
326 lines
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//===-- IncludeFixer.cpp - Include inserter based on sema callbacks -------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "IncludeFixer.h"
#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Parse/ParseAST.h"
#include "clang/Sema/ExternalSemaSource.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "include-fixer"
using namespace clang;
namespace clang {
namespace include_fixer {
namespace {
/// Manages the parse, gathers include suggestions.
class Action : public clang::ASTFrontendAction,
public clang::ExternalSemaSource {
explicit Action(SymbolIndexManager &SymbolIndexMgr, bool MinimizeIncludePaths)
: SymbolIndexMgr(SymbolIndexMgr),
MinimizeIncludePaths(MinimizeIncludePaths) {}
CreateASTConsumer(clang::CompilerInstance &Compiler,
StringRef InFile) override {
Filename = InFile;
return llvm::make_unique<clang::ASTConsumer>();
void ExecuteAction() override {
clang::CompilerInstance *Compiler = &getCompilerInstance();
assert(!Compiler->hasSema() && "CI already has Sema");
// Set up our hooks into sema and parse the AST.
if (hasCodeCompletionSupport() &&
clang::CodeCompleteConsumer *CompletionConsumer = nullptr;
if (Compiler->hasCodeCompletionConsumer())
CompletionConsumer = &Compiler->getCodeCompletionConsumer();
Compiler->createSema(getTranslationUnitKind(), CompletionConsumer);
clang::ParseAST(Compiler->getSema(), Compiler->getFrontendOpts().ShowStats,
/// Callback for incomplete types. If we encounter a forward declaration we
/// have the fully qualified name ready. Just query that.
bool MaybeDiagnoseMissingCompleteType(clang::SourceLocation Loc,
clang::QualType T) override {
// Ignore spurious callbacks from SFINAE contexts.
if (getCompilerInstance().getSema().isSFINAEContext())
return false;
clang::ASTContext &context = getCompilerInstance().getASTContext();
query(T.getUnqualifiedType().getAsString(context.getPrintingPolicy()), Loc);
return false;
/// Callback for unknown identifiers. Try to piece together as much
/// qualification as we can get and do a query.
clang::TypoCorrection CorrectTypo(const DeclarationNameInfo &Typo,
int LookupKind, Scope *S, CXXScopeSpec *SS,
CorrectionCandidateCallback &CCC,
DeclContext *MemberContext,
bool EnteringContext,
const ObjCObjectPointerType *OPT) override {
// Ignore spurious callbacks from SFINAE contexts.
if (getCompilerInstance().getSema().isSFINAEContext())
return clang::TypoCorrection();
// We currently ignore the unidentified symbol which is not from the
// main file.
// However, this is not always true due to templates in a non-self contained
// header, consider the case:
// // header.h
// template <typename T>
// class Foo {
// T t;
// };
// // test.cc
// // We need to add <bar.h> in test.cc instead of header.h.
// class Bar;
// Foo<Bar> foo;
// FIXME: Add the missing header to the header file where the symbol comes
// from.
if (!getCompilerInstance().getSourceManager().isWrittenInMainFile(
return clang::TypoCorrection();
std::string TypoScopeString;
if (S) {
// FIXME: Currently we only use namespace contexts. Use other context
// types for query.
for (const auto *Context = S->getEntity(); Context;
Context = Context->getParent()) {
if (const auto *ND = dyn_cast<NamespaceDecl>(Context)) {
if (!ND->getName().empty())
TypoScopeString = ND->getNameAsString() + "::" + TypoScopeString;
auto ExtendNestedNameSpecifier = [this](CharSourceRange Range) {
StringRef Source =
Lexer::getSourceText(Range, getCompilerInstance().getSourceManager(),
// Skip forward until we find a character that's neither identifier nor
// colon. This is a bit of a hack around the fact that we will only get a
// single callback for a long nested name if a part of the beginning is
// unknown. For example:
// llvm::sys::path::parent_path(...)
// ^~~~ ^~~
// known
// ^~~~
// unknown, last callback
// ^~~~~~~~~~~
// no callback
// With the extension we get the full nested name specifier including
// parent_path.
// FIXME: Don't rely on source text.
const char *End = Source.end();
while (isIdentifierBody(*End) || *End == ':')
return std::string(Source.begin(), End);
/// If we have a scope specification, use that to get more precise results.
std::string QueryString;
if (SS && SS->getRange().isValid()) {
auto Range = CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(SS->getRange().getBegin(),
QueryString = ExtendNestedNameSpecifier(Range);
} else if (Typo.getName().isIdentifier() && !Typo.getLoc().isMacroID()) {
auto Range =
CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(Typo.getBeginLoc(), Typo.getEndLoc());
QueryString = ExtendNestedNameSpecifier(Range);
} else {
QueryString = Typo.getAsString();
// Follow C++ Lookup rules. Firstly, lookup the identifier with scoped
// namespace contexts. If fails, falls back to identifier.
