79 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File
79 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File
sim-eio: SimpleScalar/Alpha Tool Set version 3.0 of September, 1998.
Copyright (c) 1994-1998 by Todd M. Austin. All Rights Reserved.
warning: section `.comment' ignored...
sim: tracing execution to EIO file `eio/test-printf.eio'...
sim: command line: ../sim-eio -trace eio/test-printf.eio -redir:sim outputs/test-printf.simout -redir:prog outputs/test-printf.progout bin/test-printf
sim: simulation started @ Wed Aug 26 17:03:04 1998, options follow:
sim-eio: This simulator implements simulator support for generating
external event traces (EIO traces) and checkpoint files. External
event traces capture one execution of a program, and allow it to be
packaged into a single file for later re-execution. EIO trace executions
are 100% reproducible between subsequent executions (on the same platform.
This simulator also provides functionality to generate checkpoints at
arbitrary points within an external event trace (EIO) execution. The
checkpoint file (along with the EIO trace) can be used to start any
SimpleScalar simulator in the middle of a program execution.
# -config # load configuration from a file
# -dumpconfig # dump configuration to a file
# -h false # print help message
# -v false # verbose operation
# -d false # enable debug message
# -i false # start in Dlite debugger
-seed 1 # random number generator seed (0 for timer seed)
# -q false # initialize and terminate immediately
# -chkpt <null> # restore EIO trace execution from <fname>
# -redir:sim outputs/test-printf.simout # redirect simulator output to file (non-interactive only)
# -redir:prog outputs/test-printf.progout # redirect simulated program output to file
-nice 0 # simulator scheduling priority
-max:inst 0 # maximum number of inst's to execute
-fastfwd 0 # number of insts skipped before tracing starts
-trace eio/test-printf.eio # EIO trace file output file name
# -dump <null> # specify checkpoint file and trigger: <fname> <range>
Checkpoint range triggers are formatted as follows:
Both ends of the range are optional, if neither are specified, the range
triggers immediately. Ranges that start with a `@' designate an address
range to trigger on, those that start with an `#' designate a cycle count
trigger. All other ranges represent an instruction count range. The
second argument, if specified with a `+', indicates a value relative
to the first argument, e.g., 1000:+100 == 1000:1100.
Examples: -ptrace FOO.trc #0:#1000
-ptrace BAR.trc @2000:
-ptrace BLAH.trc :1500
-ptrace UXXE.trc :
sim: writing EIO file initial checkpoint...
sim: ** starting functional simulation **
warning: partially supported sigprocmask() call...
sim: ** simulation statistics **
sim_num_insn 983376 # total number of instructions executed
sim_num_refs 282484 # total number of loads and stores executed
sim_elapsed_time 3 # total simulation time in seconds
sim_inst_rate 327792.0000 # simulation speed (in insts/sec)
ld_text_base 0x0120000000 # program text (code) segment base
ld_text_size 98304 # program text (code) size in bytes
ld_data_base 0x0140000000 # program initialized data segment base
ld_data_size 34096 # program init'ed `.data' and uninit'ed `.bss' size in bytes
ld_stack_base 0x011ff9b000 # program stack segment base (highest address in stack)
ld_stack_size 16384 # program initial stack size
ld_prog_entry 0x01200057f0 # program entry point (initial PC)
ld_environ_base 0x011ff97000 # program environment base address address
ld_target_big_endian 0 # target executable endian-ness, non-zero if big endian
mem.page_count 17 # total number of pages allocated
mem.page_mem 136k # total size of memory pages allocated
mem.ptab_misses 4123 # total first level page table misses
mem.ptab_accesses 1776821 # total page table accesses
mem.ptab_miss_rate 0.0023 # first level page table miss rate