
201 lines
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//===--- Sema.h - Semantic Analysis & AST Building --------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by Chris Lattner and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the Sema class, which performs semantic analysis and
// builds ASTs.
#include "clang/Parse/Action.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
namespace llvm {
namespace clang {
class ASTContext;
class Preprocessor;
class Decl;
class VarDecl;
class TypeRef;
class LangOptions;
class FunctionDecl;
class DeclaratorChunk;
/// Sema - This implements semantic analysis and AST building for C.
class Sema : public Action {
ASTContext &Context;
/// CurFunctionDecl - If inside of a function body, this contains a pointer to
/// the function decl for the function being parsed.
FunctionDecl *CurFunctionDecl;
/// LastInGroupList - This vector is populated when there are multiple
/// declarators in a single decl group (e.g. "int A, B, C"). In this case,
/// all but the last decl will be entered into this. This is used by the
/// ASTStreamer.
std::vector<Decl*> &LastInGroupList;
Sema(ASTContext &ctx, std::vector<Decl*> &prevInGroup)
: Context(ctx), CurFunctionDecl(0), LastInGroupList(prevInGroup) {
const LangOptions &getLangOptions() const;
void Diag(SourceLocation Loc, unsigned DiagID,
const std::string &Msg = std::string());
// Type Analysis / Processing: SemaType.cpp.
TypeRef GetTypeForDeclarator(Declarator &D, Scope *S);
virtual TypeResult ParseTypeName(Scope *S, Declarator &D);
virtual TypeResult ParseParamDeclaratorType(Scope *S, Declarator &D);
// Symbol table / Decl tracking callbacks: SemaDecl.cpp.
virtual DeclTy *isTypeName(const IdentifierInfo &II, Scope *S) const;
virtual DeclTy *ParseDeclarator(Scope *S, Declarator &D, ExprTy *Init,
DeclTy *LastInGroup);
VarDecl *ParseParamDeclarator(DeclaratorChunk &FI, unsigned ArgNo,
Scope *FnBodyScope);
virtual DeclTy *ParseStartOfFunctionDef(Scope *S, Declarator &D);
virtual DeclTy *ParseFunctionDefBody(DeclTy *Decl, StmtTy *Body);
virtual void PopScope(SourceLocation Loc, Scope *S);
Decl *ParseTypedefDecl(Scope *S, Declarator &D);
/// ParsedFreeStandingDeclSpec - This method is invoked when a declspec with
/// no declarator (e.g. "struct foo;") is parsed.
virtual DeclTy *ParsedFreeStandingDeclSpec(Scope *S, DeclSpec &DS);
Decl *ImplicitlyDefineFunction(SourceLocation Loc, IdentifierInfo &II,
Scope *S);
virtual DeclTy *ParseTag(Scope *S, unsigned TagType, TagKind TK,
SourceLocation KWLoc, IdentifierInfo *Name,
SourceLocation NameLoc);
// Statement Parsing Callbacks: SemaStmt.cpp.
virtual StmtResult ParseCompoundStmt(SourceLocation L, SourceLocation R,
StmtTy **Elts, unsigned NumElts);
virtual StmtResult ParseExprStmt(ExprTy *Expr) {
return Expr; // Exprs are Stmts.
