
411 lines
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//===- clang-modernize/IncludeDirectivesTest.cpp --------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "Core/IncludeDirectives.h"
#include "common/VirtualFileHelper.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace clang;
/// \brief A convenience method around \c tooling::runToolOnCodeWithArgs() that
/// adds the current directory to the include search paths.
static void applyActionOnCode(FrontendAction *ToolAction, StringRef Code) {
SmallString<128> CurrentDir;
// Add the current directory to the header search paths so angled includes can
// find them.
std::vector<std::string> Args;
// mapVirtualFile() needs absolute path for the input file as well.
SmallString<128> InputFile(CurrentDir);
sys::path::append(InputFile, "input.cc");
tooling::runToolOnCodeWithArgs(ToolAction, Code, Args, InputFile.str()));
namespace {
class TestAddIncludeAction : public PreprocessOnlyAction {
TestAddIncludeAction(StringRef Include, tooling::Replacements &Replaces,
const char *HeaderToModify = nullptr)
: Include(Include), Replaces(Replaces), HeaderToModify(HeaderToModify) {
// some headers that the tests can include
mapVirtualHeader("foo-inner.h", "#pragma once\n");
mapVirtualHeader("foo.h", "#pragma once\n"
"#include <foo-inner.h>\n");
mapVirtualHeader("bar-inner.h", "#pragma once\n");
mapVirtualHeader("bar.h", "#pragma once\n"
"#include <bar-inner.h>\n");
mapVirtualHeader("xmacro.def", "X(Val1)\n"
/// \brief Make \p FileName an absolute path.
/// Header files are mapped in the current working directory. The current
/// working directory is used because it's important to map files with
/// absolute paths.
/// When used in conjunction with \c applyActionOnCode() (which adds the
/// current working directory to the header search paths) it is possible to
/// refer to the headers by using '\<FileName\>'.
std::string makeHeaderFileName(StringRef FileName) const {
SmallString<128> Path;
std::error_code EC = llvm::sys::fs::current_path(Path);
sys::path::append(Path, FileName);
return Path.str().str();
/// \brief Map additional header files.
/// \sa makeHeaderFileName()
void mapVirtualHeader(StringRef FileName, StringRef Content) {
VFHelper.mapFile(makeHeaderFileName(FileName), Content);
bool BeginSourceFileAction(CompilerInstance &CI,
StringRef FileName) override {
if (!PreprocessOnlyAction::BeginSourceFileAction(CI, FileName))
return false;
FileToModify =
HeaderToModify ? makeHeaderFileName(HeaderToModify) : FileName.str();
FileIncludes.reset(new IncludeDirectives(CI));
return true;
void EndSourceFileAction() override {
const tooling::Replacement &Replace =
FileIncludes->addAngledInclude(FileToModify, Include);
if (Replace.isApplicable())
StringRef Include;
VirtualFileHelper VFHelper;
tooling::Replacements &Replaces;
std::unique_ptr<IncludeDirectives> FileIncludes;
std::string FileToModify;
// if non-null, add the include directives in this file instead of the main
// file.
