sub HndlProg { local ($type,$name) = @_;
local ($ix);
# Purpose: build a stack of program/subroutine/function/do/if definitions
# Arguments: program/module/interface/subroutine/function type and name
# Common variables: $ProgLvl, $itemNum
# drop subroutine/function (parameters
$ix = index($name,'(');
$name = substr($name,0,$ix) if ($ix > 0);
# stack (sub)program type and name to check subsequent end statement
$ProgType[$ProgLvl] = $type;
$ProgName[$ProgLvl] = $name;
# check for interface within module
# handle first Program/Module/Subroutine
print "$type $ProgName[$ProgLvl] level $ProgLvl encountered at line $linect" if ($debug >= 2);
if ($ProgType[0] eq 'module' && $type eq 'interface') {
$ModIntFc = 1;
# leaving itemNum unchanged will search for next subroutine/function...
if ($type eq 'subroutine' || $type eq 'interface' || $type eq 'function') {
print "WARNING($fname): $type name found is $name instead of $subname" if ($name ne $subname && $debug > 0);
$ProgLvl ++; # bump stack pointer
# ***************************
sub WriteLine { local ($line,$llen) = @_;
local ($rc,$char1,$line1,$repeatct);
# Purpose: write one line to FILEOUT and check return code
# Arguments: $line, $llen = line to be written and length
# Common variables: $IndentLvl,$indentafter,$fname,$diffcnt,$noabicnt
$char1 = substr($line,0,1);
$char2 = substr($line,0,2);
$char5 = substr($line,0,5);
# print cpp directives, lines beginning with !$ (this is for OpenMP), and empty lines unchanged; set indentation for others
if ($phase == 5 && $char1 ne '#' && $char2 ne '!$' && $char5 ne '!!OMP' && '!!$OM' && $line ne "\n" && $noabicnt == 0) {
$repeatct = $IndentLvl - $indentafter ; # indentation increases AFTER do, if
$repeatct += $continuct if ($char1 ne '!'); # add 1 col if continuation
$repeatct += $IndentMPI if ($MPIdefLvl > 0); # shift several col right if MPI block
if ($char1 eq ' ' || $char1 eq '!' || $char1 eq '&') {
$line1 = substr($line,1);
# 1st blank accounts in indentation offset
$repeatct -= $IndentCols;
$line = $char1.(' ' x $repeatct).$line1;
else {
# lines beginning at column 1: insert spaces ahead
$line = (' ' x $repeatct).$line;
$llen = length($line);
$diffcnt ++ if ($line ne $lineorig);
$rc = syswrite(FILEOUT,$line,$llen);
if ($rc != $llen) {
print "ERROR: $rc writing to $fname.abiauty";
exit 100;
$noabicnt-- if ($noabicnt > 0);
# ***************************
sub TrimString { local ($line, $llen) = @_;
local ($ix,$charx,$charp,$colstart,$offset,$strend,$strstart,$strdelim,$strlen,$strchars);
local ($trimleft,$trimline,$trimdiff);
# Purpose: find character strings in a Fortran source line, trim strings and comments
# Arguments: $line, $llen = line to be trimmed and length
# Common variables: $linect,$comntcol1,$semicol1
# Note setting $debug to 3 helps to debug this routine
$strend = '';
$trimline = $line;
$trimdiff = 0;
$strstart = -2; # no string found yet
$ix = -1;
# find string delimitor
$comntcol1 = -1;
$semicol1 = -1;
while ($ix < $llen) {
$ix ++;
$charx = substr($line,$ix,1);
if (substr($strend,-9) eq 'continued') {
next if ($charx eq ' ');
$ix = -1 if ($charx ne '&'); # string continuation begins in col 1
$charx = $strdelim; # assume delimitor has been found there too
$strend = '';
$colstart = $ix + 2;
print "Continuation start at column $colstart of line $linect" if ($debug >= 3);
if ($charx eq '!') {
$comntcol1 = $ix; # index of comment delimitor
$ix ++;
print "Comment at line $linect column $ix" if ($debug >= 3);
$offset = $ix -$trimdiff;
$trimline = substr($trimline,0,$offset);
$strstart = $ix;
$semicol1 = $ix if ($charx eq ';'); # index of first semicolon
if ($charx eq "\'" || $charx eq "\"") {
$strstart = $ix + 1; # >=0 when string begins
$colstart = $strstart + 1;
$strdelim = $charx;
$strend = 'end';
$charp = $charx; # previous character in string
# find end of string delimitor
while ($ix < $llen) {
$ix ++;
$charx = substr($line,$ix,1);
$semicol1 = $ix if ($semicol1 == -1 && $charx eq ';'); # index of first semicolon
if ($charx eq $strdelim) { # same string delimitor ?
if ($charp eq "\\" || $charp eq $strdelim) { # escaped delimitor ?
else {
if ($charp eq $strdelim) { # was previous character the same string delimitor ?
if ($ix == $strstart) { # begin delimitor
$strlen = $ix - $strstart - 1;
$strchars = substr($line,$strstart,$strlen);
print "String at line $linect, columns $colstart:$strlen=$strchars" if ($debug >= 3);
$offset = $colstart - $trimdiff - 1;
$trimleft = substr($trimline,0,$offset);
$offset += $strlen;
$trimline = $trimleft.substr($trimline,$offset);
$trimdiff += $strlen;
$strstart = -1; # end of string found
if ($charx eq '&' && $charp ne "\\") { # continuation delimitor UNescaped
$strlen = $ix-$strstart;
$strchars = substr($line,$strstart,$strlen);
$strend = "$strlen, continued";
$ix = $llen; # skip remainder
$charp = $charp eq "\\" && $charx eq "\\" ? '' : $charx; # escaped backslash
if ($strstart > 0 && $debug >= 3) {
if($strend eq 'end') {
$strchars = substr($line,$strstart); # remainder of line
$offset = $colstart - $trimdiff - 1; # length of left part
$trimline = substr($trimline,0,$offset);
else {
$offset = $colstart - $trimdiff - 1; # length of left part
$trimline = substr($trimline,0,$offset).'&'; # remainder of line (comment) is dropped
print "String at line $linect, columns $colstart:$strend=$strchars";
if ($debug >= 3 && $strstart >= -1 && $comntcol1 != 0) {
print "$linect < $line";
print "$linect > $trimline";
return $trimline;