
544 lines
21 KiB
Executable File

# Object: translate Fortran 77 source code to free format Fortran 90
# Usage: FT77to90 [-dp] [-lf] F77SOURCE
# -dp will replace the double precision statements using kind
# -lf will replace labelled format statements by character strings
# Copyright (C) 1998-2025 ABINIT group (LSi)
# This file is distributed under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
# or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
# For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .
# F77SOURCE should be a Fortran 77 source file
# Translated output file name:
# if source file is 77.f-suffixed, output file suffix will be changed to 90.f
# if source file is .f77-suffixed, output file suffix will be changed to .f90.f
# if source file is .f-suffixed, output file suffix will be changed to .f90.f
# in any other case, suffix .f90.f will be appended to source file name
# Translation to free format actually features the following:
# 1) C, c or * in column 1 is replaced by ! for comments;
# lines starting with # in column 1, especially cpp statements, are left unchanged
# 2) line numbering in columns 73-80 is suppressed when possible
# a) sequence numbers that start on a comment are not suppressed
# b) sequence numbers on format statements are not suppressed when labelled
# formats replacement is enabled (-lf option)
# NB: Fortran 90 allows line length to be extended from 80 to 132 characters
# 3) old style relational operators (even if found in comments but not on cpp stmt)
# .EQ. .GE. .GT. .LE. .LT. .NE. are replaced as follows:
# == >= > <= < /=
# RESTRICTION: relational operators that span two lines won't be changed
# 4) records continuation with non blank in column 6 is replaced by ampersands
# (esperluette in french) at end and beginning of segments;
# RESTRICTION: cpp directives will be handled as comments, leading to possible
# compile-time errors if cpp directives stay between continued and continuation
# records !
# 5) DOUBLE PRECISION declarations are replaced using KIND (-dp option required)
# 6) labelled formats will be changed to character strings that will be
# initialized throuh parameter statements (-lf option required)
# the source file will be pre-scanned to find and save format statements,
# and to find a suitable place to insert their character strings declarations;
# During the normal scan, labelled formats will be suppressed, formats will be
# declared as parameters character strings and labelled format references
# in read and write statements will be changed accordingly
# RESTRICTIONS to labelled format substitution:
# a) format not followed by ( on the same line is ignored
# b) print, accept and type statements are not processed
# c) double quotes " in a format are not processed correctly: escaping
# through replication is not performed
# d) a declaration statement like "implicit","integer","double",
# "parameter" or "dimension" must be found in the source file so that
# character strings format declarations will be inserted before any
# executable statement
# e) this procedure assumes there is only one subroutine, function or
# program statement in the source file; if this is not the case, format
# declarations may be inserted in a wrong program unit
# f) tabs are not expanded; some lines may be misinterpreted as
# continuation of a format and suppressed
$, = ' '; # set output field separator
