
403 lines
14 KiB

# This script will take a number ($ENV{SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT}) of static archive files
# and pull them apart into object files. These object files will be placed in a directory
# named the same as the archive itself without the extension. Each object file will then
# get renamed to start with the archive name and a '-' character (for archive.a(object.o)
# the object file would becomde archive-object.o. Then all object files are re-made into
# a single static library. This can help avoid name collisions when different archive
# files might contain object files with the same name.
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use File::Glob ':glob';
use List::Util qw[min max];
our $llvm_srcroot = $ENV{SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_0};
our $llvm_dstroot = $ENV{SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_1};
our $llvm_clang_outfile = $ENV{SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0};
our ($llvm_clang_basename, $llvm_clang_dirname) = fileparse ($llvm_clang_outfile);
our @llvm_clang_slices; # paths to the single architecture static libraries (archives)
our $llvm_configuration = $ENV{LLVM_CONFIGURATION};
our $llvm_revision = "137311";
our $clang_revision = "137311";
our $llvm_source_dir = "$ENV{SRCROOT}";
our @archs = split (/\s+/, $ENV{ARCHS});
our @archive_files = (
if ($ENV{CONFIGURATION} ne "BuildAndIntegration" and -e "$llvm_srcroot/lib")
print "Using standard LLVM build directory...\n";
# LLVM in the "lldb" root is a symlink which indicates we are using a
# standard LLVM build directory where everything is built into the
# same folder
create_single_llvm_arhive_for_arch ($llvm_dstroot, 1);
my $llvm_dstroot_archive = "$llvm_dstroot/$llvm_clang_basename";
push @llvm_clang_slices, $llvm_dstroot_archive;
create_dstroot_file ($llvm_clang_basename, $llvm_clang_dirname, \@llvm_clang_slices, $llvm_clang_basename);
exit 0;
if ($ENV{CONFIGURATION} eq "Debug" or $ENV{CONFIGURATION} eq "Release")
# Check for an old llvm source install (not the minimal zip based
# install by looking for a .svn file in the llvm directory
chomp(my $llvm_zip_md5 = `md5 -q $ENV{SRCROOT}/llvm.zip`);
my $llvm_zip_md5_file = "$ENV{SRCROOT}/llvm/$llvm_zip_md5";
if (!-e "$llvm_zip_md5_file")
print "Updating LLVM to use checkpoint from: '$ENV{SRCROOT}/llvm.zip'...\n";
if (-d "$ENV{SRCROOT}/llvm")
do_command ("cd '$ENV{SRCROOT}' && rm -rf llvm", "removing old llvm repository", 1);
do_command ("cd '$ENV{SRCROOT}' && unzip -q llvm.zip && touch '$llvm_zip_md5_file'", "expanding llvm.zip", 1);
exit 0;
# If our output file already exists then we need not generate it again.
if (-e $llvm_clang_outfile)
exit 0;
# Get our options
our $debug = 1;
sub parallel_guess
my $cpus = `sysctl -n hw.availcpu`;
chomp ($cpus);
my $memsize = `sysctl -n hw.memsize`;
chomp ($memsize);
my $max_cpus_by_memory = int($memsize / (750 * 1024 * 1024));
return min($max_cpus_by_memory, $cpus);
sub build_llvm
#my $extra_svn_options = $debug ? "" : "--quiet";
my $svn_options = "--quiet";
if (-d "$llvm_source_dir/llvm")
print "Using existing llvm sources in: '$llvm_source_dir/llvm'\n";
# print "Updating llvm to revision $llvm_revision\n";
# do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir/llvm' && svn update $svn_options --revision $llvm_revision", "updating llvm from repository", 1);
# print "Updating clang to revision $llvm_revision\n";
# do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir/llvm/tools/clang' && svn update $svn_options --revision $clang_revision", "updating clang from repository", 1);
print "Checking out llvm sources from revision $llvm_revision...\n";
do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir' && svn co $svn_options --revision $llvm_revision http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk llvm", "checking out llvm from repository", 1);
print "Checking out clang sources from revision $clang_revision...\n";
do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir/llvm/tools' && svn co $svn_options --revision $clang_revision http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk clang", "checking out clang from repository", 1);
print "Applying any local patches to LLVM...";
my @llvm_patches = bsd_glob("$ENV{SRCROOT}/scripts/llvm.*.diff");
foreach my $patch (@llvm_patches)
do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir/llvm' && patch -p0 < $patch");
print "Removing the llvm/test directory...\n";
do_command ("cd '$llvm_source_dir' && rm -rf llvm/test", "removing test directory", 1);
# Make the llvm build directory
my $arch_idx = 0;
foreach my $arch (@archs)
my $llvm_dstroot_arch = "${llvm_dstroot}/${arch}";
# if the arch destination root exists we have already built it
my $do_configure = 0;
my $do_make = 0;
my $llvm_dstroot_arch_archive = "$llvm_dstroot_arch/$llvm_clang_basename";
print "LLVM architecture root for ${arch} exists at '$llvm_dstroot_arch'...";
if (-e $llvm_dstroot_arch)
print "YES\n";
$do_configure = !-e "$llvm_dstroot_arch/config.log";
# dstroot for llvm build exists, make sure all .a files are built
for my $llvm_lib (@archive_files)
if (!-e "$llvm_dstroot_arch/$llvm_lib")
print "missing archive: '$llvm_dstroot_arch/$llvm_lib'\n";
$do_make = 1;
if (!-e $llvm_dstroot_arch_archive)
$do_make = 1;
print "LLVM architecture archive for ${arch} is '$llvm_dstroot_arch_archive'\n";
print "NO\n";
do_command ("mkdir -p '$llvm_dstroot_arch'", "making llvm build directory '$llvm_dstroot_arch'", 1);
$do_configure = 1;
$do_make = 1;
