
2076 lines
83 KiB

LLDB module which provides the abstract base class of lldb test case.
The concrete subclass can override lldbtest.TesBase in order to inherit the
common behavior for unitest.TestCase.setUp/tearDown implemented in this file.
The subclass should override the attribute mydir in order for the python runtime
to locate the individual test cases when running as part of a large test suite
or when running each test case as a separate python invocation.
./dotest.py provides a test driver which sets up the environment to run the
entire of part of the test suite . Example:
# Exercises the test suite in the types directory....
/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/ToT/test $ ./dotest.py -A x86_64 types
Session logs for test failures/errors/unexpected successes will go into directory '2012-05-16-13_35_42'
Command invoked: python ./dotest.py -A x86_64 types
Configuration: arch=x86_64 compiler=clang
Collected 72 tests
Ran 72 tests in 135.468s
import os, sys, traceback
import os.path
import re
import signal
from subprocess import *
import StringIO
import time
import types
import unittest2
import lldb
# See also dotest.parseOptionsAndInitTestdirs(), where the environment variables
# LLDB_COMMAND_TRACE and LLDB_DO_CLEANUP are set from '-t' and '-r dir' options.
# By default, traceAlways is False.
if "LLDB_COMMAND_TRACE" in os.environ and os.environ["LLDB_COMMAND_TRACE"]=="YES":
traceAlways = True
traceAlways = False
# By default, doCleanup is True.
if "LLDB_DO_CLEANUP" in os.environ and os.environ["LLDB_DO_CLEANUP"]=="NO":
doCleanup = False
doCleanup = True
# Some commonly used assert messages.
COMMAND_FAILED_AS_EXPECTED = "Command has failed as expected"
CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET = "Current executable set successfully"
PROCESS_IS_VALID = "Process is valid"
PROCESS_KILLED = "Process is killed successfully"
PROCESS_EXITED = "Process exited successfully"
PROCESS_STOPPED = "Process status should be stopped"
RUN_SUCCEEDED = "Process is launched successfully"
RUN_COMPLETED = "Process exited successfully"
BACKTRACE_DISPLAYED_CORRECTLY = "Backtrace displayed correctly"
BREAKPOINT_CREATED = "Breakpoint created successfully"
BREAKPOINT_STATE_CORRECT = "Breakpoint state is correct"
BREAKPOINT_PENDING_CREATED = "Pending breakpoint created successfully"
BREAKPOINT_HIT_ONCE = "Breakpoint resolved with hit cout = 1"
BREAKPOINT_HIT_TWICE = "Breakpoint resolved with hit cout = 2"
BREAKPOINT_HIT_THRICE = "Breakpoint resolved with hit cout = 3"
MISSING_EXPECTED_REGISTERS = "At least one expected register is unavailable."
OBJECT_PRINTED_CORRECTLY = "Object printed correctly"
SOURCE_DISPLAYED_CORRECTLY = "Source code displayed correctly"
STEP_OUT_SUCCEEDED = "Thread step-out succeeded"
STOPPED_DUE_TO_EXC_BAD_ACCESS = "Process should be stopped due to bad access exception"
STOPPED_DUE_TO_ASSERT = "Process should be stopped due to an assertion"
STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT = "Process should be stopped due to breakpoint"
STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT, "instead, the actual stop reason is: '%s'")
STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT_CONDITION = "Stopped due to breakpoint condition"
STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT_IGNORE_COUNT = "Stopped due to breakpoint and ignore count"
STOPPED_DUE_TO_SIGNAL = "Process state is stopped due to signal"
STOPPED_DUE_TO_STEP_IN = "Process state is stopped due to step in"
STOPPED_DUE_TO_WATCHPOINT = "Process should be stopped due to watchpoint"
DATA_TYPES_DISPLAYED_CORRECTLY = "Data type(s) displayed correctly"
VALID_BREAKPOINT = "Got a valid breakpoint"
VALID_BREAKPOINT_LOCATION = "Got a valid breakpoint location"
VALID_COMMAND_INTERPRETER = "Got a valid command interpreter"
VALID_FILESPEC = "Got a valid filespec"
VALID_MODULE = "Got a valid module"
VALID_PROCESS = "Got a valid process"
VALID_SYMBOL = "Got a valid symbol"
VALID_TARGET = "Got a valid target"
VALID_PLATFORM = "Got a valid platform"
VALID_TYPE = "Got a valid type"
VALID_VARIABLE = "Got a valid variable"
VARIABLES_DISPLAYED_CORRECTLY = "Variable(s) displayed correctly"
WATCHPOINT_CREATED = "Watchpoint created successfully"
def CMD_MSG(str):
'''A generic "Command '%s' returns successfully" message generator.'''
return "Command '%s' returns successfully" % str
def COMPLETION_MSG(str_before, str_after):
'''A generic message generator for the completion mechanism.'''
return "'%s' successfully completes to '%s'" % (str_before, str_after)
def EXP_MSG(str, exe):
'''A generic "'%s' returns expected result" message generator if exe.
Otherwise, it generates "'%s' matches expected result" message.'''
return "'%s' %s expected result" % (str, 'returns' if exe else 'matches')
def SETTING_MSG(setting):
'''A generic "Value of setting '%s' is correct" message generator.'''
return "Value of setting '%s' is correct" % setting
def EnvArray():
"""Returns an env variable array from the os.environ map object."""
return map(lambda k,v: k+"="+v, os.environ.keys(), os.environ.values())
def line_number(filename, string_to_match):
"""Helper function to return the line number of the first matched string."""
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for i, line in enumerate(f):
if line.find(string_to_match) != -1:
# Found our match.
return i+1
raise Exception("Unable to find '%s' within file %s" % (string_to_match, filename))
def pointer_size():
"""Return the pointer size of the host system."""
import ctypes
a_pointer = ctypes.c_void_p(0xffff)
return 8 * ctypes.sizeof(a_pointer)
def is_exe(fpath):
"""Returns true if fpath is an executable."""
return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
def which(program):
"""Returns the full path to a program; None otherwise."""
fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
if fpath:
if is_exe(program):
return program
for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
if is_exe(exe_file):
return exe_file
return None
class recording(StringIO.StringIO):
A nice little context manager for recording the debugger interactions into
our session object. If trace flag is ON, it also emits the interactions
into the stderr.
def __init__(self, test, trace):
"""Create a StringIO instance; record the session obj and trace flag."""
# The test might not have undergone the 'setUp(self)' phase yet, so that
# the attribute 'session' might not even exist yet.
self.session = getattr(test, "session", None) if test else None
self.trace = trace
def __enter__(self):
Context management protocol on entry to the body of the with statement.
Just return the StringIO object.
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
Context management protocol on exit from the body of the with statement.
If trace is ON, it emits the recordings into stderr. Always add the
recordings to our session object. And close the StringIO object, too.
if self.trace:
print >> sys.stderr, self.getvalue()
if self.session:
print >> self.session, self.getvalue()
# From 2.7's subprocess.check_output() convenience function.
# Return a tuple (stdoutdata, stderrdata).
def system(commands, **kwargs):
r"""Run an os command with arguments and return its output as a byte string.
If the exit code was non-zero it raises a CalledProcessError. The
CalledProcessError object will have the return code in the returncode
attribute and output in the output attribute.
The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor. Example:
>>> check_output(["ls", "-l", "/dev/null"])
'crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Oct 18 2007 /dev/null\n'
The stdout argument is not allowed as it is used internally.
To capture standard error in the result, use stderr=STDOUT.