$\ = "\n"; # set output record separator
$ix = 0;
$dblprec = 0;
$suplabfmt = 0;
# check parameters
while(substr($ARGV[$ix],0,1) eq '-') {
if ($ARGV[$ix] eq '-dp') {
$dblprec = 1;
$ix ++;
elsif ($ARGV[$ix] eq '-lf') {
$suplabfmt = 1;
$ix ++;
else {
print "invalid option $ARGV[$ix]";
exit 24;
$in = $ARGV[$ix];
if (-r $in eq '') {
print "Unreadable source file: $in";
exit 12;
$out = $in;
if (substr($in,-4,4) eq '77.f') {
substr($out,-4,4) = '90.f'; # change 77.f to 90.f
elsif (substr($in,-4,4) eq '.f77') {
substr($out,-2,2) = '90.f'; # change .f77 to .f90.f
elsif (substr($in,-2,2) eq '.f') {
$out .= '90.f'; # change .f to .f90.f
else {
$out .= '.f90.f'; # append suffix
if (-e $out) {
print "Output file $out already exits";
exit 8;
$rc = open(FILEIN,"<$in");
if ($rc eq '') {
print "Unable to open input file; error $rc";
exit 16;
if ($suplabfmt == 1) {
# source file will be read a first time to search labelled
# format definitions and save them in associative arrays
$linnum = 0; # source line number
$fmtread = 0; # not yet reading/saving a format
$lblfmt = 0; # initialize counter
$lastdcnum = 0; # no declaration found yet
$lastdclin = '';
$saveline = ''; # buffer containing previous line
while (1) {
if ($saveline eq '') {
$line = <FILEIN>;
last if ($line eq ''); # end-of-file
$linnum ++; # update line number
else {
$line = $saveline;
$saveline = '';
$col1 = substr($line,0,1);
# skip comments, cpp statements: c, C or * in column 1
next if ( $col1 eq 'c' || $col1 eq 'C' || $col1 eq '*' || $col1 eq '#');
$isn = substr($line,6);
# handle continuations
if (length($line) > 6 && substr($line,5,1) ne ' ') {
next if ($fmtread == 0); # skip continuation if not a format
chop $isn;
$fmtnum ++; # initialize format lines count
%fmtlines = (%fmtlines,
join($;,$label,$fmtnum),$isn); # save line in 2-dim array
$fmtlinct{$label} = $fmtnum; # update lines count
else {
$fmtread = 0; # reset reading/saving flag
if ($label eq '') { # not a labelled format
# check for declaration statement
$col1to6 = substr($line,0,6);
($wd1,$wd2,$wd3,$wd4) = split(' ',$isn);
if ( $col1to6 eq ' ' && ( $wd1 eq 'implicit' || $wd1 eq 'integer' || $wd1 eq 'double' || $wd1 eq 'parameter'
|| $wd1 eq 'dimension' || substr($wd1,0,9) eq 'character') ) {
&nextstmt($saveline); # skip to next statement
$lastdcnum = $linnum; # save line number of statement following this declaration
$lastdclin = $saveline; # save this line
#DBG print $lastdcnum,$lastdclin;
$isn = substr($line,$ip);
if ($fmtlinct{$label} ne '') {
print "Warning ! format",$label,"on line",$linnum,"ignored: duplicate label";
chop $isn;
$fmtnum = 1; # initialize format lines count
%fmtlines = (%fmtlines,
join($;,$label,$fmtnum),$isn); # save line in 2-dim array
%fmtlinct = (%fmtlinct, # save lines count in associative array
%fmtrefct = (%fmtrefct, # initialize reference count
$lblfmt ++; # bump counter
$fmtread = 1; # remember reading/saving a format
# close the source file and read it again
# check if format declaration statements may be inserted somewhere:
if ($lblfmt > 0 && $lastdcnum == 0) {
print "Error: unable to insert $lblfmt format(s); no declaration statement found";
exit 20;
$rc = open(FILEIN,"<$in");
if ($rc eq '') {
print "Unable to open input file; error $rc";
exit 16;
$rc = open(FILEOUT,">$out");
if ($rc eq '') {
print "Unable to open output file; error $rc";
