
2262 lines
60 KiB

/* dlite.c - DLite, the lite debugger, routines */
/* SimpleScalar(TM) Tool Suite
* Copyright (C) 1994-2003 by Todd M. Austin, Ph.D. and SimpleScalar, LLC.
* All Rights Reserved.
* No portion of this work may be used by any commercial entity, or for any
* commercial purpose, without the prior, written permission of SimpleScalar,
* LLC ( Nonprofit and noncommercial use is permitted
* as described below.
* 1. SimpleScalar is provided AS IS, with no warranty of any kind, express
* or implied. The user of the program accepts full responsibility for the
* application of the program and the use of any results.
* 2. Nonprofit and noncommercial use is encouraged. SimpleScalar may be
* downloaded, compiled, executed, copied, and modified solely for nonprofit,
* educational, noncommercial research, and noncommercial scholarship
* purposes provided that this notice in its entirety accompanies all copies.
* Copies of the modified software can be delivered to persons who use it
* solely for nonprofit, educational, noncommercial research, and
* noncommercial scholarship purposes provided that this notice in its
* entirety accompanies all copies.
* 4. No nonprofit user may place any restrictions on the use of this software,
* including as modified by the user, by any other authorized user.
* 5. Noncommercial and nonprofit users may distribute copies of SimpleScalar
* in compiled or executable form as set forth in Section 2, provided that
* either: (A) it is accompanied by the corresponding machine-readable source
* code, or (B) it is accompanied by a written offer, with no time limit, to
* give anyone a machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code in
* return for reimbursement of the cost of distribution. This written offer
* must permit verbatim duplication by anyone, or (C) it is distributed by
* someone who received only the executable form, and is accompanied by a
* copy of the written offer of source code.
* 6. SimpleScalar was developed by Todd M. Austin, Ph.D. The tool suite is
* currently maintained by SimpleScalar LLC ( US Mail:
* 2395 Timbercrest Court, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
* Copyright (C) 1994-2003 by Todd M. Austin, Ph.D. and SimpleScalar, LLC.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "host.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "machine.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "regs.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "sim.h"
#include "symbol.h"
#include "loader.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "range.h"
#include "dlite.h"
/* architected state accessors, initialized by dlite_init() */
static dlite_reg_obj_t f_dlite_reg_obj = NULL;
static dlite_mem_obj_t f_dlite_mem_obj = NULL;
static dlite_mstate_obj_t f_dlite_mstate_obj = NULL;
/* set non-zero to enter DLite after next instruction */
int dlite_active = FALSE;
/* non-zero to force a check for a break */
int dlite_check = FALSE;
/* set non-zero to exit DLite command loop */
static int dlite_return = FALSE;
/* size modifier mask bit definitions */
#define MOD_BYTE 0x0001 /* b - print a byte */
#define MOD_HALF 0x0002 /* h - print a half (short) */
#define MOD_WORD 0x0004 /* w - print a word */
#define MOD_QWORD 0x0008 /* q - print a qword */
#define MOD_FLOAT 0x0010 /* F - print a float */
#define MOD_DOUBLE 0x0020 /* f - print a double */
#define MOD_CHAR 0x0040 /* c - print a character */
#define MOD_STRING 0x0080 /* s - print a string */
#define MOD_SIZES \
/* format modifier mask bit definitions */
#define MOD_DECIMAL 0x0100 /* d - print in decimal format */
#define MOD_UNSIGNED 0x0200 /* u - print in unsigned format */
#define MOD_OCTAL 0x0400 /* o - print in octal format */
#define MOD_HEX 0x0800 /* x - print in hex format */
#define MOD_BINARY 0x1000 /* 1 - print in binary format */
#define MOD_FORMATS \
/* DLite modifier parser, transforms /<mods> strings to modifier mask */
static char * /* error string, NULL for no err */
modifier_parser(char *p, /* ptr to /<mods> string */
char **endp, /* ptr to first byte not consumed */
int *pmod) /* modifier mask written to *PMOD */
int modifiers = 0;
/* default modifiers */
*pmod = 0;
/* is this a valid modifier? */
if (*p == '/')
/* parse modifiers until end-of-string or whitespace is found */
while (*p != '\0' && *p != '\n' && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t')
switch (*p)
case 'b':
modifiers |= MOD_BYTE;
case 'h':
modifiers |= MOD_HALF;
case 'w':
modifiers |= MOD_WORD;
case 'q':
modifiers |= MOD_QWORD;
case 'd':
modifiers |= MOD_DECIMAL;
case 'u':
modifiers |= MOD_UNSIGNED;
case 'o':
modifiers |= MOD_OCTAL;
case 'x':
modifiers |= MOD_HEX;
case '1':
modifiers |= MOD_BINARY;
case 'F':
modifiers |= MOD_FLOAT;
case 'f':
modifiers |= MOD_DOUBLE;
case 'c':
modifiers |= MOD_CHAR;
case 's':
modifiers |= MOD_STRING;
return "bad modifier (use one or more of /bhwqduox1fdcs)";
/* no error, return end of string and modifier mask */
*endp = p;
*pmod = modifiers;
return NULL;
/* DLite default expression evaluator */
static struct eval_state_t *dlite_evaluator = NULL;
static struct regs_t *local_regs = NULL;
/* DLite identifier evaluator, used by the expression evaluator, returns
the value of the ident in ES->TOK_BUF, sets eval_error to value other
than ERR_NOERR if an error is encountered */
static struct eval_value_t /* value of identifier */
ident_evaluator(struct eval_state_t *es) /* expression evaluator */
int i;
char *err_str;
struct eval_value_t val;
struct stat_stat_t *stat;
struct sym_sym_t *sym;
static struct eval_value_t err_value = { et_int, { 0 } };
/* is this a builtin register definition? */
for (i=0; md_reg_names[i].str != NULL; i++)
if (!mystricmp(es->tok_buf, md_reg_names[i].str))
err_str =
f_dlite_reg_obj(local_regs, /* !is_write */FALSE,
md_reg_names[i].file, md_reg_names[i].reg, &val);
if (err_str)
eval_error = ERR_UNDEFVAR;
val = err_value;
return val;
/* else, try to locate a program symbol */
sym_loadsyms(ld_prog_fname, /* load locals */TRUE);
sym = sym_bind_name(es->tok_buf, NULL, sdb_any);
if (sym)
/* found a symbol with this name, return it's (address) value */
val.type = et_addr;
val.value.as_addr = sym->addr;
