# # SimpleScalar(TM) Tool Suite # Copyright (C) 1994-2003 by Todd M. Austin, Ph.D. and SimpleScalar, LLC. # All Rights Reserved. # # THIS IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT, BY USING SIMPLESCALAR, # YOU ARE AGREEING TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. # # No portion of this work may be used by any commercial entity, or for any # commercial purpose, without the prior, written permission of SimpleScalar, # LLC (info@simplescalar.com). Nonprofit and noncommercial use is permitted # as described below. # # 1. SimpleScalar is provided AS IS, with no warranty of any kind, express # or implied. The user of the program accepts full responsibility for the # application of the program and the use of any results. # # 2. Nonprofit and noncommercial use is encouraged. SimpleScalar may be # downloaded, compiled, executed, copied, and modified solely for nonprofit, # educational, noncommercial research, and noncommercial scholarship # purposes provided that this notice in its entirety accompanies all copies. # Copies of the modified software can be delivered to persons who use it # solely for nonprofit, educational, noncommercial research, and # noncommercial scholarship purposes provided that this notice in its # entirety accompanies all copies. # # 3. ALL COMMERCIAL USE, AND ALL USE BY FOR PROFIT ENTITIES, IS EXPRESSLY # PROHIBITED WITHOUT A LICENSE FROM SIMPLESCALAR, LLC (info@simplescalar.com). # # 4. No nonprofit user may place any restrictions on the use of this software, # including as modified by the user, by any other authorized user. # # 5. Noncommercial and nonprofit users may distribute copies of SimpleScalar # in compiled or executable form as set forth in Section 2, provided that # either: (A) it is accompanied by the corresponding machine-readable source # code, or (B) it is accompanied by a written offer, with no time limit, to # give anyone a machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code in # return for reimbursement of the cost of distribution. This written offer # must permit verbatim duplication by anyone, or (C) it is distributed by # someone who received only the executable form, and is accompanied by a # copy of the written offer of source code. # # 6. SimpleScalar was developed by Todd M. Austin, Ph.D. The tool suite is # currently maintained by SimpleScalar LLC (info@simplescalar.com). US Mail: # 2395 Timbercrest Court, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. # # Copyright (C) 1994-2003 by Todd M. Austin, Ph.D. and SimpleScalar, LLC. # ################################################################## # # Modify the following definitions to suit your build environment, # NOTE: most platforms should not require any changes # ################################################################## # # Define below C compiler and flags, machine-specific flags and libraries, # build tools and file extensions, these are specific to a host environment, # pre-tested environments follow... # ## ## vanilla Unix, GCC build ## ## NOTE: the SimpleScalar simulators must be compiled with an ANSI C ## compatible compiler. ## ## tested hosts: ## ## Slackware Linux version 2.0.33, GNU GCC version ## FreeBSD version 3.0-current, GNU egcs version 2.91.50 ## Alpha OSF1 version 4.0, GNU GCC version 2.7.2 ## PA-RISC HPUX version