
523 lines
15 KiB

* $Revision: 42181 $
* $Date: 2013-03-26 15:04:45 -0500 (Tue, 26 Mar 2013) $
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <strstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
typedef std::string string_t;
typedef std::vector< string_t > strings_t;
typedef std::map< string_t, string_t > str_hash_t;
typedef std::pair< string_t, string_t > str_pair_t;
#ifdef _WIN32
typedef long long int64_t;
shift( strings_t & strs ) {
string_t first = strs.front();
strs.erase( strs.begin() );
return first;
} // shift
str_hash_t const & hash,
string_t const & key
) {
string_t value;
str_hash_t::const_iterator it = hash.find( key );
if ( it != hash.end() ) {
value = it->second;
}; // if
return value;
} // find
void die( string_t const & message ) {
std::cerr << message << std::endl;
exit( 1 );
} // die
void stop( string_t const & message ) {
printf( "%s\n", message.c_str() );
exit( 1 );
// An entry in the symbol table of a .obj file.
struct symbol_t {
long long name;
unsigned value;
unsigned short section_num;
unsigned short type;
char storage_class;
char nAux;
}; // struct symbol_t
class _rstream_t : public std::istrstream {
const char * buf;
_rstream_t( pair< const char *, streamsize > p )
: istrstream( p.first, p.second ), buf( p.first )
~_rstream_t() {
delete [] buf;
}; // class _rstream_t
/* A stream encapuslating the content of a file or the content of a string, overriding the
>> operator to read various integer types in binary form, as well as a symbol table
class rstream_t : public _rstream_t {
template< typename type_t >
inline rstream_t & do_read( type_t & x ) {
read( (char*) & x, sizeof( type_t ) );
return * this;
static pair<const char*, streamsize> getBuf(const char *fileName) {
ifstream raw(fileName,ios::binary | ios::in);
stop("rstream.getBuf: Error opening file");
streampos fileSize = raw.tellg();
if(fileSize < 0)
stop("rstream.getBuf: Error reading file");
char *buf = new char[fileSize];
raw.read(buf, fileSize);
return pair<const char*, streamsize>(buf,fileSize);
// construct from a string
rstream_t( const char * buf, streamsize size ) :
_rstream_t( pair< const char *, streamsize >( buf, size ) )
/* construct from a file whole content is fully read once to initialize the content of
this stream
rstream_t( string_t const & fileName )
: _rstream_t( getBuf( fileName.c_str() ) )
rstream_t & operator >>( int & x ) {
return do_read(x);
rstream_t & operator >>(unsigned &x) {
return do_read(x);
rstream_t & operator>>(short &x) {
return do_read(x);
rstream_t & operator>>(unsigned short &x) {
return do_read(x);
rstream_t & operator>>( symbol_t & e ) {
read((char*)&e, 18);
return *this;
}; // class rstream_t
// string table in a .OBJ file
class StringTable {
map<string, unsigned> directory;
size_t length;
char *data;
// make <directory> from <length> bytes in <data>
void makeDirectory(void) {
unsigned i = 4;
while(i < length) {
string s = string(data + i);
directory.insert(make_pair(s, i));
i += s.size() + 1;
// initialize <length> and <data> with contents specified by the arguments
void init(const char *_data) {
unsigned _length = *(unsigned*)_data;
if(_length < sizeof(unsigned) || _length != *(unsigned*)_data)
stop("StringTable.init: Invalid symbol table");
if(_data[_length - 1]) {
// to prevent runaway strings, make sure the data ends with a zero
data = new char[length = _length + 1];
data[_length] = 0;
} else {
data = new char[length = _length];
*(unsigned*)data = length;
memcpy( data + sizeof(unsigned), _data + sizeof(unsigned), length - sizeof(unsigned) );
StringTable( rstream_t & f ) {
/* Construct string table by reading from f.
streampos s;
unsigned strSize;
char *strData;
s = f.tellg();
if(strSize < sizeof(unsigned))
stop("StringTable: Invalid string table");
strData = new char[strSize];
*(unsigned*)strData = strSize;
// read the raw data into <strData>
f.read(strData + sizeof(unsigned), strSize - sizeof(unsigned));
s = f.tellg() - s;
if(s < strSize)
stop("StringTable: Unexpected EOF");
StringTable(const set<string> &strings) {
/* Construct string table from given strings.
