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Architecture of main functions

The figure below shows the core framework structure of LLamaSharp.

  • Native APIs: LLamaSharp calls the exported C APIs to load and run the model. The APIs defined in LLamaSharp specially for calling C APIs are named Native APIs. We have made all the native APIs public under namespace LLama.Native. However, it's strongly recommended not to use them unless you know what you are doing.
  • LLamaWeights: The holder of the model weight.
  • LLamaContext: A context which directly interact with the native library and provide some basic APIs such as tokenization and embedding. It takes use of LLamaWeights.
  • LLamaExecutors: Executors which define the way to run the LLama model. It provides text-to-text and image-to-text APIs to make it easy to use. Currently we provide four kinds of executors: InteractiveExecutor, InstructExecutor, StatelessExecutor and BatchedExecutor.
  • ChatSession: A wrapping for InteractiveExecutor and LLamaContext, which supports interactive tasks and saving/re-loading sessions. It also provides a flexible way to customize the text process by IHistoryTransform, ITextTransform and ITextStreamTransform.
  • Integrations: Integrations with other libraries to expand the application of LLamaSharp. For example, if you want to do RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation), kernel-memory integration is a good option for you.
