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# coding: utf-8
"""Tests abiref.bib file."""
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import
from .tools import patch_syspath, AbimkdocsTest
import os
from abimkdocs.website import MyEntry
class BibrefTest(AbimkdocsTest):
def test_bibref(self):
bibpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "doc", "abiref.bib")
assert os.path.isfile(bibpath)
# Get bibtex references and cast to MyEntry instance.
from pybtex.database import parse_file
bib_data = parse_file(bibpath, bib_format="bibtex")
for entry in bib_data.entries.values():
entry.__class__ = MyEntry
# Mandatory fields
type2fields = dict(
eprint=("journal", "archivePrefix", "eprint", "year"),
article=("journal", "volume", "pages", "year"),
book=("publisher", "year", "isbn"),
phdthesis=("school", "year"),
type2fields["incollection"] = type2fields["book"]
type2fields["mastersthesis"] = type2fields["phdthesis"]
def validate_entry(entry):
print("Testing bibtex key `%s` of type `%s`" % (entry.key, entry.type))
fields = entry.fields
assert "title" in fields and fields["title"]
assert "author" in entry.persons and len(entry.persons["author"]) > 0
for f in type2fields[entry.type]:
assert f in fields
#assert fields[f]
if entry.type in ("article"):
assert "url" in fields or "doi" in fields
if "url" in fields: assert fields["url"]
if "doi" in fields: assert fields["doi"]
for key, entry in bib_data.entries.items():
# TODO validate_entry(entry)
assert entry.to_abimarkdown()
assert entry.to_html()
assert entry.to_bibtex()
assert entry.get_bibtex_btn_modal(link=False)