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// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -triple=x86_64-apple-darwin10 -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s
// Check that IR gen doesn't try to do an lvalue-to-rvalue conversion
// on a volatile reference result. rdar://problem/8338198
namespace test0 {
struct A {
A(const A& t);
A& operator=(const A& t);
volatile A& operator=(const volatile A& t) volatile;
volatile A *array;
// CHECK: define void @_ZN5test04testENS_1AE(
void test(A t) {
// CHECK: [[ARR:%.*]] = load [[A:%.*]]** @_ZN5test05arrayE, align 8
// CHECK-NEXT: [[IDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[A]]* [[ARR]], i64 0
// CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP:%.*]] = call [[A]]* @_ZNV5test01AaSERVKS0_([[A]]* [[IDX]], [[A]]* [[T:%.*]])
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
array[0] = t;
namespace test1 {
volatile int *x;
// CHECK: define void @_ZN5test14testEv()
void test() {
// CHECK: [[TMP:%.*]] = load i32** @_ZN5test11xE, align 8
// *** FIXME: no! bad! should not be loaded! ***
// CHECK-NEXT: [[TMP1:%.*]] = volatile load i32* [[TMP]]
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void