>>> check_output(["/bin/sh", "-c",
... "ls -l non_existent_file ; exit 0"],
... stderr=STDOUT)
'ls: non_existent_file: No such file or directory\n'
# Assign the sender object to variable 'test' and remove it from kwargs.
test = kwargs.pop('sender', None)
separator = None
separator = " && " if os.name == "nt" else "; "
# [['make', 'clean', 'foo'], ['make', 'foo']] -> ['make clean foo', 'make foo']
commandList = [' '.join(x) for x in commands]
# ['make clean foo', 'make foo'] -> 'make clean foo; make foo'
shellCommand = separator.join(commandList)
if 'stdout' in kwargs:
raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.')
if 'shell' in kwargs and kwargs['shell']==False:
raise ValueError('shell=False not allowed')
process = Popen(shellCommand, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True, **kwargs)
pid = process.pid
output, error = process.communicate()
retcode = process.poll()
# Enable trace on failure return while tracking down FreeBSD buildbot issues
trace = traceAlways
if not trace and retcode and sys.platform.startswith("freebsd"):
trace = True
with recording(test, trace) as sbuf:
print >> sbuf
print >> sbuf, "os command:", shellCommand
print >> sbuf, "with pid:", pid
print >> sbuf, "stdout:", output
print >> sbuf, "stderr:", error
print >> sbuf, "retcode:", retcode
print >> sbuf
if retcode:
cmd = kwargs.get("args")
if cmd is None:
cmd = shellCommand
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
return (output, error)
def getsource_if_available(obj):
Return the text of the source code for an object if available. Otherwise,
a print representation is returned.
import inspect
return inspect.getsource(obj)
return repr(obj)
def builder_module():
if sys.platform.startswith("freebsd"):
return __import__("builder_freebsd")
return __import__("builder_" + sys.platform)
# Decorators for categorizing test cases.
from functools import wraps
def python_api_test(func):
"""Decorate the item as a Python API only test."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@python_api_test can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if lldb.dont_do_python_api_test:
self.skipTest("python api tests")
except AttributeError:
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Mark this function as such to separate them from lldb command line tests.
wrapper.__python_api_test__ = True
return wrapper
def lldbmi_test(func):
"""Decorate the item as a lldb-mi only test."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@lldbmi_test can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if lldb.dont_do_lldbmi_test:
self.skipTest("lldb-mi tests")
except AttributeError:
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Mark this function as such to separate them from lldb command line tests.
wrapper.__lldbmi_test__ = True
return wrapper
def benchmarks_test(func):
"""Decorate the item as a benchmarks test."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@benchmarks_test can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not lldb.just_do_benchmarks_test:
self.skipTest("benchmarks tests")
except AttributeError:
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Mark this function as such to separate them from the regular tests.
wrapper.__benchmarks_test__ = True
return wrapper
def dsym_test(func):
"""Decorate the item as a dsym test."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@dsym_test can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if lldb.dont_do_dsym_test:
self.skipTest("dsym tests")
except AttributeError:
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Mark this function as such to separate them from the regular tests.
wrapper.__dsym_test__ = True
return wrapper
def dwarf_test(func):
"""Decorate the item as a dwarf test."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@dwarf_test can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if lldb.dont_do_dwarf_test:
self.skipTest("dwarf tests")
except AttributeError:
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Mark this function as such to separate them from the regular tests.
wrapper.__dwarf_test__ = True
return wrapper
def debugserver_test(func):
"""Decorate the item as a debugserver test."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@debugserver_test can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if lldb.dont_do_debugserver_test:
self.skipTest("debugserver tests")
except AttributeError:
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Mark this function as such to separate them from the regular tests.
wrapper.__debugserver_test__ = True
return wrapper
def llgs_test(func):
"""Decorate the item as a lldb-gdbserver test."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@llgs_test can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if lldb.dont_do_llgs_test:
self.skipTest("llgs tests")
except AttributeError:
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Mark this function as such to separate them from the regular tests.
wrapper.__llgs_test__ = True
return wrapper
def not_remote_testsuite_ready(func):
"""Decorate the item as a test which is not ready yet for remote testsuite."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@not_remote_testsuite_ready can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
if lldb.lldbtest_remote_sandbox:
self.skipTest("not ready for remote testsuite")
except AttributeError:
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Mark this function as such to separate them from the regular tests.
wrapper.__not_ready_for_remote_testsuite_test__ = True
return wrapper
def expectedFailure(expected_fn, bugnumber=None):
def expectedFailure_impl(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from unittest2 import case
self = args[0]
func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
if expected_fn(self):
raise case._ExpectedFailure(sys.exc_info(), bugnumber)
if expected_fn(self):
raise case._UnexpectedSuccess(sys.exc_info(), bugnumber)
return wrapper
if bugnumber:
if callable(bugnumber):
return expectedFailure_impl(bugnumber)
return expectedFailure_impl
def expectedFailureCompiler(compiler, compiler_version=None, bugnumber=None):
if compiler_version is None:
compiler_version=['=', None]
def fn(self):
return compiler in self.getCompiler() and self.expectedCompilerVersion(compiler_version)
if bugnumber: return expectedFailure(fn, bugnumber)
def expectedFailureClang(bugnumber=None):
if bugnumber: return expectedFailureCompiler('clang', None, bugnumber)
def expectedFailureGcc(bugnumber=None, compiler_version=None):
if bugnumber: return expectedFailureCompiler('gcc', compiler_version, bugnumber)
def expectedFailureIcc(bugnumber=None):
if bugnumber: return expectedFailureCompiler('icc', None, bugnumber)
def expectedFailureArch(arch, bugnumber=None):
def fn(self):
return arch in self.getArchitecture()
if bugnumber: return expectedFailure(fn, bugnumber)
def expectedFailurei386(bugnumber=None):
if bugnumber: return expectedFailureArch('i386', bugnumber)
def expectedFailurex86_64(bugnumber=None):
if bugnumber: return expectedFailureArch('x86_64', bugnumber)
def expectedFailureOS(os, bugnumber=None, compilers=None):
def fn(self):
return os in sys.platform and self.expectedCompiler(compilers)
if bugnumber: return expectedFailure(fn, bugnumber)
def expectedFailureDarwin(bugnumber=None, compilers=None):
if bugnumber: return expectedFailureOS('darwin', bugnumber, compilers)
def expectedFailureFreeBSD(bugnumber=None, compilers=None):
if bugnumber: return expectedFailureOS('freebsd', bugnumber, compilers)
def expectedFailureLinux(bugnumber=None, compilers=None):
if bugnumber: return expectedFailureOS('linux', bugnumber, compilers)
def expectedFailureWindows(bugnumber=None, compilers=None):
if bugnumber: return expectedFailureOS('win32', bugnumber, compilers)
def skipIfRemote(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests if testing remotely."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@skipIfRemote can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from unittest2 import case
if lldb.remote_platform:
self = args[0]
self.skipTest("skip on remote platform")
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def skipIfRemoteDueToDeadlock(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests if testing remotely due to the test deadlocking."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@skipIfRemote can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from unittest2 import case
if lldb.remote_platform:
self = args[0]
self.skipTest("skip on remote platform (deadlocks)")
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def skipIfFreeBSD(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped on FreeBSD."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@skipIfFreeBSD can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from unittest2 import case
self = args[0]
platform = sys.platform
if "freebsd" in platform:
self.skipTest("skip on FreeBSD")
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def skipIfLinux(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped on Linux."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@skipIfLinux can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from unittest2 import case
self = args[0]
platform = sys.platform
if "linux" in platform:
self.skipTest("skip on linux")
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def skipIfNoSBHeaders(func):
"""Decorate the item to mark tests that should be skipped when LLDB is built with no SB API headers."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@skipIfNoSBHeaders can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from unittest2 import case
self = args[0]
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
header = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'LLDB.framework', 'Versions','Current','Headers','LLDB.h')
header = os.path.join(os.environ["LLDB_SRC"], "include", "lldb", "API", "LLDB.h")
platform = sys.platform
if not os.path.exists(header):
self.skipTest("skip because LLDB.h header not found")
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def skipIfWindows(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped on Windows."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@skipIfWindows can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from unittest2 import case
self = args[0]
platform = sys.platform
if "win32" in platform:
self.skipTest("skip on Windows")
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def skipIfDarwin(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped on Darwin."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@skipIfDarwin can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from unittest2 import case
self = args[0]
platform = sys.platform
if "darwin" in platform:
self.skipTest("skip on darwin")
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def skipIfLinuxClang(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped if building on
Linux with clang.
