
457 lines
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//===-- SWIG Interface for SBProcess ----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
namespace lldb {
"Represents the process associated with the target program.
SBProcess supports thread iteration. For example (from test/lldbutil.py),
# ==================================================
# Utility functions related to Threads and Processes
# ==================================================
def get_stopped_threads(process, reason):
'''Returns the thread(s) with the specified stop reason in a list.
The list can be empty if no such thread exists.
threads = []
for t in process:
if t.GetStopReason() == reason:
return threads
) SBProcess;
class SBProcess
/// Broadcaster event bits definitions.
eBroadcastBitStateChanged = (1 << 0),
eBroadcastBitInterrupt = (1 << 1),
eBroadcastBitSTDOUT = (1 << 2),
eBroadcastBitSTDERR = (1 << 3),
eBroadcastBitProfileData = (1 << 4)
SBProcess ();
SBProcess (const lldb::SBProcess& rhs);
static const char *
GetBroadcasterClassName ();
const char *
GetPluginName ();
const char *
GetShortPluginName ();
Clear ();
IsValid() const;
GetTarget() const;
GetByteOrder() const;
%feature("autodoc", "
Writes data into the current process's stdin. API client specifies a Python
string as the only argument.
") PutSTDIN;
PutSTDIN (const char *src, size_t src_len);
%feature("autodoc", "
Reads data from the current process's stdout stream. API client specifies
the size of the buffer to read data into. It returns the byte buffer in a
Python string.
GetSTDOUT (char *dst, size_t dst_len) const;
%feature("autodoc", "
Reads data from the current process's stderr stream. API client specifies
the size of the buffer to read data into. It returns the byte buffer in a
Python string.
GetSTDERR (char *dst, size_t dst_len) const;
GetAsyncProfileData(char *dst, size_t dst_len) const;
ReportEventState (const lldb::SBEvent &event, FILE *out) const;
AppendEventStateReport (const lldb::SBEvent &event, lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &result);
%feature("docstring", "
/// Remote connection related functions. These will fail if the
/// process is not in eStateConnected. They are intended for use
/// when connecting to an externally managed debugserver instance.
") RemoteAttachToProcessWithID;
RemoteAttachToProcessWithID (lldb::pid_t pid,
lldb::SBError& error);
"See SBTarget.Launch for argument description and usage."
) RemoteLaunch;
RemoteLaunch (char const **argv,
char const **envp,
const char *stdin_path,
const char *stdout_path,
const char *stderr_path,
const char *working_directory,
uint32_t launch_flags,
bool stop_at_entry,
lldb::SBError& error);
// Thread related functions
GetNumThreads ();
%feature("autodoc", "
Returns the INDEX'th thread from the list of current threads. The index
of a thread is only valid for the current stop. For a persistent thread
identifier use either the thread ID or the IndexID. See help on SBThread
for more details.
") GetThreadAtIndex;
GetThreadAtIndex (size_t index);
%feature("autodoc", "
Returns the thread with the given thread ID.
") GetThreadByID;
GetThreadByID (lldb::tid_t sb_thread_id);
%feature("autodoc", "
Returns the thread with the given thread IndexID.
") GetThreadByIndexID;
GetThreadByIndexID (uint32_t index_id);
%feature("autodoc", "
Returns the currently selected thread.
") GetSelectedThread;
GetSelectedThread () const;
%feature("autodoc", "
Lazily create a thread on demand through the current OperatingSystem plug-in, if the current OperatingSystem plug-in supports it.
") CreateOSPluginThread;
CreateOSPluginThread (lldb::tid_t tid, lldb::addr_t context);
SetSelectedThread (const lldb::SBThread &thread);
SetSelectedThreadByID (lldb::tid_t tid);
SetSelectedThreadByIndexID (uint32_t index_id);
// Stepping related functions
GetState ();
GetExitStatus ();
const char *
GetExitDescription ();
%feature("autodoc", "
Returns the process ID of the process.
