/* ptrace.c - pipeline tracing routines */ /* SimpleScalar(TM) Tool Suite * Copyright (C) 1994-2003 by Todd M. Austin, Ph.D. and SimpleScalar, LLC. * All Rights Reserved. * * THIS IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT, BY USING SIMPLESCALAR, * YOU ARE AGREEING TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. * * No portion of this work may be used by any commercial entity, or for any * commercial purpose, without the prior, written permission of SimpleScalar, * LLC (info@simplescalar.com). Nonprofit and noncommercial use is permitted * as described below. * * 1. SimpleScalar is provided AS IS, with no warranty of any kind, express * or implied. The user of the program accepts full responsibility for the * application of the program and the use of any results. * * 2. Nonprofit and noncommercial use is encouraged. SimpleScalar may be * downloaded, compiled, executed, copied, and modified solely for nonprofit, * educational, noncommercial research, and noncommercial scholarship * purposes provided that this notice in its entirety accompanies all copies. * Copies of the modified software can be delivered to persons who use it * solely for nonprofit, educational, noncommercial research, and * noncommercial scholarship purposes provided that this notice in its * entirety accompanies all copies. * * 3. ALL COMMERCIAL USE, AND ALL USE BY FOR PROFIT ENTITIES, IS EXPRESSLY * PROHIBITED WITHOUT A LICENSE FROM SIMPLESCALAR, LLC (info@simplescalar.com). * * 4. No nonprofit user may place any restrictions on the use of this software, * including as modified by the user, by any other authorized user. * * 5. Noncommercial and nonprofit users may distribute copies of SimpleScalar * in compiled or executable form as set forth in Section 2, provided that * either: (A) it is accompanied by the corresponding machine-readable source * code, or (B) it is accompanied by a written offer, with no time limit, to * give anyone a machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code in * return for reimbursement of the cost of distribution. This written offer * must permit verbatim duplication by anyone, or (C) it is distributed by * someone who received only the executable form, and is accompanied by a * copy of the written offer of source code. * * 6. SimpleScalar was developed by Todd M. Austin, Ph.D. The tool suite is * currently maintained by SimpleScalar LLC (info@simplescalar.com). US Mail: * 2395 Timbercrest Court, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. * * Copyright (C) 1994-2003 by Todd M. Austin, Ph.D. and SimpleScalar, LLC. */ #include #include #include "host.h" #include "misc.h" #include "machine.h" #include "range.h" #include "ptrace.h" /* pipetrace file */ FILE *ptrace_outfd = NULL; /* pipetracing is active */ int ptrace_active = FALSE; /* pipetracing range */ struct range_range_t ptrace_range; /* one-shot switch for pipetracing */ int ptrace_oneshot = FALSE; /* open pipeline trace */ void ptrace_open(char *fname, /* output filename */ char *range) /* trace range */ { char *errstr; /* parse the output range */ if (!range) { /* no range */ errstr = range_parse_range(":", &ptrace_range); if (errstr) panic("cannot parse pipetrace range, use: {}:{}"); ptrace_active = TRUE; } else { errstr = range_parse_range(range, &ptrace_range); if (errstr) fatal("cannot parse pipetrace range, use: {}:{}"); ptrace_active = FALSE; } if (ptrace_range.start.ptype != ptrace_range.end.ptype) fatal("range endpoints are not of the same type"); /* open output trace file */ if (!fname || !strcmp(fname, "-") || !strcmp(fname, "stderr")) ptrace_outfd = stderr; else if (!strcmp(fname, "stdout")) ptrace_outfd = stdout; else { ptrace_outfd = fopen(fname, "w"); if (!ptrace_outfd) fatal("cannot open pipetrace output file `%s'", fname); } } /* close pipeline trace */ void ptrace_close(void) { if (ptrace_outfd != NULL && ptrace_outfd != stderr && ptrace_outfd != stdout) fclose(ptrace_outfd); } /* declare a new instruction */ void __ptrace_newinst(unsigned int iseq, /* instruction sequence number */ md_inst_t inst, /* new instruction */ md_addr_t pc, /* program counter of instruction */ md_addr_t addr) /* address referenced, if load/store */ { myfprintf(ptrace_outfd, "+ %u 0x%08p 0x%08p ", iseq, pc, addr); md_print_insn(inst, addr, ptrace_outfd); fprintf(ptrace_outfd, "\n"); if (ptrace_outfd == stderr || ptrace_outfd == stdout) fflush(ptrace_outfd); } /* declare a new uop */ void __ptrace_newuop(unsigned int iseq, /* instruction sequence number */ char *uop_desc, /* new uop description */ md_addr_t pc, /* program counter of instruction */ md_addr_t addr) /* address referenced, if load/store */ { myfprintf(ptrace_outfd, "+ %u 0x%08p 0x%08p [%s]\n", iseq, pc, addr, uop_desc); if (ptrace_outfd == stderr || ptrace_outfd == stdout) fflush(ptrace_outfd); } /* declare instruction retirement or squash */ void __ptrace_endinst(unsigned int iseq) /* instruction sequence number */ { fprintf(ptrace_outfd, "- %u\n", iseq); if (ptrace_outfd == stderr || ptrace_outfd == stdout) fflush(ptrace_outfd); } /* declare a new cycle */ void __ptrace_newcycle(tick_t cycle) /* new cycle */ { fprintf(ptrace_outfd, "@ %.0f\n", (double)cycle); if (ptrace_outfd == stderr || ptrace_outfd == stdout) fflush(ptrace_outfd); } /* indicate instruction transition to a new pipeline stage */ void __ptrace_newstage(unsigned int iseq, /* instruction sequence number */ char *pstage, /* pipeline stage entered */ unsigned int pevents)/* pipeline events while in stage */ { fprintf(ptrace_outfd, "* %u %s 0x%08x\n", iseq, pstage, pevents); if (ptrace_outfd == stderr || ptrace_outfd == stdout) fflush(ptrace_outfd); }