Fix log with CSS Important, remove old partials

This commit is contained in:
gmatteo 2021-03-19 23:47:41 +01:00
parent 0f30baf150
commit 57ce104f12
9 changed files with 17 additions and 505 deletions

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@ -629,10 +629,10 @@ Variable(
* 1 --> the polarization will be kept in the same branch on each iteration.
At the end of the run, a file "POLSAVE" will be saved containing the reduced polarization in atomic units.
!!! note
!!! note
Make sure that "POLSAVE" is empty or it does not exist before the calculation, or else that
it specifies the desired polarization branch.
Make sure that "POLSAVE" is empty or it does not exist before the calculation, or else that
it specifies the desired polarization branch.
@ -21475,7 +21475,7 @@ allocated for the wavefunctions, especially when we have to sum over empty state
parallelize along this dimension. The parallelization over q-points seem to be more efficient than
the one over perturbations although it introduces some load imbalance because, due to memory reasons,
the code distributes the q-points in the IBZ (nqibz) instead of the q-points in the full BZ (nqbz).
Moreover non all the q-points in the IBZ contribute to the imaginary part of $\Sigma_nk$.
Moreover non all the q-points in the IBZ contribute to the imaginary part of $\Sigma_{nk}$.
The MPI parallelism over k-points and spins is supported with similar behaviour as in **eph_task** +4.
@ -21668,9 +21668,9 @@ to integrate the Frohlich divergence.
Possible values:
- = 0 --> Approximate oscillators with $ \delta_{b_1 b_2} $
- > 0 --> Use full expression with G-dependence
- < 0 --> Deactivate computation of oscillators.
- = 0 --> Approximate oscillators with $ \delta_{b_1 b_2} $
- > 0 --> Use full expression with G-dependence
- < 0 --> Deactivate computation of oscillators.
!!! important
@ -22054,9 +22054,9 @@ to go from $W(\rr,\RR)$ to $v1scf(\rr,\qq)$.
Possible values are:
0 --> Use unit super cell for $\RR$ space. All weights set to 1.
1 --> Use Wigner-Seitz super cell and atom-dependent weights (same algorithm as for the dynamical matrix).
Note that this option leads to more $\RR$-points with a non-negligible increase of the memory allocated.
0 --> Use unit super cell for $\RR$ space. All weights set to 1.
1 --> Use Wigner-Seitz super cell and atom-dependent weights (same algorithm as for the dynamical matrix).
Note that this option leads to more $\RR$-points with a non-negligible increase of the memory allocated.
!!! tip

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@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
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@ -219,14 +219,6 @@ and return to Top button (based on
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@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
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vnka: "{\\mathrm{v}_{n\\kk,\\alpha}}",
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ef: "{\\varepsilon_F}",
// EPH quantities
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gkq: "{g_{mn\\nu}(\\kk,\\qq)}",
// Many-body theory
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Wo: "{W_0}",
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// Greek symbols + tilde version
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// symrec
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Sit: "{\\Si^\\tau}}",
// partial and functional derivative.
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@ -9,11 +9,13 @@ body {
/* Increase logo width because mkdocs material enforces 48 x 48
.md-logo img {
width: 48px;
.md-logo img {
width: 48px ! Important;
height: auto;
/* Add vertical rhythm

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@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ in comparison to [[ecut]], [[ecutwfn]] and [[ecuteps]].
Another point worth noting is the presence in the expression of the Coulomb
singularity for $| \qq + \GG | \rightarrow 0$ .
From a mathematical point of view, the integral is well-defined since the singularity is integrable in three-
dimensional space once the thermodynamical limit, $N_\qq \rightarrow \infty$, is reached.
dimensional space once the thermodynamic limit, $N_\qq \rightarrow \infty$, is reached.
On the other hand, only a finite number of $\qq$-points can be used for
practical applications, and a careful numerical treatment is needed to avoid

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@ -300,8 +300,6 @@ theme:
name: material
custom_dir: abinit_theme
logo: images/logo-abinit-2015.png
# logo: images/logo-abinit-2015.png
favicon: images/favicon.ico
primary: deep orange
@ -317,7 +315,7 @@ plugins:
- search:
separator: '[\s\-\.]+'
min_search_length: 2
#prebuild_index: true
#prebuild_index: true # Should test whether this makes search faster.
- css/extra.css