
294 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2005-2025 ABINIT Group (Yann Pouillon)
# This file is part of the ABINIT software package. For license information,
# please see the COPYING file in the top-level directory of the ABINIT source
# distribution.
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import #, unicode_literals
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser,NoOptionError
except ImportError:
from configparser import ConfigParser,NoOptionError
from time import gmtime,strftime
import os
import re
import sys
class MyConfigParser(ConfigParser):
def optionxform(self,option):
return str(option)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Subroutines
# Makefile header
def makefile_header(name,stamp):
return """#
# Makefile for ABINIT -*- Automake -*-
# Generated by %s on %s
# Any manual change to this file will systematically be overwritten.
# Please modify the %s script or its config file instead.
AM_FCFLAGS = @FPPFLAGS@ @FCFLAGS_FREEFORM@ @FCFLAGS_MODDIR@ @fc_mod_fcflags@ @fcflags_opt_98_main@
""" % (name,stamp,name)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Main program
# Initial setup
my_name = "make-makefiles-binaries"
my_configs = {
my_output = "src/98_main/Makefile.am"
# Check if we are in the top of the ABINIT source tree
if ( not os.path.exists("configure.ac") or
not os.path.exists("src/98_main/abinit.F90") ):
print("%s: You must be in the top of an ABINIT source tree." % my_name)
print("%s: Aborting now." % my_name)
# Read config file(s)
for cnf_file in my_configs.values():
if ( os.path.exists(cnf_file) ):
if ( re.search(r"\.cf$",cnf_file) ):
exec(compile(open(cnf_file).read(), cnf_file, 'exec'))
print("%s: Could not find config file (%s)." % (my_name,cnf_file))
print("%s: Aborting now." % my_name)
# What time is it?
now = strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S +0000",gmtime())
# Init corelibs
lib_cnf = MyConfigParser()
abinit_corelibs = lib_cnf.sections()
# Init binaries
bin_cnf = MyConfigParser()
main_bins = bin_cnf.sections()
# Init deps
dep_cnf = MyConfigParser()
# Generate library and include lists
lib_list = ""
inc_list = ""
# Main binary includes
cnf_file = "src/98_main/abinit.dir"
if ( os.path.exists(cnf_file) ):
exec(compile(open(cnf_file).read(), cnf_file, 'exec'))
include_dirs = []
# Common and core include lists
include_dirs = ["common", "core", "libpaw"]
for tmp in include_dirs:
inc_list += " \\\n\t@src_%s_fcflags@" % (tmp)
# Core libraries
for lib in abinit_corelibs:
# Init
lib_opt = lib_cnf.get(lib,"optional")
lib_rul = lib_cnf.get(lib,"abirules")
lib_deps = lib_cnf.get(lib,"dependencies").split()
except NoOptionError:
lib_deps = None
# Add sequential and parallel libraries
if ( lib_opt == "yes" ):
lib_list += "if DO_BUILD_%s\n" % (lib.upper())
lib_list += " LIB_%s = $(top_builddir)/src/%s/lib%s.a\n" % \
lib_list += "else\n LIB_%s =\nendif\n" % (lib.upper())
lib_list += "LIB_%s = $(top_builddir)/src/%s/lib%s.a\n" % \
lib_list += "\n"
# Generate binary list
bin_list = "bin_PROGRAMS ="
opt_list = ""
cln_list = "CLEANFILES ="
for bin in main_bins:
# Init
bin_opt = bin_cnf.get(bin,"optional")
# Regular binaries
if ( not os.path.exists("src/98_main/%s.F90" % (bin)) ):
sys.stderr.write("Error: No such file or directory: 'src/98_main/%s.F90'\n" % \
cln_list += " \\\n\t%s_cpp.f90" % (bin)
# Sequential/parallel binaries
if ( bin_opt == "yes" ):
