mirror of https://github.com/abinit/abinit.git
181 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File
181 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2005-2025 ABINIT Group (Yann Pouillon)
# This file is part of the ABINIT software package. For license information,
# please see the COPYING file in the top-level directory of the ABINIT source
# distribution.
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import #, unicode_literals
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
except ImportError:
from configparser import ConfigParser
from time import gmtime,strftime
import os
import re
import sys
class MyConfigParser(ConfigParser):
def optionxform(self,option):
return str(option)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Subroutines
# Makefile header
def makefile_header(name,stamp):
return """#
# Makefile for ABINIT -*- Automake -*-
# Generated by %s on %s
# Any manual change to this file will systematically be overwritten.
# Please modify the %s script or its config file instead.
ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I config/m4
--without-abinit-common \\
--without-bigdft \\
--without-fftw3 \\
--without-levmar \\
--without-libpaw \\
--without-libpsml \\
--without-libxml2 \\
--without-papi \\
--without-pfft \\
--without-triqs \\
--without-wannier90 \\
--without-xmlf90 \\
@abi_ac_distcheck@ \\
""" % (name,stamp,name)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Main program
# Initial setup
my_name = "make-makefiles-top"
my_configs = ["config/specs/buildsys.conf"]
my_custom = "config/dist/custom-modes.lst"
sep = "# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #\n\n"
# Check if we are in the top of the ABINIT source tree
if ( not os.path.exists("configure.ac") or
not os.path.exists("src/98_main/abinit.F90") ):
print("%s: You must be in the top of an ABINIT source tree." % my_name)
print("%s: Aborting now." % my_name)
# Read config file(s)
cnf = MyConfigParser()
for cnf_file in my_configs:
if ( not os.path.exists(cnf_file) ):
print("%s: Could not find config file (%s)." % (my_name,cnf_file))
print("%s: Aborting now." % my_name)
# What time is it?
now = strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S +0000",gmtime())
# Init
abinit_subdirs = {"data":{},"subsystem":{}}
abinit_other_dirs = []
abinit_top_dirs = []
# Check whether some subsystem modes have been customized
blk_custom = {}
if ( os.path.exists(my_custom) ):
for line in open(my_custom, "rt").readlines():
(key,val) = line.strip().split()
blk_custom[key] = val
for blk in cnf.sections():
urgency = cnf.get(blk,"priority")
sub_list = cnf.get(blk,"subdirs").split()
sub_type = cnf.get(blk,"type")
if ( blk in blk_custom ):
sub_mode = blk_custom[subsys]
sub_mode = cnf.get(blk,"mode")
if ( sub_type == "master" ):
abinit_other_dirs += cnf.get(blk,"root").split()
sub_type = "subsystem"
sub_mode = "attached"
if ( sub_mode == "attached" ):
if ( not urgency in abinit_subdirs[sub_type] ):
abinit_subdirs[sub_type][urgency] = []
abinit_subdirs[sub_type][urgency] += sub_list
elif ( sub_mode == "detached" ):
if ( sub_type == "subsystem" ):
if ( not urgency in abinit_subdirs["data"] ):
abinit_subdirs["data"][urgency] = []
abinit_subdirs["data"][urgency] += sub_list
# Sort subdirs
abinit_priorities = list(abinit_subdirs["data"].keys())
for urgency in abinit_priorities:
abinit_other_dirs += abinit_subdirs["data"][urgency]
abinit_priorities = list(abinit_subdirs["subsystem"].keys())
for urgency in abinit_priorities:
abinit_top_dirs += abinit_subdirs["subsystem"][urgency]
# FIXME: hard-coded
clean = "CLEANFILES = config.optim\n\n"
# Generate list of extra files
ext = "EXTRA_DIST =\n"
for subdir in abinit_other_dirs:
sub_files = "config/dist/auto-%s.lst" % subdir
ext += open(sub_files, "rt").read()
for xtrafile in os.listdir("./config/dist"):
if ( re.match("xtra-.*\\.lst", xtrafile) ):
ext += file(os.path.join("config","dist",xtrafile),"r").read()
ext = re.sub("\n"," \\\n\t",ext[:-1])
ext += "\n\n"
xsubs = sorted([item for item in cnf.sections() \
if (cnf.get(item, "mode") == "detached") and (cnf.get(item, "type") == "data")])
fbk_tgz = sorted([item for item in os.listdir("./fallbacks") \
if item.startswith("abinit-fallbacks-") \
and item.endswith(".tar.gz")])[-1]
ext += "EXTRA_DIST += fallbacks/%s\n\n" % fbk_tgz
ext += "DISTCLEANFILES = fallbacks/Makefile\n\n"
# Write additional cmake information
if ( os.path.exists("CMakeLists.txt") ):
ext += "EXTRA_DIST += CMakeLists.txt\n"
if ( os.path.exists("config.h.cmake") ):
ext += "EXTRA_DIST += config.h.cmake\n\n"
# Write Makefile.am
mf = open("Makefile.am", "wt")
mf.write("SUBDIRS = %s\n\n" % (" ".join(abinit_top_dirs + xsubs)))
add = "config/makefiles/top.am"
if ( os.path.exists(add) ):
mf.write(sep + open(add,"rt").read())