
60 lines
1.6 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON qw( decode_json );
use Cwd;
use File::Copy;
# Take in 1 arg which is the json file path
# Return two arrays of arrays
sub parse_json {
my $json_fn = $_[0];
open my $fh, '<', $json_fn or die "error opening $json_fn: $!";
my $json = do { local $/; <$fh> };
my $decoded = decode_json($json);
my @RoCC_accels = ();
my $i;
print("\nRoCC Accels: \n");
for( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i = $i + 1 ){
if ((exists $decoded -> {'RoCC'}{"custom$i"}{'pgm'}) and (exists $decoded -> {'RoCC'}{"custom$i"}{'func'} )){
my $pgm = $decoded -> {'RoCC'}{"custom$i"}{'pgm'};
my $func = $decoded -> {'RoCC'}{"custom$i"}{'func'};
if(($pgm ne "") and ($func ne "")){
print("\tpgm: $pgm\t func: $func\n");
my @tup = ();
push (@tup, $pgm);
push (@tup, $func);
push (@RoCC_accels, \@tup);
print("TLL2 Accels: \n");
my @TLL2_accels = ();
if (exists $decoded -> {'TLL2'}){
my @TLL2_arr = @{$decoded-> {'TLL2'}};
foreach my $accel (@TLL2_arr) {
if( (exists $accel->{'pgm'}) and (exists $accel->{'func'} and (exists $accel->{'addr'}))){
my $pgm = $accel->{'pgm'};
my $func = $accel->{'func'};
my $addr = $accel->{'addr'};
if ($pgm ne "" and $func ne "" and $addr ne ""){
print("\tpgm: $pgm\t func: $func\t addr: $addr\n");
my @tup = ();
push (@tup, $pgm);
push (@tup, $func);
push (@tup, $addr);
push (@TLL2_accels, \@tup);
return (\@RoCC_accels, \@TLL2_accels);