B.10.01, GNU GCC version 2.7-96q3 ## SPARC SunOS version 5.5.1, GNU egcs-2.90.29 ## RS/6000 AIX Unix version 4, GNU GCC version cygnus-2.7-96q4 ## Windows NT version 4.0, Cygnus CygWin/32 beta 19 ## CC = gcc OFLAGS = -O0 -g -Wall MFLAGS = `./sysprobe -flags` _MFLAGS = `../sysprobe -flags` MLIBS = `./sysprobe -libs` -lm ENDIAN = `./sysprobe -s` _ENDIAN = `../sysprobe -s` MAKE = make AR = ar qcv AROPT = RANLIB = ranlib RM = rm -f RMDIR = rm -f LN = ln -s LNDIR = ln -s DIFF = diff OEXT = o LEXT = a EEXT = CS = ; X=/ ## ## Solaris 2.6, GNU GCC version ## #CC = gcc # /s/gcc- #OFLAGS = -O0 -g -Wall #MFLAGS = `./sysprobe -flags` #MLIBS = `./sysprobe -libs` -lm -lsocket -lnsl #ENDIAN = `./sysprobe -s` #MAKE = make #AR = ar qcv #AROPT = #RANLIB = ranlib #RM = rm -f #RMDIR = rm -f #LN = ln -s #LNDIR = ln -s #DIFF = diff #OEXT = o #LEXT = a #EEXT = #CS = ; #X=/ ## ## Alpha OSF1 version 4.0, DEC C compiler version V5.2-036 ## #CC = cc -std #OFLAGS = -O0 -g -w #MFLAGS = `./sysprobe -flags` #MLIBS = `./sysprobe -libs` -lm #ENDIAN = `./sysprobe -s` #MAKE = make #AR = ar qcv #AROPT = #RANLIB = ranlib #RM = rm -f #RMDIR = rm -f #LN = ln -s #LNDIR = ln -s #DIFF = diff #OEXT = o #LEXT = a #EEXT = #CS = ; #X=/ ## ## PA-RISC HPUX version B.10.01, c89 HP C compiler version A.10.31.02 ## #CC = c89 +e -D__CC_C89 #OFLAGS = -g #MFLAGS = `./sysprobe -flags` #MLIBS = `./sysprobe -libs` -lm #ENDIAN = `./sysprobe -s` #MAKE = make #AR = ar qcv #AROPT = #RANLIB = ranlib #RM = rm -f #RMDIR = rm -f #LN = ln -s #LNDIR = ln -s #DIFF = diff #OEXT = o #LEXT = a #EEXT = #CS = ; #X=/ ## ## SPARC SunOS version 5.5.1, Sun WorkShop C Compiler (acc) version 4.2 ## #CC = /opt/SUNWspro/SC4.2/bin/acc #OFLAGS = -O0 -g #MFLAGS = `./sysprobe -flags` #MLIBS = `./sysprobe -libs` -lm #ENDIAN = `./sysprobe -s` #MAKE = make #AR = ar qcv #AROPT = #RANLIB = ranlib #RM = rm -f #RMDIR = rm -f #LN = ln -s #LNDIR = ln -s #DIFF = diff #OEXT = o #LEXT = a #EEXT = #CS = ; #X=/ ## ## RS/6000 AIX Unix version 4, xlc compiler build ## #CC = xlc -D__CC_XLC #OFLAGS = -g #MFLAGS = `./sysprobe -flags` #MLIBS = `./sysprobe -libs` -lm #ENDIAN = `./sysprobe -s` #MAKE = make #AR = ar qcv #AROPT = #RANLIB = ranlib #RM = rm -f #RMDIR = rm -f #LN = ln -s #LNDIR = ln -s #DIFF = diff #OEXT = o #LEXT = a #EEXT = #CS = ; #X=/ ## ## WinNT, MS VC++ build ## ## NOTE: requires MS VC++ version 5.0 + service pack 3 or later ## NOTE1: before configuring the simulator, delete the symbolic link "tests/" ## #CC = cl /Za /nologo #OFLAGS = /W3 /Zi #MFLAGS = -DBYTES_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DWORDS_LITTLE_ENDIAN -DFAST_SRL -DFAST_SRA #MLIBS = #ENDIAN = little #MAKE = nmake /nologo #AR = lib #AROPT = -out: #RANLIB = dir #RM = del/f/q #RMDIR = del/s/f/q #LN = copy #LNDIR = xcopy/s/e/i #DIFF = dir #OEXT = obj #LEXT = lib #EEXT = .exe #CS = && #X=\\\\ # # Compilation-specific feature flags # # -DDEBUG - turns on debugging features # -DBFD_LOADER - use libbfd.a to load programs (also required BINUTILS_INC # and BINUTILS_LIB to be defined, see below) # -DGZIP_PATH - specifies path to GZIP executable, only needed if SYSPROBE # cannot locate binary # -DSLOW_SHIFTS - emulate all shift operations, only used for testing as # sysprobe will auto-detect if host can use fast shifts # FFLAGS = -DDEBUG # # Point the Makefile to your Simplescalar-based bunutils, these