
258 lines
8.0 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2009-2025 ABINIT Group (Yann Pouillon)
# This file is part of the ABINIT software package. For license information,
# please see the COPYING file in the top-level directory of the ABINIT source
# distribution.
# Management of debug flags
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import #, unicode_literals
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
except ImportError:
from configparser import ConfigParser
from time import gmtime,strftime
import os
import re
import sys
class MyConfigParser(ConfigParser):
def optionxform(self,option):
return str(option)
def indent_snippet(level,text):
spaces = ""
for i in range(level):
spaces += " "
return spaces + re.sub("\n([^$\n])","\n"+spaces+"\\1",text)
def sh_cases(case_data,case_indent=0,case_item=True):
if ( isinstance(case_data,dict) ):
if ( len(list(case_data.keys())) > 2 ):
ret = indent_snippet(case_indent,"case \"${%s}\" in\n" % \
case_indent += 1
for item in case_data:
if ( (item != "case") and (item != "default") ):
ret += indent_snippet(case_indent,"%s)\n" % (item)) + \
indent_snippet(case_indent+1,"%s_dbg=\"%s\"\n" % \
(case_data["case"],item)) + \
if ( "default" in case_data ):
ret += indent_snippet(case_indent,"*)\n") + \
indent_snippet(case_indent+1,"%s_dbg=\"default\"\n" % \
(case_data["case"])) + \
case_indent -= 1
ret += indent_snippet(case_indent, \
"esac # [case: %s, indent: %d, item: %s]\n" % \
if ( (case_indent > 0) and case_item ):
ret += indent_snippet(case_indent,";;\n")
elif ( len(list(case_data.keys())) == 2 ):
if ( "default" in case_data ):
ret = indent_snippet(case_indent,"%s_dbg=\"default\"\n" % \
(case_data["case"])) + \
test_value = list(case_data.keys())
test_value = test_value[0]
ret = indent_snippet(case_indent,"if test \"${%s}\" = \"%s\"; then\n" % \
case_indent += 1
ret += indent_snippet(case_indent,"%s_dbg=\"%s\"\n" % \
(case_data["case"],test_value)) + \
case_indent -= 1
ret += indent_snippet(case_indent,"fi\n")
raise ValueError("case_data must contain at least 2 items")
return indent_snippet(case_indent,"%s\n;;\n" % (case_data.strip()))
return ret
def make_flags(config,build_mode,dbgflags_names,debug_test,debug_levels):
lvl_index = dict()
flags = dict()
for i in range(len(debug_levels)):
lvl_index[debug_levels[i]] = i
for (key,val) in config.items():
(level,stage) = key.split("_")
if ( not level in debug_levels ):
raise ValueError("unknown debug level '%s'" % (level))
if ( not stage in flags ):
flags[stage] = [ "" for i in range(len(debug_levels)) ]
flags[stage][lvl_index[level]] = val
ret = { "case":debug_test }
for level in debug_levels:
if ( not level in ret ):
ret[level] = ""
for stage in flags:
if ( build_mode == "replace" ):
dbgflags = flags[stage][lvl_index[level]]
dbgflags = ""
for lvl in debug_levels:
if ( build_mode == "prepend" ):
dbgflags = flags[stage][lvl_index[lvl]] + " " + dbgflags
elif ( build_mode == "append" ):
dbgflags += " " + flags[stage][lvl_index[lvl]]
raise ValueError("unknown build mode '%s'" % (build_mode))
if ( lvl == level ):
dbgflags = dbgflags.strip()
if ( dbgflags != "" ):
ret[level] += "%s=\"${%s} %s\"\n" % \
return ret
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Main program
# Initial setup
my_name = "make-macros-debug"
my_config = "config/maintainers/debug.conf"
my_confdir = "config/debug"
my_output = "config/m4/auto-debug.m4"
# Check if we are in the top of the ABINIT source tree
if ( not os.path.exists("configure.ac") or
not os.path.exists("src/98_main/abinit.F90") ):
print("%s: You must be in the top of an ABINIT source tree." % my_name)
print("%s: Aborting now." % my_name)
# Check if we have a config file
if ( not os.path.exists(my_config) ):
print("%s: Could not find config file (%s)." % (my_name,my_config))
print("%s: Aborting now." % my_name)
# Check if we have a config directory
if ( not os.path.exists(my_confdir) ):
print("%s: Could not find config dir (%s)." % (my_name,my_confdir))
print("%s: Aborting now." % my_name)