return val;
/* else, try to locate a statistical value symbol */
stat = stat_find_stat(sim_sdb, es->tok_buf);
if (stat)
/* found it, convert stat value to an eval_value_t value */
switch (stat->sc)
case sc_int:
val.type = et_int;
val.value.as_int = *stat->variant.for_int.var;
case sc_uint:
val.type = et_uint;
val.value.as_uint = *stat->variant.for_uint.var;
case sc_qword:
val.type = et_qword;
val.value.as_qword = *stat->variant.for_qword.var;
#endif /* HOST_HAS_QWORD */
case sc_float:
val.type = et_float;
val.value.as_float = *stat->variant.for_float.var;
case sc_double:
val.type = et_double;
val.value.as_double = *stat->variant.for_double.var;
case sc_dist:
case sc_sdist:
eval_error = ERR_BADEXPR;
val = err_value;
case sc_formula:
/* instantiate a new evaluator to avoid recursion problems */
struct eval_state_t *es = eval_new(ident_evaluator, sim_sdb);
char *endp;
val = eval_expr(es, stat->variant.for_formula.formula, &endp);
if (eval_error != ERR_NOERR || *endp != '\0')
/* pass through eval_error */
val = err_value;
/* else, use value returned */
panic("bogus stat class");
return val;
/* else, not found */
/* else, this is a bogus symbol */
eval_error = ERR_UNDEFVAR;
val = err_value;
return val;
/* maximum number of arguments that can passed to a dlite command handler */
#define MAX_ARGS 4
/* maximum length of a dlite command string argument */
#define MAX_STR 128
/* argument array entry, argument arrays are passed to command handlers */
union arg_val_t {
int as_modifier;
struct eval_value_t as_value;
int as_access;
char as_str[MAX_STR];
/* a DLite command handler function pointer */
typedef char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
(*cmd_fn_t)(int nargs, /* number of arguments */
union arg_val_t args[], /* argument vector */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem); /* memory to access */
/* DLite command descriptor, fully describes a command supported by the
DLite debugger command handler */
struct dlite_cmd_t {
char *cmd_str; /* DLite command string */
char *arg_strs[MAX_ARGS]; /* NULL-terminated cmd args (? - optional):
m - size/type modifiers
a - address expression
c - count expression
e - any expression
s - any string
t - access type {r|w|x}
i - breakpoint id */
cmd_fn_t cmd_fn; /* implementing function */
char *help_str; /* DLite command help string */
/* forward handler decls */
static char *
dlite_help(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_version(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_terminate(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_quit(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_cont(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_step(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_print(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_options(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_option(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_stats(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_stat(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_whatis(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_regs(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_iregs(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_fpregs(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_cregs(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_mstate(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_display(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_dump(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_dis(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_break(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_dbreak(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_rbreak(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_breaks(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_delete(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_clear(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_symbols(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_tsymbols(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_dsymbols(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
static char *
dlite_symbol(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],
struct regs_t *regs, struct mem_t *mem);
/* DLite debugger command parser command definitions, NOTE: optional
arguments must be trailing arguments, otherwise the command parser will
break (modifiers are an exception to this rule) */
static struct dlite_cmd_t cmd_db[] =
{ "help", { "s?", NULL }, dlite_help,
"print command reference" },
{ "version", { NULL }, dlite_version,
"print DLite version information" },
{ "terminate", { NULL }, dlite_terminate,
"terminate the simulation with statistics" },
{ "quit", { NULL }, dlite_quit,
"exit the simulator" },
{ "cont", { "a?", NULL }, dlite_cont,
"continue program execution (optionally at <addr>)" },
{ "step", { NULL }, dlite_step,
"step program one instruction" },
#if 0 /* NYI */
{ "next", { NULL }, dlite_next,
"step program one instruction in current procedure" },
{ "print", { "m?", "e", NULL }, dlite_print,
"print the value of <expr> using format <modifiers>" },
{ "options", { NULL }, dlite_options,
"print the value of all options" },
{ "option", { "s", NULL }, dlite_option,
"print the value of an option" },
{ "stats", { NULL }, dlite_stats,
"print the value of all statistical variables" },
{ "stat", { "s", NULL }, dlite_stat,
"print the value of a statistical variable" },
{ "whatis", { "e", NULL }, dlite_whatis,
"print the type of expression <expr>" },
{ "---", { NULL }, NULL, NULL },
{ "regs", { NULL }, dlite_regs,
"print all register contents" },
{ "iregs", { NULL }, dlite_iregs,
"print integer register contents" },
{ "fpregs", { NULL }, dlite_fpregs,
"print floating point register contents" },
{ "cregs", { NULL }, dlite_cregs,
"print control register contents" },
{ "mstate", { "s?", NULL }, dlite_mstate,
"print machine specific state (simulator dependent)" },
{ "display", { "m?", "a", NULL }, dlite_display,
"display the value at memory location <addr> using format <modifiers>" },
{ "dump", { "a?", "c?", NULL }, dlite_dump,
"dump memory at <addr> (optionally for <cnt> words)" },
{ "dis", { "a?", "c?", NULL }, dlite_dis,