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@skipIfLinuxClang can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from unittest2 import case
self = args[0]
compiler = self.getCompiler()
platform = sys.platform
if "clang" in compiler and "linux" in platform:
self.skipTest("skipping because Clang is used on Linux")
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def skipIfGcc(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped if building with gcc ."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@skipIfGcc can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from unittest2 import case
self = args[0]
compiler = self.getCompiler()
if "gcc" in compiler:
self.skipTest("skipping because gcc is the test compiler")
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def skipIfIcc(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped if building with icc ."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@skipIfIcc can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from unittest2 import case
self = args[0]
compiler = self.getCompiler()
if "icc" in compiler:
self.skipTest("skipping because icc is the test compiler")
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def skipIfi386(func):
"""Decorate the item to skip tests that should be skipped if building 32-bit."""
if isinstance(func, type) and issubclass(func, unittest2.TestCase):
raise Exception("@skipIfi386 can only be used to decorate a test method")
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
from unittest2 import case
self = args[0]
if "i386" == self.getArchitecture():
self.skipTest("skipping because i386 is not a supported architecture")
func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
class _PlatformContext(object):
"""Value object class which contains platform-specific options."""
def __init__(self, shlib_environment_var, shlib_prefix, shlib_extension):
self.shlib_environment_var = shlib_environment_var
self.shlib_prefix = shlib_prefix
self.shlib_extension = shlib_extension
class Base(unittest2.TestCase):
Abstract base for performing lldb (see TestBase) or other generic tests (see
BenchBase for one example). lldbtest.Base works with the test driver to
accomplish things.
# The concrete subclass should override this attribute.
mydir = None
# Keep track of the old current working directory.
oldcwd = None
def compute_mydir(test_file):
'''Subclasses should call this function to correctly calculate the required "mydir" attribute as follows:
mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)'''
test_dir = os.path.dirname(test_file)
return test_dir[len(os.environ["LLDB_TEST"])+1:]
def TraceOn(self):
"""Returns True if we are in trace mode (tracing detailed test execution)."""
return traceAlways
def setUpClass(cls):
Python unittest framework class setup fixture.
Do current directory manipulation.
# Fail fast if 'mydir' attribute is not overridden.
if not cls.mydir or len(cls.mydir) == 0:
raise Exception("Subclasses must override the 'mydir' attribute.")
# Save old working directory.
cls.oldcwd = os.getcwd()
# Change current working directory if ${LLDB_TEST} is defined.
# See also dotest.py which sets up ${LLDB_TEST}.
if ("LLDB_TEST" in os.environ):
if traceAlways:
print >> sys.stderr, "Change dir to:", os.path.join(os.environ["LLDB_TEST"], cls.mydir)
os.chdir(os.path.join(os.environ["LLDB_TEST"], cls.mydir))
# Set platform context.
if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
cls.platformContext = _PlatformContext('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'lib', 'dylib')
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'):
cls.platformContext = _PlatformContext('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'lib', 'so')
cls.platformContext = None
def tearDownClass(cls):
Python unittest framework class teardown fixture.
Do class-wide cleanup.
if doCleanup and not lldb.skip_build_and_cleanup:
# First, let's do the platform-specific cleanup.
module = builder_module()
if not module.cleanup():
raise Exception("Don't know how to do cleanup")
# Subclass might have specific cleanup function defined.
if getattr(cls, "classCleanup", None):
if traceAlways:
print >> sys.stderr, "Call class-specific cleanup function for class:", cls
exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb)
# Restore old working directory.
if traceAlways:
print >> sys.stderr, "Restore dir to:", cls.oldcwd
def skipLongRunningTest(cls):
By default, we skip long running test case.
This can be overridden by passing '-l' to the test driver (dotest.py).
if "LLDB_SKIP_LONG_RUNNING_TEST" in os.environ and "NO" == os.environ["LLDB_SKIP_LONG_RUNNING_TEST"]:
return False
return True
def setUp(self):
"""Fixture for unittest test case setup.
It works with the test driver to conditionally skip tests and does other
#import traceback
if "LIBCXX_PATH" in os.environ:
self.libcxxPath = os.environ["LIBCXX_PATH"]
self.libcxxPath = None
if "LLDB_EXEC" in os.environ:
self.lldbExec = os.environ["LLDB_EXEC"]
self.lldbExec = None
if "LLDBMI_EXEC" in os.environ:
self.lldbMiExec = os.environ["LLDBMI_EXEC"]
self.lldbMiExec = None
self.dont_do_lldbmi_test = True
if "LLDB_HERE" in os.environ:
self.lldbHere = os.environ["LLDB_HERE"]
self.lldbHere = None
# If we spawn an lldb process for test (via pexpect), do not load the
# init file unless told otherwise.
if "NO_LLDBINIT" in os.environ and "NO" == os.environ["NO_LLDBINIT"]:
self.lldbOption = ""
self.lldbOption = "--no-lldbinit"
# Assign the test method name to self.testMethodName.
# For an example of the use of this attribute, look at test/types dir.
# There are a bunch of test cases under test/types and we don't want the
# module cacheing subsystem to be confused with executable name "a.out"
# used for all the test cases.
self.testMethodName = self._testMethodName
# Python API only test is decorated with @python_api_test,
# which also sets the "__python_api_test__" attribute of the
# function object to True.
if lldb.just_do_python_api_test:
testMethod = getattr(self, self._testMethodName)
if getattr(testMethod, "__python_api_test__", False):
self.skipTest("non python api test")
except AttributeError:
# lldb-mi only test is decorated with @lldbmi_test,
# which also sets the "__lldbmi_test__" attribute of the
# function object to True.
if lldb.just_do_lldbmi_test:
testMethod = getattr(self, self._testMethodName)
if getattr(testMethod, "__lldbmi_test__", False):
self.skipTest("non lldb-mi test")
except AttributeError:
# Benchmarks test is decorated with @benchmarks_test,
# which also sets the "__benchmarks_test__" attribute of the
# function object to True.
if lldb.just_do_benchmarks_test:
testMethod = getattr(self, self._testMethodName)
if getattr(testMethod, "__benchmarks_test__", False):
self.skipTest("non benchmarks test")
except AttributeError:
# This is for the case of directly spawning 'lldb'/'gdb' and interacting
# with it using pexpect.
self.child = None
self.child_prompt = "(lldb) "
# If the child is interacting with the embedded script interpreter,
# there are two exits required during tear down, first to quit the
# embedded script interpreter and second to quit the lldb command
# interpreter.
self.child_in_script_interpreter = False
# These are for customized teardown cleanup.
self.dict = None
self.doTearDownCleanup = False
# And in rare cases where there are multiple teardown cleanups.
self.dicts = []
self.doTearDownCleanups = False
# List of spawned subproces.Popen objects
self.subprocesses = []
# List of forked process PIDs
self.forkedProcessPids = []
# Create a string buffer to record the session info, to be dumped into a
# test case specific file if test failure is encountered.
self.session = StringIO.StringIO()
# Optimistically set __errored__, __failed__, __expected__ to False
# initially. If the test errored/failed, the session info
# (self.session) is then dumped into a session specific file for
# diagnosis.
self.__errored__ = False
self.__failed__ = False
self.__expected__ = False
# We are also interested in unexpected success.
self.__unexpected__ = False
# And skipped tests.
self.__skipped__ = False
# See addTearDownHook(self, hook) which allows the client to add a hook
# function to be run during tearDown() time.
self.hooks = []
# See HideStdout(self).
self.sys_stdout_hidden = False
if self.platformContext:
# set environment variable names for finding shared libraries
self.dylibPath = self.platformContext.shlib_environment_var
def runHooks(self, child=None, child_prompt=None, use_cmd_api=False):
"""Perform the run hooks to bring lldb debugger to the desired state.