# What time is it?
now = strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S +0000",gmtime())
# Init
dbg_cnf = MyConfigParser()
# Init debugging variables
dbg_files = os.listdir(my_confdir)
dbg_macro = ""
# Get compiler types
compilers = dbg_cnf.sections()
# Process config files
for compilo in compilers:
# Get compiler vendors
xc_vendors = dbg_cnf.get(compilo,"vendors").split()
# Get debugging levels
dbg_levels = dbg_cnf.get(compilo,"levels").split()
dbg_stages = dbg_cnf.get(compilo,"stages").split()
debug_test = dbg_cnf.get(compilo,"debug_test")
dbg_mode = dbg_cnf.get(compilo,"mode")
# Get flag names
xc_flags = dict()
for stg in dbg_cnf.get(compilo,"stages").split():
xc_flags[stg] = dbg_cnf.get(compilo,stg)
# Create new vendor case
dbg_config = { "case":dbg_cnf.get(compilo,"vendor_test") }
# Look for vendor-dependent data
for xc_vendor in xc_vendors:
# Look for version-dependent data
re_dbg_file = re.compile("%s_%s_.*-debug.conf" % (compilo,xc_vendor))
versions = list()
for src in dbg_files:
if ( re_dbg_file.match(src) ):
# Create new version case
dbg_config[xc_vendor] = { "case":dbg_cnf.get(compilo,"version_test") }
if ( len(versions) > 0 ):
for xc_version in versions:
# Create new CPU case
dbg_config[xc_vendor][xc_version] = \
{ "case":dbg_cnf.get(compilo,"cpu_vendor_test") }
# Parse config file
cnf_file = "%s_%s_%s-debug.conf" % (compilo,xc_vendor,xc_version)
cnf = MyConfigParser()
# Extract defaults
dbg_config[xc_vendor][xc_version]["default"] = \
for cpu in cnf.sections():
dbg_config[xc_vendor][xc_version][cpu] = \
make_flags(dict(cnf.items(cpu)),dbg_mode,xc_flags,debug_test, \
del dbg_config[xc_vendor]
# Create new macro
dbg_macro += "\n\nAC_DEFUN([ABI_%s_DBGFLAGS],[\n" % (compilo.upper())
dbg_macro += " dnl Init\n"
dbg_macro += " abi_%s_vendor_dbg=\"none\"\n" % (compilo)
dbg_macro += " abi_%s_version_dbg=\"none\"\n" % (compilo)
dbg_macro += " abi_cpu_spec_dbg=\"none\"\n"
dbg_macro += "\n dnl Look for debug flags\n"
dbg_macro += " AC_MSG_CHECKING([which %s debug flags to apply])\n\n" % \
if ( len(list(dbg_config.keys())) > 1 ):
dbg_macro += " dnl Case built from config/debug/%s_*.conf\n" % (compilo)
dbg_macro += indent_snippet(1,sh_cases(dbg_config))
dbg_macro += " dnl WARNING: no config files were found for language\n"
dbg_macro += "\n dnl Display settings\n"
dbg_macro += " AC_MSG_RESULT([" \
"${abi_%s_vendor_dbg}/${abi_%s_version_dbg}/${abi_cpu_spec_dbg}])\n\n" % \
dbg_macro += "]) #ABI_%s_DBGFLAGS\n" % (compilo.upper())
# Write data