
281 lines
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//===-- GoParserTest.cpp ------------------------------------------*- C++
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_HAS_EXCEPTIONS == 0)
// Workaround for MSVC standard library bug, which fails to include <thread>
// when
// exceptions are disabled.
#include <eh.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "Plugins/ExpressionParser/Go/GoParser.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Error.h"
using namespace lldb_private;
namespace {
struct ASTPrinter {
ASTPrinter(GoASTNode *n) { (*this)(n); }
void operator()(GoASTNode *n) {
if (n == nullptr) {
m_stream << "nil ";
m_stream << "(" << n->GetKindName() << " ";
if (auto *nn = llvm::dyn_cast<GoASTAssignStmt>(n))
m_stream << nn->GetDefine() << " ";
if (auto *nn = llvm::dyn_cast<GoASTBasicLit>(n))
m_stream << nn->GetValue().m_value.str() << " ";
if (auto *nn = llvm::dyn_cast<GoASTBinaryExpr>(n))
m_stream << GoLexer::LookupToken(nn->GetOp()).str() << " ";
if (auto *nn = llvm::dyn_cast<GoASTIdent>(n))
m_stream << nn->GetName().m_value.str() << " ";
if (auto *nn = llvm::dyn_cast<GoASTBranchStmt>(n))
m_stream << GoLexer::LookupToken(nn->GetTok()).str() << " ";
if (auto *nn = llvm::dyn_cast<GoASTCallExpr>(n))
m_stream << (nn->GetEllipsis() ? "..." : "") << " ";
if (auto *nn = llvm::dyn_cast<GoASTChanType>(n))
m_stream << nn->GetDir() << " ";
if (auto *nn = llvm::dyn_cast<GoASTGenDecl>(n))
m_stream << GoLexer::LookupToken(nn->GetTok()).str() << " ";
if (auto *nn = llvm::dyn_cast<GoASTIncDecStmt>(n))
m_stream << GoLexer::LookupToken(nn->GetTok()).str() << " ";
if (auto *nn = llvm::dyn_cast<GoASTRangeStmt>(n))
m_stream << nn->GetDefine() << " ";
if (auto *nn = llvm::dyn_cast<GoASTSliceExpr>(n))
m_stream << nn->GetSlice3() << " ";
if (auto *nn = llvm::dyn_cast<GoASTUnaryExpr>(n))
m_stream << GoLexer::LookupToken(nn->GetOp()).str() << " ";
m_stream << ") ";
const std::string str() const { return m_stream.str(); }
std::stringstream m_stream;
testing::AssertionResult CheckStatement(const char *_s, const char *c_expr,
const char *sexpr, const char *code) {
GoParser parser(code);
std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt> stmt(parser.Statement());
if (parser.Failed() || !stmt) {
Error err;
return testing::AssertionFailure() << "Error parsing " << c_expr << "\n\t"
<< err.AsCString();
std::string actual_sexpr = ASTPrinter(stmt.get()).str();
if (actual_sexpr == sexpr)
return testing::AssertionSuccess();
return testing::AssertionFailure() << "Parsing: " << c_expr
<< "\nExpected: " << sexpr
<< "\nGot: " << actual_sexpr;
} // namespace
#define EXPECT_PARSE(s, c) EXPECT_PRED_FORMAT2(CheckStatement, s, c)
TEST(GoParserTest, ParseBasicLiterals) {
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 0 ) ) ", "0");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 42 ) ) ", "42");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 0600 ) ) ", "0600");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 0xBadFace ) ) ", "0xBadFace");
"(ExprStmt (BasicLit 170141183460469231731687303715884105727 ) ) ",
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 0. ) ) ", "0.");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 72.40 ) ) ", "72.40");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 072.40 ) ) ", "072.40");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 2.71828 ) ) ", "2.71828");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 1.e+0 ) ) ", "1.e+0");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 6.67428e-11 ) ) ", "6.67428e-11");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 1E6 ) ) ", "1E6");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit .12345E+6 ) ) ", ".12345E+6");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 0i ) ) ", "0i");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 011i ) ) ", "011i");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 0.i ) ) ", "0.i");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 2.71828i ) ) ", "2.71828i");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 6.67428e-11i ) ) ", "6.67428e-11i");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 1E6i ) ) ", "1E6i");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit .12345E+6i ) ) ", ".12345E+6i");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit 'a' ) ) ", "'a'");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit '本' ) ) ", "'本'");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit \"abc\" ) ) ", "\"abc\"");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit `abc` ) ) ", "`abc`");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BasicLit `ab\nc` ) ) ", "`ab\nc`");
TEST(GoParserTest, ParseOperand) {
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (Ident a ) ) ", "a");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (Ident _x9 ) ) ", "_x9");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (Ident ThisVariableIsExported ) ) ",
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (Ident αβ ) ) ", "αβ");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (SelectorExpr (Ident math ) (Ident Sin ) ) ) ",
TEST(GoParserTest, ParseCompositeLiterals) {
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (CompositeLit (Ident Point3D ) ) ) ", "Point3D{}");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (CompositeLit (Ident Line ) (Ident origin ) "
"(CompositeLit (Ident Point3D ) (KeyValueExpr "
"(Ident y ) (UnaryExpr (BasicLit 4 ) - ) ) (KeyValueExpr (Ident "
"z ) (BasicLit 12.3 ) ) ) ) ) ",
"Line{origin, Point3D{y: -4, z: 12.3}}");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (CompositeLit (ArrayType (BasicLit 10 ) (Ident "
"string ) ) ) ) ",
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (CompositeLit (ArrayType (BasicLit 6 ) (Ident int ) "
") (BasicLit 1 ) (BasicLit 2 ) "
"(BasicLit 3 ) (BasicLit 5 ) ) ) ",
"[6]int {1, 2, 3, 5}");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (CompositeLit (ArrayType nil (Ident int ) ) "
"(BasicLit 2 ) (BasicLit 3 ) (BasicLit 5 ) "
"(BasicLit 7 ) (BasicLit 9 ) (BasicLit 2147483647 ) ) ) ",
"[]int{2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2147483647}");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (CompositeLit (ArrayType (BasicLit 128 ) (Ident bool "
") ) (KeyValueExpr (BasicLit 'a' ) "
"(Ident true ) ) (KeyValueExpr (BasicLit 'e' ) (Ident true ) ) "
"(KeyValueExpr (BasicLit 'i' ) (Ident "
"true ) ) (KeyValueExpr (BasicLit 'o' ) (Ident true ) ) "
"(KeyValueExpr (BasicLit 'u' ) (Ident true ) ) "
"(KeyValueExpr (BasicLit 'y' ) (Ident true ) ) ) ) ",
"[128]bool{'a': true, 'e': true, 'i': true, 'o': true, 'u': "
"true, 'y': true}");
"(ExprStmt (CompositeLit (ArrayType (BasicLit 10 ) (Ident float32 ) ) "
"(UnaryExpr (BasicLit 1 ) - ) "
"(KeyValueExpr (BasicLit 4 ) (UnaryExpr (BasicLit 0.1 ) - ) ) (UnaryExpr "
"(BasicLit 0.1 ) - ) "
"(KeyValueExpr (BasicLit 9 ) (UnaryExpr (BasicLit 1 ) - ) ) ) ) ",
"[10]float32{-1, 4: -0.1, -0.1, 9: -1}");
TEST(GoParserTest, ParseEllipsisArray) {
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (CompositeLit (ArrayType (Ellipsis nil ) (Ident "
"string ) ) (BasicLit `Sat` ) (BasicLit `Sun` ) ) ) ",
"[...]string {`Sat`, `Sun`}");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (CompositeLit (ArrayType (Ellipsis nil ) (Ident "
"Point ) ) (CompositeLit nil (BasicLit 1.5 "
") (UnaryExpr (BasicLit 3.5 ) - ) ) (CompositeLit nil (BasicLit "
"0 ) (BasicLit 0 ) ) ) ) ",
"[...]Point{{1.5, -3.5}, {0, 0}}");
TEST(GoParserTest, ParseMap) {
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (CompositeLit (MapType (Ident string ) (Ident "
"float32 ) ) (KeyValueExpr (BasicLit `C0` ) "
"(BasicLit 16.35 ) ) (KeyValueExpr (BasicLit `D0` ) (BasicLit "
"18.35 ) ) ) ) ",
"map[string]float32{`C0`: 16.35, `D0`: 18.35, }");
TEST(GoParserTest, UnaryExpr) {