exit 16;
$linnum = 0; # source line number
$declfmt = 0; # format declation statements not yet inserted
$line = '';
$seqnum = ''; # initialize numbering off
$f90comnt = '!'; # FORTRAN 90 comment prefix
$cppdir = '#'; # cpp directive prefix
$prevcol1 = ''; # initialize column1 of previous record
$writepos = 0; # write pointer at Begin of File
%relatops = (
'\.eq\.' , '==' ,
'\.ge\.' , '>=' ,
'\.gt\.' , '>' ,
'\.le\.' , '<=' ,
'\.lt\.' , '<' ,
'\.ne\.' , '/=' ); # define translation table for relational operators
# dots are escaped by \ for regular expression substitutions
while ( $_ = <FILEIN>) { # read next line
$saveline = $line; # save previous line if any
$line = $_; # move input
$len = length($_);
$linnum ++; # bump line counter
$col1 = substr($line,0,1);
# 6a) labelled formats processing: insert format declaration/initialization
# statements into code after last declaration statement detected
if ($suplabfmt == 1 && $lblfmt > 0 && $linnum == $lastdcnum) {
if ($lastdclin ne $line) {
print "Error: last declaration statement at line $linnum is not";
print $lastdclin;
exit 64;
foreach (sort keys %fmtlinct) {
$dclfmt = " character(*) format".$_."\n";
$len2 = length($dclfmt);
&putline($dclfmt,$len2,' '); # write line to output file
for ($i = 1;$i <= $fmtlinct{$_}; $i++) {
$prfx = $i == 1 ? ' parameter (format'.$_.' ="' : ' &';
$sufx = $i == $fmtlinct{$_} ? '")' : '&';
$ix = index($fmtlines{$_,$i},'"');
print 'Warning ! double quote found in format',$_ if ($ix >= 0);
$dclfmt = $prfx.$fmtlines{$_,$i}.$sufx."\n"; # build subsequent lines
$len2 = length($dclfmt);
&putline($dclfmt,$len2,' '); # write line to output file
$declfmt = 1; # format declarations inserted
# 6b) labelled formats processing: skip labelled formats
if ($suplabfmt == 1) {
if ($label ne '') {
#DBG print "skipping format", $label,$linnum;
&nextstmt($saveline); # skip format up to next statement
last if ($saveline eq ''); # leave loop on end-of-file
$line = $saveline;
$len = length($line);
# 1) handle comments
if ($line =~ /^c|^C|^\*/) { # comments: c, C or * in column 1 ?
substr($line,0,1) = $f90comnt; # substitute !
$col1 = substr($line,0,1);
# 2) check fixed format and suppress sequence numbers when possible
if ($len == 81) {
$_ = substr($line,72,8); # extract columns 73-80
# check for an 8-digits number
if (/\d{8}/) {
if ( $seqnum ne '') {
if ($seqpfx eq 'none' && $_ > $seqnum) {
# suppress numbering if same format and increasing sequence:
$line = substr($line,0,72)."\n";
$len -= 8; # reduce line length by 8
$incr = $_ - $seqnum; # sequence increment
$seqnum = $_; # update sequence number
else { # broken sequence
$seqnum = ''; # turn numbering off
# a new suppress sequence may start for the same line by following code:
if ($seqnum eq '' && $col1 ne $f90comnt && $col1 ne $cppdir) {
# start suppressing numbers if numbering was off and line is neither a comment
# nor a cpp statement:
$line = substr($line,0,72)."\n";
$len -= 8; # reduce line length by 8
$seqnum = $_; # set numbering on
$seqpfx = 'none';
if (/\D{3}\d{5}/) {
# check for a 3-chars prefix followed by a 5-digits number
$seqnum2 = substr($_,3,5); # extract prefix and number
$seqpfx2 = substr($_,0,3);
if ($seqnum ne '') {
if ( $seqpfx2 eq $seqpfx && $seqnum2 > $seqnum) {
# suppress numbering if same format and increasing sequence:
$line = substr($line,0,72)."\n";
