; Test to ensure that uses and defs in module level asm are handled ; appropriately. Specifically, we should conservatively block importing ; of any references to these values, as they can't be renamed. ; RUN: opt -module-summary %s -o %t1.bc ; RUN: opt -module-summary %p/Inputs/module_asm2.ll -o %t2.bc ; RUN: llvm-lto -thinlto-action=run -exported-symbol=main -exported-symbol=func1 -exported-symbol=func2 -exported-symbol=func3 -exported-symbol=callglobalfunc -exported-symbol=callweakfunc %t1.bc %t2.bc ; RUN: llvm-nm %t1.bc.thinlto.o | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NM0 ; RUN: llvm-nm %t2.bc.thinlto.o | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NM1 ; RUN: llvm-lto2 %t1.bc %t2.bc -o %t.o -save-temps \ ; RUN: -r=%t1.bc,foo,plx \ ; RUN: -r=%t1.bc,globalfunc,plx \ ; RUN: -r=%t1.bc,globalfunc,plx \ ; RUN: -r=%t1.bc,weakfunc,plx \ ; RUN: -r=%t1.bc,weakfunc,plx \ ; RUN: -r=%t1.bc,b,pl \ ; RUN: -r=%t1.bc,x,pl \ ; RUN: -r=%t1.bc,func1,pl \ ; RUN: -r=%t1.bc,func2,pl \ ; RUN: -r=%t1.bc,func3,pl \ ; RUN: -r=%t1.bc,callglobalfunc,plx \ ; RUN: -r=%t1.bc,callweakfunc,plx \ ; RUN: -r=%t2.bc,main,plx \ ; RUN: -r=%t2.bc,func1,l \ ; RUN: -r=%t2.bc,func2,l \ ; RUN: -r=%t2.bc,func3,l \ ; RUN: -r=%t2.bc,callglobalfunc,l \ ; RUN: -r=%t2.bc,callweakfunc,l ; RUN: llvm-nm %t.o.0 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NM0 ; RUN: llvm-nm %t.o.1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=NM1 ; Check that local values b and x, which are referenced on ; llvm.used and llvm.compiler.used, respectively, are not promoted. ; Similarly, foo which is defined in module level asm should not be ; promoted. ; NM0-DAG: d b ; NM0-DAG: d x ; NM0-DAG: t foo ; NM0-DAG: T func1 ; NM0-DAG: T func2 ; NM0-DAG: T func3 ; NM0-DAG: T callglobalfunc ; NM0-DAG: T callweakfunc ; NM0-DAG: T globalfunc ; NM0-DAG: W weakfunc ; Ensure that foo, b and x are likewise not exported (imported as refs ; into the other module), since they can't be promoted. Additionally, ; referencing functions func2 and func3 should not have been ; imported. However, we should have been able to import callglobalfunc ; and callweakfunc (leaving undefined symbols globalfunc and weakfunc) ; since globalfunc and weakfunc were defined but not local in module asm. ; NM1-NOT: foo ; NM1-NOT: b ; NM1-NOT: x ; NM1-DAG: U func1 ; NM1-DAG: U func2 ; NM1-DAG: U func3 ; NM1-DAG: U globalfunc ; NM1-DAG: U weakfunc ; NM1-DAG: T main ; NM1-NOT: foo ; NM1-NOT: b ; NM1-NOT: x target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128" target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" @b = internal global i32 1, align 4 @x = internal global i32 1, align 4 @llvm.compiler.used = appending global [1 x i8*] [i8* bitcast (i32* @b to i8*)], section "llvm.metadata" @llvm.used = appending global [1 x i8*] [i8* bitcast (i32* @x to i8*)], section "llvm.metadata" module asm "\09.text" module asm "\09.type\09foo,@function" module asm "foo:" module asm "\09movl b, %eax" module asm "\09movl x, %edx" module asm "\09ret " module asm "\09.size\09foo, .-foo" module asm "" module asm "\09.globl\09globalfunc" module asm "\09.type\09globalfunc,@function" module asm "globalfunc:" module asm "\09movl b, %eax" module asm "\09movl x, %edx" module asm "\09ret " module asm "\09.size\09globalfunc, .-globalfunc" module asm "" module asm "\09.weak\09weakfunc" module asm "\09.type\09weakfunc,@function" module asm "weakfunc:" module asm "\09movl b, %eax" module asm "\09movl x, %edx" module asm "\09ret " module asm "\09.size\09weakfunc, .-weakfunc" module asm "" declare i16 @foo() #0 declare i16 @globalfunc() #0 declare i16 @weakfunc() #0 define i32 @func1() #1 { call i16 @foo() ret i32 1 } define i32 @func2() #1 { %1 = load i32, i32* @b, align 4 ret i32 %1 } define i32 @func3() #1 { %1 = load i32, i32* @x, align 4 ret i32 %1 } define i32 @callglobalfunc() #1 { call i16 @globalfunc() ret i32 1 } define i32 @callweakfunc() #1 { call i16 @weakfunc() ret i32 1 }