By default, expect a pexpect spawned child and child prompt to be
supplied (use_cmd_api=False). If use_cmd_api is true, ignore the child
and child prompt and use self.runCmd() to run the hooks one by one.
Note that child is a process spawned by pexpect.spawn(). If not, your
test case is mostly likely going to fail.
See also dotest.py where lldb.runHooks are processed/populated.
if not lldb.runHooks:
self.skipTest("No runhooks specified for lldb, skip the test")
if use_cmd_api:
for hook in lldb.runhooks:
if not child or not child_prompt:
self.fail("Both child and child_prompt need to be defined.")
for hook in lldb.runHooks:
def setAsync(self, value):
""" Sets async mode to True/False and ensures it is reset after the testcase completes."""
old_async = self.dbg.GetAsync()
self.addTearDownHook(lambda: self.dbg.SetAsync(old_async))
def cleanupSubprocesses(self):
# Ensure any subprocesses are cleaned up
for p in self.subprocesses:
if p.poll() == None:
del p
del self.subprocesses[:]
# Ensure any forked processes are cleaned up
for pid in self.forkedProcessPids:
if os.path.exists("/proc/" + str(pid)):
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
def spawnSubprocess(self, executable, args=[]):
""" Creates a subprocess.Popen object with the specified executable and arguments,
saves it in self.subprocesses, and returns the object.
NOTE: if using this function, ensure you also call:
otherwise the test suite will leak processes.
# Don't display the stdout if not in TraceOn() mode.
proc = Popen([executable] + args,
stdout = open(os.devnull) if not self.TraceOn() else None,
stdin = PIPE)
return proc
def forkSubprocess(self, executable, args=[]):
""" Fork a subprocess with its own group ID.
NOTE: if using this function, ensure you also call:
otherwise the test suite will leak processes.
child_pid = os.fork()
if child_pid == 0:
# If more I/O support is required, this can be beefed up.
fd = os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDWR)
os.dup2(fd, 1)
os.dup2(fd, 2)
# This call causes the child to have its of group ID
os.execvp(executable, [executable] + args)
# Give the child time to get through the execvp() call
return child_pid
def HideStdout(self):
"""Hide output to stdout from the user.
During test execution, there might be cases where we don't want to show the
standard output to the user. For example,
self.runCmd(r'''sc print "\n\n\tHello!\n"''')
tests whether command abbreviation for 'script' works or not. There is no
need to show the 'Hello' output to the user as long as the 'script' command
succeeds and we are not in TraceOn() mode (see the '-t' option).
In this case, the test method calls self.HideStdout(self) to redirect the
sys.stdout to a null device, and restores the sys.stdout upon teardown.
Note that you should only call this method at most once during a test case
execution. Any subsequent call has no effect at all."""
if self.sys_stdout_hidden:
self.sys_stdout_hidden = True
old_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
def restore_stdout():
sys.stdout = old_stdout
# =======================================================================
# Methods for customized teardown cleanups as well as execution of hooks.
# =======================================================================
def setTearDownCleanup(self, dictionary=None):
"""Register a cleanup action at tearDown() time with a dictinary"""
self.dict = dictionary
self.doTearDownCleanup = True
def addTearDownCleanup(self, dictionary):
"""Add a cleanup action at tearDown() time with a dictinary"""
self.doTearDownCleanups = True
def addTearDownHook(self, hook):
Add a function to be run during tearDown() time.
Hooks are executed in a first come first serve manner.
if callable(hook):
with recording(self, traceAlways) as sbuf:
print >> sbuf, "Adding tearDown hook:", getsource_if_available(hook)
return self
def deletePexpectChild(self):
# This is for the case of directly spawning 'lldb' and interacting with it
# using pexpect.
if self.child and self.child.isalive():
import pexpect
with recording(self, traceAlways) as sbuf:
print >> sbuf, "tearing down the child process...."
if self.child_in_script_interpreter:
self.child.sendline('settings set interpreter.prompt-on-quit false')
except (ValueError, pexpect.ExceptionPexpect):
# child is already terminated
# Give it one final blow to make sure the child is terminated.
def tearDown(self):
"""Fixture for unittest test case teardown."""
#import traceback
# Check and run any hook functions.
for hook in reversed(self.hooks):
with recording(self, traceAlways) as sbuf:
print >> sbuf, "Executing tearDown hook:", getsource_if_available(hook)
import inspect
hook_argc = len(inspect.getargspec(hook).args)
if hook_argc == 0 or getattr(hook,'im_self',None):
elif hook_argc == 1:
hook() # try the plain call and hope it works
del self.hooks
# Perform registered teardown cleanup.
if doCleanup and self.doTearDownCleanup:
# In rare cases where there are multiple teardown cleanups added.
if doCleanup and self.doTearDownCleanups:
if self.dicts:
for dict in reversed(self.dicts):
# Decide whether to dump the session info.
# =========================================================
# Various callbacks to allow introspection of test progress
# =========================================================
def markError(self):
"""Callback invoked when an error (unexpected exception) errored."""
self.__errored__ = True
with recording(self, False) as sbuf:
# False because there's no need to write "ERROR" to the stderr twice.
# Once by the Python unittest framework, and a second time by us.
print >> sbuf, "ERROR"
def markFailure(self):
"""Callback invoked when a failure (test assertion failure) occurred."""
self.__failed__ = True
with recording(self, False) as sbuf:
# False because there's no need to write "FAIL" to the stderr twice.
# Once by the Python unittest framework, and a second time by us.
print >> sbuf, "FAIL"
def markExpectedFailure(self,err,bugnumber):
"""Callback invoked when an expected failure/error occurred."""
self.__expected__ = True
with recording(self, False) as sbuf:
# False because there's no need to write "expected failure" to the
# stderr twice.
# Once by the Python unittest framework, and a second time by us.
if bugnumber == None:
print >> sbuf, "expected failure"
print >> sbuf, "expected failure (problem id:" + str(bugnumber) + ")"
def markSkippedTest(self):
"""Callback invoked when a test is skipped."""
self.__skipped__ = True
with recording(self, False) as sbuf:
# False because there's no need to write "skipped test" to the
# stderr twice.
# Once by the Python unittest framework, and a second time by us.
print >> sbuf, "skipped test"
def markUnexpectedSuccess(self, bugnumber):
"""Callback invoked when an unexpected success occurred."""
self.__unexpected__ = True
with recording(self, False) as sbuf:
# False because there's no need to write "unexpected success" to the
# stderr twice.
# Once by the Python unittest framework, and a second time by us.
if bugnumber == None:
print >> sbuf, "unexpected success"
print >> sbuf, "unexpected success (problem id:" + str(bugnumber) + ")"
def getRerunArgs(self):
return " -f %s.%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._testMethodName)
def dumpSessionInfo(self):
Dump the debugger interactions leading to a test error/failure. This
allows for more convenient postmortem analysis.