// For example:
// namespace a {
// b::foo f;
// }
// 1. lookup a::b::foo.
// 2. lookup b::foo.
if (!query(TypoScopeString + QueryString, Typo.getLoc()))
query(QueryString, Typo.getLoc());
// FIXME: We should just return the name we got as input here and prevent
// clang from trying to correct the typo by itself. That may change the
// identifier to something that's not wanted by the user.
return clang::TypoCorrection();
StringRef filename() const { return Filename; }
/// Get the minimal include for a given path.
std::string minimizeInclude(StringRef Include,
const clang::SourceManager &SourceManager,
clang::HeaderSearch &HeaderSearch) {
if (!MinimizeIncludePaths)
return Include;
// Get the FileEntry for the include.
StringRef StrippedInclude = Include.trim("\"<>");
const FileEntry *Entry =
// If the file doesn't exist return the path from the database.
// FIXME: This should never happen.
if (!Entry)
return Include;
bool IsSystem;
std::string Suggestion =
HeaderSearch.suggestPathToFileForDiagnostics(Entry, &IsSystem);
return IsSystem ? '<' + Suggestion + '>' : '"' + Suggestion + '"';
/// Get the include fixer context for the queried symbol.
getIncludeFixerContext(const clang::SourceManager &SourceManager,
clang::HeaderSearch &HeaderSearch) {
IncludeFixerContext FixerContext;
FixerContext.SymbolIdentifier = QuerySymbol;
for (const auto &Header : SymbolQueryResults)
minimizeInclude(Header, SourceManager, HeaderSearch));
return FixerContext;
/// Query the database for a given identifier.
bool query(StringRef Query, SourceLocation Loc) {
assert(!Query.empty() && "Empty query!");
// Skip other identifers once we have discovered an identfier successfully.
if (!SymbolQueryResults.empty())
return false;
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Looking up '" << Query << "' at ");
DEBUG(Loc.print(llvm::dbgs(), getCompilerInstance().getSourceManager()));
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " ...");
QuerySymbol = Query.str();
SymbolQueryResults = SymbolIndexMgr.search(Query);
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << SymbolQueryResults.size() << " replies\n");
return !SymbolQueryResults.empty();
/// The client to use to find cross-references.
SymbolIndexManager &SymbolIndexMgr;
/// The absolute path to the file being processed.
std::string Filename;
/// The symbol being queried.
std::string QuerySymbol;
/// The query results of an identifier. We only include the first discovered
/// identifier to avoid getting caught in results from error recovery.
std::vector<std::string> SymbolQueryResults;
/// Whether we should use the smallest possible include path.
bool MinimizeIncludePaths = true;
} // namespace
SymbolIndexManager &SymbolIndexMgr, IncludeFixerContext &Context,
StringRef StyleName, bool MinimizeIncludePaths)
: SymbolIndexMgr(SymbolIndexMgr), Context(Context),
MinimizeIncludePaths(MinimizeIncludePaths) {}
IncludeFixerActionFactory::~IncludeFixerActionFactory() = default;
bool IncludeFixerActionFactory::runInvocation(
clang::CompilerInvocation *Invocation, clang::FileManager *Files,
std::shared_ptr<clang::PCHContainerOperations> PCHContainerOps,
clang::DiagnosticConsumer *Diagnostics) {
assert(Invocation->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.size() == 1);
// Set up Clang.
clang::CompilerInstance Compiler(PCHContainerOps);
// Create the compiler's actual diagnostics engine. We want to drop all
// diagnostics here.
Compiler.createDiagnostics(new clang::IgnoringDiagConsumer,
// We abort on fatal errors so don't let a large number of errors become
// fatal. A missing #include can cause thousands of errors.
// Run the parser, gather missing includes.
auto ScopedToolAction =
llvm::make_unique<Action>(SymbolIndexMgr, MinimizeIncludePaths);
Context = ScopedToolAction->getIncludeFixerContext(
// Technically this should only return true if we're sure that we have a
// parseable file. We don't know that though. Only inform users of fatal
// errors.
return !Compiler.getDiagnostics().hasFatalErrorOccurred();
createInsertHeaderReplacements(StringRef Code, StringRef FilePath,
StringRef Header,
const clang::format::FormatStyle &Style) {
if (Header.empty())
return tooling::Replacements();
std::string IncludeName = "#include " + Header.str() + "\n";
// Create replacements for the new header.
clang::tooling::Replacements Insertions = {
tooling::Replacement(FilePath, UINT_MAX, 0, IncludeName)};
return formatReplacements(
Code, cleanupAroundReplacements(Code, Insertions, Style), Style);
} // namespace include_fixer
} // namespace clang