const char *HeaderToModify;
std::string addIncludeInCode(StringRef Include, StringRef Code) {
tooling::Replacements Replaces;
applyActionOnCode(new TestAddIncludeAction(Include, Replaces), Code);
if (::testing::Test::HasFailure())
return "<<unexpected error from applyActionOnCode()>>";
return tooling::applyAllReplacements(Code, Replaces);
} // end anonymous namespace
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest2, endOfLinesVariants) {
EXPECT_EQ("#include <foo.h>\n"
"#include <bar>\n",
addIncludeInCode("bar", "#include <foo.h>\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("#include <foo.h>\r\n"
"#include <bar>\r\n",
addIncludeInCode("bar", "#include <foo.h>\r\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("#include <foo.h>\r"
"#include <bar>\r",
addIncludeInCode("bar", "#include <foo.h>\r"));
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, ppToken) {
EXPECT_EQ("#define FOO <foo.h>\n"
"#include FOO\n"
"#include <bar>\n"
"int i;\n",
addIncludeInCode("bar", "#define FOO <foo.h>\n"
"#include FOO\n"
"int i;\n"));
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, noFileHeader) {
EXPECT_EQ("#include <bar>\n"
"int foo;\n",
addIncludeInCode("bar", "int foo;\n"));
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, commentBeforeTopMostCode) {
EXPECT_EQ("#include <bar>\n"
"// Foo\n"
"int foo;\n",
addIncludeInCode("bar", "// Foo\n"
"int foo;\n"));
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, multiLineComment) {
EXPECT_EQ("#include <foo.h> /* \n */\n"
"#include <bar>\n",
addIncludeInCode("bar", "#include <foo.h> /* \n */\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("#include <foo.h> /* \n */"
"\n#include <bar>",
addIncludeInCode("bar", "#include <foo.h> /* \n */"));
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, multilineCommentWithTrailingSpace) {
EXPECT_EQ("#include <foo.h> /*\n*/ \n"
"#include <bar>\n",
addIncludeInCode("bar", "#include <foo.h> /*\n*/ \n"));
EXPECT_EQ("#include <foo.h> /*\n*/ "
"\n#include <bar>",
addIncludeInCode("bar", "#include <foo.h> /*\n*/ "));
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, fileHeaders) {
EXPECT_EQ("// this is a header\n"
"// some license stuff here\n"
"#include <bar>\n"
"/// \\brief Foo\n"
"int foo;\n",
addIncludeInCode("bar", "// this is a header\n"
"// some license stuff here\n"
"/// \\brief Foo\n"
"int foo;\n"));
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, preferablyAngledNextToAngled) {
EXPECT_EQ("#include <foo.h>\n"
"#include <bar>\n"
"#include \"bar.h\"\n",
addIncludeInCode("bar", "#include <foo.h>\n"
"#include \"bar.h\"\n"));
EXPECT_EQ("#include \"foo.h\"\n"
"#include \"bar.h\"\n"
"#include <bar>\n",
addIncludeInCode("bar", "#include \"foo.h\"\n"
"#include \"bar.h\"\n"));
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, avoidDuplicates) {
EXPECT_EQ("#include <foo.h>\n",
addIncludeInCode("foo.h", "#include <foo.h>\n"));
// Tests includes in the middle of the code are ignored.
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, ignoreHeadersMeantForMultipleInclusion) {
std::string Expected = "#include \"foo.h\"\n"
"#include <bar>\n"
"enum Kind {\n"
"#define X(A) K_##A,\n"
"#include \"xmacro.def\"\n"
"#undef X\n"
std::string Result = addIncludeInCode("bar", "#include \"foo.h\"\n"
"enum Kind {\n"
"#define X(A) K_##A,\n"
"#include \"xmacro.def\"\n"
"#undef X\n"
EXPECT_EQ(Expected, Result);
namespace {
TestAddIncludeAction *makeIndirectTestsAction(const char *HeaderToModify,
tooling::Replacements &Replaces) {
StringRef IncludeToAdd = "c.h";
TestAddIncludeAction *TestAction =
new TestAddIncludeAction(IncludeToAdd, Replaces, HeaderToModify);
TestAction->mapVirtualHeader("c.h", "#pragma once\n");
TestAction->mapVirtualHeader("a.h", "#pragma once\n"
"#include <c.h>\n");
TestAction->mapVirtualHeader("b.h", "#pragma once\n");
return TestAction;
} // end anonymous namespace
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, indirectIncludes) {
// In TestAddIncludeAction 'foo.h' includes 'foo-inner.h'. Check that we
// aren't including foo-inner.h again.
