
561 lines
17 KiB

use warnings;
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Copy;
use List::Util qw(first);
# Inputs: file_name, func_name, func_base_addr, prefix(Optional)
my $dir = getcwd;
my $file_name = $ARGV[0];
my $func_name = $ARGV[1];
my $func_base_addr = $ARGV[2];
my $rdir = $ENV{'RDIR'};
my $prefix = undef;
my $i = undef;
my $num_args = $#ARGV + 1;
if ($num_args > 3) {
$prefix = $ARGV[3];
#my $bm_path = $rdir."/sim/target-rtl/firechip/hls_$file_name"."_$func_name";
if ($prefix) {
$func_name = $prefix.$func_name;
#print $rdir;
if ((not defined($rdir)) or $rdir eq '') {
print("Please source sourceme-f1.sh!\n");
# my $build_sbt = '
# organization := "edu.berkeley.cs"
# version := "1.0"
# name := "hls_test_c"';
# $build_sbt=~ s/test_c/$func_name/g;
# my $build_sbt_path= "$bm_path/"."build.sbt";
# open BUILD, ">$build_sbt_path";
# print BUILD $build_sbt;
# close BUILD;
my $verilog_file = "$dir/../verilog/$func_name".".v";
my $line = undef;
my @verilog_param = ();
my @param_val = ();
my @verilog_input = ();
my @verilog_input_size = ();
my @verilog_output = ();
my @verilog_output_size = ();
#my $m_axi_data_width = undef;
#my $s_axi_data_width = undef;
my @bus_names=();
my @m_axi_data_widths = ();
my $s_axi_data_width = undef;
print "Parsing ".$verilog_file."\n";
# parse the verilog file to get the info we need
if(!open VERILOG, "$verilog_file"){
print $!;
} else {
$line = $_;
# Match AXI4 parameter
if($line =~ m/parameter\s+(C_\S+) =\s+(.*);/){
my $param = $1;
my $val = $2;
$param .="";
if($param =~ m/C_M_AXI_(\S+)_DATA_WIDTH/){
my $bus_name = lc $1;
#$m_axi_data_width = $val;
push(@bus_names, $bus_name);
push(@m_axi_data_widths, $val);
if ($param eq "C_S_AXI_DATA_WIDTH") {
$s_axi_data_width = $val;
push (@verilog_param, $param);
push (@param_val, $val);
} elsif($line =~ m/^\s*input\s+(.*)/){
my $input = $1;
#print "input:$input\n";
if($input =~ m/\s*\[(.*):(.*)\]\s*(.*)\s*;/){
my $end = $1;
my $start = $2;
my $input_name = $3;
#print "here!"."$input_name\n";
push (@verilog_input, $input_name);
my $size = 0;
if ($end =~ m/^\d+$/){
$size = $end - $start + 1;
$size = "".$size;
} elsif($end =~m/(\S+) - 1/) {
$size = $1;
push(@verilog_input_size, $size);
}elsif ($input =~ m/\s*(.*)\s*;/){
my $input_name = $1;
#print "here!"."$input_name\n";
push (@verilog_input, $input_name);
push(@verilog_input_size, "1");
}elsif($line =~ m/^\s*output\s+(.*)/){
my $output = $1;
#print "output:$output\n";
if($output =~ m/\s*\[(.*):(.*)\]\s*(.*)\s*;/){
my $end = $1;
my $start = $2;
my $output_name = $3;
#print "here!"."$output_name\n";
push(@verilog_output, $output_name);
my $size = 0;
if ($end =~ m/^\d+$/){
$size = $end - $start + 1;
$size = "".$size;
} elsif($end =~m/(\S+) - 1/) {
$size = $1;
push(@verilog_output_size, $size);
}elsif ($output =~ m/\s*(.*)\s*;/){
my $output_name = $1;
#print "here!"."$output_name\n";
push (@verilog_output, $output_name);
push(@verilog_output_size, "1");
print("Parameters: ");
my $param_str = join ' ', @verilog_param;
print $param_str."\n";
print("Inputs: ");
my $in_str = join ' ', @verilog_input;
print $in_str."\n";
print("Outputs: ");
my $out_str = join ' ', @verilog_output;
print $out_str."\n";
#creat scala folder
my $scala_dir = "$dir/../scala";
mkdir $scala_dir unless (-d $scala_dir);
if(@m_axi_data_widths < 1){
push(@bus_names, "gmem_dummy");
push(@m_axi_data_widths, 32);
if(not defined($s_axi_data_width)) {
print "Generating BlackBox file ...\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < @m_axi_data_widths; $i = $i + 1 ){
print "m_axi_data_width_ $bus_names[$i]= $m_axi_data_widths[$i]\n";
print "s_axi_data_width = $s_axi_data_width\n";