definitions # should indicate where the include and library directories reside. # NOTE: these definitions are only required if BFD_LOADER is defined. # #BINUTILS_INC = -I../include #BINUTILS_LIB = -L../lib # # ################################################################## # # YOU SHOULD NOT NEED TO MODIFY ANYTHING BELOW THIS COMMENT # ################################################################## # # complete flags # CFLAGS = $(MFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) $(OFLAGS) $(BINUTILS_INC) $(BINUTILS_LIB) # # all the sources # SRCS = main.c sim-fast.c sim-safe.c sim-cache.c sim-profile.c \ sim-eio.c sim-bpred.c sim-cheetah.c sim-outorder.c \ memory.c regs.c cache.c bpred.c ptrace.c eventq.c \ resource.c endian.c dlite.c symbol.c eval.c options.c range.c \ eio.c stats.c endian.c misc.c \ target-pisa/pisa.c target-pisa/loader.c target-pisa/syscall.c \ target-pisa/symbol.c \ target-alpha/alpha.c target-alpha/loader.c target-alpha/syscall.c \ target-alpha/symbol.c HDRS = syscall.h memory.h regs.h sim.h loader.h cache.h bpred.h ptrace.h \ eventq.h resource.h endian.h dlite.h symbol.h eval.h bitmap.h \ eio.h range.h version.h endian.h misc.h \ target-pisa/pisa.h target-pisa/pisabig.h target-pisa/pisalittle.h \ target-pisa/pisa.def target-pisa/ecoff.h \ target-alpha/alpha.h target-alpha/alpha.def target-alpha/ecoff.h # # common objects # OBJS = main.$(OEXT) syscall.$(OEXT) memory.$(OEXT) regs.$(OEXT) \ loader.$(OEXT) endian.$(OEXT) dlite.$(OEXT) symbol.$(OEXT) \ eval.$(OEXT) options.$(OEXT) stats.$(OEXT) eio.$(OEXT) \ range.$(OEXT) misc.$(OEXT) machine.$(OEXT) # # programs to build # PROGS = sim-fast$(EEXT) sim-safe$(EEXT) sim-eio$(EEXT) \ sim-bpred$(EEXT) sim-profile$(EEXT) \ sim-cache$(EEXT) sim-outorder$(EEXT) # sim-cheetah$(EEXT) # # all targets, NOTE: library ordering is important... # all: $(PROGS) @echo "my work is done here..." config-pisa: -$(RM) config.h machine.h machine.c machine.def loader.c symbol.c syscall.c $(LN) target-pisa$(X)config.h config.h $(LN) target-pisa$(X)pisa.h machine.h $(LN) target-pisa$(X)pisa.c machine.c $(LN) target-pisa$(X)pisa.def machine.def $(LN) target-pisa$(X)loader.c loader.c $(LN) target-pisa$(X)symbol.c symbol.c $(LN) target-pisa$(X)syscall.c syscall.c -$(RMDIR) tests $(LNDIR) tests-pisa tests config-pisabig: -$(RM) config.h machine.h machine.c machine.def loader.c symbol.c syscall.c $(LN) target-pisa$(X)configbig.h config.h $(LN) target-pisa$(X)pisa.h machine.h $(LN) target-pisa$(X)pisa.c machine.c $(LN) target-pisa$(X)pisa.def machine.def $(LN) target-pisa$(X)loader.c loader.c $(LN) target-pisa$(X)symbol.c symbol.c $(LN) target-pisa$(X)syscall.c syscall.c -$(RMDIR) tests $(LNDIR) tests-pisa tests config-pisalit: -$(RM) config.h machine.h machine.c machine.def loader.c symbol.c syscall.c $(LN) target-pisa$(X)configlit.h config.h $(LN) target-pisa$(X)pisa.h machine.h $(LN) target-pisa$(X)pisa.c machine.c $(LN) target-pisa$(X)pisa.def machine.def $(LN) target-pisa$(X)loader.c loader.c $(LN) target-pisa$(X)symbol.c symbol.c $(LN) target-pisa$(X)syscall.c syscall.c -$(RMDIR) tests $(LNDIR) tests-pisa tests config-alpha: -$(RM) config.h machine.h machine.c machine.def loader.c symbol.c syscall.c $(LN) target-alpha$(X)config.h config.h $(LN) target-alpha$(X)alpha.h machine.h $(LN) target-alpha$(X)alpha.c machine.c $(LN) target-alpha$(X)alpha.def machine.def $(LN) target-alpha$(X)loader.c loader.c $(LN) target-alpha$(X)symbol.c symbol.c $(LN) target-alpha$(X)syscall.c syscall.c -$(RMDIR) tests $(LNDIR) tests-alpha tests sysprobe$(EEXT): sysprobe.c $(CC) $(FFLAGS) -o sysprobe$(EEXT) sysprobe.c @echo endian probe results: $(ENDIAN) @echo probe flags: $(MFLAGS) @echo probe libs: $(MLIBS) sim-fast$(EEXT): sysprobe$(EEXT) sim-fast.