EXPECT_EQ("#include <foo.h>\n",
addIncludeInCode("foo-inner.h", "#include <foo.h>\n"));
tooling::Replacements Replaces;
StringRef Code = "#include <a.h>\n"
"#include <b.h>\n";
// a.h already includes c.h
FrontendAction *Action = makeIndirectTestsAction("a.h", Replaces);
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(applyActionOnCode(Action, Code));
EXPECT_EQ(unsigned(0), Replaces.size());
// c.h is included before b.h but b.h doesn't include c.h directly, so check
// that it will be inserted.
FrontendAction *Action = makeIndirectTestsAction("b.h", Replaces);
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(applyActionOnCode(Action, Code));
EXPECT_EQ("#include <c.h>\n\n\n",
tooling::applyAllReplacements("\n", Replaces));
/// \brief Convenience method to test header guards detection implementation.
static std::string addIncludeInGuardedHeader(StringRef IncludeToAdd,
StringRef GuardedHeaderCode) {
const char *GuardedHeaderName = "guarded.h";
tooling::Replacements Replaces;
TestAddIncludeAction *TestAction =
new TestAddIncludeAction(IncludeToAdd, Replaces, GuardedHeaderName);
TestAction->mapVirtualHeader(GuardedHeaderName, GuardedHeaderCode);
applyActionOnCode(TestAction, "#include <guarded.h>\n");
if (::testing::Test::HasFailure())
return "<<unexpected error from applyActionOnCode()>>";
return tooling::applyAllReplacements(GuardedHeaderCode, Replaces);
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, insertInsideIncludeGuard) {
EXPECT_EQ("#ifndef GUARD_H\n"
"#define GUARD_H\n"
"#include <foo>\n"
"struct foo {};\n"
"#endif // GUARD_H\n",
addIncludeInGuardedHeader("foo", "#ifndef GUARD_H\n"
"#define GUARD_H\n"
"struct foo {};\n"
"#endif // GUARD_H\n"));
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, guardAndHeader) {
EXPECT_EQ("// File header\n"
"#ifndef GUARD_H\n"
"#define GUARD_H\n"
"#include <foo>\n"
"struct foo {};\n"
"#endif // GUARD_H\n",
addIncludeInGuardedHeader("foo", "// File header\n"
"#ifndef GUARD_H\n"
"#define GUARD_H\n"
"struct foo {};\n"
"#endif // GUARD_H\n"));
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, fullHeaderFitsAsAPreamble) {
EXPECT_EQ("#ifndef GUARD_H\n"
"#define GUARD_H\n"
"#include <foo>\n"
"#define FOO 1\n"
"#endif // GUARD_H\n",
addIncludeInGuardedHeader("foo", "#ifndef GUARD_H\n"
"#define GUARD_H\n"
"#define FOO 1\n"
"#endif // GUARD_H\n"));
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, codeBeforeIfndef) {
EXPECT_EQ("#include <foo>\n"
"int bar;\n"
"#ifndef GUARD_H\n"
"#define GUARD_H\n"
"struct foo;"
"#endif // GUARD_H\n",
addIncludeInGuardedHeader("foo", "int bar;\n"
"#ifndef GUARD_H\n"
"#define GUARD_H\n"
"struct foo;"
"#endif // GUARD_H\n"));
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, codeAfterEndif) {
EXPECT_EQ("#include <foo>\n"
"#ifndef GUARD_H\n"
"#define GUARD_H\n"
"struct foo;"
"#endif // GUARD_H\n"
"int bar;\n",
addIncludeInGuardedHeader("foo", "#ifndef GUARD_H\n"
"#define GUARD_H\n"
"struct foo;"
"#endif // GUARD_H\n"
"int bar;\n"));
TEST(IncludeDirectivesTest, headerGuardWithInclude) {
EXPECT_EQ("#ifndef GUARD_H\n"
"#define GUARD_H\n"
"#include <bar.h>\n"
"#include <foo>\n"
"struct foo;\n"
"#endif // GUARD_H\n",
addIncludeInGuardedHeader("foo", "#ifndef GUARD_H\n"
"#define GUARD_H\n"
"#include <bar.h>\n"
"struct foo;\n"
"#endif // GUARD_H\n"));