char *p;
set<string>::const_iterator it;
size_t s;
// count required size for data
for(length = sizeof(unsigned), it = strings.begin(); it != strings.end(); ++it) {
size_t l = (*it).size();
if(l > (unsigned) 0xFFFFFFFF)
stop("StringTable: String too long");
if(l > 8) {
length += l + 1;
if(length > (unsigned) 0xFFFFFFFF)
stop("StringTable: Symbol table too long");
data = new char[length];
*(unsigned*)data = length;
// populate data and directory
for(p = data + sizeof(unsigned), it = strings.begin(); it != strings.end(); ++it) {
const string &str = *it;
size_t l = str.size();
if(l > 8) {
directory.insert(make_pair(str, p - data));
memcpy(p, str.c_str(), l);
p[l] = 0;
p += l + 1;
~StringTable() {
delete[] data;
/* Returns encoding for given string based on this string table.
Error if string length is greater than 8 but string is not in
the string table--returns 0.
int64_t encode(const string &str) {
int64_t r;
if(str.size() <= 8) {
// encoded directly
((char*)&r)[7] = 0;
strncpy((char*)&r, str.c_str(), 8);
return r;
} else {
// represented as index into table
map<string,unsigned>::const_iterator it = directory.find(str);
if(it == directory.end())
stop("StringTable::encode: String now found in string table");
((unsigned*)&r)[0] = 0;
((unsigned*)&r)[1] = (*it).second;
return r;
/* Returns string represented by x based on this string table.
Error if x references an invalid position in the table--returns
the empty string.
string decode(int64_t x) const {
if(*(unsigned*)&x == 0) {
// represented as index into table
unsigned &p = ((unsigned*)&x)[1];
if(p >= length)
stop("StringTable::decode: Invalid string table lookup");
return string(data + p);
} else {
// encoded directly
char *p = (char*)&x;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 8 && p[i]; ++i);
return string(p, i);
void write(ostream &os) {
os.write(data, length);
string_t const & src, // Name of source file.
string_t const & dst, // Name of destination file.
str_hash_t const & redefs // List of redefinititions.
) {
set< string > strings; // set of all occurring symbols, appropriately prefixed
streampos fileSize;
size_t strTabStart;
unsigned symTabStart;
unsigned symNEntries;
int i;
string const error_reading = "Error reading \"" + src + "\" file: ";
rstream_t in( src );
in.seekg( 0, ios::end );
fileSize = in.tellg();
in.seekg( 8 );
in >> symTabStart >> symNEntries;
strTabStart = symTabStart + 18 * size_t( symNEntries );
in.seekg( strTabStart );
if ( in.eof() ) {
stop( error_reading + "Unexpected end of file" );
StringTable stringTableOld( in ); // Read original string table.
if ( in.tellg() != fileSize ) {
stop( error_reading + "Unexpected data after string table" );
// compute set of occurring strings with prefix added
for ( i = 0; i < symNEntries; ++ i ) {
symbol_t e;
in.seekg( symTabStart + i * 18 );
if ( in.eof() ) {
stop("hideSymbols: Unexpected EOF");
in >> e;
if ( in.fail() ) {
stop("hideSymbols: File read error");
if ( e.nAux ) {
i += e.nAux;
const string & s = stringTableOld.decode( e.name );
// if symbol is extern and found in <hide>, prefix and insert into strings,
// otherwise, just insert into strings without prefix
string_t name = find( redefs, s );
strings.insert( name != "" && e.storage_class == 2 ? name : s );
ofstream out( dst.c_str(), ios::trunc | ios::out | ios::binary );
if ( ! out.is_open() ) {
stop("hideSymbols: Error opening output file");
// make new string table from string set
StringTable stringTableNew = StringTable( strings );
// copy input file to output file up to just before the symbol table
in.seekg( 0 );
char * buf = new char[ symTabStart ];
in.read( buf, symTabStart );
out.write( buf, symTabStart );
delete [] buf;
// copy input symbol table to output symbol table with name translation
for ( i = 0; i < symNEntries; ++ i ) {
symbol_t e;
in.seekg( symTabStart + i * 18 );
if ( in.eof() ) {
stop("hideSymbols: Unexpected EOF");