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(CC) -o sim-fast$(EEXT) $(CFLAGS) sim-fast.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(MLIBS) sim-safe$(EEXT): sysprobe$(EEXT) sim-safe.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(CC) -o sim-safe$(EEXT) $(CFLAGS) sim-safe.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(MLIBS) sim-profile$(EEXT): sysprobe$(EEXT) sim-profile.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(CC) -o sim-profile$(EEXT) $(CFLAGS) sim-profile.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(MLIBS) sim-eio$(EEXT): sysprobe$(EEXT) sim-eio.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(CC) -o sim-eio$(EEXT) $(CFLAGS) sim-eio.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(MLIBS) sim-bpred$(EEXT): sysprobe$(EEXT) sim-bpred.$(OEXT) bpred.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(CC) -o sim-bpred$(EEXT) $(CFLAGS) sim-bpred.$(OEXT) bpred.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(MLIBS) sim-cheetah$(EEXT): sysprobe$(EEXT) sim-cheetah.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libcheetah/libcheetah.$(LEXT) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(CC) -o sim-cheetah$(EEXT) $(CFLAGS) sim-cheetah.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libcheetah/libcheetah.$(LEXT) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(MLIBS) sim-cache$(EEXT): sysprobe$(EEXT) sim-cache.$(OEXT) cache.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(CC) -o sim-cache$(EEXT) $(CFLAGS) sim-cache.$(OEXT) cache.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(MLIBS) sim-outorder$(EEXT): sysprobe$(EEXT) sim-outorder.$(OEXT) cache.$(OEXT) bpred.$(OEXT) resource.$(OEXT) ptrace.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(CC) -o sim-outorder$(EEXT) $(CFLAGS) sim-outorder.$(OEXT) cache.$(OEXT) bpred.$(OEXT) resource.$(OEXT) ptrace.$(OEXT) $(OBJS) libexo/libexo.$(LEXT) $(MLIBS) exo libexo/libexo.$(LEXT): sysprobe$(EEXT) cd libexo $(CS) \ $(MAKE) "MAKE=$(MAKE)" "CC=$(CC)" "AR=$(AR)" "AROPT=$(AROPT)" "RANLIB=$(RANLIB)" "CFLAGS=$(_MFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) $(OFLAGS)" "OEXT=$(OEXT)" "LEXT=$(LEXT)" "EEXT=$(EEXT)" "X=$(X)" "RM=$(RM)" libexo.$(LEXT) cheetah libcheetah/libcheetah.$(LEXT): sysprobe$(EEXT) cd libcheetah $(CS) \ $(MAKE) "MAKE=$(MAKE)" "CC=$(CC)" "AR=$(AR)" "AROPT=$(AROPT)" "RANLIB=$(RANLIB)" "CFLAGS=$(MFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) $(OFLAGS)" "OEXT=$(OEXT)" "LEXT=$(LEXT)" "EEXT=$(EEXT)" "X=$(X)" "RM=$(RM)" libcheetah.$(LEXT) .c.