$len -= 8; # reduce line length by 8
$incr = $seqnum2 - $seqnum; # sequence increment
$seqnum = $seqnum2; # update sequence number
else { # broken sequence
# two consecutive lines with the same numbering were found once !
$seqnum = ''; # turn numbering off
# a new suppress sequence may start for the same line by following code:
if ($seqnum eq '' && $col1 ne $f90comnt && $col1 ne $cppdir) {
# start suppressing numbers if numbering was off and line is neither a comment
# nor a cpp statement:
$line = substr($line,0,72)."\n";
$len -= 8; # reduce line length by 8
$seqnum = $seqnum2; # set numbering on
$seqpfx = $seqpfx2;
else { $seqnum = ''; } # non fixed format: turn numbering off
# 3) handle old relational operators, cpp statements excepted
if ($col1 ne $cppdir) {
foreach $relop (keys(%relatops)) {
$line =~ s/$relop/$relatops{$relop}/ig; # ignore case, global change
$len = length($line); # update length
# 4) handle double precision statements: they will be declared REAL with the
# KIND parameter. Since the values for this parameter are not defined by
# Fortran and may vary from one processor to another, the special intrinsic
# inquiry function KIND will be used on the value 0.0d0
# (cfr FORTRAN 95 by Martin Counihan page 40)
if ($dblprec == 1 && $col1 ne $f90comnt && $col1 ne $cppdir) {
$line =~ s/^\s*double\s+precision\s+/ real(kind=kind(0.0d0)) /i;
$len = length($line); # update length
# 6c)labelled formats processing: check for read/write statements;
# when format is referenced by its label, replace it by character variable name
if ($suplabfmt == 1) {
$isn = substr($line,6);
$pntr = 6; # remember column pointer
# check for read/write (UNIT,FORMAT_LABEL) [iolist]
if ( $col1 ne $f90comnt) { # skip comment
# look up for: "word ( remainder "
($left1,$remain1) = split(/\(/,$isn,2);
($wd1,$wd2) = split(' ',$left1);
if (($wd1 eq 'read' || $wd1 eq 'write') && $wd2 eq '') { # found read / write (
$pntr += index($isn,'(') + 1; # point to remainder
# split control information list into specifiers:
($spec1,$spec2,$spec3,$spec4,$spec5,$spec6,$spec7) = split(',',$remain1);
$ix = index($spec2,')');
$spec2 = substr($spec2,0,$ix) if ($ix > 0); # drop possible )
$len2 = length($spec2);
$spec2 =~ tr/ //d; # strip off blanks
$labnum = $spec2 + 0; # convert possible label to numeric
$spec2 =~ tr/0123456789//d; # does digits suppression yield null string ?
$label = sprintf("%5.5d",$labnum); # change to 5 digits number
if (index($spec1,'=') < 0 && $spec2 eq '') {
if ($fmtlinct{$label} eq '') {
print "Error: unable to replace labelled format for $wd1 on line $linnum: undefined label $labnum";
else {
$pntr += index($remain1,',') +1; # point to spec2
# replace label reference by character string name:
substr($line,$pntr,$len2) = 'format'.$label;
$fmtrefct{$label} += 1; # bump reference counter
$len = length($line); # update length
# check for read/write ( [specifier,...] fmt=FORMAT_LABEL, [specifier,...]) [iolist]
else {
$ix = index($remain1,'fmt=');
if ($ix >= 0) {
$pntr += $ix + 4; # point past =
$remain2 = substr($line,$pntr);
# truncate specifier to next , or )
$ixvirg = index($remain2,',');
$remain2 = substr($remain2,0,$ixvirg) if ($ixvirg > 0);
$ixpard = index($remain2,')');
$remain2 = substr($remain2,0,$ixpard) if ($ixpard > 0);
$len2 = length($remain2);
$remain2 =~ tr/ //d; # strip off blanks
$labnum = $remain2 + 0; # convert possible label to numeric
$remain2 =~ tr/0123456789//d; # does digits suppression yield null string ?
$label = sprintf("%5.5d",$labnum); # change to 5 digits number
if ($remain2 eq '') {
if ($fmtlinct{$label} eq '') {
print "unable to replace labelled format for $wd1 on line $linnum: undefined label $labnum";
else {
# replace label reference by character string name:
substr($line,$pntr,$len2) = 'format'.$label;
$len = length($line); # update length
$fmtrefct{$label} += 1; # bump reference counter
# 5) handle continuations
# possible mishandling of a line containing TAB character:
if ($col1 ne $f90comnt && index($line,"\t") >= 0) {
print "Warning ! source line $linnum containning TAB may be mishandled; line=";
print $line;
$col6 = substr($line,5,1); # possible continuation character
# WARNING ! cpp directives will be handled as a comments
# Fortran allows comments between continued and continuation lines:
# so, if previous line was not a comment but current line is, insert a blank
# at the end of previous line; this blank could be overlaid by an & if the
# current line has a continuation following the comment(s)
if ($prevcol1 ne '' && ($prevcol1 ne $f90comnt && $prevcol1 ne $cppdir) && ($col1 eq $f90comnt || $col1 eq $cppdir)) {
$rc = seek (FILEOUT,-1,2); # backspace one character
if ($rc == 0) {
print "Error backspacing file $out";
exit 100;
$writepos --; # backspace
$line = " \n".$line; # prepend line with blank-nl
$len += 2; # bump length
if ($col1 ne $f90comnt && $col1 ne $cppdir && $len >6 && $col6 ne ' ') { # process continuation
substr($line,5,1) = '&'; # substitute & in column 6 of continuation
if ($endnoncom ne '') { # funny program starting by a continuation ?