# If this is the first architecture, then make a symbolic link
# for any header files that get generated.
if ($arch_idx == 0)
if (!-l "$llvm_dstroot/llvm")
do_command ("cd $llvm_dstroot && ln -s './${arch}' llvm");
if ($do_configure)
# Build llvm and clang
print "Configuring clang ($arch) in '$llvm_dstroot_arch'...\n";
my $lldb_configuration_options = '';
$llvm_configuration eq 'Release' and $lldb_configuration_options .= '--enable-optimized --disable-assertions';
do_command ("cd '$llvm_dstroot_arch' && '$llvm_source_dir/llvm/configure' $lldb_configuration_options --enable-targets=x86_64,arm --build=$arch-apple-darwin10",
"configuring llvm build", 1);
if ($do_make)
# Build llvm and clang
my $num_cpus = parallel_guess();
print "Building clang using $num_cpus cpus ($arch)...\n";
do_command ("cd '$llvm_dstroot_arch' && make -j$num_cpus clang-only VERBOSE=1 PROJECT_NAME='llvm'", "making llvm and clang", 1);
do_command ("cd '$llvm_dstroot_arch' && make -j$num_cpus tools-only VERBOSE=1 PROJECT_NAME='llvm' EDIS_VERSION=1", "making libedis", 1);
# Combine all .o files from a bunch of static libraries from llvm
# and clang into a single .a file.
create_single_llvm_arhive_for_arch ($llvm_dstroot_arch, 1);
-f "$llvm_dstroot_arch_archive" and push @llvm_clang_slices, "$llvm_dstroot_arch_archive";
# Combine all skinny slices of the LLVM/Clang combined archive
create_dstroot_file ($llvm_clang_basename, $llvm_clang_dirname, \@llvm_clang_slices, $llvm_clang_basename);
sub create_dstroot_file
my $file = shift;
my $dir = shift;
my $fullpath = "$dir/$file"; # The path to the file to create
my $slice_aref = shift; # Array containing one or more skinny files that will be combined into $fullpath
my $what = shift; # Text describing the $fullpath
print "create_dstroot_file file = '$file', dir = '$dir', slices = (" . join (', ', @$slice_aref) . ") for what = '$what'\n";
if (-d $dir)
if (@$slice_aref > 0)
print "Creating and installing $what into '$fullpath'...\n";
my $lipo_command = "lipo -output '$fullpath' -create";
foreach (@$slice_aref) { $lipo_command .= " '$_'"; }
do_command ($lipo_command, "creating $what universal output file", 1);
if (!-e $fullpath)
# die "error: '$fullpath' is missing\n";
die "error: directory '$dir' doesn't exist to receive file '$file'\n";
# quote the path if needed and realpath it if the -r option was
# specified
sub finalize_path
my $path = shift;
# Realpath all paths that don't start with "/"
$path =~ /^[^\/]/ and $path = abs_path($path);
# Quote the path if asked to, or if there are special shell characters
# in the path name
my $has_double_quotes = $path =~ /["]/;
my $has_single_quotes = $path =~ /[']/;
my $needs_quotes = $path =~ /[ \$\&\*'"]/;
if ($needs_quotes)
# escape and double quotes in the path
$has_double_quotes and $path =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$path = "\"$path\"";
return $path;
sub do_command
my $cmd = shift;
my $description = @_ ? shift : "command";
my $die_on_fail = @_ ? shift : undef;
$debug and print "% $cmd\n";
system ($cmd);
if ($? == -1)
$debug and printf ("error: %s failed to execute: $!\n", $description);
$die_on_fail and $? and exit(1);
return $?;
elsif ($? & 127)
$debug and printf("error: %s child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n",
($? & 127),
($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without');
$die_on_fail and $? and exit(1);
return $?;
my $exit = $? >> 8;
if ($exit)
$debug and printf("error: %s child exited with value %d\n", $description, $exit);
$die_on_fail and exit(1);
return $exit;
sub create_single_llvm_arhive_for_arch
my $arch_dstroot = shift;
my $split_into_objects = shift;
my @object_dirs;
my $object_dir;
my $tmp_dir = $arch_dstroot;
my $arch_output_file = "$arch_dstroot/$llvm_clang_basename";
-e $arch_output_file and return;
my $files = "$arch_dstroot/files.txt";
open (FILES, ">$files") or die "Can't open $! for writing...\n";
for my $path (@archive_files)
my $archive_fullpath = finalize_path ("$arch_dstroot/$path");
if (-e $archive_fullpath)
if ($split_into_objects)
my ($archive_file, $archive_dir, $archive_ext) = fileparse($archive_fullpath, ('.a'));
$object_dir = "$tmp_dir/$archive_file";
push @object_dirs, $object_dir;
do_command ("cd '$tmp_dir'; mkdir '$archive_file'; cd '$archive_file'; ar -x $archive_fullpath");
my @objects = bsd_glob("$object_dir/*.o");
foreach my $object (@objects)
my ($o_file, $o_dir) = fileparse($object);
my $new_object = "$object_dir/${archive_file}-$o_file";
print FILES "$new_object\n";
do_command ("mv '$object' '$new_object'");
# just add the .a files into the file list
print FILES "$archive_fullpath\n";
print "warning: archive doesn't exist: '$archive_fullpath'\n";
close (FILES);
do_command ("libtool -static -o '$arch_output_file' -filelist '$files'");
do_command ("ranlib '$arch_output_file'");
foreach $object_dir (@object_dirs)
do_command ("rm -rf '$object_dir'");
do_command ("rm -rf '$files'");