# should be under scala folder
open BB, ">$scala_dir/$func_name"."_blackbox.scala";
my $blackbox1 = "
package hls_test_c
import Chisel._
import freechips.rocketchip.config.{Parameters, Field}
import freechips.rocketchip.tile._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
class test_c() extends BlackBox() {
$blackbox1 =~ s/test_c/$func_name/g;
# Print parameters
for( $i = 0; $i < @verilog_param; $i = $i + 1 ){
$blackbox1 .= "val $verilog_param[$i] = $param_val[$i]\n";
print BB $blackbox1;
print BB "\tval io = new Bundle {\n";
my $bb_body = "";
# now if the input name does not start with ap, we assume it is an arg
my $ap_return = 0;
my $ap_clk = 0;
my $ap_rst = 0;
my $ap_rst_n = 0;
my @verilog_axi_io = ();
for( $i = 0; $i < @verilog_input; $i = $i + 1 ){
my $input_name = $verilog_input[$i];
my $input_size = $verilog_input_size[$i];
if ($input_name =~ m/^ap_clk$/){
$ap_clk = 1;
elsif ($input_name =~ m/^ap_rst$/){
$ap_rst = 1;
elsif ($input_name =~ m/^ap_rst_n$/){
$ap_rst_n = 1;
elsif($input_name =~ m/^(m_axi|s_axi)\S+$/){
push (@verilog_axi_io, $input_name);
print BB "\t\tval $input_name = ";
if ($input_name =~ m/ap_clk(.*)/){
print BB "Clock\(INPUT\)\n";
print BB "Bits\(INPUT, width = $input_size\)\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < @verilog_output; $i = $i + 1 ){
my $output_name = $verilog_output[$i];
my $output_size = $verilog_output_size[$i];
if ($output_name =~ m/ap_return(.*)/){
$ap_return = 1;
elsif($output_name =~ m/^(m_axi|s_axi)\S+$/){
push (@verilog_axi_io, $output_name);
print BB "\t\tval $output_name = ";
print BB "Bits(OUTPUT, width = $output_size)\n";
print BB "\t}\n";
print BB "}\n";
close BB;
print "Generating Control file ...\n";
open CT, ">$scala_dir/$func_name"."_accel.scala";
#TODO Fix AXI4 params
my $control1 = '
package hls_test_c
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import freechips.rocketchip.config.{Field, Parameters}
import freechips.rocketchip.diplomacy._
import freechips.rocketchip.tilelink._
import freechips.rocketchip.amba.axi4._
import freechips.rocketchip.util._
import freechips.rocketchip.subsystem._
class HLStest_cAXI (address: BigInt = 0x20000, beatBytes: Int = 8) (implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
val numInFlight = 8
for( $i = 0; $i < @m_axi_data_widths; $i = $i + 1 ){
$control1 .="
val node_$bus_names[$i] = AXI4MasterNode(Seq(AXI4MasterPortParameters(
masters = Seq(AXI4MasterParameters(
name = \"axil_hub_mem_out_$i\",
id = IdRange(0, numInFlight),
aligned = true,
maxFlight = Some(8)
userBits = 0
$control1 .='
val slave_node = AXI4SlaveNode(Seq(AXI4SlavePortParameters(
slaves = Seq(AXI4SlaveParameters(
address = List(AddressSet(address,0x4000-1)),
regionType = RegionType.UNCACHED,
supportsWrite = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
supportsRead = TransferSizes(1, beatBytes),
interleavedId = Some(0)
beatBytes = beatBytes
lazy val module = new HLStest_cAXIModule(this)
class HLStest_cAXIModule(outer: HLStest_cAXI) extends LazyModuleImp(outer) {
//val (out, edge) = outer.node.out(0)
val (slave_in, slave_edge) = outer.slave_node.in(0)
val bId = Reg(UInt(32.W))
val rId = Reg(UInt(32.W))
val bb = Module(new test_c())
for( $i = 0; $i < @m_axi_data_widths; $i = $i + 1 ){
$control1 .="
val (out_$bus_names[$i], edge_$bus_names[$i]) = outer.node_$bus_names[$i].out(0)";
$control1 .= "\n";
$control1 =~ s/s_axi_data_width/$s_axi_data_width/g;
if ($ap_clk eq 1){
$control1 .= "\tbb.io.ap_clk := clock\n";
if ($ap_rst eq 1){
$control1 .= "\tbb.io.ap_rst := reset\n";
if ($ap_rst_n eq 1){
$control1 .= "\tbb.io.ap_rst_n := !reset.toBool() \n";
$control1 =~ s/test_c/$func_name/g;
print CT $control1;
#TODO modify accelerator arg!
