# #//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #// #// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure #// #// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open #// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.txt for details. #// #//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// # # CMAKE libomp cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR) # Add cmake directory to search for custom cmake functions set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) # Standalone build or part of LLVM? set(LIBOMP_STANDALONE_BUILD FALSE) if(OPENMP_STANDALONE_BUILD OR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" OR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/runtime" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") project(libomp C CXX) set(LIBOMP_STANDALONE_BUILD TRUE) endif() # Set libomp version set(LIBOMP_VERSION_MAJOR 5) set(LIBOMP_VERSION_MINOR 0) # These include files are in the cmake/ subdirectory include(LibompUtils) include(LibompGetArchitecture) include(LibompHandleFlags) include(LibompDefinitions) # Determine the target architecture if(${LIBOMP_STANDALONE_BUILD}) # If adding a new architecture, take a look at cmake/LibompGetArchitecture.cmake libomp_get_architecture(LIBOMP_DETECTED_ARCH) set(LIBOMP_ARCH ${LIBOMP_DETECTED_ARCH} CACHE STRING "The architecture to build for (x86_64/i386/arm/ppc64/ppc64le/aarch64/mic/mips/mips64).") # Allow user to choose a suffix for the installation directory. set(LIBOMP_LIBDIR_SUFFIX "" CACHE STRING "suffix of lib installation directory e.g., 64 => lib64") # Should assertions be enabled? They are on by default. set(LIBOMP_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS TRUE CACHE BOOL "enable assertions?") set(LIBOMP_ENABLE_WERROR FALSE CACHE BOOL "Enable -Werror flags to turn warnings into errors for supporting compilers.") # CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE was not defined, set default to Release if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release) endif() else() # Part of LLVM build # Determine the native architecture from LLVM. string(TOLOWER "${LLVM_TARGET_ARCH}" LIBOMP_NATIVE_ARCH) if( LIBOMP_NATIVE_ARCH STREQUAL "host" ) string(REGEX MATCH "^[^-]*" LIBOMP_NATIVE_ARCH ${LLVM_HOST_TRIPLE}) endif () if(LIBOMP_NATIVE_ARCH MATCHES "i[2-6]86") set(LIBOMP_ARCH i386) elseif(LIBOMP_NATIVE_ARCH STREQUAL "x86") set(LIBOMP_ARCH i386) elseif(LIBOMP_NATIVE_ARCH STREQUAL "amd64") set(LIBOMP_ARCH x86_64) elseif(LIBOMP_NATIVE_ARCH STREQUAL "x86_64") set(LIBOMP_ARCH x86_64) elseif(LIBOMP_NATIVE_ARCH MATCHES "powerpc64le") set(LIBOMP_ARCH ppc64le) elseif(LIBOMP_NATIVE_ARCH MATCHES "powerpc") set(LIBOMP_ARCH ppc64) elseif(LIBOMP_NATIVE_ARCH MATCHES "aarch64") set(LIBOMP_ARCH aarch64) elseif(LIBOMP_NATIVE_ARCH MATCHES "arm64") set(LIBOMP_ARCH aarch64) elseif(LIBOMP_NATIVE_ARCH MATCHES "arm") set(LIBOMP_ARCH arm) else() # last ditch effort libomp_get_architecture(LIBOMP_ARCH) endif () set(LIBOMP_LIBDIR_SUFFIX ${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}) set(LIBOMP_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS ${LLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS}) set(LIBOMP_ENABLE_WERROR ${LLVM_ENABLE_WERROR}) endif() libomp_check_variable(LIBOMP_ARCH 32e x86_64 32 i386 arm ppc64 ppc64le aarch64 mic mips mips64) set(LIBOMP_LIB_TYPE normal CACHE STRING "Performance,Profiling,Stubs library (normal/profile/stubs)") libomp_check_variable(LIBOMP_LIB_TYPE normal profile stubs) set(LIBOMP_OMP_VERSION 50 CACHE STRING "The OpenMP version (50/45/40/30)") libomp_check_variable(LIBOMP_OMP_VERSION 50 45 40 30) # Set the OpenMP Year and Month assiociated with version if(${LIBOMP_OMP_VERSION} GREATER 50 OR ${LIBOMP_OMP_VERSION} EQUAL 50) set(LIBOMP_OMP_YEAR_MONTH 201611) elseif(${LIBOMP_OMP_VERSION} GREATER 45 OR ${LIBOMP_OMP_VERSION} EQUAL 45) set(LIBOMP_OMP_YEAR_MONTH 201511) elseif(${LIBOMP_OMP_VERSION} GREATER 40 OR ${LIBOMP_OMP_VERSION} EQUAL 40) set(LIBOMP_OMP_YEAR_MONTH 201307) elseif(${LIBOMP_OMP_VERSION} GREATER 30 OR ${LIBOMP_OMP_VERSION} EQUAL 30) set(LIBOMP_OMP_YEAR_MONTH 201107) else() set(LIBOMP_OMP_YEAR_MONTH 200505) endif() set(LIBOMP_MIC_ARCH knc CACHE STRING "Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture (Intel(R) MIC Architecture) (knf/knc). Ignored if not Intel(R) MIC Architecture build.") if("${LIBOMP_ARCH}" STREQUAL "mic") libomp_check_variable(LIBOMP_MIC_ARCH knf knc) endif() set(LIBOMP_FORTRAN_MODULES FALSE CACHE BOOL "Create Fortran module files? (requires fortran compiler)") # - Support for universal fat binary builds on Mac # - Having this extra variable allows people to build this library as a universal library # without forcing a universal build of the llvm/clang compiler. set(LIBOMP_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "${CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES}" CACHE STRING "For Mac builds, semicolon separated list of architectures to build for universal fat binary.") set(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES ${LIBOMP_OSX_ARCHITECTURES}) # Should @rpath be used for dynamic libraries on Mac? # The if(NOT DEFINED) is there to guard a cached value of the variable if one # exists so there is no interference with what the user wants. Also, no cache entry # is created so there are no inadvertant effects on other parts of LLVM. if(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH) set(CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH TRUE) endif() # User specified flags. These are appended to the configured flags. set(LIBOMP_CFLAGS "" CACHE STRING "Appended user specified C compiler flags.") set(LIBOMP_CXXFLAGS "" CACHE STRING "Appended user specified C++ compiler flags.") set(LIBOMP_CPPFLAGS "" CACHE STRING "Appended user specified C preprocessor flags.") set(LIBOMP_ASMFLAGS "" CACHE STRING "Appended user specified assembler flags.") set(LIBOMP_LDFLAGS "" CACHE STRING "Appended user specified linker flags.") set(LIBOMP_LIBFLAGS "" CACHE STRING "Appended user specified linked libs flags. (e.g., -lm)") set(LIBOMP_FFLAGS "" CACHE STRING "Appended user specified Fortran compiler flags. These are only used if LIBOMP_FORTRAN_MODULES==TRUE.") # Should the libomp library and generated headers be copied into the original source exports/ directory # Turning this to FALSE aids