") GetProcessID;
GetProcessID ();
%feature("autodoc", "
Returns an integer ID that is guaranteed to be unique across all process instances. This is not the process ID, just a unique integer for comparison and caching purposes.
") GetUniqueID;
GetAddressByteSize() const;
%feature("docstring", "
Kills the process and shuts down all threads that were spawned to
track and monitor process.
") Destroy;
Destroy ();
Continue ();
Stop ();
%feature("docstring", "Same as Destroy(self).") Destroy;
Kill ();
Detach ();
%feature("docstring", "Sends the process a unix signal.") Signal;
Signal (int signal);
%feature("docstring", "
Returns a stop id that will increase every time the process executes. If
include_expression_stops is true, then stops caused by expression evaluation
will cause the returned value to increase, otherwise the counter returned will
only increase when execution is continued explicitly by the user. Note, the value
will always increase, but may increase by more than one per stop.
") GetStopID;
GetStopID(bool include_expression_stops = false);
%feature("autodoc", "
Reads memory from the current process's address space and removes any
traps that may have been inserted into the memory. It returns the byte
buffer in a Python string. Example:
# Read 4 bytes from address 'addr' and assume error.Success() is True.
content = process.ReadMemory(addr, 4, error)
# Use 'ascii' encoding as each byte of 'content' is within [0..255].
new_bytes = bytearray(content, 'ascii')
") ReadMemory;
ReadMemory (addr_t addr, void *buf, size_t size, lldb::SBError &error);
%feature("autodoc", "
Writes memory to the current process's address space and maintains any
traps that might be present due to software breakpoints. Example:
# Create a Python string from the byte array.
new_value = str(bytes)
result = process.WriteMemory(addr, new_value, error)
if not error.Success() or result != len(bytes):
print 'SBProcess.WriteMemory() failed!'
") WriteMemory;
WriteMemory (addr_t addr, const void *buf, size_t size, lldb::SBError &error);
%feature("autodoc", "
Reads a NULL terminated C string from the current process's address space.
It returns a python string of the exact length, or truncates the string if
the maximum character limit is reached. Example:
# Read a C string of at most 256 bytes from address '0x1000'
error = lldb.SBError()
cstring = process.ReadCStringFromMemory(0x1000, 256, error)
if error.Success():
print 'cstring: ', cstring
print 'error: ', error
") ReadCStringFromMemory;
ReadCStringFromMemory (addr_t addr, void *buf, size_t size, lldb::SBError &error);
%feature("autodoc", "
Reads an unsigned integer from memory given a byte size and an address.
Returns the unsigned integer that was read. Example:
# Read a 4 byte unsigned integer from address 0x1000
error = lldb.SBError()
uint = ReadUnsignedFromMemory(0x1000, 4, error)
if error.Success():
print 'integer: %u' % uint
print 'error: ', error
") ReadUnsignedFromMemory;
ReadUnsignedFromMemory (addr_t addr, uint32_t byte_size, lldb::SBError &error);
%feature("autodoc", "
Reads a pointer from memory from an address and returns the value. Example:
# Read a pointer from address 0x1000
error = lldb.SBError()
ptr = ReadPointerFromMemory(0x1000, error)
if error.Success():
print 'pointer: 0x%x' % ptr
print 'error: ', error
") ReadPointerFromMemory;
ReadPointerFromMemory (addr_t addr, lldb::SBError &error);
// Events
static lldb::StateType
GetStateFromEvent (const lldb::SBEvent &event);
static bool
GetRestartedFromEvent (const lldb::SBEvent &event);
static size_t
GetNumRestartedReasonsFromEvent (const lldb::SBEvent &event);
static const char *
GetRestartedReasonAtIndexFromEvent (const lldb::SBEvent &event, size_t idx);
static lldb::SBProcess
GetProcessFromEvent (const lldb::SBEvent &event);
static bool
EventIsProcessEvent (const lldb::SBEvent &event);
GetBroadcaster () const;
GetDescription (lldb::SBStream &description);
GetNumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints (lldb::SBError &error) const;
LoadImage (lldb::SBFileSpec &image_spec, lldb::SBError &error);
UnloadImage (uint32_t image_token);
%pythoncode %{
def __get_is_alive__(self):
'''Returns "True" if the process is currently alive, "False" otherwise'''
s = self.GetState()
if (s == eStateAttaching or
s == eStateLaunching or
s == eStateStopped or
s == eStateRunning or
s == eStateStepping or
s == eStateCrashed or
s == eStateSuspended):
return True
return False
def __get_is_running__(self):
'''Returns "True" if the process is currently running, "False" otherwise'''
state = self.GetState()
if state == eStateRunning or state == eStateStepping:
return True
return False
def __get_is_running__(self):
'''Returns "True" if the process is currently stopped, "False" otherwise'''
state = self.GetState()
if state == eStateStopped or state == eStateCrashed or state == eStateSuspended:
return True
return False
class threads_access(object):
'''A helper object that will lazily hand out thread for a process when supplied an index.'''
