
75 lines
2.0 KiB

// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
struct x {
static int y;
#pragma GCC visibility pop
int x::y = 10;
// CHECK: @_ZN1x1yE = hidden global
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
struct __attribute((visibility("default"))) x2 {
static int y;
int x2::y = 10;
// CHECK: @_ZN2x21yE = global
#pragma GCC visibility pop
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
struct x3 {
static int y;
} __attribute((visibility("default")));
int x3::y = 10;
// CHECK: @_ZN2x31yE = global
#pragma GCC visibility pop
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
template<class T> struct x4 {
static int y;
#pragma GCC visibility pop
template<> int x4<int>::y = 10;
// CHECK: @_ZN2x4IiE1yE = hidden global i32
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
template<int x> int f() { return x; }
extern "C" int g() { return f<3>(); }
#pragma GCC visibility pop
// CHECK: define hidden i32 @g()
// CHECK: define linkonce_odr hidden i32 @_Z1fILi3EEiv()
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
template<class T> struct x5 {
void y();
#pragma GCC visibility pop
template<> void x5<int>::y() {}
// CHECK: define hidden void @_ZN2x5IiE1yEv
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
namespace n __attribute((visibility("default"))) {
void f() {}
// CHECK: define void @_ZN1n1fEv
#pragma GCC visibility pop
namespace n __attribute((visibility("default"))) {
extern int foofoo; // FIXME: Shouldn't be necessary, but otherwise the pragma
// gets to Sema before the namespace!
#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)
void g() {}
// CHECK: define hidden void @_ZN1n1gEv
#pragma GCC visibility pop
// We used to test this, but it's insane, so unless it happens in
// headers, we should not support it.
namespace n __attribute((visibility("hidden"))) {
extern int foofoo; // FIXME: Shouldn't be necessary, but otherwise the pragma
// gets to Sema before the namespace!
#pragma GCC visibility pop
void h() {}
// CHECK disabled: define void @_ZN1n1hEv