
110 lines
3.4 KiB

use warnings;
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Copy;
my $rdir = $ENV{'RDIR'};
print $rdir;
if ((not defined($rdir)) or $rdir eq '') {
print("Please source centrifuge/env.sh!\n");
sub generate_accel{
my @accel_tuples= @{$_[0]};
my %tasks = %{$_[1]};
foreach my $accel_tuple_ref (@accel_tuples) {
my @accel_tuple = @{$accel_tuple_ref};
my $pgm = $accel_tuple[0];
my $func = $accel_tuple[1];
my $bm_path = $accel_tuple[2];
my $bm_path_c = $bm_path.'/src/main/c/';
my $is_rocc = $accel_tuple[3];
my $idx_addr = $accel_tuple[4];
my $prefix=" ";
my $num_args = scalar @accel_tuple;
if ($num_args > 5) {
$prefix = $accel_tuple[5];
print("Pgm: ".$pgm."\n");
print("Func: ".$func."\n");
print("Path: ".$bm_path."\n");
print("Is RoCC not TL?: ".$is_rocc."\n");
print("RoCC Idx or TL Addr: ".$idx_addr."\n");
print("Prefix: ".$prefix."\n");
$ENV{'PGM'} = $pgm;
$ENV{'FUNC'} = $func;
my $PGM = $pgm;
my $FUNC = $func;
my $RDIR = $rdir;
system("mkdir -p $bm_path/src/main/c");
chdir("$bm_path/src/main/c/") or die $!;
system("cp -H $RDIR/tools/centrifuge/examples/${PGM}/* $bm_path_c");
system("cp -H $RDIR/tools/centrifuge/scripts/run_hls.pl $bm_path_c");
# Specialize the Makefile for this function
system("sed -i 's/^FUNC=.*/FUNC=$func/g' $bm_path_c/Makefile");
my $dir = getcwd;
if ($tasks{'accel_hls'}){
system("perl run_hls.pl ${PGM} ${FUNC} $prefix");
# Add compile-bm.sh for compile_sw and fireMarshal
system("echo 'make clean' > compile-bm.sh");
system("echo 'make' >> compile-bm.sh");
system("chmod +x compile-bm.sh");
if ($is_rocc) {
system("cp -H $RDIR/tools/centrifuge/scripts/run_chisel.pl $bm_path_c");
system("cp -H $RDIR/tools/centrifuge/scripts/generate_wrapper.pl $bm_path_c");
if ($tasks{'accel_chisel'}){
system("perl run_chisel.pl ${PGM} ${FUNC} $prefix");
if ($tasks{'accel_sw'}){
system("$RDIR/tools/centrifuge/scripts/generate_wrapper.py --fname ${FUNC} " .
"--prefix $prefix " .
"--base $idx_addr " .
"--mode 'rocc' " .
"--source $bm_path");
#system("make clean");
#system("make CUSTOM_INST=1");
} else {
system("cp -H $RDIR/tools/centrifuge/scripts/run_chisel_tl.pl $bm_path_c");
system("cp -H $RDIR/tools/centrifuge/scripts/generate_wrapper_tl.pl $bm_path_c");
if ($tasks{'accel_chisel'}){
system("perl run_chisel_tl.pl ${PGM} ${FUNC} $idx_addr $prefix");
if ($tasks{'accel_sw'}){
system("$RDIR/tools/centrifuge/scripts/generate_wrapper.py --fname ${FUNC} " .
"--base $idx_addr " .
"--prefix $prefix " .
"--mode 'tl' " .
"--source $bm_path");
#system("make clean");
#system("make CUSTOM_DRIVER=1");
# Example with RoCC and TL accel
#my @input = (["vadd", "vadd", "$rdir/sim/target-rtl/firechip/hls_vadd_vadd/src/main/c", 1, "0", "rocc0_"], ["vadd_tl", "vadd", "$rdir/sim/target-rtl/firechip/hls_vadd_tl_vadd/src/main/c", 0, "0x20000", "tl0_"]);