mirror of https://github.com/abinit/abinit.git
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{{ super() }}
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mk: "{, \\kk}",
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mks: "{m \\kk\\sigma}",
enk: "{\\varepsilon_\\nk}",
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wqnu: "{\\omega_{\\qnu}}",
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vnka: "{\\mathrm{v}_{n\\kk,\\alpha}}",
vnkb: "{\\mathrm{v}_{n\\kk,\\beta}}",
ef: "{\\varepsilon_F}",
// EPH quantities
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gkq: "{g_{mn\\nu}(\\kk,\\qq)}",
// Many-body theory
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Wo: "{W_0}",
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Gove: "{\\overline{G}}",
Gund: "{\\underline{G}}",
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// symrel
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Rit: "{\\mcR^{-1\\tau}}",
// symrec
Si: "{\\mcS^{-1}}}",
Sit: "{\\Si^\\tau}}",
// partial and functional derivative.
PDER: ["{\\dfrac{\\partial #1}{\\partial #2}}", 2],
FDER: ["{\\dfrac{\\delta #1}{\\delta #2}}", 2],
// PAW
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