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (UnaryExpr (Ident x ) + ) ) ", "+x");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (UnaryExpr (Ident x ) - ) ) ", "-x");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (UnaryExpr (Ident x ) ! ) ) ", "!x");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (UnaryExpr (Ident x ) ^ ) ) ", "^x");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (UnaryExpr (Ident x ) & ) ) ", "&x");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (UnaryExpr (Ident x ) <- ) ) ", "<-x");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (StarExpr (Ident x ) ) ) ", "*x");
TEST(GoParserTest, BinaryExpr) {
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) || ) ) ", "a || b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) && ) ) ", "a && b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) == ) ) ", "a == b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) != ) ) ", "a != b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) < ) ) ", "a < b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) <= ) ) ", "a <= b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) > ) ) ", "a > b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) >= ) ) ", "a >= b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) + ) ) ", "a + b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) - ) ) ", "a - b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) | ) ) ", "a | b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) ^ ) ) ", "a ^ b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) * ) ) ", "a * b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) / ) ) ", "a / b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) % ) ) ", "a % b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) << ) ) ", "a << b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) >> ) ) ", "a >> b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) & ) ) ", "a & b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (Ident b ) &^ ) ) ", "a &^ b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (BasicLit 23 ) (BinaryExpr (BasicLit 3 ) "
"(IndexExpr (Ident x ) (Ident i ) ) * ) + ) ) ",
"23 + 3*x[i]");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident a ) (UnaryExpr (UnaryExpr (Ident "
"a ) + ) + ) + ) ) ",
"a + + + a");
"(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (UnaryExpr (Ident a ) ^ ) (Ident b ) >> ) ) ",
"^a >> b");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (CallExpr (Ident f ) ) (CallExpr (Ident "
"g ) ) || ) ) ",
"f() || g()");
"(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (BinaryExpr (Ident x ) (BinaryExpr (Ident y ) "
"(BasicLit 1 ) + ) == ) "
"(BinaryExpr (UnaryExpr (Ident chanPtr ) <- ) (BasicLit 0 ) > ) && ) ) ",
"x == y+1 && <-chanPtr > 0");
TEST(GoParserTest, PrimaryExpr) {
"(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident x ) (CallExpr (Ident f ) ) <= ) ) ",
"x <= f()");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (BinaryExpr (Ident s ) (BasicLit `.txt` ) + ) ) ",
"(s + `.txt`)");
"(ExprStmt (CallExpr (Ident f ) (BasicLit 3.1415 ) (Ident true ) ) ) ",
"f(3.1415, true)");
"(ExprStmt (CallExpr (Ident f ) (BasicLit 3.1415 ) (Ident a ) ... ) ) ",
"f(3.1415, a...)");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (IndexExpr (Ident m ) (BasicLit '1' ) ) ) ",
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (SliceExpr (Ident s ) (Ident i ) (BinaryExpr (Ident "
"j ) (BasicLit 1 ) + ) nil 0 ) ) ",
"s[i : j + 1]");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (SelectorExpr (Ident obj ) (Ident color ) ) ) ",
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (CallExpr (SelectorExpr (IndexExpr (SelectorExpr "
"(Ident f ) (Ident p ) ) (Ident i ) ) "
"(Ident x ) ) ) ) ",
TEST(GoParserTest, Conversions) {
"(ExprStmt (StarExpr (CallExpr (Ident Point ) (Ident p ) ) ) ) ",
"(ExprStmt (CallExpr (StarExpr (Ident Point ) ) (Ident p ) ) ) ",
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (UnaryExpr (CallExpr (ChanType (Ident int ) 0 ) "
"(Ident c ) ) <- ) ) ",
"<-chan int(c)");
EXPECT_PARSE("(ExprStmt (TypeAssertExpr (Ident y ) (SelectorExpr (Ident io ) "
"(Ident Reader ) ) ) ) ",