See also LLDBTestResult (dotest.py) which is a singlton class derived
from TextTestResult and overwrites addError, addFailure, and
addExpectedFailure methods to allow us to to mark the test instance as
# We are here because self.tearDown() detected that this test instance
# either errored or failed. The lldb.test_result singleton contains
# two lists (erros and failures) which get populated by the unittest
# framework. Look over there for stack trace information.
# The lists contain 2-tuples of TestCase instances and strings holding
# formatted tracebacks.
# See http://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html#unittest.TestResult.
if self.__errored__:
pairs = lldb.test_result.errors
prefix = 'Error'
elif self.__failed__:
pairs = lldb.test_result.failures
prefix = 'Failure'
elif self.__expected__:
pairs = lldb.test_result.expectedFailures
prefix = 'ExpectedFailure'
elif self.__skipped__:
prefix = 'SkippedTest'
elif self.__unexpected__:
prefix = "UnexpectedSuccess"
# Simply return, there's no session info to dump!
if not self.__unexpected__ and not self.__skipped__:
for test, traceback in pairs:
if test is self:
print >> self.session, traceback
testMethod = getattr(self, self._testMethodName)
if getattr(testMethod, "__benchmarks_test__", False):
benchmarks = True
benchmarks = False
dname = os.path.join(os.environ["LLDB_TEST"],
if not os.path.isdir(dname):
compiler = self.getCompiler()
if compiler[1] == ':':
compiler = compiler[2:]
fname = os.path.join(dname, "%s-%s-%s-%s.log" % (prefix, self.getArchitecture(), "_".join(compiler.split(os.path.sep)), self.id()))
with open(fname, "w") as f:
import datetime
print >> f, "Session info generated @", datetime.datetime.now().ctime()
print >> f, self.session.getvalue()
print >> f, "To rerun this test, issue the following command from the 'test' directory:\n"
print >> f, "./dotest.py %s -v %s %s" % (self.getRunOptions(),
('+b' if benchmarks else '-t'),
# ====================================================
# Config. methods supported through a plugin interface
# (enables reading of the current test configuration)
# ====================================================
def getArchitecture(self):
"""Returns the architecture in effect the test suite is running with."""
module = builder_module()
return module.getArchitecture()
def getCompiler(self):
"""Returns the compiler in effect the test suite is running with."""
module = builder_module()
return module.getCompiler()
def getCompilerBinary(self):
"""Returns the compiler binary the test suite is running with."""
return self.getCompiler().split()[0]
def getCompilerVersion(self):
""" Returns a string that represents the compiler version.
Supports: llvm, clang.
from lldbutil import which
version = 'unknown'
compiler = self.getCompilerBinary()
version_output = system([[which(compiler), "-v"]])[1]
for line in version_output.split(os.linesep):
m = re.search('version ([0-9\.]+)', line)
if m:
version = m.group(1)
return version
def isIntelCompiler(self):
""" Returns true if using an Intel (ICC) compiler, false otherwise. """
return any([x in self.getCompiler() for x in ["icc", "icpc", "icl"]])
def expectedCompilerVersion(self, compiler_version):
"""Returns True iff compiler_version[1] matches the current compiler version.
Use compiler_version[0] to specify the operator used to determine if a match has occurred.
Any operator other than the following defaults to an equality test:
'>', '>=', "=>", '<', '<=', '=<', '!=', "!" or 'not'
if (compiler_version == None):
return True
operator = str(compiler_version[0])
version = compiler_version[1]
if (version == None):
return True
if (operator == '>'):
return self.getCompilerVersion() > version
if (operator == '>=' or operator == '=>'):
return self.getCompilerVersion() >= version
if (operator == '<'):
return self.getCompilerVersion() < version
if (operator == '<=' or operator == '=<'):
return self.getCompilerVersion() <= version
if (operator == '!=' or operator == '!' or operator == 'not'):
return str(version) not in str(self.getCompilerVersion())
return str(version) in str(self.getCompilerVersion())
def expectedCompiler(self, compilers):
"""Returns True iff any element of compilers is a sub-string of the current compiler."""
if (compilers == None):
return True
for compiler in compilers:
if compiler in self.getCompiler():
return True
return False
def getRunOptions(self):
"""Command line option for -A and -C to run this test again, called from
arch = self.getArchitecture()
comp = self.getCompiler()
if arch:
option_str = "-A " + arch
option_str = ""
if comp:
option_str += " -C " + comp
return option_str
# ==================================================
# Build methods supported through a plugin interface
# ==================================================
def getstdlibFlag(self):
""" Returns the proper -stdlib flag, or empty if not required."""
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin") or sys.platform.startswith("freebsd"):
stdlibflag = "-stdlib=libc++"
stdlibflag = ""
return stdlibflag
def getstdFlag(self):
""" Returns the proper stdflag. """
if "gcc" in self.getCompiler() and "4.6" in self.getCompilerVersion():
stdflag = "-std=c++0x"
stdflag = "-std=c++11"
return stdflag
def buildDriver(self, sources, exe_name):
""" Platform-specific way to build a program that links with LLDB (via the liblldb.so
or LLDB.framework).
stdflag = self.getstdFlag()
stdlibflag = self.getstdlibFlag()
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
dsym = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'LLDB.framework', 'LLDB')
d = {'CXX_SOURCES' : sources,
'EXE' : exe_name,
'CFLAGS_EXTRAS' : "%s %s" % (stdflag, stdlibflag),
'FRAMEWORK_INCLUDES' : "-F%s" % self.lib_dir,
'LD_EXTRAS' : "%s -Wl,-rpath,%s" % (dsym, self.lib_dir),
elif sys.platform.startswith('freebsd') or sys.platform.startswith("linux") or os.environ.get('LLDB_BUILD_TYPE') == 'Makefile':
d = {'CXX_SOURCES' : sources,
'EXE' : exe_name,
'CFLAGS_EXTRAS' : "%s %s -I%s" % (stdflag, stdlibflag, os.path.join(os.environ["LLDB_SRC"], "include")),
'LD_EXTRAS' : "-L%s -llldb" % self.lib_dir}
if self.TraceOn():
print "Building LLDB Driver (%s) from sources %s" % (exe_name, sources)
def buildLibrary(self, sources, lib_name):
"""Platform specific way to build a default library. """
stdflag = self.getstdFlag()
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
dsym = os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'LLDB.framework', 'LLDB')
d = {'DYLIB_CXX_SOURCES' : sources,
'DYLIB_NAME' : lib_name,
'CFLAGS_EXTRAS' : "%s -stdlib=libc++" % stdflag,
'FRAMEWORK_INCLUDES' : "-F%s" % self.lib_dir,
'LD_EXTRAS' : "%s -Wl,-rpath,%s -dynamiclib" % (dsym, self.lib_dir),
elif sys.platform.startswith('freebsd') or sys.platform.startswith("linux") or os.environ.get('LLDB_BUILD_TYPE') == 'Makefile':
d = {'DYLIB_CXX_SOURCES' : sources,
'DYLIB_NAME' : lib_name,
'CFLAGS_EXTRAS' : "%s -I%s -fPIC" % (stdflag, os.path.join(os.environ["LLDB_SRC"], "include")),
'LD_EXTRAS' : "-shared -L%s -llldb" % self.lib_dir}
if self.TraceOn():
print "Building LLDB Library (%s) from sources %s" % (lib_name, sources)
def buildProgram(self, sources, exe_name):
""" Platform specific way to build an executable from C/C++ sources. """
d = {'CXX_SOURCES' : sources,
'EXE' : exe_name}
def buildDefault(self, architecture=None, compiler=None, dictionary=None, clean=True):
"""Platform specific way to build the default binaries."""