$(OEXT): $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c filelist: @echo $(SRCS) $(HDRS) Makefile diffs: -rcsdiff RCS/* -cd config; rcsdiff RCS/* -cd libcheetah; rcsdiff RCS/* -cd libexo; rcsdiff RCS/* -cd target-alpha; rcsdiff RCS/* -cd target-pisa; rcsdiff RCS/* sim-tests sim-tests-nt: sysprobe$(EEXT) $(PROGS) cd tests $(CS) \ $(MAKE) "MAKE=$(MAKE)" "RM=$(RM)" "ENDIAN=$(_ENDIAN)" tests \ "DIFF=$(DIFF)" "SIM_DIR=.." "SIM_BIN=sim-fast$(EEXT)" \ "X=$(X)" "CS=$(CS)" $(CS) \ cd .. cd tests $(CS) \ $(MAKE) "MAKE=$(MAKE)" "RM=$(RM)" "ENDIAN=$(_ENDIAN)" tests \ "DIFF=$(DIFF)" "SIM_DIR=.." "SIM_BIN=sim-safe$(EEXT)" \ "X=$(X)" "CS=$(CS)" $(CS) \ cd .. cd tests $(CS) \ $(MAKE) "MAKE=$(MAKE)" "RM=$(RM)" "ENDIAN=$(_ENDIAN)" tests \ "DIFF=$(DIFF)" "SIM_DIR=.." "SIM_BIN=sim-cache$(EEXT)" \ "X=$(X)" "CS=$(CS)" $(CS) \ cd .. #cd tests $(CS) \ #$(MAKE) "MAKE=$(MAKE)" "RM=$(RM)" "ENDIAN=$(_ENDIAN)" tests \ # "DIFF=$(DIFF)" "SIM_DIR=.." "SIM_BIN=sim-cheetah$(EEXT)" \ # "X=$(X)" "CS=$(CS)" $(CS) \ #cd .. cd tests $(CS) \ $(MAKE) "MAKE=$(MAKE)" "RM=$(RM)" "ENDIAN=$(_ENDIAN)" tests \ "DIFF=$(DIFF)" "SIM_DIR=.." "SIM_BIN=sim-bpred$(EEXT)" \ "X=$(X)" "CS=$(CS)" $(CS) \ cd .. cd tests $(CS) \ $(MAKE) "MAKE=$(MAKE)" "RM=$(RM)" "ENDIAN=$(_ENDIAN)" tests \ "DIFF=$(DIFF)" "SIM_DIR=.." "SIM_BIN=sim-profile$(EEXT)" \ "X=$(X)" "CS=$(CS)" "SIM_OPTS=-all" $(CS) \ cd .. cd tests $(CS) \ $(MAKE) "MAKE=$(MAKE)" "RM=$(RM)" "ENDIAN=$(_ENDIAN)" tests \ "DIFF=$(DIFF)" "SIM_DIR=.." "SIM_BIN=sim-outorder$(EEXT)" \ "X=$(X)" "CS=$(CS)" $(CS) \ cd .. clean: -$(RM) *.o *.obj *.exe core *~ MAKE.log Makefile.bak sysprobe$(EEXT) $(PROGS) #cd libcheetah $(CS) $(MAKE) "RM=$(RM)" "CS=$(CS)" clean $(CS) cd .. cd libexo $(CS) $(MAKE) "RM=$(RM)" "CS=$(CS)" clean $(CS) cd .. cd tests-alpha $(CS) $(MAKE) "RM=$(RM)" "CS=$(CS)" clean $(CS) cd .. cd tests-pisa $(CS) $(MAKE) "RM=$(RM)" "CS=$(CS)" clean $(CS) cd .. unpure: rm -f sim.pure *pure*.o sim.pure.pure_hardlink sim.pure.pure_linkinfo depend: makedepend.local -n -x $(BINUTILS_INC) $(SRCS) # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it. main.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def endian.h version.h dlite.h main.$(OEXT): regs.h memory.h options.h stats.h eval.h loader.h sim.h sim-fast.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def regs.h memory.h sim-fast.$(OEXT): options.h stats.h eval.h loader.h syscall.h dlite.h sim.h sim-safe.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def regs.h memory.h sim-safe.$(OEXT): options.h stats.h eval.h loader.h syscall.h dlite.h sim.h sim-cache.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def regs.h memory.h sim-cache.$(OEXT): options.h stats.h eval.h cache.h loader.h syscall.h sim-cache.$(OEXT): dlite.h sim.h sim-profile.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def regs.h memory.h sim-profile.$(OEXT): options.h stats.h eval.h loader.h syscall.h dlite.h sim-profile.$(OEXT): symbol.h sim.h sim-eio.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def regs.h memory.h sim-eio.$(OEXT): options.h stats.h eval.h loader.h syscall.h dlite.h eio.h sim-eio.$(OEXT): range.h sim.h sim-bpred.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def regs.h memory.h sim-bpred.$(OEXT): options.h stats.h eval.h loader.h syscall.h dlite.h sim-bpred.$(OEXT): bpred.h sim.h sim-cheetah.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def regs.h memory.h sim-cheetah.$(OEXT): options.h stats.h eval.h loader.h syscall.h dlite.h sim-cheetah.$(OEXT): libcheetah/libcheetah.h sim.h sim-outorder.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def regs.h memory.h sim-outorder.$(OEXT): options.h stats.h eval.h cache.h loader.h syscall.h sim-outorder.$(OEXT): bpred.h resource.h bitmap.h ptrace.h range.h dlite.h sim-outorder.