
15 lines
578 B

# Verify that lld can handle multiple input files.
# RUN: yaml2obj %p/Inputs/main.obj.yaml > %t1.obj
# RUN: yaml2obj %p/Inputs/static-data1.obj.yaml > %t2.obj
# RUN: yaml2obj %p/Inputs/static-data2.obj.yaml > %t3.obj
# RUN: lld -flavor link /out:%t1 /subsystem:console /entry:_main /opt:noref \
# RUN: -- %t1.obj %t2.obj %t3.obj && llvm-objdump -d %t1 | FileCheck %s
CHECK: Disassembly of section .text:
CHECK: .text:
CHECK: 1000: a1 04 20 40 00 movl 4202500, %eax
CHECK: 1005: 03 05 00 20 40 00 addl 4202496, %eax
CHECK: 100b: c3 ret