if lldb.skip_build_and_cleanup:
module = builder_module()
if not module.buildDefault(self, architecture, compiler, dictionary, clean):
raise Exception("Don't know how to build default binary")
def buildDsym(self, architecture=None, compiler=None, dictionary=None, clean=True):
"""Platform specific way to build binaries with dsym info."""
if lldb.skip_build_and_cleanup:
module = builder_module()
if not module.buildDsym(self, architecture, compiler, dictionary, clean):
raise Exception("Don't know how to build binary with dsym")
def buildDwarf(self, architecture=None, compiler=None, dictionary=None, clean=True):
"""Platform specific way to build binaries with dwarf maps."""
if lldb.skip_build_and_cleanup:
module = builder_module()
if not module.buildDwarf(self, architecture, compiler, dictionary, clean):
raise Exception("Don't know how to build binary with dwarf")
def signBinary(self, binary_path):
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
codesign_cmd = "codesign --force --sign lldb_codesign %s" % (binary_path)
call(codesign_cmd, shell=True)
def findBuiltClang(self):
"""Tries to find and use Clang from the build directory as the compiler (instead of the system compiler)."""
paths_to_try = [
lldb_root_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")
for p in paths_to_try:
path = os.path.join(lldb_root_path, p)
if os.path.exists(path):
return path
return os.environ["CC"]
def getBuildFlags(self, use_cpp11=True, use_libcxx=False, use_libstdcxx=False, use_pthreads=True):
""" Returns a dictionary (which can be provided to build* functions above) which
contains OS-specific build flags.
cflags = ""
# On Mac OS X, unless specifically requested to use libstdc++, use libc++
if not use_libstdcxx and sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
use_libcxx = True
if use_libcxx and self.libcxxPath:
cflags += "-stdlib=libc++ "
if self.libcxxPath:
libcxxInclude = os.path.join(self.libcxxPath, "include")
libcxxLib = os.path.join(self.libcxxPath, "lib")
if os.path.isdir(libcxxInclude) and os.path.isdir(libcxxLib):
cflags += "-nostdinc++ -I%s -L%s -Wl,-rpath,%s " % (libcxxInclude, libcxxLib, libcxxLib)
if use_cpp11:
cflags += "-std="
if "gcc" in self.getCompiler() and "4.6" in self.getCompilerVersion():
cflags += "c++0x"
cflags += "c++11"
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin") or sys.platform.startswith("freebsd"):
cflags += " -stdlib=libc++"
elif "clang" in self.getCompiler():
cflags += " -stdlib=libstdc++"
if use_pthreads:
ldflags = "-lpthread"
return {'CFLAGS_EXTRAS' : cflags,
'LD_EXTRAS' : ldflags,
def cleanup(self, dictionary=None):
"""Platform specific way to do cleanup after build."""
if lldb.skip_build_and_cleanup:
module = builder_module()
if not module.cleanup(self, dictionary):
raise Exception("Don't know how to do cleanup with dictionary: "+dictionary)
def getLLDBLibraryEnvVal(self):
""" Returns the path that the OS-specific library search environment variable
(self.dylibPath) should be set to in order for a program to find the LLDB
library. If an environment variable named self.dylibPath is already set,
the new path is appended to it and returned.
existing_library_path = os.environ[self.dylibPath] if self.dylibPath in os.environ else None
if existing_library_path:
return "%s:%s" % (existing_library_path, self.lib_dir)
elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
return os.path.join(self.lib_dir, 'LLDB.framework')
return self.lib_dir
def getLibcPlusPlusLibs(self):
if sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'):
return ['libc++.so.1']
return ['libc++.1.dylib','libc++abi.dylib']
class TestBase(Base):
This abstract base class is meant to be subclassed. It provides default
implementations for setUpClass(), tearDownClass(), setUp(), and tearDown(),
among other things.
Important things for test class writers:
- Overwrite the mydir class attribute, otherwise your test class won't
run. It specifies the relative directory to the top level 'test' so
the test harness can change to the correct working directory before
running your test.
- The setUp method sets up things to facilitate subsequent interactions
with the debugger as part of the test. These include:
- populate the test method name
- create/get a debugger set with synchronous mode (self.dbg)
- get the command interpreter from with the debugger (self.ci)
- create a result object for use with the command interpreter
- plus other stuffs
- The tearDown method tries to perform some necessary cleanup on behalf
of the test to return the debugger to a good state for the next test.
These include:
- execute any tearDown hooks registered by the test method with
TestBase.addTearDownHook(); examples can be found in
- kill the inferior process associated with each target, if any,
and, then delete the target from the debugger's target list
- perform build cleanup before running the next test method in the
same test class; examples of registering for this service can be
found in types/TestIntegerTypes.py with the call:
- self.setTearDownCleanup(dictionary=d)
- Similarly setUpClass and tearDownClass perform classwise setup and
teardown fixtures. The tearDownClass method invokes a default build
cleanup for the entire test class; also, subclasses can implement the
classmethod classCleanup(cls) to perform special class cleanup action.
- The instance methods runCmd and expect are used heavily by existing
test cases to send a command to the command interpreter and to perform
string/pattern matching on the output of such command execution. The
expect method also provides a mode to peform string/pattern matching
without running a command.
- The build methods buildDefault, buildDsym, and buildDwarf are used to
build the binaries used during a particular test scenario. A plugin
should be provided for the sys.platform running the test suite. The
Mac OS X implementation is located in plugins/darwin.py.
# Maximum allowed attempts when launching the inferior process.
# Can be overridden by the LLDB_MAX_LAUNCH_COUNT environment variable.
maxLaunchCount = 3;
# Time to wait before the next launching attempt in second(s).
# Can be overridden by the LLDB_TIME_WAIT_NEXT_LAUNCH environment variable.
timeWaitNextLaunch = 1.0;
def doDelay(self):
"""See option -w of dotest.py."""
if ("LLDB_WAIT_BETWEEN_TEST_CASES" in os.environ and
waitTime = 1.0
waitTime = float(os.environ["LLDB_TIME_WAIT_BETWEEN_TEST_CASES"])
# Returns the list of categories to which this test case belongs
# by default, look for a ".categories" file, and read its contents
# if no such file exists, traverse the hierarchy - we guarantee
# a .categories to exist at the top level directory so we do not end up
# looping endlessly - subclasses are free to define their own categories
# in whatever way makes sense to them
def getCategories(self):
import inspect
import os.path
folder = inspect.getfile(self.__class__)
folder = os.path.dirname(folder)
while folder != '/':
categories_file_name = os.path.join(folder,".categories")
if os.path.exists(categories_file_name):
categories_file = open(categories_file_name,'r')
categories = categories_file.readline()
categories = str.replace(categories,'\n','')
categories = str.replace(categories,'\r','')
return categories.split(',')
folder = os.path.dirname(folder)
def setUp(self):
#import traceback
# Works with the test driver to conditionally skip tests via decorators.
if lldb.blacklist:
className = self.__class__.__name__
classAndMethodName = "%s.%s" % (className, self._testMethodName)
if className in lldb.blacklist:
elif classAndMethodName in lldb.blacklist:
except AttributeError:
# Insert some delay between successive test cases if specified.
if "LLDB_MAX_LAUNCH_COUNT" in os.environ:
self.maxLaunchCount = int(os.environ["LLDB_MAX_LAUNCH_COUNT"])
if "LLDB_TIME_WAIT_NEXT_LAUNCH" in os.environ:
self.timeWaitNextLaunch = float(os.environ["LLDB_TIME_WAIT_NEXT_LAUNCH"])
# Create the debugger instance if necessary.
self.dbg = lldb.DBG
except AttributeError:
self.dbg = lldb.SBDebugger.Create()
if not self.dbg:
raise Exception('Invalid debugger instance')
# If we are running testsuite remotely (by checking lldb.lldbtest_remote_sandbox),
# redefine the self.dbg.CreateTarget(filename) method to execute a "file filename"
# command, instead. See also runCmd() where it decorates the "file filename" call
# with additional functionality when running testsuite remotely.
if lldb.lldbtest_remote_sandbox:
def DecoratedCreateTarget(arg):
self.runCmd("file %s" % arg)
target = self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget()