"disassemble instructions at <addr> (for <cnt> insts)" },
{ "break", { "a", NULL }, dlite_break,
"set breakpoint at <addr>, returns <id> of breakpoint" },
{ "dbreak", { "a", "t?", NULL }, dlite_dbreak,
"set data breakpoint at <addr> (for (r)ead, (w)rite,\n"
" and/or e(x)ecute, returns <id> of breakpoint" },
{ "rbreak", { "s", "t?", NULL }, dlite_rbreak,
"set read/write/exec breakpoint at <range> (for (r)ead, (w)rite,\n"
" and/or e(x)ecute, returns <id> of breakpoint" },
{ "breaks", { NULL }, dlite_breaks,
"list active code and data breakpoints" },
{ "delete", { "i", NULL }, dlite_delete,
"delete breakpoint <id>" },
{ "clear", { NULL }, dlite_clear,
"clear all breakpoints (code and data)" },
{ "---", { NULL }, NULL, NULL },
{ "symbols", { NULL }, dlite_symbols,
"print the value of all program symbols" },
{ "tsymbols", { NULL }, dlite_tsymbols,
"print the value of all program text symbols" },
{ "dsymbols", { NULL }, dlite_dsymbols,
"print the value of all program data symbols" },
{ "symbol", { "s", NULL }, dlite_symbol,
"print the value of a symbol" },
{ "---", { NULL }, NULL, NULL },
/* list terminator */
/* help command trailing text */
static char *dlite_help_tail =
"Arguments <addr>, <cnt>, <expr>, and <id> are any legal expression:\n"
" <expr> <- <factor> +|- <expr>\n"
" <factor> <- <term> *|/ <factor>\n"
" <term> <- ( <expr> )\n"
" | - <term>\n"
" | <const>\n"
" | <symbol>\n"
" | <file:loc>\n"
"Command modifiers <mods> are any of the following:\n"
" b - print a byte\n"
" h - print a half (short)\n"
" w - print a word (default)\n"
" q - print a qword\n"
#endif /* HOST_HAS_QWORD */
" F - print a float\n"
" f - print a double\n"
" c - print a character\n"
" s - print a string\n"
" d - print in decimal format (default)\n"
" u - print in unsigned decimal format\n"
" o - print in octal format\n"
" x - print in hex format\n"
" 1 - print in binary format\n";
/* execute DLite command string CMD */
static char * /* err str, NULL if no err */
dlite_exec(char *cmd_str, /* command string */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
int i, arg_cnt;
struct dlite_cmd_t *cmd;
char cmd_buf[512], *p, *q, *endp;
union arg_val_t args[MAX_ARGS];
p = cmd_str;
q = cmd_buf;
/* skip any whitespace before argument */
while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n')
/* anything left? */
if (*p == '\0')
/* NOP, no error */
return NULL;
/* copy out command name string */
while (*p != '\0' && *p != '\n' && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '/')
*q++ = *p++;
*q = '\0';
/* find matching command */
for (cmd=cmd_db; cmd->cmd_str != NULL; cmd++)
if (!strcmp(cmd->cmd_str, cmd_buf))
if (cmd->cmd_str == NULL)
return "unknown command";
/* match arguments for *CMD */
for (i=0, arg_cnt=0; i<MAX_ARGS && cmd->arg_strs[i] != NULL; i++, arg_cnt++)
int optional, access, modifiers;
char *arg, arg_type, *err_str;
struct eval_value_t val;
/* skip any whitespace before argument */
while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n')
arg = cmd->arg_strs[i];
arg_type = arg[0];
optional = (arg[1] == '?');
if (*p == '\0')
if (optional)
/* all arguments parsed */
return "missing an argument";
endp = p;
switch (arg_type)
case 'm':
err_str = modifier_parser(p, &endp, &modifiers);
if (err_str)
return err_str;
args[arg_cnt].as_modifier = modifiers;
case 'a':
local_regs = regs;
val = eval_expr(dlite_evaluator, p, &endp);
if (eval_error)
return eval_err_str[eval_error];
args[arg_cnt].as_value = val;
case 'c':
local_regs = regs;
val = eval_expr(dlite_evaluator, p, &endp);
if (eval_error)
return eval_err_str[eval_error];
args[arg_cnt].as_value = val;
case 'e':
local_regs = regs;
val = eval_expr(dlite_evaluator, p, &endp);
if (eval_error)
return eval_err_str[eval_error];
args[arg_cnt].as_value = val;
case 't':
access = 0;
while (*p != '\0' && *p != '\n' && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t')
switch (*p)
case 'r':
access |= ACCESS_READ;
case 'w':
access |= ACCESS_WRITE;
case 'x':
access |= ACCESS_EXEC;
return "bad access type specifier (use r|w|x)";
endp = p;
args[arg_cnt].as_access = access;
case 'i':
local_regs = regs;
val = eval_expr(dlite_evaluator, p, &endp);
if (eval_error)
return eval_err_str[eval_error];
args[arg_cnt].as_value = val;
case 's':
q = args[arg_cnt].as_str;
while (*p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\0')
*q++ = *p++;
*q = '\0';
endp = p;
panic("bogus argument type: `%c'", arg_type);
p = endp;
/* skip any whitespace before any trailing argument */
while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n')
/* check for any orphan arguments */
if (*p != '\0')
return "too many arguments";
/* if we reach here, all arguments were parsed correctly, call handler */
return cmd->cmd_fn(arg_cnt, args, regs, mem);
/* print expression value VAL using modifiers MODIFIERS */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
print_val(int modifiers, /* print modifiers */
struct eval_value_t val) /* expr value to print */
char *format = "", *prefix = "", radix, buf[512];
/* fill in any default size */
if ((modifiers & MOD_SIZES) == 0)
/* compute default size */
switch (val.type)
case et_int: modifiers |= MOD_WORD; break;
case et_uint: modifiers |= MOD_WORD; break;
case et_addr:
if (sizeof(md_addr_t) > 4)
modifiers |= MOD_QWORD;
#endif /* HOST_HAS_QWORD */
modifiers |= MOD_WORD;
case et_qword: modifiers |= MOD_QWORD; break;
case et_sqword: modifiers |= MOD_QWORD; break;
#endif /* HOST_HAS_QWORD */
case et_float: modifiers |= MOD_FLOAT; break;
case et_double: modifiers |= MOD_DOUBLE; break;
case et_symbol:
default: return "bad print value";
if (((modifiers & MOD_SIZES) & ((modifiers & MOD_SIZES) - 1)) != 0)
return "multiple size specifiers";
/* fill in any default format */
if ((modifiers & MOD_FORMATS) == 0)
/* compute default size */
switch (val.type)
case et_int: modifiers |= MOD_DECIMAL; break;
case et_uint: modifiers |= MOD_UNSIGNED; break;
case et_addr: modifiers |= MOD_HEX; break;
case et_qword: modifiers |= MOD_UNSIGNED; break;
case et_sqword: modifiers |= MOD_DECIMAL; break;
#endif /* HOST_HAS_QWORD */
case et_float: /* use default format */break;
case et_double: /* use default format */break;
case et_symbol:
default: return "bad print value";
if (((modifiers & MOD_FORMATS) & ((modifiers & MOD_FORMATS) - 1)) != 0)
return "multiple format specifiers";
/* decode modifiers */
if (modifiers & MOD_DECIMAL)
radix = 'd';
else if (modifiers & MOD_UNSIGNED)
radix = 'u';
else if (modifiers & MOD_OCTAL)
radix = 'o';
else if (modifiers & MOD_HEX)
radix = 'x';
else if (modifiers & MOD_BINARY)
return "binary format not yet implemented";
panic("no default integer format");
if (modifiers & MOD_BYTE)
if (modifiers & MOD_OCTAL)
prefix = "0";
format = "03";
else if (modifiers & MOD_HEX)
prefix = "0x";
format = "02";
prefix = "";
format = "";
sprintf(buf, "%s%%%s%c", prefix, format, radix);
myfprintf(stdout, buf, eval_as_uint(val));
else if (modifiers & MOD_HALF)
if (modifiers & MOD_OCTAL)
prefix = "0";
format = "06";
else if (modifiers & MOD_HEX)
prefix = "0x";
format = "04";
prefix = "";
format = "";
sprintf(buf, "%s%%%s%c", prefix, format, radix);
myfprintf(stdout, buf, eval_as_uint(val));
else if (modifiers & MOD_WORD)
if (modifiers & MOD_OCTAL)
prefix = "0";
format = "011";
else if (modifiers & MOD_HEX)
prefix = "0x";
format = "08";
prefix = "";
format = "";
sprintf(buf, "%s%%%s%c", prefix, format, radix);
myfprintf(stdout, buf, eval_as_uint(val));
else if (modifiers & MOD_QWORD)
if (modifiers & MOD_OCTAL)
prefix = "0";
format = "022";
else if (modifiers & MOD_HEX)
prefix = "0x";
format = "016";
prefix = "";
format = "";
sprintf(buf, "%s%%%sl%c", prefix, format, radix);
myfprintf(stdout, buf, eval_as_qword(val));
#endif /* HOST_HAS_QWORD */
else if (modifiers & MOD_FLOAT)
fprintf(stdout, "%f", (double)eval_as_float(val));
else if (modifiers & MOD_DOUBLE)
fprintf(stdout, "%f", eval_as_double(val));
else if (modifiers & MOD_CHAR)
fprintf(stdout, "`%c'", eval_as_uint(val));
else if (modifiers & MOD_STRING)
return "string format not yet implemented";
else /* no format specified, default to value type format */
panic("no default format");
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* default memory state accessor */
char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_mem_obj(struct mem_t *mem, /* memory space to access */
int is_write, /* access type */
md_addr_t addr, /* address to access */
char *p, /* input/output buffer */
int nbytes) /* size of access */
enum mem_cmd cmd;
if (!is_write)
cmd = Read;
cmd = Write;
#if 0
char *errstr;
errstr = mem_valid(cmd, addr, nbytes, /* !declare */FALSE);
if (errstr)
return errstr;
/* else, no error, access memory */
mem_access(mem, cmd, addr, p, nbytes);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* default machine state accessor */
char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_mstate_obj(FILE *stream, /* output stream */
char *cmd, /* optional command string */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
/* nada */
fprintf(stream, "No machine state.\n");
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* scroll terminator, wait for user to press return */
static void
char buf[512];
fprintf(stdout, "Press <return> to continue...");
fgets(buf, 512, stdin);
/* print help information for DLite command CMD */
static void
print_help(struct dlite_cmd_t *cmd) /* command to describe */
int i;
/* print command name */
fprintf(stdout, " %s ", cmd->cmd_str);
/* print arguments of command */
for (i=0; i < MAX_ARGS && cmd->arg_strs[i] != NULL; i++)
int optional;
char *arg, arg_type;
arg = cmd->arg_strs[i];
arg_type = arg[0];
optional = (arg[1] == '?');
if (optional)
fprintf(stdout, "{");
fprintf(stdout, "<");
switch (arg_type)
case 'm':
fprintf(stdout, "/modifiers");
case 'a':
fprintf(stdout, "addr");
case 'c':
fprintf(stdout, "count");
case 'e':
fprintf(stdout, "expr");
case 't':
fprintf(stdout, "r|w|x");
case 'i':
fprintf(stdout, "id");
case 's':
fprintf(stdout, "string");
panic("bogus argument type: `%c'", arg_type);
if (optional)
fprintf(stdout, "}");
fprintf(stdout, ">");
fprintf(stdout, " ");
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
/* print command description */
fprintf(stdout, " %s\n", cmd->help_str);
/* print help messages for all (or single) DLite debugger commands */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_help(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
struct dlite_cmd_t *cmd;
if (nargs != 0 && nargs != 1)
return "too many arguments";
if (nargs == 1)
/* print help for specified commands */
for (cmd=cmd_db; cmd->cmd_str != NULL; cmd++)
if (!strcmp(cmd->cmd_str, args[0].as_str))
if (!cmd->cmd_str)
return "command unknown";
/* print help for all commands */
for (cmd=cmd_db; cmd->cmd_str != NULL; cmd++)
/* `---' specifies a good point for a scroll pause */
if (!strcmp(cmd->cmd_str, "---"))
fprintf (stdout, "\n");
if (dlite_help_tail)
fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", dlite_help_tail);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print version information for simulator */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_version(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],/* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
if (nargs != 0)
return "too many arguments";
/* print simulator version info */
fprintf(stdout, "The SimpleScalar/%s Tool Set, version %d.%d of %s.\n",
"Copyright (c) 1994-1998 by Todd M. Austin. All Rights Reserved.\n");
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* terminate simulation with statistics */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_terminate(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],/* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
if (nargs != 0)
return "too many arguments";
fprintf(stdout, "DLite: terminating simulation...\n");
longjmp(sim_exit_buf, /* exitcode */1);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* quit the simulator, omit any stats dump */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_quit(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
if (nargs != 0)
return "too many arguments";
fprintf(stdout, "DLite: exiting simulator...\n");
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* continue executing program (possibly at specified address) */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_cont(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