opt_list += "if DO_BUILD_%s\n bin_PROGRAMS += %s\nendif\n" % \
bin_list += " \\\n\t%s" % (bin)
cln_list += "\n"
bin_list += "\n\n"
opt_list += "\n"
# Start generating makefile content
makefile = makefile_header(my_name,now)
if ( inc_list != "" ):
makefile += "AM_CPPFLAGS =%s\n\n" % (inc_list)
makefile += "# Internal libraries\n" + lib_list
makefile += "# Binary list\n" + bin_list + opt_list
# Process each binary
for bin in main_bins:
# Init
bin_deps = bin_cnf.get(bin,"dependencies").split()
except NoOptionError:
bin_deps = list()
bin_opt = bin_cnf.get(bin,"optional")
bin_cppflags = ""
bin_fcflags = "@src_common_fcflags@ @src_core_fcflags@ @src_libpaw_fcflags@"
bin_ldflags = ""
bin_libs = ""
# Check all libraries the binary depends on
for lib in bin_cnf.get(bin,"libraries").split():
# Add library pointer
bin_libs += " $(LIB_%s)" % (lib.upper())
# Check whether the binary may use external libraries
for dep in bin_deps:
if ( dep in dep_cnf.sections() ):
if ( dep_cnf.get(dep, "detector") == "steredeg" ):
dep_pfx = "sd"
dep_pfx = "abi"
dep_lngs = dep_cnf.get(dep, "languages").split()
if ( ("c" in dep_lngs) or ("c++" in dep_lngs) ):
bin_cppflags += " @%s_%s_cppflags@" % (dep_pfx, dep)
if ( "fortran" in dep_lngs ):
bin_fcflags += " @%s_%s_fcflags@" % (dep_pfx, dep)
bin_ldflags += " @%s_%s_ldflags@" % (dep_pfx, dep)
bin_libs += " @%s_%s_libs@" % (dep_pfx, dep)
raise ValueError("invalid external dependency: '%s'" % dep)
bin_fcflags += " @sd_sys_fcflags@"
# Finish setting build-time parameters
bin_libs += " $(FC_LIBS)"
# Write results
indent = ""
makefile += "# %s.F90 ---> %s\n" % (bin,bin)
# Optional build
if ( bin_opt == "yes" ):
makefile += "if DO_BUILD_%s\n" % (bin.upper())
indent = " "
# Binary sources
makefile += "%s%s_SOURCES = %s.F90\n" % (indent,bin,bin)
# Additional preprocessing flags
if ( bin_cppflags != "" ):
bin_cppflags = re.sub(r"[ ]+"," ",bin_cppflags.strip())
bin_cppflags = re.sub(" "," \\\n\t",bin_cppflags)
makefile += "%s%s_CPPFLAGS = \\\n\t%s\n" % (indent,bin,bin_cppflags)
# Additional compile flags
if ( bin_fcflags != "" ):
bin_fcflags = re.sub(r"[ ]+"," ",bin_fcflags.strip())
bin_fcflags = re.sub(" "," \\\n\t",bin_fcflags)
makefile += "%s%s_FCFLAGS = \\\n\t%s\n" % (indent,bin,bin_fcflags)
# LDFLAGS and additional libraries
if ( (bin_ldflags != "") or (bin_libs != "") ):
bin_ldflags += bin_libs
bin_ldflags = re.sub(r"[ ]+"," ",bin_ldflags.strip())
bin_ldflags = re.sub(" "," \\\n\t",bin_ldflags)
makefile += "%s%s_LDADD = \\\n\t%s\n" % (indent,bin,bin_ldflags)
# Close conditionals
if ( bin_opt == "yes" ):
makefile += "endif\n\n"
makefile += "\n"
# Write list of files to clean
makefile += cln_list
# Init list of extra files
ext = "EXTRA_DIST ="
ext_print = 0
# Include additional hand-made information
add = "src/98_main/abinit.amf"
if ( os.path.exists(add) ):
ext += " \\\n\tabinit.amf"
ext_print = 1
# Include RoboDOC header
hdr = "src/98_main/_main_"
if ( os.path.exists(hdr) ):
ext += " \\\n\t_98_main_"
ext_print = 1
# Finish list of extra files
ext += "\n"
# Write list of extra files
if ( ext_print == 1 ):
makefile += "\n"+ext+"\n"
# Write additional hand-made information
if ( os.path.exists(add) ):
makefile += "\n" + open(add, "rt").read()
# Write additional cmake information
cml = "src/98_main/CMakeLists.txt"
if ( os.path.exists(cml) ):
makefile += "\nEXTRA_DIST = CMakeLists.txt\n"
mf = open(my_output, "wt")