parallel builds to not interfere with each other. # Currently, the testsuite module expects the just built OpenMP library to be located inside the exports/ # directory. TODO: have testsuite run under llvm-lit directly. We can then get rid of copying to exports/ set(LIBOMP_COPY_EXPORTS TRUE CACHE STRING "Should exports be copied into source exports/ directory?") # HWLOC-support set(LIBOMP_USE_HWLOC FALSE CACHE BOOL "Use Hwloc (http://www.open-mpi.org/projects/hwloc/) library for affinity?") set(LIBOMP_HWLOC_INSTALL_DIR /usr/local CACHE PATH "Install path for hwloc library") # Get the build number from kmp_version.cpp libomp_get_build_number("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" LIBOMP_VERSION_BUILD) math(EXPR LIBOMP_VERSION_BUILD_YEAR "${LIBOMP_VERSION_BUILD}/10000") math(EXPR LIBOMP_VERSION_BUILD_MONTH_DAY "${LIBOMP_VERSION_BUILD}%10000") # Currently don't record any timestamps set(LIBOMP_BUILD_DATE "No_Timestamp") # Architecture set(IA32 FALSE) set(INTEL64 FALSE) set(ARM FALSE) set(AARCH64 FALSE) set(PPC64BE FALSE) set(PPC64LE FALSE) set(PPC64 FALSE) set(MIC FALSE) set(MIPS64 FALSE) set(MIPS FALSE) if("${LIBOMP_ARCH}" STREQUAL "i386" OR "${LIBOMP_ARCH}" STREQUAL "32") # IA-32 architecture set(IA32 TRUE) elseif("${LIBOMP_ARCH}" STREQUAL "x86_64" OR "${LIBOMP_ARCH}" STREQUAL "32e") # Intel(R) 64 architecture set(INTEL64 TRUE) elseif("${LIBOMP_ARCH}" STREQUAL "arm") # ARM architecture set(ARM TRUE) elseif("${LIBOMP_ARCH}" STREQUAL "ppc64") # PPC64BE architecture set(PPC64BE TRUE) set(PPC64 TRUE) elseif("${LIBOMP_ARCH}" STREQUAL "ppc64le") # PPC64LE architecture set(PPC64LE TRUE) set(PPC64 TRUE) elseif("${LIBOMP_ARCH}" STREQUAL "aarch64") # AARCH64 architecture set(AARCH64 TRUE) elseif("${LIBOMP_ARCH}" STREQUAL "mic") # Intel(R) Many Integrated Core Architecture set(MIC TRUE) elseif("${LIBOMP_ARCH}" STREQUAL "mips") # MIPS architecture set(MIPS TRUE) elseif("${LIBOMP_ARCH}" STREQUAL "mips64") # MIPS64 architecture set(MIPS64 TRUE) endif() # Set some flags based on build_type set(RELEASE_BUILD FALSE) set(DEBUG_BUILD FALSE) set(RELWITHDEBINFO_BUILD FALSE) set(MINSIZEREL_BUILD FALSE) string(TOLOWER "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" libomp_build_type_lowercase) if("${libomp_build_type_lowercase}" STREQUAL "release") set(RELEASE_BUILD TRUE) elseif("${libomp_build_type_lowercase}" STREQUAL "debug") set(DEBUG_BUILD TRUE) elseif("${libomp_build_type_lowercase}" STREQUAL "relwithdebinfo") set(RELWITHDEBINFO_BUILD TRUE) elseif("${libomp_build_type_lowercase}" STREQUAL "minsizerel") set(MINSIZEREL_BUILD TRUE) endif() # Include itt notify interface? set(LIBOMP_USE_ITT_NOTIFY TRUE CACHE BOOL "Enable ITT notify?") # normal, profile, stubs library. set(NORMAL_LIBRARY FALSE) set(STUBS_LIBRARY FALSE) set(PROFILE_LIBRARY FALSE) if("${LIBOMP_LIB_TYPE}" STREQUAL "normal") set(NORMAL_LIBRARY TRUE) elseif("${LIBOMP_LIB_TYPE}" STREQUAL "profile") set(PROFILE_LIBRARY TRUE) elseif("${LIBOMP_LIB_TYPE}" STREQUAL "stubs") set(STUBS_LIBRARY TRUE) endif() # Setting directory names set(LIBOMP_BASE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) set(LIBOMP_SRC_DIR ${LIBOMP_BASE_DIR}/src) set(LIBOMP_TOOLS_DIR ${LIBOMP_BASE_DIR}/tools) set(LIBOMP_INC_DIR ${LIBOMP_SRC_DIR}/include/${LIBOMP_OMP_VERSION}) set(LIBOMP_BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) # Enabling Fortran if it is needed if(${LIBOMP_FORTRAN_MODULES}) enable_language(Fortran) endif() # Enable MASM Compiler if it is needed (Windows only) if(WIN32) enable_language(ASM_MASM) endif() # Getting legal type/arch libomp_get_legal_type(LIBOMP_LEGAL_TYPE) libomp_get_legal_arch(LIBOMP_LEGAL_ARCH) # Compiler flag checks, library checks, threading check, etc. include(config-ix) # Is there a quad precision data type available? # TODO: Make this a real feature check set(LIBOMP_USE_QUAD_PRECISION "${LIBOMP_HAVE_QUAD_PRECISION}" CACHE BOOL "Should 128-bit precision entry points be built?") if(LIBOMP_USE_QUAD_PRECISION AND (NOT LIBOMP_HAVE_QUAD_PRECISION)) libomp_error_say("128-bit quad precision functionality requested but not available") endif() # libgomp drop-in compatibility requires versioned symbols set(LIBOMP_USE_VERSION_SYMBOLS "${LIBOMP_HAVE_VERSION_SYMBOLS}" CACHE BOOL "Should version symbols be used? These provide binary compatibility with libgomp.") if(LIBOMP_USE_VERSION_SYMBOLS AND (NOT LIBOMP_HAVE_VERSION_SYMBOLS)) libomp_error_say("Version symbols functionality requested but not available") endif() # On multinode systems, larger alignment is desired to avoid false sharing set(LIBOMP_USE_INTERNODE_ALIGNMENT FALSE CACHE BOOL "Should larger alignment (4096 bytes) be used for some locks and data structures?") # Build code that allows the OpenMP library to conveniently interface with debuggers set(LIBOMP_USE_DEBUGGER FALSE CACHE BOOL "Enable debugger interface code?") # Should we link to C++ library? set(LIBOMP_USE_STDCPPLIB FALSE CACHE BOOL "Should we link to C++ library?") # TSX (x86) based locks have __asm code which can be troublesome for some compilers. # TODO: Make this a real feature check set(LIBOMP_USE_ADAPTIVE_LOCKS "${LIBOMP_HAVE_ADAPTIVE_LOCKS}" CACHE BOOL "Should TSX-based lock be compiled (adaptive lock in kmp_lock.cpp). These are x86 specific.") if(LIBOMP_USE_ADAPTIVE_LOCKS AND (NOT LIBOMP_HAVE_ADAPTIVE_LOCKS)) libomp_error_say("Adaptive locks (TSX) functionality requested but not available") endif() # - stats-gathering enables OpenMP stats where things like the number of # parallel regions, clock ticks spent in particular openmp regions are recorded. set(LIBOMP_STATS FALSE CACHE BOOL "Stats-Gathering functionality?") if(LIBOMP_STATS AND (NOT LIBOMP_HAVE_STATS)) libomp_error_say("Stats-gathering functionality requested but not available") endif() # The stats functionality requires the std c++ library if(LIBOMP_STATS) set(LIBOMP_USE_STDCPPLIB TRUE) endif() # Shared library can be switched to a static library set(LIBOMP_ENABLE_SHARED TRUE CACHE BOOL "Shared library instead of static library?") if(WIN32 AND NOT LIBOMP_ENABLE_SHARED) libomp_error_say("Static libraries requested but not available on Windows") endif() if(LIBOMP_USE_ITT_NOTIFY AND NOT LIBOMP_ENABLE_SHARED) message(STATUS "ITT Notify not supported for static libraries - forcing ITT Notify off") set(LIBOMP_USE_ITT_NOTIFY FALSE) endif() # OMPT-support