struct eval_value_t val;
if (!f_dlite_reg_obj || !f_dlite_mem_obj)
panic("DLite is not configured");
if (nargs != 0 && nargs != 1)
return "too many arguments";
if (nargs == 1)
/* continue from specified address, check address */
if (!EVAL_INTEGRAL(args[0].as_value.type))
return "address argument must be an integral type";
/* reset PC */
val.type = et_addr;
val.value.as_addr = eval_as_addr(args[0].as_value);
f_dlite_reg_obj(regs, /* is_write */TRUE, rt_PC, 0, &val);
myfprintf(stdout, "DLite: continuing execution @ 0x%08p...\n",
/* signal end of main debugger loop, and continuation of prog execution */
dlite_active = FALSE;
dlite_return = TRUE;
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* step program one instruction */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_step(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
if (nargs != 0)
return "too many arguments";
/* signal on instruction step */
dlite_active = TRUE;
dlite_return = TRUE;
/* no error */
return NULL;
#if 0 /* NYI */
/* step program one instruction in current procedure */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_next(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[]) /* command arguments */
if (nargs != 0)
return "too many arguments";
/* signal on instruction step */
dlite_step_cnt = 1;
dlite_step_into = FALSE;
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print the value of <expr> using format <modifiers> */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_print(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
int modifiers = 0;
char *err_str;
struct eval_value_t val;
if (nargs != 1 && nargs != 2)
return "wrong number of arguments";
if (nargs == 2)
/* arguments include modifiers and expression value */
modifiers = args[0].as_modifier;
val = args[1].as_value;
/* arguments include only expression value */
val = args[0].as_value;
/* print expression value */
err_str = print_val(modifiers, val);
if (err_str)
return err_str;
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print the value of all command line options */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_options(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],/* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
if (nargs != 0)
return "wrong number of arguments";
/* print all options */
opt_print_options(sim_odb, stdout, /* terse */TRUE, /* !notes */FALSE);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print the value of all (or single) command line options */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_option(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
struct opt_opt_t *opt;
if (nargs != 1)
return "wrong number of arguments";
/* print a single option, specified by argument */
opt = opt_find_option(sim_odb, args[0].as_str);
if (!opt)
return "option is not defined";
/* else, print this option's value */
fprintf(stdout, "%-16s ", opt->name);
opt_print_option(opt, stdout);
if (opt->desc)
fprintf(stdout, " # %s", opt->desc);
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print the value of all statistical variables */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_stats(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
if (nargs != 0)
return "wrong number of arguments";
/* print all options */
stat_print_stats(sim_sdb, stdout);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print the value of a statistical variable */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_stat(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
struct stat_stat_t *stat;
if (nargs != 1)
return "wrong number of arguments";
/* print a single option, specified by argument */
stat = stat_find_stat(sim_sdb, args[0].as_str);
if (!stat)
return "statistical variable is not defined";
/* else, print this option's value */
stat_print_stat(sim_sdb, stat, stdout);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print the type of expression <expr> */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_whatis(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
if (nargs != 1)
return "wrong number of arguments";
fprintf(stdout, "type == `%s'\n", eval_type_str[args[0].as_value.type]);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print integer register contents */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_iregs(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
char *err_str;
if (nargs != 0)
return "too many arguments";
/* print integer registers */
myfprintf(stdout, "PC: 0x%08p NPC: 0x%08p\n",
regs->regs_PC, regs->regs_NPC);
if ((err_str = dlite_cregs(nargs, args, regs, mem)) != NULL)
return err_str;
md_print_iregs(regs->regs_R, stdout);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print floating point register contents */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_fpregs(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
/* print floating point registers */
md_print_fpregs(regs->regs_F, stdout);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print floating point register contents */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_cregs(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
/* print floating point registers */
md_print_cregs(regs->regs_C, stdout);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print all register contents */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_regs(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
char *err_str;
myfprintf(stdout, "PC: 0x%08p NPC: 0x%08p\n",
regs->regs_PC, regs->regs_NPC);
if ((err_str = dlite_cregs(nargs, args, regs, mem)) != NULL)
return err_str;
md_print_iregs(regs->regs_R, stdout);
if ((err_str = dlite_fpregs(nargs, args, regs, mem)) != NULL)
return err_str;
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print machine specific state (simulator dependent) */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_mstate(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
char *errstr;
if (nargs != 0 && nargs != 1)
return "too many arguments";
if (f_dlite_mstate_obj)
if (nargs == 0)
errstr = f_dlite_mstate_obj(stdout, NULL, regs, mem);
if (errstr)
return errstr;
errstr = f_dlite_mstate_obj(stdout, args[0].as_str, regs, mem);
if (errstr)