# comments lay between continued line and continuation: seek to last blank
# character of continued statement and susbtitute &
if ($prevcol1 eq $f90comnt || $prevcol1 eq $cppdir) {
$rc = seek (FILEOUT,$endnoncom,0); # seek to end of last non comment
if ($rc == 0) {
print "Error seeking file $out to position $endnoncom";
exit 100;
$rc = syswrite (FILEOUT,'&',1); # overlay blank with &
if ($rc == 0) {
print "Error $rc writing to $out file";
exit 100;
$rc = seek (FILEOUT,0,2); # seek to end of file
if ($rc == 0) {
print "Error seeking $out to end-of-file";
exit 100;
else {
# continuation follows immediately continued line: backspace one character,
# prepend current line with &-newline to continue previous line
$rc = seek (FILEOUT,-1,2); # backspace one character
if ($rc == 0) {
print "Error backspacing file $out";
exit 100;
$writepos --; # backspace
$line = "&\n".$line; # prepend line with &-nl
$len += 2; # bump length
&putline($line,$len,$col1); # write buffered line
# 6d) labelled formats processing: make sure work has been done and check for
# unreferenced format
if ($suplabfmt == 1) {
foreach (keys %fmtrefct) {
print "Warning ! labelled format $_ is unreferenced" if ($fmtrefct{$_} == 0);
# make sure format declaration have not been lost:
if ($declfmt == 0 && $lblfmt > 0) {
print "Error: $lblfmt formats were not inserted";
exit 20;
# check for labelled format statement
sub checkformat {
$cfline = $_[0];
$_[1] = ''; # no numeric label for now
$colabl = substr($cfline,0,5); # numeric label area
return if ($colabl eq ' ');
# NB: '1 2' in label zone defines label 12 !
$colabl =~ tr/ //d; # strip off blanks
# NB: '001' or ' 1' in label zone define a single label 1 !
$labnum = $colabl + 0; # convert possible label to numeric
$colabl =~ tr/0123456789//d; # does digits suppression yield null string ?
return if ($colabl ne ''); # ignore if not
$cfisn = substr($cfline,6); # instruction area
$ixformat = index($cfisn,'format'); # search keyword
return if ($ixformat < 0); # ignore if not a format
if ($ixformat > 0) {
$_ = substr($cfisn,0,$ixformat);
return if (/\S/); # not a format if not blank
$label = sprintf("%5.5d",$labnum); # change to 5 digits number
$ixparen = index($cfisn,'(',$ixformat+6);
if ($ixparen < 0) {
print "format",$label,"on line",$linnum,"ignored: no parenthesis";
$_[1] = $label;
$_[2] = 6 + $ixparen;
#DBG print "format",$labnum,$label,"has been found",$cfisn;
# process continuation lines up to next statement
sub nextstmt {
while ( $_ = <FILEIN>) { # read next line
$linnum ++; # update line number
$column1 = substr($_,0,1); # comment column
$column6 = substr($_,5,1);
# check for non comment continuation
next if (length($_) >= 6 && $column1 ne 'c' && $column1 ne 'C' && $column1 ne '*' && $column6 ne ' ');
$_[0] = $_;
$_[0] = ''; # return end of file
# putline (line, length, column1) # write a line to output file
sub putline {
$rc = syswrite (FILEOUT,$_[0],$_[1]) ; # write buffered line
if ($rc != $_[1]) {
print "Error $rc writing to $out file";
exit 100;
$prevcol1 = $_[2]; # remember comment or not
$writepos += $_[1]; # bump write position
# save write position of last instruction that might be continued:
$endnoncom = $writepos-1 if ($_[2] ne $f90comnt && $_[2] ne $cppdir);