set(LIBOMP_OMPT_DEBUG FALSE CACHE BOOL "Trace OMPT initialization?") set(LIBOMP_OMPT_SUPPORT FALSE CACHE BOOL "OMPT-support?") set(LIBOMP_OMPT_BLAME TRUE CACHE BOOL "OMPT-blame?") set(LIBOMP_OMPT_TRACE TRUE CACHE BOOL "OMPT-trace?") if(LIBOMP_OMPT_SUPPORT AND (NOT LIBOMP_HAVE_OMPT_SUPPORT)) libomp_error_say("OpenMP Tools Interface requested but not available") endif() # TSAN-support set(LIBOMP_TSAN_SUPPORT FALSE CACHE BOOL "TSAN-support?") if(LIBOMP_TSAN_SUPPORT AND (NOT LIBOMP_HAVE_TSAN_SUPPORT)) libomp_error_say("TSAN functionality requested but not available") endif() # Error check hwloc support after config-ix has run if(LIBOMP_USE_HWLOC AND (NOT LIBOMP_HAVE_HWLOC)) libomp_error_say("Hwloc requested but not available") endif() # Setting final library name set(LIBOMP_DEFAULT_LIB_NAME libomp) if(${PROFILE_LIBRARY}) set(LIBOMP_DEFAULT_LIB_NAME ${LIBOMP_DEFAULT_LIB_NAME}prof) endif() if(${STUBS_LIBRARY}) set(LIBOMP_DEFAULT_LIB_NAME ${LIBOMP_DEFAULT_LIB_NAME}stubs) endif() set(LIBOMP_LIB_NAME ${LIBOMP_DEFAULT_LIB_NAME} CACHE STRING "Base OMP library name") if(${LIBOMP_ENABLE_SHARED}) set(LIBOMP_LIBRARY_SUFFIX ${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}) set(LIBOMP_LIBRARY_KIND SHARED) set(LIBOMP_INSTALL_KIND LIBRARY) else() set(LIBOMP_LIBRARY_SUFFIX ${CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}) set(LIBOMP_LIBRARY_KIND STATIC) set(LIBOMP_INSTALL_KIND ARCHIVE) endif() set(LIBOMP_LIB_FILE ${LIBOMP_LIB_NAME}${LIBOMP_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}) # Optional backwards compatibility aliases. set(LIBOMP_INSTALL_ALIASES TRUE CACHE BOOL "Install libgomp and libiomp5 library aliases for backwards compatibility") # Print configuration after all variables are set. if(${LIBOMP_STANDALONE_BUILD}) libomp_say("Operating System -- ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}") libomp_say("Target Architecture -- ${LIBOMP_ARCH}") if(${MIC}) libomp_say("Intel(R) MIC Architecture -- ${LIBOMP_MIC_ARCH}") endif() libomp_say("Build Type -- ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") libomp_say("OpenMP Version -- ${LIBOMP_OMP_VERSION}") libomp_say("Library Kind -- ${LIBOMP_LIBRARY_KIND}") libomp_say("Library Type -- ${LIBOMP_LIB_TYPE}") libomp_say("Fortran Modules -- ${LIBOMP_FORTRAN_MODULES}") # will say development if all zeros if(${LIBOMP_VERSION_BUILD} STREQUAL 00000000) set(LIBOMP_BUILD Development) else() set(LIBOMP_BUILD ${LIBOMP_VERSION_BUILD}) endif() libomp_say("Build -- ${LIBOMP_BUILD}") libomp_say("Use Stats-gathering -- ${LIBOMP_STATS}") libomp_say("Use Debugger-support -- ${LIBOMP_USE_DEBUGGER}") libomp_say("Use ITT notify -- ${LIBOMP_USE_ITT_NOTIFY}") libomp_say("Use OMPT-support -- ${LIBOMP_OMPT_SUPPORT}") if(${LIBOMP_OMPT_SUPPORT}) libomp_say("Use OMPT-blame -- ${LIBOMP_OMPT_BLAME}") libomp_say("Use OMPT-trace -- ${LIBOMP_OMPT_TRACE}") endif() libomp_say("Use Adaptive locks -- ${LIBOMP_USE_ADAPTIVE_LOCKS}") libomp_say("Use quad precision -- ${LIBOMP_USE_QUAD_PRECISION}") libomp_say("Use TSAN-support -- ${LIBOMP_TSAN_SUPPORT}") libomp_say("Use Hwloc library -- ${LIBOMP_USE_HWLOC}") endif() add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(test)