# SBtarget.LaunchSimple () currently not working for remote platform?
# johnny @ 04/23/2012
def DecoratedLaunchSimple(argv, envp, wd):
return target.GetProcess()
target.LaunchSimple = DecoratedLaunchSimple
return target
self.dbg.CreateTarget = DecoratedCreateTarget
if self.TraceOn():
print "self.dbg.Create is redefined to:\n%s" % getsource_if_available(DecoratedCreateTarget)
# We want our debugger to be synchronous.
# Retrieve the associated command interpreter instance.
self.ci = self.dbg.GetCommandInterpreter()
if not self.ci:
raise Exception('Could not get the command interpreter')
# And the result object.
self.res = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
# Run global pre-flight code, if defined via the config file.
if lldb.pre_flight:
if lldb.remote_platform:
#remote_test_dir = os.path.join(lldb.remote_platform_working_dir, self.mydir)
remote_test_dir = os.path.join(lldb.remote_platform_working_dir,
error = lldb.remote_platform.MakeDirectory(remote_test_dir, 0700)
if error.Success():
print "error: making remote directory '%s': %s" % (remote_test_dir, error)
def registerSharedLibrariesWithTarget(self, target, shlibs):
'''If we are remotely running the test suite, register the shared libraries with the target so they get uploaded, otherwise do nothing
Any modules in the target that have their remote install file specification set will
get uploaded to the remote host. This function registers the local copies of the
shared libraries with the target and sets their remote install locations so they will
be uploaded when the target is run.
if not shlibs or not self.platformContext:
return None
shlib_environment_var = self.platformContext.shlib_environment_var
shlib_prefix = self.platformContext.shlib_prefix
shlib_extension = '.' + self.platformContext.shlib_extension
working_dir = self.get_process_working_directory()
environment = ['%s=%s' % (shlib_environment_var, working_dir)]
# Add any shared libraries to our target if remote so they get
# uploaded into the working directory on the remote side
for name in shlibs:
# The path can be a full path to a shared library, or a make file name like "Foo" for
# "libFoo.dylib" or "libFoo.so", or "Foo.so" for "Foo.so" or "libFoo.so", or just a
# basename like "libFoo.so". So figure out which one it is and resolve the local copy
# of the shared library accordingly
if os.path.exists(name):
local_shlib_path = name # name is the full path to the local shared library
# Check relative names
local_shlib_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), shlib_prefix + name + shlib_extension)
if not os.path.exists(local_shlib_path):
local_shlib_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), name + shlib_extension)
if not os.path.exists(local_shlib_path):
local_shlib_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), name)
# Make sure we found the local shared library in the above code
# Add the shared library to our target
shlib_module = target.AddModule(local_shlib_path, None, None, None)
if lldb.remote_platform:
# We must set the remote install location if we want the shared library
# to get uploaded to the remote target
remote_shlib_path = os.path.join(lldb.remote_platform.GetWorkingDirectory(), os.path.basename(local_shlib_path))
shlib_module.SetRemoteInstallFileSpec(lldb.SBFileSpec(remote_shlib_path, False))
return environment
# utility methods that tests can use to access the current objects
def target(self):
if not self.dbg:
raise Exception('Invalid debugger instance')
return self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget()
def process(self):
if not self.dbg:
raise Exception('Invalid debugger instance')
return self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess()
def thread(self):
if not self.dbg:
raise Exception('Invalid debugger instance')
return self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess().GetSelectedThread()
def frame(self):
if not self.dbg:
raise Exception('Invalid debugger instance')
return self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess().GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame()
def get_process_working_directory(self):
'''Get the working directory that should be used when launching processes for local or remote processes.'''
if lldb.remote_platform:
# Remote tests set the platform working directory up in TestBase.setUp()
return lldb.remote_platform.GetWorkingDirectory()
# local tests change directory into each test subdirectory
return os.getcwd()
def tearDown(self):
#import traceback
# Delete the target(s) from the debugger as a general cleanup step.
# This includes terminating the process for each target, if any.
# We'd like to reuse the debugger for our next test without incurring
# the initialization overhead.
targets = []
for target in self.dbg:
if target:
process = target.GetProcess()
if process:
rc = self.invoke(process, "Kill")
self.assertTrue(rc.Success(), PROCESS_KILLED)
for target in targets:
# Run global post-flight code, if defined via the config file.
if lldb.post_flight:
del self.dbg
def switch_to_thread_with_stop_reason(self, stop_reason):
Run the 'thread list' command, and select the thread with stop reason as
'stop_reason'. If no such thread exists, no select action is done.
from lldbutil import stop_reason_to_str
self.runCmd('thread list')
output = self.res.GetOutput()
thread_line_pattern = re.compile("^[ *] thread #([0-9]+):.*stop reason = %s" %
for line in output.splitlines():
matched = thread_line_pattern.match(line)
if matched:
self.runCmd('thread select %s' % matched.group(1))
def runCmd(self, cmd, msg=None, check=True, trace=False, inHistory=False):
Ask the command interpreter to handle the command and then check its
return status.
# Fail fast if 'cmd' is not meaningful.
if not cmd or len(cmd) == 0:
raise Exception("Bad 'cmd' parameter encountered")
trace = (True if traceAlways else trace)
# This is an opportunity to insert the 'platform target-install' command if we are told so
# via the settig of lldb.lldbtest_remote_sandbox.
if cmd.startswith("target create "):
cmd = cmd.replace("target create ", "file ")
if cmd.startswith("file ") and lldb.lldbtest_remote_sandbox:
with recording(self, trace) as sbuf:
the_rest = cmd.split("file ")[1]
# Split the rest of the command line.
atoms = the_rest.split()
# NOTE: This assumes that the options, if any, follow the file command,
# instead of follow the specified target.
target = atoms[-1]
# Now let's get the absolute pathname of our target.
abs_target = os.path.abspath(target)
print >> sbuf, "Found a file command, target (with absolute pathname)=%s" % abs_target
fpath, fname = os.path.split(abs_target)
parent_dir = os.path.split(fpath)[0]
platform_target_install_command = 'platform target-install %s %s' % (fpath, lldb.lldbtest_remote_sandbox)
print >> sbuf, "Insert this command to be run first: %s" % platform_target_install_command
self.ci.HandleCommand(platform_target_install_command, self.res)
# And this is the file command we want to execute, instead.
# Populate the remote executable pathname into the lldb namespace,
# so that test cases can grab this thing out of the namespace.
lldb.lldbtest_remote_sandboxed_executable = abs_target.replace(parent_dir, lldb.lldbtest_remote_sandbox)
cmd = "file -P %s %s %s" % (lldb.lldbtest_remote_sandboxed_executable, the_rest.replace(target, ''), abs_target)
print >> sbuf, "And this is the replaced file command: %s" % cmd
running = (cmd.startswith("run") or cmd.startswith("process launch"))
for i in range(self.maxLaunchCount if running else 1):
self.ci.HandleCommand(cmd, self.res, inHistory)
with recording(self, trace) as sbuf:
print >> sbuf, "runCmd:", cmd
if not check:
print >> sbuf, "check of return status not required"
if self.res.Succeeded():
print >> sbuf, "output:", self.res.GetOutput()
print >> sbuf, "runCmd failed!"