virtual StmtResult ParseCaseStmt(SourceLocation CaseLoc, ExprTy *LHSVal,
SourceLocation DotDotDotLoc, ExprTy *RHSVal,
SourceLocation ColonLoc, StmtTy *SubStmt);
virtual StmtResult ParseDefaultStmt(SourceLocation DefaultLoc,
SourceLocation ColonLoc, StmtTy *SubStmt);
virtual StmtResult ParseLabelStmt(SourceLocation IdentLoc, IdentifierInfo *II,
SourceLocation ColonLoc, StmtTy *SubStmt);
virtual StmtResult ParseIfStmt(SourceLocation IfLoc, ExprTy *CondVal,
StmtTy *ThenVal, SourceLocation ElseLoc,
StmtTy *ElseVal);
virtual StmtResult ParseSwitchStmt(SourceLocation SwitchLoc, ExprTy *Cond,
StmtTy *Body);
virtual StmtResult ParseWhileStmt(SourceLocation WhileLoc, ExprTy *Cond,
StmtTy *Body);
virtual StmtResult ParseDoStmt(SourceLocation DoLoc, StmtTy *Body,
SourceLocation WhileLoc, ExprTy *Cond);
virtual StmtResult ParseForStmt(SourceLocation ForLoc,
SourceLocation LParenLoc,
StmtTy *First, ExprTy *Second, ExprTy *Third,
SourceLocation RParenLoc, StmtTy *Body);
virtual StmtResult ParseGotoStmt(SourceLocation GotoLoc,
SourceLocation LabelLoc,
IdentifierInfo *LabelII);
virtual StmtResult ParseIndirectGotoStmt(SourceLocation GotoLoc,
SourceLocation StarLoc,
ExprTy *DestExp);
virtual StmtResult ParseContinueStmt(SourceLocation ContinueLoc,
Scope *CurScope);
virtual StmtResult ParseBreakStmt(SourceLocation GotoLoc, Scope *CurScope);
virtual StmtResult ParseReturnStmt(SourceLocation ReturnLoc,
ExprTy *RetValExp);
// Expression Parsing Callbacks: SemaExpr.cpp.
// Primary Expressions.
virtual ExprResult ParseIdentifierExpr(Scope *S, SourceLocation Loc,
IdentifierInfo &II,
bool HasTrailingLParen);
virtual ExprResult ParseSimplePrimaryExpr(SourceLocation Loc,
tok::TokenKind Kind);
virtual ExprResult ParseIntegerConstant(SourceLocation Loc);
virtual ExprResult ParseFloatingConstant(SourceLocation Loc);
virtual ExprResult ParseParenExpr(SourceLocation L, SourceLocation R,
ExprTy *Val);
/// ParseStringExpr - The specified tokens were lexed as pasted string
/// fragments (e.g. "foo" "bar" L"baz").
virtual ExprResult ParseStringExpr(const LexerToken *Toks, unsigned NumToks);
// Binary/Unary Operators. 'Tok' is the token for the operator.
virtual ExprResult ParseUnaryOp(SourceLocation OpLoc, tok::TokenKind Op,
ExprTy *Input);
virtual ExprResult
ParseSizeOfAlignOfTypeExpr(SourceLocation OpLoc, bool isSizeof,
SourceLocation LParenLoc, TypeTy *Ty,
SourceLocation RParenLoc);
virtual ExprResult ParsePostfixUnaryOp(SourceLocation OpLoc,
tok::TokenKind Kind, ExprTy *Input);
virtual ExprResult ParseArraySubscriptExpr(ExprTy *Base, SourceLocation LLoc,
ExprTy *Idx, SourceLocation RLoc);
virtual ExprResult ParseMemberReferenceExpr(ExprTy *Base,SourceLocation OpLoc,
tok::TokenKind OpKind,
SourceLocation MemberLoc,
IdentifierInfo &Member);
/// ParseCallExpr - Handle a call to Fn with the specified array of arguments.
/// This provides the location of the left/right parens and a list of comma
/// locations.
virtual ExprResult ParseCallExpr(ExprTy *Fn, SourceLocation LParenLoc,
ExprTy **Args, unsigned NumArgs,
SourceLocation *CommaLocs,
SourceLocation RParenLoc);
virtual ExprResult ParseCastExpr(SourceLocation LParenLoc, TypeTy *Ty,
SourceLocation RParenLoc, ExprTy *Op);
virtual ExprResult ParseBinOp(SourceLocation TokLoc, tok::TokenKind Kind,
ExprTy *LHS,ExprTy *RHS);
/// ParseConditionalOp - Parse a ?: operation. Note that 'LHS' may be null
/// in the case of a the GNU conditional expr extension.
virtual ExprResult ParseConditionalOp(SourceLocation QuestionLoc,
SourceLocation ColonLoc,
ExprTy *Cond, ExprTy *LHS, ExprTy *RHS);
/// ParseCXXCasts - Parse {dynamic,static,reinterpret,const}_cast's.
virtual ExprResult ParseCXXCasts(SourceLocation OpLoc, tok::TokenKind Kind,
SourceLocation LAngleBracketLoc, TypeTy *Ty,
SourceLocation RAngleBracketLoc,
SourceLocation LParenLoc, ExprTy *E,
SourceLocation RParenLoc);
} // end namespace clang
} // end namespace llvm