return errstr;
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* display the value at memory location <addr> using format <modifiers> */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_display(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],/* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
int modifiers, size;
md_addr_t addr;
unsigned char buf[512];
struct eval_value_t val;
char *errstr;
if (nargs != 1 && nargs != 2)
return "wrong number of arguments";
if (nargs == 1)
/* no modifiers */
modifiers = 0;
/* check address */
if (!EVAL_INTEGRAL(args[0].as_value.type))
return "address argument must be an integral type";
/* reset address */
addr = eval_as_addr(args[0].as_value);
else if (nargs == 2)
modifiers = args[0].as_modifier;
/* check address */
if (!EVAL_INTEGRAL(args[1].as_value.type))
return "address argument must be an integral type";
/* reset address */
addr = eval_as_addr(args[1].as_value);
/* determine operand size */
if (modifiers & (MOD_BYTE|MOD_CHAR))
size = 1;
else if (modifiers & MOD_HALF)
size = 2;
else if (modifiers & (MOD_QWORD|MOD_DOUBLE))
size = 8;
else /* no modifiers, or MOD_WORD|MOD_FLOAT */
size = 4;
/* read memory */
errstr = f_dlite_mem_obj(mem, /* !is_write */FALSE, addr, (char *)buf, size);
if (errstr)
return errstr;
/* marshall a value */
if (modifiers & (MOD_BYTE|MOD_CHAR))
/* size == 1 */
val.type = et_int;
val.value.as_int = (int)*(unsigned char *)buf;
else if (modifiers & MOD_HALF)
/* size == 2 */
val.type = et_int;
val.value.as_int = (int)*(unsigned short *)buf;
else if (modifiers & (MOD_QWORD|MOD_DOUBLE))
/* size == 8 */
val.type = et_double;
val.value.as_double = *(double *)buf;
else /* no modifiers, or MOD_WORD|MOD_FLOAT */
/* size == 4 */
val.type = et_uint;
val.value.as_uint = *(unsigned int *)buf;
/* print the value */
errstr = print_val(modifiers, val);
if (errstr)
return errstr;
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* `dump' command print format */
#define BYTES_PER_LINE 16 /* must be a power of two */
/* dump the contents of memory to screen */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_dump(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
int i, j;
int count = LINES_PER_SCREEN * BYTES_PER_LINE, i_count, fmt_count, fmt_lines;
md_addr_t fmt_addr, i_addr;
static md_addr_t addr = 0;
unsigned char byte;
char buf[512];
char *errstr;
if (nargs < 0 || nargs > 2)
return "too many arguments";
if (nargs == 1)
/* check address */
if (!EVAL_INTEGRAL(args[0].as_value.type))
return "address argument must be an integral type";
/* reset PC */
addr = eval_as_addr(args[0].as_value);
else if (nargs == 2)
/* check address */
if (!EVAL_INTEGRAL(args[0].as_value.type))
return "address argument must be an integral type";
/* reset addr */
addr = eval_as_addr(args[0].as_value);
/* check count */
if (!EVAL_INTEGRAL(args[1].as_value.type))
return "count argument must be an integral type";
if (eval_as_uint(args[1].as_value) > 1024)
return "bad count argument";
/* reset count */
count = eval_as_uint(args[1].as_value);
/* else, nargs == 0, use addr, count */
/* normalize start address and count */
fmt_addr = addr & ~(BYTES_PER_LINE - 1);
fmt_count = (count + (BYTES_PER_LINE - 1)) & ~(BYTES_PER_LINE - 1);
fmt_lines = fmt_count / BYTES_PER_LINE;
if (fmt_lines < 1)
panic("no output lines");
/* print dump */
if (fmt_lines == 1)
/* unformatted dump */
i_addr = fmt_addr;
myfprintf(stdout, "0x%08p: ", i_addr);
for (i=0; i < count; i++)
errstr =
f_dlite_mem_obj(mem, /* !is_write */FALSE,
i_addr, (char *)&byte, 1);
if (errstr)
return errstr;
fprintf(stdout, "%02x ", byte);
if (isprint(byte))
buf[i] = byte;
buf[i] = '.';
buf[i] = '\0';
/* character view */
fprintf(stdout, "[%s]\n", buf);
else /* lines > 1 */
i_count = 0;
i_addr = fmt_addr;
for (i=0; i < fmt_lines; i++)
myfprintf(stdout, "0x%08p: ", i_addr);
/* byte view */
for (j=0; j < BYTES_PER_LINE; j++)
if (i_addr >= addr && i_count <= count)
errstr =
f_dlite_mem_obj(mem, /* !is_write */FALSE,
i_addr, (char *)&byte, 1);
if (errstr)
return errstr;
fprintf(stdout, "%02x ", byte);
if (isprint(byte))
buf[j] = byte;
buf[j] = '.';
fprintf(stdout, " ");
buf[j] = ' ';
buf[j] = '\0';
/* character view */
fprintf(stdout, "[%s]\n", buf);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* disassembler print format */
/* disassemble instructions at specified address */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_dis(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
int i;
int count = INSTS_PER_SCREEN;
static md_addr_t addr = 0;
md_inst_t inst;
char *errstr;
if (nargs < 0 || nargs > 2)
return "too many arguments";
if (nargs == 1)
/* check address */
if (!EVAL_INTEGRAL(args[0].as_value.type))
return "address argument must be an integral type";
/* reset PC */
addr = eval_as_addr(args[0].as_value);
else if (nargs == 2)
/* check address */
if (!EVAL_INTEGRAL(args[0].as_value.type))
return "address argument must be an integral type";
/* reset addr */
addr = eval_as_addr(args[0].as_value);
/* check count */
if (!EVAL_INTEGRAL(args[0].as_value.type))
return "count argument must be an integral type";
/* reset count */
count = eval_as_uint(args[1].as_value);
if (count < 0 || count > 1024)
return "bad count argument";
/* else, nargs == 0, use addr, count */
if ((addr % sizeof(md_inst_t)) != 0)
return "instruction addresses are a multiple of eight";
/* disassemble COUNT insts at ADDR */
for (i=0; i<count; i++)
/* read and disassemble instruction */
myfprintf(stdout, " 0x%08p: ", addr);
errstr =
f_dlite_mem_obj(mem, /* !is_write */FALSE,
addr, (char *)&inst, sizeof(inst));
inst = MD_SWAPI(inst);
if (errstr)
return errstr;
md_print_insn(inst, addr, stdout);
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
/* go to next instruction */
addr += sizeof(md_inst_t);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* break instance descriptor, one allocated for each breakpoint set */
struct dlite_break_t {
struct dlite_break_t *next; /* next active breakpoint */
int id; /* break id */
int class; /* break class */
struct range_range_t range; /* break range */
/* all active break points, in a list */
static struct dlite_break_t *dlite_bps = NULL;
/* unique id of next breakpoint */
static int break_id = 1;