print >> sbuf, self.res.GetError()
if self.res.Succeeded():
elif running:
# For process launch, wait some time before possible next try.
with recording(self, trace) as sbuf:
print >> sbuf, "Command '" + cmd + "' failed!"
if check:
msg if msg else CMD_MSG(cmd))
def match (self, str, patterns, msg=None, trace=False, error=False, matching=True, exe=True):
"""run command in str, and match the result against regexp in patterns returning the match object for the first matching pattern
Otherwise, all the arguments have the same meanings as for the expect function"""
trace = (True if traceAlways else trace)
if exe:
# First run the command. If we are expecting error, set check=False.
# Pass the assert message along since it provides more semantic info.
self.runCmd(str, msg=msg, trace = (True if trace else False), check = not error)
# Then compare the output against expected strings.
output = self.res.GetError() if error else self.res.GetOutput()
# If error is True, the API client expects the command to fail!
if error:
"Command '" + str + "' is expected to fail!")
# No execution required, just compare str against the golden input.
output = str
with recording(self, trace) as sbuf:
print >> sbuf, "looking at:", output
# The heading says either "Expecting" or "Not expecting".
heading = "Expecting" if matching else "Not expecting"
for pattern in patterns:
# Match Objects always have a boolean value of True.
match_object = re.search(pattern, output)
matched = bool(match_object)
with recording(self, trace) as sbuf:
print >> sbuf, "%s pattern: %s" % (heading, pattern)
print >> sbuf, "Matched" if matched else "Not matched"
if matched:
self.assertTrue(matched if matching else not matched,
msg if msg else EXP_MSG(str, exe))
return match_object
def expect(self, str, msg=None, patterns=None, startstr=None, endstr=None, substrs=None, trace=False, error=False, matching=True, exe=True, inHistory=False):
Similar to runCmd; with additional expect style output matching ability.
Ask the command interpreter to handle the command and then check its
return status. The 'msg' parameter specifies an informational assert
message. We expect the output from running the command to start with
'startstr', matches the substrings contained in 'substrs', and regexp
matches the patterns contained in 'patterns'.
If the keyword argument error is set to True, it signifies that the API
client is expecting the command to fail. In this case, the error stream
from running the command is retrieved and compared against the golden
input, instead.
If the keyword argument matching is set to False, it signifies that the API
client is expecting the output of the command not to match the golden
Finally, the required argument 'str' represents the lldb command to be
sent to the command interpreter. In case the keyword argument 'exe' is
set to False, the 'str' is treated as a string to be matched/not-matched
against the golden input.
trace = (True if traceAlways else trace)
if exe:
# First run the command. If we are expecting error, set check=False.
# Pass the assert message along since it provides more semantic info.
self.runCmd(str, msg=msg, trace = (True if trace else False), check = not error, inHistory=inHistory)
# Then compare the output against expected strings.
output = self.res.GetError() if error else self.res.GetOutput()
# If error is True, the API client expects the command to fail!
if error:
"Command '" + str + "' is expected to fail!")
# No execution required, just compare str against the golden input.
if isinstance(str,lldb.SBCommandReturnObject):
output = str.GetOutput()
output = str
with recording(self, trace) as sbuf:
print >> sbuf, "looking at:", output
# The heading says either "Expecting" or "Not expecting".
heading = "Expecting" if matching else "Not expecting"
# Start from the startstr, if specified.
# If there's no startstr, set the initial state appropriately.
matched = output.startswith(startstr) if startstr else (True if matching else False)
if startstr:
with recording(self, trace) as sbuf:
print >> sbuf, "%s start string: %s" % (heading, startstr)
print >> sbuf, "Matched" if matched else "Not matched"
# Look for endstr, if specified.
keepgoing = matched if matching else not matched
if endstr:
matched = output.endswith(endstr)
with recording(self, trace) as sbuf:
print >> sbuf, "%s end string: %s" % (heading, endstr)
print >> sbuf, "Matched" if matched else "Not matched"
# Look for sub strings, if specified.
keepgoing = matched if matching else not matched
if substrs and keepgoing:
for str in substrs:
matched = output.find(str) != -1
with recording(self, trace) as sbuf:
print >> sbuf, "%s sub string: %s" % (heading, str)
print >> sbuf, "Matched" if matched else "Not matched"
keepgoing = matched if matching else not matched
if not keepgoing:
# Search for regular expression patterns, if specified.
keepgoing = matched if matching else not matched
if patterns and keepgoing:
for pattern in patterns:
# Match Objects always have a boolean value of True.
matched = bool(re.search(pattern, output))
with recording(self, trace) as sbuf:
print >> sbuf, "%s pattern: %s" % (heading, pattern)
print >> sbuf, "Matched" if matched else "Not matched"
keepgoing = matched if matching else not matched
if not keepgoing:
self.assertTrue(matched if matching else not matched,
msg if msg else EXP_MSG(str, exe))
def invoke(self, obj, name, trace=False):
"""Use reflection to call a method dynamically with no argument."""
trace = (True if traceAlways else trace)
method = getattr(obj, name)
import inspect
name + "is a method name of object: " + str(obj))
result = method()
with recording(self, trace) as sbuf:
print >> sbuf, str(method) + ":", result
return result
# =================================================
# Misc. helper methods for debugging test execution
# =================================================
def DebugSBValue(self, val):
"""Debug print a SBValue object, if traceAlways is True."""
from lldbutil import value_type_to_str
if not traceAlways:
err = sys.stderr
err.write(val.GetName() + ":\n")
err.write('\t' + "TypeName -> " + val.GetTypeName() + '\n')
err.write('\t' + "ByteSize -> " + str(val.GetByteSize()) + '\n')
err.write('\t' + "NumChildren -> " + str(val.GetNumChildren()) + '\n')
err.write('\t' + "Value -> " + str(val.GetValue()) + '\n')
err.write('\t' + "ValueAsUnsigned -> " + str(val.GetValueAsUnsigned())+ '\n')
err.write('\t' + "ValueType -> " + value_type_to_str(val.GetValueType()) + '\n')
err.write('\t' + "Summary -> " + str(val.GetSummary()) + '\n')
err.write('\t' + "IsPointerType -> " + str(val.TypeIsPointerType()) + '\n')
err.write('\t' + "Location -> " + val.GetLocation() + '\n')
def DebugSBType(self, type):
"""Debug print a SBType object, if traceAlways is True."""
if not traceAlways:
err = sys.stderr
err.write(type.GetName() + ":\n")
err.write('\t' + "ByteSize -> " + str(type.GetByteSize()) + '\n')
err.write('\t' + "IsPointerType -> " + str(type.IsPointerType()) + '\n')
err.write('\t' + "IsReferenceType -> " + str(type.IsReferenceType()) + '\n')
def DebugPExpect(self, child):
"""Debug the spwaned pexpect object."""
if not traceAlways:
print child
def RemoveTempFile(cls, file):
if os.path.exists(file):