#!/bin/sh CLOOG_HASH="9f81642a09cb2f8a69bf93f19f1e476adff8e640" ISL_HASH="0a83197c479109b0f7c327484b80a878f291b296" PWD=`pwd` check_command_line() { if [ $# -eq 1 ] then CLOOG_DIR="${1}" else echo "Usage: " ${0} '' exit 1 fi } check_cloog_directory() { if ! [ -e ${CLOOG_DIR} ] then echo :: Directory "'${CLOOG_DIR}'" does not exists. Trying to create it. if ! mkdir -p "${CLOOG_DIR}" then exit 1 fi fi if ! [ -d ${CLOOG_DIR} ] then echo "'${CLOOG_DIR}'" is not a directory exit 1 fi # Make it absolute cd ${CLOOG_DIR} CLOOG_DIR=`pwd` if ! [ -e "${CLOOG_DIR}/.git" ] then echo ":: No git checkout found" IS_GIT=0 else echo ":: Existing git repo found" IS_GIT=1 fi } complain() { echo "$@" exit 1 } run() { $cmdPre $* if [ $? != 0 ] then complain $* failed fi } check_command_line $@ check_cloog_directory ISL_DIR=${CLOOG_DIR}/isl if [ ${IS_GIT} -eq 0 ] then echo :: Performing initial checkout # Remove the existing CLooG and ISL dirs to avoid crashing older git versions. cd ${CLOOG_DIR}/.. run rmdir "${CLOOG_DIR}" run git clone http://repo.or.cz/r/cloog.git ${CLOOG_DIR} run rmdir "${ISL_DIR}" run git clone http://repo.or.cz/r/isl.git ${ISL_DIR} fi echo :: Fetch versions required by Polly run cd ${CLOOG_DIR} run git remote update run cd isl run git remote update echo :: Setting CLooG version run cd ${CLOOG_DIR} run git reset --hard "${CLOOG_HASH}" echo :: Setting isl version run cd ${ISL_DIR} run git reset --hard "${ISL_HASH}" echo :: Generating configure run cd ${CLOOG_DIR} run ./autogen.sh echo :: If you install cloog/isl the first time run "'./configure'" followed by echo :: "'make'" and "'make install'", otherwise, just call "'make'" and echo :: "'make'" install.