def __init__(self, sbprocess):
self.sbprocess = sbprocess
def __len__(self):
if self.sbprocess:
return int(self.sbprocess.GetNumThreads())
return 0
def __getitem__(self, key):
if type(key) is int and key < len(self):
return self.sbprocess.GetThreadAtIndex(key)
return None
def get_threads_access_object(self):
'''An accessor function that returns a modules_access() object which allows lazy thread access from a lldb.SBProcess object.'''
return self.threads_access (self)
def get_process_thread_list(self):
'''An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all threads in a lldb.SBProcess object.'''
threads = []
accessor = self.get_threads_access_object()
for idx in range(len(accessor)):
return threads
__swig_getmethods__["threads"] = get_process_thread_list
if _newclass: threads = property(get_process_thread_list, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBThread objects for this process.''')
__swig_getmethods__["thread"] = get_threads_access_object
if _newclass: thread = property(get_threads_access_object, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an object that can access threads by thread index (thread = lldb.process.thread[12]).''')
__swig_getmethods__["is_alive"] = __get_is_alive__
if _newclass: is_alive = property(__get_is_alive__, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this process is currently alive.''')
__swig_getmethods__["is_running"] = __get_is_running__
if _newclass: is_running = property(__get_is_running__, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this process is currently running.''')
__swig_getmethods__["is_stopped"] = __get_is_running__
if _newclass: is_stopped = property(__get_is_running__, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this process is currently stopped.''')
__swig_getmethods__["id"] = GetProcessID
if _newclass: id = property(GetProcessID, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the process ID as an integer.''')
__swig_getmethods__["target"] = GetTarget
if _newclass: target = property(GetTarget, None, doc='''A read only property that an lldb object that represents the target (lldb.SBTarget) that owns this process.''')
__swig_getmethods__["num_threads"] = GetNumThreads
if _newclass: num_threads = property(GetNumThreads, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the number of threads in this process as an integer.''')
__swig_getmethods__["selected_thread"] = GetSelectedThread
__swig_setmethods__["selected_thread"] = SetSelectedThread
if _newclass: selected_thread = property(GetSelectedThread, SetSelectedThread, doc='''A read/write property that gets/sets the currently selected thread in this process. The getter returns a lldb.SBThread object and the setter takes an lldb.SBThread object.''')
__swig_getmethods__["state"] = GetState
if _newclass: state = property(GetState, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb enumeration value (see enumerations that start with "lldb.eState") that represents the current state of this process (running, stopped, exited, etc.).''')
__swig_getmethods__["exit_state"] = GetExitStatus
if _newclass: exit_state = property(GetExitStatus, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an exit status as an integer of this process when the process state is lldb.eStateExited.''')
__swig_getmethods__["exit_description"] = GetExitDescription
if _newclass: exit_description = property(GetExitDescription, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an exit description as a string of this process when the process state is lldb.eStateExited.''')
__swig_getmethods__["broadcaster"] = GetBroadcaster
if _newclass: broadcaster = property(GetBroadcaster, None, doc='''A read only property that an lldb object that represents the broadcaster (lldb.SBBroadcaster) for this process.''')
} // namespace lldb