my $control2 = '
# TODO Add support for multiple AXI buses
# AXI Inputs Signals
for( $i = 0; $i < @verilog_axi_io; $i = $i + 1 ){
my $number = $i + 1;
if ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(AW|W|AR)READY$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tbb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i] := out_$bus_name.$type.ready\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(R|B)VALID$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tbb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i] := out_$bus_name.$type.valid\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(R)DATA$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tbb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i] := out_$bus_name.$type.bits.data\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(R)LAST$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tbb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i] := out_$bus_name.$type.bits.last\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(R|B)ID$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tbb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i] := out_$bus_name.$type.bits.id\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(R|B)RESP$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tbb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i] := out_$bus_name.$type.bits.resp\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/s_axi_(.*)_(AW|W|AR)VALID$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tbb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i] := slave_in.$type.valid\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/s_axi_(.*)_(AW|AR)ADDR$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tbb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i] := slave_in.$type.bits.addr\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/s_axi_(.*)_(W)DATA$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tbb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i] := slave_in.$type.bits.data\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/s_axi_(.*)_(W)STRB$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tbb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i] := slave_in.$type.bits.strb\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/s_axi_(.*)_(R|B)READY$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tbb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i] := slave_in.$type.ready\n";
for( $i = 0; $i < @verilog_axi_io; $i = $i + 1 ){
my $number = $i + 1;
if ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(AW|W|AR)VALID$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tout_$bus_name.$type.valid := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(R|B)READY$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tout_$bus_name.$type.ready := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(AW|AR)ADDR$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tout_$bus_name.$type.bits.addr := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(AW|AR)ID$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tout_$bus_name.$type.bits.id := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(AW|AR)LEN$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tout_$bus_name.$type.bits.len := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(AW|AR)SIZE$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tout_$bus_name.$type.bits.size := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(AW|AR)BURST$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tout_$bus_name.$type.bits.burst := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(AW|AR)LOCK$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tout_$bus_name.$type.bits.lock := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(AW|AR)CACHE$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tout_$bus_name.$type.bits.cache := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(AW|AR)PROT$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tout_$bus_name.$type.bits.prot := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(AW|AR)QOS$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tout_$bus_name.$type.bits.qos := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(AW|AR)REGION$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\t//out_$bus_name.$type.bits.region := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(W)DATA$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tout_$bus_name.$type.bits.data := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(W)STRB$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tout_$bus_name.$type.bits.strb := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/m_axi_(.*)_(W)LAST$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tout_$bus_name.$type.bits.last := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/s_axi_(.*)_(AW|W|AR)READY$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tslave_in.$type.ready := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/s_axi_(.*)_(R|B)VALID$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tslave_in.$type.valid := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/s_axi_(.*)_(R)DATA$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tslave_in.$type.bits.data := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
elsif ($verilog_axi_io[$i] =~ m/s_axi_(.*)_(R|B)RESP$/){
my $bus_name = $1;
my $type = lc $2;
$control2 .= "\tslave_in.$type.bits.resp := bb.io.$verilog_axi_io[$i]\n";
if ($ap_return eq 1){
$control2 = $control2."\tval ap_return = accel.io.ap.rtn\n";
$control2 .= "
// For AXI4lite, these two signals are always True
slave_in.r.bits.last := true.B
bId := slave_in.aw.bits.id
rId := slave_in.ar.bits.id
slave_in.r.bits.id := rId
slave_in.b.bits.id := bId
# TODO Fix the width here
$control2 .='
trait HasPeripheryHLStest_cAXI { this: BaseSubsystem =>
private val address = BigInt(base_addr)
private val axi_m_portName = "HLS-Accelerator-test_c-master"
private val axilite_s_portName = "HLS-Accelerator-test_c-slave"
//val accel_s_axi_width = s_axi_data_width
//val hls_test_c_accel = LazyModule(new HLStest_cAXI(address, sbus.beatBytes))
val hls_test_c_accel = LazyModule(new HLStest_cAXI(address, s_axi_data_width >> 3))
for( $i = 0; $i < @m_axi_data_widths; $i = $i + 1 ){
$control2 .="
sbus.fromPort(Some(axi_m_portName)) {
(TLWidthWidget($m_axi_data_widths[$i]>> 3 )
:= AXI4ToTL()
:= AXI4UserYanker(Some(8))
:= AXI4Fragmenter()
:= AXI4IdIndexer(1))
}:=* hls_test_c_accel.node_$bus_names[$i]
$control2 .='
hls_test_c_accel.slave_node :=* sbus.toFixedWidthPort(Some(axilite_s_portName)) {
:= AXI4UserYanker()
//:= AXI4IdIndexer(params.idBits)
//:= AXI4Deinterleaver(sbus.blockBytes) // Assume there is no iterleaved requests, iterleaveId = Some(0)
:= TLToAXI4()
:= TLBuffer()
//:= TLWidthWidget(s_axi_data_width >> 3)
// Compared to TLWidthWidget, TLFragmenter saves the id info?
:= TLFragmenter(s_axi_data_width >> 3, 64, alwaysMin=true, holdFirstDeny=true))
trait HasPeripheryHLStest_cAXIImp extends LazyModuleImp {
val outer: HasPeripheryHLStest_cAXI
$control2 =~ s/test_c/$func_name/g;
$control2 =~ s/base_addr/$func_base_addr/g;
$control2 =~ s/s_axi_data_width/$s_axi_data_width/g;
print CT $control2;