$(OEXT): sim.h memory.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def options.h stats.h eval.h memory.$(OEXT): memory.h regs.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def loader.h regs.h memory.h regs.$(OEXT): options.h stats.h eval.h cache.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def cache.h memory.h options.h cache.$(OEXT): stats.h eval.h bpred.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def bpred.h stats.h eval.h ptrace.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def range.h ptrace.h eventq.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def eventq.h bitmap.h resource.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h resource.h endian.$(OEXT): endian.h loader.h host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def regs.h endian.$(OEXT): memory.h options.h stats.h eval.h dlite.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def version.h eval.h regs.h dlite.$(OEXT): memory.h options.h stats.h sim.h symbol.h loader.h range.h dlite.$(OEXT): dlite.h symbol.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h target-pisa/ecoff.h loader.h machine.h symbol.$(OEXT): machine.def regs.h memory.h options.h stats.h eval.h symbol.h eval.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h eval.h machine.h machine.def options.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h options.h range.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def symbol.h loader.h regs.h range.$(OEXT): memory.h options.h stats.h eval.h range.h eio.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def regs.h memory.h options.h eio.$(OEXT): stats.h eval.h loader.h libexo/libexo.h host.h misc.h machine.h eio.$(OEXT): syscall.h sim.h endian.h eio.h stats.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def eval.h stats.h endian.$(OEXT): endian.h loader.h host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def regs.h endian.$(OEXT): memory.h options.h stats.h eval.h misc.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def pisa.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def eval.h regs.h loader.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def endian.h regs.h memory.h loader.$(OEXT): options.h stats.h eval.h sim.h eio.h loader.h loader.$(OEXT): target-pisa/ecoff.h syscall.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def regs.h memory.h syscall.$(OEXT): options.h stats.h eval.h loader.h sim.h endian.h eio.h syscall.$(OEXT): syscall.h symbol.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h target-pisa/ecoff.h loader.h machine.h symbol.$(OEXT): machine.def regs.h memory.h options.h stats.h eval.h symbol.h alpha.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def eval.h regs.h loader.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def endian.h regs.h memory.h loader.$(OEXT): options.h stats.h eval.h sim.h eio.h loader.h loader.$(OEXT): target-alpha/ecoff.h target-alpha/alpha.h syscall.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h machine.h machine.def regs.h memory.h syscall.$(OEXT): options.h stats.h eval.h loader.h sim.h endian.h eio.h syscall.$(OEXT): syscall.h symbol.$(OEXT): host.h misc.h loader.h machine.h machine.def regs.h memory.h symbol.$(OEXT): options.h stats.h eval.h symbol.h target-alpha/ecoff.h symbol.$(OEXT): target-alpha/alpha.h