[BenchmarkGen] support bypass path for CNN benchmark gen

This commit is contained in:
Hanchen Ye 2020-12-10 16:26:16 -06:00
parent 26cf81a103
commit 3e1273803c
2 changed files with 99 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ minChannel=8
# Not yet supported
# Bypass information
# Whether add ReLu after each Conv layer (true/false)

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "llvm/Support/InitLLVM.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ToolOutputFile.h"
#include <numeric>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace mlir;
@ -81,7 +82,12 @@ LogicalResult BenchmarkGenerator::genCNN(INIReader config) {
const auto minChannel = config.GetInteger("config", "minChannel", 8);
const auto maxChannel = config.GetInteger("config", "maxChannel", 64);
const auto poolingNumber = config.GetInteger("config", "poolingNumber", 3);
// const auto bypassNumber = config.GetInteger("config", "bypassNumber", 0);
const auto bypassNumber = config.GetInteger("config", "bypassNumber", 1);
const auto minBypassLength =
config.GetInteger("config", "minBypassLength", 2);
const auto maxBypassLength =
config.GetInteger("config", "maxBypassLength", 4);
const auto includeRelu = config.GetInteger("config", "includeRelu", 0);
const auto doubleChannel = config.GetInteger("config", "doubleChannel", 2);
@ -205,6 +211,94 @@ LogicalResult BenchmarkGenerator::genCNN(INIReader config) {
// Add bypass paths to the current model.
// Ensure the specified bypass number is available. Since the last dense layer
// will never be bypassed, (fmaps.size() - 2) is the number of available
// layers that can be bypassed.
int maxBypassNumber = (fmaps.size() - 2) / maxBypassLength;
if (bypassNumber > maxBypassNumber)
func.emitError("bypass number or maximum bypass length is too large");
// Generate a random vector to determine the length of each bypass path.
SmallVector<unsigned, 4> lengthVec;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = bypassNumber; i < e; ++i)
lengthVec.push_back(std::rand() % (maxBypassLength + 1 - minBypassLength) +
// Generate a random vector to determine the start point and end point pair of
// each bypass path.
unsigned minStartPoint = 0;
unsigned maxStartPoint =
fmaps.size() - 2 - std::accumulate(lengthVec.begin(), lengthVec.end(), 0);
SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, 4> bypassVec;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = bypassNumber; i < e; ++i) {
unsigned startPoint =
std::rand() % (maxStartPoint + 1 - minStartPoint) + minStartPoint;
bypassVec.push_back({startPoint, startPoint + lengthVec[i]});
minStartPoint = startPoint + lengthVec[i];
maxStartPoint += lengthVec[i];
// Create bypass path between each pair of start point and end point.
for (auto bypass : bypassVec) {
auto startFmap = fmaps[bypass.first];
auto endFmap = fmaps[bypass.second];
auto startFmapShape = startFmap.getType().cast<MemRefType>().getShape();
auto endFmapShape = endFmap.getType().cast<MemRefType>().getShape();
// Set builder insertion point to the end of block.
// Insert max pooling layer to align height and width.
if (startFmapShape[2] != endFmapShape[2] ||
startFmapShape[3] != endFmapShape[3]) {
auto newStartFmap = builder.create<mlir::AllocOp>(
loc, getMemType({batchSize, startFmapShape[1], endFmapShape[2],
auto kernelHeight = startFmapShape[2] / endFmapShape[2];
auto kernelWidth = startFmapShape[2] / endFmapShape[3];
loc, startFmap, newStartFmap,
builder.getI64ArrayAttr({kernelHeight, kernelWidth}),
builder.getI64ArrayAttr({kernelHeight, kernelWidth}),
builder.getI64ArrayAttr({0, 0, 0, 0}));
// Update start fmap information.
startFmap = newStartFmap;
startFmapShape = startFmap.getType().cast<MemRefType>().getShape();
// Insert 1x1 convolutional layer to align channel size.
if (startFmapShape[1] != endFmapShape[1]) {
auto newStartFmap = builder.create<mlir::AllocOp>(
loc, getMemType({batchSize, endFmapShape[1], endFmapShape[2],
loc, getMemType({endFmapShape[1], startFmapShape[1], 1, 1})));
builder.create<mlir::AllocOp>(loc, getMemType({endFmapShape[1]})));
builder.create<ConvOp>(loc, startFmap, kernels.back(), biases.back(),
newStartFmap, builder.getI64ArrayAttr({1, 1}),
builder.getI64ArrayAttr({0, 0, 0, 0}));
// Update start fmap information.
startFmap = newStartFmap;
startFmapShape = startFmap.getType().cast<MemRefType>().getShape();
// Insert MergeOp to merge the bypass path and original path.
auto newEndFmap = builder.create<mlir::AllocOp>(
loc, getMemType({batchSize, endFmapShape[1], endFmapShape[2],
builder.create<MergeOp>(loc, startFmap, endFmap, newEndFmap);
// Create a new function taking all kernels and biases as arguments. This will
// eliminate all the AllocOp for kernels and biases in the generated code.