/* return breakpoint class as a string */
static char * /* breakpoint class string */
bp_class_str(int class) /* breakpoint class mask */
return "read|write|exec";
else if (class == (ACCESS_READ|ACCESS_WRITE))
return "read|write";
else if (class == (ACCESS_WRITE|ACCESS_EXEC))
return "write|exec";
else if (class == (ACCESS_READ|ACCESS_EXEC))
return "read|exec";
else if (class == ACCESS_READ)
return "read";
else if (class == ACCESS_WRITE)
return "write";
else if (class == ACCESS_EXEC)
return "exec";
panic("bogus access class");
/* set a breakpoint of class CLASS at address ADDR */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
set_break(int class, /* break class, use ACCESS_* */
struct range_range_t *range) /* range breakpoint */
struct dlite_break_t *bp;
/* add breakpoint to break list */
bp = calloc(1, sizeof(struct dlite_break_t));
if (!bp)
fatal("out of virtual memory");
bp->id = break_id++;
bp->range = *range;
bp->class = class;
bp->next = dlite_bps;
dlite_bps = bp;
fprintf(stdout, "breakpoint #%d set @ ", bp->id);
range_print_range(&bp->range, stdout);
fprintf(stdout, ", class: %s\n", bp_class_str(class));
/* a breakpoint is set now, check for a breakpoint */
dlite_check = TRUE;
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* delete breakpoint with id ID */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
delete_break(int id) /* id of brkpnt to delete */
struct dlite_break_t *bp, *prev;
if (!dlite_bps)
return "no breakpoints set";
for (bp=dlite_bps,prev=NULL; bp != NULL; prev=bp,bp=bp->next)
if (bp->id == id)
if (!bp)
return "breakpoint not found";
if (!prev)
/* head of list, unlink */
dlite_bps = bp->next;
/* middle or end of list */
prev->next = bp->next;
fprintf(stdout, "breakpoint #%d deleted @ ", bp->id);
range_print_range(&bp->range, stdout);
fprintf(stdout, ", class: %s\n", bp_class_str(bp->class));
bp->next = NULL;
if (!dlite_bps)
/* no breakpoints set, cancel checks */
dlite_check = FALSE;
/* breakpoints are set, do checks */
dlite_check = TRUE;
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* this variable clues dlite_main() into why it was called */
static int break_access = 0;
/* internal break check interface */
int /* non-zero if brkpt hit */
__check_break(md_addr_t next_PC, /* address of next inst */
int access, /* mem access of last inst */
md_addr_t addr, /* mem addr of last inst */
counter_t icount, /* instruction count */
counter_t cycle) /* cycle count */
struct dlite_break_t *bp;
if (dlite_active)
/* single-stepping, break always */
break_access = /* single step */0;
return TRUE;
/* else, check for a breakpoint */
for (bp=dlite_bps; bp != NULL; bp=bp->next)
switch (bp->range.start.ptype)
case pt_addr:
if ((bp->class & ACCESS_EXEC)
&& !range_cmp_range(&bp->range, next_PC))
/* hit a code breakpoint */
"Stopping at code breakpoint #%d @ 0x%08p...\n",
bp->id, next_PC);
break_access = ACCESS_EXEC;
return TRUE;
if ((bp->class & ACCESS_READ)
&& ((access & ACCESS_READ)
&& !range_cmp_range(&bp->range, addr)))
/* hit a read breakpoint */
"Stopping at read breakpoint #%d @ 0x%08p...\n",
bp->id, addr);
break_access = ACCESS_READ;
return TRUE;
if ((bp->class & ACCESS_WRITE)
&& ((access & ACCESS_WRITE)
&& !range_cmp_range(&bp->range, addr)))
/* hit a write breakpoint */
"Stopping at write breakpoint #%d @ 0x%08p...\n",
bp->id, addr);
break_access = ACCESS_WRITE;
return TRUE;
case pt_inst:
if (!range_cmp_range(&bp->range, icount))
/* hit a code breakpoint */
"Stopping at inst count breakpoint #%d @ %.0f...\n",
bp->id, (double)icount);
break_access = ACCESS_EXEC;
return TRUE;
case pt_cycle:
if (!range_cmp_range(&bp->range, cycle))
/* hit a code breakpoint */
"Stopping at cycle count breakpoint #%d @ %.0f...\n",
bp->id, (double)cycle);
break_access = ACCESS_EXEC;
return TRUE;
panic("bogus range type");
/* no matching breakpoint found */
break_access = /* no break */0;
return FALSE;
/* set a text breakpoint */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_break(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
md_addr_t addr;
struct range_range_t range;
if (nargs != 1)
return "wrong number of arguments";
/* check address */
if (!EVAL_INTEGRAL(args[0].as_value.type))
return "address argument must be an integral type";
/* reset addr */
addr = eval_as_addr(args[0].as_value);
/* build the range */
range.start.ptype = pt_addr;
range.start.pos = addr;
range.end.ptype = pt_addr;
/* need some extra space here, as functional have multiple entry points
depending on if $GP needs to be loaded or not */
range.end.pos = addr + 9;
#else /* !TARGET_ALPHA */
range.end.pos = addr + 1;
#endif /* TARGET_ALPHA */
/* set a code break point */
return set_break(ACCESS_EXEC, &range);
/* set a data breakpoint at specified address */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_dbreak(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
int access;
md_addr_t addr;
struct range_range_t range;
if (nargs != 1 && nargs != 2)
return "wrong number of arguments";
if (nargs == 1)
/* check address */
if (!EVAL_INTEGRAL(args[0].as_value.type))
return "address argument must be an integral type";
/* reset addr */
addr = eval_as_addr(args[0].as_value);
/* break on read or write */
else if (nargs == 2)
/* check address */
if (!EVAL_INTEGRAL(args[0].as_value.type))
return "address argument must be an integral type";
/* reset addr */
addr = eval_as_addr(args[0].as_value);
/* get access */
access = args[1].as_access;
/* build the range */
range.start.ptype = pt_addr;
range.start.pos = addr;
range.end.ptype = pt_addr;
range.end.pos = addr + 1;
/* set the breakpoint */
return set_break(access, &range);
/* set a breakpoint at specified range */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_rbreak(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
int access;
char *errstr;
struct range_range_t range;
if (nargs != 1 && nargs != 2)
return "wrong number of arguments";
if (nargs == 2)
/* get access */
access = args[1].as_access;
/* break on read or write or exec */
/* check range */
errstr = range_parse_range(args[0].as_str, &range);
if (errstr)
return errstr;
/* sanity checks for ranges */
if (range.start.ptype != range.end.ptype)
return "range endpoints are not of the same type";