in >> e;
if ( in.fail() ) {
stop("hideSymbols: File read error");
const string & s = stringTableOld.decode( e.name );
out.seekp( symTabStart + i * 18 );
string_t name = find( redefs, s );
e.name = stringTableNew.encode( ( e.storage_class == 2 && name != "" ) ? name : s );
out.write( (char*) & e, 18 );
if ( out.fail() ) {
stop( "hideSymbols: File write error" );
if ( e.nAux ) {
// copy auxiliary symbol table entries
int nAux = e.nAux;
for (int j = 1; j <= nAux; ++j ) {
in >> e;
out.seekp( symTabStart + ( i + j ) * 18 );
out.write( (char*) & e, 18 );
i += nAux;
// output string table
stringTableNew.write( out );
split( string_t const & str, char ch, string_t & head, string_t & tail ) {
string_t::size_type pos = str.find( ch );
if ( pos == string_t::npos ) {
head = str;
tail = "";
} else {
head = str.substr( 0, pos );
tail = str.substr( pos + 1 );
}; // if
} // split
void help() {
<< "NAME\n"
<< " objcopy -- copy and translate object files\n"
<< "\n"
<< " objcopy options... source destination\n"
<< "\n"
<< "OPTIONS\n"
<< " --help Print this help and exit.\n"
<< " --redefine-sym old=new\n"
<< " Rename \"old\" symbol in source object file to \"new\" symbol in\n"
<< " destination object file.\n"
<< " --redefine-syms sym_file\n"
<< " For each pair \"old new\" in sym_file rename \"old\" symbol in \n"
<< " source object file to \"new\" symbol in destination object file.\n"
<< "\n"
<< " source The name of source object file.\n"
<< " destination\n"
<< " The name of destination object file.\n"
<< "\n"
<< " This program implements a minor bit of Linux* OS's objcopy utility on Windows* OS.\n"
<< " It can copy object files and edit its symbol table.\n"
<< "\n"
<< " \n"
<< " > objcopy --redefine-sym fastcpy=__xxx_fastcpy a.obj b.obj\n"
<< "\n";
} // help
main( int argc, char const * argv[] ) {
strings_t args( argc - 1 );
str_hash_t redefs;
strings_t files;
std::copy( argv + 1, argv + argc, args.begin() );
while ( args.size() > 0 ) {
string_t arg = shift( args );
if ( arg.substr( 0, 2 ) == "--" ) {
// An option.
if ( 0 ) {
} else if ( arg == "--help" ) {
return 0;
} else if ( arg == "--redefine-sym" ) {
if ( args.size() == 0 ) {
die( "\"" + arg + "\" option requires an argument" );
}; // if
// read list of symbol pairs "old new" from command line.
string_t redef = shift( args );
string_t old_sym;
string_t new_sym;
split( redef, '=', old_sym, new_sym );
if ( old_sym.length() == 0 || new_sym.length() == 0 ) {
die( "Illegal redefinition: \"" + redef + "\"; neither old symbol nor new symbol may be empty" );
}; // if
redefs.insert( str_pair_t( old_sym, new_sym ) );
} else if ( arg == "--redefine-syms" ) {
if ( args.size() == 0 ) {
die( "\"" + arg + "\" option requires an argument" );
}; // if
// read list of symbol pairs "old new" from file.
string_t fname = shift( args );
string_t redef;
ifstream ifs( fname.c_str() );
while ( ifs.good() ) {
getline( ifs, redef );// get pair of old/new symbols separated by space
string_t old_sym;
string_t new_sym;
// AC: gcount() does not work here (always return 0), so comment it
//if ( ifs.gcount() ) { // skip empty lines
split( redef, ' ', old_sym, new_sym );
if ( old_sym.length() == 0 || new_sym.length() == 0 ) {
break; // end of file reached (last empty line)
//die( "Illegal redefinition: \"" + redef + "\"; neither old symbol nor new symbol may be empty" );
}; // if
redefs.insert( str_pair_t( old_sym, new_sym ) );
} else {
die( "Illegal option: \"" + arg + "\"" );
}; // if
} else {
// Not an option, a file name.
if ( files.size() >= 2 ) {
die( "Too many files specified; two files required (use --help option for help)" );
}; // if
files.push_back( arg );
}; // if
}; // while
if ( files.size() < 2 ) {
die( "Not enough files specified; two files required (use --help option for help)" );
}; // if
obj_copy( files[ 0 ], files[ 1 ], redefs );
return 0;
} // main
// end of file //