
133 lines
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// RUN: clang-cc -fsyntax-only %s
typedef char one_byte;
typedef char (&two_bytes)[2];
typedef char (&four_bytes)[4];
typedef char (&eight_bytes)[8];
template<int N> struct A { };
namespace N1 {
struct X { };
namespace N2 {
struct Y { };
two_bytes operator+(Y, Y);
namespace N3 {
struct Z { };
eight_bytes operator+(Z, Z);
namespace N4 {
one_byte operator+(N1::X, N2::Y);
template<typename T, typename U>
struct BinOpOverload {
typedef A<sizeof(T() + U())> type;
namespace N1 {
four_bytes operator+(X, X);
namespace N3 {
eight_bytes operator+(Z, Z); // redeclaration
void test_bin_op_overload(A<1> *a1, A<2> *a2, A<4> *a4, A<8> *a8) {
typedef N4::BinOpOverload<N1::X, N2::Y>::type XY;
XY *xy = a1;
typedef N4::BinOpOverload<N1::X, N1::X>::type XX;
XX *xx = a4;
typedef N4::BinOpOverload<N2::Y, N2::Y>::type YY;
YY *yy = a2;
typedef N4::BinOpOverload<N3::Z, N3::Z>::type ZZ;
ZZ *zz = a8;
namespace N3 {
eight_bytes operator-(::N3::Z);
namespace N4 {
template<typename T>
struct UnaryOpOverload {
typedef A<sizeof(-T())> type;
void test_unary_op_overload(A<8> *a8) {
typedef N4::UnaryOpOverload<N3::Z>::type UZ;
UZ *uz = a8;
namespace N5 {
template<int I>
struct Lookup {
enum { val = I, more = val + 1 };
template<bool B>
struct Cond {
enum Junk { is = B ? Lookup<B>::more : Lookup<Lookup<B+1>::more>::val };
enum { resultT = Cond<true>::is,
resultF = Cond<false>::is };
namespace N6 {
// non-typedependent
template<int I>
struct Lookup {};
template<bool B, typename T, typename E>
struct Cond {
typedef Lookup<B ? sizeof(T) : sizeof(E)> True;
typedef Lookup<!B ? sizeof(T) : sizeof(E)> False;
typedef Cond<true, int, char>::True True;
typedef Cond<true, int, char>::False False;
// check that we have the right types
Lookup<1> const &L1(False());
Lookup<sizeof(int)> const &L2(True());
namespace N7 {
// type dependent
template<int I>
struct Lookup {};
template<bool B, typename T, typename E>
struct Cond {
T foo() { return B ? T() : E(); }
typedef Lookup<sizeof(B ? T() : E())> Type;
//Cond<true, int*, double> C; // Errors
//int V(C.foo()); // Errors
//typedef Cond<true, int*, double>::Type Type; // Errors
typedef Cond<true, int, double>::Type Type;
template<typename T, unsigned long N> struct IntegralConstant { };
template<typename T>
struct X0 {
void f(T x, IntegralConstant<T, sizeof(x)>);
void test_X0(X0<int> x, IntegralConstant<int, sizeof(int)> ic) {