else if (range.start.pos > range.end.pos)
return "range start is after range end";
/* set the breakpoint */
return set_break(access, &range);
/* list all outstanding breakpoints */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_breaks(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
struct dlite_break_t *bp;
if (!dlite_bps)
fprintf(stdout, "No active breakpoints.\n");
/* no error */
return NULL;
fprintf(stdout, "Active breakpoints:\n");
for (bp=dlite_bps; bp != NULL; bp=bp->next)
fprintf(stdout, " breakpoint #%d @ ", bp->id);
range_print_range(&bp->range, stdout);
fprintf(stdout, ", class: %s\n", bp_class_str(bp->class));
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* delete specified breakpoint */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_delete(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
int id;
if (nargs != 1)
return "wrong number of arguments";
/* check bp id */
if (!EVAL_INTEGRAL(args[0].as_value.type))
return "id must be an integral type";
id = eval_as_uint(args[0].as_value);
return delete_break(id);
/* clear all breakpoints */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_clear(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
if (!dlite_bps)
fprintf(stdout, "No active breakpoints.\n");
/* no error */
return NULL;
while (dlite_bps != NULL)
/* delete first breakpoint */
fprintf(stdout, "All breakpoints cleared.\n");
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print the value of all program symbols */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_symbols(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],/* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
int i;
if (nargs != 0)
return "wrong number of arguments";
/* load symbols, if not already loaded */
sym_loadsyms(ld_prog_fname, /* !locals */FALSE);
/* print all symbol values */
for (i=0; i<sym_nsyms; i++)
sym_dumpsym(sym_syms[i], stdout);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print the value of all text symbols */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_tsymbols(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],/* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
int i;
if (nargs != 0)
return "wrong number of arguments";
/* load symbols, if not already loaded */
sym_loadsyms(ld_prog_fname, /* !locals */FALSE);
/* print all symbol values */
for (i=0; i<sym_ntextsyms; i++)
sym_dumpsym(sym_textsyms[i], stdout);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print the value of all text symbols */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_dsymbols(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[],/* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
int i;
if (nargs != 0)
return "wrong number of arguments";
/* load symbols, if not already loaded */
sym_loadsyms(ld_prog_fname, /* !locals */FALSE);
/* print all symbol values */
for (i=0; i<sym_ndatasyms; i++)
sym_dumpsym(sym_datasyms[i], stdout);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* print the value of all (or single) command line options */
static char * /* err str, NULL for no err */
dlite_symbol(int nargs, union arg_val_t args[], /* command arguments */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
int index;
struct sym_sym_t *sym;
if (nargs != 1)
return "wrong number of arguments";
/* load symbols, if not already loaded */
sym_loadsyms(ld_prog_fname, /* !locals */FALSE);
/* print a single option, specified by argument */
sym = sym_bind_name(args[0].as_str, &index, sdb_any);
if (!sym)
return "symbol is not defined";
/* else, print this symbols's value */
sym_dumpsym(sym_syms_by_name[index], stdout);
/* no error */
return NULL;
/* initialize the DLite debugger */
dlite_init(dlite_reg_obj_t reg_obj, /* register state object */
dlite_mem_obj_t mem_obj, /* memory state object */
dlite_mstate_obj_t mstate_obj) /* machine state object */
/* architected state accessors */
f_dlite_reg_obj = reg_obj;
f_dlite_mem_obj = mem_obj;
f_dlite_mstate_obj = mstate_obj;
/* instantiate the expression evaluator */
dlite_evaluator = eval_new(ident_evaluator, NULL);
/* print a mini-state header */
static void
dlite_status(md_addr_t regs_PC, /* PC of just completed inst */
md_addr_t next_PC, /* PC of next inst to exec */
counter_t cycle, /* current cycle */
int dbreak, /* last break a data break? */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
md_inst_t inst;
char *errstr;
if (dbreak)
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
fprintf(stdout, "Instruction (now finished) that caused data break:\n");
myfprintf(stdout, "[%10n] 0x%08p: ", cycle, regs_PC);
errstr =
f_dlite_mem_obj(mem, /* !is_write */FALSE,
regs_PC, (char *)&inst, sizeof(inst));
inst = MD_SWAPI(inst);
if (errstr)
fprintf(stdout, "<invalid memory>: %s", errstr);
md_print_insn(inst, regs_PC, stdout);
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
/* read and disassemble instruction */
myfprintf(stdout, "[%10n] 0x%08p: ", cycle, next_PC);
errstr =
f_dlite_mem_obj(mem, /* !is_write */FALSE,
next_PC, (char *)&inst, sizeof(inst));
inst = MD_SWAPI(inst);
if (errstr)
fprintf(stdout, "<invalid memory>: %s", errstr);
md_print_insn(inst, next_PC, stdout);
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
/* DLite command line prompt */
#define DLITE_PROMPT "DLite! > "
/* DLite debugger main loop */
dlite_main(md_addr_t regs_PC, /* addr of last inst to exec */
md_addr_t next_PC, /* addr of next inst to exec */
counter_t cycle, /* current procesor cycle */
struct regs_t *regs, /* registers to access */
struct mem_t *mem) /* memory to access */
char buf[512], *err_str;
int dbreak = (break_access & (ACCESS_READ|ACCESS_WRITE)) != 0;
static char cmd[512] = "";
dlite_active = TRUE;
dlite_return = FALSE;
dlite_status(regs_PC, next_PC, cycle, dbreak, regs, mem);
while (dlite_active && !dlite_return)
fprintf(stdout, DLITE_PROMPT);
fgets(buf, 512, stdin);
/* chop */
if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n')
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';
if (buf[0] != '\0')
/* use this command */
strcpy(cmd, buf);
/* else, use last command */
err_str = dlite_exec(cmd, regs, mem);
if (err_str)
fprintf(stdout, "Dlite: error: %s\n", err_str);